From: (rubberstampers-digest) To: Subject: rubberstampers-digest V2 #1766 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk rubberstampers-digest Wednesday, April 1 1998 Volume 02 : Number 1766 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 21:39:42 -0900 From: Lynette Walters Subject: Re: RS: TAN: What Can I Say? Oh, that was cruel....especially since it is still the 31st up here and I wasn't preparing myself for this. LOL, you sure had us going.... Glad it was just a joke- Hugs to you both, Lynette wrote: > > This is perhaps one of if not the most difficult messages I have ever had > to post to the list. This is even more difficult considering the > outpouring of love and kindness just shown to Giggles during the just > completed Spring Fling. > > It is even more difficult because I do not know where to begin. But as > the song says, "let's start at the very beginning." > > As a lot of you undoubtedly know, Giggles has been undergoing treatments > for leukemia for a number of years and during the last year has been > receiving experimental treatments for the non-surgical removal of liver > tumors which were brought on by the chemicals used during the chemo > treatments. > > Well a couple of weeks ago the doctor's implied that certain things > around the house might be contributing to the repeated resurgence and > stubbornness of the tumors. Tests have been done and the results are in. > > Certain inks, and powders we are using are aggravating the situation and > because of this, Giggles and I will no longer be able to stamp. Gosh > that was hard to say. We are not certain what we will be doing with the > thousands of stamps we own and the related material. Perhaps in a few > weeks or so after our heads have cleared and we have gotten used to not > being able to send cards to all of you wonderful people, we might just > decide to sell or auction off whatever we presently own. > > Now at least you all know why it is I have not been as active on the list > as I used to be. I saw this coming and these past few weeks have been > especially difficult for me, not to mention Giggles once we received the > final test results today. > > I do think that we will be able to visit the list once in a while, if > that is alright with you folk, but for now, we must say good bye to > all of you for a while and............................ > > APRIL FOOL! > > PeterPan > Belief Is But the Beginning - > Acting It Is the Second Step Towards Reality > > _____________________________________________________________________ > You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. > Get completely free e-mail from Juno at > Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] > > This message was from > -- > The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems > Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . This message was from Lynette Walters - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 22:23:41 -0900 From: Lynette Walters Subject: Re: RS: Re: TAN:Fwd: TITANIC SUMMARIZED] Well, my dh and I make two more - actually anyone living here on Kodiak Island hasn't seen it yet - it hasn't hit the theater here yet! So make that at least 15,004 Lynette Laura A. wrote: > > OK, DH & I make two...who's the 3rd? > > Laura A. a.k.a. POSTE PONE > Chino Hills, CA > "Queen of the Procrastinators" > That which we persist in doing becomes easier, not that the nature > of the task has changed, but that our ability to do it has increased. > Ralph Waldo Emerson > > -----Original Message----- > From: Catspaw/Andrea Shaw > To: Valerie Davenport ; Sylvia Shippey > ; Rubberstampers ; > Luanne Laemmerman ; Linda Hornsby > ; Cindy Mccain > Date: Tuesday, March 31, 1998 5:09 PM > Subject: RS: TAN:Fwd: TITANIC SUMMARIZED] > > >You might not want to read this if you haven't seen the movie and are > >actually one of the three English speaking people left on Earth who > doesn't > >already know about the film and have lines memorized. > >______________________________________ > > > > >>> > >> > >>>TITANIC SUMMARIZED > >> > >>> > >> > >>>Scene 1 - > >> > >>> > >> > >>>KATE WINSLET: Why, this is a fancy boat, isn't it? > >> > >>> > >> > >>>KATE'S WEASELLY FIANCE: Yes it certainly is. Here is the > art you > >> >asked for. > >> > >>>It is by an artist named "Picasso." I am certain he will > amount > >to > >> >nothing. > >> > >>> > >> > >>>KATE: Ha ha ha. That is very funny to our 90's audience, > because > >> >they know > >> > >>>these priceless paintings will sink with the boat. > >> > >>> > >> > >>>LEONARDO DICAPRIO: Hello, I'm Leonardo DiCaprio. Perhaps > you have > >> >seen the > >> > >>>many Internet sites dedicated to the worship of me. You are > very > >pretty. > >> > >>> > >> > >>>KATE: Thank you. So are you. > >> > >>> > >> > >>>LEONARDO: I know. Prettier than you in fact. I am going to > put on > >my > >> > >>>"brooding" face now, to ensure that women will keep coming > back > >> >again and > >> > >>>again to see this movie. Later, my white shirt will be > soaking > >wet. > >> > >>> > >> > >>>KATE: While you're doing that, I will concentrate on standi > ng > >here and > >> > >>>looking pretty, to keep the men in the audience interested > until > >> >the boat > >> > >>>sinks and people start dying. > >> > >>> > >> > >>>WEASELLY FIANCE: Excuse me. I do not like you, Leonardo, > even > >though you > >> > >>>saved my fiancee's life. I am going to sneer at you and > treat you > >> >like dirt > >> > >>>because you're poor, and then I'll probably be physically > abusive > >to my > >> > >>>fiancee, and then, just to make sure the audience really > hates > >me, > >> >and to > >> > >>>make sure my character is entirely one-dimensional, perhaps > I'll > >> >throw an > >> > >>>elderly person into the water. > >> > >>> > >> > >>>AUDIENCE: Boo! We hate you! Even though all real people > have at > >> >least a few > >> > >>>admirable qualities, we have not been shown any of yours, > and > >plus, > >> >you're > >> > >>>trying to come between Leonardo and Kate, and so therefore > we > >hate > >> >you! Boo! > >> > >>>(Even though technically it is Leonardo who is coming > between you > >> >and Kate. > >> > >>>But Leonardo is handsomer than you, even though he is only > 13, so > >> >we are on > >> > >>>his side. Boo!) > >> > >>> > >> > >>>Scene 2 - > >> > >>> > >> > >>>LEONARDO: I'm glad we snuck away like this so that you > could > >cheat > >> >on your > >> > >>>fiance. > >> > >>> > >> > >>>KATE: So am I. Even though I am engaged to him and have > made a > >> >commitment to > >> > >>>marry him, that is no reason why you and I cannot climb > into the > >> >backseat of > >> > >>>a car and steam up the windows together. The fact that I am > the > >> >heroine of > >> > >>>the movie will no doubt help the cattle-like audience > forgive me > >of > >> >this, > >> > >>>though they would probably be VERY angry indeed if my > fiance were > >> >to do the > >> > >>>same thing to me. > >> > >>> > >> > >>>AUDIENCE: Darn straight we would! Moo! We mean, Boo! > >> > >>> > >> > >>>LEONARDO: I agree. First, I would like to draw you, though, > so of > >> >course you > >> > >>>have to take off your clothes. > >> > >>> > >> > >>>KATE:But can a movie with five minutes of continuous nudity > be at > >all > >> > >>>successful in say, Provo, Utah, where the audiences might > not > >stand > >> >for that > >> > >>>sort of thing? > >> > >>> > >> > >>>LEONARDO: I would be willing to bet that for the first > three > >weeks > >> >the film > >> > >>>is in release, every single showing at Wynnsong Theater in > Provo > >> >will sell > >> > >>>out. > >> > >>> > >> > >>>NARRATOR: According to Wynnsong manager Matt Palmer, that > is > >> >exactly what > >> > >>>happened. > >> > >>> > >> > >>>KATE: All right, then. (Sound of clothes hitting the > floor.) > >> > >>> > >> > >>>Scene 3 - > >> > >>> > >> > >>>FIRST MATE: Captain, we're about to hit an iceberg. > >> > >>> > >> > >>>CAPTAIN: Great, I could use some ice for my drink. (Sound > of > >drinking.) > >> > >>> > >> > >>>ICEBERG: (Hits boat.) > >> > >>> > >> > >>>FIRST MATE: That can't be good. > >> > >>> > >> > >>>CAPTAIN: Bottoms up! > >> > >>> > >> > >>>AUDIENCE: (Silence.) > >> > >>> > >> > >>>FIRST MATE: That was irony, you fools. > >> > >>> > >> > >>>AUDIENCE: Where's Leonardo? > >> > >>> > >> > >>>Scene 4 - > >> > >>> > >> > >>>LEONARDO: I have been informed that this boat is sinking. > >> > >>> > >> > >>>KATE: That is terrible. > >> > >>> > >> > >>>LEONARDO: Would you like to engage in some more > >immoral-but-justified > >> > >>>behavior? > >> > >>> > >> > >>>KATE: Certainly. > >> > >>> > >> > >>>WEASELLY FIANCE: (Aside) I'm getting the raw end of the > deal > >here! (to > >> > >>>Leonardo) Listen, Leonardo, to cement my morally dubious > yet > >> >somehow less > >> > >>>annoying than you personality, I am going to handcuff you > to this > >> >pipe, here > >> > >>>in a room that will soon be filling with water, due to the > fact > >> >that we are > >> > >>>sinking, which I believe has been mentioned previously. > >> > >>> > >> > >>>LEONARDO: Why don't you just shoot me? > >> > >>> > >> > >>>WEASELLY FIANCE: Because then you wouldn't be able to > escape and > >> >save Kate > >> > >>>from me. Of course, you're going to die anyway... > >> > >>> > >> > >>>AUDIENCE: Don't spoil it for us! Boo! > >> > >>> > >> > >>>LEONARDO: He's right, though. I am doomed. > >> > >>> > >> > >>>AUDIENCE: Aww, look how cute he is when he's doomed. > >> > >>> > >> > >>>WEASELLY FIANCE: I hate you people. > >> > >>> > >> > >>>Scene 5 - > >> > >>> > >> > >>>150-YEAR-OLD-KATE: And that's when Leonardo rescued me from > my > >evil > >> >fiance > >> > >>>and helped me float on a board in the water. Of course, if > it > >> >hadn't been > >> > >>>for having to rescue him, I could have gotten on an actual > >> >lifeboat, and not > >> > >>>frozen my legs nearly off. Anyway, he's pretty much dead > now, and > >> >I'm well > >> > >>>over a thousand years old, and who's making my supper? I > need a > >> >bath. Turn > >> > >>>down that Enya music, it's making my ears hurt. You kids > today, > >> >with your > >> > >>>loud music. Why, when I was - hey! Don't you walk away from > me! > >I'd > >> >turn you > >> > >>>over my knee, if I had one. I'll beat you in the head with > this > >huge > >> > >>>diamond! Come back here! > >> > >>> > >> > >>>(Fade to black. Roll credits and play annoyingly overplayed > >Celine > >> >Dion song > >> > >>>.) > >> > >>> > >> > >>> > >> > > >>>>------------------------------------------------------------------ > ---- > >> > >This message was from "Catspaw/Andrea Shaw" > >-- > >The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling > Modems > >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at This message was from Lynette Walters - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 01 Apr 1998 03:21:28 -0500 (EST) From: SHARP Subject: RS: Friendship thought of the day 4/1/98 Friendship---pure, unselfish friendship, All through life's allotted span, Nurtures, strengthens, widens, lengthens, Man's relationship with man. (Anonymous) Maggie, The Night Owl This message was from SHARP - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 01 Apr 1998 00:17:54 -0800 From: "Christine L. Cox" Subject: RS: TAN: TITANIC SUMMARIZED I haven't seen it and I'm kinda proud of that ;-) Besides, I know how it ends. The ship sinks. *********** REPLY PARTITION *********** On 4/1/98, at 2:23 AM, wrote: >>OK, DH & I make two...who's the 3rd? >> >>Laura A. a.k.a. POSTE PONE > > >Uh, I guess that would be me!! > >--Lisa > >*********************************************************** > >|=======| >| * | >|=======| > >Never give up on a dream because of the length of time it will take to >accomplish it. The time will pass anyway. > > > > >This message was from >-- >The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . > Cheers!!! Christine ICQ 6887244 "I myself have never been able to find out precisely what a feminist is, I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat" - - Rebecca West, 1913 This message was from "Christine L. Cox" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 01 Apr 1998 00:51:49 -0800 From: "Christine L. Cox" Subject: RS: Question of the Day - Convention Pins What kind of paper do you use for your convention pins? Cardstock? Copier paper (20 lb.)? Cheers!!! Christine ICQ 6887244 "I myself have never been able to find out precisely what a feminist is, I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat" - - Rebecca West, 1913 This message was from "Christine L. Cox" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 01 Apr 1998 00:05:01 -0900 From: Kari Subject: RS: Is this illegal? Let's pretend you find a source that has something in bulk for really good prices. Let's also pretend that these have no brand name on them. They are shipped in baggies with nothing printed on the bag, just item number of the company you are buying them from. No fancy name, no name brand, just this something in a plain baggy! Is it illegal to take this something, mark it up, put your own name on it and then sell it? Just a pretend situation here, ya know! LOL Kari EPBandit This message was from Kari - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 22:58:31 -0800 From: "C & R Fleener" Subject: Re: RS: Re: frustrated? Well ... pay attention!! Count me in on this one! Can I be a charter member? Rosemary Just call me Stampaloosa "Life's short. Play naked!" Calvin and Hobbes - ---------- > From: Judy Hornbrook > To: Olyvia29 ;; Diane Hare > Subject: Re: RS: Re: frustrated? Well ... pay attention!! > Date: Tuesday, March 31, 1998 9:15 PM > > See? If I could write like that, I wouldn't have to talk like I do. > > Diane ... I hope you know you've made an admirer out of me. I am even > beginning to think you should have your own fan club. Let's see the DHFC > .. hey!! It *works*!!!! > > Ant Judy H. > > > This message was from "Judy Hornbrook" > -- > The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems > Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . This message was from "C & R Fleener" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 02:41:23 -0600 From: Kaye Mills Subject: RS: FW: TAN: What Can I Say? You're terrible....I am sitting here and as the letter goes on I'm = saying ...oh that is terrible - eyes misty with tears.....Well, I bit = my first one this April fools....See if I stay up late on April Fools = Day again...HA HA! Love=20 Kaye (Ye OLE Cardmaker) - ---------- From:[] Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 1998 8:34 PM To: Subject: RS: TAN: What Can I Say? This is perhaps one of if not the most difficult messages I have ever = had to post to the list. This is even more difficult considering the outpouring of love and kindness just shown to Giggles during the just completed Spring Fling. It is even more difficult because I do not know where to begin. But as the song says, "let's start at the very beginning." As a lot of you undoubtedly know, Giggles has been undergoing treatments for leukemia for a number of years and during the last year has been receiving experimental treatments for the non-surgical removal of liver tumors which were brought on by the chemicals used during the chemo treatments. Well a couple of weeks ago the doctor's implied that certain things around the house might be contributing to the repeated resurgence and stubbornness of the tumors. Tests have been done and the results are = in. Certain inks, and powders we are using are aggravating the situation and because of this, Giggles and I will no longer be able to stamp. Gosh that was hard to say. We are not certain what we will be doing with the thousands of stamps we own and the related material. Perhaps in a few weeks or so after our heads have cleared and we have gotten used to not being able to send cards to all of you wonderful people, we might just decide to sell or auction off whatever we presently own. Now at least you all know why it is I have not been as active on the = list as I used to be. I saw this coming and these past few weeks have been especially difficult for me, not to mention Giggles once we received the final test results today. I do think that we will be able to visit the list once in a while, if that is alright with you folk, but for now, we must say good bye to all of you for a while and............................ APRIL FOOL! PeterPan Belief Is But the Beginning - Acting It Is the Second Step Towards Reality _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling = Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . This message was from Kaye Mills - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 01 Apr 1998 00:01:15 -0900 From: Kari Subject: Re: RS:Comm Teri's Terrific Beads now Available Hey! I have some of these!!! Got all 14 colors from the American Science & Surplus catalog. Same 14 colors you have listed below! hmmmm....coincendence? LOL Thanks again to whoever posted about these about a month ago! Went out and bought all 14 colors!!! WAY CHEP!!! he he!!! My SSS last round introduced me to them and have loved them ever since!! Here is AS&S website! Hey Teri, did you get these from here? Kari EPBandit At 12:23 AM 4/1/98 -0800, you wrote: >These are tiny hole less glass beads that come in 14 different colors. >These include: >clear, pearl, yellow, amber, light blue, blue, teal, pink, fuchsia, red, >lavender, dark purple, green and black!!!!!!! > >Why do you HAVE to have these you ask? > >Shake up your shaker cards >Make your stained glass cards sparkle >Add to your collage items >Put pizzazz into your water cards >Do borders with flair >AND much, much more > >Prices are as follows: > >1.5 oz bag of individual colors - $2.50 each > >OR > >A sampler package of all 14 colors (1.5 oz. each) - $28.00 (A $7.00 >savings!) > >These will be shipped via Domestic Priority Mail. >1-18 bags (approx.)- $3.00 >19-36 bags (approx.) - $4.00 >International mailings - please contact for information > >Will ship within 24 hours of receipt of payment (US Funds only) >No Credit Cards > >If you are interested please e-mail me at for ordering >information. > >Thanks >-- >Bye for now > >Daybreak(Debbie) > > >This message was from carrubba >-- >The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . > > This message was from Kari - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 01:11:53 -0800 From: (E D Cassatt) Subject: Re: RS: Ellie's SS strikes again!!! Ok...stupid me!!! I forgot 2 things...not cuz I didnt like.them...I do...I set them aside to play with :) I also got........get jealous apple is too cute!!!! I am gonna paint this tomorrow!! and some green twist ribbon know....this will be perfect for the wreath I want to make for my dining room :) Thanks again SS!!! ***************************************** MochaStamper AKA Ellie Cherish Yesterday, Dream Tomorrow Live Like Crazy Today!!!!!!! ***************************************** On Tue, 31 Mar 1998 21:49:45 -0800 (E D Cassatt) writes: >I have to tell you SS is FANTASTIC!! she has made my birthday >month the greatest yet!!!!! I got another package today from her!! > got here yesterday but I didnt find out it was here till >today....anyway...I will shut up now and get on with it..LOL!! >I got in my box....a shaker card kit!!!! How in the world did you know >I have been working on shaker cards? This kit will help out lots!!! I >also got 2 UMs I just have to tell you...this one I got...I LOVE it!!! >it says...does the noise in my head bother you? >This one really tickled my funny bone!!! I also got a cool toy soldier >beating a drum...I like this one always pick the coolest UMs >for me!!!! Ohhh Ohhhh....guess what else....come on guess.....ok I >will tell you all...I got a new pair of fiskers edgers!!!!!!!! >YIPPPEEEE!!!!!! I love these ones!!!! I was soooo bored with ones I >had and was thinking of getting a new pair...thanks! I also got a >stencil....but not just any stencil...see she has been really paying >attention to my posts...It is an apple stencil that has a basket of >apples the word apple and 2 little apples!! I am making new stuff to >redo my kitchen...which is now....guess....apples!!! This already has >a project in store for it!!! Ok..moving on....ohhh I have to say this >stuff had tissue it was wrapped tape :) Envys here we come!! >Well ...maybe not for a SS also made me 20 wallpaper >envys!!! Too cool!!! I had been saying I wanted wall paper to make >some...but I am a chicken!! I refuse to go ask for them...see on the >list I am a loud mouth brat at times...but to talk to people I dont >know...and to ASK them to GIVE me something....Not happening!! LOL >Thank you sooo much SS!! you have made this one of the best birthdays >I have ever had!!! >Love Ellie >***************************************** >MochaStamper AKA Ellie >Cherish Yesterday, Dream Tomorrow >Live Like Crazy Today!!!!!!! >***************************************** >_____________________________________________________________________ >You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get >completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno >at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] This message was from >(E D Cassatt) -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored >by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at > . _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] This message was from (E D Cassatt) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 01 Apr 1998 00:23:39 -0800 From: carrubba Subject: RS:Comm Teri's Terrific Beads now Available These are tiny hole less glass beads that come in 14 different colors. These include: clear, pearl, yellow, amber, light blue, blue, teal, pink, fuchsia, red, lavender, dark purple, green and black!!!!!!! Why do you HAVE to have these you ask? Shake up your shaker cards Make your stained glass cards sparkle Add to your collage items Put pizzazz into your water cards Do borders with flair AND much, much more Prices are as follows: 1.5 oz bag of individual colors - $2.50 each OR A sampler package of all 14 colors (1.5 oz. each) - $28.00 (A $7.00 savings!) These will be shipped via Domestic Priority Mail. 1-18 bags (approx.)- $3.00 19-36 bags (approx.) - $4.00 International mailings - please contact for information Will ship within 24 hours of receipt of payment (US Funds only) No Credit Cards If you are interested please e-mail me at for ordering information. Thanks - -- Bye for now Daybreak(Debbie) This message was from carrubba - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 02:37:39 -0800 From: Diane Hare Subject: Re: RS: Is this illegal? Kari, If it's a copyright'd item, you could have problems. I'll let others comment on patented compounds, and on any necessity of registration of compound contents for safety reasons. Consider buying glycerine at a drugstore and rebottling it as so-and-so's-ready-to-mix embossing wonder. No, I think that's already been done. Diane Hare/MS.HARE San Andreas,CA snotmyfault At 12:05 AM -0900 4/1/98, Kari wrote: >Let's pretend you find a source that has something in bulk for really good >prices. Let's also pretend that these have no brand name on them. They >are shipped in baggies with nothing printed on the bag, just item number of >the company you are buying them from. No fancy name, no name brand, just >this something in a plain baggy! >Is it illegal to take this something, mark it up, put your own name on it >and then sell it? > >Just a pretend situation here, ya know! LOL > >Kari >EPBandit >This message was from Kari This message was from Diane Hare - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 02:27:00 -0800 From: Diane Hare Subject: Re: RS: Re: frustrated? Well ... pay attention!! And getting their attention by verbal means *isn't* an example of caring enough to help someone? If a person's about to step into traffic, mustn't holler "No!" ... mustn't admonish "Pay attention to what you're doing." No, no, no, might make 'em cry. Who the heck are we to admonish anyone to pay attention to what they're doing? Here or anywhere? Shakespearean reference: workers memorizing Ophelia's song as she drowns, wasn't *their job* to pull her out or give her a quick swimming lesson. *That* would be interfering. Philosophies held in good faith can differ considerably. Diane Hare/MS.HARE San Andreas,CA snotmyfault At 1:42 AM -0500 4/1/98, Olyvia29 wrote: >In a message dated 98-03-31 23:43:26 EST, writes: > ><< She was chided for not having read the directions and the directions were > provided for her *and* for anyone else who may have carelessly discarded > them or otherwise lost them. > >> > >WHOA!!! Who the heck are we to "chide" anyone????? > >Sheesh..this gets more ridiculous by the moment. If you don't care to help >someone, then let it go...but you don't have to publicly "chide" them! > >Jaimee :) >This message was from Olyvia29 This message was from Diane Hare - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 01 Apr 1998 05:44:06 -0500 From: "Ellen Gordon (Evo)" Subject: Re: RS: Order Rec'd - Evo-(Template Use Tips) Ohhh, Christine, I love happy dancing! With the sharp edges down on the paper, you can cut, tear, score, and create solid borders with chalk, rub ons, embossing ink and powders and probably a few other things I haven't though of. The sharp edges give you a nice, crisp division of color. Flip them over so the beveled edges are on the paper to ink borders with wet pens and bleeding under the template, thanks to the beveled edges. You can also create "soft" edged solid borders on this side with the chalks and rub ons. And... I'm sure you'll think of even more ways to use them. Sooo glad you like them! Ellen :}> Evo At 04:17 PM 3/30/98 -0800, Christine L. Cox wrote: >I got my templates {{much happy dancing}}. These are way cool!. Now, >someone said that I could turn them upside down and do something different >with them. What was that? > >Thank you, Evo for the wonderful service and for talking me into the cool >holder. This does look like art! I'm going to put it right on top of my >stamping desk (if you knew how little room there is on that desk, you'd >realize how much I like these templates). > >Cheers!!! >Christine Evolving Images Need info on HALOS? EvoTemplates? EvoStorage? Rubber Dies? Paper Specials? Life? Well, 4 out of 5 ain't bad... Give me a yell and it's yours. :}> (Visit our chat room!) This message was from "Ellen Gordon (Evo)" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 01 Apr 1998 05:50:30 -0500 From: "Marcia L. Balonis" Subject: Re: RS: TAN: What Can I Say? OH That was MEAN!!! May Tinkerbell walk on you bladder at 3am. Violetnut wrote: > > This is perhaps one of if not the most difficult messages I have ever had > to post to the list. This is even more difficult considering the > outpouring of love and kindness just shown to Giggles during the just > completed Spring Fling. > > It is even more difficult because I do not know where to begin. But as > the song says, "let's start at the very beginning." > > As a lot of you undoubtedly know, Giggles has been undergoing treatments > for leukemia for a number of years and during the last year has been > receiving experimental treatments for the non-surgical removal of liver > tumors which were brought on by the chemicals used during the chemo > treatments. > > Well a couple of weeks ago the doctor's implied that certain things > around the house might be contributing to the repeated resurgence and > stubbornness of the tumors. Tests have been done and the results are in. > > Certain inks, and powders we are using are aggravating the situation and > because of this, Giggles and I will no longer be able to stamp. Gosh > that was hard to say. We are not certain what we will be doing with the > thousands of stamps we own and the related material. Perhaps in a few > weeks or so after our heads have cleared and we have gotten used to not > being able to send cards to all of you wonderful people, we might just > decide to sell or auction off whatever we presently own. > > Now at least you all know why it is I have not been as active on the list > as I used to be. I saw this coming and these past few weeks have been > especially difficult for me, not to mention Giggles once we received the > final test results today. > > I do think that we will be able to visit the list once in a while, if > that is alright with you folk, but for now, we must say good bye to > all of you for a while and............................ > > APRIL FOOL! > > PeterPan > Belief Is But the Beginning - > Acting It Is the Second Step Towards Reality > > _____________________________________________________________________ > You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. > Get completely free e-mail from Juno at > Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] > > This message was from > -- > The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems > Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . This message was from "Marcia L. Balonis" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 05:22:01 -0600 From: "Dawn M" Subject: RS: RE: TAN: What Can I Say? OMG(OODNESS) that was cruel!!! but funny and I am relieved : ) Hugs and very happy stamping Dawn M > -----Original Message----- > APRIL FOOL! > This message was from "Dawn M" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 01 Apr 1998 06:17:27 -0500 From: "Ellen Gordon (Evo)" Subject: RS: Ft Washington Show... need help! :}> Hey, folks! We need 2 people who would like to help us Saturday and Sunday at the show... you could commit for 1 day or two. We pay in rubber and yes... do give you breaks to run around to look and buy... plus, it's fun! You get to meet a lot of stampers this way. :}> If you're interested, give me a yell! Ellen :}> Evo Evolving Images Need info on HALOS? EvoTemplates? EvoStorage? Rubber Dies? Paper Specials? Life? Well, 4 out of 5 ain't bad... Give me a yell and it's yours. :}> (Visit our chat room!) This message was from "Ellen Gordon (Evo)" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 07:01:48 EST From: WBean05495 Subject: Re: RS: TAN: What Can I Say? I can say that was a very mean joke !!!! I'm glad I read my posts backwards so I knew it was a joke !!!!!! Could you actually imagine having to get rid of ALLLLLLLL that stuff you two have ? I want first dibs on the infamous stamping room! Love and hugs, WEn This message was from WBean05495 - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 01 Apr 1998 07:23:19 -0800 From: Ruthann Gigliotti Subject: RS: Re: COMM Order dates Ruthann DJ Inkers orders by April 1, Wed. That's today.. Art Impresssions order by Friday, April 3. All discounted plus mailing cost. Write I can email price lists. I'll be sending House Mouse orders about once a week.. This message was from Ruthann Gigliotti - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 07:01:51 EST From: WBean05495 Subject: RS: Re: Wendy Bean's Mom's Store In a message dated 98-04-01 01:00:27 EST, you write: > >> And it's a great stamp store to boot! I know, I've been there and can't >> wait to get back up there again, and again. >> >> And yeah, the people who do the demo's are kinda nice to you too! > >Yes they are...So when are you guys gonna come back, huh? > >Hugs, >Lissa > > > Thanks for the great review guys !!! And yeah, when are you guys coming back up here? Huh? Huh? Huh? Love and hugs, WEn This message was from WBean05495 - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 01 Apr 1998 06:13:15 -0600 From: Suzanne Owen Subject: Re: RS: Civil War Stamps?? Appalachian Arts sells some. They are on the Web. Suzanne Jackie Haynes wrote: > Does anyone carry stamps with Civil War images on them? Or know who might? > Thanks! > --Jackie > > This message was from "Jackie Haynes" > -- > The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems > Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . This message was from Suzanne Owen - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 22:06:12 -0500 From: (Tonya L. Rilling) Subject: RS: AD:Stamp SALE I am going to have a sale on all the UM. This sale is good through 4-5-98 at 5pm EST. Please when you email your order include the Item # and page # or description. Calculate discount from the regular Um subtotal, subtract the discount and then add postage. Thanks $1-$15 take 10%off $15.01-$30 take 20% off $30.01-$50 take 25% off $50.01-$75 take 30%off $75.01-$99.99 take 35%off Over $100 take 40%off Tonya Rilling, Buffalo Stampede Art Stamps ((\@/))An Angel Company, selling mounted and unmounted stamps ***Now accepting Mastercard and Visa.,Catalogs $4 Visit my stamp web site at: _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] This message was from (Tonya L. Rilling) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ End of rubberstampers-digest V2 #1766 *************************************