From: To: Subject: rubberstampers Digest V2 #163 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: rubberstampers Digest Saturday, 8 February 1997 Volume 02 : Number 163 In this issue: angelheart read Cards Rec'd for Money Swap Heat gun wanted UK RS: Blank Swap Rec'd Re: RS:Going to San Fran RS: MONEY SWAP DUE 2/15!!!! REMINDER!!!!! Re: TAN:EBONICS LONG RE: Swaps Re: RS: Clubs - just curious what others do. RS: New stamping technique Looking for a nickname?? Re: angelheart read Re: COMM: Confetti - "Marvin the Martian" RS: Jan SSS rec'd Wallpaper swap arrived! 162: Question about Rough Draft Thanks for the WAKE UP CALL!!!! Re: RS: Another Embossing Question RS: Foil foibles Official Disclaimer & info... See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the rubberstampers or rubberstampers-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: moostamp Date: Sat, 08 Feb 1997 14:50:15 -0500 Subject: angelheart read angel heart i loved hearing about your kids you are so blessed .i have bird kids charlie is an umbrella cockatoo and he is white with a yellow crest the top part of his head feathers if you arnt familuar with birds sweetheart is a mulluccon cockatoo she is a pale peach pink color with orange crest they are about the size of a duck.tetley is a african gray he is grey with a burgandy tail and ricco is an amazon with a yellow head charlie my first born is snuggly cocky and talks alot in a real clear voice he goes with me to libraries and stuff eats up attention from others sweetheart is a snuggle bunnie would like to be atatched to me twenty four hours a day a little love sponge thow she is a big bird she can snap a broom stick in half with her hugh beek crack brazil nuts like they were paper yetshe will hang from my finger with the same beak and never bite down she even will groom my eyelashes she has a teeney baby talking voice and she could melt your heart by saying love a you yet she can screem so loud she sounnds like a jet taking off tetley is a small bird size of a dove is a tape recorder basically says anything he heres that amuzes him he is saying make me a sandwich a lot today then he says what you want on it he whistles does the microwave telophone and the sound of me typing he can copy anything ricco is mostly quite a daddys bird says hey pa ans squrrill and rabbit and he loves a shower well thats my babies i love them all .thanks for sharing you family moostamp ------------------------------ From: Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 14:50:53 -0500 (EST) Subject: Cards Rec'd for Money Swap Hey all! Just a quick note to let you know I had a great mail day today and received a pile of cards for the money swap. These are the people I received cards from, today--And there are some great cards in here! Thank you all for playing and I greatly appreciate you having them to me early! Card's Rec'd today from: Lori Mancinelli-Wilson Cynthia Sillitoe Jutta Hood Joyce Tubbs Thanks again, everyone! Sammi Lynn ------------------------------ From: "Suki Aitcheson(Dragonfolk)" <101327.111@CompuServe.COM> Date: 08 Feb 97 14:54:29 EST Subject: Heat gun wanted UK HELP, my paint stripper gun keeps cutting out, so I want/need a heat gun. Who has the cheapest best please? One that will work with UK wiring Thanks Suki ------------------------------ From: Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 15:03:39 -0500 (EST) Subject: RS: Blank Swap Rec'd OH my gosh, I received the long lost "Blank Swap," today! I had sent in three images for this and only got one back....I wondered where the others were! Anyway, I recieved mine back today from Janice Rollins, and they are great! I had sent two images of a circus "strongman" who looked like he was either juggling, lifting, or catching something. Janice created two really cool card with these! Thie first one is a piece of medium blue cardstock, layered with a piece of glossy white cardstock splattered with spots and lines of color, creating a "paint" effect. Cool background, Janice, how did you do this?! On top of this she placed a purple frame cut out and mounted with mounting tape. ALso mounted on the cardstock along the left side of the frame was a paintbrush, mounted with mounting tape, and my "strongman" image mounted in the lower left corner of the frame. Then, to finish it off, Around the border of the blue Cardstock, she has written, "A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words," Repetitively. Really great card! The next one is done on Kelly Green colored cardstock, layered with red cardstock, the white glossy cardstock. In the lower right corner she mounted my "strongman" in a diagonal position, with foam mounting tape. THen, above him, arranged in a triangle shape, are three images of women with their knees bent and there hair blowing in the wind. This card creates the image that the stronman is "juggling" these three women! (Pretty talented man, eh?! Hee!) Around the lower left anf upper right corners of the card, Janice wrote, "Talk ABout Juggling A Weight Problem!" Another really great card! These are two wonderful ideas for this image, that I never would have though of! Thank you, Janice fot all the time and effort you put into these! They are super! Don't worry about being late in gettign them to me! Your ideas were well worrth the wait and came as a pleasant surprise! Great job, Janice! Thanks for everything! ANd thanks to Justine Tamaro for hsotessing this! Sammi Lynn ------------------------------ From: Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 15:19:50 -0500 (EST) Subject: Re: RS:Going to San Fran We have a Pearl's Arts & Crafts in downtown SF. It's right on Market Street, about a block away from the SF Shopping Centre. They have stamps, papers, pens and other goodies. 3 floors to drool over! Check it out! ------------------------------ From: Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 15:15:23 -0500 (EST) Subject: RS: MONEY SWAP DUE 2/15!!!! REMINDER!!!!! Hello stamp fiends! Just wanted to post a quick reminder that the money swap is due on 2/15! If your name is on the list below I still need to receive cards from you. I would appreciate it if all of you could contact me and let me know how things are coming along. If you need extra time or will be late in mailing, please let me know that, too! I have received some great cards for this, so far! Remember, the details are: 5 for 5 (Extra for me is appreciated but not required. Postage is SASE w/ equivalent postage or SAML with equivalent postage. Please try to have them to me by the deadline of 2/15. Also, let me know if you need my snail addy! Those I still need to receive cards from: Commander Claus Joan Gosnell Karen Glover PJ in NJ Lynn in AKron Vicki Maddox Elfsattic Boots Benson Jilliebean Holly Mabutas Holly Ryker STmpaholic Thanks! Sammi Lynn ------------------------------ From: Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 15:17:35 -0500 (EST) Subject: Re: TAN:EBONICS LONG In a message dated 97-02-08 14:15:30 EST, (hornbrkj) writes: << am part of a community that is bilingual (English/French). I certainly hear the bastardization of *both* of Canada's official languages. How do we "help" the children to learn communication skills that will serve them throughout their lives? We educate them. >> thank you. and if we have to have the teachers reach out to these students in a way that they will understand, then let's do it! and let's see if we can help their parents too. we all have to live in this world and we have to be able to communicate with each other, or it's not going to work. the common thread that is going to hold us all together is being able to commu nicate. i'm not talking about making english the "official" language. (this scares me...first,"official" language, then, "official" religion...uh, oh!) i'm talking about people being bi-lingual. speak whatever language you want, but also be able to communicate with everyone else on the same level. this includes english speakers. ooh, la-la! ;-} ------------------------------ From: Barbara Holl Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 12:35:42 -0800 (PST) Subject: RE: Swaps Hello All, If you are doing a swap at the present time, please let me know how you feel about people who are not on the list participating. At our club meeting several people expressed an interest in joining some swaps, but they are not even on-line, and would go through me. If you don't want to do this it won't upset me as I can see some pitfalls, but it is another way to get new ideas - for the people here and those that are not on-line. I'd also like the opinions of anyone who would like to express themselves. Please, no flames, just express your opinion and to me privately. Barbara (StampBear) ------------------------------ From: (mona everett (Poste Haste)) Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 14:38:51 -0100 Subject: Re: RS: Clubs - just curious what others do. Our "club" is so loosely formed that we don't have a name! We are just any local stampers who are free on the first Wed. night who want to come to what we call Share Night at our local stamp store. We can bring a project we're working on and/or show and tell. We provide our own supplies, altho' if we forget something the store owner will let us use her class supplies. We stamp and talk for a couple of hours, then sometimes go out for frozen custard. Just a nice time away and a chance to stamp. Mona Poste Haste ------------------------------ From: "Angelhrt" Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 14:43:29 +0000 Subject: RS: New stamping technique Hello everyone, I am Handiman! My wife, angelhrt, asked me to explain a technique I used with her rubber stamps. I do leather craft and the selection of patterns leaves something to be desired. They also have not changed very much in the last 20 some odd years. I liked the detail that some of the rubber stamps had and decided to try and tool some of them. I selected three stamps, one of a native american in a canoe with green trees in the background. The second was of a sunset with clouds. The third was the saying, "The most beautiful things in life are not seen or touched They are felt with the heart" I started by drawing the outline on paper of the wallet/checkbook I was making and tried with different stamps and positions until I liked the layout. I then stamped the image directly on the leather with standard black ink pad. I then used a standard leather swivel knife to cut the image into the leather. I did not try to cut every line that was stamped, but used a selctive method while thinking how I would tool it. I then used an exacto knife to cut around the letters. The interesting part was the intricate detail of the letters. I could not find a background tool small enough for the detail, I had to use a small one, then grind it down small enough to fit in all the corners. I started trying to stamp the letters down but was not pleased with the image. I then tried stamping around the letters so the letters would be raised. This gave me the image that I wanted. I then used a background beveling tool around the cuts of the images I had made. One key to this is to pick a light source and to bevel how the light would hit the image. I then used a full size background tool to stamp in the image of the trees. I used a pear shaped smooth tool to lower the areas around the image and to texture the background slightly. I then used standard fine tipped markers to color the images and to place high lites and shadows acording to the light source I had picked when I started tooling. I then used a leather dye to color the background aroung the letters, and a light color marker on the letters themselves. This gave a nice contrast and made the letters stand out. I tried to use a metalic pen on the letters but when I used the antiquing, it caused the metalic color to run. I was amazed that the water based colors actually held the colors better and did not run or bleed like standard leather dyes. I was able to blend those colors together. I started with the lightest colors and worked in with slightly darker colors. Remember that it's always easy to add more colors, but cannot remove them. Once the marker colors were set, I used an antique to give it the shadowing and then once that had dried, I used a clear leather finish sealant. I then put the wallet checkbook together. I now have a very unique tooled rubber stamped image. The selection is very good and opens up a tremendous amount of possiblities. I was able to make this image with only 6 leather tools. Handiman ------------------------------ From: (Ma Vinci) Date: Sat, 08 Feb 1997 15:52:10 EST Subject: Looking for a nickname?? Hey, anyone out there of the midwife persuasion? Or of the OB-GYN persuasion? Or the delivery room nurse persuasion? Looking for a nickname? I've got one for you...if you're the first to respond, it's yours! Ma Vinci (Leo's know the deal...) <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Yeah, but what's the speed of DARK? <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ------------------------------ From: Sandy Lemons Date: Sat, 08 Feb 1997 14:50:54 -0600 Subject: Re: angelheart read At 02:50 PM 2/8/97 -0500, moostamp wrote: >angel heart i loved hearing about your kids you are so blessed .i have >bird kids have an Umbrella, a Mollocan, African Grey AND a yellow headed Amazon??? I'm SOOOOO JEALOUS!!!! I used to breed Conures, I had 7, but when the feathered love of my life died due to an ecoli infection, my heart just kinda went out of it. Now I only have my two cockatiels left, Sydney and Melbourne (for those of you who don't know or care ..'tiels are from Australia) Give your babies kisses for me, I do miss the house sounding like the jungles of times . Sandy and Silk, the dog, who is glad she is an 'only child' ------------------------------ From: Debby Gribbin Date: Sat, 08 Feb 1997 14:52:27 -0600 Subject: Re: COMM: Confetti - "Marvin the Martian" Everyone who has been looking for the "Marvin the Martian" confetti - this is it!!!! Viva Las VegaStamps'Looney Tune mix!!! Very cool!!! Great colors!!! It also includes Bugs, Daffey, Porky, Tweety, Taz and Sylvester. Great stuff. Debby ------------------------------ From: Christi Craig Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 15:56:27 -0500 (EST) Subject: RS: Jan SSS rec'd I got a big ol' jar of SS goodies in the mail yesterday, and let me tell you, dear SS, I'm overwhelmed. I can't decide if the bag of buttons or the lip print background paper is my favorite thing. I also got a small sketchpad, some angel/cherub tissue paper, some glossy postcards, an address book, a date book, some heart-shaped post-it notes, heart confetti, a package of Sculpey III clay, and 3 mounted stamps: a "love" cancellation mark, "love letter" poistoid, and a hilarious keychain stamp of keys on a keyring. Thank you so much for everything. This is going to be a wonderful round. Thanks also to Christy Leonard for re-mailing the jar. The Princess ------------------------------ From: (mona everett (Poste Haste)) Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 14:58:39 -0100 Subject: Wallpaper swap arrived! I rec'd my wallpaper swap today--hosted by Paula Jo Green. Everyone did a great job. I really am happy I rec'd the wallpaper weaving from Karen Barnes because I never would have thought to do that! I got cards from: tldaniels--layered sun card janet golden--pirate card/pirate map envy marlsore--Get well bear card/matching envy ????--a cut-out gold-colored flower accented with green foil leaves all on a red card with silver bow. As I said all were well-done and fun to get! Thanks to all swappers and esp. Paula Jo for hosting! Mona Poste Haste ------------------------------ From: Darlene Sybert Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 14:58:45 -0600 (CST) Subject: 162: Question about Rough Draft On Sat, 8 Feb 1997, Angela Soth wrote: > I was just wondering if we are supposed to wait until we get back our > rough draft with comments to begin the revision process. Just the fact that you asked this question means I didn't make myself clear in class, so I'm sending the answer to the list. Thanks for asking. If you mean comments from me, you won't get any on the rough draft. If you mean comments from your peer, you should have those. If you don't, you probably aren't getting them either. Either way, I guess the answer is, don't wait. :-) Darlene Sybert Tate Hall, room 1 or 16 882-3461 TuTh 1:30-3:00 p.m. or by appointment ************************************************************************** Any writing of an analytical nature reacts on itself, even composing "blind thoughts" that usurp the attempt to write and compel the writer to revise his self-understanding. -G. Hartman ************************************************************************** ------------------------------ From: "Angelhrt" Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 15:06:51 +0000 Subject: Thanks for the WAKE UP CALL!!!! Dear Antie J... Ohhh my God....I can't BELIEVE I just did that... Well...let me assure you...Blake will NOT be left home alone again. I feel sooo stupid. It's like putting a sign on my back that reads "kick me" and walking around New York City..isn't it??? I guess I just feel like this list is part of my extended family...and I forget that there are literally a few hundred "lurkers" on the list we never hear from...never know anything about. Well I just share too much sometimes don't I???? I will be more careful about sharing such things in the future and let myself only share privately with those I trust, rather than posting to an entire list of over 400 people such specific things about our life. As for someone calling protective services or child welfare offices....wierder things have happened and it's not beyond the realm of possibility. I would DIE if someone took my kids away from me.... So...Blake goes with me where ever I go from now on.... I ain't taking no chances. Some things you CAN control, others you can't and I don't see the sense in just "letting" something happen because Blake prefers to stay home. Or I prefer to let him stay home..either way. Geezzzz -- I STILL can't believe I did that.... Hubby was sitting right by me and we BOTH read your letter together..... talk about a wake up call for us both!!!! dumb dumb dumb.... Well..I won't be a parent who says..I always thought it wouldn't happen to me.... especially when this IS something I can prevent. Thank you dear one.....this has been a much appreciated letter from you. We love you too!!! Ohh I am gonna copy this to the list in general, hope you don't mind. For the every mom who reads this...don't do what I just did. NEVER post to an emailing list specific things about your family life. Ant Judy pointed out to me, that I just told over 400 people, most of whom I DON'T know, that I leave my child home sometimes alone. Now.... who's to stop a wacko from hunting me down and taking my child on a day I leave him home for 5 minutes alone. Point..there's NOTHING to stop someone from doing this..... Please learn from my mistake...and be ASSURED...from now on I will NEVER leave another child of mine home alone for any reason.... WarmHugs Angelhrt **************************************************** I believe there are...angels among us. Sent down to us from somewhere up above. They come to you.. and our darkest teach us how to show us how to guide us with the light of love...... *************************************************** ------------------------------ From: Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 16:19:06 -0500 (EST) Subject: Re: RS: Another Embossing Question In a message dated 97-02-08 14:23:14 EST, (Ma Vinci) writes: << the embossed stuff is kind of flaking off in spots >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>O<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< This is what keeps happening whenever I emboss anything on the thin vellum I got in Evo's pack. What am I doing wrong? Feathers ------------------------------ From: "Mycala Shaulis" Date: Sat, 8 Feb 97 21:21:07 UT Subject: RS: Foil foibles Can someone help me out here? I'm about going nuts! Why is it that A) every time I use the foil glue it makes bubbles, which makes for a very cheesy (as in Swiss) looking project and B) it doesn't make the fine lines it's supposed to? Has anyone else ever had this problem and how do I remedy it? Thanks for any help! Mycala ------------------------------ From: "Mycala Shaulis" Date: Sat, 8 Feb 97 21:11:05 UT Subject: Official Disclaimer & info... Disclaimer: If people's technical problems annoy you, delete right now and accept my humble apologies Any and all messages to me should be sent to from now on. Thanks... ------------------------------ End of rubberstampers Digest V2 #163 ************************************ To subscribe to rubberstampers Digest, send the command: subscribe rubberstampers-digest in the body of a message to "". If you want to subscribe something other than the account the mail is coming from, such as a local redistribution list, then append that address to the "subscribe" command; for example, to subscribe "local-rubberstampers": subscribe rubberstampers-digest A non-digest (direct mail) version of this list is also available; to subscribe to that instead, replace all instances of "rubberstampers-digest" in the commands above with "rubberstampers". Back issues are available for anonymous FTP from, in pub/lists/rubberstampers/archive. These are organized by date.