From: "Rob Neco" Subject: Get paid CASH to give away FREE WEBSITES #4B3B Date: 01 Oct 2000 07:04:55 -0500 YES YOU READ IT CORRECTLY! SIMPLY GIVE AWAY =46REE PRO=46ESSIONAL LOOKING WEBSITES WITH: ABSOLUTELY NO ADVERTISING OR BANNERS O=46 ANY KIND! YOU GET PAID! GET STARTED WITH ZERO DOLLARS OUT O=46 YOUR POCKET AND START EARNING MONEY IMMEDIATELY! SOUNDS TO GOOD TO BE TRUE BUT IT IS NOT!! =46ACT: Every 1.67 seconds, a new user jumps on the Internet, adding 1.58 million new users per month!!!! =46ACT: By the year 2002, 50 cents out of every dollar in North America will be spent on the Internet!!! =46ACT: Online shopping is exploding NOW!!! 2004 Market Projections say: Discounts Stores will produce 303 Billion, =46ranchises will produce 803 Billion, and e-Commerce will produce 7 TRILLION!!!!!!! "EXPERIENCE" The most compatible marriage ever between the Internet's most successful marketing methods, "referral marketing" and "viral marketing." One of the great opportunities of the Net-based world is what has come to be called "viral marketing," not because true viruses are involved but because "good news and bad news" replicates online with a speed only before seen in the biological world. To engage viral marketing, the customer must be treated like a distribution partner. The increased popularity of "viral marketing" and the incentive programs associated with them will only further enhance the credibility of MLM or Network Marketing as a viable business concept as well. YOU can set Network Marketing History with us! Why is this important to you? Because You can be part of this history making event! The fastest growing internet company reportedly acquired 4 million users in only 250 days (AllAdvantage). They accomplished this by combining the "Viral Marketing" and the "Referral Marketing" strategies... which proved to be the most successful marketing model in HISTORY. This Company will smash that record. The program will employ the same marketing model in combination with a product with TRUE inherent value!! Plus it is absolutely =46REE TO JOIN!!! Get started making moneyl giving away =46REE Personal/E-Commerce enabled websites, 100% advertisement free and 100% yours to do whatever you desire. Yes, you can build a professional website in 3 easy steps and promote any business or anything your heart desires on a professional advertisement free website that does NOT look like a website you did yourself. for more info reply to: with the following information, NAME: EMAIL ADDRESS: PHONE: BEST TIME TO CALL: **************************************************** If you have received this message in error, please remove at: **************************************************** -