From: To: Subject: rubberstampers Digest V2 #483 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: rubberstampers Digest Friday, 28 February 1997 Volume 02 : Number 483 In this issue: Re: RS TAN: stamp credits Re: Going Regimental RS: I want a Magenta catalog!! RS: Artistamp how-to hints Re: Fabric Swap Re: RS TAN: Nuffin under those kilts..hehehhe Re: Butt Heads RS Paper making idea RE: UNMTS RR Tiffani Chui RE: RS TAN: stamp credits Re: RS Great service from a vendor! Fwd: Re. Looking for a Stamp Re: COMM: Stamper A Day Labels TO: KATHIE GILLASPEY ONLY A Stamp Company Style Question OFFICIAL SWAP: Dog/Puppy Re: RS:TAN: kilt song..... ADV:Great stamps for Blending/Watercolor for sale Re: Fabric Swap See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the rubberstampers or rubberstampers-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shauna Poong Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 11:18:30 -0800 Subject: Re: RS TAN: stamp credits Since I've been reading here about the stamp credits, I have started a new pracice. I type up my name, e-mail and snail-mail addys, then add the rest of the credits (stamps or ep if it's out of the ordinary). I then print it up and cut them out. I attach them with a piece of removable tape. That way they're stuck to the card but the recipient can take it off easily. The only problem I have is that most of my stamps are unmounted and I use HALOS or just double sticky tape so the manufacturer's name is no where to be found and I often forget where I bought the stamp, especially with clip-art images that more than one company carries. => Shauna ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Delusions of grandeur make me feel a lot better about myself. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ------------------------------ From: (Tracy Rivera) Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 09:37:31 PST Subject: Re: Going Regimental That would be great to work at a Renaissance festival! Not for the kilts! Stop looking at me that way. Just because I love that time period as well as the Middle Ages. Rubberjunkie ******************************************************************** Some people only dream of angels. We held one in our arms. Remembering Jacob March 8 - 9, 1996 Our angel: ********************************************************************* On Fri, 28 Feb 1997 12:32:13 -0500 (EST) writes: >In a message dated 97-02-27 16:55:12 EST, you write: > ><< there is always some woman who is going to lift up his kilt just to >see! >>> > >I work at a Renaissance Festival and there is always someone there in >a great >kilt. I asked one guy "Wot you got on under your kilt, lad?" and he >replied >"My boots, M'Lady!" Hee. > >Cheers, >Chris >Stampatore > ------------------------------ From: Carmelle Kezys Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 14:12:51 -0500 Subject: RS: I want a Magenta catalog!! >X-POP3-Rcpt: kezysc@soma >Return-Path: >X-Sender: >Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 08:39:18 -0500 >To: >From: "Pamela D. Moore" >Subject: RS: I want a Magenta catalog!! > > >After seeing a couple of Magenta stamps used in the Horse Swap, I have >decided that I want a catalog! Can anyone tell me how to get a catalog and >who to place orders through? (Best price and all that.) > >TIA, > > >*************************************************** >Pamela Moore >Humboldt, Tennessee > > > >I also would be interested in info. re:Magenta catalogues Carmelle Kezys ------------------------------ From: Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 14:10:10 -0500 (EST) Subject: RS: Artistamp how-to hints Put these together for some friends and thought you'd all enjoy. As always, share my info with whoever you like, please just leave my name & signature on the note. With Artistamps there are (at least) two camps, one sets rules that it must have certain things to be considered an artistamp, the other says rules don't belong in art and if they say it's an artistamp, it is. Both camps have really well known folks in artistamp circles (so if you read one article that professes one side, know there's another one out there from the other "camp"). Some simple tricks and techniques. from arto posto: take a sheet of postal stamps and a sheet of black paper to a copy machine. Put the back (white side) of stamps down with the black piece on top. The copy machine will make a "template" for you - a sheet with lil black dots representing the post office's perforations. Put your image inside the lil rectangles, cut the dots just down the middle and voila. Even easier - - enlarge to 200%, then do your image, then reduce 50% and you'll be back to po size. Many of the artistamps were black and white or produced black and white with oil pastels or some color swiped over certain areas for quick easy coloring (as in John Held Jr's Annotated Bibliography Commemerative Stamps). Perforations - for single the fiskar's po scizzors work fine. For sheets: Steve Smith recommends getting a size 18 Veterinary needle and rigging this needle to your sewing machine - gives great perfs (set stitch length so the holes are produced one after the other). You can skip the vet needle and be less perfect using the largest size sewing needle you can get or a tracing wheel. Imagery: folks used carvings, some completely computer generate imagery - shapes and colors, some artwork of various media reduced, some photo's, rubber stamps. Whatever you think of. Reproduction: color copiers predominate, then computer printers then offset printing (one person). For color copiers - pencil coloring, pastel coloring can be very tricky. I had (and didn't show) a beautiful sunsety pink, peach orange yellow combo copy as bright yellow - kinda garish. Bright primaries color copy fine - - the others can be done but you gotta play with it and try to always use the same copier (type/model) as each one will vary. I tried pencil coloring in the four primaries only, but pencil coloring and a color copy aren't the best matches. Beautiful stuff can be done on the computer. Ex fast posto has an eggplant image she had the computer render in purple on a blue background with the lettering in purple - I love it. Remember - it's not life or death, have fun. Whichever rules you follow or ignore - you won't be alone! maggie at Aglaia Handcrafts & Rubber Stamps ------------------------------ From: Shauna Poong Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 11:36:53 -0800 Subject: Re: Fabric Swap wrote: > I should have never signed up for any kind of swap, before I learned what > everything is about. If you want to, just send the cards back to me and I > will understand perfectly well.I am not anywhere near ready to swap cards >with such pro's as I have come across on this list. For now, I think I will >just read all the postings and learn from that before I venture out again. NONSENSE! You learn by doing not by reading posts about doing! I am in the fabric swap and I'd like one of your cards and you can have one of mine. (Are you listening Lori?) If you want to improve, why not ask for constructive criticism/ideas people have about your cards sent privately to your e-mail? But I encourage you to keep swaping. Maybe join one of the newbie swaps if that feels more safe, but keep doing! => Shauna ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Delusions of grandeur make me feel a lot better about myself. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ------------------------------ From: (Tracy Rivera) Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 10:47:49 PST Subject: Re: RS TAN: Nuffin under those kilts..hehehhe Cal me naive, but I must have missed this scene. How did they prepare for battle? On Fri, 28 Feb 1997 13:09:24 -0500 (EST) writes: >In a message dated 97-02-28 10:26:18 EST, you write: > ><< They > produced a real shock for the English!! Hint, watch the battle scenes >in > Braveheart really closely. Suzaanne, who has time because she's home > sick >> > >Thanks for the confirmation....I started to say something about this, >but >thought I might have imagined it....oh, what a fertile imagination I >have at >times...when my brain works that is....when the estrogen is flowing... >what >was I saying... > >Oh, yeah, get well soon! Or get well enough to play at home, but not >well >enough to go to work! > >Cheers, >Chris >Stampadore > ------------------------------ From: Shauna Poong Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 11:39:38 -0800 Subject: Re: Butt Heads Linda S. Skirvin wrote: > > Just for the record, I don't think you are a butt head......if you would > like, I would be more than happy to give you a list of people who > are......they all have initials behind their, M.D., Phd., > R.N. and on and on! Tee Hee! > > Giggles and Grins! > Love, Linda Hey! I'll have you know that I'm a redhead *not* a butthead! => Shauna ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Delusions of grandeur make me feel a lot better about myself. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ------------------------------ From: (Lynette Walters) Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 10:39:26 -0900 Subject: RS Paper making idea Someone may have already thought of this, but has anyone ever taken those little tissue strips that come wrapped around Hershey's kisses (that say KISSES) and added them to your pulp? It'd be a good excuse to buy and eat some! And then there's also the HUGS ones - you could have hugs and kisses in your paper! If you did this, you'd probably have to add at the very end of the process, wouldn't you? I've only just started playing with making my own paper, but thought this might work. Guess I'd better just go out and get some and try! Lynette aka Klondike SnowStamper /\ ) /\ /\ * __~ / \ /\ / \_____||__ / \ /\ /\ / | __ | / / \ || / | || | / / \ ########THE LAST FRONTIER#############ALASKA########## ------------------------------ From: (stampin nut) Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 14:36:44 EST Subject: RE: UNMTS RR Tiffani Chui It is in the mail and on it"s way to you!!!!!!!!! ********************************************************************************************************************* Stampin Nut DAR ******************************************************************************************************************** ------------------------------ From: "Deborah K. Johnson" Date: Fri, 28 Feb 97 19:16:25 UT Subject: RE: RS TAN: stamp credits I have the same feeling about this, but I am finding that in addition to the credits I am including information about the media and paper used, etc. - and it sometimes gets quite lengthy. I've been printing the info on paper and using Dryline temporary adhesive to put the paper on the back of the card, and signing my name and e-mail address on the back of the card itself. I've been thinking about continuing this practice, but adding the names of the stamp companies along with my name. Think? Deborah - ---------- From: Darlene Sybert Sent: Friday, February 28, 1997 1:41 AM To: Cc:; Subject: Re: RS TAN: stamp credits >...I feel strongly that every artist has a right to recognition including the artists who design rubber stamps. Unfortunately, all we are usually told is the company that sells them, but we can at least do homage to that artist by telling others who admire her work where they can purchase the stamp...< Darlene Sybert ------------------------------ From: (Holly H Holden) Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 13:08:01 EST Subject: Re: RS Great service from a vendor! No! She's way too mean and selfish for this. Oh - it's in praise of the other vendors? Okay! How about looking for it on Tuesday - never did get all the changes fixed, this will give me a couple days to go over the info, update what's necessary and get it in a more readable format. Holly H. One life stamps and influences another, which in turn stamps and influences another, on and on . . . - Mary Kay Blakeley On Thu, 27 Feb 1997 23:03:13 -0600 (CST) Darlene Sybert writes: >On Thu, 27 Feb 1997, Allison Crites wrote: > >> >> I second the motion! >> >> I think at the announcement of the week a list should be posted of >the snail >> addys of all the vendors so we can start making cards in advance. I >know I >> want to appreciate a few people for the $$$ they've saved me! > >Maybe Holly would just post her vendor list to the RS list for us. > >Darlene Sybert vsa >Central Missouri > >****************************************** >A thing of beauty is a joy for ever: >Its loveliness increases; it will never >Pass into nothingness; but still will keep >A bower quiet for us, and a sleep >Full of sweet dreams... -John Keats >******************************************* > > > > ------------------------------ From: Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 15:05:09 -0500 (EST) Subject: Fwd: Re. Looking for a Stamp - --------------------- Forwarded message: Subj: Re: Re. Looking for a Stamp Date: 97-02-28 09:20:49 EST From: ConnieKo To: Stamp Mama The stamp is from Effie Glitzfinger's St. Louis Stamp Design. It says: Dear Dorothy: Hated Oz. Took the slippers. Went back to Kansas. Find your own way home. Love, Toto Stamp # 580-H Effie's # 314: 469 - 8586 ------------------------------ From: (Ma Vinci) Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 15:07:14 EST Subject: Re: COMM: Stamper A Day Labels GOTTA HAVE THESE, GUYS!! THEY'RE GREAT, I'VE GOT 'EM MYSELF, AND I'M SOOOO HAPPY THAT I DO!!! XO Robin On Fri, 28 Feb 1997 11:11:30 EST (Donald J Glaser) writes: >My printer was working overtime sending these out to all who mailed me >their orders. Unfortunately, it's going through withdrawals from >inactivity at the moment, so I thought I'd send this as a reminder to >those of you who emailed me that you wanted to get some, but haven't >sent in your order yet. > >Remember too, that they would make great additions for you SS packages >for March! If you'd like to do that, email me and I'll let you know >if your SS already has ordered them for themselves. > >For those of you who are new to the list or haven't seen the original >posting here it is: > > These labels will have the Stamper A Day as the graphic image on the >left side of the label along with a return address to the right. > >The labels include up to 4 lines of type. The labels are white and >measure 2 5/8" x 1" and include the Stamper A Day Image that Robin had >designed and is allowing us to use. They come 30 to a sheet and are >available at a cost of $1.00 for the first sheet and $.75 for each >additional sheet ordered at the same time, plus postage. Up to 4 >sheets would be $.55 for the postage. > >If any of you would like to place an order, please send it to me along >with a check or money order for the appropriate amount made out to: > > Don Glaser > 4755 Yuma Ave., Apt. C > Oceanside, CA 92057-5847 > >You may include the postage in the amount you send, or just enclose >loose stamps for the postage. Either way is fine. An envelope is not >necessary. > >Please remember to print exactly how you would like the label to read. > Also please include your email addy should I have any questions. > >We both thank you for reading this, > >Don ------------------------------ From: "Stampo Viva Las Vegastamps!" Date: Thu, 27 Feb 97 18:44:39 UT Subject: TO: KATHIE GILLASPEY ONLY Kathie, Please e-mail me regarding your Moving Sale order. Thanks. Stampo We'd Rather Move It Than Sell It! Up to 40% off till 2/28/97! ------------------------------ From: DS Whitebirch Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 12:16:35 PST Subject: A Stamp Company Style Question Addressed to: Hi All, I have a question that I thought I'd ask the list about. I've been wondering about this for quite a while and maybe someone out there knows the answer. Over the years I've noticed that several companies have very similar styles of RSs offered. I see lots of similarity Azadi, D.O.T.S., Printworks, Imaginations and some / several other companies I can't think of just now. Is it just me or has other people niticed this? Does anyone know why this is? When I first started RSing I heard that at one time several of these company owners were in partnership and each went their seperate ways (some with very bad feelings). Can anyone confirm, enlighten me about this. Is anyone else interested in this? Just a curious Stamperfly :) ------------------------------ From: Robert Mc Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 12:21:01 -0800 Subject: OFFICIAL SWAP: Dog/Puppy Hi Fellow Stampers: Good News, we will go ahead and go with the Dog/Puppy SWAP, with a deadline date of March 30th. 5 Dog/Puppy Cards and recieve 5 different back. There is a lot of time to get on the list, would love to have ya. Just let me know your intrest, and we'll get you on that list... Have a stampy kinda day... Wendy L. Beaver ------------------------------ From: Elaine Morgan Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 15:36:12 +0000 Subject: Re: RS:TAN: kilt song..... I usually bypass the jokes, since there is so much mail. Why I stopped at this one I will never know...but let me tell you I am not only LOL but I am ROFLOL. Give the girl a blue ribbon!! That joke is really funny! Inkynails Carpe Diem! Mars Mannix wrote: > > ok...i heard this on "Ballads, Bards & Bagpipes" on public radio a long time > ago. > I don't know the verses or tune, but here's the jist of the song. > Guy in a "highland plaiddie" [kilt] decides to take a nap by the > side of road, wearied by his long journey on foot. As the bonnie lad > lay napping, two maidens happened along the road, and curiousity got the > best of the lassies--wondering what indeed did a man wear beneath his kilt? > They carefullly raised the plaid, and looked with amazement at the natural > treasure they found. To leave a token of their appreciation, one lass loosed the > ribbon from her hair, and they ever so gently tied it in bow 'round the > object of their fascination. And, went on their merry way. > > Upon awakening, the lad heard the call of nature, and discovered the gay blue > ribbon decorating his "caber", and said, > > "I dinna know where ye bin, but ye took first prize!" > > Mars MacMannix ------------------------------ From: Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 15:31:43 -0500 (EST) Subject: ADV:Great stamps for Blending/Watercolor for sale I have stamps for sale from the terrific companies that specialize in open fine designs. These images are designed especially for blending(using the tombow blender method) and watercolor. I am selling them at least 10% of retail. The companies are Lake-O, Parked on Rubber and Me and Carrie Lou. I some cards made using these images and the blending method and some of the stamp images for sale with prices on my Web site. Check it out. Tonya Rilling ------------------------------ From: (Donald J Glaser) Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 15:31:11 EST Subject: Re: Fabric Swap I most heartedly agree. I've entered a number of swaps and am very much a newbie to all of this. I am looking forward to receiving my first batch of cards soon. I've sent in three of the 7 or 8 that I've joined. (Hey don't nobody jump all over me for that comment, THE OTHERS AREN'T DUE YET, tee hee). I want to see what others have done. I can't get any formal instruction so to speak right now and I intend to learn from things I see other people doing. I have been encouraged by many folks on this list to enter and I did. Sure I'm nervous about what the other participants might think, but I'll be even more interested in what they think six months from now! You keep stamping and keep swapping! PeterPan If You Believe, Anything Is Possible, after all, Perception is Reality COME ON APRIL!!! On Fri, 28 Feb 1997 11:36:53 -0800 Shauna Poong writes: > >NONSENSE! You learn by doing not by reading posts about doing! I am in >the fabric swap and I'd like one of your cards and you can have one of >mine. (Are you listening Lori?) If you want to improve, why not ask >for >constructive criticism/ideas people have about your cards sent >privately to your e-mail? But I encourage you to keep swaping. Maybe >join one of the newbie swaps if that feels more safe, but keep doing! > >=> Shauna >^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >Delusions of grandeur make me feel a lot better about myself. >^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > ------------------------------ End of rubberstampers Digest V2 #483 ************************************ To subscribe to rubberstampers Digest, send the command: subscribe rubberstampers-digest in the body of a message to "". If you want to subscribe something other than the account the mail is coming from, such as a local redistribution list, then append that address to the "subscribe" command; for example, to subscribe "local-rubberstampers": subscribe rubberstampers-digest A non-digest (direct mail) version of this list is also available; to subscribe to that instead, replace all instances of "rubberstampers-digest" in the commands above with "rubberstampers". Back issues are available for anonymous FTP from, in pub/lists/rubberstampers/archive. These are organized by date.