From: (rubberstampers Digest)
Subject: rubberstampers Digest V2 #3146
rubberstampers Digest Saturday, October 18 1997 Volume 02 : Number 3146
In this issue:
RS: RAK'd by CoffeeStamper!
Re: RS: Cow tipping
Re: RS: TAN Gerber Baby Food
RS: AD: Sale Easy Envelope templates
Re: RS: Suki's collage swap ****
RS: What's A Good Positioner?? xxx-rated
RS: Northern Spy Website Found
Re: PERS: Crummy day and a Blender
Re: RS: TAN: I broke my little toe!
Re: RS: Just an idea! for vendors! (and AD/COMM)
RS: SS package received
Re: RS: Tan: Coke/Pepsi~nutrition
Re: RS: when using stencils
Re: RS: Portfolio Stamps??????
RS: AD/COMM: Vellum (as shown in Rubber Stamper!)
RS: Re: conv.@ Queen Mary
RS: Proposed Tarot swap
RS: stamps to trade
RS: AD:Special UM SALE
Re: RS: What's A Good Positioner?? xxx-rated
Re: RS: TAN: I broke my little toe!
RS: Nov/Dec Rubber Stamper features Vellum!!
Re: RS: when using stencils
RS: SSS WOWZA! You're the best!
See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the rubberstampers
or rubberstampers-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues.
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 08:33:12 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: RS: RAK'd by CoffeeStamper!
My first RAK! and it came on a day I sure needed it!!! Thank you Thank you
Thank you!
StmpNFaith (Becca)
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Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 09:22:55 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: RS: FYI AOL Users
I thought this might be interest to AOL users:
<< Dear fg2000,
I am responding to your recent message on behalf of Steve Case. Thank you
for taking the time to write to us.
We appreciate your question about the hoax AOL 4.0 e-mail now circulating on
the Internet. Let me be absolutely clear: None of the allegations are true.
Neither our AOL 3.0 nor AOL 4.0 software have any capability which would
permit AOL staff to examine private information stored on the hard drives of
our members' personal computers.
We have submitted this hoax to the U.S. Department of Energy's Computer
Incident Advisory Capability Group for its Internet Hoaxes Web page. Please
see the listing at CIAC In
ternet Hoaxes. In addition, a recent article on the ZDNET news channel
helps put this hoax in perspective. Take a look at Killer AOL Cookies - Not!.
Our energies are devoted to serving our members by providing the fastest,
most reliable and easiest online service. We developed AOL 4.0 to improve
our member online experience -- making AOL even more useful and convenient.
The first phase of AOL 4.0 - our New Channel Line-Up, is currently being
rolled-out. I hope you enjoy all the other features AOL 4.0 has to offer as
we bring them to you in the coming months.
Thank you for the opportunity to clear up any confusion this hoax may have
caused. We appreciate your continued support of AOL.
Christina L.
Office of the Chairman >>
- ---------------------
Forwarded message:
Date: 97-10-17 19:10:58 EDT
From: Steve Case
To: FG2000
Dear fg2000,
I am responding to your recent message on behalf of Steve Case. Thank you
for taking the time to write to us.
We appreciate your question about the hoax AOL 4.0 e-mail now circulating on
the Internet. Let me be absolutely clear: None of the allegations are true.
Neither our AOL 3.0 nor AOL 4.0 software have any capability which would
permit AOL staff to examine private information stored on the hard drives of
our members' personal computers.
We have submitted this hoax to the U.S. Department of Energy's Computer
Incident Advisory Capability Group for its Internet Hoaxes Web page. Please
see the listing at CIAC
Internet Hoaxes. In addition, a recent article on the ZDNET news channel
helps put this hoax in perspective. Take a look at Killer AOL
Cookies - Not!.
Our energies are devoted to serving our members by providing the fastest,
most reliable and easiest online service. We developed AOL 4.0 to improve
our member online experience -- making AOL even more useful and convenient.
The first phase of AOL 4.0 - our New Channel Line-Up, is currently being
rolled-out. I hope you enjoy all the other features AOL 4.0 has to offer as
we bring them to you in the coming months.
Thank you for the opportunity to clear up any confusion this hoax may have
caused. We appreciate your continued support of AOL.
Christina L.
Office of the Chairman
- -------------------------
I was very concerned when I came across this e-mail message (see below) which
was posted to a listserve I am subscribed to. This message went to around 600
people on just this list alone.
Is there any truth to it? Ho can AOL prove that there is no truth to it so
that it's members can rest assured that their privacy is not invaded while
logged on to the AOL service.
I would appreciate a response from you.
Kathie Werremeyer
A very concerned subscriber
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------
Forwarded Message:
Date: Wed, Oct 8, 1997 23:33 EDT
Subj: AOL4.0
tell me what u think about this.. I'd like your opinion
From a former AOL employee:
I'll try and cut through the crap, and try to get to the point of this
letter. I used to work for America Online, and would like to remain
anonymous for that reason. I was laid off in early September, but I
know exactly why I was laid off, which I will now explain:
Since last December, I had been one of the many people assigned to
design AOL 4.0 for Windows (AOL 4.0 beta, codenamed Casablanca). In
the beginning, I was very proud of this task, until I found out the true
cost of it. Things were going fine until about mid-February, when me
and 2 of my colleagues started to suspect a problem, an unexplainable
'Privacy Invasion', with the new version. One of them, who is a master
programmer, copied the finished portion of the new version (Then 'Build
52'), and took it home, and we spent nearly 2 weeks of sleepless nights
examining and debugging the program, flipping it inside-out, and here is
what we found.
Unlike all previous versions of America Online, version 4.0 puts
something in your hard drive called a 'cookie'. (AOL members click here
(Keyword to: aol://4344:1047.g334.8411481.532897009) for a
definition). However, the cookie we found on Version 4.0 was far more
treacherous than the simple internet cookie. How would you like
somebody looking at your entire hard drive, snooping through any (yes,
any) piece of information on your hard drive. It could also read your
password and log in information and store it deep in the program code.
Well, all previous versions, whether you like it or not, have done this
to a certain extent, but only with files you downloaded. As me and my
colleagues discovered, with the new version, anytime you are signed on
to AOL, any top aol executive, any aol worker, who has been sworn to
secrecy regarding this feature, can go into your hard drive and retrieve
any piece of information that they so desire. Billing, download
records, e-mail, directories, personal documents, programs, financial
information, scanned images, etc ... Better start keeping all those
pictures on a floppy disk!
This is a totally disgusting violation of our rights, and your right to
know as well. Since this is undoubtably 'Top Secret' information that I
am revealing, my life at AOL is pretty much over. After discovering
this information, we started to inform a few other workers at America
Online, so that we could get a large enough crew to stop this from
happening to the millions of unfortunate and unsuspecting America Online
members. This was in early August. One month later, all three of us
were unemployed. We got together, and figured there was something we
had to do to let the public know.
Unemployed, with one of us going through a divorce (me) and another who
is about to undergo treatment for Cancer, our combined financial
situation is not currently enough to release any sort or article. We
attepted to create a web page on three different servers containing
in-depth information on AOL 4.0, but all three were taken down within 2
days. We were running very low on time (4.0 is released early this
winter), so we figured our last hope to reveal this madness before it
effects the people was starting something similar to a chain letter,
this letter you are reading. Please do the following, to help us expose
AOL for who they really are, and to help us and yourself recieve
personal gratification for taking a stand for our freedom:
1. Forward this letter to as many people as you can (not just friends
and family, as many as you can!)
2. Tell people who aren't on America Online in person, especially
important people (Private Investigators, Government workers, City
3. If the information about the new version isn't exposed by the time
aol is released early this winter, for your own protection, DON'T
Thank you for reading and examining this information. Me and my
colleagues hope that you will help us do the right thing in this
situation. Enjoy America Online (just kidding!).
A former AOL employee
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Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 08:21:43 -0400 (EDT)
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Subject: RS: Fwd: Discrunteled former AOL employee on new version: AOL4.0
Precedence: bulk
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Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 08:28:23 EDT
From: (Linda S Skirvin)
Subject: Re: RS: Cow tipping
You betcha!!!! Squeeky cheese........ummmmm......hurry back so I can
have some more!!!!
giggles to you always!
Love, Linda
On Sat, 18 Oct 1997 00:22:01 EDT (Dorothy C Little)
>The only way you can tip a cow is if she has been your waitress at
>Dairy Queen! If it was possible to actually tip a sleeping cow, the
>poor Bossy would likely be injured!! This is one of those "rural
>legends" not try this at home!
>Squeeky cheese is, in fact, real and wonderful! Right Giggles???
>Love & Angel Blessings,
>InkyAngel (Dorothy Little)
>I believe there are Angels among us....
>On Fri, 17 Oct 1997 17:34:44 -0400 "anno"
>>>I asked this of Michelle and now of the group. I've heard of "cow
>>>before and cannot believe what I was told it was. Supposedly, you
>>go up
>>>to cows in the field at night and push on them. They'll be asleep
>>>fall unto their sides. True?
>>I'm clueless.. but someone.. and if I was a fingerpointing kind of
>>if I had any memory to speak of) I'd say it was lori nelson.. sent me
>>off to
>>a cow tipping game on the web somewhere.. and.. that's what you did..
>>This message was from "anno"
>>The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling
>>Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at
>This message was from (Dorothy C Little) -- The
>rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
>Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at .
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Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 07:40:37 -0400
From: "Patricia D. Glenn"
Subject: Re: RS: TAN Gerber Baby Food
Sorry, it's a hoax! It was apparently a way for someone to get valid SS
numbers, birthdates and names.
Pat Glenn
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Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 19:27:45 -0600
From: in MT
Subject: RS: AD: Sale Easy Envelope templates
okay now that I have my ruler back from the DH Here are the measurements for
the easy (no brainer) plastic envy templates.Trace, cut out, Fold :wallah!
each template shows where the envy needs to be flded
small= 4 3/8 inch X 3 1/8 classic triangle flap
medium= 4 3/8" X 5 3/4" scalloped edge
large= 4 3/4' X 6 1/2 " rounded flap
>in MT wrote:
>> Taking orders for printworks plastic envelope templates 3
>> included large, medium, small
>> only $8.90 shipping included
>> sale ends October 28.
Nita in Montana :TIGHTWAD Stamper <><
"Art is that which eliminates the unecessary"-Picasso
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Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 09:40:42 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: RS: Suki's collage swap ****
Did anyone in the swap get mine??? I had never done a clooage before and was
wondering how it was received ...
*trying to not sound whiney .... Becca (
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Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 09:45:46 -0400
From: MJS
Subject: RS: What's A Good Positioner?? xxx-rated
gee. i like the doggy-style positioner.
ha ha ha ha ha
mars mannix
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Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 09:09:00 -0700
From: (Ruthann Gigliotti)
Sign up long as you have time to stamp them and get them
postmarked by Oct. 31.
Name: Image swap
Hosted by: Ruthann Gigliotti
Due date: Postmarked by last day of each month
Oct. mailed to me by Oct. 31
Send a self addressed envelope with $.78 postage.(for 6 cards)
Status: Open, sign up anytime.
Send 6 WHITE cards that are 5 1/2" x 8 1/2" (half sheet of card
Stamp in black ink that won't smear. DO NOT COLOR. Cards you ge back
you can use to make your own cards.You can emboss.> > Fill the
These will be cut out so stamp them close together.
Monthly themes are listed below. September has two themes..Do the
you want and get that one back (6), or
do both and get both back.(3 of each and get 3 of each back)
October two themes anything relating to sky,celestial, space
OR verses .
READ-New addition..If you do the verses for October and want to stamp
them on sticker paper I will swap those with others who do it on
sticker paper..Verses can be done in bright colors instead of black.
Lisa Wynn
Jean Darci
Bonnie Linhart
Deb Carmeau
Janie Mundt Received
Brenda Volpe Received
Cheryl Helm
Linda Edwards Received
Lori Nelson
Cathy Schadler Received
Dianne Adams Received
Sherrie stampracer
Jennifer A
Sandy Warren
Lissa Albert
Eva Koyama Received
Kari Received
Kim Fur Maid
November Animals and fish. cute or real looking. This is only
one theme. Animals and fish can be mixed on the cards.
Lisa Wynn
Lone Star Stamper
Jean Darci
Bonnie Linhart
Janie Mundt Received
Brenda Volpe Received
Cheryl Helm
Rhonda Davis
Jennifer A.
Inga Russ
Kim Fur Maid
December two themes Food or Containers-container can be
anything(frames,windows etc.)
Jan. 98 will be my last month. The Swap theme is
Stampa Barbara..I'm on the east coast and can't get to their
store and would just love to see more of their stamps.
So stamp any or several Stampa Barbara stamps on your Jan. swap
cards. Extra one for Hostess would be appreciated. Thanks.
I won't be running an Image swap next year.
I'm working on orders from Art Impressions, Clearsnap,
House Mouse and Penny Black. Write if you need price lists.
This message was from (Ruthann Gigliotti)
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Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 23:42:00 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: RS: Northern Spy Website Found
Hello all-
Boy, AOL is slow. Has anyone seen my post from yesturday. Well good news.
I found the website I was looking for. Sent them an email and now I wait.
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Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 09:51:43 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: PERS: Crummy day and a Blender
I think you should take their bill (if they send you one) put it in the new
blender and make paper out of it!! Then you can write them a note about how
you feel. And we TRUST these people with our health and lives. Thank
goodness not all doctors and labs are as flaky! Oh well........
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Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 10:02:44 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: RS: TAN: I broke my little toe!
<< OUWY!!! Thanks for listening! >>
Been there!! Only it was my BIG toe and it was after a waltzing type
gentleman decided to dip me at the end of a dance last New Year's Eve.
Well... I new it was coming and I was thinking to myself "NO NO NO... Not the
DIP!" and sure enough, I was just to much for him to handle and we went DOWN!
I look slim... but I'm BIG BONED... (no pun intended).
Smiled through the rest of the evening and DH laughed (and I kind of did too)
while I complained that I couldn't push the gas pedal on the way home!!!
Too funny... but not YOUR toe... that's not funny at ALL.... I know it
hurts... hope you can walk soon (giggle).
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Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 10:00:43 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: RS: Just an idea! for vendors! (and AD/COMM)
That is an excellent idea. And that is precisely why I offer a free sample
card with every order of vellum. I now have Columns vellum in 36# weight.
It's very elegant, and I can make a card with that too!!
Here are some prices:
25 half sheets of 36# white UV Vellum - $4.00 + $1.50 shipping
25 half sheets of 36# white Columns UV Vellum - $4.75 + $1.50 shipping
6 free sample cards to choose from: (choose one per package of vellum
1) my "original" newbie card - Roses
2) new variation on the same theme - Pansies
3) Christmas card using Gold EP
4) Christmas card using Silver EP
5) Thank you card with vellum used on the inside of the card
6) Card using columns vellum
Please e-mail me to place your order. Send check or MO to:
Fran Robertshaw
2682 Beverly Dr.
Medford, OR 97504
- -Fran the Frantic Stamper :-@
- ------------------------------------
For great paper deals, check:
In a message dated 97-10-18 09:19:26 EDT, (Dorothy Ferris)
<< Hi to all the vendors on this list.
I'm new to rsing and do not have access to an rs store. Is it or would
it be possible for vendors to come up with a newbie grabbag? Even
though it would probably cost more than regular grab bags it would be
nice to have a little of this and that to play with and find out likes
and dislikes. I know I have sat here with a dumb look on my face as to
"What in the world is that?" more often than not. I have no idea of the
difference between say cardstock and vellum so I often pass over these
ads until I find out what the difference is. Now if there was a sheet
of each in the grab bag I would be able to decide what to look for.
That's why I say the bags would be more expensive because you sure could
put a lot of different and yet the same in them.
It's just a thought.
Dorothy & Toto2 >>
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Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 07:40:09 -0500
From: "Boomer"
Subject: RS: SS package received
I received a great SS package via Baggie. Great package, many, many
things. Thanks.
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Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 23:14:26 -0700
From: (Meridee! Weilert)
Subject: Re: RS: Tan: Coke/Pepsi~nutrition
Heck anno, sounds like you need a Multi-vite & mineral supplement!
Potassium, which nanas have a lot of, is necessary for muscle function,
yet can be "depleted by the use of coffee, alcohol, salt, sugar,
cortisone drugs, and by the effects of stress" (quoting Lendon Smith MD
again). In otherwords, daily life!!! I can't say I remember my
multi-vite everyday, but I can say I feel noticeably better most days I
do take it! And the middle is the best part of the banana (IMHO); I
don't like the ends (kinda gritty)
Meridee I sell Stamping Sensations, HALOS, and PSX!
On Thu, 16 Oct 1997 20:36:06 -0400 "anno"
>> I do take my calcium tablets twice a day. Have never been a milk
>> drinker. I also take a quinine tablet for leg cramps. But you
>> nobody has ever suggested I might be drinking too much coke??? Ruth
>I always take a banana for leg cramps.. well... I start with pinching
>end off a banana and getting the kids to eat the rest.. if that
>doesn't work
>I'll try a halfa one.. I hate bananas..
>This message was from "anno"
>The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling
>Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at .
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Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 07:05:31 -0700 (PDT)
From: Barbara Holl
Subject: Re: RS: when using stencils
Nita, use removable tape to hold the cardstock and the stencil in place.
Barbara (StampBear)
On Sat, 18 Oct 1997, in MT wrote:
> Okay Stamp fans when using stencils how in the world do you
> keep the card stock in place with out ruining it? I dont want to get glue
> all over & I don't have full use of my arm so please advise.
> Nita in Montana :TIGHTWAD Stamper <><
> "Art is that which eliminates the unecessary"-Picasso
> This message was from in MT
> --
> The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
> Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at .
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Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 10:06:54 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: RS: Portfolio Stamps??????
<< What I wonder about is if Portfolio is eaten up of Uptown or if they
still have their wonderful line and their own catalogue... >>
Good question! When I asked after one or two of the designs... they just
told me "discontinued." Further probing could be called for!
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Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 10:11:01 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: RS: AD/COMM: Vellum (as shown in Rubber Stamper!)
See... I told you it would be my next post!!! :-)
OK, here goes:
Regular white UV Vellum in 36# weight:
10 half-size sheets (8=BDx5=BD) - $1.75
25 half-size sheets (8=BDx5=BD) - $4.00
Columns white UV Vellum in 36# weight:
10 half-size sheets (8=BDx5=BD) - $2.00
25 half-size sheets (8=BDx5=BD) - $4.75
Order any package of 25 sheets and receive a FREE sample card. Choose fr=
the following (one per package of 25 sheets ordered):
1) my original "newbie card" - Rose
2) variation on the same technique - Pansies
3) Christmas using gold EP
4) Christmas using silver EP
5) Thank you with vellum used on the inside of the card
6) Card using the Columns vellum
One package of 10 sheets =3D 78 cents shipping
Two packages of 10 sheets =3D $1.50 shipping
One package of 25 sheets + free card =3D $1.50 shipping
Two or more packages of 25 sheets + free cards =3D $3 shipping (priority =
Please e-mail me to place an order. Mail check or MO to:
Fran Robertshaw
2682 Beverly Dr.
Medford,OR 97504
- -Fran the Frantic Stamper :-@
- ------------------------------------
For great paper deals, check:
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Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at .
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 07:06:28 PDT
From: "Robin Cramer"
Subject: RS: Re: conv.@ Queen Mary
My husband and I are going with friends. we are staying at the Queen
Mary. It's not cheap, tho. 89 for land view,and 99 for ocean view.
But our anniversary was this month and this is our getaway,.
Robin Cramer
>Subject: RS: conv.@ Queen Mary
>From: (Laurie M.)
>Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 23:23:23 EDT
>I get to go..finally...:)
>where is the best/closest/cheapest place to stay?
>Alba Gu Brath!
>Scotland Forever!
>This message was from (Laurie M.)
>The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling
>Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at .
Get Your Private, Free Email at
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Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:17:30 -0400
From: Dragonfolk
Subject: RS: Proposed Tarot swap
I know it has been done before but is anyone interested in a Tarot swap, =
d =
esigning a card/several cards for this?
Email if you are
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Date: Fri, 17 Oct 97 12:39:06
From: "Debbie Evans Braun"
Subject: RS: stamps to trade
My mom got a few stamps in a grab bag that she's not going to
use. These are 4 (approx. 1" x 1 1/2", foam mounted) Easer Egg
stamps from Stampin' Up. The are first quality, never used, my
mom just doesn't celebrate Easter... She'd love to trade for an
equal number or value of flower, garden, tree or fern stamps. If
you're interested, please email me.
Thanks a bunch!
Deb Evans Braun -
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Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 10:17:17 EDT
From: (Tonya L. Rilling)
Subject: RS: AD:Special UM SALE
I am having a special sale through Midnight Monday October 20th. Here
is how it works, Calculate your UM stamp order at regular 50% off mounted
prices then use the table below to calculate your discount. You must
email me at or Call me at (910)791-0467 to place this
order before midnight 10-20.
Credit card orders will be shipped Monday if placed Saturday or Sunday
and orders placed on Monday will be shipped Tuesday. To pay by check or
money order I will email you back with a total and payment address. I
will ship once I receive payment.
***Orders with an UM total of $40 or over will receive a discount of 35%
on all UM
**Orders with an UM total of $25-39.99 will receive a discount of 25% on
all UM
*Orders with an UM total of $1.25-24.99 will receive a discount of 15%
on all UM
Hurry and take advantage of this sale!!!!! Help me fund my first
convention as a vendor.
Tonya Rilling, Buffalo Stampede Art Stamps
An Angel Company, selling mounted and unmounted stamps
Catalogs $4
***Now accepting Mastercard and Visa.
Visit my stamp web site at:
This message was from (Tonya L. Rilling)
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Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 10:18:13 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: RS: What's A Good Positioner?? xxx-rated
In a message dated 97-10-18 09:45:39 EDT, writes:
<< gee. i like the doggy-style positioner. >>
Hmmmm...I haven't seen one of those yet. Could you explain to me how that
might aid in my life???
This message was from
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Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at .
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 10:32:30 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: RS: TAN: I broke my little toe!
<< I watch these guys at dances doing dips and it amazes me
that more ladies aren't hurt the guys have no idea of
what they are doing.
Phil >>
I'm not ballroom material like you... but I love to dance.. and the only guy
that EVER dipped me successfully was the son of Foxtrot champs. He put his
knee behind my back. We put on quite a show and my skirts were flying.....
that was the New Year's Eve BEFORE...nothing was broken!! His wife and my
DH just sat and shook their heads... dancers they are not.
Dipping is definitely for the experts who know a big boned girl when they
dance with one!!!
This message was from
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Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at .
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 10:04:11 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: RS: Nov/Dec Rubber Stamper features Vellum!!
Take a look on page 38 of the new Nov/Dec issue of the Rubber Stamper for
lots of nice vellum cards. They have a very informative article on vellum,
and also instructions for making a gorgeous card on page 46.
If you look on pg 42, the bottom right hand card is done using the Colums
vellum. This is the new one I now carry. This post isn't an AD/COMM so I
won't bore you with prices and ordering info... but you can bet your booty
it's going to be my next ad... read on!! :-)
- -Fran the Frantic Stamper :-@
- ------------------------------------
For great paper deals, check:
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Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 10:49:16 -0700
From: Sandy Colby
Subject: Re: RS: when using stencils
in MT wrote:
> Okay Stamp fans when using stencils how in the world do you
> keep the card stock in place with out ruining it? I dont want to get glue
> all over & I don't have full use of my arm so please advise.
Try drafting tape; slightly sticky on both sides, just enough to hold
for a bit, easy to remove. We use it for pergamano all the time!
This message was from Sandy Colby
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The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at .
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 07:50:47 -0700
From: (Stargazer
Subject: RS: SSS WOWZA! You're the best!
Another great package from my SSS came on Thursday and it was perfect
timing! I don't get my mail until very late, like anytime after 4pm.
(sucks! I know, but at least it comes.) I had a lovely experience
Thursday morning. I went to a periodontist and had 3 hours of oral gum
surgery. Oh what joy! Turns out they had to extract the tooth after all
coz it had a fracture in it as far as the eye could see, which was pretty
deep into the root, which also explains why I've had such terrible
trouble with that lousy tooth for so long! Man, it was horrible, I'd
rather be in labor for 2 days than go through that again! So, when I
came home, about half an hour later the anesthetic had worn off and the
pain was horrendous! After the 3rd pain pill the doc prescribed, it
finally went away. Yeah! Just in time for my to get my great and
wonderful package from my great and wonderful SSS! You couldn't have
piced better timing, dear SSS! It really boosted a most horrible day for
So, before I get into my SSS package, let me tell you what she sent my
two boys! A great Disney stamp set, one of Marvin the Martian-I LOVE
this guy!, and another of Mickey Mouse! Erik has a box of stamps and
stamp pads that he's gotten over the years. He went right outside, got
it and they both started stamping right away. They stamped for 3 hours
straight! It was a great break for me! Thank you thank you thank you
SSS! Yesterday, (Friday), they stamped again for about 2 hours straight.
I think I'll use the Marvin Martian stamps for the ST swap, they'll be
kewl with my ST stamps. :D Thanks SSS!
And now, on to my wonderful package! Let me start by saying WOWZA! You
did great! Of all the SSS's I've had, you are most definately one of my
most favorite ones! I swear, I think you can read my mind. Without even
looking in the package yet I can tell you she sent me a "just moved"
stamp. You know, I was gonna look for one of these, but never had the
time, so I did NOT have one of these stamps! Thank you a million times
for this! WOW! Can't wait to use it on my envelopes. Wonder where my
envelopes are. lol. The other fabulous stamps she's sent are a
Halloween's Peddler's Pack one! One of those sqaure ones that are just
like the other magnet frames I've sent out as RAK's!!!!! This has a
Halloween design! I can't WAIT to get at it! Next weekend is my 2 boys
birthday party, on the 25th! It's gonna be a Halloween theme, and I'm
gonna have a little goodie bag for each kid that shows up and I'm gonna
have one of these little magnet frames in there as one of the gifts.
WOW! This is like the exact sort of stamp I would've bought for myself!
AWESOME! I've never seen this one, or I would've bought it already!
Thank you soooooooo much! I'm gonna make an extra one just for you. I
still have that address you sent me to send it to. :D KEWL!
OK, more stamps! whooopeee! An All Night Media haunted mansion, I LOVE
it!, a Hero Arts Happy Halloween, just what I need, too!, an Annette
Watkins face mask, great, and I love her stamps! And 4 great little mini
Judi-Kins sqaure stamps with 4 stamps on one. I actually collect these,
no kidding! So you can imagine my amazement that I don't even have one
of these 4 you sent! I must be getting lax in keep up with their new
stamps. Well, like I had time with all this moving and buying the house.
Now I'm glad I didn't! These are great ad thanks!
But wait, that's not all. a wonderulf Printworks bright orange stamp
pad, just what I needed, my bright orange pad I have was given to my boys
a few months ago because it's turned brown and I hadn't replaced it yet.
See, are you one of my stamping buddies who knows these things????????
I'm dying to find out who you are!
Speaking of "who are you?", you didn't send me a clue! So far I know
your a teacher and you live in, oh man! I can't find the address you
sent me to send you a card! OH no!!!!!!!!!!! Please send me it again!
The kids want to send you the work they did with your stamps they sent
you this time. PWEASE?
Two black and orange liquid applique tubes! Can't wait to get at these!
Some orage and black 8.5X11 papers for me to make some cards with! OH
boy! And a set of 10 papers of METALLIC foil board papers! Oh man!
This is like a dream come true! These are the kinds of papers I've been
looking for! I love love love those fancy papers and as we all know,
they are so hard to find! This is exactly what I've always wanted! You
made my day by sending this! Thank you so much!
Another lovely gift is a simple Halloween card she sent! Just what I've
been looking for! And as you can see, she sent everything I needed to
make this card, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do, too! I want to get
these done for the halloween swap, which I haven't made anything for it
coz of the "what am I gonna do" syndrome!!! Thanks SSS! you really are
the best! I'm gonna miss you big time when this is over!
A reminder, please send me that address, I really am gonna send you that
stuff, and thanks!
Lovingly, Stargazer
- -- -- -- -- -- -- The Queen of Joseph's Coat!
I'm on 5 different lists. Putting Stargazer in the subj line will ensure
I don't miss your post.
This message was from (Stargazer
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Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at .
End of rubberstampers Digest V2 #3146
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