From: (rubberstampers-digest) To: Subject: rubberstampers-digest V2 #1245 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk rubberstampers-digest Friday, February 20 1998 Volume 02 : Number 1245 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 10:04:46 -0600 From: "Barbara" Subject: RS: COMM: Paper Grabbag $10.00 Till 2/28 Fellow Stampers: For the past 2 months I have been working on starting a rubber stamp business called Creative Images. As an opening business special (which is good through February 28) I would like to offer a grab bag of 75 sheets of 8 1/2 x 11 cardstock for just $10.00 which includes priority shipping within the United States. Add $3.95 for delivery to Canada, Great Britain and Germany. Add $5.95 for delivery to Australia and New Zealand. (If you have questions about delivery to any other country I would be happy to let you know what the cost would be.) This is truly beautiful cardstock. The grab bag includes four different neutrals (perfect for Easter or Spring cards). Included are white embossed leather, pebblestone, oyster flecks, and cottonwood. All of these are textured or have flecks or specks of a variety of neutral colors throughout the cardstock. These are not plain ho-hum papers - they are all quite beautiful. All are 80 lb. cardstock except the pebblestone which is 65 lb. I know that you will be taking a leap of faith by placing an order with me since I am a new vendor. That is why I am offering such a special price on this paper. All I ask is that you please give me a chance to show you what a wonderful vendor I will be for you. This introductory offer is good through February 28. Remember the grab bags are just $10.00 per 75 sheet grab bag including priority shipping! To order a grab bag (or two!) for yourself or your SS e-mail or mail check or money order to: Creative Images 1112 Neosho Burlington KS 66839 I am working on being able to accept credit cards but the paperwork is not done being processed at the bank - lots of red tape! For right now I accept checks and money orders. Soon I will have a line of rubber stamps and supplies available (hopefully by March 1st). Thank you in advance to all of you who are taking that leap of faith and placing an order with me. It will be remembered and appreciated. If you have any questions you can e-mail me or feel free to give me a call at 316-364-8744. Barbara Zachrel - Creative Images 1112 Neosho Burlington KS 66839 This message was from "Barbara" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 09:24:16 -0800 From: Shaunna Frasure Subject: RS: Stamp Wanted! I'm looking for the Carmen Veranda Travel truck stamp, its shown on its side open. Either mounted or unmounted, if anyone has or sells this stamp and would be willing to part with it please give me a price, thanks!!=) - -- Queen La Fetti a.k.a. Shaunna Frasure--- "A Day Without Confetti is Like A Day Without Sunshine!" Custom Creations, 299 Fourth Ave., Portola, CA 96122 (800)320-6327 California Customers please add 7.25% for sales tax on all orders. This message was from Shaunna Frasure - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 10:08:07 -0500 From: "Mariann at S.C.P. Stamps" Subject: RS: AD: Sayings Made into a Stamps For eveyone on the list that would like to have one of their favorite sayings turned into a rubber stamp. We have a lot of fun with these. Not only will you get an unmounted of your saying. You will also get 9 others. I collect sayings, greetings and sentaments from 10 rubber stampers that would like to particapate. I will put together a sheet of unmounted rubber stamps which you will be able to purchase for $9.00 plus $1.00 for shipping. There will be 10 sayings from particapants on the sheet. Your saying "can not" measure larger than 3 1/2" X 1 1/2" You may send it larger and I will do the resizing for you. You may use your computer to print your saying in your favorite font. Letters must be in "BLACK INK on WHITE PAPER" and very clean of smudges. "Do not" use real real thin lines. Because, They don't come out on the rubber. The saying you send must not be from another copyrighted writer (such as Helen Stiener Rice). Also the saying you use must not be geared just toward yourself (as in Names, Nicknames, Addresses) Remember 9 other particapants will be looking forward to useing your stamp too. (*Please Nothing Vulgar or Obscene*) It's fun for the particapants to see new sayings, greetings, and sentaments turned into a rubber stamps. If you wish that your saying be anonymous. Just include a note when you send the copy of it with your payment. Along with the sheet of rubber stamps I will be including a list of credits for the sayings. For those who wish their saying be anonymous. The credit will just say Anonymous. Please include a copy of the agreement portion of this E-Mail with your signature in the space provided as a release. Or you may write the full agreement out on a sheet of paper with your siginature. - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Sayings Special #1 Agreement. I __________________________ state that this saying does not belong to any certain poet or writer. I give S.C.P. Stamps permission to use it on the (Sayings Special #1) only. I understand that S.C.P. Stamps will make 10 rubber forms of this saying and will distribute them to particapants of (Sayings Special #1 only.) I also understand that my sayings rubber stamp may be used by the particapants of (Sayings Special #1) on hand stamped artwork that must not be sold for any type of profit. I sign my name here to state that I agree with the terms of this special. ___________________________________ Signature - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The deadline for this special is March 31 1998. I will have the sheets ready to ship by April 15 1997. If you are overseas or in Canada. Please add $1.00 extra for shipping. Send Check or Money Order to: S.C.P. Stamps Dept. Sayings #1 1095 Sleepy Hollow Rd. Pennsburg, PA 18073 This is a lot of fun. I hope you will join us. "Luv" Mariann Independent Mary Kay Consultant Please Visit S.C.P. Stamps at: This message was from "Mariann at S.C.P. Stamps" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 09:42:10 +0000 From: "***Cloud 9***" Subject: RS: Legend of the Strawberry I got this Native American story out of a book I"m reading called "We Dance Because We Can/People of the Pow Wow"... I type it here, in it's entirity, word for word... Enjoy ~~~ Angelhrt ************************************************************** The Origin Of The Strawberry As told by Rogers Clinch/Western Band Cherokee Back when there was just one man and one woman on earth, they began to argue, and the woman kept getting angrier and angrier and turned and walked away from her husband. For a time he tried calling her back, but she just totally ignored him and wouldn't look to the left or the right or up or down, just looked straight ahead and kept walking. They had done this for three days, and the man was following after her and getting very discouraged and his head was hanging down. And the woman in her anger still just kept walking as hard and as fast as she could. On the evening of the third day she was out on the horizon, and each of them camped where they were. Then on the fourth day, as the sun came up, the woman began her journey and was disappearing from sight when the one that we called Goodmind came down and spoke to the first man and asked him, "Does this woman walk in your soul?" In othe words, did he love her; we don't have that word. He said, "Oh yes, I wish that I could walk in her soul as she walks in mine." And Goodmind asked him, "Well, if she comes back to you, do you care for her so much that you'll never argue with her so hard that she'll run away from you like this again?" And the first man promised, "Oh yes." So Goodmind went ahead of the woman and began to plant all of the berry bushes that we know today but that up until then hadn't existed. Still she just ignored them and walked staight on. He began to plant along the path all the trees that bear fruit, like the cherry tree, the persimmon, the plum, and many others. Still she ignored them and wouldn't look to the left or right or up or down, just straight ahead and kept walking. So, finally, he went ahead of her and planted a big patch of strawberries in all stages of development. And as she walked along, in her anger, she began to step on these ripe strawberries and a good smell came up to her nostrils. She stopped and looked down, and she saw those beautiful red berries, the green leaves, and the white flowers, and she remembered that she hadn't eaten for three days. She was hungry, so she knelt down and she began to taste these berries, and she found that they were both bitter and sweet -- like life. She ate a few more. She looked over her shoulder, and way in the distance she could see her husband coming. She ate a few more and a longing began to grow in her heart to be with him. So she gathered up a handful of the berries and stood up and began to walk in his direction. And every once in a while she would take one of those berries and eat it as she walked along, and each time she did this she would go a little faster until finally she was running as hard and as fast as she could run. Her husband in the distance saw her coming and ran to meet her. As they stood face to face, and the woman looked in her hand and she only had one berry left. This she put in her husband's mouth. So it's because of the strawberry that all of us are in the world today. Strawberries are a reminder today, that we are suppose to love one another. If you look at a strawberry, you notice that the seeds are on the outside, and that's the way our love is suppose to be. So many people, they say they love someone, but they'll never show it. We're suppose to show our love. Even today, in a traditional Cherokee home, you'll find that the woman keeps a jar of fresh strawberries packed in honey. And if she ever has an arguement with her husband, she won't keep it going. She'll go to her kitchen and take down that jar of strawberries and begin to eat them while she cools down. And when she's calm enough, then she'll get up and she'll take one of those berries to her husband and put it in his mouth and remind him of the promise that first man made to Goodmind in the beginning. This message was from "***Cloud 9***" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 11:23:23 -0600 From: Subject: RS: Buffalo Stampede Ribbon Tonya The ribbons from Tonya are just beautiful and will suit cards so well because of their pleasing width. The colors are gorgeous and I love them! The blending paper seems some like a watercolor paper and I will be eager to try this. These ribbons are great. Hope you make another order some time again because these are great! Thanks Patty - -- ()_|_ _, _ ,_ _ |\ |\ _, /\ | / | /|/|/| |/\_|/ / | |/ |/ |/ / | /(_)|_/\/|_/ | | |_/|_/ |_/ |/|_/|_/|_/\/|_/ (| This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 12:25:09 -0500 From: Lissa Albert Subject: Re: RS: A Note From Leilani PS to my previous note: PLEASE don't think that because you're a nurse you could have seen what was coming. I am a preschool teacher, with a son who is developmentally delayed, and there is NO way I could have predicted his problems nor is there anything in my training which equips me to handle this as a professional. You'd think that a teacher would know about kids, but when it comes to my own kids - my older son AND the baby - I know NOTHING. We are not objective...that's the bottom line. We can see things in other people's lives with the greatest ease of objectivity..but when it comes to OUR lives and OUR kids, we just don't see it. So do NOT blame yourself because of your are just as much a victim as your daughter. Please try to relax this weekend and regroup... Hugs, Lissa - -- |\ __ | | |--| __ |/ | | |~' /|_ () () | //| \ |\ () | \|_ | | \ jgs \_|_/ () | | | @' () This message was from Lissa Albert - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Feb 98 08:45:55 -0800 From: "Frances Jansen" Subject: RS: OFFICIAL Mother's Day Card-A-Day Swap Hi All: It's official!! Give your special person a one-of-a-kind gift! SWAP: Mother's Day Card-A-Day Swap HOST: RubberZombee ITEMS: 7 for 7 DETAILS: You make 7 cards (cards don't have to be identical), not PC's, and envy's with postage and send them to me with 7 mailing labels of your special Mom, Grandmother, Aunt, etc., I will swap the cards and send a different card each day starting the week before Mother's Day. MAILING INFO: 7 mailing labels of person cards to be sent and 7 envy's with correct postage for the card you have made POSTMARK: April 20 If you want to play please email me directly ( as I am not subscribed to the list. Any questions let me know. Have a great night! RubberZombee Players: Beth Kim Melina Debbie Laura Mary Ellen This message was from "Frances Jansen" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 11:30:24 EST From: Subject: Re: RS: TAN: Nicknames Well, I have just been informed that there is already a "Sunflower Stamper". So you can all just call me "Shel". LOL! Just Shel This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 12:08:28 EST From: Subject: RS: Jaimee Jaimee, In all my excitment about being adopted I deleted your message before I wrote down your email address. I really DO need a Mom! Meschill -----------> StampAmi This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 09:26:02 -0700 From: Val Kildaw Subject: RS: MORE VALENTINE'S AND BIRTHDAY RAKS Received cards yesterday from Nancy Guggisberg and Pat Koss. Thanks so much gals. Both were great cards. Stampin' Hugs Val This message was from Val Kildaw - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 11:13:25 -0600 From: vb Subject: RS: Treasure Chest Stamp-THANKS Just wanted to thank everyone who responded about the treasure chest stamp for my friend!! I think I e-mailed everyone privately, but just in case I didn't, I wanted to Thank You. Instead of having no idea where to get one, now she has several options. Thx again :) Vicki (CajunStamper) This message was from vb - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 10:24:47 -0600 From: Kims Kreations Subject: RS: Thanks for the Easter Egg, Phil! I can't believe I won your easter-egg template! I'm not usually lucky = at winning things. This looks like a great template, and can't wait to = put some together for Easter! Thanks so much, Phil!!! Kim This message was from Kims Kreations - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 11:02:01 -0600 From: vb Subject: RS: TAN: Mardi Gras Related :) Just found this site.... For all that can't be in N.O. for Mardi Gras, this might be the next best thing! If it's operational on Mardi Gras'll see some sights, believe me! Vicki (CajunStamper) This message was from vb - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 08:26:44 PST From: "Stamparoni *" Subject: RS: Blender differences The Tombow and Dove blenders are meant to be used with the markers, either on the paper after the color had been laid down or with a tile, put the color on a tile and "Pick it up" with the blender and do a watercolor type look. I do not find the first application to be very effective but that could just be me. I preffer the dove blender because it cleans up better, the nib is replaceable and it is refillable. The tombow, well it is disposable! Both use a sort of glycerine type base and stays wet like and moveable for a few moments, a nice quality when working with marker color as long as you know it will not dry fast! Now with blenders for colored pencils you need something to break down the wax in order to blend the colors and that would be either the alcohol, xylene (peeeee-uuuu! but it works well, and is the one used for photo transferring)or a homemade q-tip and lighter fluid. Different animals....different uses. But then there is always room to improvise ;) Stamparoni "You can lead your mom to Spell-Check, but you cannot make her use it!" ~rantings of a 'Roni~ ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at This message was from "Stamparoni *" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 12:34:39 EST From: Subject: Re: RS: Fortune Teller Swap Update Is the receive date 2/28 or the postmark date? I am thinking of doing this but I am ( as usual) overcommitted & disorganized! aahhhhh ;) Thanks y'all, Amy This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 11:38:09 -0500 From: Karen Harris Subject: RS: Need Computer Ums Hi all, I want to buy some stamps related to computers, preferably um and angel companies. I know I had seen a website that had mostly computer images and I think you could even get them personalized with your email addy. Does anyone know this web addy? Or do you know of any company that sells images with computers. Thanks for your help. Karen Harris This message was from Karen Harris - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 09:36:06 -0800 From: "Williams, Marci " Subject: RS: Stamp Club URL I've lost my bookmark for this. Could someone please send it to me. I can't even remember the company. Man oh man, the age is setting in..... Marci Williams This message was from "Williams, Marci " - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 09:37:12 -0800 From: Shaunna Frasure Subject: RS: Ad:Leftovers Anyone? Hi! I have some left over orders here from my last Stamp Pad order, if anyone needs any of this stuff right away, I could put it on a Credit Card and mail it out today!=)If anyone is interested in taking these all off my hands I will give them to you for $79.95 plus shipping($5). Thanks! Here's what I have: Adirondaks-$2.95 each(reg $4) Espresso Current Raisin Caramel Mushroom Bottle Pitch Black Denim Butterscotch Slate Eggplant Lettuce Cranberry Terra Cotta Adirondak Rainbows-$4.75 each(reg $6 ea) Noel Cabin Fever Stained Glass Wildflowers Rueberry Big & Juicy Rainbows-$12 ea (reg$15.95) Waterfall Soothing Sunset I will confirm your order. Thanks!=) - -- Queen La Fetti a.k.a. Shaunna Frasure--- "A Day Without Confetti is Like A Day Without Sunshine!" Custom Creations, 299 Fourth Ave., Portola, CA 96122 (800)320-6327 California Customers please add 7.25% for sales tax on all orders. This message was from Shaunna Frasure - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 11:34:30 +0000 From: "***Cloud 9***" Subject: RS: Legend of the Strawberry I found this legend in a book I"m reading called "We Dance Because We Can/People of the Pow Wow"... I have typed it below, in it's entirity, word for word.... Enjoy Angelhrt ******************************************************************** The Origin Of The Strawberry As told by Rogers Clinch/Western Band Cherokee Back when there was just one man and one woman on earth, they began to argue, and the woman kept getting angrier and angrier and turned and walked away from her husband. For a time he tried calling her back, but she just totally ignored him and wouldn't look to the left or the right or up or down, just looked straight ahead and kept walking. They had done this for three days, and the man was following after her and getting very discouraged and his head was hanging down. And the woman in her anger still just kept walking as hard and as fast as she could. On the evening of the third day she was out on the horizon, and each of them camped where they were. Then on the fourth day, as the sun came up, the woman began her journey and was disappearing from sight when the one that we called Goodmind came down and spoke to the first man and asked him, "Does this woman walk in your soul?" In othe words, did he love her; we don't have that word. He said, "Oh yes, I wish that I could walk in her soul as she walks in mine." And Goodmind asked him, "Well, if she comes back to you, do you care for her so much that you'll never argue with her so hard that she'll run away from you like this again?" And the first man promised, "Oh yes." So Goodmind went ahead of the woman and began to plant all of the berry bushes that we know today but that up until then hadn't existed. Still she just ignored them and walked staight on. He began to plant along the path all the trees that bear fruit, like the cherry tree, the persimmon, the plum, and many others. Still she ignored them and wouldn't look to the left or right or up or down, just straight ahead and kept walking. So, finally, he went ahead of her and planted a big patch of strawberries in all stages of development. And as she walked along, in her anger, she began to step on these ripe strawberries and a good smell came up to her nostrils. She stopped and looked down, and she saw those beautiful red berries, the green leaves, and the white flowers, and she remembered that she hadn't eaten for three days. She was hungry, so she knelt down and she began to taste these berries, and she found that they were both bitter and sweet -- like life. She ate a few more. She looked over her shoulder, and way in the distance she could see her husband coming. She ate a few more and a longing began to grow in her heart to be with him. So she gathered up a handful of the berries and stood up and began to walk in his direction. And every once in a while she would take one of those berries and eat it as she walked along, and each time she did this she would go a little faster until finally she was running as hard and as fast as she could run. Her husband in the distance saw her coming and ran to meet her. As they stood face to face, and the woman looked in her hand and she only had one berry left. This she put in her husband's mouth. So it's because of the strawberry that all of us are in the world today. Strawberries are a reminder today, that we are suppose to love one another. If you look at a strawberry, you notice that the seeds are on the outside, and that's the way our love is suppose to be. So many people, they say they love someone, but they'll never show it. We're suppose to show our love. Even today, in a traditional Cherokee home, you'll find that the woman keeps a jar of fresh strawberries packed in honey. And if she ever has an arguement with her husband, she won't keep it going. She'll go to her kitchen and take down that jar of strawberries and begin to eat them while she cools down. And when she's calm enough, then she'll get up and she'll take one of those berries to her husband and put it in his mouth and remind him of the promise that first man made to Goodmind in the beginning. This message was from "***Cloud 9***" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 09:11:41 -0800 From: "Mabutas, Holly" Subject: RS: GTASTMP-license plate; anyone else? Hello hello. Does anyone on this list who lives in California drive a maroon Suburban with a license plate that say's: GTASTMP I'm translating that as "gotta rubberstamp". Just curious cause I was behind you this morning on Doyle and then Lawrence Expressway. Great plates! How's about anyone else? I just love trying to figure out what people's personalized plates mean. Mine... 2TDLZ = Toodles Ta. Holly m. This message was from "Mabutas, Holly" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 10:49:11 -0600 From: Melissa Bauman Subject: RS: Anyone know where Ruthann is? I'm trying to get a hold of Ruthann Gigliotti. Anyone seen her? "Ruthann...please contact me!" Thanks! Melissa - -- Melissa Bauman John 3:3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Am I the only one who has every craft supply and no crafts made? This message was from Melissa Bauman - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 11:50:09 EST From: Subject: RS: I have a Mom! There are so many wonderful people on this list! Jaimee has adopted me - in record time!! I had to push myself to ask but I'm really glad I did. Meschill --------> StampAmi This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 11:51:40 EST From: Subject: RS: Box Swap - need address Hi: Could someone whos playing in the Box/Container swap please e-mail me privately Eileens address! thanks so much Cissy This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 10:28:19 -0600 (CST) From: Kristi R Schueler Subject: Re: RS: Re: TAN: Tell us about yourself Well, I would guess that I'm a little late for this, but I've enjoyed them all so much I decided I'd go ahead and reply anyhow. I've been trying to get over a 2nd case of Bronchitis and that is the reason for the delay. I was born and raised in Willmar, MN (100 mi W of Minneapolis/St. Paul) - actually on a farm 7 mi south of Willmar. The 45th parallel and 90th (or 95th - whichever one cuts through MN - I don't have a map handy) longitude cross in one of our fields so I can always find home - even on a globe! At age 5.5 my one and only sister was born. We fought a lot. I think that span in ages is difficult. When she was in her terrible twos I was beginning my pre-adolesence need for privacy and space and when she got older all her friends wanted to spend time with me because I was the way neato Jr. High person or whatever. We had our problems but I love her dearly and am overjoyed that her and her best friend (Sophomore and Junior in H.S.) are going against the norm and going North to spend Spring Break with me in Grand Forks. I graduated H.S. in 1994 with highest honors (14th out of 320 or so) and went on to the Willmar community college with a free ride presidential scholarship and graduated from there in 1995 with honors as well received the MN Chancellor's Award for Outstanding Women in Mathematics, Science and Engineering. Fall of 1995 I moved to Grand Fork's ND and all the comforts of dorm life at the University of North Dakota. I began working at my current job on campus at the Regional Weather Information CEnter (RWIC) in Feb 1996 (Yes I just celebrated two years being employed in my field before graduating!). In April I will have successfully lived off campus for a year - excluding the five week hiatus spent at home with my parents after the wonderful flood last spring. I have 49 class days remaining until graduation. Following graduation I will be continuing my current job at RWIC and will start to plug away at my masters degree in the fall. May 10th I will be the bearer of a Bachelor of Science Degree in Atmospheric Science. On April 23 I wille receiving an award from Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. In January I gave my first professional presentation at a nation conference of 3000+ meteorologists as well as had my paper published! I'm already working on my stuff for next year and may possibly have some journal articles published as well! Now, to my rubberstamping. It's hard to remeber when it was, but one Christmas my mom went to buy gift tages for presents at Hallmark and was astounded by their cost so, instead she purchased a ream of white cardstock, a couple christmas stamps and the colorbox christmas pigment pad and it was all downhill from there for me. I think it was about 7 years ago or so. I was never too serious about it until I move to GF though. My favorite stamping related pastime is collage. I make a lot of cards that only have one stamped element on them. My Grandma is my biggest fan. My cards get carried in her purse until they are only tatters. SHe loves to show her friends how crafty and thrifty her smart granddaughter is. She has yet to contribute to my addiction except by way of money that is to not be spent on rent etc. With classes and a 2/3 time job I don't get a large amount of stamping time, but I do my best. I haven't been in any swaps since Dennie's (?) Christmas in July. I don't do real well with the multiple card thing. I love this list and have been on it for nearly 2 years now. I think I first joined in July of 1996, but I did have a several month hiatus that fall. The technique I'd most like to learn is stampscapes, but I only own the lightning stamp and the tonal applicator. And, I've done best with that one by blending the colors directly on the stamp and using my stamp positioner to repeatedly stamp it in darker tones towards the outside without using the tonal applicator. My favorite technique that I recently learned is using the tombow blender - I Love it! It gives my stamp stuff a much more professional look to it. That technique is what has started me using more stamps in my collage work than before. My other hobbies include singing, piano, computer stuff of all sorts - html, games, photopainting etc., walking (when the weather is bearable), reading novels and just recenly scrapbooking. I also enjoy playing card games with my friends in the dorms, like pinochle, hearts, speed etc. Smiles and Hugs to all! Kristi ___ / / Rubberdoppler / / \ \ \ \ "I'd weather be stamping" / / \ / For national weather, visit: | This message was from Kristi R Schueler - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 09:14:04 -0800 From: Bonnie Lass Subject: RS: COMM/NEW! Goodies! OOP! I made some goofs on prices. Please note the changes. I'm sorry about that guys! Bonnie Lass > > We went out of town this week on business. Guess what? I also went on > a buying trip! Here's the new stuff! > *New Exotica Papers!* > Nuetral Colors in 5 x 8" pieces. These include Grass Inclusions(short > peices), Pepper (tiny black or brown specks) Wool Inclusions (little > strands of fiber) There are 2 each of 5 colors, great for using with > cards for men, nature, or country because of the nuetral and natural > colors. $5.00, plus $1.00 for shipping. > Also have variety assortments of all kinds of exoticas! Mulberries, > petal inclusions, lace papers, rice, oatmeal, hand marbled, > metallics(colors that are subdued with tiny spots of another metallic > color), some with designs painted on them from India, velvet, and > more!!! 20, 5 x 8" pieces $10.00 includes shipping. > *CARDSTOCK and ENVELOPES* > *Petal Inclusion paper!* There are two kinds of these. One is called > Pink Medley and the other is Indigo. Pink Medley is not really pink, > but the petal inclusions are more mauve colors and very pretty. Indigo > has little blue petal inclusions. Both have an off white background and > so pretty! If there is enough interest in these, I will buy more. Right > now, all I have is 100 sheets of full size cardstock in stock and ready > to send of each of the colors... > 10 sheets Petal inclusion $6.00 choose Pink Medley or Indigo > *Duplex*....8 1/2 x 11" these will compliment your exotica papers. > Since one side is lighter than the other, it's great for making cards! > Smooth Leather/stardust natural, 10 sheets $3.00 > Wheat husk/dark and light 10 sheets $3.75 > The wheat husk is like a light kraft, but with fibers running through it > and then a lighter color with fibers running through it on the other > side. > *Springtime* 5 each of 5 colors $2.75 > pink parchment, orchid, light green, light yellow, and robin egg > blue(blue with tiny little spots of darker color) > > *NEW!! Fragments Vellum* A heavy white translucent vellum with little > specks. Really kewl paper! 8 1/2 x 11" > 10 sheets $2.80 > > *Envelope Assortment Grab Bags* The A-2 and A-6 include some really > pretty colors and textures, including some petal inclusions envys that > match the cardstock! The 5" square envys come in a white and natural > assortment. > 25, A-2 envelopes $3.50 > 25, A-6 envelopes $4.00 > 25, 5" square $4.00 > > *Pink or Blue paper bags* Great for baby gifts and little girls and > boys, too! Anyone who orders also receives an idea sheet free! Lunch > size. 10/$1.00 > > Shipping will vary, so will weigh it up send you a total. I ship via > priority mail in the US and air mail over the pond. Sorry, no CC, but > check or money order is fine. Anyone that orders from me knows I put > extra goodies in your order! > Bonnie "Lass" Linhart > Lass Creations > 6339 Ventura Lane > Central Point, OR 97502-9355 - - This message was from Bonnie Lass - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 13:25:18 -0500 From: "Nadine" Subject: RS: order received!!!! I just opened my order from Linda of Impressive Stamps. I LOVE my new stamps. Linda has a web site too: Thanks so much Linda!! Nadine This message was from "Nadine" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ End of rubberstampers-digest V2 #1245 *************************************