From: (n64-digest) To: Subject: n64-digest V1 #1249 Reply-To: n64-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk n64-digest Monday, May 29 2000 Volume 01 : Number 1249 [N64] TWINE VS PD Re: [N64] most promissing N64 year? Re: [N64] is 2-D gaming 3-D and 3-D is 4-D? Re: [N64] most promising N64 year? Re: [N64] is 2-D gaming 3-D and 3-D is 4-D? Re: [N64] most promissing N64 year? Re: [N64] Perfect Dark AI Re: [N64] TWINE VS PD Re: [N64] most promising N64 year? Re: [N64] most promising N64 year? Re: [N64] most promissing N64 year? Re: [N64] Perfect Dark AI Re: [N64] most promissing N64 year? [N64] C&C Re: [N64] time & dark Re: [N64] more PD Re: [N64] is 2-D gaming 3-D and 3-D is 4-D? Re: [N64] most promising N64 year? Re: [N64] most promising N64 year? Re: [N64] Perfect Dark AI Re: [N64] Perfect Dark AI RE: [N64] Perfect Dark AI Re: [N64] Perfect Dark AI Re: [N64] most promissing N64 year? Re: [N64] time & dark RE: [N64] Perfect Dark AI ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 23:16:41 EDT From: "Jed Cross" Subject: [N64] TWINE VS PD After what you read about TWINE and after playing PD, which game do you think will be better? FRom what I have read, PD seems a lot better. - -Jed ________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 23:17:16 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] most promissing N64 year? In a message dated 05/29/2000 7:48:54 PM Pacific Daylight Time,=20 writes: > What do you think would be the most promising year that the N64 had? > all the years were great but 2000 is not so great, only PD and Excitebike= =20 > 64? oh well, here are some good games from past years: > =20 > 1995: > none, Japanese games only N64 was released the same year in the US and Japan. > =20 > 1996: > 1. Mario 64 > 2. Cruisin' USA > 3. Waverace 64 > 4. KI gold And Shadows of the Empire > =20 > 1997: > =20 > 1. Mario Kart 64 (says 1996 Nintendo on title screen but was released in=20 97) > 2. Starfox 64 > 3. Goldeneye (PD players, does anyone remember it?) > 4. Diddy Kong racing I'd add Mischief Makers to that list > =20 > 1998: > =20 > 1. ZELDA 64 (finally that game was released after 4 years of development) > 2. WWF: Warzone I think it was three years development. Anyway, other greats from that year= :=20 Banjo-Kazooie, Turok 2, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, and F-Zero X. Games I liked, but weren't as good: Yoshi's Story and Mission: Impossible. > =20 > 1999: > =20 > 1. super smash brothers > 2. COMMAND&CONQUER 64!!! > 3. Harvest moon 64 Mario Party, Pok=E9mon Snap (I know you didn't like it), Jet Force Gemini,=20 Rayman 2, and (I know you didn't like this either) Donkey Kong 64. > =20 > 2000: > =20 > 1.I HAVE NOT PLAYED ANY GAMES FROM THIS YEAR FOR THE N64 > =20 > -Jed Not much has been released so far this year, but of those that have, I liked= =20 Pok=E9mon Stadium and, of course, Perfect Dark. Even though there hasn't be= en=20 much so far, I'd say that this year is shaping up to be the best of the N64'= s=20 life span. Think about the future games: Kirby, Eternal Darkness, Resident=20 Evil Zero, Zelda: Majora's Mask, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Super Mario Adventure= ,=20 Mario Tennis, Banjo-Tooie. There are more, I know, but I can't name 'em all= =20 right now. Still, this year looks to have some great things in store. And,= =20 I gotta tell ya, I've never been prouder to be an N64 owner. - -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 23:20:37 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] is 2-D gaming 3-D and 3-D is 4-D? In a message dated 05/29/2000 7:58:28 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes: > Same here!!! here are some fun games that deserve to be replayed over a > couple of times: > 1.Goldeneye(hey, I have not played PD yet so Goldeneye is still fun) It's still fun, it's just that, at the moment, more playing time will be put to PD. > > 2.Zelda 64(my brohter restarted his saved game several times)(and who > > here has the one time only golden Zelda? I do, I bought > Zelda 64 Nov 25 1998 when it was released in Canada) I've restarted many times myself. I love that game. And I do have the gold cart. > > 3.Rampage world tour(I am JOKING!!!!!!!!! The ending is worthless, > > here is the ending to that game: you blow stuff > > up on the moon and then that scientist betty > veronica goes to Earth) > > 4.Super smash brohteres(multiplayer only, single player get's boring > > after a while) Agreed. - -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 23:24:04 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] most promising N64 year? I've certainly enjoyed my N64 every year -- I just really seemed to like a lot of the stuff that was out there. But then again, I guess that shows in the number of games I own (closing in on 40 I believe). Still, I can't believe you guys are going to go around and name all these great games and leave Blast Corps off there. I can understand some people's disagreement in taste to puzzle games like Tetrisphere, The New Tetris, and Wetrix, or their disagreement in taste with certain franchises like All-Star Baseball, Turok, or other things, but Blast Corps? Come now, I loved my Goldeneye, but Blast Corps was THE thing that came out of 1997 for the N64. Ain't that right Trey;-)? Aldo Merino - ----------------- Tendo Box [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 23:27:09 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] is 2-D gaming 3-D and 3-D is 4-D? In a message dated 05/29/2000 8:06:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time,=20 writes: > Actually, some Snes games had 4-D or whatever, I know in Breath of fire,=20 > night and day would pass and different monsters appeared at night while=20 > others at day, but games like Zelda 3(a link to the past) and breath of=20 fire=20 >=20 > 3-D because you have freedom to move where you want, or is 3-D where you=20 can=20 >=20 > see every shape or whatever, I hope someone understands this!!! > =20 > -Jed 3D has length, width, and depth. If something makes use of the fourth=20 dimension, time, then time affects gameplay. It doesn't just mean you get t= o=20 move. Time affects games like Pok=E9mon Gold and Silver because they have a= n=20 internal clock. This means that if you play it at different times of the=20 day, it affects the game. But, since these games lack the third dimension,=20 depth, they are not 3D. I don't know how to explain this coherently, so you= =20 people have to forgive this message. But I hope I got my point across. And= =20 I hope it's right too (heck, I'm no science expert). - -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 23:32:39 EDT From: "Jed Cross" Subject: Re: [N64] most promissing N64 year? to me, 1999 was the best N64 year, I have played stadium and forgot to type that one in, anywho, I found Banjo-Kazooie a copy of Mario 64 but only better(I like mario 64 beter though) and mario advenure is gonna be gay, It's now called paper mario, imagine,using Mario in a game like that, it's horrible! anywho, while reading the 2000 gamers buyers guide, it said that DK 64 was the biggest rip off ever! here is why: DK64 ripped off Banjo kazooie by copying it but being better, and then Banjo- Kazooie ripped off Mario 64 by coping itbut being better but I like and always willlike mario 64 better than those two games!!!!! - -Jed ________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 23:32:50 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] Perfect Dark AI In a message dated 05/29/2000 8:09:56 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes: > I got all cheats, and it's neat, do you have invincibilty Eric? it's hard to > believe my frined actually got it!!! But he plays games more serioulsy, > anywho, I know someone who did not even get paintball mode on there first > try on runway!!! and is there such cheat as "all bonds" where you could play > > as Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Tim Dalton bond? and what was > everybody's first cheat in Goldeneye?mine was paintball mode. > > -Jed I don't have invincibility yet, but I came close once. I made it to the bottling room and destroyed the first four tanks. I was going to blow up the others too. Then a guard ran down the stairs and shot me. Bummer. Guess how much time that took? A minute, 36. Damn, I was pissed. If I would've finished everything, I would've gotten it. And my first cheat was (easiest one to get) DK mode on Runway (Agent in less than five minutes, who's not going to get that?). - -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 23:35:40 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] TWINE VS PD In a message dated 05/29/2000 8:17:33 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes: > After what you read about TWINE and after playing PD, which game do you > think will be better? FRom what I have read, PD seems a lot better. > > -Jed I think so too. TWINE sounds more like Goldeneye. Not that that's in any way a bad thing, but PD did so much more. I haven't played multiplayer yet, since high school's still driving me nutz (just 8 more days), but I'm sure it kicks arse. - -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 23:37:38 EDT From: "Jed Cross" Subject: Re: [N64] most promising N64 year? >I've certainly enjoyed my N64 every year -- I just really seemed to like a >lot of the stuff that was out there. But then again, I guess that shows in >the number of games I own (closing in on 40 I believe). Still, I can't >believe you guys are going to go around and name all these great games and >leave Blast Corps off there. I can understand some people's disagreement in >taste to puzzle games like Tetrisphere, The New Tetris, and Wetrix, or >their >disagreement in taste with certain franchises like All-Star Baseball, >Turok, >or other things, but Blast Corps? Come now, I loved my Goldeneye, but Blast >Corps was THE thing that came out of 1997 for the N64. Ain't that right >Trey;-)? > >Aldo Merino I liked blast corps for a while but it just got boring, anywho I do not know why they called it blast corps, it should be blast corp - -Jed ________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 23:37:52 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] most promising N64 year? In a message dated 05/29/2000 8:24:38 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes: > Still, I can't > believe you guys are going to go around and name all these great games and > leave Blast Corps off there. I can understand some people's disagreement in > taste to puzzle games like Tetrisphere, The New Tetris, and Wetrix, or their > > disagreement in taste with certain franchises like All-star Baseball, Turok, > > or other things, but Blast Corps? Come now, I loved my Goldeneye, but Blast > Corps was THE thing that came out of 1997 for the N64. Ain't that right > Trey;-)? > > Aldo Merino I haven't played that one yet, but I definitely want to try it out. - -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 13:53:55 +1000 From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] most promissing N64 year? At 23:32 29-05-00 EDT, you wrote: >to me, 1999 was the best N64 year, I have played stadium and forgot to type >that one in, anywho, I found Banjo-Kazooie a copy of Mario 64 but only >better(I like mario 64 beter though) and mario advenure is gonna be gay, >It's now called paper mario, imagine,using Mario in a game like that, it's >horrible! anywho, while reading the 2000 gamers buyers guide, it said that >DK 64 was the biggest rip off ever! here is why: >DK64 ripped off Banjo kazooie by copying it but being better, and then >Banjo- Kazooie ripped off Mario 64 by coping itbut being better but I like >and always willlike mario 64 better than those two games!!!!! > >-Jed Ah, I see you are quite sensible. Mario64 has indeed yet to be surpassed, and as such remains the greatest 3d platformer ever made. 1999 has got to have been Nintendo's worst year in a long time, the only game worth buying was Super Smash Bros. However, 2000 looks to be the best in the N64's lifetime. I wouldn't write off Paper Mario just yet, but even if you do there's still ZeldaVI, PD, Excitebike, Conker, Eternal Darkness, and a number of other possibilities eg, Banjo-Tooie, TWINE, Mario Tennis, Ogre Battle, Ayden Cronicles, Kirby. BTW, did any North Americans on this list buy Excitebike64? How about telling us what you think. Is it better than WaveRace? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 23:44:23 EDT From: "Jed Cross" Subject: Re: [N64] Perfect Dark AI >I don't have invincibility yet, but I came close once. I made it to the >bottling room and destroyed the first four tanks. I was going to blow up >the >others too. Then a guard ran down the stairs and shot me. Bummer. Guess >how much time that took? A minute, 36. Damn, I was pissed. If I would've >finished everything, I would've gotten it. And my first cheat was (easiest >one to get) DK mode on Runway (Agent in less than five minutes, who's not >going to get that?). >-Eric- When I was saying paintball mode, I meant DK mode, sorry bout that, anywho, I know someone who did not get DK mode on there first try on AGENT level!!! imagine, how fast can you beat runway though? I beat it in 50 seconds I think. - -Jed ________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 23:46:18 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] most promissing N64 year? In a message dated 05/29/2000 8:33:02 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes: > to me, 1999 was the best N64 year, I have played stadium and forgot to type > that one in, anywho, I found Banjo-Kazooie a copy of Mario 64 but only > better(I like mario 64 beter though) and mario advenure is gonna be gay, > It's now called paper mario, imagine,using Mario in a game like that, it's > horrible! anywho, while reading the 2000 gamers buyers guide, it said that > DK 64 was the biggest rip off ever! here is why: > DK64 ripped off Banjo kazooie by copying it but being better, and then > Banjo- Kazooie ripped off Mario 64 by coping itbut being better but I like > and always willlike mario 64 better than those two games!!!!! > > -Jed Of the three platformers mentioned, the order in which I like them the most is: Banjo-Kazooie, Super Mario 64, and Donkey Kong 64. All three are great. BK, I liked the fact that there were more characters to interact with and the controls were a lot tighter (Alex, I know how you feel about this subject, so please, let's not get into another pointless argument). Mario, well, I don't think there's any explanation necessary. DK64, the mine carts were awesome, the haunted house stage rocked, and the final boss was hilarious. However, with five different characters, the game has the disadvantage of becoming rather tedious toward the end, especially in stages like Fungi Forest. And then, you mentioned Paper Mario. What makes you so sure it'll be bad? Have you played it? Who knows, it could be fun. And, it is a sequel to SMRPG, one of the best SNES games. - -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 23:46:49 EDT From: "Jed Cross" Subject: [N64] C&C Well I have command&conquer tiberian sun for my PC now and all I would like to know is: why did Nintendo or Westwood release command&conquer on the N64? they should have released tiberian sun or red alert!!! - -Jed ________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 23:46:44 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] time & dark In a message dated 5/29/00 9:48:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: > I'll just stay at the fact that games like Super Mario 64 and > Goldeneye don't use the fourth dimension. The watch in Goldeneye keeps real time. Can somebody explain to me in the Chicago stage "Stealth" why the heck Jo doesn't have a pistol with a silencer? Dave Heppity Zerrrrve, barrooteebah! [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 23:47:49 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] more PD In a message dated 5/29/00 10:25:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: > What I mean is that every game that has a save feature should allow the > memory card/controller pak, instead of just using the 4 files from > Goldeneye, I could use more files and same as other games, especially C&C > because you might want to save several times in case your mission might > fail, and they(Westwood)shoudl have added more save files than 2 to the N64 > version of C&C. > > -Jed Well, most games with cart save only you can copy backups of your saves onto a Gameshark. Dave The flesh from Satan's dogs Will make the rudiments of gruel Deduct the carrots from your pay You worthless swampy fool - --Phish [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 23:48:48 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] is 2-D gaming 3-D and 3-D is 4-D? In a message dated 5/29/00 10:35:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: > Just wait until they make 5-D games, And what the hell is 5-D supposed to be? Dave Heppity Zerrrrve, barrooteebah! [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 14:01:31 +1000 From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] most promising N64 year? At 23:37 29-05-00 EDT, you wrote: >>or other things, but Blast Corps? Come now, I loved my Goldeneye, but Blast >>Corps was THE thing that came out of 1997 for the N64. Ain't that right >>Trey;-)? >> >>Aldo Merino > >I liked blast corps for a while but it just got boring, anywho I do not know >why they called it blast corps, it should be blast corp > >-Jed Blast Corps is Rare's best N64 title next to Goldeneye (I haven't played PD yet). It's supposed to be Blast Corps; that's pronounced Blast Core, as in Marine Corps, Army Corps etc. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 23:50:56 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] most promising N64 year? In a message dated 05/29/2000 8:38:01 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes: > anywho I do not know > why they called it blast corps, it should be blast corp Dictionary definition of corps 1) A specialezed section or branch of the armed forces. 2) A group of persons under common direction. Corp is an abbreviation of Corporation. Seriously, which one makes more sense to what the game is about? - -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 23:51:10 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] Perfect Dark AI In a message dated 5/29/00 10:48:33 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: > Man, that's no way to win. I had to beat each and every level on my own. > Took a loooooooong time to do, but I made it. I love OO Agent, especially > how it stressed the stealth aspect of the game. As for the cheats, well I > haven't gotten all of them yet, but hey, I'll keep trying. > -Eric- I beat Goldeneye on Agent and then really stopped playing. Then I used the Gameshark to get the cheats I didn't have. I think having to replay the same game to get more stuff is pretty stupid. Dave The flesh from Satan's dogs Will make the rudiments of gruel Deduct the carrots from your pay You worthless swampy fool - --Phish [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 23:52:17 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] Perfect Dark AI In a message dated 05/29/2000 8:44:54 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes: > When I was saying paintball mode, I meant DK mode, sorry bout that, anywho, > I know someone who did not get DK mode on there first try on AGENT level!!! > imagine, how fast can you beat runway though? I beat it in 50 seconds I > think. > > -Jed Yeah, that's about it. - -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 13:41:00 +1000 From: "Moody, Luke" Subject: RE: [N64] Perfect Dark AI A hard one which took me ages was Invisibility!! Also there is no All bonds code. I read in a mag that it was going to be put into the game, even some early screen shots have pictures of Connery, but they withdrew it. Maybe a licence thing? Also, I am trying like hell to beat Aztec on the third hardest level to access the Egyptian level (which I have still not done. I gave up in 1998) Does anyone have any clues or tips of what I should do? The other difficulty level were hard but not impossible but this is mega hard! > -----Original Message----- > From: [] > Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2000 1:33 PM > To: > Subject: Re: [N64] Perfect Dark AI > > In a message dated 05/29/2000 8:09:56 PM Pacific Daylight Time, > writes: > > > I got all cheats, and it's neat, do you have invincibilty Eric? it's > hard > to > > believe my frined actually got it!!! But he plays games more serioulsy, > > > anywho, I know someone who did not even get paintball mode on there > first > > try on runway!!! and is there such cheat as "all bonds" where you could > > play > > > > as Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Tim Dalton bond? and what > > was > > everybody's first cheat in Goldeneye?mine was paintball mode. > > > > -Jed > > I don't have invincibility yet, but I came close once. I made it to the > bottling room and destroyed the first four tanks. I was going to blow up > the > others too. Then a guard ran down the stairs and shot me. Bummer. Guess > > how much time that took? A minute, 36. Damn, I was pissed. If I > would've > finished everything, I would've gotten it. And my first cheat was > (easiest > one to get) DK mode on Runway (Agent in less than five minutes, who's not > going to get that?). > -Eric- > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] ********************************************************************** Commonwealth Bank of Australia (ACN 123 123 124) ********************************************************************** [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 14:06:05 +1000 From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] Perfect Dark AI At 23:51 29-05-00 EDT, you wrote: >I beat Goldeneye on Agent and then really stopped playing. Then I used the >Gameshark to get the cheats I didn't have. I think having to replay the same >game to get more stuff is pretty stupid. > >Dave > Some people play games for the challenges they provide... you obviously have other reasons. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 23:58:28 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] most promissing N64 year? In a message dated 5/29/00 10:48:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: > What do you think would be the most promoting year that the N64 had? > all the years were great but 2000 is not so great, only PD and Excitebike > 64? oh well, here are some good games from past years: > > 1995: > none, Japanese games only > None anywhere 4-Dumbass. The N64 didn't launch in Japan until April 1996. > 1996: > 1. Mario 64 > 2.Cruis'nt USA > 3. Waverace 64 > 4.KI gold > Crusin' USA? That sucked on the N64. What should have been a straight port from the so called Ultra 64 arcade game, if you still believed Nintendo, turned out to be sub par crap. The framerates in 2 player were unbearable. (For those who didn't know, Crusin' USA coin-op didn't run on Ultra 64 arcade hardware at all, it ran on a 32-Bit unit designed by Midway.) > 1997: > > 1. Mario kart 64(says 1996 nintendo on title screen but was released in 97) > 2.starfox 64 > 3.Goldeneye(PD players, does anyone remember it?) > 4.Diddy kong racing > I'd have to say Blast Corps, Goldeneye, and Mario Kart 64 > 2000: > > 1.I HAVE NOT PLAYED ANY GAMES FROM THIS YEAR FOR THE N64 > > -Jed Perfect Dark. Although should be called Not Exactly Perfect Kinda Blurry With A Hi-res Mode That's A Joke And Insane Lighting in the Dark. Dave The flesh from Satan's dogs Will make the rudiments of gruel Deduct the carrots from your pay You worthless swampy fool - --Phish [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 23:58:25 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] time & dark In a message dated 05/29/2000 8:47:45 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes: > Can somebody explain to me in the Chicago stage "Stealth" why the heck Jo > doesn't have a pistol with a silencer? > > Dave Who knows? Who cares? That staged rocked. - -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 14:12:06 +1000 From: Alex Subject: RE: [N64] Perfect Dark AI At 13:41 30-05-00 +1000, you wrote: >A hard one which took me ages was Invisibility!! >Also there is no All bonds code. >I read in a mag that it was going to be put into the game, even some early >screen shots have pictures of Connery, but they withdrew it. Maybe a licence >thing? >Also, I am trying like hell to beat Aztec on the third hardest level to >access the Egyptian level (which I have still not done. I gave up in 1998) >Does anyone have any clues or tips of what I should do? >The other difficulty level were hard but not impossible but this is mega >hard! > My only suggestion is: if you are jumping down the chasm near the start, don't. The level is easier if you cross the bridge, and go through the door across the chasm. 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