From: (orb-digest)
Subject: orb-digest V2 #445
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orb-digest Tuesday, April 24 2001 Volume 02 : Number 445
Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2001 15:18:58 -0700
Subject: (orb) Lurker counts the hours untill the metro
i lurk on the list
cant wait for tomorrow
mwa hahahaha
anybody meetin' up before the show?
im comin up from indy kinda late, but who knows.
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Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2001 20:56:28 -0500
From: Brian
Subject: Re: (orb) Lurker counts the hours untill the metro
Hey everyone:
I'm heading down to Chicago at 2pm out of Madison, WI, with my boss and two
co-workers. Anyone who wants to meet up should give me a call on my cell
phone tomorrow sometime -- the number is 608-239-5458. We don't have plans
for where we're getting food/drinks before the show, but we should be there
sufficiently early to get a good spot in line. If anyone has any
suggestions, please let me know! I'm game for something fun...
Anyone care to meet up?
I'll be wearing my Orbus Terrarum shirt and some Tommy jeans and yellow
Nikes. If I'm up to it (drunk enough) I'll wear my spike collar. And
orange sunglasses.
Lemme know!
- -=brian=-
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Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2001 22:46:13 -0700
From: "*MoonDogg*"
Subject: RE: (orb) FTP sites?
I was on vacation for the past week (boarding in Whistler, B.C. SWEET!)
Didn't realize my server was down....sorry!
- -----Original Message-----
Subject: (orb) FTP sites?
Anyone know why OAA is refusing connections?
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Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 03:58:51 -0700 (PDT)
From: Paul Ketley
Subject: (orb) orb - Rubicon (Tang
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Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 04:04:23 -0700 (PDT)
From: Paul Ketley
Subject: (orb) orb -remix of Rubicon (tang. dream)
To orbsters,
Has anyone heard of this?
A mate of mine has a bootleg(?) of Tangerine Dream's
Rubicon remixed by the orb. It's a CD with the a red
coloured cover which he says is the same as the
Tangerine Dream single. (?)
He got it whilst working in radio during the mid to
late 90's. If you need more info, I'll give him an
I have to admit, I've never heard of any of Tangerine
Dream's work other that tracks that appear on movies
so I can't confirm or deny any of this.
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Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 08:17:10 -0400
From: Justin Roby
Subject: Re: (orb) orb -remix of Rubicon (tang. dream)
Wasn't there an entire remix tribute album for Tangerine Dream in the
mid-90s? I believe the Orb contributed, at the least (I do have an .mp3
called "Toward the Evening Star" that is very like the Orb).
- --Justin
> From: Paul Ketley
> Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 04:04:23 -0700 (PDT)
> To:
> Subject: (orb) orb -remix of Rubicon (tang. dream)
> To orbsters,
> Has anyone heard of this?
> A mate of mine has a bootleg(?) of Tangerine Dream's
> Rubicon remixed by the orb. It's a CD with the a red
> coloured cover which he says is the same as the
> Tangerine Dream single. (?)
> He got it whilst working in radio during the mid to
> late 90's. If you need more info, I'll give him an
> e-mail.
> I have to admit, I've never heard of any of Tangerine
> Dream's work other that tracks that appear on movies
> so I can't confirm or deny any of this.
> Cheers,
> Paul.
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Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 10:11:38 -0400
From: " x e n l a b >"
Subject: Re: (orb) new member
Welcome, Dusan!
x e n l a b>
: visual artist
: web producer
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Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 12:04:37 -0400
From: "TheEye"
Subject: RE: (orb) FTP sites?
What server is that?!
Have I missed the info?
>I was on vacation for the past week (boarding in Whistler, B.C. SWEET!)
>Didn't realize my server was down....sorry!
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Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 09:42:56 -0700
From: "*MoonDogg*"
Subject: RE: (orb) FTP sites?
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- -----Original Message-----
Subject: RE: (orb) FTP sites?
What server is that?!
Have I missed the info?
>I was on vacation for the past week (boarding in Whistler, B.C. SWEET!)
>Didn't realize my server was down....sorry!
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Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 16:52:50
From: "E O"
Subject: (orb) Chicago....
Myself and four others will be heading to Chicago kinda late, so I'll get there about the beginning of the show. If anybody cares to find me, I'll have a white tee with FREAKS on the front...
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Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 12:47:58 -0500 (CDT)
From: James Hill
Subject: (orb) Chicago....
> > I'm going as well. I remember there was something about meeting somewhere
> > beforehand, but I forget where. Anwyays, I'll be there as the ponytail
> > guy with my girlfriend who has red hair with two really blonde streaks in
> > the front. See y'all there.
> >
> > James
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Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 10:55:32 -0700
From: "-> rachel"
Subject: (orb) Coachella Rendevouz
Hey Orbsters!
If anyone's getting together at Coachella, please keep me informed! If
nothing else, I'll be donning some small, white horns for the occassion, so
stop me and say hello, ok?
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Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 11:34:13 -0700
From: Chris Johnson
Subject: Re: (orb) mission 92
mark weston wrote:
> Has anyone got a track listing for this please. Regards Mark W.
The source for most of your Orb trainspotting needs (even if it does
need an update).
np: The Beautiful South - November
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Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 11:38:29 -0700
From: Chris Johnson
Subject: Re: (orb) Satisfy Me
Jay wrote:
> What is the "satisfy me" song on there? Alex also played it at the end of
> the Autolump set in NYC and I'd like to know what it is and if possible, to
> find it. I mean, it sounds like Elvis, but possibly remixed....any help
> here would be appreciated.
It is Elvis, and is called something like A Little More Satisfaction.
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Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 14:48:46 -0400
From: "RadiORB-It's Not Just For Christmas"
Subject: RE: (orb) Satisfy Me
> Jay wrote:
> > What is the "satisfy me" song on there?
> It is Elvis, and is called something like A Little More Satisfaction.
> Chris
I believe the name of the song is "A Little Less Conversation". It's from
one of those old movie soundtracks that Elvis did so many of back in the
late Sixties/early Seventies.
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Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 12:45:24 -0700 (PDT)
From: Joseph Hannah
Subject: Re: (orb) witchman...
- --- "Meredith, Justin" wrote:
> for those of you that saw Witchman - what was his
> set like? did he spin
> records or did he play live?
Witchman and his set live are like this. You get to
see him change his time tape - it's the recipt like
film that gets spit out atop his music gear. I am not
a gear head and don't know what I saw but. He smokes
while he tunes. Oh, and he swigs a beer on occasion
too. Sometimes Witchman is not on the stage or next
to his equipment at all and the vehnue is swrilling!
Witchman's set was started with announcer calling all
freaks. Orbfreaks, the witchman did not play
O.K. Alex plays the mad version of Led Zepp. VS. P.
Oakenfold's "Babe I'm Gonna Leave You" .... then the
freaks come out!
Alex are you really going to turn it over to J. Roome
and the JR Witchman!?!
Alex is going to retire the Orb.
Is that why he seems to be giving the Witchman the
golf swing so constantly during the show? Anybody
else notice this turn during the Orb's set?
Alex wants to let the "...Orb roam" and help us
betwixt beside ourselves with his concubine of new
Badorb and various new labels releases.
Stay safe tonite Chitown....
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Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 14:58:58 -0500
From: John Moxness
Subject: RE: (orb) witchman...
Stay safe tonite Chitown....
===>thanks joseph! see y'all there. not sure yet what i'm a gonna wear
i'll be the one dancing - for sure! going to try something different on
this one....stay smoke free. the temptation will be high so wish me luck.
loaf & peas,
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Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 20:10:28 -0000
From: "Gloria Davy"
Subject: RE: (orb) witchman...
jmoxness tries to claim this:
>going to try something different on this one....stay smoke free. the
> >temptation will be high so wish me luck.
You will not be able to resist our temptation.
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Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 16:11:56 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: (orb) Toronto show mini-review
Must say I was quite impressed with the Toronto show...quite the lasting
It was also nice meeting Ben (aka Reverend DjBlue)- but couldn't talk to him
much, lest I interfere with his minidisc recording of the show! Also there was
Grant (thx for the twizzlers!) and looking pretty good for all his travels the
man Gavin himself.
The show started with Autolump (fil only though....didn't see Alex anywhere
during this set) who spun some pretty happenin' beats...I can't wait 'till some
of his stuff is released! Much bass was thrown around with wild abandon!
After an 'intermission' (too long!) with some jungle-ly music (think
drum'n'bass-style elevator music), Witchman was up and the crowd started to
really get into it. A lot of really good layered beats and samples, with
eclectic, constantly changing bass lines. Very nice. Much better than the
tracks on his website.
Then another, LONGER, intermission (crowd got a little restless, here) at which
point the club was PACKED. Grant said he saw the lineup for the night, and that
Alex was supposed to DJ for at least one of the intermissions, but
didn't...maybe due to technical problems from the night before?? Anyway, didn't
see a hint of Alex until the Orb were up next.
A lot of tracks were played from Cydonia and Ultraworld, but none (that I could
tell) from UFORB! Oh well, it still rocked. Simon on bass simply rocked. A lot
of tracks were mixed with samples from others, which made it hard to identify
(much less remember!) which ones were played, but I do recall these (in no
particular order):
lfc (!)
freely wheely (?)
mile long...
Ok, I'll give I beginning to think I'm making these up. Anyway, if
Ben decides to rip his recording, that'll be the definitive answer to what was
played. (to be honest, I have a real problem remembering track titles as it is)
The Orb set was pretty much technically flawless for its 1.5 hours....except
for the very last track where the sample volumes were all fucked up (i.e. TOO
LOUD) and the sequencing was off (due to mixer failure?) Eventually after much
button-pushing and knob-fiddling they managed to squeak out mile long lump o'
lard. Then, of course, they ended with the oldie 'Mr Sandman....' like the
other shows.
Of course there was no encore.
A good night's worth of Orb, imho.
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Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 22:29:01 +0200
From: "Dr.Winston O'Boogie"
Subject: RE: (orb) new member
Hi, and welcome Dusan! This I the best list on the net, like family! :)
Sincerley yours, Dr. Winston O'Booogie
: me some kinda artist too =)
Welcome, Dusan!
x e n l a b>
: visual artist
: web producer
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Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 13:45:27 -0700 (PDT)
From: steveO
Subject: Re: (orb) witchman...
witchy and simon used these bits of tape attached to the mixer, so they'd
know what channel corresponded to each track, afaik.
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Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 16:07:40 -0700
From: Chris Johnson
Subject: Re: (orb) FTP sites?
cygnus wrote:
> Also - Has anyone tried to split any of the Groovetech shows into tracks? I
> used TrackMaker (freeware), but the tracks created were not the correct
> size. Anyone have similar luck (or preferably better?)??
In what format? For mp3, I have no idea. If you are talking wav (or for
burning to audio CD-R, you can either use a sound editor to chop them up
(making sure to make your cuts on frame boundaries), or just use a
burning program that uses cue-sheets (such as CDRWin or EAC) and
generate a cue-sheet that puts the track breaks where you want them.
(Personally, for the GrooveTech shows, I put the breaks between discs in
good places (at the end of a track, with silence or a very quiet
transition) and just throw in track-breaks every 10 minutes in my
cue-sheet so navigating the CD isn't a nightmare. Alex does so many
mixed tracks and extremely long segues that trying to put breaks between
tracks is an exercise in futility; most of the GT sets only have 7 or 8
places where doing this would be reasonable.)
(who had to go buy a larger hard drive in order to extract and edit
these shows)
np: Peter Murphy - Love Hysteria
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Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 17:16:49 -0600
From: "Jeff Stratton"
Subject: (orb) anyone know anything about this?
i found this on vinyl - is it the 40 minute version split in two?
Blue Room Pt1 18m45s
Blue Room Pt2 19m01s
mixed by Orb 1992. Bass by Jah Wobble, guitars Steve Hillage, vocal from
Aisha the high priestess. sample from "Fast Forward Into Dub" by Mad
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Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 16:13:52 -0700
From: Chris Johnson
Subject: Re: (orb) anyone know anything about this?
Jeff Stratton wrote:
> i found this on vinyl - is it the 40 minute version split in two?
> Blue Room Pt1 18m45s
> Blue Room Pt2 19m01s
> mixed by Orb 1992. Bass by Jah Wobble, guitars Steve Hillage, vocal from
> Aisha the high priestess. sample from "Fast Forward Into Dub" by Mad
> Professor.
Yep. The cassingle is the same way. (Obviously there are a couple
minutes of material missing, though. I haven't done a detailed
comparison to find out what is missing yet.)
(who just got both of those goodies (cassette & 12") in the mail a week
or two ago)
(and who is also apparently on a posting tear today)
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Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 20:45:12 -0400
From: "Jay"
Subject: (orb) Live Orb recordings...WAV, SHN, etc
Sorry if this has been covered or addressed here before, but I wanted to
throw this out there...
It seems like there are a lot of good, quality Orb out there that is being
traded (BadOrb Promo, GrooveTech, live shows, etc) and I'm sure that a lot
of these are digital sourced (at some point in the lineage). I've seen the
Orb mp3 project files and a lot of it is pretty good sounding. What I'm
wondering, is there anyone out there trading shn format or wav format Orb?
It seems that there's a lot of us out there with the hard drives to handle
it, it's just the time it takes to record and track the digital source to
wav and the time it takes to encode to shn. Beyond that, it's just trading.
I have gotten a lot of great Orb shows in mp3 and burned them and have been
beginning to distribute them. If anyone has any of the recent shows (or
hell, even some of the older shows) and would be able to supply me with a
show that is either in wav format or is directly sourced from the DAT (or
miniDisc) to cdr audio, I'd be more than willing to go through the process
of setting up and running a show. The most important thing here is that the
source be documented and quality.
I come from the jamband background and with that style of music, taping is
encouraged and the spreading of the music is important. I understand that
these recordings are not necessarily full on approved by the band (or are
they?), but if Alex and Co. are ok with the mp3 project, why not take this
the next step in quality. I'm all for spreading this stuff and would like
to aid in the process.
Email me privately if you can be of assistance in getting this started. If
I get some sort of positive feedback and a source to work from, I'll go from
- --- Jay
PS: the http site below houses my trading list of live shows. It's mostly
jambands, but on the non-tradable section, there is some Orb and Aphex.
Like I said, I'm all for spreading the music. I've got more than what's
there and I'll offer some B&Ps to a few people who are looking for
shows...just mention that you heard about it from the Orb list. I know that
the db.etree site has been having a few hiccups, so if you don't connect in
the next day or so, give it another shot in a few.
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Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 20:48:05 -0400
From: "Jay"
Subject: (orb) oops...a little typo correction
When I said I'd run a show...I meant I'd set up and run a cdr tree...sorry
for the typo confusion there.
- --- Jay
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Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 19:14:33 -0700
From: Chris Johnson
Subject: Re: (orb) Live Orb recordings...WAV, SHN, etc
Jay wrote:
> Sorry if this has been covered or addressed here before, but I wanted to
> throw this out there...
It hasn't been specifically addressed before, and I was planning on
posting something like this after the current tour...
> It seems like there are a lot of good, quality Orb out there that is being
> traded (BadOrb Promo, GrooveTech, live shows, etc) and I'm sure that a lot
> of these are digital sourced (at some point in the lineage). I've seen the
> Orb mp3 project files and a lot of it is pretty good sounding.
All of the GrooveTech material is sourced from RA files. The rest
varies; older shows are on cassette; most of the "modern" stuff is from
DAT or minidisc.
The Orb mp3 project material is, I believe, mostly originally sourced
from cassette; so not much has been lost by mp3ing it. The "original"
cassettes are out there; and it looks like they are slowly being
mastered to a digital format (either DAT or CD-R). They probably won't
be much better than the ones I'm making from the mp3s, though.
> What I'm
> wondering, is there anyone out there trading shn format or wav format Orb?
> It seems that there's a lot of us out there with the hard drives to handle
> it, it's just the time it takes to record and track the digital source to
> wav and the time it takes to encode to shn. Beyond that, it's just trading.
I don't think anyone is specifically trading using shn. For whatever
reason, this format doesn't seem to be catching on with anyone except
jamband aficionados. Every so often, someone tries to convert the
Underworld trading community to shn, and it always falls flat with a
resounding thud, especially since most of the Underworld material out
there is at 160 kbps or higher. MP3 is the default format for
distributing music on the web, and that combined with bandwidth
limitations, would seem to work against directly trading shn or wav
There are a fair number of people trading audio CD-Rs, DATs, and/or
mini-discs, but they tend to stay fairly low key on this list, for
whatever reason.
> I have gotten a lot of great Orb shows in mp3 and burned them and have been
> beginning to distribute them. If anyone has any of the recent shows (or
> hell, even some of the older shows) and would be able to supply me with a
> show that is either in wav format or is directly sourced from the DAT (or
> miniDisc) to cdr audio, I'd be more than willing to go through the process
> of setting up and running a show. The most important thing here is that the
> source be documented and quality.
It will take a while for the new shows to start appearing; at least a
few weeks (and then the sources will be trying to trade for material
they don't already have). And knowing Gavin (the one attending and
recording every US show), he will take the time to do the job right,
which will add to the delay. I have several dozen CDs of Orb shows and
rarities; most of them are available as mp3s already, but most my stuff
is not sourced from mp3 (with the obvious exception of the mp3 project).
For whatever reason, electronic music fans in general don't seem to be
quite as anal as jamband fans when it comes to sources...and that isn't
necessarily a bad thing. I'll take a show with a shady pedigree (or no
pedigree) in an instant over no show at all. :)
> these recordings are not necessarily full on approved by the band (or are
> they?), but if Alex and Co. are ok with the mp3 project, why not take this
> the next step in quality. I'm all for spreading this stuff and would like
> to aid in the process.
I'd like to do the same. After this tour, I was going to try and set up
one or more trees to distribute some of the new and/or hard to find
stuff, if I could convince anyone to provide the necessary material, of
I don't particularly mind mp3s, but if I can get something that hasn't
gone through a lossy compression, I'd prefer it.
So, let's see if we can do it...
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Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 01:57:05 -0400
From: "Reverend djbluE (Chromatest)"
Subject: Re: (orb) Toronto show mini-review
James wrote::
> A lot
> of tracks were mixed with samples from others, which made it hard to identify
> (much less remember!) which ones were played, but I do recall these (in no
> particular order):
> promis
> egnable
> outlands
> lfc (!)
> ghostdancing
> terminus
> freely wheely (?)
> mile long...
you might be making these up.. heh.. I'm pretty bad with a lot of song
titles too.. I often have to pull out the cd and compare heh.
but.... they did play Once more (a remix since Aki isn't on tour with
them) and Mile Long Lump Of Lard was the first song of the night (feel
the heat, feel the flash, glowing mass) I don't think they played
terminus... I'll have to compare notes. heh...
> The Orb set was pretty much technically flawless for its 1.5 hours....except
> for the very last track where the sample volumes were all fucked up (i.e. TOO
> LOUD) and the sequencing was off (due to mixer failure?) Eventually after much
> button-pushing and knob-fiddling they managed to squeak out mile long lump o'
> lard.
this was actually "Thursday's Keeper" This was also the last song
played at Irving Plaza in NYC (not edm like some people have said)
yeah, I guess the mixer that witchman was controlling overheated or
something (probably got some bad components in there) and certain
channels were doing some horrible distortion... they started
Thursday's Keeper, and within the first minute stopped it, and fil and
witch were fuckign with the desk.. then lx put on some other track
(anybody know what this was?) possibly (probably?) not the orb, and
then they tried thursday's keeper again, and they had the drum lines
working, but the horns and everything else were dying.
A very good night... I was especially happy that they played egnable..
lx really fucked it up (in a good way!)
okay.. off to bed soon..
- -ben
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Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 00:16:20 -0700
From: "Dj Casey"
Subject: (orb) recording shows
For those of you recording some of the Orb shows, do you have any tips on
sneaking in minidisk recorders into venues that don't want them there? I
want to catch some of the acts at the Coachella show, and am pretty sure
i'll be searched upon entering. Also any tips on getting a good recording
would be nice. ie what kind of mic to use and such...... I've got an Aiwa
portable recorder...
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Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 00:02:34 -0800 (AKDT)
From: "James A. Crippen"
Subject: (orb) Recording live shows
I'm rather surprised that LX et alia don't make arrangements for fans to
make recordings of the live shows, rather like Phish does.
Has anyone ever considered bringing this up with him? Almost none of his
live shows ever see recording for any widespread publication so it's not
like it'd be hurting the record company's profits.
Perhaps he'd consider working out an agreement with his record people such
that live recordings are allowed but only if they aren't sold for
money. This is exactly what Phish does, and recording Phish concerts has
become an institution. Phish sells just as many tickets and albums as
they would otherwise and their fan base remains happy with them.
It's a thought anyway.
- --
James A. Crippen ,-./-. Anchorage, Alaska,
Lambda Unlimited: Recursion 'R' Us | |/ | USA, 61.2069 N, 149.766 W,
Y = \f.(\x.f(xx)) (\x.f(xx)) | |\ | Earth, Sol System,
Y(F) = F(Y(F)) \_,-_/ Milky Way.
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Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 03:05:10 -0700
Subject: (orb) mini metro blurb
the metro was stupendous, got there late into whitchman, sais la vis.
very iffy setlist:
blueroom (both basslines WOO HOO!)
(choppers from ahegb)
thursdays keeper
plus a buncha stuff i'll remember tomorrow:)merch was a few badorb shirts coressponding to BOB 1-3, a nifty orb hat, cydonia shirts, and a whitchman + jammin unit disc.
neeed sleeep
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Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 07:32:31 -0400
From: Justin Roby
Subject: Re: (orb) recording shows
It occurs to me that I was in the best position to record the DC show,
since, when they search bags, they're at best cursory, and they don't frisk
you the way they do in CA (at least in the LA area). I had a sony discman,
but my headphones were on top of the disc playing unit in my bag, and the
girl who checked my bag just asked me if it recorded, and I said "no". She
didn't even make sure it wasn't a mini-disc player.
> From: "Dj Casey"
> Organization: US WEST
> Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 00:16:20 -0700
> To:
> Cc: "Orb Mailing List"
> Subject: (orb) recording shows
> For those of you recording some of the Orb shows, do you have any tips on
> sneaking in minidisk recorders into venues that don't want them there? I
> want to catch some of the acts at the Coachella show, and am pretty sure
> i'll be searched upon entering. Also any tips on getting a good recording
> would be nice. ie what kind of mic to use and such...... I've got an Aiwa
> portable recorder...
> l8's
> Chris
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Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 08:57:09 -0400
From: "Eric Belair"
Subject: (orb) new albums....
i just wanted to say that i have listened to both the new orb album and the
new orbital album, and i am somewhat disappointed by both. it seems that
both bands have been getting progressively better over the years, and now
with both albums, it seems as though they've both taken a step back.
ORBITAL: in sides and middle of nowhere are two of the best "electronic"
music cds i've ever heard. the complexity of the music, as well as the
excellent production still amaze me, and those albums came out years ago.
yet, the altogether seems to simple, like the hartnolls were not trying
their hardest. i am not going to buy this album. there are only a few songs
i like (in particular, meltdown and tootled), and it is not worth my $15. i
never thought i'd hear myself saying that, but i am seriously disappointed.
THE ORB: now i love the orb. i saw them in boston last week, and they blew
me away. the new album is sub-par in my view (and several of my friends'),
but they performed it live with such expertise and it sounded great. i feel
the same about cydonia as an album, though, as i do about the altogether.
adventures beyond the ultraworld and u.f.orb and orblivion are amazing
albums, and still amaze me to this day, but after listening to cydonia
several times (yes, i gave it more than one chance), i came to realize that
the album was much less than spectacular.
with both cydonia and the altogether, i was expecting something
groundbreaking, since all the orb and orbital have done for us for the past
10-15 years is amaze us more and more with every new album. but both these
albums seem very lackluster. like they weren't really trying.
i'm sorry if i've offended any of you, and i'm sure many of you will write
in to tell me how wrong i am, so i'll apologize, and admit that i'm probably
wrong in advance. i've not given up all hope for these guys, i'm just
disappointed by these albums.
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Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 10:26:49 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Benjamin L. May"
Subject: Re: (orb) recording shows
> For those of you recording some of the Orb shows, do you have any tips on
> sneaking in minidisk recorders into venues that don't want them there? I
This might seem kind of farfetched, but its something I've been
thinking about for a while... Okay, so the idea is this: you have a small
radio transmitter that has a variable broadcasting frequency, and a
reciever tuned to that frequency that has a MINI-DIN plug (the input used
for most portable MD players) for output. You could put the transmitter
into the sound board somehow and actually have the minidisc recorder on
your person and hidden away so its not visible.
The only problem is how to get the FM transmitter attached to the
master out from the mixer or whatever. Now, assuming the place has
unshielded wires, you could potentially have a device that picks up the
electromagnetic field made through the wires, and extract the output
waveform that way. But this seems like it would be kind of expensive.
I think the best solution would be something along the lines of a
small device with dual RCA ins and dual RCA outs that gets stuck between
your mixer and your amplifying device; you attach the mixer outs and
they're passed through this device and a side effect of this is that the
output waveform is broadcast to you. This I think would be pretty cheap &
easy to build, but it still leaves the problem of how to get the thing
attached in the first place (which is what made me think of the EM field
detector, because that could be just placed near a wire)... Any ideas
This little pair of black boxes would, I think, make the job of
bootlegging much easier since there is less physical evidence, and a 9
volt battery could power a transmitter that could broadcast 500m for a
long period of time, so you could even leave the MD player stashed in your
car with a buddy attending to it. :)
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Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 17:49:49 +0100
Subject: RE: (orb) recording shows
I don't mean to urinate on anyone's bonfire, but of all the live shows
bootlegs I've heard [not just the Orb] the sound quality is shit.
Not just the "quality" of the sound, but added crowd noise, acoustics etc
etc - surely the solution would be to get friendly with someone on the sound
I'm sure that they record them all anyway - All the DJ mix tapes are done
from the sound desk.
I've got numerous Stone Roses bootlegs for example, and to be honest they
are just pathetic. One video in particular has some knob in the crowd
repeatedly shouting "turn that fucking light off" which get slightly
irritating after the 4th or 5th time.
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