From: (rubberstampers Digest) To: Subject: rubberstampers Digest V2 #2574 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: rubberstampers Digest Thursday, August 21 1997 Volume 02 : Number 2574 In this issue: RS: 2 More Questions! Re: RS: Layered Pins question Re: RS: technique called *resist* RS: MY VERY FIRST RAK!!!!!! RS: Fimo Answers Re: RS: my first post!! RS: TAN: Absolut erasers Re: RS: Getting burned.... RS: Resist Stamping... RS: Confetti in my Keyboard..... Re: Re: RS: Getting burned.... RS: Customer relations Re: RS: TAN Describe me, too! RS: Ma Vinci's RAKs!! RS: Re: STAMPAWAY RS: I just have to share this! RS: Re: The Virginian in the Bar at Pigeon Forge RS: Tan: DOTS Controversy RS: COMM: Punches/Scissors See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the rubberstampers or rubberstampers-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 06:44:22 -0400 (EDT) From: Teapot Subject: RS: 2 More Questions! I went to the stamp store yesterday and bought RSM magazine - wow! Tons of ads - I even saw one with this nude woman at a beach trying to decide if she wanted to buy stamps or clothes! LOL! That was me last weekend! Anyway, I have yet 2 more questions in my search for more rubberstamping knowledge: 1) What's a SAML and when I make my swap cards do I have to write something on the inside or leave it blank? I guess I need a 'walkthrough' this swap stuff - someone to tell me everything that is expected of you and what you should expect. 2) Can I get a custom-made rubberstamp? I have a design in mind that I used on my Christmas cards a couple of years ago and I would like to add it to my growing stamp collection. I've read a couple of posts on how rubberstamps are made and it sounds like an expensive process! Any suggestion on where I can have this done? Okay, I actually asked 4 questions under the guise of 2. Oh well! I stayed up until 11:30 pm last night trying to design my card for the swap - - this is going to be fun! When I saw the reader designs in RSM magazine I was in awe - there are so many creative people out there! Beautiful creations! Okay, I think I've used up my exclamation mark quota for today. Off to pump iron now Teapot PS. I have one more question...anyone know which companies sell chile pepper stamps? This message was from Teapot - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 06:17:46 -0400 From: (DIANA S GEHRT) Subject: Re: RS: Layered Pins question Ruth, You can use your embossing pad, just tap it all over your image and then sprinke EP over it and heat. Then repeat. Diana On Wed, 20 Aug 1997 19:27:07 -0700 (Ruth Soldavini) writes: >I was reading the instructions on doing this on the Home and Garden >site >and I have a couple of questions. They say to stamp your image and >color it, and cut out.. Then they say to cover with tinted embossing >ink. >I don't understand how you do this. Is there a liquid ink or what. >Then you use your EP powder. They said to do it several times. >How??? >Ruth > >Ruth Soldavini >This message was from (Ruth Soldavini) >-- >The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling >Modems >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . > This message was from (DIANA S GEHRT) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 07:31:56 -0400 From: (Winabeth L Smith) Subject: Re: RS: technique called *resist* Yep - she's right - I have a card where I stamp a jellyfish in clear embossing ink and then brayer over the images with dye based ink. Gives a real neat but faded soft image. Sometimes you almost have to "wait" until the image appears. Winabeth Stamp Lover On Thu, 21 Aug 1997 02:24:08 -0400 (Tracy K May) writes: >Are you sure about the "do not use any ep" part? I would think that >with embossing ink being as slow as it is to dry, that when you brayer >over top of it, it would smear, but I've never tried it this way, so I >don't really know. I have tried it *with* clear ep, and I love the >effect! After you stamp your image and emboss it with the clear ep, >you can brayer over top of it, or just color over top of the whole >card with markers. Then take a paper towel and wipe the ink off of >the embossed parts, revealing the color (or lack thereof) underneath >the embossed part. It is easy and beautiful! My kind of project! >:-D > >Tracy aka Barefoot Stamper > > > >I've heard of the resist technique and did it this week. You take your >stamp--like a sun-- and stamp it on glossy paper with embossing ink >only. Do not use any ep! > >Ink up your brayer with DYE based ink, and roll it all over the card. >The stamped image will magically appear as a blank in a sea of color. >This is where it gets the name resist. The stamped image resists the >dye based ink. You can use a sunset/sunrise rainbow ink pad and then >stamp mountains in black and have the sun rising or setting with the >mountains. This is a beautiful technique! I suppose you could do it >with watercolor and clear ep. I haven't tried that yet. I haven't >tried any watercolor. I hope this helps. >StamperCat>^,,^< >Kaye Lynne-TWERP > > > >This message was from (Tracy K May) -- The >rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . > This message was from (Winabeth L Smith) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 06:35:07 -0600 From: (geevee the mooselady) Subject: RS: MY VERY FIRST RAK!!!!!! Sorry to scream I was just so excited! I got a beautiful card from Heather Reilly, aka Jazy Stamper! It was so much fun to get!!!!!! Stamped on light green card stock in a random pattern are leaves and flowers. The center of some of the leaves and flowers are glittered. This is rippled on the edge and layered on a really great textured yellow paper - just what is that and where did you get it? This is then layered onto white card stock and in all four corners is a light green punched butterfly. Very Pretty! Inside reads Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much. I love that saying! Thank you so much Heather, you made me smile the rest of the day! geevee so many stamps, so little time g.v.'s-16802 village corner court-houston-texas-77059-5599 IF YOU LIVE IN TEXAS-PLEASE ADD 7 1/4% TAX TO YOUR ORDERS - THANK YOU - This message was from (geevee the mooselady) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 08:17:07 -0400 (EDT) From: Katina Choovanski Subject: RS: Fimo Answers This is a compilation of the answers to my question about Fimo a few weeks ago. No, I haven't tried it yet...but I have a vacation coming up soon and (my DSO doesn't know this yet :) I'm planning on packing a biiiiiiig craft bag to take with me and play! My original question had to do with recently acquiring 1 block of pretty Fimo clay, and now what should I do with it? Here are the compiled responses (Angelhrt feel free to grab this for your tips and techniques page if you don't already have plenty of clay info): From: Bob & Rhonda Davis I have instructions on how they have used white clay and stamped the image, baked it, colored it with pencils and sealed it... From: first you put it in your pants pocket for a couple hours. this will warm it up. then you knead it until it is soft and pliable. this is a good workout for your forearms and hands. do not eat with your fingers as you do this; fimo is toxic. then put some butcher paper or brown kraft paper or a paper bag on a smooth table surface. put a chunk of fimo on the paper and smash it down with your palm. take a stamp and press it into the clay. trim as necessary, or not....your artistic choice, lol. put your creation on a piece of parchment paper, then onto a baking sheet. bake at 275 degrees for at least 20 minutes, but no more than 35 minutes when it is cooled, you can paint or spray or magic dip or ?, or leave plain. be sure to toss the parchment paper out, as fimo will leave a residue on it that is toxic if ingested. and wash your hands. fimo can also be used to make buttons and embellishments for your custom made cards. there's a great book out called The New Clay (i forget the author, i'm sure someone here knows), and it will give you some great ideas for using fimo and sculpey. From: Michael Kline or Rachel Kline First, you have to condition it. I find Fimo difficult to condition and generally I use Sculpey or I will add a bit of Mix Quick to the Fimo. I run it through an old food processor and then a pasta machine to condition it quickly. Both of these appliances are *clay only* as the clay is not edible and therefore would contaminate any food preparation surfaces. Since this is your first try with Fimo, work with it manually, rolling it out into snakes and folding them over upon themselves until the clay is warm and pliable. It will take a while and the clay will firm up very quickly if you walk away from it; you will then have to recondition it. I use the clay to do sculptures (I'm not that good *yet*; I'm practicing so maybe I'll get better....), embellishments for my cards, pins, etc. You can indeed stamp on the clay, color it after baking with colored pencils, use ep, glitter, makeup and chalk to color the clay... oh, it's fun! Enjoy! From: "Latex Linnzie (Linn Karnaugh)" I, too, started off with a cheapo FIMO, except it was a glorious purple rather than a rich blue. I agree that FIMO is much harder to work, but on the plus side is that it retains an image much better than Sculpey To get really sharp images with Sculpey, I find I have to put it in the fridge repeatedly. From: Sandy Lemons Y'all, I used to be addicted to Fimo and the other brands before I started stamping a couple of years ago. Fimo and the others make great fake sealing wax thingys. I love sealing wax and all the great things it can do, but it is rather almost always cracks or breaks in the mail. I read it somewhere, so I can't claim it is an original idea. You just make a nut sized ball of Fimo and lightly coat your stamp with some clear embossing fluid and stamp into it. I use foil as a under sheet...then bake..and you've got a durable 'sealing wax' imprint to glue on your cards or the back of envy's. I've been thinking of trying the same method with the white bread/glue clay..I think it would work as well. From: I use fimo and sculpy alot ...I do alot of cane beads and such with them ..matter of fact I havent used clay for stamping yet but just for the use of clay as in figures pins thing with fimo is that it has to be worked with alot first ... I use a pasta machine to condition my clay so this might work with stamping also..put in alittle loition with the clay as you condition it ..Some times the clay is older and crumbles more then others...Sculpy is alittle bit softer clay .. I just started using promat which is a nice clay but like I said havent used it for stamping yet..but most clays need to be condition before using ... From: Bonnie Hoffman I started with Fimo, also. . . and still use it. . . in fact if you check our the net. . . there are some sites that are devoted exclusively to Fimo. . . and then there are some people that prefer Sculpey. . . Fimo is firmer in texture (and I have arthritis in my hands), which means that there are some applications where it is the preferred medium. . . Sculpey on the other hand is much more pliable. . . For Christmas, I wanted to make my husband a love wall hanging. . . and I used Fimo. . . what I wanted was various hearts in sizes and shapes. . . I wanted them in both blues and deep rose. . . I had looked around town and not found anything that suited my purpose. . . the next best alternative was making them myself I bought 3 packages of Fimo. . . in my colours and that is all. . . then I set to work using it. . . and creating a real variety of hearts. . . some from coils. . some twisted coils and some that I pressed buttons into to create a 3d effect on flat hearts. . . the only tools I used were a rolling pin and some waxed paper to roll it on. . . then I put foil in my pan so that I could still use it for baking. . . my total investment was under $10 Canadian. . . hope this helps you with trying it out. . . you don't have to spend a lot of other money. . . although there are some toys that help you create all sorts of neat effects From: Last Christmas I made some cute little fridge magnets with an angel stamp and Fimo. The Fimo was white and I stamped it with gold Colorbox ink. I used a knife to cut around the outside of the stamped image, baked it and glued the magnet on the back. They really turned out pretty good and it was very little trouble. Hope this helps. From: Bonnie Hoffman Polymer Clay addys: PaperClay. . . addy this is just a jumping off point. . . dig out your search engines. . . there are lots more From: The best thing to bake it on is a ceramic bathroom type tile.. From: Ah, Weedhopper! Fimo is mighty tough to use! You have to knead the hell out of it till it's pliable enough to use. Many polyclayers use a food processor (dedicated to Fimo is toxic to ingest). A LITTLE baby oil will help if it's really hard. Heat helps too. So sit on it for an hour, then start kneading. After a while it will be like stiff play dough. At that point, you can stamp on it. It is usually suggested that you ink up your stamp before mooshing it into the clay...helps in the release. Be very careful not to over bake it as it releases toxic fumes if it burns. Poisonally, I'm a Sculpey kinda person! You don't have to knead it nearly as much. I've done some really cool beads over the years. I have a dedicated pasta machine that I use to flatten and knead. That's it, hope you found it as helpful as I did! And thank you all for your advice!! Katchoo This message was from Katina Choovanski - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 06:28:41 -0600 From: (Jody Morrison) Subject: Re: RS: my first post!! Welcome and I'm glad you unlurked.... Look forward to hearing more from you... Hugs, Jody MorrCatsNRubbr >Hello everyone! >I have been reading for about a week and decided to post a message! >This list is so exciting, although I get so caught up in reading I don't get >anything else done!!! Everyone seems so nice here, I'm so excited I found >you! >How do I find the about me form? I am a total newbie! TIA >shellstmpr > >This message was from "Donald A. Boucher" >-- >The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . This message was from (Jody Morrison) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 05:33:12 -0700 (PDT) From: Jackie Norris Subject: RS: TAN: Absolut erasers I'm looking for the Frank on the list that introduced me to the Absolut Ad listserv. Mostly I'm curious to see if he is the one who did eraser carvings of the Absolut ads. I've done a couple myself and thought we might share. Jackie Norris Port Orchard, WA This message was from Jackie Norris - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 06:30:29 -0600 From: (Jody Morrison) Subject: Re: RS: Getting burned.... No No NO, Tracy! You've got the wrong part of your anatomy>>>> LOLOLOLOL Hugs, Jody >On Wed, 20 Aug 97 22:01:29 "Debbie Evans Braun" >writes: >>On Wed, 20 Aug 1997 22:14:16 -0600, Jody Morrison wrote: >> >>>and its a big but.... >> >>Who you callin' a big butt? >> >>LOL, sorry, I couldn't resist... >> >>Deb >> >I'm thinking this was an excerpt from her description of me from Fort >Collins. LOL! > >RJ >This message was from (Tracy L Rivera) >-- >The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems >Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . This message was from (Jody Morrison) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 07:49:08 +0000 From: "Angelhrt" Subject: RS: Resist Stamping... Can we talk about this some more...I haven't ever done it....and I'd LOVE to have a really good base set of instructions/tips/etc..... to make a tips/techs file with.... :-) WarmHugs Your Friend Angelhrt/Tyra ******************************************************** Some of God's greatest gifts...... Are Unanswered...prayers. --Garth Brooks ******************************************************** This message was from "Angelhrt" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 08:57:10 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: RS: Confetti in my Keyboard..... I LOVE opening mail from you guys.... REALLY!!! @$&!(@%** !! Okay -- I think I alLKEWJMmost have OTIUWNBnwiu28 it all out.... A few notes on orders! ~~Inkadinkado special and their fake "Hallmark" crown has been very popular - -- I've run out of catalogues AND the crown and more are expected next week - -- hang in there!! If you want to order -- I'll ship in-stock items first and your FREE Inkadinkado catalogue when it arrives -- no extra postage for this service.... ~~Custom Stamps - I've almost finished sending proofs of all custom orders -- IF YOU HAVEN'T RECEIVED YOUR PROOF, LET ME KNOW!! As a result of some custom orders, a few really clever, cute and special "saying" stamps are being made and I'm making extras. I'm going to work on a page for my web site to show you some of these new RUBBERD WORDS....... That's my update for now -- and the keyboard seems to have survived! Amazing what comes out when you turn 'em upside down and shake! Later! Wenonah ~~~~ RubberD 16604 Music Grove Court Rockville, MD 20853 ~~~~~~~~ This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 08:57:09 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: Re: RS: Getting burned.... In a message dated 8/21/97 7:12:34 AM, wrote: < > This is really depressing - the first time it has happened to me. A > list member (not a vendor) advertised some items for sale - I sent off a > check to her over a month ago - she told me the items had been sent > off. Last week I got my bank statement and saw the cancelled check - > tried to contact her with no luck. Then saw a note last weekend where > she was trying to unsub - now I have found out that there are > approximately 8 others who got burned by the same person. How do you > deal with something like this? It was only $15, but I could've used > that for lots of other things, too. I have bought from other list > members with no problems, but to be honest, I think I will be alot more > leery to do this from now on. > > Really bummed... > Lynette > This message was from Lynette Walters >> Excuse me ... but doesn't it constitute mail fraud when you send money for something and the "person" doesn't uphold their end of things???? This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 08:55:47 -0400 From: Patti Britt Subject: RS: Customer relations To whom it may concern: It is my understanding that your firm demanded that a card made by Linda Heale be removed from the Gingerwood website. At best, this was a mean-spirited decision. Linda was initially thrilled to have her work displayed, Gingerwood was obviously pleased to display it, and DOTS had the opportunity to have FREE ADVERTISING while generating good will among stampers. Your decision has generated a ration of ill-will that companies cannot afford in today's competitive marketplace. I know that sometimes decisions are made in haste or under stressful conditions. I sincerely hope that is the case in this particular situation. What do you intend to do to RECTIFY this situation? I hope you will take this opportunity to undo some of the bad PR your decision has generated. Please respond to me privately and to the RS list regarding your intent. Sincerely, Patti This message was from Patti Britt - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 08:58:11 -0400 From: "annette" Subject: Re: RS: TAN Describe me, too! > I have been hiding so well!!! Joan Lunden???? > !!!!! hey, I didn't tell anybody what miz hale looks like! anno This message was from "annette" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 07:08:24 -0600 From: Subject: RS: Ma Vinci's RAKs!! Oooooohhhhh weeeeeeeeee,'re AWESOME!!!! I'm in very bad need of good friends now, and you're sure all coming through! I'm so grateful for all of you! Rhonda Rodriguez sent me a LOVELY card with a beautiful park bench and bonnet, with a fence behind it and a rainbow. Embossed and then colored with pens, and it looks like the rainbow background is done with chalks. It's really gorgeous, and she APOLOGIZES for being a newbie... (I think she's just putting me on, don't you??) Then Sharon (aka Whistlestamp) sent me a very cool card on green card stock stamped with a GREAT hand image, Indian-looking. She stamped the same image again on white paper, embossed it with a neat marroonish color embossing powder with traces of gold in it and layered this and some red mulberry paper on top of the green card. WAY cool... >From my dear friend Miss Becky-bear, I got a beautiful card that simply says Thinking Of You, My Friend, with a rose stamped, embossed and colored in beneath it. These are on grey card stock (my fave) and that's cut out with a pretty edger, and color has been added to the edge, and the effect is LOVELY! Thanks, Becky... ALSO got a neat card from Kathi (aka Annie Omnous) in celebration of Susan B. Anthony and Women's Suffrage Day. Cool deep blue ribbed card, with an image of Susan B. Anthony layered on top of it. That's on top of some NEAT shiny paper that she's edged in a copper color, and she's dotted the card in the corners with coppery colored glitter. It's amazing! She say's she's making mail art while in the car on a road trip while her DH is driving, can you beat that??!! I can't even find time to stamp at HOME and she's making this in the CAR!! LOL!! Thanks all...these have made me so happy, during a time when I've been so UNhappy. I can't tell you how much they help! Love, Robin This message was from - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 09:08:53 -0400 From: Patti Britt Subject: RS: Re: STAMPAWAY Michelle wrote: > > WAAAAAAAAAH! I want to go!!!! > I am so new to stamping. I haven't even made a card yet. I so badly want to > learn. > Michelle > Michelle, What is the worst thing that can happen if you make a few cards that aren't exactly perfect.....You'll learn from your mistakes....and you'll have fun learning. I started out making my cards from the big Strathmore drawing tablets. So if they turned out REALLY nasty, I could pitch them without feeling like I'd just wasted a bunch of $$$. I's really no different than anything else we do. First atempts are often frustrating and less than specacular. But just think, if you'd only looked at your stove all these years, you could have starved!! Good luck.....let me know how your first card turns out. HAVE FUN. Patti ^ ^ @ @ >>>*<<< This message was from Patti Britt - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 08:47:57 -0400 From: (Terrie Price) Subject: RS: I just have to share this! I went to PA in June to visit one of my AOL friends. She lives in Pittsburgh. I spent 4 days with her and her family. During my visit, I drug her to the local stamp stores to feed my addiction. We also went to Michael's a couple times to pick up things. She would just shake her head and say, "What do you do with THAT?" I'd try to explain to her about the different things you can do with stamps, but I don't think she grasped it. Anyway, I got an e-mail from her today and here is what she writes, (quote) "PS You'd be so proud of me! I bought my first's one of fireworks. Got a pretty purple ink pad too :-)" Guess I've gotten another one hooked, eh?? Terrie StampinBeauty This message was from (Terrie Price) - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 09:07:56 -0400 From: "annette" Subject: RS: Re: The Virginian in the Bar at Pigeon Forge > Is coming to Canada for Thanksgiving. Sorry gals. You snooze - you loose. would that be canadian thanksgiving, or US thanksgiving? or come for one, stay through the other? anno This message was from "annette" - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 05:26:20 From: Julie Sudlow Subject: RS: Tan: DOTS Controversy Hi everyone! As I'm off the list at the moment and have been busy doing normal housework things, I must admit I've been upset just with the few responses someone has graciously forwarded to me. Here's my ideas and please, if you flame me, flame me privately so the whole list doesn't get into an additional uproar, okay? DOTS is not and never has been an angel company. Yes, many stampers and demonstrators alike have a problem with this, but the owner has decided that and as you all are quick to point out, everyone has the right to their own opinion. Every catalog states this: "The purchaser is limited to produce the image of the stamp only by handstamping, for personal, non-compmercial uese. Mechanical, photocopy, or any other reproduction of any portion of this catalog is strictly prohibited." Since the catalog actually contains the stamps as well, this applies to them also. This means 2 things: First, any image scanned to be placed on display was going against the copyright. As we have been told by many of you, you don't feel that this applies to you, but as our own Phil has pointed out time and time again, the law disaggrees with you. It's your own perogative if you choose to ignore the rules. Many idividuals would not hesitate to "steel" an image. In this day of modern technology, scanning has become a major way of taking others ideas and making them your own. Second, Thank you Gingerwood for taking the image off so you yourself did not get into trouble. Whether you knew of the copyright or not, I appreciate the fact that you were willing to abide by the company's decision. I enjoy not only the information you provide, but also the BB's and ideas, and I wouldn't want you to get in trouble for this. As the consumer, you are the one's that use the stamps. You are the one who purchases the stamps. DOTS is a great company and is constantly changing many things so that you the customer is pleased. As demonstrators, we pass along the ideas, suggestions, requests and questions you have and in the 3 years of being a demonstrator, I've seen our hostess plan change because you wanted it better...I've seen our catalogs change because you wanted more items and accessories...I've seen a scrapbook catalog be developed because you the consumer have a need and we filled it...But most of all, I've seen images appear in the new catalogs that I know have come from customers. Our owner listens to you, so please, ASK, don't condemn, because after all, you get places by being nice, not by being mean. I'm still happy with DOTS. I accepted these restrictions, not only when I was just a stamper but later when I became a demonstrator. I use many other stamps as well, and you know what, the majority of them are non-Angel companys. I hope they'll change, but if not, it was my choice to purchase them. If you would like me to forward something to DOTS, I'd be happy to. I know that the e-mail address has been passed along to you by Gingerwood. Please do not continue to send your flame letters there. This was established so that demonstrators could get quick responses from the office regarding questions like these. It was not intended for the general public. I would be willing to forward your concerns. As always, we are all individuals and are intitled to our opinions. Hopefully, you'll respect others opinions also. Jules the RPQ New DOTS Catalogs are Coming Soon! Order now to get the first ones! For further information, e-mail me at "" Julie A. Sudlow, your South Carolina source for DOTS and Close To My Heart This message was from Julie Sudlow - -- The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 97 09:40:20 PDT From: "Debbie Chen" Subject: RS: COMM: Punches/Scissors I am placing an order with Family Treasures for scissors/punches. I know= that both rubber stampers and scrapbookers use these accessories and it = can be expensive to own many of them. So, I am offering prices that are = at least 30% below retail (some need to be purchased in certain quantitie= s to get the 30% savings). (Any other items from Family Treasures is 20%= off retail). Please e-mail your order by 3 P.M. EST on Friday, Aug. 22.= Thanks! Here are the specials: Fiskars scissors: 5.25 Designs: jigsaw, ripple, wave, peaks, mini pinking, aztec, heartbeat, dra= gon back, victorian, stamp, mini scallop, clouds, seagull, majestic, bubb= les, volcano, leaf, notch, bow. Fiskars corner edgers (these are scissors that have guides to help you = cut corners with different designs): 7.00. Purchase any 5 small punches for $18 (that's 3.60 each) Small punch designs: airplane, angel, apple, baby buggy, balloon, basebal= l player, bear, bat, bell, bicycle, bow, butterfly, bunny, cake, candy, = car, castle, cat (sitting), cat (standing) , chick, chick in egg, circle,= cloud, cow, cross, dancer, diamond, dinosaur (in brontosaurus, t-rex, = & stegosaurus shapes), dog (sitting), dog (standing), dolphin, dove, duck= , egg, elephant, fish, fleur de lyse, finger pointing, foot, heart, helic= opter, horse, house, kangaroo, lamb, lion, lips, monkey, maple leaf, moon= , note, oval, palm tree, penguin, pig, rhino, sailboat, Santa, seal, sham= rock, shell, snail, snowflake, square, star, strawberry,sun, swan, teleph= one, train, tree, triangle, tulip, umbrella, whale, wolf. Small punch prices 1 for 4.40 (retail 5.50) 3 for 11.70 5 for 18.00 Medium punches: angel, apple, bear, bell, bow, bunny, butterfly, cat, cow= , dinosaur, heart, horse, lovebirds, rectangle, star, train, tree, tulip.= Also decorative corner punches (these do not round corners, they only = punch the design in the corner): 5 circles, 5 diamonds, 5 flowers, 5 hear= ts, 5 stars, squares & triangles. 1 for 6.80 (retail 8.50) 3 for 17.40 (5.80 each) Large punches: balloon, bear, bell, bow, butterfly, circle, flower, foot,= heart, holly, house, leaf, maple leaf, oak leaf, old tree, moon, reindee= r, rubber stamp, Santa, Scallop, snowflake, star, sun, tree. 1 for 7.20 (retail 9.00) 3 for 18.90 (6.30 each) Circle cutter w/glass mat 9" x 9": 16.80 Please add the following for shipping/handling: 0- 10.00: 2.50 10.01 - 30.00: 3.50 30.01 - 50.00: 4.50 50.01 - 70.00: 5.50 70+: 6.50 Debbie Chen In Joy Rubber Stamps 11325 Narrow Trail Ter Beltsville MD 20705-1441 "In Joy We Stamp" E-mail: NJOYSTMP@AOL.COM - ---------- > > This is a compilation of the answers to my question about Fimo a few = weeks > ago. No, I haven't tried it yet...but I have a vacation coming up soon > and (my DSO doesn't know this yet :) I'm planning on packing a biiiiiii= g > craft bag to take with me and play! > > My original question had to do with recently acquiring 1 block of prett= y > Fimo clay, and now what should I do with it? > > Here are the compiled responses (Angelhrt feel free to grab this for = your > tips and techniques page if you don't already have plenty of clay info)= : > > From: Bob & Rhonda Davis > > I have instructions on how they have used white clay and stamped the > image, baked it, colored it with pencils and sealed it... > > From: > > first you put it in your pants pocket for a couple hours. > this will warm it up. then you knead it until it is soft and pliable. > this is a good workout for your forearms and hands. do not eat with = your > fingers as you do this; fimo is toxic. > > then put some butcher paper or brown kraft paper or a paper bag on a > smooth table surface. put a chunk of fimo on the paper and smash it = down > with your palm. take a stamp and press it into the clay. trim as > necessary, or not....your artistic choice, lol. > > put your creation on a piece of parchment paper, then onto a baking she= et. > > bake at 275 degrees for at least 20 minutes, but no more than 35 minute= s > when it is cooled, you can paint or spray or magic dip or ?, or leave > plain. > > be sure to toss the parchment paper out, as fimo will leave a residue = on > it that is toxic if ingested. and wash your hands. > > fimo can also be used to make buttons and embellishments for your custo= m > made cards. > > there's a great book out called The New Clay (i forget the author, i'm > sure someone here knows), and it will give you some great ideas for usi= ng > fimo and sculpey. > > > From: Michael Kline or Rachel Kline > > First, you have to condition it. I find Fimo difficult to condition = and > generally I use Sculpey or I will add a bit of Mix Quick to the Fimo. = I > run it through an old food processor and then a pasta machine to condit= ion > it quickly. Both of these appliances are *clay only* as the clay is = not > edible and therefore would contaminate any food preparation surfaces. > Since this is your first try with Fimo, work with it manually, rolling = it > out into snakes and folding them over upon themselves until the clay = is > warm and pliable. It will take a while and the clay will firm up very > quickly if you walk away from it; you will then have to recondition it.= I > use the clay to do sculptures (I'm not that good *yet*; I'm practicing = so > maybe I'll get better....), embellishments for my cards, pins, etc. = You > can indeed stamp on the clay, color it after baking with colored pencil= s, > use ep, glitter, makeup and chalk to color the clay... oh, it's fun! > Enjoy! > > From: "Latex Linnzie (Linn Karnaugh)" > > I, too, started off with a cheapo FIMO, except it was a glorious purple > rather than a rich blue. I agree that FIMO is much harder to work, but > on the plus side is that it retains an image much better sharper details>than Sculpey To get really sharp images with Sculpey, = I > find I have to put it in the fridge repeatedly. > > > From: Sandy Lemons > > Y'all, > > I used to be addicted to Fimo and the other brands before I started > stamping a couple of years ago. > > Fimo and the others make great fake sealing wax thingys. I love sealin= g > wax and all the great things it can do, but it is rather > almost always cracks or breaks in the mail. I read it somewhere, so = I > can't claim it is an original idea. You just make a nut sized ball of > Fimo and lightly coat your stamp with some clear embossing fluid and = stamp > into it. I use foil as a under sheet...then bake..and you've got a > durable 'sealing wax' imprint to glue on your cards or the back of envy= 's. > I've been thinking of trying the same method with the white bread/glue > clay..I think it would work as well. > > > From: > > I use fimo and sculpy alot ...I do alot of cane beads and such with the= m > ..matter of fact I havent used clay for stamping yet but just for the = use > of clay as in figures pins thing with fimo is that it has to = be > worked with alot first ... I use a pasta machine to condition my clay = so > this might work with stamping also..put in alittle loition with the cla= y > as you condition it ..Some times the clay is older and crumbles more = then > others...Sculpy is alittle bit softer clay .. I just started using prom= at > which is a nice clay but like I said havent used it for stamping yet..b= ut > most clays need to be condition before using ... > > > From: Bonnie Hoffman > > I started with Fimo, also. . . and still use it. . . in fact if you che= ck > our the net. . . there are some sites that are devoted exclusively to > Fimo. > . . and then there are some people that prefer Sculpey. . . Fimo is fir= mer > in texture (and I have arthritis in my hands), which means that there = are > some applications where it is the preferred medium. . . Sculpey on the > other hand is much more pliable. . . > > For Christmas, I wanted to make my husband a love wall hanging. . . and= I > used Fimo. . . what I wanted was various hearts in sizes and shapes. = . . I > wanted them in both blues and deep rose. . . I had looked around town = and > not found anything that suited my purpose. . . the next best alternativ= e > was making them myself > > I bought 3 packages of Fimo. . . in my colours and that is all. . . the= n I > set to work using it. . . and creating a real variety of hearts. . . = some > from coils. . some twisted coils and some that I pressed buttons into = to > create a 3d effect on flat hearts. . . the only tools I used were a > rolling pin and some waxed paper to roll it on. . . then I put foil in = my > pan so that I could still use it for baking. . . > > my total investment was under $10 Canadian. . . > > hope this helps you with trying it out. . . you don't have to spend a = lot > of other money. . . although there are some toys that help you create = all > sorts of neat effects > > > From: > > Last Christmas I made some cute little fridge magnets with an angel sta= mp > and Fimo. The Fimo was white and I stamped it with gold Colorbox ink. = I > used a knife to cut around the outside of the stamped image, baked it = and > glued the magnet on the back. They really turned out pretty good and = it > was very little trouble. > Hope this helps. > > > From: Bonnie Hoffman > > Polymer Clay addys: > > > > > > PaperClay. . . addy > > > this is just a jumping off point. . . dig out your search engines. . = ------------------------------ End of rubberstampers Digest V2 #2574 ************************************* To subscribe to rubberstampers Digest, send the command: subscribe rubberstampers-digest in the body of a message to "". 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