From: Dirk Howard Subject: (sage-news) Lye Calculator Change Date: 01 Mar 2002 15:07:43 -0700 Well, I found that with the latest change to the Lye Calculator, that this caused a problem. Some people said that they could not use their browsers "Back" button to edit and tweek their recipes. I have added an "Edit Recipe" button to the Lye Calculator results page along with the "Resize Recipe" and "New Recipe" buttons. You can now enter a recipe into the Lye Calculator, resize the batch size, edit the recipe and recalculate. This should make the Lye Calculator much easier to use and much more powerful. Enjoy! Dirk -- - Subscribe or unsubscribe from sage-news at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dirk Howard Subject: (sage-news) New Products Date: 05 Mar 2002 10:38:12 -0700 We have some exciting new products just added to our catalog. All of the new products can be found at We now have a Hair Conditioner Base. This is a medium duty hair conditioner. It is clean rinsing and is easily fragranced. We offer a 1 gallon size and a 2 oz sample size. For details see Try our new Body Gel Base. This Body Gel Base is a water clear gel than absorbs quickly into the skin. It is a perfect light skin refresher when a lotion is too much. Body Gel is also perfect for applying glitters to the skin. We have a new fragrance, Mock Orange. Philadelphus lewisii is a treasure like none other for all who live in the north. While oranges do not grow where we live the uplifting fragrance given by the flowers of this amazing shrub say spring and summer are here to stay! Phildelphus is in the same family as lilacs and jasmine so you know it has to be good! The mock orange is the state flower of Idaho for those who need a little trivia edge. Enjoy! Dirk -- - Subscribe or unsubscribe from sage-news at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dirk (Majestic Mountain Sage)" Subject: (sage-news) New Recipes Date: 13 Mar 2002 09:38:57 -0700 We have added a few new recipes to our on-line database. Some of the newer recipes include: Basic Body Butter Smooch-a-Rooskie Lip Balm Tub Truffles Vanilla Twist Lip Gloss Winter Survival Sugar Scrub Bountiful Butters Soap We hope that you will find something new that will inspire you this spring. Enjoy! Dirk - Subscribe or unsubscribe from sage-news at: