From: (port-charles-digest) To: Subject: port-charles-digest V1 #19 Reply-To: port-charles-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk port-charles-digest Saturday, January 24 1998 Volume 01 : Number 019 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 10:55:57 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: The Museum of Television and Radio (Some small spoilers) At 07:21 AM 1/23/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote: >(plus, taiyin will be back soon with details of the gh event at >the museum of television and radio in l.a., lucky girl!) Just what I love: a woman with a fine sense of priorities. There are some small spoilers towards the bottom, though -- consider yourself warned (and there is built in space since I'll do the non-spoiler stuff first). OK, last night... let me first just say MAJOR thanks to Anne. Because my trip down there was last minute, I couldn't actually get a ticket because the event was, natch, sold out. She had an extra and donated it to my patheticness, and I am very grateful. Tony Geary didn't make it; instead Michelle Val Jean and Joe Something or other showed up, in addition to Shelley Curtis. Joe actually directed the pilot ep of GH in 1963. He then went on to direct the pilot ep of Days, before coming back to direct for GH. The entire panel was: Wendy Riche, Joe, Bob Guza, Shelley Curtis, Michelle Val Jean, Brad Maule and Jackie Zeman. At the very beginning they ran a "video" that had scenes from years gone by - -- some of the best. The first clip in the vid was from the pilot ep, with Jessie Brewer and Stever Hardy. The second scene was from 1979, and it was Rick Webber (a very young, long-haired Richard Dean Anderson) and Audrey (also very young looking, and with *very* short hair). It was about Rick finding out that Steve was his father. The next scene was also from 1979 and it was from Luke and Laura's famous night in Whyndam's. Then they skipped all the 1980's and went to 1991: Robert and Mac, right after Mac arrived in town. It was a scene at Kelly's where Robert basically picked a fight with Mac, Mac decked him and then a bunch of cops, including Frisco, came running in and busted Mac for assaulting an officer. And no one believed that Mac was Robert's brother. Anna watched the whole exchange and was SERIOUSLY unhappy with Robert. Next was from 1993 and the return of Luke and Laura. If anyone knows where I can get that stuff, please email me off list, because I am DYING to see Lucky's trek across country on his own -- in the scene the truck blew up, Luke realized that they've been found and he told Laura to "make the call." She couldn't do it, because she couldn't "leave Lucky." Luke told her that they've discussed this a hundred times and they had decided that if there was ever a move made against them while they were seperated that they would make their ways to their next location seperately. Laura cried that Lucky was only 10 years old and Luke insistsed that he knew what to do. After that was the ones that always have everyone rolling on the floor in tears. From 1994: Tony telling Frisco that Maxie's new heart was really BJ's. Wah! It was so pavlovian. As soon as the scene opened, 90% of the audience was in tears. God knows I was. And then was the scene from the same time between Bobbie and Ruby. And then after that was the scene where Tony threw Bobbie out of the Brownstone. Of course the following exchange: Bobbie: "I suppose you're so perfect that you've never been attracted to anyone else!" Tony: "I never acted on it!" ... had EVERYONE laughing in light of the past year. For a scene that really isn't even remotely funny, we were hysterical. The next scene was from the 1995 Nurses Ball, where AJ goaded Stone into blurting out his medical status (I love that scene). And after that was the 1996 NB, the "Dualing Divas" as Luke called them -- Katherine and Lucy's "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend" routine. Then it ended with a run through the credits. Their choice in credits was puzzling. A classic version or the current version would have made sense, but instead it was about three or four versions ago. Not only were Robin and Sonny in them, but so were Tom and Miranda. I think maybe even Lois. Strange. Next was the panel. Let me just say that at a Forever Knight con last year, the fans discovered that one of the women on the show, in RL, was a THOUSAND times more stunningly beautiful than she EVER was on the show. Last night I discovered the same is true of Jackie Zeman. I still can't get over how absolutely gorgeous she is. Most of the panel time was spent on Q&As, which was nice. And I was very happy that all of the questions from the audience were very intellegent -- that's not to say that I would "expect" anything less, but I've just been to too many cons where the Q&As were filled with stupid "I can't tell the actor from the character" type questions that are just really embarrassing to have to sit through. The members of the press that have been covering these events said that the GH panel was the most intellegent sounding one they've covered so far. There were so many wannabe soap writers in the audience, though, that it was discouraging. ;-) And let me just say that Brad Maule is EXTREMELY funny in RL. One of my favorite parts of the panel was something Michelle Val Jean said. There was a quesiton about how a whole team of writers always manages (for the most part) to write every character and have them "sound" the same as every other writer manages to do. Brad also commented that that always seems almost magical to him and it impresses the hell out of him. Michelle's comment sounded like Jill or Cagey or I discussing fanfic: she said that it works because the writers have the characters living in their heads and telling them what to write. The writers only do what they are told. Michelle says she is often awaken from dreams by the characters blathering at her. She said, writing on GH means that she has "30 characters living in her head." To which Brad Maule's response was: "I was sleeping with my step-daughter in your head?" There were a couple of little things revealed during the session: 1.) According to Wendy, it doesn't sound like Genie will be coming back ANY time soon. However, when I was talking to Guza privately AFTERwards, he sounded much more optomistic. 2.) They were disucssing directing and shooting legistics and Shelley mentioned that their current challenge is the fact that Alexis is shooting a love scene today (Friday) -- and the probelm with that is that Nancy is 8 months pregnant. And then there were two things that Guza told me afterwards: It seems they've already shot Bobbie finding out and confronting Luke about his lies about Carly/Caroline. According to Guza, "Luke comes home one night like usual, opens the door and finds Bobbie sitting there (in the dark, I think he said) almost ready to blow him away." After I commented that the only occasion in which I think the lack of crossovers has actually *damaged* the storylines was the fact that Scott has been back in town for six months and hasn't run into all the people with whom he has MAJOR, and often unresoved, history, I specifically said that the reunion that I REALLY am dying to see is Scott and Luke. Guza got a Cheshire Cat grin and said: "Just wait." He said that Scott has a short crossover, and that "something from the past blows up in the present." He didn't specifically say it was Luke, but the implication was there, considering the context, and frankly that is the one that makes the most sense. By far, though, the coolest part was talking to Michelle Val Jean. I went back inside after the panel was over to talk to Bob. I wanted to talk to Michelle, but I thought she had already left. As I was waiting there, she started to walk past me. I stopped her and the conversation was basically as follows: Taiyin: "I run a Kevin and Lucy mailing list on the internet --" Michelle: (puts her hand over her heart and sighs) "Oh, my couple!" Taiyin: "Mine, too. I just wanted to let you know that back when you were on PC, h*lping with the transition to the new writing team, we were all DELIGHTED to have you writing for Kevin & Lucy again." Michelle: (very, very surprised) "Really?" Taiyin: "Absolutely! As much as I love the fact that, after three and a half years of being neglected on GH --" Woman behind me: "Kevin & Lucy were neglected on GH?" Different woman behind me: "Yeah, pretty badly." Taiyin: "-- I am definitely happy that they are actually getting some *screen time* on PC now. But for a long time there, they just weren't quite right. And the *day* you started writing for them again, we ALL noticed. Suddenly they were funny and intellegent and sexy and witty again - -- just like they should always be. And we knew it was you, so I just wanted to let you know that we all miss your influence and loved that you got the chance to write for them for just a little bit. The list was blissful over it." Michelle: (delighted, touched and very, very amazed) "I can't believe you guys knew it was me. That is so great. It ripped a huge hole out of my heart when they moved them over to PC. I miss them so much." Anyway, so she was *so* touched and surprised that we not only noticed, but that we knew it was her influence that made them so much better. That was very, very cool. During the panel the question of Brenda's mental meltdown came up, naturally. Brad told us that he loved the part when Brenda was cutting out her face from all the pics. He thought that was cool. He especially liked that she framed one of them later. He was funny. Then, I was talking to Guza a few minutes later with a couple of other women. I asked him what, specifically, his job as a consultant to PC entailed. He said that, so far, because his first priority was to put GH back on track, he really hasn't done much. But now that he's getting his ducks in a row on GH, basically it will be just a matter of he and Lynn Latham coordinating storylines. He said that there is a major storm coming up and he and Lynn were batting things back and forth: "How many days do you want this to last?" "Oh, I was thinking three -- what about you?" "Three works for me. I'll go add another day, then." just to keep things consistant with both shows. He also mentioned that things like the Nurses Ball are the types of things that are extremely important to him to get right, but that logistically they are such a nightmare that he can't always do things the way he'd like. That made me kind of nervous, until he reassured us that the NB this year WILL take place on both shows and that Lucy WILL be emceeing it again -- he said, "And we'll throw something with Katherine in, because that's always fun." There was a chorus of "I *love* the Nurses' Balls" and he said that he wanted this year's to be the best yet (to which my mental reaciton was "Ha! Fat chance! But I'd LOVE to see you try..."). I commented that I've almost worn out my copy of the 1995 Nurses' Ball -- because, IMO, that one was the best ever. He's shooting to be it and I'm interested in seeing what he comes up with. The subject of crossovers came up and I made a wisecrack about desperately needing some Mac and Kevin about now -- "after all, who would understand better than Kevin about Mac's 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' little problem at the moment." Guza said that getting Kevin involved in that was something that he REALLY wanted to do, but that he didn't know if he was going to be able to make it work. He also said that he had WANTED for Kevin to be Brenda's therapist, but that logistically it just didn't work out because Kevin was too busy on PC. One of the other women asked him if he missed having K&L there and he said yes, that their absence left a "big hole int he canvas." At that point my promise to be good and totally silent was shot and I felt the overwhelming need to say, "Well, I certainly miss a lot of that interaction -- especially Lucy and Luke -- but Kevin and Lucy met on February 17, 1994, and it should probably alarm you that I know that off the top of my head , and yet they've had more airtime in the past six months on PC than they had on the entire previous three and a half years on GH. If being seperated from some of their friends is the price I have to pay for them to actually get their own storyline, then it's worth it." And then I added, "Now, if they could just get Scott his OWN storyline and get him out of the middle of Kevin & Lucy's lives, then things would be good." One of the other women popped up wtih, "I love Scott!" And I said, "So do I. And I'd love him even more if he would stop getting in the middle of Kevin & Lucy's relationship." I refrained from commenting on how vile I thought Monday was and how desperately I am awaiting the end of this whole Rex thing -- because Bob is not the person who can do anything about any of it. That was part of what I would have liked to say to Wendy, but didn't get the chance. He did, however, comment that they are still going to have to "deal with" Scott and Lucy's past relationship -- "because it's just too good to pass up." And, of course, I felt the need to say, "Good, as long as they don't do anymore of those 'meaningful looks.' Those gave me the shivering fits." I got the distinct impression that, of the fans he comes into contact with most, Kevin & Lucy fanatics are not the highest majority. Shocker there. Tragic -- no one ever thought they'd have much of a following, so they never gave them any air time. And because they never gave them any air time, they didn't generate nearly the following that the more (over-)exposed couples got. Michael Logan was also there. I enjoyed a conversation that he and Wendy and Bob were having about where this whole thing is going. Bob is especially enjoying the recreating of Jason right now -- and he and I and a coupel of other owmen were disucssing how much Jason learned from Sonny and what that meant in terms of storyline. I commented that it was doubly interesting because Steve Burton learned a lot from Maurice, so it was great because it worked on both levels. And then five minutes later Logan was saying the same thing. Guza was fun to talk to. He really enjoys discussing the characters and where they are coming from and where they are going. He just enjoys it, and he gets really into it. So that was fun. I wanted to talk to Logan, but he ended up running into the daughter of an old friend of his, and so they were having a personal conversation and I didn't feel comfortable standing there and listening just so I could talk to him for a few minutes, so I just left. I had a long drive to make and it was already after 9:00 p.m. I'm sure there are a few other details that I'm missing, but that was basically the gist of it. All in all, it was a lot of fun. I wish I hadn't gotten lost on my way to Beverly Hills, so I could have seen more of the actual exhibit. As it was, the only thing I really saw was the collection of wedding dresses in the lobby. There were a lot there -- including Lois'. Anne said they were showing old eps upstairs. She said she got to see Luke's wedding to Jennifer Smith -- when Scotty beat him up and shoved him over the side of the yacht. Wish I would have seen that. Taiyin "I think people who have their sh*t together all the time are just full of it." -- Brad Maule - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 10:57:07 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: Re: Re: GH/PC: Hope I have the right address... At 11:35 AM 1/23/98 -0500, Cagey wrote: > >Certainly not! Heck, bring up the possibility of an actual Lucy and Rex >wedding, and watch me burn . Forget 'burn' -- I think 'writhe in pain' is more like it. Yuck. Taiyin "Sacrifice yourself, my love slave." - --"Oh, do with me what you will." -- Lucy & Kevin, GH - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 11:03:06 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: GH/PC: The Museum of Television and Radio (Some small spoilers) I posted the entire version of this to the GH/PC list. I'm reposting the K&L bits here -- if you want the whole thing and are not on the GH/PC list, please email me at and I'll send you a copy. There are some small spoilers towards the bottom, though -- consider yourself warned (and there is built in space since I'll do the non-spoiler stuff first). OK, last night... let me first just say MAJOR thanks to Anne. Because my trip down there was last minute, I couldn't actually get a ticket because the event was, natch, sold out. She had an extra and donated it to my patheticness, and I am very grateful. The entire panel was: Wendy Riche, Joe, Bob Guza, Shelley Curtis, Michelle Val Jean, Brad Maule and Jackie Zeman. One of my favorite parts of the panel was something Michelle Val Jean said. There was a quesiton about how a whole team of writers always manages (for the most part) to write every character and have them "sound" the same as every other writer manages to do. Brad also commented that that always seems almost magical to him and it impresses the hell out of him. Michelle's comment sounded like Jill or Cagey or I discussing fanfic: she said that it works because the writers have the characters living in their heads and telling them what to write. The writers only do what they are told. Michelle says she is often awaken from dreams by the characters blathering at her. She said, writing on GH means that she has "30 characters living in her head." To which Brad Maule's response was: "I was sleeping with my step-daughter in your head?" By far, though, the coolest part was talking to Michelle Val Jean. I went back inside after the panel was over to talk to Bob. I wanted to talk to Michelle, but I thought she had already left. As I was waiting there, she started to walk past me. I stopped her and the conversation was basically as follows: Taiyin: "I run a Kevin and Lucy mailing list on the internet --" Michelle: (puts her hand over her heart and sighs) "Oh, my couple!" Taiyin: "Mine, too. I just wanted to let you know that back when you were on PC, h*lping with the transition to the new writing team, we were all DELIGHTED to have you writing for Kevin & Lucy again." Michelle: (very, very surprised) "Really?" Taiyin: "Absolutely! As much as I love the fact that, after three and a half years of being neglected on GH --" Woman behind me: "Kevin & Lucy were neglected on GH?" Different woman behind me: "Yeah, pretty badly." Taiyin: "-- I am definitely happy that they are actually getting some *screen time* on PC now. But for a long time there, they just weren't quite right. And the *day* you started writing for them again, we ALL noticed. Suddenly they were funny and intellegent and sexy and witty again - -- just like they should always be. And we knew it was you, so I just wanted to let you know that we all miss your influence and loved that you got the chance to write for them for just a little bit. The list was blissful over it." Michelle: (delighted, touched and very, very amazed) "I can't believe you guys knew it was me. That is so great. It ripped a huge hole out of my heart when they moved them over to PC. I miss them so much." Anyway, so she was *so* touched and surprised that we not only noticed, but that we knew it was her influence that made them so much better. That was very, very cool. When I was talking to Guza, he mentioned that things like the Nurses Ball are the types of things that are extremely important to him to get right, but that logistically they are such a nightmare that he can't always do things the way he'd like. That made me kind of nervous, until he reassured us that the NB this year WILL take place on both shows and that Lucy WILL be emceeing it again -- he said, "And we'll throw something with Katherine in, because that's always fun." There was a chorus of "I *love* the Nurses' Balls" and he said that he wanted this year's to be the best yet (to which my mental reaciton was "Ha! Fat chance! But I'd LOVE to see you try..."). I commented that I've almost worn out my copy of the 1995 Nurses' Ball -- because, IMO, that one was the best ever. He's shooting to beat it and I'm interested in seeing what he comes up with. The subject of crossovers came up and I made a wisecrack about desperately needing some Mac and Kevin about now -- "after all, who would understand better than Kevin about Mac's 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' little problem at the moment." Guza said that getting Kevin involved in that was something that he REALLY wanted to do, but that he didn't know if he was going to be able to make it work. He also said that he had WANTED for Kevin to be Brenda's therapist, but that logistically it just didn't work out because Kevin was too busy on PC. One of the other women asked him if he missed having K&L there and he said yes, that their absence left a "big hole int he canvas." At that point my promise to be good and totally silent was shot and I felt the overwhelming need to say, "Well, I certainly miss a lot of that interaction -- especially Lucy and Luke -- but Kevin and Lucy met on February 17, 1994, and it should probably alarm you that I know that off the top of my head , and yet they've had more airtime in the past six months on PC than they had on the entire previous three and a half years on GH. If being seperated from some of their friends is the price I have to pay for them to actually get their own storyline, then it's worth it." And then I added, "Now, if they could just get Scott his OWN storyline and get him out of the middle of Kevin & Lucy's lives, then things would be good." One of the other women popped up wtih, "I love Scott!" And I said, "So do I. And I'd love him even more if he would stop getting in the middle of Kevin & Lucy's relationship." I refrained from commenting on how vile I thought Monday was and how desperately I am awaiting the end of this whole Rex thing -- because Bob is not the person who can do anything about any of it. That was part of what I would have liked to say to Wendy, but didn't get the chance. He did, however, comment that they are still going to have to "deal with" Scott and Lucy's past relationship -- "because it's just too good to pass up." And, of course, I felt the need to say, "Good, as long as they don't do anymore of those 'meaningful looks.' Those gave me the shivering fits." I got the distinct impression that, of the fans he comes into contact with most, Kevin & Lucy fanatics are not the highest majority. Shocker there. Tragic -- no one ever thought they'd have much of a following, so they never gave them any air time. And because they never gave them any air time, they didn't generate nearly the following that the more (over-)exposed couples got. I'm sure there are a few other details that I'm missing, but that was basically the gist of it. All in all, it was a lot of fun. I wish I hadn't gotten lost on my way to Beverly Hills, so I could have seen more of the actual exhibit. As it was, the only thing I really saw was the collection of wedding dresses in the lobby. There were a lot there -- including Lois'. Anne said they were showing old eps upstairs. She said she got to see Luke's wedding to Jennifer Smith -- when Scotty beat him up and shoved him over the side of the yacht. Wish I would have seen that. Taiyin "I think people who have their sh*t together all the time are just full of it." -- Brad Maule - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 11:10:12 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: The Museum of Television and Radio (Some small spoilers) Oops. Sorry about that. The second one was supposed to go to K&L. Mea culpa. Taiyin "Sacrifice yourself, my love slave." - --"Oh, do with me what you will." -- Lucy & Kevin, GH - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 11:16:20 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Hope I have the right address... At 10:18 AM 1/23/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote: > >i'll agree wholeheartedly there. i was never one of those fervent types >who believed that being pro-sonny necessarily meant being anti-jax. >after all, the man IS a god! :) Equal Opportunity Lust prevails, eh Julie? >taiyin...WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY NOT??????? oh i had such HOPES! i pictured >you telling them in NO uncertain terms what a mistake they were making, >and them being so impressed by your passion that they hired you >IMMEDIATELY as script consultant, where you proceeded to right all the >MANY MANY wrongs that have been inflicted on us, the loyal viewing >public. no such luck... Oh gods, I wish. But I figured that since I'd give my eyeteeth for an internship around there, it's probably best not to tell the executive producer and the head writer that they are completely WRONG. >seriously, i'm not sure how you were able to RESTRAIN yourself! if i >were in the same room with that woman...hell, after guza's latest >comment about j&b, with BOTH of them...let's just say it wouldn't be >pretty! :) It was very tempting. But I figured since everyone else, including Logan , was so well behaved, I would do well to follow suit. ;-) >oh well, welcome back anyway! i can't wait till you get caught up with > might regret the restraint you showed last night! Oh dear gods. I don't like the way that sounds. Why do I suspect I will be FURIOUS after I watch this week's stuff tonight when I get home? Taiyin "Sacrifice yourself, my love slave." - --"Oh, do with me what you will." -- Lucy & Kevin, GH - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 11:25:06 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Recaps On the GH/PC list, Julie wrote: > >just out of curiosity, what was lucy THINKING yelling at kevin for >kissing eve? exCUSE me, but who's the one who's ENGAGED TO REX??? Oh man. This makes me crazy. I HATE the kind of damage that they are inflicting on Lucy as a character with all of this. I may actually even hate that more than the damage they are inflicting on her relationship with Kevin. Not much, but a little. >as if it's not bad enough >they had lucy chat with scott about how well the two of them understand >each other, vs. how well lucy and KEVIN do. yuck. They WHAT?!?!?!?!?!? Oh. My. God. That is dispicable. I can't believe that. Positively vile. I don't know if I can watch that without damaging my TV and/or my hand. >i can't wait to hear >taiyin's comments on that scene, 'cause i don't think she's gonna be >very happy! You ain't kiddin'! I can understand the necessity of having to make reference to Lucy and Scott's relationship -- at least to some degree (though, the degree to which Guza implied this was going to be done bothers me quite a bit), but there is no need to REVISIT the relationship. Are they just plain old forgetting that while, yes, Scott and Lucy *did* love each other, they NEVER had anything REMOTELY close to a successful relationship? And that the biggest part of that problem was that their mutual scheming made them TOTALLY incapable of trusting each other. And after ALL the time and energy and work that went into Kevin & Lucy, the fact that they are just trashing so much of them, in so short a time is really revolting. I don't want Lucy to be a saint. She *is* fun when she is getting into trouble. But they don't have to have her backslide into oblivion to do it. Damn. I really hate this. Taiyin "Sacrifice yourself, my love slave." - --"Oh, do with me what you will." -- Lucy & Kevin, GH - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 12:11:21 -0800 From: "Traci DyAnn Haley" Subject: Fw: GH/PC: Hope I have the right address... This bounced back to me...guess I'll try the other address :). Traci : <> : : Ah no, I'm sure I can jump right in . : : <> : : Neither am I! I mean, I did cheer when Slimy err...Sonny left, but I do NOT : want Jax and Brenda together. Why? Because Brenda is a bimbo! I'm tired of : seeing everyone dote on her and treat her like queen. I thought Vanessa Marcil : did Brenda's breakdown well, though. But really, Brenda had Jax once and she : threw him away, why doesn't she leave him alone so everyone else can have a : chance?? LOL :). Actually I'm rooting for a V. and Jax pairing, either that or : bring in a new female character. OR keep him single, I'd kinda like to see him : and his brother have lots of adventures...maybe like The Hardy Boys? LOL ;) : : As for my fanfic...I may post it to this list later on, maybe that would put me : in the mood for updating ;). : : Beam me up, Scotty, : Traci : ~*~ : : : : A Life!? Cool! Where can I download one of those from? : : - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 12:42:43 -0800 From: "Traci DyAnn Haley" Subject: Re: GH/PC: Recaps I must be the only one but I didn't miss any of GH yesterday...the news interruption came on and then afterwards GH was continued at the same spot it was interrupted at. So I take it my ABC channel is one of the only ones who does that? Anyway, speaking of recaps, does anyone have one for today's Port Charles? I slept through it LOL :). Beam me up, Scotty, Traci ~*~ A Life!? Cool! Where can I download one of those from? - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 12:46:22 -0800 From: "Traci DyAnn Haley" Subject: Re: GH/PC: Hope I have the right address... Ahhh...Taiyin you're so LUCKY! You actually got to see Wendy R. and Bob G.?! Cool! Altho' let me just say you have a lot more restraint than I do, I would have given them my opinion whether they wanted it or not!!! <> ITA with you there. I'm getting very tired of Brenda changing her mind all the time. Oh wait...guess you have to have a mind to do that...hehehe sorry, couldn't resist. Beam me up, Scotty, Traci ~*~ A Life!? Cool! Where can I download one of those from? - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 12:41:17 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: Hope I have the right address... At 12:46 PM 1/23/98 -0800, Traci DyAnn Haley wrote: >Ahhh...Taiyin you're so LUCKY! You actually got to see Wendy R. and Bob G.?! >Cool! Altho' let me just say you have a lot more restraint than I do, I would >have given them my opinion whether they wanted it or not!!! Well, my primary obsession is K&L on PC, so I figured I'd wait to be obnoxious until I take my set tour of PC. >ITA with you there. I'm getting very tired of Brenda changing her mind all the >time. Oh wait...guess you have to have a mind to do that...hehehe sorry, >couldn't resist. It's too bad that they've chipped away at Brenda so badly over the years. I used to really love her. Once she wore the wire to get stuff on Sonny, though, it was really downhill from there. >A Life!? Cool! Where can I download one of those from? LOL! Taiyin "Sacrifice yourself, my love slave." - --"Oh, do with me what you will." -- Lucy & Kevin, GH - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 13:38:46 -0800 From: Mike Boychuk Subject: GH/PC: GH Mob question. I havent been following GH for too long maybe a year now...But my favorite storyline is the whole mafia thing...with Sonny and now even with Jason. The one thing I havent been able to find out what exactly do they do? From Jason's meeting with them, we know they're above drugs and definately not above killing...and the docks are involved...anyone know? Mike - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 13:40:18 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH Mob question. At 01:38 PM 1/23/98 -0800, Mike Boychuk wrote: >I havent been following GH for too long maybe a year now...But my favorite >storyline is the whole mafia thing...with Sonny and now even with Jason. >The one thing I havent been able to find out what exactly do >they do? From Jason's meeting with them, we know they're above drugs and >definately not above killing...and the docks are involved...anyone know? This is the great question... there have been lots of times where we've seen bits and pieces of this over the years. Since the beginning, Sonny was very adverse to drugs. Jason has stuck with that. Actually, I should say that Sonny was very adverse to it from the moment TPTB decided that they wanted to keep Maurice Benard around. In the *very* beginning he was hardly anything more than a common hood, who was brought on as a spoiler for the Karen/Jagger relationship (which is the same reason Brenda was brought on). Once they realized that Maurice was worth keeping, they "cleaned" up his business a bit -- and so Sonny was very much against prostitution and drugs. Back in 1995 it was illegal gambling that Mac and Ned used to basically blackmail Brenda into wearing a wire to get incriminating evidence on Sonny (they told her they'd do it whether she h*lped or not, and she agreed to do it if she got control over the tape, she was never at all sure that she was going to actually turn it over to them... and then that little simpering cow Lily stuck her nose in the middle and screwed with everything). Lily's father, we understand, is not at "clean" as Sonny. Sonny laundered money, mostly from gambling and other unspecificed white collar-type things. Beyond that... they haven't really said much. They've been deliberately vague ever since Claire was head writer. Taiyin "Sacrifice yourself, my love slave." - --"Oh, do with me what you will." -- Lucy & Kevin, GH - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 19:04:09 -0800 From: Mike Boychuk Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH Mob question. I guessed that he might have just laundered money through the Paradise lounge and maybe managed to continue that with whatever it is that Jason is doing with that adding machine on his desk. But then there's this dock thing like today and his excuse for family services "An import export business." All really kinda vague. Mike - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 02:51:34 -0800 From: "Traci DyAnn Haley" Subject: GH/PC: Stuff... Well, this e-mail is semi-off topic, but I promise to throw in something about GH to keep on topic The main reason I'm writing is to ask everyone to *please* visit my homepage. I just spent 3 hours moving it to a new location and the counter is reset and my guestbook is empty!! So if y'all would visit and "leave your mark", I'd be very grateful. Here's the URL: You can also find my GH fanfic there. Ok...something about GH...well, I'm still dying to know what happened on Port Charles but I'm too lazy to look for it myself (hey...I just spent THREE hours writing everything in HTML and I am STILL not done with all my work *sigh*)...anyone care to enlighten me? Oh y'all will never guess the treasure I dug up today. I was organizing all 200 of my CDs (I was maybe a wee bit bored today...;)) and found an old game I have. I forgot I had even bought it. It was a trivial pursuit-type game...all on General Hospital trivia! I had fun going through it, but it has HARD questions...I couldn't even answer them all and I thought I had GH history memorized pretty well. BTW, has anyone seen the 1984 movie Toy Soldiers? This is not the 1990(91?) movie about a boy's school starring Sean Astin. This is an older one, one I've never seen. I stumbled across the title while looking up Tim Robbins on the Internet Movie Database (Tim R. is so yummy...*drool*) and I thought it was the Sean Astin movie. I was racking my brain on what Tim R. could have possibly played in that movie, since it's one of my favourites and I couldn't remember him. So I looked it up and it wasn't the movie I thought it was (there was also no plot description *pout*...I wanna know what it's about!!) BUT here's a little interesting tidbit...Mary Beth Evans is in it!! Amazing what I can find when I'm bored :). Anyway...that's all of my late night ramblings...I'm going to go to bed before I get any crazier ;)... Beam me up, Scotty, Traci ~*~ -- NEW HOME! I'm being held prisoner in a chocolate factory. PLEASE DON'T send help. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 05:39:05 -0800 (PST) From: Cagey Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH Mob question. Mike wrote: >But then there's this dock thing like today and >his excuse for family services "An import export >business." All really kinda vague. Jason's obviously importing paint canvasses to sell on the black market in PC. And apples. Definitely apples. ;) May I say that Jason's "speech" to the baby on Friday was wonderful, btw? Seeing Jason with little no-name is a wonderful contrast to all the "he's a brain-damaged criminal with no feelings" rhetoric going on at the same time. - --kg - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 13:48:41 -0800 From: "Traci DyAnn Haley" Subject: GH/PC: SPOILERS... Here's some spoilers I just got... S P O I L E R * S P A C E : a.. Alexis makes Katherine an offer on Helena's behalf and asks Katherine : for a favor in return. : b.. Brenda realizes she feels more for Jax than just friendship. : c.. Bobbie and Jason arrange Carly's baby's christening and Jason gives : him a very familiar name (Robert? Bob ... Bobby ... Bobbie ... just getting : folks.) : d.. Justus and Dara get closer. : e.. Emily asks Ned to take Alan's place; Ned later blasts Alan and A.J. : for their treatment of Emily. : f.. James makes a very public proposal to Felicia. : g.. Stefan gets new information about Laura's whereabouts. : h.. Jax sees a face from the past (uh, that must be Ashley.) : i.. The baby's christening is crashed by the Quartermaines. : j.. Alan sticks up for A.J. : k.. James' actions confuse Felicia and lead her to investigate his : "death". : : The FOLLOWING week: : a.. Brenda's plan to win back Jax runs into trouble. : b.. Felicia's suspicions about "Mac" grow (about time, eh?) : c.. Alexis deceives Katherine. : d.. Carly decides to confess. : : All hell breaks loose at Carly's son's christening: : a.. The first step in Jason's plan to give Carly's son a good life is : to have the boy baptized this week on General Hospital. The ceremony, which : Jason wants to keep quiet and private - meaning no Quartermaines will be in : attendance - quickly deteriorates into a free-for-all. : Initially, everything Jason does - with Bobbie's help - works out : perfectly. Mike and Emily are both overjoyed when Jason asks them to be the : baby's godparents, and Justus agrees to help arrange a deal with rival mob : boss Morena to ease tensions between them. : Jason is shocked when Moreno turns up at the church, but that is : nothing compared to the boisterous arrival of the Quartermaines, who will not : be refused entry to their young heir's ceremony. Jason relents, for Lila's : sake, but the Q's can hardly claim victory when they learn the name Jason has : chosen for the baby. : & Although she has moved back home, Emily is still furious and : disillusioned with the family, following their attempt to take the baby away : from Jason. "One of the greatest things that can happen to Emily is being the : Godmother of a little boy," Amber Tamblyn (Emily) says, "and not only is it : because of the boy, but Jason is some sort of role model to Emily. Her friends : all like him - he's like Jason Morgan, the big mobster, and he's her brother. : In addition to that connection, he in turn trusts her, and he doesn't trust a : lot of people and talk to a lot of people." : Although being named Godmother "is one of the highest honors she could : ever be asked to do," Tamblyn says, Emily won't have to take care of the baby : anytime soon: Carly returns while the christening is taking place. : : February Sweeps - Brenda/Jax/Ashley: : a.. Brenda's drug addiction and tenuous grasp on mental health are : problems that won't go away overnight. A dire situation with Jax will force : Brenda to re-evaluate her feelings for her one-time husband. Brenda is being : torn between friendship and love for Jax, hating her once-friend Jason, : striving to hold on to her best friend, Robin, learning to live as an equal : with sister Julia and trying to forget being utterly destroyed by her love for : Sonny. Brenda will have enough obstacles to last for quite some time - maybe : even three months. And speaking of obstacles, Jax will have his hands full : with an unexpected visit from Ashely, a friend from his past. Ashley's arrival : marks a major turning point in Brenda and Jax's relationship. Jax realizes he : has to take a step back from Brenda, and let her grow stronger on her own. : : Thursday: Brenda acknowledges her feelings for Jax. Jax reconnects with his : brother's (female) friend Ashley. : b.. Friday: The Q's crash Carly's baby's baptism; Carly returns during the : ceremony. - - ------------------------------ End of port-charles-digest V1 #19 *********************************