From: (n64 Digest) To: Subject: n64 Digest V1 #109 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: n64 Digest Wednesday, August 20 1997 Volume 01 : Number 109 In this issue: RE: N64> Game release dates RE: N64> Doom 64 Re: N64> The real dual analog problem -Reply Re: N64> 100% sony Re: N64> test -Reply Re: N64> Game release dates Re: N64> PSX-Twisted Metal WT ROCKS!! Re: N64> Acclaim giving n64 more than games ;) PART II N64> European Release Dates Re: N64> Game release dates Re: N64> The real dual analog problem Re: N64> Q vs Q Re: N64> International Superstar Soccer 64! N64> Controllers!! N64> My list Re: N64> Controllers!! Re: N64> Goldeneye 007! Re: N64> Acclaim giving n64 more than games ;) PART II Re: N64> Controllers!! See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the n64 or n64-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 20 Aug 1997 08:16:49 +-100 From: Ian Cluderay Subject: RE: N64> Game release dates - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BCAD41.69F6E940 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable - ---------- From: kleinemans[] Sent: 19 August 1997 19:10 To: Subject: Re: N64> Game release dates > >Just heard that the release date for Blast Corps in England is now the >end of September. This is shite. Is there any other N64 users in = England >who have lost their patience with Nintendo and the other Game vendors. Yes. Nintendo seem to treat Japan as thier Beta test market, the US as a = inexhaustable source of money and us as a sideline.=20 Don't get me wrong, I've had a playstation and gave it up for the best = console available at the moment but I do wish Nintendo would give=20 the English Market more of a chance. How long are we going to have to = wait for Starfox 64, when its been out in the US and Japan for ages.=20 I'm aching to buy that thing. Come on Nintendo, Release it !!! kleinemans - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BCAD41.69F6E940 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IjQHAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG ACQBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADADAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAEkAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABuNjRAbWFpbC54bWlzc2lvbi5jb20AU01UUABuNjRAbWFpbC54bWlzc2lvbi5jb20A AAAAHgACMAEAAAAFAAAAU01UUAAAAAAeAAMwAQAAABYAAABuNjRAbWFpbC54bWlzc2lvbi5jb20A AAADABUMAQAAAAMA/g8GAAAAHgABMAEAAAAYAAAAJ242NEBtYWlsLnhtaXNzaW9uLmNvbScAAgEL MAEAAAAbAAAAU01UUDpONjRATUFJTC5YTUlTU0lPTi5DT00AAAMAADkAAAAACwBAOgEAAAACAfYP AQAAAAQAAAAAAAAD/jQBCIAHABgAAABJUE0uTWljcm9zb2Z0IE1haWwuTm90ZQAxCAEEgAEAHAAA AFJFOiBONjQ+IEdhbWUgcmVsZWFzZSBkYXRlcwCzCAEFgAMADgAAAM0HCAAUAAgAEAAxAAMAPAEB IIADAA4AAADNBwgAFAAIAAwAKQADADABAQmAAQAhAAAANjREN0Q4Q0IzMjE5RDExMTlDNDkwMDAw QzA3MjUyQTkA8gYBA5AGACgFAAASAAAACwAjAAAAAAADACYAAAAAAAsAKQAAAAAAAwA2AAAAAABA ADkAoOdUBjmtvAEeAHAAAQAAABwAAABSRTogTjY0PiBHYW1lIHJlbGVhc2UgZGF0ZXMAAgFxAAEA AAAWAAAAAbytOQZEy9jXZRkyEdGcSQAAwHJSqQAAHgAeDAEAAAAFAAAAU01UUAAAAAAeAB8MAQAA AB0AAABpYW5AZW1pcy1zdXBwb3J0LmRlbW9uLmNvLnVrAAAAAAMABhDdJWt7AwAHEJ0CAAAeAAgQ AQAAAGUAAAAtLS0tLS0tLS0tRlJPTTpLTEVJTkVNQU5TU01UUDpLTEVJTkVNQU5TQENZQkVSRFVE RUNPTVNFTlQ6MTlBVUdVU1QxOTk3MTk6MTBUTzpONjRATUFJTFhNSVNTSU9OQ09NU1VCAAAAAAIB CRABAAAAoAMAAJwDAABsBgAATFpGddjtAR//AAoBDwIVAqgF6wKDAFAC8gkCAGNoCsBzZXQyNwYA BsMCgzIDxQIAcHJCcRHic3RlbQKDM7cC5AcTAoM0EswUxX0KgIsIzwnZOxeSMjU1F+wnFsENogtg bmcB0DU3twr7FWIMAWMAQQwxIAqFQQqLbGkxODAC0WnwLTE0NA3wDNAeowtZXDE2CqADYBPQYwVA LV8gxwqHH3sMMCBGRgNhOochziBGDIIga2xlC4ADE+AAcVtTTVRQOiEliEBjeWIEkGR15Q2wLgWg bV0hbyJ9BmAnAjAjryS7MTkUsHVnJnUTwCwhOTcsIToxZwp4KK8gZFRvKl8ku24YNjRAAMADEC54 bT0EAWkCICfCLX8pLnViTmoggS+fJLtSZTUwTqExgD4gR2EHgCAXoEUlkGERsCBkYRPQc/Mczx3T MzYfRxRRC/IgRtI+CoU+SiySaDggCyC8IHQRgAVAPQA33CACEDkFwCBCC2AsoQhQcnDzBCALgCBF GqAagTzgBAB9MWBvB+A9UTvWCfA84G9eZgZRBTAT4CdRLi9gaLtAIUAhc0JwE9BCQEkEIOs9UReg IABweT6QIGBDkT03QiAskASQP1o71ndo8m88kGF2N9AXMCyhPVGWaQXACrB0CJBuYzfQ/wPwPQAH sAuAE9A/8EZwP+K/PVJEJTejRrBIwRGgLjLN+xvfCqNZB5BCQEh3EbAT4Js88EZwdBegPSFKYQqw vwOgODA88QiRPqARwGE88KcHkAVAAMByaxHALD1D3lUF8E8xT/AlsXgRgCyR/wGgJZBC0AhhR/FB gQRgJcD/RAA/4iyQUUQAkA2wHgAlwKtCQAqFRAIgJwVAZxHAn1BQSAEDYBqgUMBJJ0ax/xGAPOBP 8AtRE7FHoQIgSPPuZ0aiQwBEwHA+Uz1SJ1DfLKEFoACABvBDwXYxwVIzXz0lBGAHgAIwWWB1BUBJ rzhgRnAD8UhZdwhgbFghvmlGsQqFPVI/olxiTVBzf1MRQ7FBgU/wEXFH4UJASF9AYRcwGqBD0EOx dzfQZ75vC4BhEE5BRpNOQXcLcCsFQD5iUwGQcgIQeCD/MYBQwEZQCfBYgQQgJ1BkIX8IYAVAP3FQ 5j/xTtQ+YmH/VbBNMQqFVpBOIADQQnBh1P9bwEQAPQVhwUJACFA3wVfR30h2UMA3EDgUWJEhayA6 X/8gZDjMCoUliGzPb185n2uvC2/2FsEAc7ADABAQAAAAAAMAERAAAAAAQAAHMCBrlXI4rbwBQAAI MCBrlXI4rbwBHgA9AAEAAAAFAAAAUkU6IAAAAAD8jA== - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BCAD41.69F6E940-- ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Aug 1997 08:36:50 +-100 From: Ian Cluderay Subject: RE: N64> Doom 64 - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BCAD44.3553D880 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable >>I OWN Doom64. I love it. It is EASILY the best DOOM. People who expected it to be something different were let down. It is plain and simple DOOM. I own DOOM, DOOM II for the PC, and DOOM64. DOOM64 was a great port, and no one can claim otherwise. << Doom might be a great port, but it's a great port of a 4 year old=20 computer game. Big deal. And it isn't the best Doom. Doom, like Mario=20 Kart and Bomberman, is meant to be played with a bunch of people. So, in = that case, Doom is terrible. A one player, FPS with no strategy is a = poor=20 game in my book.=20 Money The best doom is Doom2 on the PC, DOOM on consoles is a good idea but = the Console must have a linkup cable. Come on Nintendo, give us a linkup cable. Linkup MarioKart would be fantastic. (although the modem cart = looks good). I'm also sick of ports for the N64, its easily the most powerful machine = on=20 the market for the moment and we seem to be getting ports of PC games to cash in on thier success. So far i've seen a direct port of HEXEN = (which=20 was rubbish anyway) a touched up version of DOOM and a slightly=20 different (from what I can see) version of Duke Nukem 3d. Come on guys,=20 starting using the machine !!!! - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BCAD44.3553D880 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IjQHAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG ACQBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADADAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAEkAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABuNjRAbWFpbC54bWlzc2lvbi5jb20AU01UUABuNjRAbWFpbC54bWlzc2lvbi5jb20A AAAAHgACMAEAAAAFAAAAU01UUAAAAAAeAAMwAQAAABYAAABuNjRAbWFpbC54bWlzc2lvbi5jb20A AAADABUMAQAAAAMA/g8GAAAAHgABMAEAAAAYAAAAJ242NEBtYWlsLnhtaXNzaW9uLmNvbScAAgEL MAEAAAAbAAAAU01UUDpONjRATUFJTC5YTUlTU0lPTi5DT00AAAMAADkAAAAACwBAOgEAAAACAfYP AQAAAAQAAAAAAAAD/jQBCIAHABgAAABJUE0uTWljcm9zb2Z0IE1haWwuTm90ZQAxCAEEgAEAEQAA AFJFOiBONjQ+IERvb20gNjQAIAQBBYADAA4AAADNBwgAFAAIACQAMgADAFEBASCAAwAOAAAAzQcI ABQACAAgACkAAwBEAQEJgAEAIQAAADY4RDdEOENCMzIxOUQxMTE5QzQ5MDAwMEMwNzI1MkE5APYG AQOQBgDkBQAAEgAAAAsAIwAAAAAAAwAmAAAAAAALACkAAAAAAAMANgAAAAAAQAA5AOCHUNI7rbwB HgBwAAEAAAARAAAAUkU6IE42ND4gRG9vbSA2NAAAAAACAXEAAQAAABYAAAABvK070kfL2NdpGTIR 0ZxJAADAclKpAAAeAB4MAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AHwwBAAAAHQAAAGlhbkBlbWlzLXN1cHBv cnQuZGVtb24uY28udWsAAAAAAwAGEF6hNCIDAAcQjgMAAB4ACBABAAAAZQAAAElPV05ET09NNjRJ TE9WRUlUSVRJU0VBU0lMWVRIRUJFU1RET09NUEVPUExFV0hPRVhQRUNURURJVFRPQkVTT01FVEhJ TkdESUZGRVJFTlRXRVJFTEVURE9XTklUSVNQTEFJTkEAAAAAAgEJEAEAAABjBAAAXwQAAPYGAABM WkZ1snEkv/8ACgEPAhUCqAXrAoMAUALyCQIAY2gKwHNldDI3BgAGwwKDMgPFAgBwckJxEeJzdGVt AoMztwLkBxMCgzQSzBTFfQqAiwjPCdk7F5IyNTUX7CcWwQ2iC2BuZwHQNTdBCvRsaTE4MALRafAt MTQ0DfAM0BwDC1ncMTYKoANgE9BjBUAKi3kbYDM2HKcUUQvyHaY+AD5JIE9XTiBEgm8DcDY0LiAg INDBFzB2ZSBpdCGSBUABBAAgRUFTSUxZaCB0aCIQYgeQBUBEiE9PTSGRUGVvC1ARIhB3aG8KhWV4 cC8d4QmAIiEjQG8jgSBziwNwEcBoC4BnIGQGkO5mBJAJ8AVAdydhIdARwLEnEG93biJXC1MgAHD2 ZAqFAJBtJIIj5SDQKGH9I9MsI9MhsCDQAhAFwCNS/FBDK6ApgSPTIXMtRCSwWmEEIGEKhQnBYQVA cLsXQSzkbiYwAiAiEGMDkVpjC2FtKxAjUXID8WVyLgqFPDwKhQqFITIgsG1pZ2gFQCZRYS775GJ1 IpF0Jy5hLvkrEPZmM/EuIHkvIAXABvAl0L8KhQWgKkA08ASQLvBhB4BdIZBCM4AnEC8gbCGQQect ESXxBABuJyYBI2chQa8hkCEyK6AbYGsiEE0KwHZpJjAKhUsKwAVALQJC+wNwI5ByA4EroCKxB4AA cP8mBgtRNrAl0APwI1Az8TTgPm4RcDYyJYAkciGQU2//PaEDoAqFI1AvMTBwEbArob8zMiKxOAEF EAJgOHFBMCPlPrNyK6BGUAXwPyMwAcUTwHIvMGVneSKiNADfL2AFsS6WOFFA0m1FYAbgrG9rIZAy TE0wMXkKh98fah4cC1UVYgwBYwBBDDH8IFQjZihQQlQhMhHgAiD/LHcrw03RBaAAgAbwB5FFg/5n IUAl0TjhNNMjUghQTyN9M2B1I7ERgCIBNAAbYG74a3VwMGFDAwhQRrFN0Z5OC4AT0CmQQLFnaSIB 71GQUhc3RlLETFJUO7M8g253CGA3ESZRZj4RLlB09GljIZAoB0AjUAhgM5D/I0MEYjDwMHA2ERcw R2AEIM1P4ikxpko1SScw8AdA8yaAKhFjaz/jF0EEICxGvk4hcD2hXOEvIACQbEVg71kUI7EvYCfB ZldQM2AA0P8m0VNTQRdRYQrAO4AFQCxG/wRgB4AnkS0CJ8AmcAngMPD9JiRnEcBYICbxXLQ2QSzA /Tgzc0EWJjBB0T9QKVFN06MIkSZwdWNjB5BzQILzV7EFwGknIgFi4SlhJxGHF6Ad8TX2SEVYRSEQ PigkwFgwP1BKNS5CcnVMYmIEAD9RbnkuQHn+KTPxJiBm4CNgJdBSgSIAfxGgO+BmITZQK8MtAjQA c98bYDORXmFKNScoKANSJLG/LzEg0DByYuFr4GzadTuBJk5x8TDwM2RTCGd1/xOwK6AptgGQACAm 4lGQJuL7YNRf1CF10TJMHp8fr3aPF3efeKwWwQB8UAADABAQAgAAAAMAERAEAAAAQAAHMGBa8j07 rbwBQAAIMGBa8j07rbwBHgA9AAEAAAAFAAAAUkU6IAAAAAB8yA== - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BCAD44.3553D880-- ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Aug 1997 06:56:18 -0400 From: Kevin Dent Subject: Re: N64> The real dual analog problem -Reply This is a MIME message. If you are reading this text, you may want to consider changing to a mail reader or gateway that understands how to properly handle MIME multipart messages. - --=_2072E44C.6D0C7C5B Content-Type: text/plain Content-Disposition: inline I remember something about Greetzky having the stars that are under the characters the same color as the controller controlling it. >>> Stryder 08/19/97 10:49pm >>> On Tue, 19 Aug 1997, Raider Fan wrote: > BTW: I LIKE the sony controller (2 analog + rumble). I can't wait to > play Goldeneye with 2 controllers to see what it is like. You play Goldeneye with 2 controllers? Anyway, I also like the Sony controller...especially how it takes no batteries to run it...but the N64 rumbles paks do rumble harder..probably due to the batteries. > I read somewhere on or around the release of the N64 that the games > could "see" what color of controller you were using - and then sports > games (like WG hockey, or ISS64) could make your player marker the same > color as the controller. Does anyone think this is REALLY possible? I remember that 'rumor' going around too. I forget where I read that. That would be cool, except what about those of us with clear controllers? > Also, I saw in one of the september magazines that a company is makeing > a $30 attachment for the N64 controller that fits in the coltroller > port, and snaps around the controller. It contains a small screen, for > private viewing. This would be for Multi-player games - like football > games - so that you could select your plays on the minny screen - and > your oponent could not see what plays you chose... I wonder how this > will work... Any ideas? That sounds awesome!!! That could potentially be one of the best advancments for sports games in a long time. I love that controller port!!! Stryder: _____________________________ cool kids never have the time SP------------1979----------- - --=_2072E44C.6D0C7C5B Content-Type: message/rfc822 Received: From [] By SMTPGW (GroupWise SMTP/MIME daemon 4.11) Tue, 19 Aug 97 22:51:03 EDT Received: from ( []) by with SMTP (8.7.1/8.7.1) id WAA11908 for ; Tue, 19 Aug 1997 22:51:03 -0400 (EDT) Received: from ( []) by (950413.SGI.8.6.12/950213.SGI.AUTOCF) via SMTP id WAA21987 for ; Tue, 19 Aug 1997 22:41:56 -0400 Received: from domo by with local (Exim 1.62 #4) id 0x10pu-0006Nx-00; Tue, 19 Aug 1997 20:49:30 -0600 Received: from [] (atcope) by with smtp (Exim 1.62 #4) id 0x10pm-0006M3-00; Tue, 19 Aug 1997 20:49:22 -0600 Received: (from atcope@localhost) by (8.8.5/8.7.3) id VAA08679; Tue, 19 Aug 1997 21:49:17 -0500 (CDT) X-Sender: atcope@comp In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Sender: Precedence: bulk Reply-To: Date: Tue, 19 Aug 1997 22:49:17 -0400 From: Stryder To:, Subject: Re: N64> The real dual analog problem Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Disposition: inline On Tue, 19 Aug 1997, Raider Fan wrote: > BTW: I LIKE the sony controller (2 analog + rumble). I can't wait to > play Goldeneye with 2 controllers to see what it is like. You play Goldeneye with 2 controllers? Anyway, I also like the Sony controller...especially how it takes no batteries to run it...but the N64 rumbles paks do rumble harder..probably due to the batteries. > I read somewhere on or around the release of the N64 that the games > could "see" what color of controller you were using - and then sports > games (like WG hockey, or ISS64) could make your player marker the same > color as the controller. Does anyone think this is REALLY possible? I remember that 'rumor' going around too. I forget where I read that. That would be cool, except what about those of us with clear controllers? > Also, I saw in one of the september magazines that a company is makeing > a $30 attachment for the N64 controller that fits in the coltroller > port, and snaps around the controller. It contains a small screen, for > private viewing. This would be for Multi-player games - like football > games - so that you could select your plays on the minny screen - and > your oponent could not see what plays you chose... I wonder how this > will work... Any ideas? That sounds awesome!!! That could potentially be one of the best advancments for sports games in a long time. I love that controller port!!! Stryder: _____________________________ cool kids never have the time SP------------1979----------- - --=_2072E44C.6D0C7C5B-- ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Aug 97 12:01:52 BST From: Chris McDonagh Subject: Re: N64> 100% sony Tippyman wrote: > Sorry if I'm posting tons of messages, but what is V-rally? I reply: V-Rally is in my opinion the best PSX racer with Rage Racer and Wipeout 2097 close behind it. It as 8 proper Rally locations ranging from good old England to New Zealand. They are 42 tracks which are fairly different and some of them are very long. They are 10 proper cars including the Renault Megane Maxi UK, Ford Escort, Citreon Saxo and the Nissan Primera. It also boasts a very good two player mode which is horizontal or vertical, ghost mode and other options. It is made by a French company called Infogrames and if I was a PSX owner in the states I would get it when it is released. I can't wait for Top Gear Rally which as less tracks but graphics to die for. Why should you be sorry for sending out tons of messages?, you can send as many as you see fit. Toddle Pip Chris ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Aug 1997 07:02:48 -0400 From: Kevin Dent Subject: Re: N64> test -Reply This is a MIME message. If you are reading this text, you may want to consider changing to a mail reader or gateway that understands how to properly handle MIME multipart messages. - --=_9DCF59F2.7C1D6D4A Content-Type: text/plain Content-Disposition: inline The company I worked for blocked our Internet access and I needed to know if I could still send mail to the list. Besides my simple message was a lot less annoying than 500 postings on PSX or FFVII or other non-64 related items. How old are you anyway? >>> "Tippyman" 08/19/97 02:38pm >>> It is very poor manners to post a test message to hundreds of subscribers to a mailing list, in these circumstances, the posters posting privs are revoked (9 times out of 10 they just go away without ever posting anything again, or continue to post test messages, which never make it to the list, because they have been banned). Because of these odds, I find it a better use of my time to ban and answer questions later. You privs will be re-instated for posting soemtime tomorrow, please do not EVER post a test message to a mailing list again. It is not only rude, but gives undue burden to the machine that hosts this list. ____________________________________ Tippyman "only as*holes write in notepad! it is like swimming across the atlantic ocean. u can do it but why would u want to if u could fly! i fly with aolpress why u swim in the sea of sh*t with notepad!" - - ---------- > From: Kevin Dent > To: > Subject: N64> test > Date: Tuesday, August 19, 1997 9:15 AM > > test - --=_9DCF59F2.7C1D6D4A Content-Type: message/rfc822 Received: From [] By SMTPGW (GroupWise SMTP/MIME daemon 4.11) Tue, 19 Aug 97 14:39:16 EDT Received: from ( []) by with SMTP (8.7.1/8.7.1) id OAA22501 for ; Tue, 19 Aug 1997 14:39:13 -0400 (EDT) Received: from ( []) by (950413.SGI.8.6.12/950213.SGI.AUTOCF) via SMTP id OAA11206 for ; Tue, 19 Aug 1997 14:30:03 -0400 Received: from domo by with local (Exim 1.62 #4) id 0x0t8d-00073t-00; Tue, 19 Aug 1997 12:36:19 -0600 Received: from [] by with esmtp (Exim 1.62 #4) id 0x0t8X-00072p-00; Tue, 19 Aug 1997 12:36:13 -0600 Received: from default ( []) by (8.8.5/8.8.5) with ESMTP id LAA11808 for ; Tue, 19 Aug 1997 11:36:06 -0700 (PDT) Message-Id: <> X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Priority: 3 X-Mailer: Microsoft Internet Mail 4.70.1155 Sender: Precedence: bulk Reply-To: Date: Tue, 19 Aug 1997 14:38:31 -0400 From: "Tippyman" To:, Subject: Re: N64> test Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Disposition: inline It is very poor manners to post a test message to hundreds of subscribers to a mailing list, in these circumstances, the posters posting privs are revoked (9 times out of 10 they just go away without ever posting anything again, or continue to post test messages, which never make it to the list, because they have been banned). Because of these odds, I find it a better use of my time to ban and answer questions later. You privs will be re-instated for posting soemtime tomorrow, please do not EVER post a test message to a mailing list again. It is not only rude, but gives undue burden to the machine that hosts this list. ____________________________________ Tippyman "only as*holes write in notepad! it is like swimming across the atlantic ocean. u can do it but why would u want to if u could fly! i fly with aolpress why u swim in the sea of sh*t with notepad!" - - ---------- > From: Kevin Dent > To: > Subject: N64> test > Date: Tuesday, August 19, 1997 9:15 AM > > test - --=_9DCF59F2.7C1D6D4A-- ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Aug 97 12:14:41 BST From: Chris McDonagh Subject: Re: N64> Game release dates > >Just heard that the release date for Blast Corps in England is now the end > of September. This is shite. Is there any other N64 users in England who > have lost their patience with Nintendo and the other Game vendors. > >Work, Surf, > >Surfing always wins. > I fell really sorry for you, Blast Corps came out in Australia at the start > of July. Full screen and full speed. I wonder why it takes THE to almost 3 > months to release a game which is 100% done. Okay, so limited cart supplies > are a factor, but this is pathetic. I reply: Nintendo don't give a shit about the UK so we end up getting the short strew when it comes to games releases. It doesn't concern me too much as I will wait for top games like GoldenEye and Lylat Wars. In the meantime I buy Playstation games which are released every week and with recent qualtiy buys like V-Rally and the brill Excaluber 2555AD I am happy. I also get the odd top quality Saturn game. If Nintendo want me to buy games for the N64 and not for the other machines then they must show the UK some respect and start pulling their finger out. If short sighted Nintendo trolls bought a PSX they would realise that they could get the cream for each machine. Cheers Chris ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Aug 97 12:21:38 BST From: Chris McDonagh Subject: Re: N64> PSX-Twisted Metal WT ROCKS!! Tom Wrote: > I'm not a lover, but I am an owner. The best game for the system is Twisted Metal 2. It > is currently the only game I own and the reason I bought the system. It is my all time > second favorite game, behind Super Mario Kart, and far better then anything on the N64. > By the PSX if just for this game. Twisted Metal WT is a top game but isn't better than some of the N64 games. It as a better battle mode than Mario Kart 64 by a long way. I know how to get Sweetooth and Minion but can anyone tell me how to get the three extra battle zones?. The battlezones are from the first Twisted Metal, I think. Is they any other good codes for TMWT. Cheers Chris - Can't wait for Grand Theft Auto ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Aug 97 12:32:44 BST From: Chris McDonagh Subject: Re: N64> Acclaim giving n64 more than games ;) PART II Tyler Wrote: > >>It all comes down to games... you said you don't know how people can > >>consider the PSX better than the N64. That is a naive thought--I base my > >>system on the games it has, not on the graphics it can pump out or the > >>labeat games for all genres, sort of what PSX is doing now. Most > imporantly, there were over 20 RPGs for the SNES (at least 10 great ones), > and I loved almost all of them. It seemed everyone agreed the SNES was the > best system in it's time--great RPGs, fighters, racing games... it's too > bad the N64 isn't repeating what the SNES did, although I have to admit the > N64 has an awesome future. Mother 3, hurry up! Miyamoto, forget about > F-Zero--FINISH Mario RPG 2! :) And Square needs to hurry up with their > American translations for the PSX. :) I agree with everything you say above apart from one thing. When I was a young boy I decided to buy a Snes and was flicking through a Nintendo Mag which had a big feature on the Snes as it was about to be launched in the UK. I then turned to F-Zero which was reviewed and my eyes nearly popped out like in a Tom and Jerry cartoon. I bought this game and still play it to this day and would safely say it is the best Snes game ever. I then found out Nintendo was bringing out F-Zero 64 and I became very excited, I have now seem some brill shots of the game and my anticipation is growing by the second. If Miyamoto stopped working on F-Zero 64 and finished Mario RPG 2 I would most certainly die. Carry on with F-Zero 64 Mr Miyamoto and you can bank on their being at least one sale of the game. Nintendo could clone Miyamoto and have him work on 100's no 1000's of games. God Bless F-Zero, I was born in Mute City. Cheers Chris ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Aug 1997 09:13:25 +0100 From: pindar Subject: N64> European Release Dates This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_01BCAD49.506C8B80 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Yep Blast Corps is schedualed for a 26 September. Star Fox. Doom and = Goldeneye sometime in October but the way things have been going could = be put further back. Thats why they just say October so they can change = it at the last minute. Work, Surf, Surfing always wins.=20 - ------=_NextPart_000_01BCAD49.506C8B80 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Yep Blast Corps is = schedualed for a 26=20 September. Star Fox. Doom and Goldeneye sometime in October but the way = things=20 have been going could be put further back. Thats why they just say October so they can = change it at=20 the last minute.

Work, Surf,
Surfing always wins.

- ------=_NextPart_000_01BCAD49.506C8B80-- ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Aug 97 14:36:06 BST From: Chris McDonagh Subject: Re: N64> Game release dates Tyler Wrote: > Suikoden > Wild Arms > And in 14 days I'll have Final Fantasy VII. :) (Ahh, I can't explain it, > but there is nothing to me like the time leading up to an RPGs release. :) ) > > Sony would be fools not to release FFVII in Europe, but last I heard Sony > and Square had only signed the contract for North America. Keep your > fingers crossed, eh? BTW, Wild Arms was published by Sony in America (same > as FFVII), so I don't think it would be too much to hope for a European > release. And I don't know Konami's current status in Europe, so if don't > know if Suikoden will make it there or not. Suikoden as been out in the UK for quite sometime and is the only true RPG out,Ithink. It is uncertain whether or not FF7 will be released in the UK but it is the UK mags and my view that it will be. I think Wild Arms is going to be releasd but don't quote me on that. You haven't mentioned Excaluber 2555AD which is a brilliant action/RPG game. It plays a bit like Tomb Raider but their is a lot of character interaction in it. I am stuck on the 4th level and would like to know if anyone out there owns this game. If someone does can they A) tell me what they think about it and B) HELP me on that bloody 4th level. "Some bloke in a cushy office goes and asks me to look at a grid point, I don't ask why. The reason I don't ask why is because it takes two weeks to get an answer round here and the answers always DON'T ASK!!". Cheers Chris ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Aug 97 14:44:39 BST From: Chris McDonagh Subject: Re: N64> The real dual analog problem Vi Wrote: > Just wondering, If Atari went out of business, I think they already did. > Can they still sue? Atari are a funny business what as been up and down but mostly down. They bought a lot of patents and have taken a few companies to court. I hope they don't die because I want them to carry on making ace games for the N64. I was one of the fools who got the JAG after seeing AVP and Tempest 2000. I got it on US import and the bloody thing cost me about 450 dollers. I also got the CD but that only cost me about 225 dollers. Any other people on this list who can own up to buying the 64-bit white elephant, thought not. Cheers Chris - Di Canio and Carbone, the best midfield players in England. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Aug 97 14:55:24 BST From: Chris McDonagh Subject: Re: N64> Q vs Q Tippyman Wrote: > SOTE worst game? I loved that game! I'm no trekky or nothin', but that > game is really good. If you can get over the crappy cutscenes. These > are only my opinions.... A 'trekky' likes Star Trek not Star Wars. Us Star Wars fans haven't got a name but we do know that the Star Wars trilogy is the greatest set of films ever. The special Editions were ace and I can't wait for the prequals, God bless Lucas. May I also thank America for bringing me Babylon 5 which is the best Sci-Fi programme ever. SOTE was a very good game which was varied and amazing in places. I would give it 2/3 but certainly not 1/3. Cheers Chris - Does anyone want any help with the players names in ISS64?. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Aug 97 15:12:38 BST From: Chris McDonagh Subject: Re: N64> International Superstar Soccer 64! > From Tue Aug 19 07:22:31 1997 Bucky Wrote: > Would 'u callin a pomi? I'm A BLOODY AUSSIE MATE As part of the British Empire I do apologies to you and your fellow countrymen. God save the Queen and all that. Why isn't Australia in ISS64?, their better than Japan and South Korea. Venables is certainly showing your lot the way although Bosnich is having a bit of a nightmare at the moment. Cheers Chris ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Aug 97 15:34:48 BST From: Chris McDonagh Subject: N64> Controllers!! With the recent talk about controllers, I thought I would review all of the official ones I've ever used. Nintendo 8-bit - 26%/100% Very ugly looking thing, even when it first came out. It also didn't fit in my hands very well. Snes - 80% Very sexy looking in it's day and still looks good now. It fitted very nicely inmy hands and the colouring looked good. The top buttens were a very good idea especially for games like F-Zero. Jaguar - 83% Dreadful to look at but fitted my big hands very nicely. The telephone type buttons weren't a good idea but at least you were never short of buttons. Saturn - 88% Not too bad to look at and it fitted quite well into my hands. The button layout could have been better but it was fairly well made. Saturn analogue control pad for Nights etc. - 93% Very nice to look at and was quite comfortable The analogue part of it worked quite well and the main buttons were bigger and more easy to get to than the normal one. Playstation Pad - 96% Just as good looking as the machine with easy to get to buttons and easy to hold. A very nice colour and just like any other Sony produce, very well made. N64 Pad - 99.9% I really wanted to give this 100% but I know that nothings perfect. It fits beautifully into my hands and I recken it was designed for me. Their are a number of ways to hold it and all of the buttons are easy to get to. The analogue stick is very very good and adds a new element to sports games, 3D games etc. It is well made and comes in different colours. The fun pacs look like a good idea and the rumble pac certainly seems to be a success. Weel Done Nintendo!!. I would like other peoples opinions on control pads as I feel I have only scratched the surface. Can anyone review the Sony's analogue pad as the UK one is a watered down pile of crap. Cheers Chris ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Aug 1997 10:59:51 -0700 From: Tom Mcshea Subject: N64> My list >>What?? Turok a 2? I played that game like crazy for 2 weeks trying tobeat it. I bought it FOR the huge levels,I ike long gameplay. And StarFox? That is definitely a 3! It's arcade style, play-thru...I play one player games the most, because my friends don't play many games... << Yes, a two. Who cares if you played it like crazy. I still love Hangtime and play it all the time but it's not a 3 star game. How can this game be considered great with no 2 player mode? It can't and that's the biggest reason it's 2 stars. >> SOTE worst game? I loved that game! I'm no trekky or nothin', but that game is really good. If you can get over the crappy cutscenes. These are only my opinions.... << It's not just the worst N64 game, it's the one of the worst games I have ever played, on any system. Terrible control+ Terrible level design=bad game. Money ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Aug 1997 16:18:44 +0100 From: Ruud Campsteijn Subject: Re: N64> Controllers!! >With the recent talk about controllers, I thought I would review all of the >official ones I've ever used. [controller reviews snipped] How can you rate a controller, just by taking a look at its looks and how it fits in your hand? A controller has to be great to play games with as well, and *every* controller has its advantages and disadvantages for most types of games. For example, the N64 is not very good to play fighting games with, mainly because of the tiny yellow buttons. No, I don't have huge hands or anything, but these buttons are quite small and if you're in the "heat of a fight", it's not unlikely that you push the wrong one. Anyway, I truly agree that the N64 pad is one of the best (probably THE best) pad available for any console system, closely followed by the Sony Playstation's one. Both are quality controllers, on which a lot of time and money has been spent. Sony's dual-analogue pad is very nice, *and* it's quite small (I believe it's the same size as the normal Playstation one, or close to it). The two analogue sticks are easy to use using your thumbs, and they can function as buttons as well. I think the fact that they have no "profile" on top (like the N64's controller does) make them a bit more comfortable to use; If you use the N64's controller for a long time, you may get sore thumbs. Anyway, whether you prefer Nintendo's big controller or Sony's smaller one is a personal thing, I guess... Both are very good. Unfortunately, they're for different systems. :) - --Ruud ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Aug 1997 11:28:08 -0400 From: "Tippyman" Subject: Re: N64> Goldeneye 007! Is there anyone on this list who didn't know that? ____________________________________ Tippyman "only as*holes write in notepad! it is like swimming across the atlantic ocean. u can do it but why would u want to if u could fly! i fly with aolpress why u swim in the sea of sh*t with notepad!" - - ---------- > From: Dave Horowitz > To: > Subject: N64> Goldeneye 007! > Date: Friday, August 16, 2097 4:21 AM > > Goldeneye 007 will be out in just 1 week. In my opinion I think this game > is gonna kick some ass. I've seen too much of this game and I want it now! > Multiplayer mode in this game looks real KILLER! I can't wait to get it > and kick my friend's butts it. hehe :) > > --Dave > ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Aug 1997 11:34:10 -0400 From: "Tippyman" Subject: Re: N64> Acclaim giving n64 more than games ;) PART II FZERO was the best racer until I played Rage Racer. It's a really good game. I love those jumps and the futuristic setting. I actually want this game more than Mario RPG 2. I didn't really like Mario RPG for the SNES..too damn easy. ____________________________________ Tippyman "only as*holes write in notepad! it is like swimming across the atlantic ocean. u can do it but why would u want to if u could fly! i fly with aolpress why u swim in the sea of sh*t with notepad!" - - ---------- > From: Chris McDonagh > To: > Cc: > Subject: Re: N64> Acclaim giving n64 more than games ;) PART II > Date: Wednesday, August 20, 1997 8:32 AM > > Tyler Wrote: > > > >>It all comes down to games... you said you don't know how people can > > >>consider the PSX better than the N64. That is a naive thought--I base my > > >>system on the games it has, not on the graphics it can pump out or the > > >>labeat games for all genres, sort of what PSX is doing now. Most > > imporantly, there were over 20 RPGs for the SNES (at least 10 great ones), > > and I loved almost all of them. It seemed everyone agreed the SNES was the > > best system in it's time--great RPGs, fighters, racing games... it's too > > bad the N64 isn't repeating what the SNES did, although I have to admit the > > N64 has an awesome future. Mother 3, hurry up! Miyamoto, forget about > > F-Zero--FINISH Mario RPG 2! :) And Square needs to hurry up with their > > American translations for the PSX. :) > > I agree with everything you say above apart from one thing. When I was a young > boy I decided to buy a Snes and was flicking through a Nintendo Mag which had a > big feature on the Snes as it was about to be launched in the UK. I then turned > to F-Zero which was reviewed and my eyes nearly popped out like in a Tom and > Jerry cartoon. I bought this game and still play it to this day and would safely > say it is the best Snes game ever. I then found out Nintendo was bringing out > F-Zero 64 and I became very excited, I have now seem some brill shots of the > game and my anticipation is growing by the second. If Miyamoto stopped working > on F-Zero 64 and finished Mario RPG 2 I would most certainly die. Carry on with > F-Zero 64 Mr Miyamoto and you can bank on their being at least one sale of the > game. > Nintendo could clone Miyamoto and have him work on 100's no 1000's of games. > > God Bless F-Zero, I was born in Mute City. > Cheers > Chris > > ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Aug 97 16:32:49 BST From: Chris McDonagh Subject: Re: N64> Controllers!! Ruud Wrote: > >With the recent talk about controllers, I thought I would review all of the > >official ones I've ever used. > > [controller reviews snipped] > > How can you rate a controller, just by taking a look at its looks and how > it fits in your hand? A controller has to be great to play games with as > well, and *every* controller has its advantages and disadvantages for most > types of games. For example, the N64 is not very good to play fighting > games with, mainly because of the tiny yellow buttons. No, I don't have > huge hands or anything, but these buttons are quite small and if you're in > the "heat of a fight", it's not unlikely that you push the wrong one. > > Anyway, I truly agree that the N64 pad is one of the best (probably THE > best) pad available for any console system, closely followed by the Sony > Playstation's one. Both are quality controllers, on which a lot of time and > money has been spent. > > Sony's dual-analogue pad is very nice, *and* it's quite small (I believe > it's the same size as the normal Playstation one, or close to it). The two > analogue sticks are easy to use using your thumbs, and they can function as > buttons as well. I think the fact that they have no "profile" on top (like > the N64's controller does) make them a bit more comfortable to use; If you > use the N64's controller for a long time, you may get sore thumbs. Anyway, > whether you prefer Nintendo's big controller or Sony's smaller one is a > personal thing, I guess... Both are very good. Unfortunately, they're for > different systems. :) I reply: Like I said in my previous post I didn't want to go too indepth as I wanted to hear other peoples views. Fighting pads are usually made by third party companies and I only wanted to review the official ones. If it fits nicely into my hands, as buttons which are easily accessable, and looks nice then I like it. Looks are not the most important part but I would sooner be holding the N64 pad as it is rather than a Buck Rogers prop. Cheers Chris ------------------------------ End of n64 Digest V1 #109 ************************* To subscribe to n64 Digest, send the command: subscribe n64-digest in the body of a message to "". If you want to subscribe something other than the account the mail is coming from, such as a local redistribution list, then append that address to the "subscribe" command; for example, to subscribe "local-n64": subscribe n64-digest A non-digest (direct mail) version of this list is also available; to subscribe to that instead, replace all instances of "n64-digest" in the commands above with "n64". Back issues are available for anonymous FTP from, in pub/lists/n64/archive. These are organized by date.