From: (orb-digest)
Subject: orb-digest V2 #449
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orb-digest Thursday, April 26 2001 Volume 02 : Number 449
Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 21:18:14 -0400 (EDT)
From: Jeff
Subject: RE: (orb) boiled lead?
> Ah, I see you're taking advantage of the fact that no one said you couldn't
> post to the list while under the influence of a controlled substance.. :)
Oh man, if someone passed that ordinance we'd be left with a lot less list
- ----
A Klein Bottle has zero volume, so we suggest that you do not use it as a
personal flotation device.
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Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 19:33:36 -0800 (AKDT)
From: "James A. Crippen"
Subject: RE: (orb) boiled lead?
On Wed, 25 Apr 2001, Jason Wallace wrote:
> Ah, I see you're taking advantage of the fact that no one said you couldn't
> post to the list while under the influence of a controlled substance.. :)
No, actually I'm completely sober. I'm just one day past the final
deadline on some software and have discovered that the entire design is
completely wrong and the whole system needs a rewrite from scratch and it
must be done by Saturday evening for the sales meeting in England on
Tuesday. It'll take me two weeks to fix it all, too.
Pardon me while I go completely insane. :)
- --
James A. Crippen ,-./-. Anchorage, Alaska,
Lambda Unlimited: Recursion 'R' Us | |/ | USA, 61.2069 N, 149.766 W,
Y = \f.(\x.f(xx)) (\x.f(xx)) | |\ | Earth, Sol System,
Y(F) = F(Y(F)) \_,-_/ Milky Way.
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 00:17:36 -0400
From: Justin Roby
Subject: (orb) Well, just figured out something...
Namely, why "Autolump's" character is the cow. Cause the satellite is an
automatic tea machine, and it, well, "autolumps" the tea with sugar...
- --Justin
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Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 21:46:36 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: RE: (orb) mini metro blurb
Believe it or not, I was actually vomited on at an Orb gig. Talk about
bringing my E down....
Poor lad was pushing his way through the crowd , trying his best to find
someplace to puke, hand over his mouth (hence the spray effect) and blew
chunks all over my shirt.....Nice.
I was a bit upset at first, but then thought "Fuck it, this is The Orb,
and I will have one of the best nights of my life, despite the foul
My stoned point is that if you go to gigs you have to expect that
someone is going to annoy you. I'm 6'3" and I can pretty much guarantee
the only fucker in place taller than me will be right in front of me, or
my feet are going to get walked on,or some arsehole is going to spill
beer on me etc. Call me pessimistic but I accept it and don't let
anything spoil the night.
With the flailing dancer, it is the fault of neither drugs or alcohol.
It's just someone enjoying herself and doesn't realise that she is
pissing people off...If that makes sense.
I'm trolleyed...
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 00:26:45 -0600
From: mhlady
Subject: RE: (orb) mini metro blurb
>Certainly I know there are plenty of people out there who don't require
>substances to be jerks
I ecountered a somewhat large individual during an Amon Tobin show who was
unquestionably straight-edge sober and whilst we had just toked
and were enjoying dancing to some very deep intense DnB he decided
this would be the best time to express himself and proceeded to flail
beyond the limited dance space at the club. Despite arm smacking, several
possible headbutts, and politely asking to him cool down, he continued to
put a damper on our night.
It all sums up to this. In the presence of a musical artist that they have
paid to see, someone who feels they have the right to express themselves
above the concerns of all others around them will do so no matter what
someone else tells them. This flailng lady who has become so infamous on our
list incorporated toking into her idea of expressionalism, but would have
most likely expressed her self to Blueroom's inconvenience even
if she hadn't toked simply because in her illconceived mind she had the right.
It pains me that a true orb fan was subjected to this treatment at an orb show
but just remember that eventually, the ignorant will die off.
Survival of the Orbest
P.S.- WestCan Orb fan's crack out the water bongs!!
Finally a Vancouver appearance!
Saves me the extra $400 of travelling to Coachella.
Although I would really have liked to :(
Peace n' Burnin' trees
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 03:39:28 -0400
From: "Reverend djbluE (Chromatest)"
Subject: Re: (orb) Toronto continued and other rants too
I really enjoyed the show as well.. I think the sound was a bit better
at Irving Plaza, but the crowd was better in toronto, and the songs
were better (knameen?) too bad that Thursday's Keeper got trashed (not
I indeed did have lumps on my head... listening to the recording
egnabled by those lumps right now... (which is why I say the sound was
better at irving plaza).... James did indeed confuse me when he
called Andrew 'Grant' instead... I remembered it as andrew because of
the guy in brooklyn of the same name (even if his name isn't andrew,
that's still how I remembered it) It was super nice meeting you
james, and Andrew also.. It was very nice to be dancing a bit and
enjoying the show when a hand would appear from nowhere with a bag of
twizzlers... very nice indeed!
> My girlfriend (first Orb show) also mentioned that she had never smelled so
> much pot at any other concert before which brings us to another topic
I also noticed that she didn't hesitate much to add to the aroma...
which brings me to a similar topic... the aroma in toronto was quite
different to that of irving plaza.. Toronto's smelled almost
"mesquite" more woodsy like.. (maybe less hydroponic?)
and I've never been on any substances at an orb show (strange, I know)
- -ben
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 07:58:39 -0000
From: "get downandboogie"
Subject: (orb) attn all freaks
hey u freaks,
i say the chi-town show at the metro
i must say witchman is gooooooood
does anyone know where to get a hold of any of his music-especially the schtuff he played live--like that freaks song (someone posted something about it but i got pissed that had i had 1000+ emails about some guy getting pissed at a show and i went on a mad deleting spree)
anyway any info would please this freak
ps- i think that there should be mandatory minimum amount of people illegally intoxicated on illicit subsatnces at orb shows : )
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 08:10:43 -0000
From: "get downandboogie"
Subject: (orb) l o again (pps)
-or at least a lot of people having way too good of a time to be in their normal state of mind
orb needs a good three day festival to play outdoors where people can relly get into the whole atmsphere
i bet coachella will be freakin' AWESOME
have fun all u that are goin' i'll be there in spirit
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 10:52:54 +0100
Subject: RE: (orb) blah blah blah blah blah blah....
Jeez, it's a mailing list.
Just fucking delete it if you don't want to read it. I've been out of the
office for ten days and when I got back I didn't want to wade through 300 or
so emails, so I just deleted em.
I don't particularly want to read about everyone's personal experiences at
the US gig's. I don't care what the track listing was and who said what to
who, so I don't read them.
It's not difficult.
It's a shame we all don't know what you find interesting then we can only
post about that, but then I'm sure that someone else would find that boring
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 17:59:01 +0800
From: Kael Driscoll
Subject: (orb) the fireman
hey kids
just wondering... does anyone have a copy of the fireman's first cd
Strawberries Oceans Ships Forest that they feel like selling or trading?
nice one bruvvvvva
K to the L
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 13:06:39 +0100
Subject: (orb) English Cydonia
I have a spare retail copy with EDM on, does anyone want it?
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 10:11:44 -0400
From: " x e n l a b >"
Subject: Re: (orb) blah blah blah blah blah blah....
that's why the goddess invented subject lines. read the first message in the
thread, if it sucks. delete the thread. i do it all the time when my inbox
besides, don't you know how to triple the size of your inbox? post a message
asking eveyone not to post a message. congrats. your thread is almost as
long as the one about psychotic flailing hippie chick that may or may not
been smoking weed before, after, or during the time she accosted and
violated one of our fellow list members. if talking about going to an orb
concert -- whether a positive expirience or not -- is Off Topic -- perhaps
*I'M* on the wrong list.
x e n l a b>
: visual artist
: web producer
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 10:12:22 -0400
From: " x e n l a b >"
Subject: Re: (orb) boiled Head?
[ snip ]
: and all of these lasers eventually when in
: operation will be beaming non-stop advertisements for the products of
: large metanational megacorporations which should cause the entire populace
: of Earth to expend their total energies in a mass orgy of consumerism,
: gutting every store and commercial outlet in a frenzy much like a
: factorial combination of the Cabbage Patch, Tickle-Me-Elmo, and Pokemon
: Riots, and the eventual outcome of this consumatory orgy will be the
[ / snip ]
But you forgot about Beanie Babies! The real reason the US economy is shit
right now is because no one is buying my fucking beanie babies! Come on,
they're worth more than dot-com stock!
James, that was the longest run on sentence i've ever read. longer than your
past Illuminati 'speeches'. I'm convinced that's all you guys do -- sit
around and figure out the best way to right sentances with no periods. but
maybe that's your plan all along? god no, now i'm sucked in too!
x e n l a b>
: visual artist
: web producer
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 15:12:00 +0100
Subject: RE: (orb) boiled Head?
>>>best way to right sentences
that would be write? right?
I wasn't suggesting that discussing orb concerts was off topic - merely
trying to make the point that I don't want to read every post either, but
I'm not going to bitch about it. I'll just delete them instead.........
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 10:37:08 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Benjamin L. May"
Subject: (orb) love this list
I love how every time the orb tour this list goes insane. :)
People may bitch about how they get 70 messages a day from it during these
periods, but I find it quite entertaining. KEEP IT COMING!!!
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 10:29:43 -0800 (AKDT)
From: "James A. Crippen"
Subject: Re: (orb) boiled Head?
On Thu, 26 Apr 2001, x e n l a b > wrote:
> But you forgot about Beanie Babies! The real reason the US economy is shit
> right now is because no one is buying my fucking beanie babies! Come on,
> they're worth more than dot-com stock!
I have a mansion in WICHITA that's inhabited entirely by EX-DOT-COM CEOs!
> James, that was the longest run on sentence i've ever read.
I think James Joyce still has me beat. But not my Bongos! And no beat
doesn't mean you can't pound out a tune! Just dance to th' DIFFERENT
> longer than your past Illuminati 'speeches'. I'm convinced that's all
> you guys do -- sit around and figure out the best way to right
> sentances with no periods.
Not true. We also sit around all day trying to come up with Zen koans and
aphorisms based around advertising jingles and popular catchphrases that
when examined develop into deeply complex and myriad meanings.
And for fun we dissect the philosophical ramifications of Zippy the
Pinhead's non-sequiturs. And eat those funny mushrooms that grow next to
governmental drug-testing laboratories. :)
> but maybe that's your plan all along? god no, now i'm sucked in too!
Once you pop, you can't stop!
- --
James A. Crippen ,-./-. Anchorage, Alaska,
Lambda Unlimited: Recursion 'R' Us | |/ | USA, 61.2069 N, 149.766 W,
Y = \f.(\x.f(xx)) (\x.f(xx)) | |\ | Earth, Sol System,
Y(F) = F(Y(F)) \_,-_/ Milky Way.
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 14:30:02 -0400
From: "TheEye"
Subject: RE: (orb) love this list
>> I love how every time the orb tour this list goes insane. :)
I think it is great too. I have been a subscriber to this list for a number
of years, but I never posted before. Well, after this last Orb concert and
meeting Gavin personally at the end of the concert (unfortunately NOT
meeting Alex or anyone else) I have been inspired to post and participate
more on the list.
I also think that this is what the list is for, more or less, and yes, if
you don't want to read, use delete, it works.
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 10:31:01 -0800 (AKDT)
From: "James A. Crippen"
Subject: Re: (orb) boiled lead?
On Thu, 26 Apr 2001, x e n l a b > wrote:
> : Pardon me while I go completely insane. :)
> my condolences. good luck on the project.
I'm going insane and I'm taking you with me!
(Insane? Isn't that somewhere in Florida?)
Madness takes its toll. Please have exact change.
- --
James A. Crippen ,-./-. Anchorage, Alaska,
Lambda Unlimited: Recursion 'R' Us | |/ | USA, 61.2069 N, 149.766 W,
Y = \f.(\x.f(xx)) (\x.f(xx)) | |\ | Earth, Sol System,
Y(F) = F(Y(F)) \_,-_/ Milky Way.
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 14:35:22 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Benjamin L. May"
Subject: RE: (orb) love this list
> I think it is great too. I have been a subscriber to this list for a number
> of years, but I never posted before. Well, after this last Orb concert and
> meeting Gavin personally at the end of the concert (unfortunately NOT
> meeting Alex or anyone else) I have been inspired to post and participate
> more on the list.
I have long since given up on trying to monitor/control the type
of content that flows through this mailing list. People always seem to be
really sensitive about staying on topic, but this list would be wicked
boring and get way less posts if it were limited to ONLY discussions about
specific orb-related topics.
So, my message to all that read this is to not try and control the
type of content that flows. It's out of your control, so trying to control
it will only make you angry and frustrated. The only other options are: 1)
Unsubscribe or 2) Ignore certain threads. :)
Wow those paragraphs had nothing whatsoever to do with what you
> I also think that this is what the list is for, more or less, and yes, if
> you don't want to read, use delete, it works.
Hence this message. Whoa, its like a meta message. :)
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 10:38:38 -0800 (AKDT)
From: "James A. Crippen"
Subject: RE: (orb) love this list
On Thu, 26 Apr 2001, TheEye wrote:
> >> I love how every time the orb tour this list goes insane. :)
> I think it is great too. I have been a subscriber to this list for a number
> of years, but I never posted before. Well, after this last Orb concert and
> meeting Gavin personally at the end of the concert (unfortunately NOT
> meeting Alex or anyone else) I have been inspired to post and participate
> more on the list.
> I also think that this is what the list is for, more or less, and yes, if
> you don't want to read, use delete, it works.
I have to agree. Occasionally I'm just not in the mood to do anything
related to the outside world. So I just run amok in my mail program
pressing 'D' until my mailbox is nice and empty.
Then there are days (like today?) where I take the time to produce a
carefully crafted individual response to each and every single message
that I come across.
I think it's some sort of psychological disorder, probably. 8I
- --
James A. Crippen ,-./-. Anchorage, Alaska,
Lambda Unlimited: Recursion 'R' Us | |/ | USA, 61.2069 N, 149.766 W,
Y = \f.(\x.f(xx)) (\x.f(xx)) | |\ | Earth, Sol System,
Y(F) = F(Y(F)) \_,-_/ Milky Way.
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 10:41:13 -0800 (AKDT)
From: "James A. Crippen"
Subject: RE: (orb) love this list
On Thu, 26 Apr 2001, Benjamin L. May wrote:
> I have long since given up on trying to monitor/control the type
> of content that flows through this mailing list. People always seem to be
> really sensitive about staying on topic, but this list would be wicked
> boring and get way less posts if it were limited to ONLY discussions about
> specific orb-related topics.
You can only say 'Little Fluffy Clouds' so many times in a row before you
start giggling uncontrollably..
> So, my message to all that read this is to not try and control the
> type of content that flows. It's out of your control, so trying to control
> it will only make you angry and frustrated. The only other options are: 1)
> Unsubscribe or 2) Ignore certain threads. :)
You must approach the list as Tao. You cannot control the river's flow,
so do not let it control you.
> Hence this message. Whoa, its like a meta message. :)
Does that make this a meta-meta-message? Or a hyper-message?
- --
James A. Crippen ,-./-. Anchorage, Alaska,
Lambda Unlimited: Recursion 'R' Us | |/ | USA, 61.2069 N, 149.766 W,
Y = \f.(\x.f(xx)) (\x.f(xx)) | |\ | Earth, Sol System,
Y(F) = F(Y(F)) \_,-_/ Milky Way.
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 14:56:24 -0400
From: "Meredith, Justin"
Subject: (orb) the color and the shape
anyone "see" colors or geometric shapes while listening to music?
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 15:02:18 -0400
From: " x e n l a b >"
Subject: Re: (orb) the color and the shape
I also Hear the Colors from time to time. but that something all
entirely different.
and on occasion i'll turn off the music - push my palms into my
closed eyes, until i see fried eggs. (hey, it worked for Dali)
who, by the way, would have probably loved the Orb.
x e n l a b>
: visual artist
: web producer
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 19:01:12
From: "Spear man"
Subject: (orb) td/orb rubicon revisited cover photo URL
OK, I finally found a scan of the rubicon revisted cover--albeit small
here's the URL for the website containing the scan.
once you get there
click on the word 'bootleg' in the 26/10/98 field.
wait for the page to load--it's all the way at the bottom and you should see
text to the right saying 'evil ear' which is the 'label'
that rubicon revisited is on.
- --spearman (typing off at the, er mouth--overamped on coffee and pre-SF orb
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 14:06:09 -0500
From: John Moxness
Subject: RE: (orb) the color and the shape
anyone "see" colors or geometric shapes while listening to music?
===>only when i close my eyes and push on them. try it. is it just me?
its like a dream you have some control over. and if you do it while in
direct sunlight it gets real fun. just make sure you close your eyes first.
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 15:09:30 -0400
From: " x e n l a b >"
Subject: (orb) Orbette...
You're famous. We're talking about you and your radio-venus on another
mailing list. don't you feel warm and fuzzy, now?
x e n l a b>
: visual artist
: web producer
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 15:08:20 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Benjamin L. May"
Subject: Re: (orb) the color and the shape
> anyone "see" colors or geometric shapes while listening to music?
Only when I have ingested certain type of seronergic stimulant
drugs. :) Althou everyone's brain chemistry is different and, for
instance, my roomate hears aural halucinations all the time.
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 12:13:31 -0700
From: "*christine*"
Subject: Re: (orb) the color and the shape
> anyone "see" colors or geometric shapes while listening to music?
John Wrote:
> ===>only when i close my eyes and push on them. try it. is it just me?
> its like a dream you have some control over. and if you do it while in
> direct sunlight it gets real fun. just make sure you close your eyes
Woo-hoo I thought I was completely alone on that one.....isn't natural
psychedelia great!
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 19:14:05 -0000
From: "Gloria Davy"
Subject: RE: (orb) the color and the shape
>only when i close my eyes and push on them. try it. is it just me?
>its like a dream you have some control over. and if you do it while in
>direct sunlight it gets real fun. just make sure you close your eyes
"It's really just the sun"
(I hope this short reply doesn't offend anyone)
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 15:15:08 -0400
From: "TheEye"
Subject: RE: (orb) the color and the shape
>anyone "see" colors or geometric shapes while listening to music?
Hey, when I listen to Orb and other music that I like, I will get a rush
from the music, much like a runners high. When the music comes together and
the mood is right, I have been known to hallucinate, but some of the herbs I
smoke help with that ; )
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 11:16:32 -0800 (AKDT)
From: "James A. Crippen"
Subject: Re: (orb) the color and the shape
On Thu, 26 Apr 2001, Meredith, Justin wrote:
> anyone "see" colors or geometric shapes while listening to music?
Typically on heavy psychedelics. Sometimes without.
They're always more present with eyes closed though. Less visual
Good family fun...
- --
James A. Crippen ,-./-. Anchorage, Alaska,
Lambda Unlimited: Recursion 'R' Us | |/ | USA, 61.2069 N, 149.766 W,
Y = \f.(\x.f(xx)) (\x.f(xx)) | |\ | Earth, Sol System,
Y(F) = F(Y(F)) \_,-_/ Milky Way.
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 11:20:34 -0800 (AKDT)
From: "James A. Crippen"
Subject: RE: (orb) the color and the shape
On Thu, 26 Apr 2001, John Moxness wrote:
> anyone "see" colors or geometric shapes while listening to music?
> ===>only when i close my eyes and push on them. try it. is it just me?
> its like a dream you have some control over. and if you do it while in
> direct sunlight it gets real fun. just make sure you close your eyes first.
Make sure not to push too hard or for too long. Always take a break. You
*can* damage your cornea, lens, and optic nerve from this with prolonged
abuse. You can tell when it starts to hurt or when your eyes and the
muscles around them start to ache, for one. And when light begins to seem
irritating or unbearably bright (photophobia). Symptoms can be similar to
a migraine or to optic nerve damage or tumor.
The colors and shapes happen because of direct pressure being applied from
the back of the eyeball to the termination of the optic nerve in the
retina. You're not *actually* seeing anything, but you're making the
nerve believe something is happening. The random noise sent down the
nerve gets translated to colors and shapes by your brain. Great fun.
- --
James A. Crippen ,-./-. Anchorage, Alaska,
Lambda Unlimited: Recursion 'R' Us | |/ | USA, 61.2069 N, 149.766 W,
Y = \f.(\x.f(xx)) (\x.f(xx)) | |\ | Earth, Sol System,
Y(F) = F(Y(F)) \_,-_/ Milky Way.
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 14:28:19 -0500
From: John Moxness
Subject: RE: (orb) the color and the shape
>only when i close my eyes and push on them. try it. is it just me?
>its like a dream you have some control over. and if you do it while in
>direct sunlight it gets real fun. just make sure you close your eyes
"It's really just the sun"
===>hell yeah! thanks daryl!
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 15:49:08 -0400
From: "Meredith, Justin"
Subject: RE: (orb) the color and the shape
actually what i was trying to get as was natural visualization - i don't
think you have to push on your eyes, or even close them for that matter...
what i mean by visualization does not nessasarily mean forcing a thought to
occur - i think when you focus on one specific rythym in a song and
concentrate on it, an image will occur. as the song progresses and the
rythym fluctuates, so does the image...
you don't need to smoke weed or drop a dose to experience this- it is
natural and not something to be forced. anyone can do it if they know about
it an try to do it.
i think when you go to a show and you see people doing interpretive dancing,
they are actually acting out the images in their mind...
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 15:15:15 -0500
From: John Moxness
Subject: (orb) patterns and textures cd
does anyone have an extra copy of the orb free cd1 i could purchase/trade
for? i really would like to have an original. please contact me off list.
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 14:23:26 -0600
From: Mike Bailey
Subject: Re: (orb) metro show on mon
> it seemed to me that not many people were really getting into it; there
were a
> few clusters of dancers but as a whole i thought a lot of people just
stood around.
I know what you mean, and I worry in Denver that if people don't respond
enough, they'll never come back. I like it though that some people stand
around and some people dance (try to do both myself). It's why the Orb
part is better than the Witchman part, there's more to pay attention
to. And it prevents flailing, no? I especially like watching the
expressions of the people dancing straight through, when lx puts on a
country song or "You are my sunshine" or something like that, and the way
they cross their arms and pout.
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 16:20:01 EDT
Subject: RE: (orb) blah blah blah blah blah blah....
In a message dated Thu, 26 Apr 2001 5:57:18 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
Jeez, it's a mailing list.
Just fucking delete it if you don't want to read it. I've been out of the
office for ten days and when I got back I didn't want to wade through 300 or
so emails, so I just deleted em.
I don't particularly want to read about everyone's personal experiences at
the US gig's. I don't care what the track listing was and who said what to
who, so I don't read them.
It's not difficult.
It's a shame we all don't know what you find interesting then we can only
post about that, but then I'm sure that someone else would find that boring
Matt, good call. I delete more posts from this list than I read, but I don't have a hissyfit about the topics that don't interest me.
Maybe we can have all posts go to Jerry Quartley first, so ~he~ can decide what isn't inane and silly and then present his results to everyone else.
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 16:28:38 -0400
From: " x e n l a b >"
Subject: Re: (orb) LX is messing with my mind.
: I especially like watching the
: expressions of the people dancing straight through, when lx puts on a
: country song or "You are my sunshine" or something like that, and the way
: they cross their arms and pout.
oh yeah! unless your familiar with him and his style -- it'll definitely
throw you for a loop. however, if you count style, originality, and f'n
technique he's one of the better DJz out there.
(the man could and does from time to time, throw out some crazy
"ambient-turntablizm" (for lack of a better term) -- the small set he threw
down in orlando when he was touring with MBM, for instance, blew my mind. if
the cat in the long sleeve Orbvs shirt that recorded it with a dictaphone is
x e n l a b>
: visual artist
: web producer
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 16:36:49 -0500
From: "Vince Frank"
Subject: (orb) Color and music
> > anyone "see" colors or geometric shapes while listening to music?
===>I actually "see" colors when listening to music. Specific
timbres produce different colors. A piano, for example, gives
off a VERY light blue; a pipe organ is more of a rust color;
an electric guitar ranges from yellow to brownish; a saxophone
is a rusty-violet combination, and so on.
This is not uncommon, and *is* a documented psychological
phenomenon. I forget what it is called, though.... I learned
about it in a music class I took when I was in the 10th grade
(fifteen years ago).
When I hear the song, "Breath," by Pink Floyd, I see lots
of violets and burnt oranges.... "O.O.B.E." by the Orb,
on the other hand, has violets and reds, with some blues
later on.... Weird.
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 13:36:39 -0700
From: "matt gundlach"
Subject: Re: (orb) Color and music
i believe the word you're looking for in kinesthesia. or some other
appropraite spelling (i'm pretty sure that's right, though)
it's not extremely common but i don't know of many people that have it.
senses are all mixed up in that way... scents are pictured as images, sounds
as colors, and so on. interesting reading, too.
> ===>I actually "see" colors when listening to music. Specific
> timbres produce different colors. A piano, for example, gives
> off a VERY light blue; a pipe organ is more of a rust color;
> an electric guitar ranges from yellow to brownish; a saxophone
> is a rusty-violet combination, and so on.
> This is not uncommon, and *is* a documented psychological
> phenomenon. I forget what it is called, though.... I learned
> about it in a music class I took when I was in the 10th grade
> (fifteen years ago).
> When I hear the song, "Breath," by Pink Floyd, I see lots
> of violets and burnt oranges.... "O.O.B.E." by the Orb,
> on the other hand, has violets and reds, with some blues
> later on.... Weird.
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End of orb-digest V2 #449