From: (n64-digest) To: Subject: n64-digest V1 #376 Reply-To: n64-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk n64-digest Saturday, July 18 1998 Volume 01 : Number 376 Re: [N64] N64 at the movies Re: [N64] wrestling Re: [N64] Box Art opinion Re: [N64] Box Art opinion Re: [N64] N64 at the movies Re: [N64]DreamCAST!! (N64 Games) Re: [N64]DreamCAST!! (N64 Games) Re: [N64] N64 at the movies Re: [N64] N64 at the movies [N64] November releases!! [N64] NFL Blitz [N64] NINTENDO AT THE DAMN MOVIES???? [N64] Warzone N64 stuff!! Re: [N64] NINTENDO AT THE DAMN MOVIES???? [N64] Re: n64-don't change Nintendo Re: [N64] N64 at the movies Re: [N64] N64 at the movies Re: [N64] N64 at the movies (Stryder) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 01:34:34 -0600 From: "Ian \"Asha'man_X\" Dickson" Subject: Re: [N64] N64 at the movies >And, there won't be any need for multiplayer, seeing that multiplayer >looks seeming less impossible (Maybe a split screen but you could >easily look at the other players window Don't rule out the modem built in to the cartridge. That's a good possibility for a game such as StarCraft. How fast a modem could they put into though, without jacking the price sky high? 14.4? 28.8? It's a tough call. Maybe Nintendo should create a modem cartridge that you plug into the N64, and then plug a game cartridge into the modem (kind of like X-Band). That way, they could keep the cost of the games that would use it, relatively low, and reach into another market such as the Internet. - -Ian "Asha'man_X" Dickson Known as Blasted_1 on [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 04:20:20 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] wrestling In a message dated 98-07-17 15:48:24 EDT, you write: << After all these talk about wrestling, I still have no clue what's so good about WarZone. Nobody told me why this game is going to be great, how many wrestlers will be in the game, what's great about this wrestling game that no other wrestling game have?? >> The BEST graphics, and best of all... STONECOLD STEVE AUSTIN IS IN IT!!!! That guy is so freaking popular that at the mall, many stores starts selling his merchandise. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 04:25:00 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] Box Art opinion In a message dated 98-07-17 13:01:00 EDT, you write: << Does it really matter? Do you really buy a game for the Box Art? I just hope that F-Zero X's box has screenshots instead of a mini comic on the bak of the box. >> Yes it matters. I'm tired of getting ugly-ass boxes. Look at NBA Hangtime for the 64, the art is total crap. To me, I prefer a nice package, and Japanese games comes in a much better package then American games, better manuals, better art, better box, etc. Again, it's no big deal, but it matters to me. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 05:04:47 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] Box Art opinion In a message dated 98-07-18 02:21:21 EDT, you write: << levels, number of characters (what's wrong with that, that you stated up there?), etc. And why would the designers put in "The graphics sucks"? The whole point is to sell the game. >> I hate those stupid game companies that put "5 different modes of play!!" When in reality, it's just 5 versions of the same thing.... [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 05:06:45 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] N64 at the movies All I want is Tekken: The MOVIE!!! Not with lame-ass real life actors, but I want a movie with CGs!!!!! And let the Japanese do it, because Japanese do much better fight scenes.... That's all I want, a Tekken movie. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 05:14:22 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64]DreamCAST!! (N64 Games) In a message dated 98-07-17 09:23:01 EDT, you write: << >I don't see how you can only anticipate those titles in the next year? >There are 9 games I want to get BY THE END OF THIS YEAR! They include, >Zelda, Castlevania, F-Zero, and others. I think the N64 has a great linup >for the next year, much better than in previous ones. >> Like I said, I HATE RPGS, so I don't give a crap about Zelda, and I never liked the orinigal F-Zero, Castlevania... I don't know, I hated the PSX version, like I said, all I'm interested in so far is WWF Warzone, Jet Force Jemini, Perfect Dark, and probably WCW/nWo Revenge [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 08:29:34 -0400 From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64]DreamCAST!! (N64 Games) Hey, I dilike RPG's too (I HATE FF7 it's a totla piece of crap), but it's ZELDA, not your normal RPG. Zelda almost resembles a platformer at times, as you can actually do damge without resorting to some crappy turn based system as in FF7. - -----Original Message----- From: To: Date: Saturday, July 18, 1998 5:15 AM Subject: Re: [N64]DreamCAST!! (N64 Games) >In a message dated 98-07-17 09:23:01 EDT, you write: > ><< > >I don't see how you can only anticipate those titles in the next year? > >There are 9 games I want to get BY THE END OF THIS YEAR! They include, > >Zelda, Castlevania, F-Zero, and others. I think the N64 has a great linup > >for the next year, much better than in previous ones. >> > > > Like I said, I HATE RPGS, so I don't give a crap about Zelda, and I never >liked the orinigal F-Zero, Castlevania... I don't know, I hated the PSX >version, like I said, all I'm interested in so far is WWF Warzone, Jet Force >Jemini, Perfect Dark, and probably WCW/nWo Revenge > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 08:33:10 -0400 From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] N64 at the movies Maybe you haven't played a good terran player. I personally don't like Terran, but I have seen people who are good at them. The Zerg, frnakly, don't need a lot of defense, The key with them is to always be on offense. It is NOT true that a stimed marine will kill a hydra. That's bizzare, there's no way that can happen. A hydra has twic= e the hitpoitns, and does more damage. Hydras, I have to admit, do rock. Especially when you ahve them in 3 temas of 12, like I usually do =3D) Oh, BTW, my favorite race is still Protoss. - -----Original Message----- From: To: Date: Saturday, July 18, 1998 3:01 AM Subject: Re: [N64] N64 at the movies >Zerg might have good offense, but they have sucky defense. Why, the only >thing they have are those suken and spore colonies which can easily be >destroyed. Those suken colonies only do 20 points of damage and those >spores are as week as hell. Any species can just break though any zerg >defense. Lets see, hydras are like, 75 minerals and 25 gas. These things >are the same as Marines. Actually, one marine can kick a hydras ass with >the stim. They are only good against protoss Scouts. > >Anyways, I never played some real time strategy game on a console. It ha= s >only been on computer so I was wondering how the controls would be on a >console game like Red-alert or SC? Is it the same, but the use of a D-pa= d >or control stick? > >Winston Chan > > >On Fri, 17 Jul 1998 23:43:41 -0600 D Fentie writes: >>terrans suck, zerg are the best race to be. My record is 190-2 >>I >>am always zerg and have NEVER lost to a terran. the zerg can break >>through any defence and create any offence for any occassion quick and >>easy. HYDRAS RULE. by the way, this is not off topic!!!!! this IS a >>game which is coming on to N64. >> >> wrote: >>> >>> Yup. Starcraft would definately make a kick ass movie with its dope >>ass >>> plot. Its FMVs put together make up one hour already (I think). No >>wait, >>> terran rules.(I know I going off topic a bit). Anyways, I see that >>the >>> only way SC would go on the N64 via 64dd, whenever thats coming out. >>Its >>> about 98 MB without the FMVs. And, there won't be any need for >>> multiplayer, seeing that multiplayer looks seeming less impossible >>(Maybe >>> a split screen but you could easily look at the other players >>window). It >>> wouldn't be a good port, even if you could design your own levels. >>And >>> considering the cost. A 64DD disk might be said to be cheaper than >>the >>> CDs but then its missing all the action. >>> >>> Winston Chan >>> >>> On Fri, 17 Jul 1998 20:24:29 -0600 D Fentie >>writes: >>> >I would REALLY like to see StarCraft as a movie. That would be >>> >awesome. By the way, if you are debating whether to get StarCraft >>for >>> >PC or N64, get the PC version because it has better graphics, >>> >features, >>> >you can customize and make your own scenarios and THE MULTIPLAYER >>ON >>> >B.NET AND MODEM KICKS A=A7=A7!! ZERG RULE. (if you dont play or >>havent >>> >seen starcraft... dont ask what "zerg" means) >>> > >>> >TiM wrote: >>> >> >>> >> Not to be a traitor, but Tombraider and Resident Evil are big >>movies >>> >that >>> >> are in the making and there theme is really big. Tombraider: A >>hot >>> >babe >>> >> that goes around strange places and kills tons of enemies. >>> >> And Resident Evil: A cop that finds a town that has been taken >>over >>> >by >>> >> Zombies. >>> >> >>> >> They all will be good movies. >>> >> >>> >> Mario brothers is about two italian plumbers who find a world >>that >>> >has a >>> >> giant lizard running the place. >>> >> >>> >> I like Mario and all but, our games are just not cut out >>to >>> >be movies! >>> >> >>> >> -TiM >>> >> >>> >> ---------- >>> >> > From: Ian "Asha'man_X" Dickson >>> >> > To: >>> >> > Subject: Re: [N64] N64 at the movies >>> >> > Date: Friday, July 17, 1998 7:50 PM >>> >> > >>> >> > Hey! I thought that was a pretty good movie. :-) It was a >>new >>> >and >>> >> > interesting take on the Mario Bros. Unfortunately, we're going >>to >>> >be >>> >> seeing >>> >> > quite a few games making their way to movies. Tomb Raider and >>> >Duke Nukem >>> >> > are a couple of them. Ummmm...wait...that's it for now. :-) >>> >> > >>> >> > -Ian "Asha'man_X" Dickson >>> >> > >>> >> > >>> >> > -----Original Message----- >>> >> > From: D Fentie >>> >> > To: >>> >> > Date: Friday, July 17, 1998 4:10 PM >>> >> > Subject: [N64] N64 at the movies >>> >> > >>> >> > >>> >> > >I thought that one of the biggest mistakes of nintendo >>(besides >>> >the >>> >> > >virtual boy) was when they made the supermario bros. movie. I >>> >watched >>> >> > >that once when I was about 12 and I thought that it was >>> >horrible... even >>> >> > >then. I hope they don't make anymore movies because it just >>isnt >>> >the >>> >> > >same and when we meet their character, they seem strange >>> >(remember how >>> >> > >stupid bowser looked on the movie?). >>> >> > >>> >> > >>> >> > >>> >> > >>> >> > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe >>n64" >>> >] >>> >> > [ (without the quotes) to >>> >] >>> >> >>> >> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe >>n64" ] >>> >> [ (without the quotes) to >> ] >>> > >>> >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" >>] >>> >[ (without the quotes) to >>] >>> > >>> >>> >>_____________________________________________________________________ >>> You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. >>> Get completely free e-mail from Juno at >>> Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] >>> >>> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >>> [ (without the quotes) to ] >> >>[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >>[ (without the quotes) to ] >> > >_____________________________________________________________________ >You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. >Get completely free e-mail from Juno at >Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 08:34:06 -0400 From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] N64 at the movies >On Fri, 17 Jul 1998, D Fentie wrote: > >> I have played starcraft for over 500 hours at least. it is the best >> game right now out and it beats the freeking pants off banjo kazooie or >> any other game. why? it has the best replay value ever and you can >> play against other people in real time... it is never different. I could >> go on for hours but I havent that much time to tell you why it's so >> great > > >Not if you hate strategy games, like myself. I could care less about all >those damn Starcrafts, Warcrafts, Civilizations, etc, etc... They suck. >IMO of course :) > >Stryder To each his own, I guess. I hate RPG's, you hate RTS. Maybe we're both missing something. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- ICQ: 1907649 Starcraft clan: GOC.M: "Through blood, there will be honor" - --------------------------------------------------------------- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 09:00:34 -0400 From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: [N64] November releases!! Holy crap.. have you seen the lineup for games in November? Rogue Squadron, Zelda, Castlvania, NBA Live AND Jam '99, Rush 2, Wipeout, Top Gear Overdrive, Survivor, Micro Machines, the list just keeps on going. Granted, some will prolly be delayed, but I'm gonna have to be saving up for that month. Fortunately, my b-day is Nov 13 =) [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 14:41:26 -0600 From: Allan Subject: [N64] NFL Blitz Hi all. Is anyone excited about NFL Blitz? I have never played the arcade version so I do not what it is like. Allan [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 08:20:08 -0500 From: Subject: [N64] NINTENDO AT THE DAMN MOVIES???? Ok, I have a problem here. I talk about the wrestling game WWF Warzone, and you guys get mad when I even do that. And you tell us to stop!!! Stop contradicting your self! See ya. Scott. _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 08:20:46 -0500 From: Subject: [N64] Warzone N64 stuff!! WARZONE CONTROLS: BLK=BLOCK K=KICK CLM=CLIMB P=PUNCH TU=TIE UP T=TOWARD B=BACK U=UP D=DOWN *ALL MOVES ARE DESCRIBED ON WHETHER OR NOT U ARE FACINGTO THE RIGHT POSE:K,TU TAUNT:P,BLK SLAM GUYS HEAD INTO CAGE: ->,P ON TOP OF CAGE: P, or K "STONE COLD" STEVE AUSTIN "STONE COLD" STEVE AUSTIN WHEN CLOSE TO THE GUY: arm wrench: T,T,P COBRA: T,U,TU FRONT BACKBREAKER: T,D,TU POWER BOMB: T,B,P SAMOAN DROP: T, U, P DDT: T,D,K BELLY TO BELLY: T, B,TU SPINE BUSTER: U,D,K SINGLE ARM DDT:T,U,K CLOTHESLINE:U,U,P SIDE BELLY TO BELLY: U,U,K VERTICAL SUPLEX: U,D,TU HAMMERLOCK:T,T,TU SHORT ARM CLOTHES LINE: T,T,K DO THESE FROM BEHIND YOUR GUY: PUMP HANDLE SLAM: K COBRA: PREVERSE DDT: TU SIDE SLAM: U, TU WHEN THE GUY IS ON THE GROUND: DIVING ELBOW SMASH:D,P FIST DROP: P LEG DROP: D, K STOMP: K FRONT ELBOW: while running tap P LEG DROP: while running,TU RUNNING ELBOW: while running, K WHEN GUY IS STUNNED AND ON THE GROUND: HALF CRAB: near feet, T,B, K STEP OVER TOEHOLD: FEET,T, U ,K STF: feet, T,D,K CLOVERLEAF:FEET, U,D,K ARM WRENCH: HEAD,T,B,P PAINKILLER: HEAD,T,U,P REAR CHIN LOCK:T,D,P REVERSE CHIN LOCK:HEAD:U,D,P STANDING ARM BAR: T,T,P OFF THE TOP ROPE: DOUBLE FOOT STOMP: guy on the ground: K DRIVING ELBOW: ground:P FIST DROP: groundBLK SPLASH:ground TU BIONIC ELBOW: standing, k CLOTHESLINE:standing, P FOREARM SMASH:standing BLK SHOULDER TACKLE: standing, TU CORNER MOVES: stunned and in the corner CLIMB TURNBUCKLE AND PUMMEL: P REPEATED ELBOWS: TU REPEATED KICKS:K BELLY TO BELLY: U, U, K TOP ROPE SUPLEX:U, U,TU HEAD RAM: behind guy P PUMP HANDLE SLAM: K CHARGING CLOTHESLINE:while running, P FINISHERS:STONE COLD STUNNER IN A TIE UP: T,T,TU. GUY HAS TO BE IN RED.or WHEN CLOSE TO YOUR GUY: T,T,U,TU+BLK OTHER WRESTLERS FINISHERS: THE ROCK: T, T, U, P+TU MANKIND: T, B, U, TU TRIPLE H: T, D, B, P+TU KANE/UTAKER: U, D, TU FAAROOQ: U, U, U, TU+BLK GOLDUST: T, T, TU MICHAELS: T, D, U, K AHMED: T, B, U, K+BLK THRASHER: TOP TURNBUCKLE TU+BLK SHAMROCK: T, D, B, K BULLDOG: U, U, TU MOSH: TOP TURBUCKLE P - --------------------------------- Warzone Moves for THE ROCK Done when close to the guy: front face DDT: T,B,P arm drag: U,U,P drop toehold: D,D,K SHORT ARM CLOTHESLINE:U,U,TU MAIVA HURRICANE: T,B,U,P HEADLOCK TAKEDOWN: T,T,TU OVERHEAD BELLY TO BELLY: T, U ,TU JAPANESE ARM DRAG: D,D,P samoan drop: T,U,P SHOULDER BREAKER: T,D, P SPINE BUSTER: U,D,P SIDE BELLY TO BELLY: U,U K TIE UP MOVES: DOUBLEUNDERHOOK Suplex: T,D,K PILEDRIVER: U,D, TU ARM DRAG: K SHOULDER BREAKER: P DDT: TU BELLY TO BELLY: T, K ATOMIC DROP: T, P BRAIN BUSTER: T, B, P IRISH WHIP: BLK SIDE WALK SLAM: T, TU Running attacks: CRUCIFIX: TU DROP KICK: K FLYING CLOTHESLINE: P HURRICANRANNA: K+BLK BEHIND THE GUY: VICTORY ROLL: U, TU REVERSE DDT: TU BELLY TO BELLY: T, P CHICKEN WING: K PUMP HANDLE SLAM: P Attacks against running: BACK BODY DROP: P DROP KICK: K HURRICANRANNA: T, K POWER SLAM: TU Ground attack: leg drop: D, K splash: P STOMP:K STANDING MOONSAULT: BLK RUNNING KNEE DROP: when running, K LEG DROP: when running tap p DIVING SPLASH: while running tap TU ground holds: elbow drop(peoples elbow???): T, B,K INVERTED STF: T,U,K SPINING TOEHOLD: T,D,K STF: U,D K REVERSE CHIN LOCK: T, B,P SHORT ARM SCISSORS: T, U, P STANDING ARM BAR: T, D, P OFF THE ROPE: ELBOW: guy on the ground: p fist: ground: blk SPLASH: ground TU knee drop: ground: K BODY PRESS standing: tu CLOTHESLINE: standing: p DROP KICK: standing: k shoulder tackle: standing, blk Corner moves: climb turnbucle and punch: p choke with boot: k head scissors: tu STINGER SPLASH:T, T, P SWINING DDT: T,T, K BELLY TO BELLY: U,U, P HURICANRANNA:U,U,K SUPERPLEX:U,U,TU HEAD POUND: when behind guy, P PUMP HANDLE SLAM: behind guy, k AVALANCHE: when running, P ROCK BOTTOM: when close to guy : t,t, u, and p+tu - -------------------- Hidden Stuff for N64 and PSX LOD 2000: Win title with each Headbanger. Dude Love: Win IC title with Mankind. Cactus Jack: Win World title with Mankind. Chyna: Win title with Triple H. Wrestlemania Ring: Awarded to player when they beat the season mode. (You fight your title match in it.) As the revolution said this might not be true but hey you never know. >From Strictly N64 _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 09:53:02 -0400 From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] NINTENDO AT THE DAMN MOVIES???? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?? Are you illiterate? or do you only read your own posts? This is like the third time someone has said this, but NO ONE HAS A PROBLEM WITH TALKING ABOUT WARZONE!! Talk about Warzone all you want. The reason Ian got pissed is because people were talking about whether or not wrestling is a sport? IS this getting through to you? YOU CAN TALK ABOUT WARZONE IF YOU WANT! One more time, in case it takes a while for things to filter down into you brain... talk about Warzone all you want. - -----Original Message----- From: To: Date: Saturday, July 18, 1998 9:39 AM Subject: [N64] NINTENDO AT THE DAMN MOVIES???? >Ok, I have a problem here. I talk about the wrestling game WWF Warzone, >and you guys get mad when I even do that. And you tell us to stop!!! >Stop contradicting your self! > >See ya. > >Scott. > >_____________________________________________________________________ >You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. >Get completely free e-mail from Juno at >Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 10:04:19 -0400 (EDT) From: (Terry Lewis) Subject: [N64] Re: n64-don't change Nintendo First I want to apologize for the last message which simply says: "Trey states" and has the list attached. I was trying to cut and paste the previous message when all of the keys locked down and the message was sent unfinished. I guess it's time to buy a computer ( I am sending these messages via webtv). To paraphrase Trey's previous message dated 7/17/98, he was making a good point about NIntendo's philosophy of getting the most out of each console before they move on to the next one. I simply wanted to also say I appreciate this about the company and this is the main reason I continue to support it above the others. It is my opinion that Sega has had the opposite approach of abandoning consoles rather suddenly. I realize there were business reasons for doing so in the past, but as a consumer, I like to get the most out of a purchase before I shell out another x amount of money for the next great thing. I have read that the Playstation 2 was initially going to be designed to play the games that have been developed for the current console, but that the industry did not want the new games to have to compete with the classics currently on the shelf. As a result, Sony has had to rethink their position (I'm sure someone out there has more info. on this in greater detail) . Maybe, this is an indication that Sony has learned something from Nintendo about securing the loyalty of the customer. As for the Dreamcast, I'm afraid it's wait and see for me . I won't be one of the first people in line for this one like I was for the N64. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 10:05:10 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] N64 at the movies In a message dated 7/17/98 10:35:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time, win- writes: << Not to be a traitor, but Tombraider and Resident Evil are big movies >that >> are in the making and there theme is really big. Tombraider: A hot >babe >> that goes around strange places and kills tons of enemies. >> And Resident Evil: A cop that finds a town that has been taken over >by >> Zombies. >> >> They all will be good movies. >> >> Mario brothers is about two italian plumbers who find a world that >has a >> giant lizard running the place. >> >> I like Mario and all but, our games are just not cut out to >be movies! >> >> -TiM >> >> i don't know what ya'll think, but i think that Zelda qould make a kickass movie, i remember the old catoon show, that rocked =) BTW, speaking of old cartoons, does anyone here remember "CAPTAIN N, THE GAME MASTER!!!!1" that was alwasy te coolest, o, and BTW my litle brother wants me to asdd that MEgaMan would make a cool movie Ok, peace out, Pete Frye [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 10:09:18 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] N64 at the movies In a message dated 7/17/98 10:51:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: << I dont think Zelda should come to the big screen becuase its another odd tail like a pointy eared boy in tights running around with strange creatures for a 3d Yellow glowing triforce. >> well, think about Willow, that was a f__ked up plot, but it made a great movie, think about Star WArs, that was as weird as they come, so the weirdness isn't alwasy a factor to a good....or bad movie IMHO Zelda qould make a great movie, and so would CHRONO TRIGGER!!! that would rock, i'd love to see that, althought the thing i hate about movie is, they always chop up the real story oh well PEace out Pete Frye [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 10:49:52 EDT From: Subject: Re: [N64] N64 at the movies (Stryder) You misunderstood me there a little.... I was not talking about FF when I said weird monsters, little zap guns, and mature level. I meant more like Mario-type monsters and little-zap guns like in Racal (For Playstation) Don't get me wrong here, Star Wars does have zap guns, but they are a little bit more "realistic". Also, the monsters/aliens did not look too fake (i.e. Power Rangers, hehehe [no, i dont watch it]) Resident Evil, while it does have weird monsters, they are just a little more realistic dont you think? Thank you, and sorry for any confusion.... - Michael - - In a message dated 98-07-18 02:19:24 EDT, you write: << On Fri, 17 Jul 1998 wrote: > I agree with you on the second part, but not the first part... I never liked > FF (any of them) I think it is kind of boring, and too un-realistic. Please do Ack!! Too Bad...Oh well, you can like what you want...but let me point out that your opinion about 'too un-realistic' is kind of silly. For me anyway, the reason I play video games is because they are unrealistic; it is an escape from the real world. My favorite types of games are RPGs, Adventure/Platformers (like RE2 and Banjo), and destructive games like Twisted Metal, Vigilante 8, and Critical Depth. None are very realistic. I read fantasy books for the same reason...screw Tom Clancy...I want stuff not based on this world (as we know it). > think any games with a kiddie-fantasy type plot (weird monsters, little zap > guns, etc) would make a good movie. Games on the more mature level (Resident > Evil, Goldeneye, etc) make/will probably make good movies. Thank you.... Uhh, I don't think they are more 'mature'...that is stupid. Every FF game that has come to the US has been edited for 'mature' content. Except FF7, and it almost was. BTW, there are already a lot of anime movies based on FF as well as a CG movie that is supposed to be in the works. Also, you say that FF games have 'weird monsters', then you list RE2 as a good case you did not notice, it contains some pretty wierd monsters. don't think a game with 'little zap guns' and 'wierd monsters' would make a good movie??? Sounds like your typical Alien or Star Wars movie to me. Those are pretty good movies...are they not? Stryder >> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------ End of n64-digest V1 #376 ************************* [ To quit the n64-digest mailing list (big mistake), send the message ] [ "unsubscribe n64-digest" (without the quotes) to ]