From: (orb-digest) To: Subject: orb-digest V2 #50 Reply-To: orb-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes orb-digest Friday, March 27 1998 Volume 02 : Number 050 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 25 Mar 1998 09:09:39 -0500 From: (The Nightfly) Subject: (orb) War of the Words.... Hey, let's cool it with the flames. I don't think JC meant any offense by that remark. I certainly didn't take any offense, and I'm an American. BUT, while we're at it ;) regarding the remark about if it weren't for the Americans, the French would be...what, eating saugsage, or something like that? Let me point out (and MY ancestry is German, Irish, Scottish, and English) that if it weren't for the French, Americans would be singing God Save the Queen today.... My point: We should be WAY past these types of comments. It can be a sore subject for some, I understand, but things can be misinterpreted, or stated awkwardly, and as a result, tempers can flare. (All of a sudden, I get this image of Monty Python in my head: "Let's not bicker and argue about who killed who!") And now, for something completely different: Sorry, I had to get my 2 cents in.... - --Vincent # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Mar 1998 09:35:52 -0500 From: Subject: Re: (orb) War of the Words.... > Hey, let's cool it with the flames. > > I don't think JC meant any offense by that remark. I certainly didn't > take any offense, and I'm an American. > My point: We should be WAY past these types of comments. It can be > a sore subject for some, I understand, but things can be misinterpreted, > or stated awkwardly, and as a result, tempers can flare. Amen. I'm sure there's a newsgroup out there somewhere where you can vent all your nationistic prejudices. This isn't it! james (yes, i know this isn't a newsgroup, but it sounded pretty good) # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Mar 1998 08:53:04 -0600 From: John Goelzer Subject: RE: (orb) War of the Words.... Yeah, I remember inadvertently starting a US/England flame was several months back when I asked someone "don't they have sarcasm over there in England?" It wasn't meant as a dis; had he been from Zimbabwe I would have said "don't they have sarcasm over there in Zimbabwe." But it got taken the wrong way. And I must admit that I took JC's comment the wrong way and had a scathing reply all set (rife with witticisms about his beret being on too tight, having some bad escargot, wine-and-cheese addled, sex-mad brain, etc.) but decided to cancel sending it at the last minute. I don't care where you live, but am still up for a good ol' Mac vs. PC battle if anyone else is (just kidding - I've endured like three in the past month on other mailing lists). To include some Orb content: one person reported spotting the VW/LFC commercial - has anyone else seen it? On national US network TV? When and where? I WANT TO SEE IT! JgfromMilwaukee :-) -----Original Message----- From: [] Subject: (orb) War of the Words.... My point: We should be WAY past these types of comments. It can be a sore subject for some, I understand, but things can be misinterpreted, or stated awkwardly, and as a result, tempers can flare. --Vincent # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Mar 1998 10:38:02 -0600 From: (Dan LeBoeuf) Subject: (orb) HA HA... speaking of nationalism Did anyone see the fuckhead Bill Clinton in Uganda? Dan # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Mar 1998 11:51:38 EST From: Boating11 Subject: (orb) words <> I absolutely agree. I love the diversity of the list, people all over the world bonded by their admiration for the music made ny the Orb. This type of bickering is childish, nationalistic, and contrary to the vibe that flows when you put on an orb platter. Uh, as they say... peace. David # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Mar 1998 12:12:13 -0500 From: matthew glidden Subject: RE: (orb) War of the Words..../ LFC/VW connexion At 08:53 AM 3/25/98 -0600, you wrote: >To include some Orb content: one person reported spotting the VW/LFC >commercial - has anyone else seen it? On national US network TV? When >and where? I WANT TO SEE IT! i've seen parts of it a couple times on mtv...and i haven't watched if you watch it for a while (you can turn the sound off it you want ;) you'll probably see it. sergio. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Mar 1998 11:31:02 -0600 From: blue room Subject: Re: (orb) Not really an Orb topic, but worth a mention At 10:30 AM 3/24/98, Mark wrote: > >Check out for some information (the AON pages are >pretty abstract, but they DO say flat-out that AON is putting together >a new album..) Somewhat less abstract info at I wonder if AoN knows that their bud Mr. Creme is telling the world. ;] Sounds like this may even be a DVD or CD-ROM release... blueroom - ...and now back to the Orb # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Mar 1998 12:52:32 EST From: LiquidW Subject: (orb) war of the words i dont care what country anyone happens to come from , or where their anscestors are from.....EVERYONE SUCKS!!!!! (but if i had to love anyone , it would be "orblist" people... ...and J.C ? as one of my alltime favorite bands "Gong" said(sorry about my French spelling)....."Je ne fume de bannana" ;) sorry guys # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Mar 1998 13:35:03 -0400 From: beRt d'Eon Subject: Re: (orb) words At 11:51 AM 25/03/98 EST, you wrote: You probably all know now that the person JC was talking too isn't even American, but that's besides the point. Has anyone else ever noticed how British people insult their friends WAY worse than other poeple they don't really know. It just seems to be what happens over there. Maybe JC was doing the same thing (even though he's french). I certainly didn't take his coments very seriously at all. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Mar 1998 12:37:05 -0600 From: holli Subject: Re: (orb) words Since I'm sick of reading every possible analyzation of JC's remark (I'm an American and frankly, I don't give a rat's ass who does or does not like me.... I just had to respond because I thought starting that comment out by saying "don't flame me" was an oxymoron of sorts...) Anyway, I'm going to change the subject.... How about.... Why women are superior to men.... kidding... (as far as you know) Seriously, I'm waiting on the U2/Orb remix cd to get here.... Haven't decided what to do with it (other than immediately have it put on cd) Any suggestions? : ) holli - -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "I want to seize fate by the throat." - Ludwig van Beethoven =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Mar 1998 15:24:20 -0500 (EST) From: Ian Livingston Subject: (orb) Lakesho' Reject Exchange >Hello all, > Last week I ordered three cds from the Lakeshore Record Exchange >( and finally got them today: Oxbbow Lakes and >Orbscure Trax.. I also ordered the Blue room single when it was in >stock, but to no avail. The invoice said it was out of stock. Anyway, >when my wife told me at work that the cd's had arrived she told me that >both looked as if they had been used. That got me pissed. I wasn't about >to pay $45.00 for used cds, especially if they come from a provider with >a list as long as Lakeshores. When I got home and called them I spoke to >a fellow Orbster. She said that she was an Orb fan and that its common >because the cds are out of print and the owner had to go to England to >buy them. >Anyway, I'm still happy with my purchase, and hope soon to have that >always elusive Blue room (been loking for over 5 years now). >Jo Shlong >These are the same people someone posted about awhile ago saying that >they had the Patterns and Textures video. Well, they do, although their >service can best be described as "unhurried". >The video iteself is clearly a bootleg, although the quality of the >video and audio is certainly acceptable. If you want to own this, and >don't care about whether it is original product or not, check Lakeside >out. >Chris >(who still wants a official, original copy of P&T, not to mention the >soundtrack CD) Yeah, the owners at Lakeshore are pretty shameless about selling used cds and copies of video tapes for grossly inflated prices. I've also been informed that they make their own cd complilations where they put rare songs on; I'd say this is copyright infringement to the max. As far as the "Patterns and Textures" video, the owner borrowed the original from my friend and then went right ahead and taped it; now he is selling it for $35 f@$#ing dollars! This guy is a total greedy bastard and I can't wait until the Feds storm the place and bring him up on copyright infringement charges. I will never buy another cd from Lakeshore record Exchange and I urge everyone else to do likewise. Besides, I can get my cds from other sources on the internet and cheaper too. ionman # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Mar 1998 15:40:52 EST From: LiquidW Subject: Re: (orb) visitor bootleg speaking of "bootlegs" I saw an Orb cd for sale yesterday , "the visitor" It is exactly the same as anthology 1 , they didnt even change the back. They had two , and it was in their "import" section (at Uncle Sams music) anyway , if any freak wants it....... # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Mar 1998 15:47:24 -0500 From: Adam J Weitzman Subject: (orb) Re: Lakesho' Reject Exchange Just to put in a dissenting opinion, I've ordered from Lakeshore about five or six times and have never had a problem. Whenever a place advertises rarities or promos I assume that they are used, but even given that leeway, the stuff I've received from them has been more than acceptable: no torn covers, broken cases, scratched CDs or anything else untoward. Their prices on a lot of things are high, but their prices on a lot of other things are perfectly reasonable. I've never waited more than a week for merchandise from them. If they're selling bootlegs or "homemade" compilations, that's another story, but it's not one I've been subjected to and can speak to. I can only say that my multiple experiences with Lakeshore have been fine. - -- Adam J Weitzman, NewsEdge Corp. --- -- "It appears that, after years of stalling, this nation really and truly will have meaningful campaign-finance reform, just as soon as we establish a viable trout farm on Jupiter." - Dave Barry # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 04:16:40 +0500 From: Henry Krinkle Subject: (orb) Stop the insanity! > If it were not for America you would be munching sauerkraut and sausage > while "dancing" a "goose step" > > let go the sour grapes More likely you'd be calling each other comrade and hailing your allegiance to "The Party" USSR could've taken care of all of that themselves. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Mar 1998 16:50:56 EST From: LiquidW Subject: Re: (orb) Stop the insanity! communism is good # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Mar 1998 20:02:15 +0000 From: Subject: (orb) Lakeshore I have a friend who sold his copy of Oxbow Lakes to Lakeshore for $4 and the next day it was available on their rare list for $14.99... I guess this is capitalism at work...?! supply vs demand oh well - -bill _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Mar 1998 19:49:22 -0800 From: Jeff Pitblado Subject: Re: (orb) Not really an Orb topic, but worth a mention At 11:31 AM 3/25/98 -0600, blue room wrote: > >Somewhat less abstract info at > I just checked this page out. D & B classicals. Sounds interesting. Hopefully the Pet Shop Boys won't sue for copyright infringement. ;) "Che Guavara & Debussy to a disco beat." May the Orb be with you, Jeff # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Mar 98 22:11:45 From: "Mark Waelterman" Subject: (orb) Sender: Well, I saw the Orb/Volkswagen commercial. Heh. Interesting thing, though: they seemed to have dubbed over LeVar Burton's part.. the commercial starts out with the line: "what were the skies like when you were young?", but its not LeVar; its some dubbed over voice.. then they cut to the original woman's voice (whatever her name is..) Kinda spooky.. heh.. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 09:18:47 -0500 From: (The Nightfly) Subject: (orb) Volkswagen Yeah, I saw the Volkswagen commercial last night, too.... It aired during The Daily Show on Comedy Central. And you're right--they DID cut out LeVar Burton's voice. How rude! The woman's voice, by-the-way, is Ricki Lee Jones. Of that awful "Chuckie's in Love" song "fame." The entire sample is from Reading Rainbow, which LeVar Burton has hosted forever. Too bad they didn't have Ricki Lee Jones on Star Trek: The Next Generation, and sample something from LeVar as Geordi LaForge, like "Ricki, we've got to realign the modular transmitter from inside the cerebral cortex of the inner plasmatic field array emissions. Oh, and what were the skies like when you were young?" Sorry, it's been a looooong week. Later! - --Vince # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 10:35:11 -0600 (CST) From: Steve Littleton Subject: (orb) another public sighting I rented a movie last night, and one of the twenty previews before the movie actually started was for some David Duchovny(sp?) movie called "Playing God". Anyway, they played Toxygene during the preview, when the characters were running around and shooting at people and the like. In a rather strange juxtaposition, the other song played during the preview was INXS's Suicide Blonde. Steve Littleton The Eternally Dorky Medical Student page: "Dr. Riviera, Dr. Nick Riviera, please report to the coroner's office immediately!" Dr. Nick: "The coroner! Man, I'm so sick of that guy!" # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:23:21 +0100 From: (Jean Christophe Derrien) Subject: (orb) Steve Hillage on French TV 5 minutes ago, Steve Hillage was on French TV called Canal + in a show called "Nulle part Ailleurs" (a talk show). He performed with Rachid Taha and his group a track from Taha's last album "Diwan". The host interviewed both Hillage and Taha, Hillage speaks French very well, they talked about biofeedback, System 7 (the host showed the cover of their "last album", Power of 7 ! Bastard ! What about System Express and the last one ?) and Gong. Not great news, folks, but it was OK. JCFromParis # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:31:30 -0000 From: Steve Wright Subject: (orb) Steve's adventures with Thrash Hi everyone, Im not sure if I have mentioned it before but when living in Shrewsbury in Shropshire I bumped into Thrash at a bus depot. I had only been listening to the Orb for a few weeks (Aubrey Mixes was my first). Anyway I noticed this guy behind me with an Orb T-shirt on and mentioned my recent purchase, and he said "oh good, the Orb are really nice people" and smiled. I thought nothing of it really, until about a couple of months later, I saw a magazine with a review of UFOrb and an interview with the band. So naturally I bought it there and then and how did I see but the same bloke who was on the bus :-) And did I feel a wally Steve Couple of questions................ 1). Who wants the Orb to do another Aubrey Mix CD of there own work? 2). Who would like them to do more with Thrash & Steve Hillage? =================================================== As big bird spreads the word, anybody with a heart votes love. - Fluke. =================================================== PERSONAL EMAIL TO: # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 20:59:53 -0000 From: Steve Wright Subject: Re: (orb) Steve's adventures with Thrash >Who wants those things? *I* do.... :) > >I really miss the style of the first two Orb albums.... >--vince I know what you mean we could do with another visit to Ultraworld. Steve # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 16:43:52 -0500 From: Pedram Subject: (orb) ultraworld & uforb >>Who wants those things? *I* do.... :) >> >>I really miss the style of the first two Orb albums.... >>--vince >I know what you mean we could do with another visit to Ultraworld. >Steve Same here. The later albums have been way too sparse. Orblivion seems to be a bit closer to the originals as far as textural density goes... a very welcome regression. - -- Pedram # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 16:49:43 -0500 From: Adam J Weitzman Subject: Re: (orb) ultraworld & uforb Pedram wrote: > Same here. The later albums have been way too sparse. Orblivion seems > to be a bit closer to the originals as far as textural density goes... a > very welcome regression. I could use a lot of words to describe _Orbus_Terrarum_, but "sparse" is most definitely not one of them. Not only are many of the tracks texturally dense in themselves (cf "Montagne D'Or"), but the album is very rich stylistically as well. I like it because it seems more raw and dirty than the other recordings. Frankly, I'm rather happy that they're not remaking "Blue Room" over and over, though I will admit that sometimes _Orbus_ treads slowly under its own weight. I haven't been unhappy with any of the choices Alex & co. have made with their recordings. Not only have they all been of very high quality, they all come at you from different directions and you always hear new things every time you listen. Not many artists can you say that about. - -- Adam J Weitzman, NewsEdge Corp. --- -- "It appears that, after years of stalling, this nation really and truly will have meaningful campaign-finance reform, just as soon as we establish a viable trout farm on Jupiter." - Dave Barry # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 16:00:11 -0600 From: "Sean Wolfe" Subject: Re: (orb) ultraworld & uforb >Same here. The later albums have been way too sparse. Orblivion seems >to be a bit closer to the originals as far as textural density goes... a >very welcome regression. Textural Density?!?! The most dense Orb album I believe is Orbus Terrarum. There is so much going on in there! Every time I listen to it, it's still so fresh, because a different layer becomes more aparrent. I actually would like to hear more of this. I was quite disappointed to see them live on thier last tour compared to the Happy Happy Joy Joy Tour. I mean, it was still great, but seing a whole live band up there, doing all kinds of things was certainly more mind-blowing than just alex and andy up there doing there stuff... Toxygene is very good but I think it's a step in the wrong direction. I think they went with a more safe approach to it than the way they were heading. I mean a lot of the songs, are really good (Pi and Molten love being my favs on that album) but they never build like OT. They Never Explode Like OT. Well.. Just my OP Sean # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 00:03:03 +0200 (EET) From: Dan Grandpre Subject: Re: (orb) ultraworld & uforb 'lo orbies.. just wanted to WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree with adam and sean on this one.. if anything i think ultraworld is what they're LEAST suited to do (the stuff on it, i mean).. if you're really saying that you'd rather they have more straight-ahead drumloops and beats and such, you'd probably be better off listening to a lot of different groups out there rather than the orb. to add another little comment, i heard critics everywehre talking about how orblivion was a step back to their roots.. i think it sounds nothing at all like ultraworld ANYWHERE, on ANY TRACK.. i can only label this confused ranting as total ignorance.. if anything its just the next step in their stylistic progression.. it sounds more like OT than anything else. it's all good though. (literally, that is..=)) - -dan g # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 14:06:16 -0800 From: Greg Roberts Subject: Re: (orb) ultraworld & uforb hmm, what i like about the orb is that if it is the orb is sure as hell doesnt sound like anyone else. it can only sound like the orb. they have pursued their own sound and have created what is so hard in the techno.trance.electronica category: their own unique sound. just listening to the can remix, it is easy to tell that which track is the orb's. they continue to tack new directions, while at the same time maintaining their independence from the mass of electronic now flooding our ears. it cant be art if it is the same thing over and over again. you wanna set one monet painting over and over again, or would you prefer to see a hell of a lot of paintings that you can tell are monets just by looking at them. - ----------------------------------------------------------------- I want chicken Greg Roberts I want liver Associate Producer, Meow-mix, meow-mix Please deliver 415.395.7805 ext. 1326 --Dr. Evil - ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 17:56:55 -0500 From: Pedram Subject: (orb) another rock in the pond Let's see... I measure the "textural thickness" of a piece of music by the degree to which it's layers *interact* with each other both harmonically and rhythmically . Granted, in this genre of music there is not much of this interaction to begin with ( what are there like 2 chords in "Little Fluffy Clouds"? I think its a basic 1-4 iteration. ), but on a relative scale an album like Orbus scores low. Orbus reminds me of a "soundscape image" of Earth taken from way up in the atmosphere; as if the earth were comprised of sonic layers that "bubbled" into each other. Of course, the "image" is captured from a high altitude so the interaction of the layers is sublime. Or maybe I've simply been duped by the "...more straight ahead drumloops and beats and such..." of Ultraworld and UFOrb, and the earlier albums are simply more "in your face." Whatever the case may be, I find myself putting the earlier stuff into the cd player more frequently than Orbus. Let the adjective feud continue :) - -- Pedram # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 00:07:45 +0100 From: (Jean Christophe Derrien) Subject: (orb) Re : Steve's adventures I think Aubrey mixes is not SO good. It's always great to have new mixes of tracks (like Orbscure Trax with the fabulous Bedouin The Sheiks- BTW, I'd loooove to have another mix of Secrets), but I really only adore two tracks (actually 3, but 2 of them are one and the same) in Aubrey mixes : Youth's Spanish castles in space remixes, and Hillage's Backside of the moon. You can't say to an artist to be still the same : he has to change, he has to do his own thing. Although I'd like to see another Orb concerts with live musicians, I can't wait to see Le Petit Orb doing their new stuff. My opinion is that there's two Orb : one with Thrash, the other one with Andy Hughes. I may be wrong, but I think LX is only there to add samples and think about concepts (which is OK and important too). Thrash before and Andy now are the true musicians of the Orb. So I hope (and I'm sure I won't be disappointed) that their new album in 98' will surprise me. Another thing. I consider some of their remixes as important as their own tracks : Democracy (Tundra mix), Rick Wright remixes are really new songs... JCFromParis # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 23:24:58 -0000 From: Steve Wright Subject: Re: (orb) ultraworld & uforb >>I know what you mean we could do with another visit to Ultraworld. > >>Steve To explain what I was referring to a little better, I think that as a work, Ultraworld accomplished more than any other recording they have done, UFOrb was fantastic and Blue Room was definitely a masterpiece in its entirety. Terrarum to me is a good album but there is no journey as such, listen to Ultraworld, Blue Room and your mind can wonder and you literally travel with Terrarum its to Earthy and I have never managed to fall into as with their other works. Orblivion was good but I felt that it was an e.p with a single bolted on for good measure. I like Toxygene but for me it just didn't fit in well. What I would like to hear from the Orb is a monster, masterpiece, go for the 3cd full monty that Ultraworld should have been. Break some rules again and take us on a journey. My favorite Orb recording at the moment and I can think of at least one person who would back me up on this is Pattern & Textures that for me is a remarkable reworking of Ultraworld, its just too short. Steve "who has trouble following whats he's written too". # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 23:36:30 -0000 From: Steve Wright Subject: Re: (orb) Re : Steve's adventures >I think Aubrey mixes is not SO good. It's always great to have new mixes of >tracks (like Orbscure Trax with the fabulous Bedouin The Sheiks- BTW, I'd >loooove to have another mix of Secrets), but I really only adore two tracks >(actually 3, but 2 of them are one and the same) in Aubrey mixes : Youth's >Spanish castles in space remixes, and Hillage's Backside of the moon. > >>>I love all the tracks on that album, maybe because it was my first buy? >You can't say to an artist to be still the same : he has to change, he has >to do his own thing. Although I'd like to see another Orb concerts with >live musicians, I can't wait to see Le Petit Orb doing their new stuff. > Yes the live musicians made a stunning difference I think that LX wanted a clean sheet after the hassle he had with the old record company, if you listen to Patterns & Textures and then Cyberworld, I think the latter has a definate spark made by the live precussion. >My opinion is that there's two Orb : one with Thrash, the other one with >Andy Hughes. I may be wrong, but I think LX is only there to add samples >and think about concepts (which is OK and important too). Thrash before and >Andy now are the true musicians of the Orb. >>>Yes very true LX has always said he's not a musician, hes more the conductor. > >So I hope (and I'm sure I won't be disappointed) that their new album in >98' will surprise me. >>>Yes now all the legal stuff is out the way it'll be interesting to see what kind of a spanner there going to put in the works. >Another thing. I consider some of their remixes as important as their own >tracks : Democracy (Tundra mix), Rick Wright remixes are really new >songs... > >>>Oh I do my current fav - Satalite Serinade SteveFromBlighty:-) >JCFromParis # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 18:52:55 -0500 From: Pedram Subject: (orb) Re: Ultraworld and UFOrb Steve wrote: >Orblivion was good but I felt that it was an e.p with a single bolted >on for good measure. I like Toxygene but for me it just didn't fit in >well. What I would like to hear from the Orb is a monster, >masterpiece, go for the 3cd full monty that Ultraworld should have >been. Break some rules again and take us on a journey. Here, here!!! I'm with you all the way :) - -- Pedram # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:43:19 EST From: LiquidW Subject: Re: (orb) Re : Steve's adventures In a message dated 98-03-26 18:11:41 EST, writes: << Thrash before and Andy now are the true musicians of the Orb. >> this would seem as if you were saying something that is NOT true .........oh , im sorry , ITS THE FRENCHMAN AGAIN ;) # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 10:45:19 -0600 From: (Dan LeBoeuf) Subject: (orb) Textures... If anyone is interested or even has a bit on some information on the two = CD set called "Textures". It has a 74 minute spin by LX and Darren Emerson. I listened to about 4 = tracks last night, and heard so many replayed samples and such. It was kind of upsetting, LX not = constructed new material. If anyone wants a copy, there is one more left = at the record shop. Dan # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 11:34:53 -0600 From: (Dan LeBoeuf) Subject: (orb) Rarity? how rare is the peel session 2 (strange fruit cd)? Dan # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info orb" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Latest Orb info: -- look here first! ------------------------------ End of orb-digest V2 #50 ************************