From: (n64-digest) To: Subject: n64-digest V1 #140 Reply-To: n64-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk n64-digest Saturday, January 10 1998 Volume 01 : Number 140 [N64] ICQ!?!? Re: [N64] ICQ!?!? [N64] Zelda (GB) Help Needed [N64] N64 Game Box [N64] N64 Game Box - URL Re: [N64] Response to message about game cases. [N64] Buying N64 Games. Re: [N64] Buying N64 Games. Re: [N64] Response to message about game cases. Re: [N64] Buying N64 Games. Re: [N64] Buying N64 Games. Re: [N64] Buying N64 Games. Re: [N64] Nintendo software waining? Re: [N64] Response to message about game cases. [N64] Ed's rumor report Re: [N64] Goldeneye ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 09 Jan 1998 20:33:22 -0500 From: Tippyman Subject: [N64] ICQ!?!? ICQ? What be dat, jo? 1308304. Note:I get really pissy when people message me nonstop, especially when I'm working on my page. Jest some fair warning. ============================= Tippyman "Shut yer trap, Cletus!" ============================= [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 09 Jan 1998 19:46:04 +0100 From: ddr2153 Subject: Re: [N64] ICQ!?!? MY ICQ IS 6988846 [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 09 Jan 1998 21:14:42 -0500 From: Tippyman Subject: [N64] Zelda (GB) Help Needed Ok, ok, I know this is an N64 list, but my question relates to Nintendo. I'm stuck in Zelda: Link's Awakening for Gameboy. I'm trying to find the Nightmare Key in the Bottle Grotto, and I'm really stumped. It's annoying, because since I play my GB in school, I might actually have to concentrate on academics. Eww. Any help is appreciated. ============================== Tippyman "I wanna tar & lynch the KKK" ============================== [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 Jan 98 20:37:37 -0600 From: Stephen Norum Subject: [N64] N64 Game Box - --NeXT-Mail-1951306445-3 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline This is a gif. If it doesn't work out, to see the picture go to this URL: Sorry about not having it perfect, but if you have any questions on how to acctually make it, just E-mail me at: Okay then, here's the plans. Check out the site if this doesn't work. [An attachment was originally included here] How many people could or would build this anyways? SRN - - - - - --NeXT-Mail-1951306445-3 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=NeXT-Mail-476556434-4 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit - --NeXT-Mail-476556434-4 Content-Type: text/enriched; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline This is a gif. If it doesn't work out, to see the picture go to this URL: Sorry about not having it perfect, but if you have any questions on how to acctually make it, just E-mail me at: Okay then, here's the plans. Check out the site if this doesn't work. - --NeXT-Mail-476556434-4 Content-Type: image/gif; name=box.gif; x-unix-mode=0644 Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: inline; filename=box.gif R0lGODdhqgK+AfEAAAAAAFVVVf///wAADSwAAAAAqgK+AUAI/gAFCBxIsKDBgwgTKlzIsKHDhxAj SpxIsaLFixgzatzIsaPHjyBDihxJsqTJkyhTqlzJsqXLlzBjypxJs6bNmzhz6jQJAIBBnwKBEhQ6 sKdQn0CJBi3Yc+jSp0ifMjRaVKqAo1WvNoVaVGnQrVe1Do3qNOxXszvTql3Ltq3btzm9UpQLt65d jVQR0iUJVmLfmU3/jp24967hww6NFkbMuLHjhILFzl3MMjDlx5gzE1acV7Pnz5kj6+VMurTp05cb WgbNOiLq17AVt55Nu/bZqVNTHxT9crXt34x1Ax9O/CLvsgpjK1/OvLnz59CjS59Ovbr169dxf3Ve vLv3n5cp/gvfnbUiVovnzZefu55we7/vXceHmJ69Vb7IIX/fz3+yau3q3QefgPIRSN98D9XnnoEJ IpiYg/8x+KCEHhElXn8YZrjQcRCiZZ+HC4I4oIgFkngghQCO91OHG7KYnIv6ociRhQBqaKONHKKo IlMw6tUjeTK+GGSMJjY4pI9HAlnkhEtG2GRHNLZoHnZUVmnllVhmyZxOOT65I3JflhemVGOiVaaC I57544pJsvmklG9uFKWQH47WpYhelXljWgAE4GcANnV5IXpr8timoXESqeahYBpXaKOEMiqmmxXm h2Sdu3WmVVRHkWWmp4F1tWOeY52XFFcezplfZ6ea1aqq/kqRWtarqILU558zZpWnpgLSqqOjkpIJ 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SRN - - - - - --NeXT-Mail-476556434-4-- - --NeXT-Mail-1951306445-3-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 Jan 98 20:41:38 -0600 From: Stephen Norum Subject: [N64] N64 Game Box - URL If the MIME mail didn't work for you, to see the picture go to this URL: Sorry about not having it perfect, but if you have any questions on how to actually make it, just E-mail me at: How many people could or would build this? SRN - - - - [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 09 Jan 1998 19:58:52 -0500 From: (Kalweit, Derek) Subject: Re: [N64] Response to message about game cases. >I liked how there use to be a plastic case for SNES games but for some >reason, they stop coming with those. Maybe a budget problem? >I just keep my games in this very old wooden cd holder. It works and it >is full of mostly NES games seeing that I only have 2 N64 games. By the >way, how much would a TRADED in NES game cost? The last time I looked on >the internet, it was $0.15! I new game is like $1. Depends on the game. Email me with a list of games you're interested in getting rid of. I'm willing to spend quite a bit more than $.15 each if they're good ones... :) Derek Kalweit Email: Home Page: NES Files: [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 21:54:24 -0500 From: "Gamer N Style" Subject: [N64] Buying N64 Games. Hey, who knows of a good place to sell your used games? I would like to know their policies too. See, I have Duke Nukem 64, that my friend gave to me. Although it is a good game, I have played too much of the PC version and this one gets annoying and causes a weird feeling in me, I guess from the no music. I like it a lot but it is not something tha tI want. Also, the control is hard for me, as I am not used to the Turok style. Oh, on top of that, what would anyone pay for the game? I have the box and manual, but not any other card or that cardboard holder inside, I will have to use something else. I think that it would just be easier to go to a store. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 09 Jan 1998 21:57:39 -0500 From: (Kalweit, Derek) Subject: Re: [N64] Buying N64 Games. >Hey, who knows of a good place to sell your used games? >I would like to know their policies too. >See, I have Duke Nukem 64, that my friend gave to me. Although it is a good >game, I have played too much of the PC version and this one gets annoying >and causes a weird feeling in me, I guess from the no music. I like it a >lot but it is not something tha tI want. Also, the control is hard for me, >as I am not used to the Turok style. >Oh, on top of that, what would anyone pay for the game? I have the box and >manual, but not any other card or that cardboard holder inside, I will have >to use something else. I think that it would just be easier to go to a >store. I use Triangle Video Games(link at top of NES Files page). If he doesn't have what you want(to trade), Email him, and he can get it, most likely. :) He also buys(especially this newer stuff), but you get more $$ worth if you trade. :) Derek Kalweit Email: Home Page: NES Files: [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 21:56:08 EST From: Dash91284 Subject: Re: [N64] Response to message about game cases. I keep the games in their cases on a VHS cassette holder, so it's very much like your setup (I assume). The reason why I have cases is, I guess, just for my own personal preference. I do have the advantage of having a game holder AND a Memory Pak holder all in one case, which is convenient, seeing as how I have 1 memory pak for each of my games. Another advantage is I get real cool gamecards that Toys R Us uses to put on the front of the game case, almost creating the image of the game being in an offical case, like a PSX game. ~Dash [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 22:21:51 -0500 From: "Gamer N Style" Subject: Re: [N64] Buying N64 Games. Thanks. Does he give money? I want to see how much moola I can get. Oh, and what is the standard price for Babbages or Electronics Boutique, as far as money given for used software? - -----Original Message----- From: Kalweit, Derek To: Date: Friday, January 09, 1998 9:58 PM Subject: Re: [N64] Buying N64 Games. >>Hey, who knows of a good place to sell your used games? >>I would like to know their policies too. >>See, I have Duke Nukem 64, that my friend gave to me. Although it is a good >>game, I have played too much of the PC version and this one gets annoying >>and causes a weird feeling in me, I guess from the no music. I like it a >>lot but it is not something tha tI want. Also, the control is hard for me, >>as I am not used to the Turok style. >>Oh, on top of that, what would anyone pay for the game? I have the box and >>manual, but not any other card or that cardboard holder inside, I will have >>to use something else. I think that it would just be easier to go to a >>store. > >I use Triangle Video Games(link at top of NES Files page). If he doesn't >have what you want(to trade), Email him, and he can get it, most likely. :) >He also buys(especially this newer stuff), but you get more $$ worth if you >trade. :) > > Derek Kalweit > Email: > Home Page: > NES Files: > > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 09 Jan 1998 22:28:39 -0500 From: (Kalweit, Derek) Subject: Re: [N64] Buying N64 Games. >Thanks. >Does he give money? >I want to see how much moola I can get. >Oh, and what is the standard price for Babbages or Electronics Boutique, as >far as money given for used software? I believe they just go for trade-ins at those places. Triangle will pay money, yes.. Not sure how much. Derek Kalweit Email: Home Page: NES Files: [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 09 Jan 1998 22:29:15 -0500 From: (Kalweit, Derek) Subject: Re: [N64] Buying N64 Games. >Thanks. >Does he give money? >I want to see how much moola I can get. >Oh, and what is the standard price for Babbages or Electronics Boutique, as >far as money given for used software? I believe they just go for trade-ins at those places. Triangle will pay money, yes.. Not sure how much. Oh and tell him I sent you. Derek Kalweit Email: Home Page: NES Files: [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 00:28:58 -0700 From: "Mark J. Popp" Subject: Re: [N64] Nintendo software waining? At 02:49 PM 1/9/98 -0600, you wrote: >I hope this doesn't happen with Zelda 64. I doubt anything horrible will come of Zelda 64. With all the effort put into it, I can't see how it will flop. >personell, aging executives, creativity and so on. Not every game from >Nintendo and Rare is going to be a million seller. I remember some >not-so-great titles from the 8 bit era (Kid Icarus, Ice Climber, 10 yard >fight - I think those were all made by N) that fell into the mediocre >status. Kid Icarus wasn't mediocre, just underappreciated. You'll find a lot of people consider it one of their best games. 10 Yard Fight was also big back in the day. It just didn't have the big draw and lasting power of Mario and company. > I guess I'll judge YS when I play it. Ditto. If it's anything like YI, it can't be that bad, though it might be too easy. ************************************************************************ Mark J. Popp | | Calgary, Alberta, Canada ************************************************************************ [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 23:38:40 -0800 From: (Winston Chan) Subject: Re: [N64] Response to message about game cases. Hey, aren't Japan N64 boxes made out of plastic like the old sega genises one. That's what I heard. You can buy game casses and assessory from the Nintendo customer service line, right? Winston Chan On Fri, 9 Jan 1998 21:56:08 EST Dash91284 writes: >I keep the games in their cases on a VHS cassette holder, so it's very >much >like your setup (I assume). The reason why I have cases is, I guess, >just for >my own personal preference. I do have the advantage of having a game >holder >AND a Memory Pak holder all in one case, which is convenient, seeing >as how I >have 1 memory pak for each of my games. Another advantage is I get >real cool >gamecards that Toys R Us uses to put on the front of the game case, >almost >creating the image of the game being in an offical case, like a PSX >game. > >~Dash > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 23:40:46 -0800 From: (Winston Chan) Subject: [N64] Ed's rumor report Does anyone actually look at the "Ed's rumor report" thing on I looked at it a few times but got bored of it. I guess it was because I couldn't stand looking at the rumors. Any opinions? Winston Chan [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 19:40:53 +1100 From: Coolguy Subject: Re: [N64] Goldeneye At 09:02 09-01-98 -0600, you wrote: > >I am having problems beating depot on 007. Does anyone have a preference on >whether the computer should be blown up first, or the ammo dump? And is >there a way to lure guards to enter the shed you are in so you are not >exposed to 5-6 guards all shooting at you? > I always do the ammo dump first, so I can get the rocket launcher. Then I use it to blow the crap out of that *ucking drone gun. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ End of n64-digest V1 #140 ************************* [ To quit the n64-digest mailing list (big mistake), send the message ] [ "unsubscribe n64-digest" (without the quotes) to ]