From: (rubberstampers-digest) To: Subject: rubberstampers-digest V2 #1127 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk rubberstampers-digest Wednesday, February 11 1998 Volume 02 : Number 1127 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 16:06:29 -0800 From: sandy colby Subject: RS: Get Even With the Kids This was sent to one of the homeschooling lists I read and I thought all the moms out there would enjoy it! Sandy > > << WHEN I'M A LITTLE OLD LADY > ___ > (___) When I'm a little old lady > /` `\ Then I'll live with my children > / /"\ \ and bring them great joy. > \_/o o\_/ To repay all I've had > ( _ ) from each girl and boy > ` \ /` I shall draw on the walls > /\\V//\ and scuff up the floor; > / /_ _\ \ Run in and out > \ \__ _/ / without closing the door. > \/===\/ I'll hide frogs in the pantry, > || || socks under my bed. > || || Whenever they scold me, > ||_ _ _|| I'll hang my head. > |_____| I'll run and I'll romp, > ||| always fritter away > / Y \ The time to be spent > `"`"` doing chores every day. > I'll pester my children ___ > when they are on the phone. (___) > As long as they're busy /` `\ > I won't leave them alone. / / " \ \ > Hide candy in closets, \_/o o\_/ > rocks in a drawer, ( _ ) > And never pick up my clothes `\ /` > from the floor. /\\V//\ > Dash off to the movies / /_ _\ \ > and not wash a dish. \ \___/ / > I'll plead for allowance \/===\/ > whenever I wish. || || > I'll stuff up the plumbing || || > and deluge the floor. ||_ _|| > As soon as they've mopped it, |_____| > I'll flood it some more. ||| > When they correct me, / Y \ > I'll lie down and cry, `"'"` > ___ Kicking and screaming, > (___) not a tear in my eye. > /` `\ I'll take all their pencils > / / " \ \ and flashlights, and then > \_/o o \_/ When they buy new ones, > ( _ ) I'll take them again. > `\ /` I'll spill glasses of milk > /\\V//\ to complete every meal, > / /_ _\ \ Eat my banana and > \ \___/ / just drop the peel. > \/===\/ Put toys on the table, > || || spill jam on the floor, > || || I'll break lots of dishes > ||___|| as though I were four. > |_____| What fun I shall have, > ||| what joy it will be to > / Y \ Live with my children.... > `"`"` the way they lived with me! > (author unknown) > This message was from sandy colby - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 15:27:45 -0800 From: Krueger Subject: Re: RS: Carson Convention Update I'd like directions too!!! My hubby and I will arrive at LAX at 10:45am so we'll have all day to run around. I definitely am going to Stampa Barbara and I know how to get to A Stamp in the Hand but where else is there to go??? I promised hubby dinner at the Crab Cooker in Newport Beach...our favorite hang out. Libby wrote: > > We (Christine, Victoria, my mom, me) will be arriving down there > Friday..hopefully early afternoon. > > Can any of the "locals" send me some directions to get to nearby stamp stores? > I had hoped to check out Stampa Barbara and Stamp Soup...are there any other > "must sees" in the area?? > > Jaimee :) - -- + + + + + + + + + + + + + If you're looking for rubber stamps and supplies in Tucson, take a look at Libby's Highway Rubbery This message was from Krueger - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 14:54:25 -0800 From: Dawn Subject: RS: DISCUSSION: too many COMM/AD's? I'd like to open discussion (not flames) on a subject near and dear to my heart. there are more and more vendors on this list serve. And we all advertise. Sometimes a little, sometimes a LOT. I'm starting to feel spammed and I'm mostly just deleting anything that says COMM or AD on it, because of it. :( 1) Does anyone else feel the same way? 2) If you do, what do *you* think would be an appropriate number of COMM/AD's from any one vendor in any given day/week? 3) If you don't agree, may I hear your reasons? I'm guessing this would be a beneficial topic for all the vendors and hopefully to other list members, so please answer publicly. (I'm way behind on my personal mail!) Here's my answer to question 2: When I first started advertising on the list (almost 2 years ago), a couple of the vendors "pulled me aside" and told me that I should advertise a MAXIMUM of once a day. As you may have noticed, I don't always follow that advice. But it seems like a good guideline. I'd like to hear your opinion. - -- :-D awn Golden Sunrise Enterprises ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LIFE LESSONS FOR THE CYNIC If quitters never win, and winners never cheat, then who is the fool who said, "Quit while you're ahead"? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This message was from Dawn - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 16:17:17 -0600 From: Sue Beck Subject: RS: COMM Xyron 850 (cold laminator) & The Magic Hot Stamping Pen (Does foiling) We just got home from the HIA convention with blisters on both feet. We came across some new items that I am going to be selling... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Xyron 850 (cold laminator) The XYRON 850 has just made document finishing fast, easy, affordable and fun! Now you can laminate virtually any document - without heat or electricity. You can also instantly turn them into labels or stickers, or prepare them for mounting - without messy sprays, sticky glues or tapes. You can even apply laminate and mounting adhesive at the same time - all without heat, electricity, mess or waiting. No more searching for places that do laminating. No more spray adhesives on your hands, walls and hair. And to top it all off, it's fun! Three Machines In One The XYRONTM 850 gives you three great results with one easy-to-use machine. You can laminate, apply adhesive backing or do both at once - all with the simple turn of a handle. Works With All Kinds Of Materials Because the XYRON 850 uses specially formulated adhesives and requires no heat or power, it can be used with all types of printed or photographic material. You can use it on laser, ink-jet, color and thermal printed papers, photos, blue-prints, maps, menus, plans, charts and more. And the 8 1/2" (21.6cm) document width and virtually unlimited length give you unsurpassed versatility! Change Your Mind? Change The Cartridge! Another great feature of the XYRON 850 is that you can change the adhesive/laminate cartridges about as fast as you can change your mind. In seconds, you can switch between laminating, applying adhesive or doing both at the same time. Three types of cartridges: Two-Sided Lamination--Cut with decorative scissors without destroying seal. Laminate stamp art, decorative papers, pictures & more!! Sticky Back Catridge (Mounting Adhesive)--Turn anything into a sticker: Fabric, photos, embossed art, stamp art, computer art, metallic foil, wrapping paper & more! No blotting or oozing when working with intricate die-cuts or delicate fabrics! Laminate/Sticky Back--Great for making trading pins, greeting cards & more. Instantly creates laminated sticker. You should see how wonderful this does with putting sticky on fabric. It is repositionable for a short time and then cures on fabric after 3 days and then can be put through the washer. Specifications: Dimensions: 12"W x 15.6"L x 10.6"H Footprint: 10"L x 10.5"W Weight: Approx. 8.5 lb. (3.85 Kg), Packaged 11 lb. (4.54 Kg) Document Thickness Range: Up to 0.10" (2.54mm) Document Width & Length: Up to 8.5" (21.6cm) wide, 100 ft (30.46m) long Required Chemicals: None Power Source: None (manual crank handle driven, no electrical or battery needs) Heat Source: None ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New*** The Magic Hot Stamping Pen (Does foiling) Users make their own personalized messages and designs without bulky, costly equipment. Computer image or Stamping a can be done on paper, leather, photos, wood, plastic and more. This is a heat transfer pen that uses 2 AA batteries. Its a little bigger around than a ballpoint pen and about as long as one. All you do is move or write with it across the foil and the foiling is transferred to your project. It comes with foils (red, green, blue, gold and rainbow) Additional packages can be purchased. I am going to try it on the regular foil when it comes in to see if the swatches that I passed out will work for you. Its unbelievable the detailing you can do with this. The end result of the foiling is flat and not raised as with the kind done with glues. ***I have more new products to introduce in the next few days.*** Besure to look at the new items and project cards that have been added to my website. Sue Sue Beck @>-`-,--- Wacky Wagon's Ladybug ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ This message was from Sue Beck - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 14:37:57 -0800 From: (Heather Reilly) Subject: Re: RS: RSM arrived today! Cool! That is early! Can't wait to get mine! :) Heather TexaStamper On Wed, 11 Feb 1998 06:16:21 -0700 writes: >GOOD GRIEF!!! This is WAAAYYYY too early, isn't it??? Only two weeks >into February??? WOW! I hadn't even started wishing for it yet! > >Robin > >On Wed, 11 Feb 1998 00:37:26 -0500 (EST) SHARP >writes: >>Latest RSM arrived today, sorry no review yet, haven't had a chance >to >>open >>the cover yet. Maggie, The Night Owl >> >>This message was from SHARP >>-- >>The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling >>Modems >>Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at >. >> >_____________________________________________________________________ >You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get >completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno >at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] This message was from >-- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling >Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at > . _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] This message was from (Heather Reilly) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 16:49:03 -0600 From: Carole Mork Subject: RS: RE:Karen / I've been Valentined Your first RAK??? How sad!! Why weren't you pouting about that? Would = of sent you one a long time ago if I'd known!! You are welcome for the card, enjoyed doing it for you! The strips = across the bottom are automobile striping that we picked up at our local = Auto Shop. He had all kinds of odds & ends that he gave me! Don't remember the verse, but I use a lot of Maggie, the Night Owl's = Friendship Thoughts so its likely one of her's. Glad I made your day! Please put my name in the subject line to avoid deleting. No longer a seamstress, now a Stampstress.=20 Canadian Carole - -----Original Message----- From: K G Em [] Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 1998 12:04 AM To: Subject: RS: I've been Valentined WOOHOO my first RAK is from Carole Mork. A beautiful, friendly Valentine. =20 On white CS that is lightly checkered in light blue, a heart stamped all over, then mulberry paper so sheer I can see through it to the hearts behind. On top of this is red paper cut in the shape of a heart with ....wave? scissors, stamped in white on the red paper is a beautiful heart full of roses and bows, very nicely and delicately glittered, and = has red sequin hearts in the middle. Where did you get the verse from = Carole? I like that. I like the way your printer works so much better than my = old clu.............. oh, never mind. Let's not go there, hmmm? Inside there are two lines of .......colored tape? different widths.=20 Very nice detail. Also I have now seen my first cklear envy, and I know what you all are talking about. They are cool. Thank you Carole. What a bright spot in my day. Happy Stamping Karen =20 This message was from "K G Em" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling = Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . This message was from Carole Mork - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 14:17:32 -0800 From: "Crafty bonnie 2" Subject: RS: Re: TAN:. . . a book to die for!!! GGGRRRRREEEEEEEAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!! but darn it all anyways. . . this means we have stepped up to WAITING class 10. . .and I can already feel the shakes, tremors, hives, heaves. . . and all sorts of other rather dastardly symptoms starting. . . oh. . . I can hardly stand it. . . boy, oh boy . . . my very own list recipe book with all those nummmmmmmmy taste treats will be winging it to me very soon. . . gosh, now I've started drooling. . . let the recipes roll thank you very much Jody and Phil. . . our angels. . . and all of you that sent in recipes. . . love n huge hugs b2 - ---------- > From: Jody Morrison > To: Crafty bonnie 2 > Subject: Re: TAN:. . . a book to die for!!! > Date: Wednesday, February 11, 1998 4:56 AM > > Mornin'! > > Just wanted you to know that I received your money and I've made you a > mailing label which will go to Phil today... > > Thanks, dear! > > Hugs, > > Jody > > > >Hi love. . . I'm begging you to extend the deadline. . . > > > >I HAVE to have one of those wonderful recipe books that Betsy is drooling > >about. . . > > > >it's one of those can't live without things. . . and imagine. . . getting > >such a fabulous book and being able to help Giggles out at the same time. . > >. well. . . this is just too good to be true > > > >for those of you that haven't managed to reserve your copy yet. . . get > >your cheque book handy. . . write and grovel to Jody and see if we can't > >get her to extend the deadline again. . . and also. . . we may have to > >bribe Phil Schloss as well. . . we just have to have this book. . . it's to > >die for. . . from what I hear. . . and . . . hmmmmmmmmmm. . . . > > > >PLEASE Jody. . . can I huh????? > > > >I guess this means that I'm waiting, and waiting, and waiting. . .and. . This message was from "Crafty bonnie 2" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 17:43:41 -0500 (EST) From: Teapot Subject: Re: RS: Re: Tan:Next debate: psychic phenomena... Well, my experiences really don't have anything to do with other people such as deceased relatives, but mine have been "out of the ordinary." When I was a teenager, a very sensitive and confused adolescent like many are, I used to have many dreams of places that I'd never visited or situations that had never occurred that I would later come upon in "real-life" - deja vu experiences. The last one happened when I was 19 and I was sitting in a restaurant with 2 friends - one of whom I had had a falling out with and one was sitting beside me and the other was across from me...and I remember the lighting being very low and red. Well, months later in "real-life" I made peace with that friend - she, I and another friend all went to Pizza Hut (of all places) and it just hit me like a ton of bricks that I had dreamt all this before...only in the real-life situation, the friends were sitting in opposite positions. Okay, so that's not some earth-shattering event, but it made me think more about "life" and how things are really not how they seem or what we've been told. Anyway, the other experience that I've had is that as a teenager I used to write poetry - and always put a date and time upon completion of it. Well, one year I reviewed all my poems and found that in '83, '84, '85, and '89 I had written at least one poem on August 18 of each of those years...and always in the wee hours of the morning (like 1-3 am). When I realized this it sent tingles all over my body with my hair feeling like it was on end. Even as I type this, it brings tears to my eyes for some reason. There must be something incredibly significant about that date for me personally. Either that was it - to show to me that even among mundane matters, life works mysteriously...or to let me know that more good is yet to come. Nisa/Teapot ______________________*signature line*________________________ Stupid SLP Saying: Nisa to patient: "Now, put your tongue where my tongue was." This message was from Teapot - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 17:54:20 EST From: Subject: Re: RS: Re: TAN: What famous folks have you met?? I've gotten to work with and meet a few "famous" folks. I work part -time as a wardrobe Misstress for the local Union at the area arenas Which is getting the costumes, props for the stars/actors/bands in shape for the shows/events and sewing if needed, ironing , cleaning them and also waiting on them hand and foot for the event. Lets see most of the stars from skating shows, Tia and her brother Randy, Dottie Hamel, she was about the size of a pea and he was no bigger then my left thigh. Very nice talked alot to me as I worked. I'm gonna mangle this name but that famous Russian ballet guy Rudoph Nv( whatever) worked with him three nights in a row invloved ironing his clothing, washing it and following him around with a folding chair, a white towel a box of tissues and a thermos of tea, he would'nt talk just snap his skinny little fingers and I'd have to drop everthing and set up his chair, lay the tissues next to him, hand him his towel and pour him tea.- I swear this guy would just snap his fingers to see how fast I could do this routine. He never said a word to me, just loved to snap his fingers as much as possible, but the end of the shows he did say to me Thank you very much. Kenny Rogers ( years ago) did his stuff for two day show and he was great, cute nephew Paul was in charge of me and very easy to work for and Kenny was very good gave the staff food, wine, flowers to everyone that did even the smallest thing for him. I did end up burning his pants and even got the flowers. My husband works for a lot of different bands/acts and I have been able to tour with him at times. I've met ( she is good friends now) Suzanne Vega. Shawn Colvin Steve Via ( Yuck, this man is a pig for sure) Got to meet and have dinner with ( plus 20 others) Eric Clapton and he says to me Hi, your John's wife " and I say "huh ?" - I was complete idiot , couldnt talk, just stood there and looked at him- that was awful I worshiped this guy when I was younger and got to really met him and I can't say a word. That chance will never happen agian :( Maria This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 17:53:29 -0500 From: Betsy Ritter Subject: Re: RS: Joseph's Coat >Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 11:08:12 -0700 >From: "Christine L. Cox" >To:, >Subject: Re: RS: Joseph's Coat >Sender: >Comment: To remove yourself from the list, send e-mail to >Comment: containing the line >Comment: unsubscribe rubberstampers > >OK, here goes: > >1. Ink up your brayer with a Kaleidacolor pad. > >2. Run the brayer over the card stock (either in all directions or in one - >your choice) > >3. Wait for the ink to dry (or, if you don't have a deferred gratification >bone, like me, use your heat tool). > >5. Using a tinted (clear) ink pad, stamp your image (* note, is important >to use Little Miracle or some other anti-static powder on the card stock >before stamping). > >6. Cover with clear EP. Dump EP back into container. > >7. Heat as normal. > >8. Using a brayer, cover entire card with black, dye ink (I use Impress >because it gives a much blacker black, rather than a brown or purple tint). > >9. Wait for black ink to dry thoroughly. You can also use your heat tool to >speed up this process but be careful because it also heats up the EP again. > >10. Lightly buff over the stamped image with a tissue (NOT Puffs with Aloe >- I did that once, ruined the card). This is to remove the black ink from >the top of the EP. > >Ta da!!! > >Clear? If not, ask for clarification, I'd be happy to supply it. Angelhrt >also has this technique in her files and she may be able to explain it >better. > >Cheers!!! >Christine > > > >P.S. I'll be changing Internet Providers in the next few days. Please be >aware that my email address will be changing! I'll run both accounts >concurrently for 1 month and then, poof! no more Netcom. > >This message was from "Christine L. Cox" >-- >The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . > > This message was from Betsy Ritter - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 13:18:23 -0700 From: Subject: Re: RS: Color Ink Cartridge refill kits I tried these and the ink sucked-bad! The black bleeds really bad and the color ink was jusr plain bad stuff. Bled, didn't get colors right, I just could figure it out. I called the company and they sent me a different black they said was more like the HP ink. HP has a special patent on thier ink. It's made to not bleed even on the most porous paper on "BEST" setting. Thenink the company sent me wasn't much better if at all. I hven't heard of Quill, but I'll stcik to paying $23. per cartridege to get ink that's perfect all the time. Just MHO Ginny Happy Rubber Stamps and Club 4426 East 118th Court Denver, CO 80233-1781 On Wed, 11 Feb 1998 11:06:53 -0800 KatsPurr writes: >At 10:28 PM 2/10/98 -0800, you wrote: >>I think that I saw something regarding this about a month ago. Does >any >one have suggestions on where to purchase color ink cartridge refill >kits >for HP Desk Jets? TIA >> > >Stacie, I usually buy my cartridges thru Quill. If you purchase at >least $45 >worth of stuff (easy to do!), there is *no shipping charge*! Their # >is >1-800-789-1331. Office Depot is another idea -- you can call them at >1-800-685-8800. > > ^ Kat ^ > (|) (|) > (= Y`=) > `~u~` > KatsPurr: a 'play' on 'Casper' cuz I'm both cat- & Spirit-minded > *Be on the lookout for MIRACLES; they're happening daily!* > >This message was from KatsPurr >-- >The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling >Modems >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . > _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 15:43:05 -0800 From: Krueger Subject: Re: RS: TAN: What famous folks have you met?? My rowdy friends and I almost had an opportunity to ride in the same elevator as Ronnie Milsap but his body guard thought better of it even though we said we'd behave if he got in. Wow...he is big and tall. He was very funny and said that we were having too much fun. Darn!!! least he spoke to us. One of my girlfriends use to meet Bill Cosby on the running track at UNLV in Las Vegas when Cosby would perform. They would jog together and then go their separate ways. Libby Marsha Braymen wrote: > > Ok, don't know if he fits in the famous category, and if you "hate" the Dallas Cowboys as some listees do, you might want to hit the delete key at this moment. > > Last Thursday I rode on the escalator with Jason Garrett who is the backup quarterback for my Cowboys. I work for an oil company at the Galleria in Dallas and walked over to the mall to get lunch. Jason stepped aside, as a true gentleman, so I could step on the escalator. He rode up to the next level of the mall, talked to me and was very sweet. BTW, he has bright red hair and is cute as can be. > > Marsha > > >>> 02/11 11:34 AM >>> > After reading the George Clooney stuff, I was wondering what famous people we > have met...I will even go first!! > > My cousins are "famous"....Phil and Dave Alvin...they had a rockabilly band in > the 80's called "The Blasters"...toured alot..they were very good. Dave now > has a solo career. > > When I lived in Vegas, I got to meet many people. Gregory Hines mother was a > patient at the clinic I worked at...he was rude. I met Jeffery Osbourne while > cruising the strip one night..very cute and nice!! > > My BEST meeting...ahhh....TOM JONES!!! I saw him in concert 2 years ago...and > I got there mucho early to wait in line. He walked right by me...after > working out...he had on these tight little bike shorts and a black > tshirt...OOOOOLLLLAAALAAA!!! And what did I do??? I looked at him, and said > "Tom??" a complete fool!! That is all I could do...the lady behind me > got a pic and a hug...I sat there looking stupid with my tongue hanging out!! > > I ummm...errrr...ahhh...."dated" a Chicago Bears football player...who shall > remain nameless at this protect the innocent...hee hee hee...He was > very big...and very ugly LOL > > So...who have you met??? > > Jaimee :) > This message was from > -- > The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems > Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . > > This message was from "Marsha Braymen" > -- > The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems > Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - -- + + + + + + + + + + + + + If you're looking for rubber stamps and supplies in Tucson, take a look at Libby's Highway Rubbery This message was from Krueger - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 15:34:16 -0800 From: Krueger Subject: Re: RS: RE: Re: TAN: George is leaving?!? (was Olympic coverage sucks) I don't think so!!! I saw the ER crew on Rosie last week and there was no mention of it...unless he said something in the 30 seconds that I had to go potty. Libby Mabutas, Holly wrote: > > StampaDeeDoDah! > > What do you mean George Clooney is leaving ER at the end of the > season!!!!!???!? > It was a hard enough adjustment when Susan went away and left Mark, but > now this!? > Is it for sure? Is it for real? Is it cast in stone?! UGHGHHHGHGH!??! > > Ta. > Holly m. > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: [] > > Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 1998 4:55 PM > > To: > > Subject: RS: Re: TAN: US COVERAGE OF OLYMPICS SUCKS > > > > I've tried to cut CBS some slack as this is the 1st year they've > > covered the > > olympics in my memory, but I can't anymore. I've been trying to log a > > complaint on the feedback area of their web site since Friday night, > > but it's > > been jammed. Everyone in their chat area was raging about the opening > > ceremonies that night. I guess what has me even more worried is that > > CBS > > bought the rights to NFL football for next season. Now I can't help > > but think > > that's going to be a disaster, too. It's just been too long since CBS > > covered > > anything but golf. If they are going to start seriously bidding for > > these > > major sporting events, they need to hire producers who have lots of > > sporting > > experience. What's even worse is that NBC couldn't afford to keep > > football > > because they had to shell out $13 million to keep ER and now George > > Clooney is > > leaving at the end of this season!!! What's going to happen to poor > > Carol > > Hathaway!?!?!? I have to go have some chocolate and calm down. Thanks > > for > > letting me get this tirade out of my system!!! > > > > StampaDeeDoDah (Dee) > > This message was from > > -- > > The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling > > Modems > > Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . > This message was from "Mabutas, Holly" > -- > The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems > Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - -- + + + + + + + + + + + + + If you're looking for rubber stamps and supplies in Tucson, take a look at Libby's Highway Rubbery This message was from Krueger - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 06:24:03 EST From: (Linda S Skirvin) Subject: Re: RS:TAN:who am I and why am I back? WELCOME HOME BETTY.........We all missed you! Giggles to you always! Love, Linda On 10 Feb 1998 15:38:32 -0500 Betty Goetz writes: > >Since I'm back on-and-off after an absence, I thought I'd just >introduce myself >to the new folks and respond to a very interesting post I received >this morning. > >I've been stamping for only 3 years or so now, but I've thoroughly >enjoyed >following all kinds of stamping paths and certainly have my areas of >expertise >and areas of total failure (like sponging ). I started as a quilter >stamping >on her quilts, but haven't touched fabric for WAY too long now >(haven't done a >quilt for about 2 years). I especially love working with realistic, >ethnic and >stylized images....but don't do much holiday or cute stamping >(although I have >my share of D.O.T.S. images)...I don't 'do' humor or bizzare at all. >Favorite >companies are ERA Graphics, Non Sequitur, Third Coast, and many many >many more. >I also enjoy scene stamping....integrating images from 5 or more >companies into >a cohesive 'whole'. I've been teaching stamping classes for over a >year and >specialize in technique classes: brayering, using >interference/iridescent >pigments, suminagashi marbling and eraser carving. I love learning >along with >the participants in a class as I share what I've found about a topic. >Carving >has become a major obsession for me over the past year, and I ended up >having >folks encourage me to market the images that resulted from this >obsession, so >that's why I started a business. > I was somewhat active on rubberstampers roughly a year ago, but >my 'real' >work had to take precedence when my group was asked to do 2 years work >in 1 year >after losing 2 people. This meant I had to prioritize and my activity >on the >rubberstampers list had to take a hiatus. My weenie home system simply >can't >accommodate hundreds of posts per day. I did join sara-L and cc-L, >where the >discussion is more subject-focused and lacks the tremendous volume of >daily >posts; I could keep my fingers in the rubber-pot and still keep up >with my other >demands. . I recently was able to hire a new person, and now have some >breathing >space. I work full-time as a supervisory research fishery biologist >for the >National Marine Fisheries Center in Seattle, WA . My group specializes >specializes in walleye pollock and rockfish species, both of which are >political >hot-potatoes these days. Due to a number of work-related injuries >during my >sea-days, I don't go out to sea any longer....but maintain a strong >love for >those things 'marine'. My MS dealt with harbor porpoise, and marine >mammals were >my major topic of interest for almost 10 years of study. However, the >jobs are >in the world of commercial fisheries . > I also have Siberian Huskies, am listowner for an e-mail >discussion list on >Siberian Huskies (which takes priority over my stamping activities), >and am >dealing with the loss of my 12-year old rough collie recently to >bloat, and am >looking forward to adding a Belgian tervuren puppy to my pack this >year. I am >lucky enough to own acreage and also have a poultry flock of 70+ >ducks-geese-and >chickens. Two rabbits (Flemish giant and a mini-rex mix) make up the >rest of my >'mini zoo' and I'm considering adding a goat to help me wage war on >the >blackberry vines in my top pasture . > Anyway, there appears to be some concern on the part of at least >one person >who wrote me (unsigned/anonymous e-mail address) and indicated that >they felt >USED because I'm now back and am posting to the list re: my new >company. One >snip is particularly interesting (sic):<< You're stamps are nice, BTW, >but I >wouldn't buy them becuase i don't like feeling used. I'm not the only >one who >feels this way either.It's been a source of conversation for a couple >of days.>> >Indication was made that I'm seen (at least by this one person) as >someone here ><>. I'd like to encourage anyone who has >concerns >about my participation on this list to talk it out with me (please >tell me who >you are as it's not particularly constructive to converse with a >'youllneverknowwhoiam ' mystery person). I love learning how to be a >better >stamping-idea sharer and hate to think I've fallen short in that >department. >Please....I'm NOT asking for/or requiring any sympathy here...I'm >pretty >thick-skinned after moderating a dog-related list for 3 years >....but I am >concerned if this opinion re:my participation/business is widespread. >I was >quite surprised. And thanks to the many friends-from-the-past who have >given me >inspiration, suggestions and support! > > OR >Haika Rubber Stamps >This message was from Betty Goetz >-- >The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling >Modems >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . > _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] This message was from (Linda S Skirvin) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 17:55:18 -0500 From: Betsy Ritter Subject: RS: JOSEPHS COAT FW FROM ANGELHRT >Comments: Authenticated sender is >From: "Angelhrt" >T > >I think I've got tips/techs on Joseph's Coat ...also called Neon Embossing.... here's what I >have...hope it helps!! ~~~~ WarmHugs Angelhrt >********************************** >From: (Jody Morrison) >I was somewhat satisfied with my results. I used this method for the >brayer swap.... > >I used vivid black to brayer over the colors. I was working on card stock, >definitely not coated. I used a dye based rainbow, can't remember which >one right now. I was quite pleased with the intensity of the color, but >had some strange things happening when I wiped the vivid black off of the >clear EP. In some spots, the ep sorta ran together so the image was >blurred. It added an interesting effect since I was using a leaf stamp, >but I couldn't figure out why it was happening.... >--------------------------------- >From: Susanne >I discovered that this technique was stunning at 9 pm and >oring at 9am...when I had just finished stamping, brayering, etc., the >colors were so vibrant against the black - such a dramatic look! The >next morning, after the black ink had had time to dry to a dull, dark >gray, well, it just wasn't the same. I tried coating with Krylon >Crystal Clear, to no avail.I used a black Marvy this where we >have that conversation again about "How black is your black inkpad?"? >---------------------------- >This message was from >I find that blacks in general turn grayish on glossy. >I tried the "Joseph's Coat" technique on regular matte stock and really >liked the effect. The black stayed black and the shiny bright raised >embossing was a nice contrast against the matte black. > >I also did a variety of pinks,lavenders and blues and brayered over that >with violet; yellows, oranges and pinks under red, etc. This technique >also works nicely if you sponge. > >Feathers >---------------------------------- >From: (Marilyn) >I too better get out of the lurking mode, I tried the neon embossing with >stampscape stamps and the calypso pad, then brayered over this with ultra >marine vivid and the results were stunning. > >I do have a question though, on my test sample I used black but when I >sprayed with a sealer the embossing started to peel off. Did I spray it to >soon or is it the powder I used? I used ulta high gloss clear from VLVS. >Has this happened to anyone else? TIA >--------------------------------- >From: (Donna Grady) > >Last night I was playing around with the Josephs Coat technique and came >across a slight variation to this wonderful technique. Some of you may >already know and have done this but it was new to me so I will share how >I did it. > >I took a bold image stamp (Fish from Posh Impressions) and stamped it on >a color box rainbow pigment pad (the one with all shades of purples) and >stamped it on white coated paper. I embossed with clear. > >Then I took a Kaleidacolor rainbow pad (Caribbean Sea I think it is >called) and brayered this all over the background. This rainbow pad is >all the green shades. Mounted this on blue paper 1/4" all around. > >Next I took another piece of paper a little bigger in size and stamped >another kind of smaller fish all over using the same Kaleidacolor pad. >I mounted this on chartreuse paper. > >Then I took the Josephs Coat stamped image already mounted on blue paper >and mounted it on top of the little fishes paper. > >It came out pretty. > >It is new to me because up until this point I was only doing Josephs >Coat with brayering a colorful rainbow background in dye in all over, >then stamping an image in clear and embossing in clear (to have this >background show through) then brayering all over with black or prussian >blue. > >This way I just did allows you to have the image in one rainbow pad >color and the background in another. >This message was from "Angelhrt" >-- >The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . > > This message was from Betsy Ritter - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ End of rubberstampers-digest V2 #1127 *************************************