From: (n64-digest) To: Subject: n64-digest V1 #1293 Reply-To: n64-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk n64-digest Friday, June 30 2000 Volume 01 : Number 1293 [N64] At last Re: [N64] At last Re: [N64] At last Re: [N64] At last Re: [N64] At last Re: [N64] At last Re: [N64] Dailyradar's treatment of the anti-aliasing solution for PS2 Re: [N64] Dailyradar's treatment of the anti-aliasing solution for PS2 Re: [N64] Dailyradar's treatment of the anti-aliasing solution for PS2 Re: [N64] Dailyradar's treatment of the anti-aliasing solution for PS2 Re: [N64] Dailyradar's treatment of the anti-aliasing solution for PS2 Re: [N64] Company N Re: [N64] At last Re: [N64] Dailyradar's treatment of the anti-aliasing solution for PS2 RE: [N64] Dailyradar's treatment of the anti-aliasing solution fo r PS2 Re: [N64] Dailyradar's treatment of the anti-aliasing solution for PS2 Re: [N64] doin it up wit N64 Re: [N64] doin it up wit N64 Re: [N64] At last ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 11:37:10 BST From: "Uncle Jingle" Subject: [N64] At last The eagerly awaited European release of Perfect Dark is only a mere 20 hours away, I just hope it lives up to the hype generated by you guys across the pond. I've got tomorrow of work for the occasion, but unfortunately I've got a damn wedding to attend on Saturday. So have any of you got any first time play suggestions?. ________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 09:47:55 -0400 (EDT) From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] At last That pond Uncle Jingles is over 3000 miles's hardly a pond. LOL (i know it's a figure of speech) On Thu, 29 Jun 2000, Uncle Jingle wrote: > The eagerly awaited European release of Perfect Dark is only a mere 20 hours > away, I just hope it lives up to the hype generated by you guys across the > pond. I've got tomorrow of work for the occasion, but unfortunately I've got > a damn wedding to attend on Saturday. > So have any of you got any first time play suggestions?. > > ________________________________________________________________________ > Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 14:54:51 BST From: "Uncle Jingle" Subject: Re: [N64] At last So, any hints on general gameplay? >That pond Uncle Jingles is over 3000 miles's hardly a pond. LOL > >(i know it's a figure of speech) >On Thu, 29 Jun 2000, Uncle Jingle wrote: > > > > The eagerly awaited European release of Perfect Dark is only a mere 20 >hours > > away, I just hope it lives up to the hype generated by you guys across >the > > pond. I've got tomorrow of work for the occasion, but unfortunately I've >got > > a damn wedding to attend on Saturday. > > So have any of you got any first time play suggestions?. > > > > ________________________________________________________________________ > > Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > > >sx > > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] ________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 12:49:36 -0400 From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] At last - ----- Original Message ----- From: Uncle Jingle To: Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2000 7:37 AM Subject: [N64] At last > The eagerly awaited European release of Perfect Dark is only a mere 20 hours > away, I just hope it lives up to the hype generated by you guys across = the > pond. I've got tomorrow of work for the occasion, but unfortunately I'v= e got > a damn wedding to attend on Saturday. > So have any of you got any first time play suggestions?. > > Set the screen properties to Wide. Unless you have a TV with a 16:9 scree= n. Oh, don't die. Dave - - =E7=84=A1=E6=96=AD=E8=BB=A2=E8=BC=89=E3=82=92=E7=A6=81=E3=81=98=E3=81=BE= =E3=81=99=E3=80=82=E3=81=A7=E3=82=82=E3=83=AA=E3=83=B3=E3=82=AF=E3=81=AF=E6= =AD=93=E8=BF=8E=E3=81=97=E3=81=BE=E3=81=99=E3=80=82 - [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 12:51:38 -0400 From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] At last DQotLS0tLSBPcmlnaW5hbCBNZXNzYWdlIC0tLS0tDQpGcm9tOiBVbmNsZSBKaW5nbGUgPHVu Y2xlX2ppbmdsZUBob3RtYWlsLmNvbT4NClRvOiA8bjY0QGxpc3RzLnhtaXNzaW9uLmNvbT4N ClNlbnQ6IFRodXJzZGF5LCBKdW5lIDI5LCAyMDAwIDEwOjU0IEFNDQpTdWJqZWN0OiBSZTog W042NF0gQXQgbGFzdA0KDQoNCj4gU28sIGFueSBoaW50cyBvbiBnZW5lcmFsIGdhbWVwbGF5 Pw0KDQpMb2NrIHRoZSBkb29yLCBhbmQgaG9wZSB0aGV5IGRvbid0IGhhdmUgYmxhc3RlcnMu IDspDQoNClBsYXkgaW4gbG8tcmVzLCBidXQgdXNlIGFuIEV4cGFuc2lvbiBQYWsuIFBsYXkg Q2hhbGxlbmdlcyAxLTUgdG8gZ2V0IHlhIHVzZWQNCnRvIHRoZSBnYW1lLCBvaCwgYW5kIHJl YWQgdGhlIG1hbnVhbC4NCg0KRGF2ZQ0KDQotIOeEoeaWrei7oui8ieOCkuemgeOBmOOBvuOB meOAguOBp+OCguODquODs+OCr+OBr+atk+i/juOBl+OBvuOBmeOAgiAtDQoNCg== [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 13:13:28 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] At last In a message dated 06/29/2000 3:37:52 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes: << The eagerly awaited European release of Perfect Dark is only a mere 20 hours away, I just hope it lives up to the hype generated by you guys across the pond. I've got tomorrow of work for the occasion, but unfortunately I've got a damn wedding to attend on Saturday. So have any of you got any first time play suggestions?. >> Just the obvious. Start on Agent, and work your way up. You might want to try the target practice first too. But, for me, there's just nothing that first time you hear those Datadyne guys swear at you for shooting them. - -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 21:32:26 +0100 From: Martin Wilson Subject: Re: [N64] Dailyradar's treatment of the anti-aliasing solution for PS2 On Wed, 28 Jun 2000 18:02:26 -0400 (EDT), you wrote: ))) )))If you go visit DR today you'll find a front page article on the company )))Volition's success in solving the AA problem on PS2. I got to )))thinking. If Dolphin came out and had the same problems as PS2, would )))there be a front page article DEFENDING it's deficiency? Would there be as )))much excitement over a solution? Instead of this DR question: "DR: Do you )))see the AA thing even being an issue for PS2 games by next year?" would a )))Volition representative be asked "Doesn't this solution to the AA problem )))STILL make games harder to develop for then for a system where AA isn't )))even an issue?"? Maybe I'm looking too much into this but I'll can't wait=20 )))to see how Nintendo is treated on the site. ))) I'm getting a real strong suspicion that the PS2 ain't the great console that many think it is. I'm not anti Sony at all. If great games come out for it I'll buy it but I keep hearing its very hard to program, the DVD output is rough, initial games don't compare that well with the dreamcast, the firmware is buggy, some early hardware had compatibility problems in japan. To Sega's credit the Dreamcast is a very clever simplistic but powerful affair which is easy to program for. In fact if anything they copied the PSX's great design architecture (keep it simple) so why has Sony gone for this very complicated architecture which seems modelled on the Saturns overcomplicated design.principles. I know the PS2 will sell and sell but I bet many are in for a shock when they see how poorly many games will compare with the Dreamcast. Its probably going to be years before programmers can get the best out of it. I don't think the Dolphin will wipe the floor with it in fact I expect it will probably be 2/3rds as successful as PS2 but I'm sure the games will be much better. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 17:27:18 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dailyradar's treatment of the anti-aliasing solution for PS2 In a message dated 06/29/2000 1:34:23 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes: << In fact if anything they copied the PSX's great design architecture (keep it simple) so why has Sony gone for this very complicated architecture which seems modeled on the Saturn's overcomplicated design principles. >> I think they inadvertently became their enemies. Think of Nintendo in the last generation. I love the N64, but Nintendo made some poor decisions on it. Why? They were overconfident. They felt they couldn't be touched. Well, it looks like now Sony, which fought and won against the biggest competitor in the industry, is becoming a bit overconfident itself, which might hurt them in the next generation. It'll be an interesting battle when the Dolphin and PS2 are out at the same time. - -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 17:12:24 -0500 From: "ROBOTICK" Subject: Re: [N64] Dailyradar's treatment of the anti-aliasing solution for PS2 In the long run, the realease dates will not matter. No one will fully utilize the capabilities of any of the platforms for years. Look at the N64. Compare any of its earliest hits to one of the current popular games. The platform usually exceeds the current technological expectations by far enough that it takes most game makers years to catch up. - ----- Original Message ----- From: "Martin Wilson" To: Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2000 3:32 PM Subject: Re: [N64] Dailyradar's treatment of the anti-aliasing solution for PS2 On Wed, 28 Jun 2000 18:02:26 -0400 (EDT), you wrote: ))) )))If you go visit DR today you'll find a front page article on the company )))Volition's success in solving the AA problem on PS2. I got to )))thinking. If Dolphin came out and had the same problems as PS2, would )))there be a front page article DEFENDING it's deficiency? Would there be as )))much excitement over a solution? Instead of this DR question: "DR: Do you )))see the AA thing even being an issue for PS2 games by next year?" would a )))Volition representative be asked "Doesn't this solution to the AA problem )))STILL make games harder to develop for then for a system where AA isn't )))even an issue?"? Maybe I'm looking too much into this but I'll can't wait )))to see how Nintendo is treated on the site. ))) I'm getting a real strong suspicion that the PS2 ain't the great console that many think it is. I'm not anti Sony at all. If great games come out for it I'll buy it but I keep hearing its very hard to program, the DVD output is rough, initial games don't compare that well with the dreamcast, the firmware is buggy, some early hardware had compatibility problems in japan. To Sega's credit the Dreamcast is a very clever simplistic but powerful affair which is easy to program for. In fact if anything they copied the PSX's great design architecture (keep it simple) so why has Sony gone for this very complicated architecture which seems modelled on the Saturns overcomplicated design.principles. I know the PS2 will sell and sell but I bet many are in for a shock when they see how poorly many games will compare with the Dreamcast. Its probably going to be years before programmers can get the best out of it. I don't think the Dolphin will wipe the floor with it in fact I expect it will probably be 2/3rds as successful as PS2 but I'm sure the games will be much better. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 18:24:33 -0400 From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] Dailyradar's treatment of the anti-aliasing solution for PS2 - ----- Original Message ----- From: Martin Wilson To: Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2000 4:32 PM Subject: Re: [N64] Dailyradar's treatment of the anti-aliasing solution for PS2 > To Sega's credit the Dreamcast is > a very clever simplistic but powerful affair which is easy to program > for. In fact if anything they copied the PSX's great design > architecture (keep it simple) so why has Sony gone for this very > complicated architecture which seems modelled on the Saturns > overcomplicated design.principles. I think everytime somebody wants to make a console they get handed a big deck of cards with specs on it. Probably by a big ogre. Last time SEGA got the card with complicated hardware and Sony got simple hardware. Now it seems they switched cards. Last time Nintendo wouldn't draw a card since it felt bigger than the ogre so the ogre slapped Nintendo with the ugly stick and made Nintendo keep the card it got for the Virtual Boy (odd hardware & cartridge with some neat 3-D effects). That's what Miyamoto told me in a dream this afternoon. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 18:29:17 -0400 From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] Dailyradar's treatment of the anti-aliasing solution for PS2 - ----- Original Message ----- From: ROBOTICK To: Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2000 6:12 PM Subject: Re: [N64] Dailyradar's treatment of the anti-aliasing solution for PS2 > In the long run, the realease dates will not matter. No one will fully > utilize the capabilities of any of the platforms for years. Look at the > N64. Compare any of its earliest hits to one of the current popular games. > The platform usually exceeds the current technological expectations by far > enough that it takes most game makers years to catch up. Yes, but if you can't do much of anything with a platform in the beginning you have no hope at all. Atari Jaguar anyone? In the long run release dates to matter if Company N loses lits fanbase to Company S and Brand S becasue Company N took too loang to release their product. And talking what you said, how do you think Dreamcast games will look in winter 2001 compared to Dolphin? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 17:53:08 -0500 From: "ROBOTICK" Subject: Re: [N64] Company N I think the general public has caught on now and seen that Sega will shoot out the latest stuff as quickly as possible, then Sony with a little more quality , but Nintendo will follow up with a superior product. Then Sony will grab up every game it can get, regardless of quality, and line it's collection up in front of the platform and say,"Look how great we are!", and millions of little ignorant people will line up to buy millions of games like "Push the Button for Different Graphics", "Look, an Attractive Virtual Female", and "Samurai Gimmick!", but Nintendo will slowly pump out the hits. It's like comparing rotisserie chicken to cat food. It wasn't quite clear to everyone before, but I think they will have caught on this time. I expect Dolphin's games to be similar if not better than DC or Sony's games once they get things moving. You can't completely discredit them if some of the first few are as horrible as most of Playstation's games. - ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dave Rhodes" To: Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2000 5:29 PM Subject: Re: [N64] Dailyradar's treatment of the anti-aliasing solution for PS2 > In the long run, the realease dates will not matter. No one will fully > utilize the capabilities of any of the platforms for years. Look at the > N64. Compare any of its earliest hits to one of the current popular games. > The platform usually exceeds the current technological expectations by far > enough that it takes most game makers years to catch up. Yes, but if you can't do much of anything with a platform in the beginning you have no hope at all. Atari Jaguar anyone? In the long run release dates to matter if Company N loses lits fanbase to Company S and Brand S becasue Company N took too loang to release their product. And talking what you said, how do you think Dreamcast games will look in winter 2001 compared to Dolphin? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 17:54:16 -0500 From: "ROBOTICK" Subject: Re: [N64] At last Unlike Goldeneye, soldiers can see you anywhere as long as you're not beh= ind a solid object. So, being on a staircase or a different floor doesn't he= lp. In fact, it's a disadvantage because they are just as accurate shooting a= t angles as they are straight on, while you may not be. Some enemies like using cloaking devices, but it's easy to outsmart them. Wait out in the open until you hear a cloak turn off and then dive behind something while they shoot it. They'll stop shooting for a second just before they reclo= ak, which gives you enough time to empty their skull onto the pavement. Enem= ies can see your camspy/bombspy/etc. Crouching is a little awkward at first. You can crouch at two levels. Just remember to tap R twice to fully stan= d up. Disarming is better than even a gun in some cases. Oh yeah, and don= 't break your hand. - ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dave Rhodes" To: Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2000 11:51 AM Subject: Re: [N64] At last - ----- Original Message ----- From: Uncle Jingle To: Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2000 10:54 AM Subject: Re: [N64] At last > So, any hints on general gameplay? Lock the door, and hope they don't have blasters. ;) Play in lo-res, but use an Expansion Pak. Play Challenges 1-5 to get ya u= sed to the game, oh, and read the manual. Dave - - =E7=84=A1=E6=96=AD=E8=BB=A2=E8=BC=89=E3=82=92=E7=A6=81=E3=81=98=E3=81=BE= =E3=81=99=E3=80=82=E3=81=A7=E3=82=82=E3=83=AA=E3=83=B3=E3=82=AF=E3=81=AF=E6= =AD=93=E8=BF=8E=E3=81=97=E3=81=BE=E3=81=99=E3=80=82 - :*+m f)+- =C7=A7v^=D8=99,j=07 {.n+=C7=89 "=1A.^=D8=AA-z f=ED=A2=A3h+,=F1= =9A=8A=89r [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 18:18:58 -0500 From: Thraxen Subject: Re: [N64] Dailyradar's treatment of the anti-aliasing solution for PS2 I'm getting a real strong suspicion that the PS2 ain't the great console that many think it is. I'm not anti Sony at all. If great games come out for it I'll buy it but I keep hearing its very hard to program, the DVD output is rough, initial games don't compare that well with the dreamcast, the firmware is buggy, some early hardware had compatibility problems in japan. >>>>> I've heard most of those things...but not that the DVD output is rough...I have even read on major DVD sites that the DVD output is on par with stand alone players. <<<>> I doubt years...more like 2nd or 3rd generation...all you have to do is look at MGS2 to see that people are already figuring it out. <>> I think there will be a few game by Nintendo themselves that will past most if not all PS2 games, but I think the PS2 will will still end of with the most good games...IMO. Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 09:37:11 +1000 From: "Moody, Luke" Subject: RE: [N64] Dailyradar's treatment of the anti-aliasing solution fo r PS2 I heard it's good as if not better than standard DVD players with 5.1 audio as well. I don't own PSX but I'll by a PS2 when it come out here. Mainly for the DVD capabilities but forgames as well. But for games, I'm mainly waiting Dolphin to come out!!! > -----Original Message----- > From: Thraxen [] > Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 9:19 AM > To: > Subject: Re: [N64] Dailyradar's treatment of the anti-aliasing > solution for PS2 > > I'm getting a real strong suspicion that the PS2 ain't the great > console that many think it is. I'm not anti Sony at all. If great > games come out for it I'll buy it but I keep hearing its very hard to > program, the DVD output is rough, initial games don't compare that > well with the dreamcast, the firmware is buggy, some early hardware > had compatibility problems in japan. >>>>> > > I've heard most of those things...but not that the DVD output is rough...I > have even read on major DVD sites that the DVD output is on par with stand > alone players. > > > > <<< when they see how poorly many games will compare with the Dreamcast. > > Its probably going to be years before programmers can get the best out > of it.>>> > > I doubt years...more like 2nd or 3rd generation...all you have to do is > look > at MGS2 to see that people are already figuring it out. > > > < it will probably be 2/3rds as successful as PS2 but I'm sure the games > will be much better.>>> > > I think there will be a few game by Nintendo themselves that will past > most > if not all PS2 games, but I think the PS2 will will still end of with the > most good games...IMO. > > Stryder > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] ********************************************************************** Commonwealth Bank of Australia (ACN 123 123 124) ********************************************************************** [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 06:19:17 +0100 From: Martin Wilson Subject: Re: [N64] Dailyradar's treatment of the anti-aliasing solution for PS2 On Thu, 29 Jun 2000 17:12:24 -0500, you wrote: )))In the long run, the realease dates will not matter. No one will fully )))utilize the capabilities of any of the platforms for years. Look at the )))N64. Compare any of its earliest hits to one of the current popular games. )))The platform usually exceeds the current technological expectations by far )))enough that it takes most game makers years to catch up. Well while I agree that obviously later games normally make better use of the console sadly in the case of the N64 I don't think this is as true as many other consoles. Its my believe that one of the most impressive games was an early one, Pilotwings. Also because the N64 hasn't sold as many as some hoped its got some very rushed conversions which could easily have been better. Quake, Quake 2, Duke Nukem plus many others. Changing the subject a bit who are the N64s dream teams, developer wise. Obviously there's; Nintendo Rare Turok team at Acclaim Paradigm (Pilotwings, Beetle Racing, F1 GP) Are there any other developers who can really program the N64 well? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 02:15:49 -0400 From: "Dave Rhodes" Subject: Re: [N64] doin it up wit N64 - ----- Original Message ----- From: Martin Wilson To: Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 1:19 AM Subject: Re: [N64] Dailyradar's treatment of the anti-aliasing solution for PS2 > Changing the subject a bit who are the N64s dream teams, developer > wise. > > Obviously there's; > > Nintendo > Rare > Turok team at Acclaim > Paradigm (Pilotwings, Beetle Racing, F1 GP) > > Are there any other developers who can really program the N64 well? Whoever at Iguana (Acclaim) that did the All Star Baseball series. I'd have to say Midway also. Angel Studios did great with Resident Evil 2 Edge of Reality (Tony Hawk's Pro Skater) Boss Game Studios Dave After arriving in the States, I wondered why NASCAR was so huge. I mean, all you do is turn left. But then I realized, making a left turn in most cities is so annoying, that a giant high-speed continual left turn is the most liberating thing on Earth. - Frank O'Connor [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 09:53:22 -0400 (EDT) From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] doin it up wit N64 Add Eurocom to the list, perhaps Ubi Soft and Factor 5 On Fri, 30 Jun 2000, Dave Rhodes wrote: > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: Martin Wilson > To: > Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 1:19 AM > Subject: Re: [N64] Dailyradar's treatment of the anti-aliasing solution for > PS2 > > > > > Changing the subject a bit who are the N64s dream teams, developer > > wise. > > > > Obviously there's; > > > > Nintendo > > Rare > > Turok team at Acclaim > > Paradigm (Pilotwings, Beetle Racing, F1 GP) > > > > Are there any other developers who can really program the N64 well? > > Whoever at Iguana (Acclaim) that did the All Star Baseball series. > I'd have to say Midway also. > Angel Studios did great with Resident Evil 2 > Edge of Reality (Tony Hawk's Pro Skater) > Boss Game Studios > > Dave > > After arriving in the States, I wondered why NASCAR was so huge. I mean, all > you do is turn left. But then I realized, making a left turn in most cities > is so annoying, that a giant high-speed continual left turn is the most > liberating thing on Earth. - Frank O'Connor > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 10:16:04 -0600 From: "Gregory A. Swarthout" Subject: Re: [N64] At last wrote: > > In a message dated 06/29/2000 3:37:52 AM Pacific Daylight Time, > writes: > > << The eagerly awaited European release of Perfect Dark is only a mere 20 > hours > away, I just hope it lives up to the hype generated by you guys across the > pond. I've got tomorrow of work for the occasion, but unfortunately I've got > a damn wedding to attend on Saturday. > So have any of you got any first time play suggestions?. >> > > Just the obvious. Start on Agent, and work your way up. You might want to > try the target practice first too. Except if you go to target practice first, there aren't any guns there yet to practice with. Greg [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ End of n64-digest V1 #1293 ************************** [ To quit the n64-digest mailing list (big mistake), send the message ] [ "unsubscribe n64-digest" (without the quotes) to ]