From: (rubberstampers-digest) To: Subject: rubberstampers-digest V2 #1875 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk rubberstampers-digest Wednesday, April 8 1998 Volume 02 : Number 1875 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 20:12:53 EDT From: PSlezak831 Subject: RS: Stampscapes rec'd-Darlene Hi Darlene, The stamps made it today, thanks for great service. Pat This message was from PSlezak831 - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 23:48:18 -0000 From: "Mark, Lori & Darcie" Subject: RS: SWAP: Boyds Bears Swap Recd Thank you to Mary for hosting this swap! These cards have been described but I would like to thank each of the = ladies whose cards I received... Denise Carole Mork Ruth Kathryn P Spakoski Everyone did a beautiful job. They are great additions to my swap = scrapbook. I will have them displayed at the next craft fair I do = though. People enjoy seeing new ideas. Smiles and Sunshine! Lori This message was from "Mark, Lori & Darcie" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 08 Apr 1998 19:07:31 -0400 From: Betsy Ritter Subject: RS: FT WASHINGTON SUNDAY --LONG when last we left our intrepid heroines , they had counted their money m paolnned sunday's attack and waited for mr evos change !! so off to bed to get up bright and early to make samples with teh acrylic templates (we decided that losign an hour due to daylight savings time we would be better stampers in the morning Betsy was so excited seh woke up at three thirty after a 4;30 shower she perched out side lisa's door with an entire loaf or cranberry bread adn a diet coke to wait for lisa to croawl out of bed at 530 (we let liz sleep becuse seh was drivign home so we tackled teh templates > I wish you coud have seen saturdays demo wehn soem body siad well how do they work and i siad (thinkign how should *I * know ( these are brand new adn the first time i have seen them in person but you can ......she bought em too well we makde layers , lisa stipples a rainbow border and created a frame , i made a )stamp zia ) card with one stmp we ues d wall paper and mulberry and whtever treasures we had each packed in our stmp bags no tow cards were alike then we had to use evos stmps that were already sold out! as yrou intrepid heroines had scarfed up teh lst ones (*I * of cores have to wait for mine to be vulcanized cause i coudnt make up my mind ) liz knocked about 730 and we put her to work wtih teh shrink charms for teh wee book we made a dolphin card with silver and black layers and teh dolphin jumping out teh shadign cuaught in th emirrror and was cool , lis astoippled and mulberried we scored teh wee books with teh smllest tempalte and used cork on one and shrink on one to accent (oh one with rubons --my rubon demo was nto as good what DO YOU do with rubons that yuou can cshow on a pice i of paper in one minute ???? adn then lisa said we had to GIVE teh smaples to evo adn let her KAEEP them !@! :((((( now thsose of you who realize i make ten cards a year (two swaps !! ) know how whard htsi is and i admireall teh wee ooks and finaly made on ea dnnope lisa hadned tha over too !! so sad so wehtn down to check out (gave eth maid a magnet we er e out of pins !! ) adn they had over charged us on teh bill . I threw a fit adn seh fixerd it > mr evo whoudl have been proud . so any convetion attendees look out we wer quoted teh conv rate of 79$ and teh diff taxes so 87$ fine well teh bill was 87$ PLUS TEH taxes adn seh tried to say we had signed for tha rate inteh dark friday well teh rate was endocded at teh top with many other illegible numbers so whhohoo ntohre stmp for every body !! be careful mr evo woudl be proud !! off to covnetion MUCH More manageable crowds on sunday we all went to just for fun to talk liz out of spending a fortune !! they ahd GREAT egyptian adn tribal images and a ship in a bottle kit and lots of goodies . teh owner siad htey would have unmounted in JUNE so we breathed a sigh of relief and got catlogues and lisa got wholesaling info OH NO They will be available at stamp club !!! adn off we went oh he let us video so we have good pix was very nice and we are investigatign therangel status teh catalog soudns non angel but they are listed as angel on dragonhomes site so who thinks lori shapiro shoud hop on over to palnet rubber in orlando and find out for sure ????? then to stmp camp as we wer e gonign to combine our ordre to get teh show special buy 5 get one free so then mary kay says if i will relive her fro breaks seh will GIVE me teh diet coke flat lisa and i graciously say THANKS A LOT !! jsut when we had decideed on six . so i siay ok but i wnt teh bag of strings and things took all kinds of razzign at stmp club for choosign a six dollar and refusign an eight dollar gift ! but got my coke stmp relieved mary kay and she forgeo to tell me how to work teh scash register so i made chnge by hand adn wroteit on a paper il seh got back !!! LOL paid and raced to evos well lisa raced i went to rsm adn finally subscribed told two newbie too go ahead and get it at yrou store but you will one day give in so get it now did it for two years as long as i was treatign my self !! back to evos and we wre usy with mail orders as by now had no hook , no loop. no halos and shopwed off our beautiful sample cards insistign they buy teh holder as well (csicnse we had lsot teh templates TWELVE TImes in two hours on a tiny hotel table (tehy are crystal cear and do nto show up to sleep blurred eyes . ahd to demo rubons too i dont htink i convindced any body !! they will get home adn be sad ythey did not get em !! off to teh judikind class was wondreful and i hope i locate my notes ! but i was takign notes and had agreat spot at forn so was teh runner to take teh samples - ---backgroudn stmps , misiting , paper mosaics , metallic markers , bet i missesed seom thing racedback fo reth last hour of frantic shoppign beeor my stmp zia class and heading for hoem o oh forgot i met mariannea t sc7p on sat adn met jean and teh newie marian (or miriam ???) she gotteh whole halos system adn raninto her again at cludia rose so when she figures out how to post an about me is a lie thta wseh is newbie !! jean was extra nice and had a gorgeous pin seh had left for evo teh day befro looked liek a sandwiched pin using aig on soem gorgeous flowers (i dint get one --sob!! 0 also foudn betsy rubber chicken lady no feathers except her pin ! and foudn out paulette left sick teh day before so we had nto missed a gathering after all seh had a migraine and had fortogt medicine . i was mean enogh to sy i hda it in my purse so i will be prepared in marlboro have dr betsy paged . seh was feelign much bettter and was enjoyign teh less crowded shoppign finished most of my wish list at cludia rose ..seh is soo nice , checked on amry kay again , checkidn in with teh sticker dude who was disgning old mac donald by th etime i got there got more tie dye sticker paper he was sold out of teh ft wash cancellation but i got a few must haves adn disicussed hsi great web page and promised to see him in boston . tom kerr the artist wil be in oston as well if any oen want stuff signed I LOVE TEH sticker dude he is soo cool totaly missed coffeee break adn am disappointed now . they will nto be in marloro either i hear decided i was past my useful nees to tackle any rubber pits . limited myself to one map at toybox adn liz adn i marveled at teh shrink art allene let us video jstu teh shrink so tha was cool i had a few pix form saturday tiem to go to stmp zia NEW BULLETIN Her catalog is two dollars wtih afive dollar coupon so buiy it teh first day or ofronm teh web site a dn palna your purchases (right shannon green ??) so we ren in to lisa nd ALL went to zana's calss tehr are four rules !!! simplify use one or two stmps balck adn whtie and one or two other colors adn attack teh mat first a dn ALWAYS SIGN YOUR WORK --nto on teh back hadnstmped by but rifght on teh front !! _it ecomes art teh minute you sign your name (i amde all my first graders sigh their paintings today !! ) so we were supposed to leave eth minute after class but i had to spend my credit !! 9adn a few dollars more > adn say good bye to teh evos adn SOME Peopl coudnt decide what to get ! adn tehn relive mary kay one more time adn see if i missed any thign else dn hug again adn asked seom kind lady to take a group picture adn twirl seom more and FINALLY get in teh van so sad adn hope every thign fit adn liz had let teh evo 's borrow a basket so woudl nto let ME Run in to get it so seh ran in adn OH ther was lisa ffortunato /inky paws in teh parkign lot so i had to jum out of teh car and hug thsi stranger who must have felt relly worried (seh siad seh understmds ALL my posts ) adn liz came out syain you are gabbin again !!!! so a quick hug and off we went !! homeward bound was a more mellow trip until we saw a FLOAT Adn decided was a parade in our honor and had lix sppedding up adn slooooowing down on teh turnpike to take teh video but we only got onecorner before lix decided she w as a raod hazard waitied in line for 30 minutes to get cheap new jersey gas --no free flower seeds and we coud only get 6$ worth a teh tank was still full !!!!! finaly hoem and liz an lisa were anxious to see thier kids so we were hurriedly unpackling and crash my stamp case exploded with pencils and markers and who knows what else rollign down lisa 's sloped driveway in teh dark !! a fittin end -- teh only disaster of teh weekeND did show and tell at stamp club last night adn watched the video !! it was hilarious so be sure to ask at yoru local stmp store !! still resting up adn perusing catalogs to see what we missed STILL l have treats comign from evo, cludia rose and stamp zia so the fun is not over adn will rememeber our great adventure whe i read my rsm ! adn see lisa and liz at stmp club every week hugs to teh evos and all our friends met adn unmet i KNOW i missed dee and jean darci who were there but not at teh right moment :(( and we are continuing sspirited discussions of teh angel /devil company mayhave a new plan for marlboro . adn still have money to order my t shirt !! Hey bonnie are you waiting adn waiting??? watch yrou local convention cause you never knwo where teh rovign reporter will next appear xxoo besty This message was from Betsy Ritter - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 18:44:30 -0500 From: "KCHaga" Subject: RS: COMM: Marvy/LePlume II This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_00E6_01BD631E.5E081A80 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable The Hoosier Stamper: COMM: Marvy/LePlume II We are placing an opening order on April 17th. All offered at 30% = off. =20 Marvy Matchables reg. $3.50ea sale $2.45ea #1- Black #11- Lt. Green #34 Pale Green #2- Red #12- Grey #43 Bril. Yellow #3- Blue #13- Ochre #46 Crimson Lake #4- Green #14- Turquoise #57 Rose Pink =20 #5- Yellow #16- Pale Orange #59 Rosemarie =20 #6- Brown #18- Dk. Brown #60 Salvia Blue #7- Orange #20- Magenta #64 Plum #8- Violet #25- Bottle Green #65 Cherry #9- Pink #29- Prussian Blue #67 BubbleGum #10- Lt. Blue #31- Pale Violet #72 Pine Green LePlume II's reg. $2.09ea sale $1.45ea #1- Black #36- Manganese Blue #71- Spring Green #2- Red #37- Lt. Cool Grey #72- Pine = Green #3- Blue #38- Oyster Grey #73- Teal #4- Green #39- Ash Grey #74- = Aquamarine #5- Yellow #40- Brownish Grey #75- Sky Blue #6- Brown #41- Blue Grey #76- Blush Pink #7- Orange #42- Cream Yellow #77- Pastel Pink #8- Violet #43- Brilliant Yellow #78- Orchid #9- Pink #44- Lt. Brown #79- Grape #10- Lt. Blue #45- Sepia #80- = Victorian Rose #11- Lt. Green #46- Crimson Lake #81- Pale Mauve #12- Grey #47- Pale Pink #82- Mustard #13- Ochre #48- Leaf Green #83- = Butterscotch #14- Turquoise #49- Vermillion #84- Taupe #15- Olive Green #50- Ultra Marine #85- Mocha #16- Pale Orange #51- Aqua Grey #86- African Violet #17- Steel Blue #52- Yellow Green #87- Pumpkin #18- Dk. Brown #53- Pale Blue #88- Terra Cotta #19- Carmine #54- Burnt Umber #89- Persimmon #20- Magenta #55- Iris Purple #90- Suede #21- Dk. Grey #56- Dull Blue #91- Tan #22- Lemon Yellow #57- Rose Pink #92- Celery #23- Gold Ochre #58- Peacock Green #93- Aubergine #24- Beige #59- Rosemarie #94- Scarlet #25- Bottle Green #60- Salvia Blue #95- Celadon #26- Silver Grey #61- Deep Lilac #96- Jungle Green #27- Olive Brown #62- Wisteria #97- Apple Green #28- English Red #63- Wine #98- Emerald #30- Rosewood #64- Plum #99- Periwinkle #31- Pale Violet #65- Cherry #100- Sapphire #32- Laurel Green #66- Dusty Pink #101- Tropical #33- Oriental Blue #67- Bubble Gum #102- Jade Green #34- Pale Green #68- Daffodil Yellow #103- Evergreen #35- Coral Pink #69- Citrus Yellow #104- Carribean Blue #36- Manganese Blue #70- Peppermint #105- Lt. Teal #106- Amethyst #107- Eggplant #108- Black Cherry LePlume II Sets (12markers) reg$24.95 sale$17.46 #12A- Primary #12B- Pastel #12C- Victorian #12E- Bright #12F- Garden Brush Marker Sets (6 markers) reg$8.85 sale$6.20 #6A- Primary #6B- Pastel #6C- Victorian Brush MarkerSets(12 markers) reg$17.50 sale$12.25 #12AA- Primary #12BB- Pastel #12CC- Victorian Please email with your order requests and any questions. Thank you! C. Haga The Hoosier Stamper Kelly Haga KCHaga@WORLDNET.ATT.NET P.O. Box 2293, Valparaiso, IN 46384 **IN residents add 5% sales tax. $3.00 minimum shipping/handling- 5% of total thereafter. - ------=_NextPart_000_00E6_01BD631E.5E081A80 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
The = Hoosier Stamper:=20 COMM: Marvy/LePlume II
    We = are placing=20 an opening order on April 17th.  All offered at 30% off. =20
Marvy=20 Matchables  reg.=20 $3.50ea           = sale=20 $2.45ea
    #1- = Black           &n= bsp;=20 #11- Lt. Green        #34 Pale=20 Green
     = #2-=20 Red           &nbs= p;  =20 #12-=20 Grey           &nb= sp;  =20 #43 Bril. Yellow
    #3-=20 Blue           &nb= sp; =20 #13-=20 Ochre           &n= bsp;=20 #46 Crimson Lake
    #4-=20 Green           #14-=20 Turquoise      #57 Rose=20 Pink          =
    #5-=20 Yellow          #16- Pale=20 Orange    #59 Rosemarie 
    #6-=20 Brown          #18- Dk.=20 Brown       #60 Salvia = Blue
    #7-=20 Orange         #20-=20 Magenta         #64=20 Plum
    #8-=20 Violet           #25- = Bottle=20 Green   #65 Cherry
    #9-=20 Pink           &nb= sp;=20 #29- Prussian Blue  #67 BubbleGum
    #10- Lt.=20 Blue      #31- Pale=20 Violet      #72 Pine Green
LePlume=20 II's        reg.=20 $2.09ea        sale = $1.45ea
#1-=20 Black           &n= bsp;      =20 #36- Manganese Blue       #71- Spring=20 Green
#2-=20 Red           &nbs= p;        =20 #37- Lt. Cool=20 Grey            = #72- Pine=20 Green
#3-=20 Blue           &nb= sp;       =20 #38- Oyster=20 Grey           &nb= sp; =20 #73- Teal
#4-=20 Green           &n= bsp;    =20 #39- Ash=20 Grey           &nb= sp;      =20 #74- Aquamarine
#5-=20 Yellow           &= nbsp;   =20 #40- Brownish Grey          = #75-=20 Sky Blue
#6-=20 Brown           &n= bsp;   =20 #41- Blue=20 Grey           &nb= sp;     =20 #76- Blush Pink
#7-=20 Orange           &= nbsp;  =20 #42- Cream = Yellow          =20 #77- Pastel Pink
#8-=20 Violet           &= nbsp;    =20 #43- Brilliant Yellow         = #78-=20 Orchid
#9-=20 Pink           &nb= sp;       =20 #44- Lt.=20 Brown           &n= bsp;    =20 #79- Grape
#10- Lt.=20 Blue            = #45-=20 Sepia           &n= bsp;           &nb= sp;=20 #80- Victorian Rose
#11- Lt.=20 Green         #46- Crimson=20 Lake           #81- = Pale=20 Mauve
#12-=20 Grey           &nb= sp;    =20 #47- Pale=20 Pink           &nb= sp;     =20 #82- Mustard
#13-=20 Ochre           &n= bsp;  =20 #48- Leaf=20 Green           &n= bsp;   =20 #83- Butterscotch
#14-=20 Turquoise        #49-=20 Vermillion          &nb= sp;    =20 #84- Taupe
#15- Olive=20 Green      #50- Ultra=20 Marine            = #85-=20 Mocha
#16- Pale=20 Orange      #51- Aqua=20 Grey           &nb= sp;  =20 #86- African Violet
#17- Steel=20 Blue         #52- Yellow=20 Green          #87-=20 Pumpkin
#18- Dk.=20 Brown        #53- Pale=20 Blue           &nb= sp;    =20 #88- Terra Cotta
#19-=20 Carmine           #54- = Burnt=20 Umber           #89-=20 Persimmon
#20-=20 Magenta           #55- = Iris=20 Purple           &= nbsp;  =20 #90- Suede
#21- Dk.=20 Grey           #56- = Dull=20 Blue           &nb= sp;    =20 #91- Tan
#22- Lemon = Yellow =20 #57- Rose=20 Pink           &nb= sp;   =20 #92- Celery
#23- Gold=20 Ochre       #58- Peacock=20 Green        #93- = Aubergine
#24-=20 Beige           &n= bsp;   =20 #59-=20 Rosemarie          &nbs= p;   =20 #94- Scarlet
#25- Bottle=20 Green    #60- Salvia=20 Blue           &nb= sp; =20 #95- Celadon
#26- Silver=20 Grey       #61- Deep=20 Lilac           &n= bsp;  =20 #96- Jungle Green
#27- Olive=20 Brown     #62-=20 Wisteria           = ;      =20 #97- Apple Green
#28- English=20 Red      #63-=20 Wine           &nb= sp;         =20 #98- Emerald
#30-=20 Rosewood         #64-=20 Plum           &nb= sp;         =20 #99- Periwinkle
#31- Pale=20 Violet        #65-=20 Cherry           &= nbsp;     =20 #100- Sapphire
#32- Laurel=20 Green    #66- Dusty=20 Pink           #101-=20 Tropical
#33- Oriental = Blue   #67- Bubble = Gum        =20 #102- Jade Green
#34- Pale=20 Green       #68- Daffodil=20 Yellow     #103- Evergreen
#35- Coral=20 Pink        #69- Citrus=20 Yellow       #104- Carribean = Blue
#36- = Manganese Blue =20 #70- Peppermint      #105- Lt. = Teal
#106-=20 Amethyst       #107-=20 Eggplant           = #108- Black=20 Cherry
LePlume II = Sets (12markers)=20 reg$24.95  sale$17.46
#12A- = Primary
#12B- = Pastel
#12C- = Victorian
#12E- = Bright
#12F- = Garden
Brush Marker = Sets (6=20 markers) reg$8.85  sale$6.20
#6A- = Primary
#6B- = Pastel
#6C- = Victorian
Brush = MarkerSets(12=20 markers)
          &nbs= p;            = ;     =20 reg$17.50  sale$12.25
#12AA- = Primary
#12BB- = Pastel
#12CC- = Victorian
Please email with your = order=20 requests and any questions.
Thank = you!
C. Haga
The Hoosier = Stamper
Kelly=20 Haga
P.= O. Box=20 2293, Valparaiso, IN  46384
**IN residents add 5% = sales=20 tax.
$3.00 minimum = shipping/handling-=20 5% of total thereafter.

- ------=_NextPart_000_00E6_01BD631E.5E081A80-- This message was from "KCHaga" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 17:29:43 -0500 From: Subject: RS: Phil, Containers arrived Thanks for the very fast service and so many containers for such a little price! I appreciate all you've done to help out giggles. Thank you also for the 2-piece box template. I'm not sure I can make it but I'm going to try! Kaye Lynne Ingold Sing~N~Stamp _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 16:40:52 -0700 From: "Sandy McDaniel" Subject: RS: RE PUYALLUP WA CONVENTION Hello out there........... Does anyone know if Green Sneakers (Kreat-a-lope) is going to be at the WA convention???? TIA Sandy :-) This message was from "Sandy McDaniel" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 19:54:39 -0700 From: "Tammy Couturier " Subject: RS: RAK Oversight! Thank you Barbara! I would like to thank Barbara De Lap, the creator of the nifty "Madonna" style top pin...(has cute gold cord tassles and says, "I'm sorry, I can't trade pins with you. Mine's holding up my bra strap.") Had I examined the back of the pin more closely before posting, I would have seen Barbara's name and duly acknowledged and thanked her in my original post! Please forgive this newbie's oversight!! I took my pins to work today and got lots of chuckles! Thank you Barbara!! and thanks again "Mom"! Take care and stamp with a light heart! Tammy aka JestaStamper :>) "Seek first to understand, then to be understood" ICQ# -10409800 This message was from "Tammy Couturier " - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 08 Apr 1998 20:50:09 EDT From: (Jennifer Hoodjer) Subject: RS: Thank you to all those who answered my question Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is Jennifer and I wanted to thank everyone who helped my understand what an angel company is. Now I know!!! Thanks!!! Happy stamping, Jennifer the perkystamper _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] This message was from (Jennifer Hoodjer) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 18:49:24 EDT From: RFeiertag Subject: RS: Reah's SS This package is FUN. I love it , Thanks so much. There is a beautiful (oversized) card from Sara, (made by Tony) victorian women & house. inside the first bag:envelopes,a string of round red hollogram stickers,a beautiful bird stamp from DenamiDesign,5 ums -hopping bunny,hound dog, parrot (longgg tail),gog wearing coat tie & hat, and a couple of kittens sitting in flowers,and an envy of animal postage stamps. inside the second bag (marked Easter): easter stickers(hollogram),Christ is Risen stamp from Stampin'Up ,bunny egg stamp from Mostly Animals, a string of round silver hollogram stickers,5 ums- tiny flower,bow,daisy border,a basket,and a vase of flowers, and an envy of religious postage stamps. inside the third bag:Purple Shimmer EP,and 5 more envys of postage stamps-flowers,people, animals,transportation,and (my favorite) DISNEY. this is all so great. I have a lot of work to do now. Thank you so very much. you are the best. Hugs to you. Love Reah This message was from RFeiertag - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 18:29:08 EDT From: CowPost Subject: RS: BHoll: TAN: Cast Itching BIG NO NO! In a message dated 4/8/98 8:30:35 PM, wrote: << My cast didn't stay on long enough for an infection! Also I didn't scratch, just slid the knitting needle up and down. I told the doctors and they didn't say a thing. I am sorry if this came across as yelling at you personally! I am glad to hear you did not get an infection. Doctors hear (and see) this all the time--often with less positive outcomes. The cast was taken off and redone about every two weeks. Lucky you! Time to savor the scratching! I LOVED cast changes! I think I also said IGNORE IT. Yes, you did! And I re-iterated that, I believe. Easier said than done..... You got that right! Been there, done that! Sure hope I didn't ruffle any feathers. I just had flashbacks to some of the scratch-under-the-cast cases I've seen---ewwwww! Wouldn't want that to happen to anyone here! Besides--you noticed I fessed up to not following my own advice! Mona >> This message was from CowPost - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 08 Apr 1998 16:39:53 -0700 From: kvacountrywelcome Subject: RS: Comm. A Country Welcome's web site A Country Welcome sells a nice Grab Bag of unmounted stamps. 15 dies for $15 (approx. value $45-$55); or 20 miniature dies for $5. We also sell a 9" by 11" sheet of natural red sponge cushion for $4.00. S&H extra, see our printable order form on web site for shipping charges. To order: Send a Check or M.O. or Visa, MC info to: A Country Welcome, PO Box 128 Sweet Home Or.97386. Please do not send charge card information through e-mail, our server is not secure yet. Our web site is now ready so be sure to check it out. We have a sale page and a samples gallery. Our on-line catalog features some of our images and more will be added on an on going basis. If you want to see more images now send for our complete catalog. Our catalog has over 550 images, cost $3/refundable. Our address is: e-mail address is: We will be at the following conventions: The Un-ConventionalR.S.Convention in Portland,Or. on March28. This convention was great, thanks to all of you for making us such a success. The Washington Art andRubberstamp Festival in Puyallup,Wa. on May16&17. The UnconventionalR.S. Convention in Tacoma,Wa. on July 18 & 19. Come by and say Hi! Thanks! Vicki This message was from kvacountrywelcome - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 08 Apr 1998 18:20:45 -0500 From: Sara Humphery-Knight Subject: RS: Re: RubberTown: Thank you Sara for the Spring Fling Prize!!! Each package is put together with the recipient in mind! Generally, I ask what colors people like best, but in your case, I knew exactly what I wanted to send you! Hugs, Sara Stamped Expressions wrote: > I received my spring Fling prize for having the name "Proxy" today. Sara > sent the Precious Papers Grab Bag!!!! all I can say is > WOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!!!!!!!! I think She really put some thought into the > prize! > > Sara, when you put the grab bags together, are they already made or are > they specific for each person? > > I feel blessed to have been a part of something to help out a friend. > Giggles is the true winner in all of this........but I'm not sharing my > paper!!! > Kaye Lynne Ingold > Sing~N~Stamp > > > > _____________________________________________________________________ > You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. > Get completely free e-mail from Juno at > Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] > > - - -- Stamped Expressions sells cardstock, embossing powders, Precious Paper grab bags, Class A'Peels, mounted and unmounted stamps, and many other fine items! If you're happy about our service and products, please post to the list! If you're not, tell us, and we'll make it right. Promise! (Please put SARA in the subject line.) Sara Humphery-Knight Stamped Expressions This message was from Sara Humphery-Knight - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . - - ------------------------------ End of rubberstampers-digest V2 #1875 *************************************