From: (port-charles-digest) To: Subject: port-charles-digest V1 #62 Reply-To: port-charles-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk port-charles-digest Thursday, July 23 1998 Volume 01 : Number 062 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 22:59:41, -0500 From: (MR STEPHEN J CLEGG) Subject: GH/PC: Where is everybody? Suzanne, I'm still here. I don't know were everyone else is. By the I have a General Hospital and Port Charles Message board on the web at Check it out. TTYL. President Of Stephen's General Hospital and Port Charles Fan Club Stephen - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 08:17:54 -0400 From: Danielle Graham Subject: RE: GH/PC: Where is everybody? Still here Suzanne. Give us all the gossip from the fan club weekend. I have gone 3 times in the past! Loved, loved....meeting Anthony Geary! Danielle - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 09:00:39 -0400 From: Danielle Graham Subject: GH/PC: Luke/Laura Hi yas! Just have to mention that I can't believe we've done w/out Genie on GH for over a year! Her scenes yesterday were fabulous w/Luke! This gal's got a spine! Clap, clap, clap! Danielle - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 07:48:15 -0700 (PDT) From: Geri Fosseen Subject: GH/PC: Yesterday... Just have to say yesterday was really enjoyable on both shows - I love when they infuse some humor in...Lucy & Felicia were hysterical!!! For some reason, even Taggert on GH made me laugh with, "Quarterbrain"!!! On the other side of the fence, however, I think it stinks that they're promoting "Wedding Week" as being on both shows all week when all we had on GH yesterday was 2 minutes in the beginning with Felicia and Bobbie about the wedding. What a cheat. Someone mentioned to me that they thought Bobbie and Jerry were going to swallow each other - that was not your typical screen kiss...LOL!! == Take Care...Geri ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ %~}"I believe I am growing skeptical of cynicism."{~% --Chuck Lorre %~}"Do not think you are on the right path just because it is well-beaten."{~% --Unknown ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 10:53:39 -0400 From: Danielle Graham Subject: GH/PC: Yesterday Geri wrote: Subject: GH/PC: misc. stuff yes, things have been WAY too quiet here! i was away, and there was almost NOTHING waiting for me when i got back! but, now that i've caught up with three days worth of shows... AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!! i suppose it would have been WAY too easy for lucy to be caught in the act on that stupid security video, huh? i was hoping though! soon lucy, you're goin' DOWN... although i did like her much better in her scenes with felicia than at any time in recent history. (even if i DID see the switched tatoo thing coming a mile away...) didn't like the jab at blondes either! :-)= and chris ramsey...i was actually starting to tolerate him a bit more, but now that he's prolonging this ridiculous dl-56 nonsense, i may have to re-revise my opinion of him! i really am getting tired of this storyline. i'm also having a little problem with victor lately. i liked him much better when he was portrayed as just a tad off, but still brilliant. = these days (particularly the sunbathing day--yesterday?) he's just coming across as a little too ridiculous for my taste. (he DID make me laugh however, so i guess i can't complain too much-- i just think it's a little condescending to have him become so much of a clown.) and gh...first of all...lesley-lu can SPEAK! who knew? :-) 'bout time that child has a line. and i'm really loving laura and stefan's scenes together. (MUCH more than luke and laura's actually. she's showing a LITTLE spine, but not enough for my taste since i think luke is being completely unreasonable.) but i'm confused about something... (taiyin...i need your help on this one!) stefan said the whole cassadine= empire would crumble, more or less, if it were revealed that stavros = didn't leave an heir. how is that possible? wouldn't stefan, as stavros= ' younger brother, be the automatic next in line? and then nik, as stefan'= s son? am i missing something here? also, i am still enjoying bobbie and jerry's sparring, but less now that they've put the tiniest sliver of doubt as to jerry's intentions. if he'= s only after bobbie to get to jason, i take it all back--i hate it. and how about TAGGERT'S intentions?!? he'd go through all this just to get JUSTUS out of the way??? hmmm...interesting. lucky and liz were too cute, with the song and everything. but emily needs to get a clue and drop the fake sophisticated routine. also, this comedy of errors with mac and felicia and their constant misunderstandings is getting to be a tad much. we all know they'll figure it out and get married in the end, so why drag this on much = longer? hmmm....i guess that's about it for now! :-) plus, pc's coming on = in ten minutes, so i've gotta run! talk to y'all later... julie - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 16:46:54 -0400 From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: Re: GH/PC: misc. stuff S p o i l e r s p a c e > > > > Julie wrote AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!! i suppose it would have been WAY too easy for lucy to be caught in the act on that stupid security video, huh? i was hoping though! soon lucy, you're goin' DOWN... Well I guess that Lucy might be found out by Eve watching the security tape from Scott's neighborhood. For awhile I thought the wedding would be interrupted by this, then I started thinking that it wouldn't because of all of the promotional commercials I have been seeing plus all of the spoilers I have been reading. Now I am thinking that it might be interrupted after all. The only thing that could keep Eve from seeing Lucy is if the power went out when Lucy was there and the security cameras went off or something like that. but i'm confused about something... (taiyin...i need your help on this one!) stefan said the whole cassadine empire would crumble, more or less, if it were revealed that stavros didn't leave an heir. how is that possible? wouldn't stefan, as stavros' younger brother, be the automatic next in line? and then nik, as stefan's son? am i missing something here? I think that there is some kind of proviso that says that if the first son of the first son doesn't inherit then all the people of the who have claims against the Cassadine would have to be paid of. There was one episode that recently aired that mentioned something like this. Also, Is Stefan so personally poor that he would need Kat's money. If the Cassadines are so big and bad then why doesn't Stefan have his own money? I know that he is taking care of Nikolas's estate and all but come on. Stefan couldn't possibly be that penny less. Didn't he do anything for himself in all of Nik's 16+ years? Also, a long time ago when they had all this first son inheriting stuff the other siblings were still financially well off even though the son inherited the entire estate. I just don't understand. TTFN (Ta Ta For Now) Jamila jgg Visit Jamila's Kevin and Lucy: The Wonder Years Visit Jamila's Dominion Of The Dark Side - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 17:37:37 -0400 From: "Julie E. Saker" Subject: GH/PC: bad news (spoiler) uh-oh...take this with a grain of salt, since it IS from a = commercial, but... s p o i l e r s p a c e SOD ran a commercial during gh that said something along = the line of "two brides...but only one will say 'i do.'" they weren't talking about which one, but based on the lead-up we've been getting on both shows, i'd be placing my money firmly on mac and felicia for a yes, and kevin and lucy for a no. after all, she DID lie to kevin today, and i'm thinking he won't be too forgiving when he finds out that eve was right all along. (not that i hold eve totally blameless in = all this, because i don't--but i still hold lucy more responsible than eve, because lucy did what she did out of malicious intent--eve just made a dumb mistake. and i'm MORE than ready to watch lucy pay...) also, did anyone think gh seemed a the dialogue, pretty much across the board (with the possible exception of the cassadine clan) was pretty atrocious--particularly with brenda and robin, and brenda and jax. it was almost as if they were winging it, without a script, and just seeing how it went or something. (shallow department--hate robin's haircut, by the way.) oh well, maybe it was just me! julie - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 15:09:05 -0700 (PDT) From: Geri Fosseen Subject: Re: GH/PC: bad news (spoiler) - ---"Julie E. Saker" wrote: > > s > p > o > i > l > e > r > > s > p > a > c > e > i'd be placing my money > firmly on mac and felicia for a yes, and kevin and lucy for > a no. That was my take on it too. But, why did they make such a big deal about finally giving the fans what they wanted if there were going to screw us in the end??? This stinks. >after all, she DID lie to kevin today, Okay, here's the Lucy's mind, she didn't lie. I'd bet money that we will eventually hear her justify that he asked her if she had tampered with Eve's car, but she did not answer that question - - she answered something like "I did not cause Serena's accident." She did, however, lie to Scotty, which shows that she consciously made the choice not to lie to Kevin. I think that's how she'll wiggle out of this with Kevin. I'm not saying it's the right thing to do, I'm just saying that it's the Lucy thing to do. :) (shallow department--hate robin's haircut, > by the way.) oh well, maybe it was just me! > Actually, at first glance I hated it, but after a while, it grew on me. :) == Take Care...Geri ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ %~}"I believe I am growing skeptical of cynicism."{~% --Chuck Lorre %~}"Do not think you are on the right path just because it is well-beaten."{~% --Unknown ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 01:29:31 -0500 From: Suzanne Lanoue Subject: RE: GH/PC: Where is everybody? Hi! Rest assured, when I get the gossip and info about the gh weekend, I will pass it on! ******************************************************************** Suzanne Want to receive jokes, soap scoops or scifi-TV info? Email me Or sign up at Have a question? Ask Jeeves: ! - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 01:30:22 -0500 From: Suzanne Lanoue Subject: Re: GH/PC: Where is everybody? Thanks, Stephen. I am updating my GH links page so I put yours up. Should be up by sometime Wednesday. ******************************************************************** Suzanne Want to receive jokes, soap scoops or scifi-TV info? Email me Or sign up at Have a question? Ask Jeeves: ! - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 00:17:03 -0700 From: (GILLIAN M MASTERS) Subject: GH/PC: Rena Sofer Gossip I have heard, but haven't confirmed at this time that Rena Sofer (ex-Lois, GH) is going to be joining Melrose Place as the new resident BAD girl. If anyone can confirm or deny this I would appreciate it. Gillian _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 10:20:00 -0400 From: "Julie E. Saker" Subject: Re: GH/PC: bad news geri wrote: >Okay, here's the Lucy's mind, she didn't lie. I'd bet >money that we will eventually hear her justify that he asked her if >she had tampered with Eve's car, but she did not answer that question >- she answered something like "I did not cause Serena's accident." = i thought about that, too...the second she said it. however, and i could be wrong, i thought what she actually said was "i didn't have anything to do with serena's accident," which in my view IS a lie, since serena would never have been = alone in the car, which caused the accident, if she hadn't siphoned off the gas. i guess it depends on exactly what she said--but you're absolutely right that she WILL try to wiggle out of it on a technicality...i'm just guessing that this time it won't work. >She did, however, lie to Scotty, which shows that she consciously made >the choice not to lie to Kevin. I think that's how she'll wiggle out >of this with Kevin. well....i'm not so sure. i think the same reasoning applies. to the best of my recollection, all she said to scott was "you know i'd never do anything to hurt that little girl." a true statement, which also neatly sidestepped the question being asked. i think she played the same game with both of them, and i think both are going to be beyond furious when the truth comes out. julie - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 08:12:22 -0700 (PDT) From: Geri Fosseen Subject: Re: GH/PC: bad news - ---"Julie E. Saker" wrote: > > i thought what she actually said was > "i didn't have anything to do with serena's accident," which > in my view IS a lie, (and) > well....i'm not so sure. i think the same reasoning applies. > to the best of my recollection, all she said to scott was > "you know i'd never do anything to hurt that little girl." Okay, I just reran the tape of both scenes - To Kevin: "I had nothing to do with Serena's accident" To Scotty: "I would never, ever do anything to endanger that little girl" So, you're right. :) I thought she had handled it differently with Scotty, but she really didn't. So, basically, with Eve going to get that other surveillance tape, we can be pretty sure she'll crash the wedding with it. So, Felicia and Mac will marry and K&L will not...this really stinks. I wonder if this is Guza or Latham doing this??? BTW, in one of the soap mags, I read that the scenes between Mike and Sonny reminded the writers of the talent they were ignoring in Ron Hale and that he will have much more story soon. It said that Guza and Latham never wanted to write for Mike because they thought the other one was needing him, so he never got any story, but that now they had worked it out and Ron Hale will be featured more on both shows. He'll be a sort of surrogate father to Jason. Yay!! :) Also, I read that the writers MIGHT kill Brenda off but not find a body...but they said nothing has been decided. (((I'm assuming since it's only writer speculation it's not a spoiler, am I right???))) One last complaint - why are they showing us the wedding gowns ahead of time??? That's the best part of a soap wedding!!! LOL!! == Take Care...Geri ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ %~}"I believe I am growing skeptical of cynicism."{~% --Chuck Lorre %~}"Do not think you are on the right path just because it is well-beaten."{~% --Unknown ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 12:42:39 -0700 From: "Fred & Rickie Yopp" Subject: GH/PC: portcharles/who is it After watching todays show, anyone care to guess who the mystery caller was? Sounded like Victor to me, but that is to obvious for tv. Any ideas? Rickie - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 16:24:58 -0400 From: Danielle Graham Subject: RE: GH/PC: portcharles/who is it Rickie wrote: - > > - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 16:54:23 -0500 From: Suzanne Lanoue Subject: GH/PC: GH WEEKEND Part 1! From: Hi all, Here is the first update...... My 98 GH Weekend!!!! First of all, we had an absolute blast! I've been attending for the past three years and this was the best! An on line friend has flown out for the last two years, she came in and we hung out for a couple of days then went up to LA. We stopped at the Beverly Hills Television and Radio Museum - it is awesome! There aren't exhibits but for $6 you have two hours to watch any of their classic tapes, they had some very early GH, AMC, OLTL - I could have spent days in there! We watched the 96 GH event held there, great clips and was fun to see some of my GH favs at an event - set the tone for the weekend to come. Met up with Joan Thursday night and the three of us poured over pictures, scrapbooks, and yacked! Friday am we went down to the soap boutique which is held every year in one of the pool side rooms. Great time to pick up GH merchanidse and buy fan pictures, I got a lot of great ones there! Around 3:00 Nolan (Chris Ramsey, PC and Marshall, ex-GL) were by the pool. Nolan was wonderful, he was very very funny, very warm and charmed everyone! Marshall had pics that he autographed and handed out. I didn't know who he was but he is gorgeous and also very nice. Friday night we attended the first every PC event. It was only 200 people and in a smaller more intimate room than the GH luncheon. The actors were all very warm, Julie, Lisa, and Jay especially so! Lisa is very charismatic and was wonderful, found out we are from the same town and chatted for a moment. Jay was there last, was wonderful, he was very warm and approachable. They seemed very interested in meeting the fans. Ron Hale is always a joy, he is a very classy guy - signed my Nurse's Ball shirt (while on my back!). Cari was also very kind - and it was very warm in this room. Saturday we went to our annual pilgrimage to the Hollywood Book and Poster shop on Hollywood Blvd, few blocks down from Grauman's Chinese Theatre. They have slides of old GH on the set shots of Robert, Anna, Luke, Sean, ect. They have some OLTL, and AMC, and shots from shows like Full House, Melrose Place, movies, ect. We attended Vanessa's TVC charity event to raise money for Sojourn (which provides services to battered woman and children). This event was very well done. Over $15,000 was raised for this organization. The food was excellent, pasta cooked for individual orders, Q&A with Vanessa & Tyler, there was a professional photographer who took 5x7 pictures of the fans with V&T for a $5 donation to Sojourn. Having a professional take the pictures was an especially nice touch - anyone who has attended a fan event knows what it is like to hand your camera to the person behind you and then find your head cut off! Vanessa was very gracious, very warm towards her fans, she was very appreciative. This was the first time I had met her and she was very kind. Originally autographs were not going to given due to time constraints. A beautiful autographed picture of Vanessa was included in the packets given out which was a nice touch - great idea to have it already autographed. A friend really really wanted to get an S&B jacket signed so she offered a $100 donation! I guess this brought out the "fish bowl" and from then on autographs were provided for a contribution to the fish bowl to benefit Sojourn (I heard that the fish bowl contained $5,000 by the end of the evening!). The tape package with a set of 20 S&B tapes, 3 Brenda tapes, with the beautiful 88 page book of S&B's history donated by Tammie Solar (worked on by Beth, Denise and Tammie) brought $600 in the silent auction! A special thanks to Dawn Magula for the beautiful tape labels that she provided. And a special thanks to Beth Guaura who spent hours doing extensive tape descriptions over the past couple of years, scoured mags for pics on S&B, scanned them and sent them to Tammie to choose the best ones to go with each tape description. To Jennifer Chamber and Denise La Rosa my appreciation for their assistance with the tape descriptions. The tape package with the V&M tapes, GH video music tapes, High Incident, To Love, Honor & Decieve (donated by Ana Melo) and the description book with pictures (again created and donated by Tammie) raised $250 at auction. Again thanks to Dawn for the donation of the labels! Tammie also printed a cover page for the Cassidine Return tapes, combined with Sheri Evener's Tyler tapes raised $50. Tammie also did a description page for the GH Anniversary tape and this anniversary package (with 35th anniversary mag and t-shirt) raised $75 (I think?). So this large group effort raised between $900-1000! You guys are awesome! But I digress, I left to travel back to the Sportsman's Lodge for the Wally & Rena event but heard that V&T stayed much longer than the scheduled 5:30-8:30. I had given Vanessa the V&M #2 tape, Joan had given her S&B 4 & 5 - Vanessa said how much she enjoyed the tapes! I told her how fans from all over the US and Canada had contributed clips to the interview tapes. I know many many people worked on the event and I'm not familiar with all of them, Kathy Fisher the president of the TVC (The Vanessa Connnection) organized the event and did a great job, everything ran amazingly smooth - this was the first major event done by the TVC. Other people who contributed Lynn Younger - treasurer, Amy Coles, Laura....I know I'm missing many many names but to all of those TVC committee members you rock! I had a great time, and even won a Nurse's Ball t-shirt! So fans had a chance to meet Vanessa, take pictures of Vanessa, obtain autographs and everything was handle in a non-rushed atmosphere. The fans were split up into three different groups for photographs which kept the lines to a minimum (so not all 200 people where in line at once!). Kathy was considerate to place people who had informed her there would be attending the W&R event in the first photo group. There was great food, a desert table, coffee, yum! There were tables and tables full of stuff for the silent auctions items - plenty to look at while the photo sessions were going on. The time really flew by! V&T did the raffle themselves, Vanessa was very sweet about giving the winner the choice of items in the raffle basket. The TVC had collected money from fans to give V&T a beautiful housewarming basket - it was HUGE, chock full of stuff! It has so heavy Tyler couldn't carry it out (or so I heard!). I heard many glowing reports of this event, fans seemed very pleased. There was one fan in particular that came to my attention at Maurice's event. This young woman was in a wheelchair and told Maurice that she had saved for two years to come out to California. That every time she wanted to buy something she would hold off so she could save her money for this trip, and with tears in her eyes she commented on how it was worth every penny to meet him - then he came down and kissed her! And Michael Sutton did the same! Jim Warren actually took a picture of her with them - I know I had tears in my eyes! She also was able to meet Vanessa and Vanessa was wonderful with her as well. Its so nice to see that these actors are so kind and considerate, so willing to go out of their way. There was a dry eye in the room at the MB event when he kissed her! Okay, this is just the first part.....there is much more to come........ stacey : ) ******************************************************************** Suzanne Want to receive jokes, soap scoops or scifi-TV info? Email me Or sign up at Have a question? Ask Jeeves: ! - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 15:36:36 -0700 (PDT) From: Geri Fosseen Subject: Re: GH/PC: portcharles/who is it - ---Fred & Rickie Yopp wrote: > anyone care to guess who the mystery caller was? How 'bout this theory...what if DL-56 causes Frank to have a split personality, so that he made the call when emotionally provoked but he doesn't know it, so he's all hot to trot about trying to figure out who it was?? Since it was tested in animals, I don't think they could know about this additional side effect of the drug, and it would account for a lot. It seems just ridiculous enough for a soap, and the best part is that if I'm right, it ain't Victor! LOL!! I love Victor, and don't want it to be him! I must admit though, the thought crossed my mind today... :( BTW, anyone see Cindi Rinehart's haircut??? Yikes! ;-D == Take Care...Geri ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ %~}"I believe I am growing skeptical of cynicism."{~% --Chuck Lorre %~}"Do not think you are on the right path just because it is well-beaten."{~% --Unknown ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 18:57:18 -0400 From: "Julie E. Saker" Subject: GH/PC: portcharles/who is it rickie wrote: >After watching todays show, anyone care to guess who the mystery caller >was? Sounded like Victor to me, but that is to obvious for tv. Any ideas? = well...i'm still holding out for frank, even though i'm completely = at a loss as to what he would have against kevin. anyone have a plausible theory? i'm WAY open to suggestions! :-) julie - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 21:35:50 EDT From: Subject: Re: GH/PC: portcharles/who is it In a message dated 98-07-22 19:00:24 EDT, you write: << rickie wrote: >After watching todays show, anyone care to guess who the mystery caller >was? Sounded like Victor to me, but that is to obvious for tv. Any ideas? >> I haven't seen this yet, but do have my latest theory about the murders. For a few days I was thinking that Ryan in the mirror was right, when he told Kevin the killer was based on someone Kevin's real life. I took that to mean that anyone who died in the book was ruled out as murderer. I've changed my tune now though. Over the weekend I was thinking it over again and decided that Kevin may have subconciously based the murderer on Victor, but that didn't mean the murderer WAS Victor. My idea was that Dr. Boardman will end up being the son of Victor's girlfriend who was murdered all those years ago on Jasmine Island. That would be a way to tie things all together. I feel strongly that both of these scenerios have to be intertwined somehow in order for them to make sense. Why have Kevin in the middle of two separate murder storylines? I figured that Boardman could be murdering people to get back at Kevin and Victor(though I think Melanie was the REAL killer out there on the island). He never seemed to like Devlin or the interns really. The killer is very clever, and has access to various poisons and drugs-- Boardman fits the bill for me. But then again tomorrow I might suspect someone else LOL . I can't wait to hear the radio voice to try and identify it....... Anne - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 21:16:06 PDT From: "Deborah Koppit" Subject: Re: GH/PC: portcharles/who is it > >rickie wrote: > >>After watching todays show, anyone care to guess who the mystery caller >>was? Sounded like Victor to me, but that is to obvious for tv. Any >ideas? = > > >well...i'm still holding out for frank, even though i'm completely = > >at a loss as to what he would have against kevin. anyone >have a plausible theory? i'm WAY open to suggestions! :-) > >julie > What about Boardman? Deb K. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 21:27:57 -0700 From: "Fred & Rickie Yopp" Subject: GH/PC: mystery Hadn't thought about Boardman being the one. HUMMMM! Hope we find out soon. Lucy & \Felica are great together. Wish they did more together. What will Kevin do when he finds out what Lucy did?? Rickie - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 00:12:15 -0500 From: Suzanne Lanoue Subject: GH/PC: GH Weekend part 2! From: GH Weekend Part 2 I hate to know scoops up front, and don't like to know or reveal the ending of a movie, in fact I won't even tell my friends too much detail about a film just whether I recommend or whether it is good. So, I've made a choice not to reveal too much about scoops that I heard privately - figure they will come out soon enough. But there are a couple of minor storyline items below but nothing that I don't think has already been widely reported. Lets see, I left off after Vanessa's event on Saturday. I forgot to mention that Michael Logan attended the V&T event! His wife is evidentally very involved in Sojourn so he was there on her behalf, Michael is also a renowned "Brenda Barrett" fan. At one point when most of the fan attention was on Vanessa I noticed that Michael didn't seem to mind when a fan went up to speak with him. So I introduced myself and told him how much I had enjoyed and missed Pure Soap (the show all about soaps that he used to do on E! with Shelly Taylor Morgan). I asked if I could have my picture taken with him and this was great fun! He was very charming. I told Michael that his on line chats were missed and that I really missed his TV Guide column, that as soon as I got it I opened to his page to see his scoops! (and I don't read scoops!). He assured me he had been on a month vacation but was back (hence his article in this week's TV Guide), he also said hinted that he had a story coming up on Vanessa/Brenda in an upcoming issue! I asked whether there was any chance Maurice would be able to return to whisk S&B off for a happy ever after. He too lamented that there just wasn't time to write that story as GH had spent the past year sending Brenda into Jax's arms. We concurred that she will die with no body to be found keeping open a future possibility for Vanessa to return. (this also makes sense as then if Maurice is available he could return at any time and not be tied to Brenda's storyline, would get complex where he to return while she was still committed to 90210). So doesn't look like a happy ever after for S&B right now, Maurice said the same thing at his event on Sunday. A personal comment, I realize that Tyler was rather quiet at both the Saturday event and at the luncheon on Sunday. But I do not believe this was disinterest in the events but rather an inherent shyness or perhaps just feeling awkward talking to that many strangers. He has struck me as being on the quiet side and I think just naturally reserved. But he was at no time rude or snobbish or unkind in any way towards fans. He has an adorable shy smile, he really is very cute! From Vanessa & Tyler's event we were off to see Wally & Rena back at the Sportsman's. This was a great event, it was wonderful to see Rena again! She reported being in contract negotiations for a role - she said it was not daytime but assured the audience that should she ever choose to daytime again she wouldn't go anywhere outside of GH! They were warm and funny, Rosabel's nanny - Chris was there and there was a lot of interaction between him and W&R. When someone from the audience asked if they would have more children and they answered that they would like to have another child at some point, Chris responded by asking for a raise! Rena noticed the "Ride of a Lifetime" tickets being sported in the front couple of rows by fans - supplied by the never tiring Amanda & Lauren. She commented how much she appreciated the continuing support and was amazed that fans were still asking about Lois 2 years later! But she did say that she has no plans to return to GH at this time. Wally was asked about his lack of storyline, he believes one of the reasons that N&A haven't caught on more is that there has been a lack of commitment to the storyline by the writer's/producer (I'm paraphrasing here). Seems that all the support for a N&L reunion may have Wendy doubting whether fans will accept Ned with someone besides Lois. The audience assured Wally that we were ready for Ned to move on (even though Lois will come first in our hearts!). One audience member pointed out that she was having difficulty accepting N&A as Nancy Lee looks older than Wally does. W&R pointed out that they are near the same age (that is NGL and Wally) but that youthful looks runs in Wally's family - evidently his father is 80 but you would never know it. So while he may look younger they are near the same age. Rena took great joy in sharing that Wally is going to be 40 on his birthday this month! (I was also sure to stop by Wendy Riche's table on Sunday and assure her that I was indeed ready for Wally to have a storyline - read romance! Many N&L fans are interested in seeing what chemistry will occur with V. Many of us liked his storyline with Lois due to the quirkiness of this character which lightened Ned - he can get rather stuffy and heavy with all the Q drama. But I digress...) When asked about his staying on the show given his lack of an interesting challenging storyline, he reported that someone in the family had to pay the bills! He also assured the audience that most likely he would be staying till sometime till year 2000 (only a year and a half but sounds like quite awhile!). He also reported that when Sarah Brown returns from her maternity leave that some interesting storyline will occur that Ned and AJ will be involved in (there was a slight scoop revealed which I will keep to myself but as Wendy says keep watching! Sounds like fun!). The audience also lamented that what was missing in Ned's storyline is missing in much of the show, the humor, romance, and fantasy that was there during early N&L, S&B, R&S, and K&L in 94. I've heard audiences make similar comments at other fan events over the last couple of years. They were adorable together, obviously very much in love - its always a pleasure. K&T played and they sounded great! They played a couple of new songs never before played before an audience. Since they live all over the country its difficult for them to get together to rehearse, the band made some comments about Wally's playing that night on a couple of the new songs (the audience sure didn't seem to notice!). They played a couple of my favorite songs from the Nashville CD, and some earlier stuff like "Road Less Traveled" and "End of the Road", and closed with the ever popular "7th Son". But the highlight was when they did the song he used to sing to Adrienne on Days! It is such a beautiful song, I've never heard them play it live before! Wally said one of his fans who goes to every performance she can threathened not to come anymore if he wouldn't do that song! So he agreed, great choice! I love that song, just can't recall the name right now..... Afterwards, W&R and Christian stayed out and signed autographs - Rena was there till after 12:00 and I just got through to her as she was trying to get home. Wally was there till 1:00 am signing! Stayed up talking around the pool and once again Beth got me in trouble for being to loud, we got ejected from the pool area by the management and wound up in the lobby telling stories! More about Sunday's events to be written and posted tommorrow..... stacey : ) PS I'm asking her to tell me the scoops so I can pass them on! ******************************************************************** Suzanne Want to receive jokes, soap scoops or scifi-TV info? Email me Or sign up at Have a question? Ask Jeeves: ! - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 04:28:23 -0500 From: Suzanne Lanoue Subject: GH/PC: spoilers GH spoilers, read at your own risk!!! SPOILERS > > > > > > > > > > from Stacey. Well some of the scoops I heard are things that I'm not sure I should pass on, might get someone in trouble (probably me!). Nothing too major, you may have already heard this. I don't know what is out there as I don't read the spoilers. But I will tell you that: AJ will find out that he is the father of Carly's baby Carly will move into the Q house - -that ought to provide some fireworks! This of course to happen with Sarah's return from maternity leave. As I mentioned reportedly, Maurice will not return and that Brenda will go "off a cliff" and no body will be found (or something to that equivalent). Then Jax will go over the edge in grief. This was from a very good source, will be interesting to see if it all pans out could be a red herring for a surprise Maurice return. I have some info on the primetime soap special but don't want to spoil the surprise. I know many people who always want to know how things end but I never tell! The info may well leak between now and August but I don't want to be the source. stacey : ) ****************************************************************** Suzanne Come Chat with me every Monday 5 pm eastern in the Delphi Collectibles Forum ****************************************************************** Have a question? Ask Jeeves: ! ****************************************************************** Want to receive jokes, soap scoops or scifi-TV info? Let me know and I'll put you on one of my email lists! Or sign up at ****************************************************************** - - ------------------------------ End of port-charles-digest V1 #62 *********************************