Why would I apologize for anything?
> > http://home.swbell.net/rahl/thraxen.htm
> >
> > Stryder
----- Whoa whoa whoa. What the hell is all that? I know = the=20 consoles, but what are all thos massive black electonic boxes on = either side?=20 Please list, cuz it seems like you have 3 DVD players or something = (and a PS2=20 and Xbox to boot).>>>
- ------=_NextPart_000_0170_01C22147.AC314560-- [ To quit the NGamers mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ NGamers" (without the quotes) to majordomo@xmission.com ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 01 Jul 2002 20:35:00 -0700 From: "Dexter S."LOL...well, counting my PC and = consoles, I have 5=20 DVD movie players in my room. The one on the top left is = my main=20 player. It's the Denon 2800 (progressive scan). The giant = one on=20 the bottom right is my former main player (a 200 disc Sony DVD = player). =20 The rest of the stuff is just things like my digital cable box, VCR, = analog=20 decibel meter (dB), receiver, and some assorted switch = boxes.Stryder
Thraxen wrote:
- --Boundary_(ID_sgyTNg6zXe5nzGaUkPDMFQ)-- [ To quit the NGamers mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ] [ NGamers" (without the quotes) to majordomo@xmission.com ] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2002 15:44:11 -0400 (EDT) From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr."(a 200 disc Sony DVD player).
----- Original Message -----From:=20 Lloyd Millard=20 Mccoy Jr.Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 = 3:44=20 PMSubject: [NG] your favorite = developer:=20 Nintendo, Sega, US Army????n
that's right boys and girls the US Army has = joined the=20 ranks of Sega and
Nintendo and are releasing videogames. = These are=20 genuine games. One
resembles Quake and Halflife while the = other one=20 resembles Sims.
I found an article in the = Washingtonpost as=20 well as
http://americasarmy.com/s= oldiers/news/
On=20 Mon, 1 Jul 2002, Dave
Rhodes wrote:
> = - -----=20 Original Message -----
> From: Eric = C
> =20 To: NGamers@lists.xmission.com=
> =20 Sent: Monday, July 01, 2002 8:54 PM
> Subject: [NG] = New=20 Sonics Coming to Cube
> http://cube.ign.c= om/articles/363/363789p1.html
> =20 "Publisher and developer Sega announced today that it has shipped=20 one
> million units of Sonic Adventure 2 Battle for=20 Nintendo's next-generation
> console worldwide. The = company=20 also revealed that it is underway with two
> new = GameCube=20 Sonic titles including another in the Sonic Adventure=20 series
> and Sonic Mega Collection. The firm will = also=20 release Sonic Advance 2 for
> Game Boy Advance, it=20 noted."
> This has me excited for a few=20 reasons. Naturally, I'm happy that more = Sonic
> games=20 are coming to the Nintendo platforms (though it was definitely to=20 be
> expected). However, this also seems to = contradict=20 a rumor report made by
> EGM. They said that=20 apparantly SEGA is going to scrap the "Adventure"
> = series=20 of Sonic games and make more games like the Genesis classics. =20 This
> came from the same report on how Rare is = supposed to=20 be multiplatform.
> Maybe they were wrong about = Conker's=20 sequel on XBOX? Ok, so that's just
> = speculation right=20 now, but it gives me a little more hope. Either way,=20 nice
> announcement. :-)
> =20 -Satoshi
>=20 = - -------------------------------------------------------------------------= - -----
>=20 That is good to hear. Maybe Sonic Adventure 3 will get a good camera, = like in=20 Jak & Daxter for the PS2.
> -- Dave --
> TreyTable@msn.com
> = (insert witty=20 sig. here)
----- Original Message -----From:=20 Lloyd Millard=20 Mccoy Jr.Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 = 3:46=20 PMSubject: Re: [NG] New Sonics = Coming to=20 CubeI long for the days of the sidescroller Sonics. I = just=20 didn't get into
the Adventure series. Back when I wanted 3d i = envisioned it looking
like the Adventure games but now that I have = played=20 them it didn't
measure up 2 my expectations. don't get me = wrong the=20 Sonic games for DC
have been fun but sonic 2 is still the=20 best..IMO.
Sega clarified earlier today that its US and Japanese branches had a=20 "miscommunication" yesterday and that the previously announced upcoming = Sonic=20 Adventure title is really a port of Sonic Adventure 1 to = GameCube.=20 - ------
Wow. Sonic Adventure is coming = to the=20 Gamecube. Maybe they'll bring Crazy Taxi 2 and then SEGA GT to the = Gamecube. All=20 the great DC games by SEGA should come to the Gamecube.
-- Dave --
(insert witty =
----- Original Message -----From:=20 Vi OnTo: n64Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 = 3:15=20 PMSubject: [NG] Earthbound = 2
At the end of this weeks famitsu, japanese game = magazine,=20 It said that
next weeks mag will talk about a new square RPG for = gamecube=20 and new
'Mother' game information. Maybe a new earthbound=20 finally...., that would
definitely sell better than paper mario = which I=20 think didn't do that well.
----- Original Message -----From:=20 Vi OnSent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 = 3:45=20 PMSubject: Re: [NG] Paper Mario = still too=20 much
> Then why is Paper Mario still $50 = everywhere I=20 see it? I'd like to get it, but I ain't paying $50 for a cartridge = game from=20 last generation.
yea, the cheapest I've seen it is $25 = used at=20 blockbuster. I was thinking
of getting it. I am also = thinking=20 about getting a new n64 since my n64
seems to be dieing. It = doesn't=20 load the cartridges most of the time, and
it crashes = often.