From: To: Subject: rubberstampers Digest V2 #81 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: rubberstampers Digest Tuesday, 4 February 1997 Volume 02 : Number 081 In this issue: Secret Stamper Swap (please save my butt!) DeNami Swap Rcv'd from MORE X-Files Swap received! Re: COM: 30% discount on Kidstamps Changing my e-mail addy Re:TAN: funny names SWAP PROPOSAL with a twist Re: TAN: Linda's card copies!!! Re: RS TAN-Wax Phase change printing - anyone know? Re: Looking for STAMP.... RS Recycling Re: HALOS vs. Hook and Loop See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the rubberstampers or rubberstampers-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Janet Detter Margul Date: Tue, 04 Feb 1997 00:33:05 -0600 Subject: Secret Stamper Swap (please save my butt!) My dear friends... Janet is in a heap o' trouble. And Frank's NOT helping! Janet lost someone's SS questionnaire and didn't match this someone (because she lost the questionnaire). FRANK (who was to check these and make sure this kind of thing didn't happen) also lost the questionnaire, ergo didn't know didn't realize didn't notice didn't save my butt this time. Soooooooo... only thing to do is do another batch of matches RIGHT NOW. We've got some questionnaires from people we told would be matched the end of February. Guess what, folks? You get matched THIS WEEK. But we would like more, if there are folks out there sitting on the SS fence and thinking on it. (Like YOU, Connie Cole. And YOU, too, you know who you are. And YOU who I don't know but will as soon as you return this questionnaire.) So please, if you're going to sign up eventually, sign up now? For Janet? Who needs you? Kewl. Thanks. Here's the information and the form. Love, M.O.M. P.S. Dad says thanks, too. Since he's next in line for hurting if I can't match this poor lost form person really really good and really really fast. Heck, I might hurt him anyway, just for the fun of it. =========================== This is the swap where you are assigned a Secret Stamper. You'll send your SS a goodie box filled with whatever you think s/he'd like once a month for six months (or however many months are left to June when you sign up)... and someone will be doing the same for you! You don't have to spend a lot of money on this, although you can. We will try to match equal spending expectations together. Although, unless someone says this is very important to them, other matching criteria has more weight. What you do have to do is send your assigned Secret Stamper a goodie package at least once a month, through June. (Once a month is pretty standard, some people send cards or small treats here and there, but the once a month is a standard.) And you MUST post to the mail list your thank you when you receive a package. There is no way of someone knowing if you received it otherwise. And since your Secret Stamper will not be using his/her own return address on the package, there's always the worry it has not gotten where it was going. (These packages rarely get lost, but it's still a worry.) That's all the obligation there is: package once a month from whenever you're assigned through June to your assigned Secret Stamper and acknowledge to the mail list whenever you receive something. Here is the questionnaire. Please fill it out and send it back to BOTH of us: and (if you forget and just send it to one of us, don't worry, we do talk occasionally). ========================================================== THE QUESTIONNAIRE: (return to AND In filling out and returning this questionnaire, you are making a rock solid commitment to: Mail a package to your Secret Stamper once a month from the month you are assigned through June. Acknowledge via the rubber stampers list anything your Secret Stamper sends to you. Stay subscribed to the mail list (OR make arrangements for communication to the list through someone else) during the swap period - January through June). This swap really is just for list members, although people do drop on and off the list and stay in this swap. (People dropping out of this swap cause us problems. We can deal with them but we don't like to.) Communicate with the swap coordinators (Frank and Janet) any problems you have concerning this commitment, or with how your Secret Stamper is meeting his/her commitment. Deadbeat Secret Stampers have very little grace period this round, if a package hasn't been mailed by the end of the month, and no communication has happened between the participant and the swap coordinators, you WILL be hearing from us, we allow a grace period but you WILL hear from us. And you MUST answer us. You will be dropped from the swap after that unless other arrangements have been made with the coordinators. It sounds ugly, but it has to happen this way. Now to the fun part... =========================================================== PART I: (for our records only, your SS won't see this part) =========================================================== E-mail address: Name: Snail Address: Phone: (not to be shared, or even used, by us, just for emergency communications, like if your computer explodes or something) Are you willing to remail packages at no expense to you? (This is to fool your SS into thinking maybe you live somewhere you don't. heh heh. Costs the SS double postage to mail to you and then paying the postage from you to her SS, but it's worth it for the sneakiness value.) I anticipate spending approximately this much each month sending to my SS: ___ less than $10 ___ somewhere between $10 and $20 ___ probably more than $20 Rank the following in the order you feel we should use them as sort criteria for making SS matches: ___ spending estimates ___ stamping styles (cute vs. weird) ___ common interests (outside of stamping) ___ experience in stamping ___ other (what?___________________________) ============================================== PART II: (for your Secret Stamper) ============================================== Fill in the blank: ------------------ My birthday is (year optional): T-shirt size: Do you have pierced ears? What jewelry do you wear most often? My favorite book: My favorite movie: My favorite holiday: Holidays I do NOT celebrate: My other hobbies include: The strangest thing in your bedroom closet: The oldest thing in your refrigerator: Other members of my family, including pets, kids, grandkids, gender and age of the younger members (or breed, where appropriate): My occupation is: I WISH my occupation was: Choose your number: ------------------- Choose the number which most reflects you in the following choices. My stamping style is: cute weird 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 In rubber stamping experience I: just discovered it invented it 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I prefer stamps: mounted unmounted 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 At last count, I had this many stamps: three billions and billions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I own so many stamping accessories I could: fit them in a shoe box open a store 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 In the packages I receive I'd prefer to get: handmade things stamping supplies 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 More fill in the blank: ----------------------- I collect stamps/images of: My favorite RS manufacturer/vendor is: My favorite stamping technique is: I really don't like these kinds/styles of stamps/stamping: I first discovered rubber stamping: I subscribe to these RS publications: I don't subscribe, but like to regularly read these publications: Stamping-related books and videos I own: Stamping-related books and videos I WISH I owned: Some things I stamp on besides paper: (like clay, fabric, your kids, etc.) My favorite background method is: My latest and greatest stamping discovery was: A technique I haven't done that I would like to know more about would be: The funniest thing that happened while I was stamping: The most unusual thing I've stamped on: The most unusual thing I've stamped WITH: (body part? The cat?) If I was sending a Secret Stamper box to myself, I would include: The thing I want most right now (stamping related) is: Add and delete fun: ------------------- Delete any of the following statements which are not true for you. Add any others we've forgotten which ARE true for you. Change the wording of any of these to make them more true for you. I emboss my stamping sometimes. I own embossing powders in every color of the rainbow, plus about 30. I like to make my own paper. I like to buy mass quantities of unusual paper. I like to buy embossing powders and inks. I buy too many stamps. I carve some of my own stamps. I love word sayings and text stamps. I love weird stamps. I love teddy bears and sheep and country cute stamps. I make political statements with my stamping. I like to dry emboss. I love my watercolors. When people see my cards they say "Awww, how sweet." When people see my cards they say "Wow! That's beautiful!" When people see my cards they say "You are one sick puppy." When people see my cards they say "Whoa! How did you DO that??" When people see my cards they say "Whoa! WHY did you do that??" The people at the post office know me by name. My mail carrier wonders about me. I don't know where the post office is. I cook embossing powder more often than food. I am a computer whiz. I am an internet guru. I need supervision turning on the machine. I teach rubber stamping classes. I own a rubber stamp-related business. I can find my own way to the stamp store. Most of the time. I have never participated in a swap before. I sign up for every swap I see. I pick and choose my swaps, but choose more than I skip. Swap? What's a swap? Continue the story time: ------------------------ Here I am, sitting at the ______________________________, fixing to start stamping my submissions for the ________________ theme swap. After all, the drop dead due date is ______________ days (away/past). So I get out my favorite _________________ stamp, my favorite ___________ color ink, and (what?) other stamping supplies. Hunger strikes! So first I open the refrigerator and see _______________! After examining the contents of the refrigerator, pantry and secret treat stash, I finally decide on ___________________________. And it's time to start stamping! (Well, after I put on my favorite _______ music and change my clothes into my favorite __________________.) Time to STAMP! YAY! But alas! I discover I don't have ______________________, an essential element! On the way out the door to my favorite __________________, the phone rings and guess what? it's ______________________, who says: "Guess what, ________________ (form of endearment, or nickname, or whatever it is you're called in times of excitement)! We've just __________________ and there's $500 for stamping supplies and goodies for you!" So I went and bought: (Transparent attempt to get a wish list out of you for your Secret Stamper.) And yes, I DID finish those swap cards, just ___ days (early/late). Freeform: --------- Now tell your Secret Stamper anything else about you that you think s/he should know. ========================================================================= Janet Detter Margul | Real women don't have hot flashes... WeeBe Graphics Plano, Texas | they have power surges! ========================================================================= * * * * * * * * * NEW web pages with a new address: ========================================================================= ------------------------------ From: Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 02:24:12 -0500 (EST) Subject: DeNami Swap Rcv'd from WOW -- another great mail day ! I received my DeNami swap from Stampingrn (Pam Iorg) today ! Yeah! I just love DeNami. OK - here's what I got (no particular order -- just pulling them out of the envelope): 1) "Happy Birthday" from Liz Arguello Fuschia flower with glitter in the middle and green leaves....looks like the flower is hanging from a branch .... and Happy Birthday on the front. I love the use of embossed glitter on the flower....very simple and pretty. 2) Packages with cellephane from Liz Arguello Three boxed packages (pink, purple and blue) together on the front (layered) with shredded cellephane behind....and then fireworks starburst behind. Very Awesome ! I jove this card......!!!! It is soooo simple, but looks so great ! 3) "honor the journey of your heart" from Veronica Phillips ( OhMiGod!!!! Another favorite.....we're talking hand made paper and everything !...ok.. She used 4 DeNami stamps -- small open heard and two different stars stamped with a rainbow pad and embossed in clear and then the words "honor the journey of your heart..."...all are on different kinds of paper -- brown, fuscia, multi and handmade blue/grey. The notecard itself is handmade paper...and inside she has stapled a fuscia pink confetti paper....get this, the staples are even fuscia ! It was even wrapped in a clear cellephane baggie (and sealed!). Veronica -- a truly beautiful card! You should make one and send it to DeNami -- she would get a huge kick out of it ! 4) Butterfly and Tulips from ????? (no name) Beautiful card with small butterfly and tulips. Butterfly is stamped with rainbow pad, tulips are green leaves and purple flowers...all embossed clear on vellum. The notecard is purple and it is tied together with a purple ribbon. Very elegent. Whoever did this should really take credit for such a great job ! 5) Flower in Frame from Lisa (no last name) All white card with frame deckeled and "spotted" in gold. Flower in the middle in gold also. This would make a great wedding card ! Great job. 6) Leafy Heart with Roses from Caroline (no last name) Leafy heart wreath with roses on top (using small 3-D's). Flowers are burgandy and there is a small ribbon bow on the top of the wreath. The card is white with a deckle edge on the front. Inside it says "Happy Birthday". What a great card! Great work Caroline! and last, but not least !!! ....... 7) Small Butterfly with Flowers from Prao19 (???) Small butterfly, flowers and tiny butterfly stamped in white and emobssed in white on vellum. Colored behind...and ready for this...."clouds" stamped on the reverse...what an awesome look! the clouds are pink. Cardstock is off white and all of this is tied together with a pink ribbon. Very beautiful. I never thought of stamping clouds behind vellum !!! Everyone did a FANTASTIC job !!!!!! Thanks for all the inspiration! Stampher2 ------------------------------ From: Cynthia Sillitoe Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 01:28:13 -0600 (CST) Subject: MORE X-Files Swap received! I got the cards from Feathers, Holly and Jeffrey, plus Stampin' Mowsy's own great card from the "Quagmire" episode...intoning "What's older than the hills?" (I loved this episode.) How did you do the cloud? It's all soft and I can't decide if it's flocking or some kind of fabric.... and a card from RubberDaemon--Curious George crusing thru outer space (created with lovely black and gold paper) while from planet Earth we "hear"--"Scully, what is wrong with these bananas?!" and "Mulder, there is a rational and scientific explanation for this." Too funny! All these cards are great and are going up on the inspiration wall! Thanks to Jilliebean for hosting....Cynthia At 07:56 PM 2/3/97 -0500, you wrote: >I got the X-Files Swap in the mail today! > >--jmercer sent in a gorgeous card with an embossed owl with a swirling >galaxy background that is really kewl. How did you do that? It also had >embossed trees on it with glow-in-the-dark powder on them. > >--Feathers sent a card with a huge "X" on it, with a guy inside the "X". >How did you get the guy inside there? The whole card looked like it was >done with chalk. > >--Holly Holden had a card with handprints and squares all over it with "X" >and "The Truth is Out There?" on it > >--Libby White's card had a picture-type thing on it frm the episode >"Unruhe". > >--Jeffrey Hitchin's card had trees on it and the phrase "Something Lurking >In the Woods...In the Dark.." > >They were all great cards and thank you Jill for hosting! I had fun! > Stampin'Mowsy > >^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >^ When you go out into the world, ^ >^ remember: being placed on a pedestal ^ >^ is a right, not a privilege. ^ >^ ^ >^ -All I Need To Know About Life ^ >^ I Learned From My Cat ^ >^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > > > ------------------------------ From: Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 02:40:29 -0400 Subject: Re: COM: 30% discount on Kidstamps >So here is my lastest special...30% discount on all >Kidstamps stamps. I think they only sell mounted stamps, >but if you know otherwise, please let me know... > Although their current catalogue does not mention it specifically, they do, in fact, sell unmounteds (half price). You just have to ask or put it on your order form. They also sell a quarter pound of UMs for about $10. I got about 35 stamps in that deal. And also a great buy is their grab bag--you get a T-shirt, mounted stamps, a stamp pad, and more for just $10. I'm a big fan! - --Lisa *********************************************************** |=======| | * | |=======| ------------------------------ From: StamPurr Date: Mon, 03 Feb 1997 11:20:39 -0800 Subject: Changing my e-mail addy Just to let all of you know, I will no longer be accessing this list from work. Combination of the list volume and nasty employers. Well knew it wouldn't last forever. My new e-mail addy is (at least it's short! -- stands for "S"teve "D"ebbie "B"rian "W"illiams) Please, please don't send any more mail to my work e-mail addy! I know it's a pain in the backside, but things are bad enough around the office without adding to the problems. I appreciate it!! Thanks, StamPurr aka Debbie W. ------------------------------ From: Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 02:39:57 -0500 (EST) Subject: Re:TAN: funny names I haven't read all the posts on this subject-- only a few. But it reminded me of when I was a telemarketer (gasp!! Yes, I was once one of them!) I ran across some very interesting names. It was hard because the name would pop up on the computer screen in the same exact moment when someone would answer the phone. So for the foreign or funny names, it was always a shock, and sometimes I'd even die laughing before I could get the name out and ended up hanging up on them! I wrote the best ones down in the back of a "baby names" book: Here are some: Richard Dixon (wid a code id his dose) Cleston Spresser Garland Priddy Hazel Maiden Pearl Beam Zona Glaze Pepper Sharp Rainbow Yip Varsha Sheth Spiridula Strawcutter Earnest Jochen (jokin' in earnest?) Harry Cats Harry Mann Harry Beck (probably had a hairy front, too) Carol Carroll Herve Herbert Joey Joeseph David Davis and such last names as: Whynott, Bologna, Klutz, Eichhorn (what a nut!!), Garbisch, Birdwhistell, Washam, Breeden, Smoak, Imbimbo (I'm a bimbo, he's a bimbo, she's a bimbo, wouldn't you like to be a bimbo too?), Allnut, Buhl, Keyhoe, Peed, Baremore, Suppa, Petschow, Looney, Barefoot, Perfect (now, there's Mr. Perfect!), Butz, Butthead, and Lipshitz... Then there's the foreign names like Krishnamurt Narayanan, Krzysztos Kaczynsski, Wojciech Hinczewski, Oh Y. Oh, and Ding Dong. Thanks for reading! :) deb ------------------------------ From: Bonnie Linhart Date: Mon, 03 Feb 1997 23:11:52 -0800 Subject: SWAP PROPOSAL with a twist This is a different kind of swap. There are three parts to it. First, the stamp that needs to be used is the bird stamp used in Somerset magazine pages 15, 26-27 from Stampington and Company. Then you purchase stamps from me at 30% off retail. I send them to you, you send your cards (cards only) back. 5 for 4. Then the fun part comes for us!! We actually have a contest! Now, I cannot judge your cards, but my family and friends will! ( my family came up with this idea) The winner gets a grab bag from Lass Creations made just for her!!! Favorite colors, etc. Of course, no participant will walk away with nothing! Everyone will get a goodie! And everyone will get 4 cards back.So, what do you think? Even if we only have 5, I'll make it offical, but the more the merrier!!! Not due until the end of May (around my birthday) Do you want to play? - -- Bonnie "Lass" Linhart Lass Creations 6339 Ventura Lane Central Point, OR 97502-9355 ------------------------------ From: Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 02:52:36 -0500 (EST) Subject: Re: TAN: Linda's card copies!!! Linda Thanks so much for the copy of your "p" card!! The girls at work really got quite the kick out of it. My mother wasn't as excited and said she probably wouldn't carry anything like that in her stamp store. Also loved the stamp on the outside of the card. Robin did a great job in designing it. Thanks again for the uplift of my day. the rest of it was spent crying over all the bullshit going on with my divorce and a**hole of a husband. Your card definitely gave me the lift I needed!! Love ya Wen ------------------------------ From: Maria Cieri Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 23:12:32 -0800 Subject: Re: RS TAN-Wax Phase change printing - anyone know? Just adding my thoughts to the thread regarding the baby wipes. I use them too although not exclusively. What I heard was that they had to be alcohol-free, which they all are now, and no mineral oil, I think the mineral oil breaks down the rubber. Anyone else heard this?? BTW, I'm still waiting to see if anyone knows about the wax phase change printing, if not I'll have to look it up - sounds interesting... Stampin' Maria ------------------------------ From: "Donna Grady " Date: 03 Feb 97 23:43:34 -0800 Subject: Re: Looking for STAMP.... - --=_ORCL_29880452_0_11919702032445450 Content-Transfer-Encoding:7bit Content-Type:text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" That sounds like a cool stamp - I would love to have the info when someone gets it so post to the list if you could. TIA, Donna ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - --=_ORCL_29880452_0_11919702032445450 Content-Type:message/rfc822 Date: 02 Feb 97 14:39:23 From:"",(Rosemary,Torres) Subject:Re: Looking for STAMP.... Return-Path: X-Mailer:Windows Eudora Light Version 1.5.2 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding:7bit Content-Type:text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Please Don't email privately, that sounds like a really neat stamp, I would love to know too. >Okay Fellow Stampers: > >I'm looking for a stamp that a friend of mine (my stamping buddy) bought >at the Riverside Stamp's not "mounted" on wood or >anything...she just bought the rubber...I WANT IT MOUNTED ALREADY....This >is what it says: > > PHOTOGRAPHS >are enclosed. They probably aren't important > to very many people in the world, but they're >really priceless to me and the addressee. So > please treat this envelope with the care you > would reserve for your own treasured family > photos, and whatever you do, please, please > DO NOT BEND. > Thanks ever so much, and have a nice day! > > > H-8449 Pando-Monium > Stamps > Grass Valley, CA > >Does anyone know where I can get this stamp? I WANT IT SO BAD!! Please >respond privately. TIA! > > >Stampingly, >Rosemary > > >Angels come to visit us, >and we only know them >when they are gone! > -George Elliot- > > Ann:::::::::::: Sometimes I talk before I think.. therefore, please forgive me for what is not in my control.. :} - --=_ORCL_29880452_0_11919702032445450-- ------------------------------ From: Darlene Sybert Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 01:05:34 -0600 (CST) Subject: RS Recycling On Mon, 3 Feb 1997, Paula Sigman Lowery wrote: > What an excellent idea. Here's another thought...if you stop before the > babywipe gets repulsively dirty, and then dry it, you can sometimes end > up with a very interesting and attractive colored piece of near-cloth > that you can use for layering/collage, etc. Is this the ultimate in recycling or what? :-) Darlene Sybert vsa Central Missouri ********************************************************************* ...from the caves of deepest night, ascending in clouds of mist, The winter spread his wide black wings across from pole to pole: Grim frost beneath & terrible snow, link'd in a marriage chain, Began a dismal dance. -William Blake, *The Four Zoas,* Night VI ********************************************************************** ------------------------------ From: Darlene Sybert Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 01:04:25 -0600 (CST) Subject: Re: HALOS vs. Hook and Loop On Mon, 3 Feb 1997, M. Royersmith wrote: > > I have heard of scissors that cut thru rubber/velcro much easier than > regular type scissors, but I don't know what they are called or how to get > them. Does anyone out there know? I have Boss Gloss embossing ink that rolls on the stamps. I roll it on the blades of my cheap orange-handled scissors and cut rubber/velcro with no problem what so ever. I did all 23 of the Metropolitan Museum of Art stamps that way and a half dozen others made of more conventional red rubber...also did the "stamper a day stamp." This was a tip from Sheryl Porter. Darlene Sybert vsa Central Missouri ********************************************************************* ...from the caves of deepest night, ascending in clouds of mist, The winter spread his wide black wings across from pole to pole: Grim frost beneath & terrible snow, link'd in a marriage chain, Began a dismal dance. -William Blake, *The Four Zoas,* Night VI ********************************************************************** ------------------------------ End of rubberstampers Digest V2 #81 *********************************** To subscribe to rubberstampers Digest, send the command: subscribe rubberstampers-digest in the body of a message to "". If you want to subscribe something other than the account the mail is coming from, such as a local redistribution list, then append that address to the "subscribe" command; for example, to subscribe "local-rubberstampers": subscribe rubberstampers-digest A non-digest (direct mail) version of this list is also available; to subscribe to that instead, replace all instances of "rubberstampers-digest" in the commands above with "rubberstampers". Back issues are available for anonymous FTP from, in pub/lists/rubberstampers/archive. These are organized by date.