From: "Total Health Mktg." Subject: (thmi-fms) Introduction Date: 11 Dec 2001 12:23:25 -0700 (MST) Hello thmi-fms subscriber, I have been promising for some time to disclose the specifics of the program that I have introduced to some people to help them reverse symptoms of fibromyalgia. I hope to begin sharing more detailed information in the next week or so. For those that have not meet me I will share a little about my background. My name is Jim Clements. I have a BS degree in Design Engineering Technology from Brigham Young University in 1984. Since graduating, I have worked mostly in the field of Computer system support. I live in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. (We have been getting plenty of snow) A number of people have asked how I got involved in studying fibromyalgia. Here's briefly how I got started. In 1990 I was introduced to a network marketing company whose principle product line was magnetic devices. I was very skeptical of the concept but using the products I did see some benefit. This started my research into the biological effects of magnetic fields on the body. (Note: so that you do not jump to conclusions, I will tell you now that I do not use magnetic devices as part of the program.) I became a distributor of these products and sharing them with people with fibromyalgia, some would report seeing some positive benefits while others would report no noticeable benefit. This difference in reported results started my studying the condition. It intrigued me that the results were not more consistent. Since 1990, I have been studying fibromyalgia research available on the internet and elsewhere. Over the years I have been gathering information that at times seemed to contradict other findings related to the condition. It was a couple years ago that I tried to piece the information together in a manner that would make some sense. The online presentation on the web-site (, which I assume that you have all looked at, is the end result of trying to make sense of the condition. Over the years I have been introduced to, and trialed, a number of different products that had been reported to help with the condition. Those that seemed to provide the best benefit I incorporated into the program those that did not seem to benefit I did not include. The program at this time consists of 4 groups of products from different manufacturers and I have no connection with the suppliers other than suggesting (and marketing) the products. If I find something better than what is currently suggested, I am free to change the program to include the more beneficial product. I am working to reduce the cost of the program. Some of the prices I have control over, some I do not. I have designed an alternative to one of the products that will make it much more affordable. I hope that this vague information does not increase your frustration. I will soon share more detailed information on the program and specific products used. For this first week, before I start to tell about the program, I would like to focus on some of the symptoms of fibromyalgia and explain what I believe may be contributing factors. This will help you better understand how the products help with reversing the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Please take a few minutes to introduce yourself, first name and initial are sufficient. How long you've had fibromyalgia, what approaches you've taken to remedy the condition. What you have found to provide the most benefit. What are the major symptoms that you are dealing with? Have you identified those activities that will cause the condition to flare in yourself? How many on this list are experiencing acid reflux? And, what are you doing to achieve relief? Well this should be enough to get things going. If you do not feel like sharing at this time, that is okay. You are free to participate at whatever level you feel most comfortable. If you would prefer to just email me, my address is shown below. I hope things are going well for you all. I will try to keep future emails shorter. All the best, Jim Note: to respond to the list send the email to For information on how a majordomo email list works send an email to in the body of the message type either help or info thmi-fms The list program will send you some information on available options. ___________________________________________________________________________ Jim Clements | email: Total Health Marketing | ph. 801/583-5060 - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Total Health Mktg." Subject: (thmi-fms) Closing This Forum Date: 12 Dec 2001 09:11:27 -0700 (MST) I was hoping to start some dialogue on this forum, to share what I know and to educate. If there is no active participation from list subscribers I can only assume that you may not be interested in hearing what I have to say. I'm sure that most of you have done a lot of studying about the condition and may already know much of what I would have to share. I am beginning to sense that this may not be the correct approach at this time. So I will be closing this forum. I will concentrate my efforts on the local populace, Salt Lake City. I had envisioned people with fibromyalgia following this program, getting significant relief, and sharing information with others that may benefit. I was not prepared for the level of skepticism I encountered. Even those that followed the program, got better, and did share information with others encountered the same disbelief from others they shared it with. I cannot understand why some people will withstand pain rather than investigate something of an alternative approach. I know that most people with fibro have tried many things without success. I can say with almost certainty, that success with reversing fibro will not come from following the current drug approach to treating symptoms. As Mavis (one of the people that has found relief following this program) has said, "It so simple. You wouldn't think something this simple would work. But it does." I guess because it is so simple many people don't think that it will help so do not investigate. I will tell you one part of the program now. However, I have found that to see significant results, all 4 products must be used together. I am sharing this one part with you to see what you will do with this bit of the puzzle. Will you investigate further or do nothing. Microwater. You can learn more about this product. at an old website I put online at Read the article "Welcome to Microwater" by Dr. Hayashi The majority of PWFMS are in a chronic dehydrated condition. I suspect that this state is the result of a reduced amount of water being produced as a byproduct of cellular respiration. I used the microwater to help the body become better hydrated. This product is the most expensive of the products used in the program and accounts for the major cost of the whole program. I believe, as the Japanese Drs. say in the article, the benefit from this water comes from the abundance of free electrons in the water. Microwater has a negative electrical charge, electrons are the negatively charged part of the atom. I have measured the electrical charge on the tap water in the Salt Lake City area and it has a positive charge. In an article on CFIDS (I believe CFIDS and FMS have the same root cause) by Dr. Cathcart at he says, "I was using the massive doses of vitamin C not for the vitamin C but for the electons carried by the Vitamin C. So now you know one of the products that I am using as part of the program. If you want to buy one, I can help. Or you can search the web and find other dealers of the product. I have found that not all machines are of the same quality. If you would like to learn more you can email me directly. Or call me at (801) 583-5060 leave a brief message and your phone number on the answering machine and I will return your call. I wish you success in finding your own path to restored health. All the best, Jim ___________________________________________________________________________ Jim Clements | email: Total Health Marketing | ph. 801/583-5060 - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rachel Meidan" Subject: (thmi-fms) don't close it yet Date: 12 Dec 2001 21:53:03 +0200 Hi Jim, I don't want the list to close yet. It shouldn't close so fast. It takes time for some ill people to respond. My name is Rachel and I have had CFS/CFIDS/ME for 10 years since an epstein-bar infection when I was 15 and I'm 25 now. After the initial flu like illness, At first the symptoms came on and off but it got worse as I did my GCSES and A-levels (I used to live in England.) I only got diagnosed for Fibromyalgia officially a few years ago although I probably had it longer than that because muscle pain especially in the back was always a problem. A docotor in England promised to treat me and gave me a dangerous form of elimination diet which ended up giving me IBS. So I do get suspicious of anyone claiming to treat this, I think it's understandable for people to feel that way. There is something called "aerobic oxygen" or "liquid oxygen", which is from US/Canada and England I was sold it here in Israel (18 british pounds a bottle roughly $30) which I tried, it didn't help me and I accidently overdosed and had stomach problems for weeks.) I need to read the links provided to work out if the micro-ionised water is the same thing as that or a completely different thing. I already take probiotics (a strange German brand) which help a bit. It always depends on the brand because I tried 3 different brands before I found one that helped. Only other thing that helps -Zostrix or capciacin cream for pain. I'll sign off for now to read the stuff and then get some sleep. Rachel _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Total Health Mktg." Subject: Re: (thmi-fms) don't close it yet Date: 13 Dec 2001 00:46:41 -0700 (MST) Hello Rachel, I'll answer your questions here. I have done some testing on a liquid oxygen drop that you add to water. The product is called "Stabilized Oxygen" and you add 10 drops to 8 ounces of water. I don't know how it compares with the product that you used. Making a couple tests with that product in water I found that it raised the pH of the water a little and increased the positive electrical properties of the water. It may have been the sodium in the product responsible for increasing the charge in a positive direction. Alkaline ionized water has a negative electrical charge. I have put some of my "Observations on ORP" in the SoapBox section on Regarding probiotics, the product that I use in the program is called "Flora Source". One person did experience some negative reaction with this product but all others that used it reported positive benefit using the product. I'm not sure why the one person experienced the reaction she did. I will have to check with the manfacturer to see if they can provide some answers. Though she did not take the probiotics, she is seeing some positive gains using the other parts of the program. Most supplemental probiotics are too weak to provide much, if any, benefit. "Flora Source" advertises 30 billion live bacteria per capsule. Most supplemented probiotics are going to die before they get to the area where you want them to take up residence. Also, the gut environment in a person with fibromyalgia is out of balance and not ideal for them to thrive. The online presentation addresses the need for the correct pH for the bacteria to survive. Most probiotics you find in the local health food store have about 2 billion cells per capsule. What count does your probitic have? I can appreciate the skepticism, I guess if I were in the same position, having tried many things without success, I would likely have a similar response. But, I'm not the salesman type and I need to start making some money soon so I may be forced to return to working with computers, something that I can relate to. No human emotions, fears, skepticisms, and unpredictable logic to deal with. I am confident that the program will help anyone with fibromyalgia find significant relief. So far, though there have only been a few people that have followed the program, everyone has seen good results. But, how do I get people to investigate it? I gave a fibromyalgia presentation at a local health food store. Two of the ladies in attendance have been dealing with the condition for over 10 years. They sat through the presentation. At the end I told them about the success that Collen had in about a 6 - 8 week period. These two ladies each got upset that I would suggest that someone could find improvement in that short a time. They didn't even ask what Colleen did to gain the relief. They just got mad and left. Computers don't respond so irrationally. :) All the best, Jim __________________________________________________________________________ Jim Clements | email: Total Health Marketing | ph. 801/583-5060 On Wed, 12 Dec 2001, Rachel Meidan wrote: > Hi Jim, > I don't want the list to close yet. It shouldn't close so fast. It takes > time for some ill people to respond. My name is Rachel and I have had > CFS/CFIDS/ME for 10 years since an epstein-bar infection when I was 15 and > I'm 25 now. After the initial flu like illness, At first the symptoms came > on and off but it got worse as I did my GCSES and A-levels (I used to live > in England.) I only got diagnosed for Fibromyalgia officially a few years > ago although I probably had it longer than that because muscle pain > especially in the back was always a problem. A docotor in England promised > to treat me and gave me a dangerous form of elimination diet which ended up > giving me IBS. So I do get suspicious of anyone claiming to treat this, I > think it's understandable for people to feel that way. > > There is something called "aerobic oxygen" or "liquid oxygen", which is from > US/Canada and England I was sold it here in Israel (18 british pounds a > bottle roughly $30) which I tried, it didn't help me and I accidently > overdosed and had stomach problems for weeks.) I need to read the links > provided to work out if the micro-ionised water is the same thing as that or > a completely different thing. > I already take probiotics (a strange German brand) which help a bit. It > always depends on the brand because I tried 3 different brands before I > found one that helped. > Only other thing that helps -Zostrix or capciacin cream for pain. > I'll sign off for now to read the stuff and then get some sleep. > Rachel > > _________________________________________________________________ > MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: > > > > - > To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. > - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rachel Meidan" Subject: (thmi-fms) probiotics and aerobic oxygen Date: 13 Dec 2001 20:55:54 +0200

I sent an email earlier today but I don't know if it arrived so I'm repeating the infomation here.
The probiotic I am taking is caled "Symbioflor 1" and "Symbioflor 2" made by a German firm called Symbiopharm. Their webpage is: http://www.symbiopharm.deI was prescribed it by my alternative medicine doctor here in Israel and get it at a pharmacy. It has the low bacteria count you said is in most of them: 1.5 - 4.5  times 10 to the power of 7
but I tried 3 brands before it and this is the only one that works. It took a few months to work.    Regarding  the one woman you said that got a reaction to Flora source, I don't know if this is the reason  but the doctor who gave me symbioflor said that some people can't tolerate even the symbioflor at first so he gives them a very low dose of probiotics to ready them first.
I took "aerobic oxygen" I think it's exactly same thing you tested. (10 drops in an ounce of water.) It says on the bottle "stabilized negative ions of oxygen". I take it that it has the same effect as micro ionised water?
I tried to read everything you wrote about micro ionised water and I can't understand anything. I overdosed on the aerobic oxygen by just taking a few drops too much and had stomach problems for weeks. - that's a potential danger with it.

Royal Jelly in honey not capsules helps me a tiny bit except for the stomach problems. I need to  think about the Flora Source. If I take it and you happen to sell it at a decent price, I'll buy it from you.  If you decide to reveal more of the programme please tell me.

Regards -Rachel

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- To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Total Health Mktg." Subject: Re: (thmi-fms) probiotics and aerobic oxygen Date: 13 Dec 2001 12:28:28 -0700 (MST) Hello, Thanks for the information on Symbioflor, You mentioned that the other probiotics that you tried were ineffective. Do you know what the potency was for those products. It may be that you found results with the Symbioflor because the bacteria count was much higher than the others. I went to the website and could not find information on what the Symbioflor contained. You can find out more about Flora Source at the manufacturers website If the "aerobic oxygen" is similar to the drops that I tested, then it does not produce water with the same properties as the microwater ionizers. The drops I tested produced a water with oxidizing properties, microwater has reducing properties (more free electrons). Which, according to some japanese Drs. is where the true benefit of the water comes. Where did you get the "aerobic oxygen" drops? I'll order a bottle and do some comparison tests. All the best, Jim ___________________________________________________________________________ Jim Clements | email: Total Health Marketing | ph. 801/583-5060 On Thu, 13 Dec 2001, Rachel Meidan wrote: > > > > Hello, > I sent an email earlier today but I don't know if it arrived so I'm > repeating the infomation here. > The probiotic I am taking is caled "Symbioflor 1" and "Symbioflor 2" made > by a German firm called Symbiopharm. Their webpage is: > http://www.symbiopharm.deI was prescribed it by my alternative medicine > doctor here in Israel and get it at a pharmacy. It has the low bacteria > count you said is in most of them: 1.5 - 4.5 times 10 to the power of 7 > but I tried 3 brands before it and this is the only one that works. It > took a few months to work. Regarding the one woman you said that got > a reaction to Flora source, I don't know if this is the reason but the > doctor who gave me symbioflor said that some people can't tolerate even > the symbioflor at first so he gives them a very low dose of probiotics to > ready them first. > I took "aerobic oxygen" I think it's exactly same thing you tested. (10 > drops in an ounce of water.) It says on the bottle "stabilized negative > ions of oxygen". I take it that it has the same effect as micro ionised > water? > I tried to read everything you wrote about micro ionised water and I > can't understand anything. I overdosed on the aerobic oxygen by just > taking a few drops too much and had stomach problems for weeks. - that's > a potential danger with it. > > Royal Jelly in honey not capsules helps me a tiny bit except for the > stomach problems. I need to think about the Flora Source. If I take it > and you happen to sell it at a decent price, I'll buy it from you. If > you decide to reveal more of the programme please tell me. > > Regards -Rachel > > > ________________________________________________________________________________ > Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at > - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information > on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same > address. Do not use quotes in your message. > - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rachel Meidan" Subject: (thmi-fms) aerobic oxygen Date: 15 Dec 2001 20:33:48 +0200

I bought the aerobic oxygen here but I found the website for the "Good for you" company that manufactured it at
You don't have to test it, I've decided not tto take it anyway for some time.

I don't know the potency of the "Biocare" and "Solgar" brands of probiotics that I tried before the Symbioflor. Thank you for the website of Flora Source.  I'll let you know if there are any positive developments in the future.



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- To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Total Health Mktg." Subject: Re: (thmi-fms) aerobic oxygen Date: 15 Dec 2001 12:47:14 -0700 (MST) Hello Rachel, I don't know about the "Biocare" but I believe the Solgar probiotics contain 2 billion bacteria per capsule. The Flora Source contains 15 billion per capsule, 30 billion per gram. Each capsule is 1/2 gram. The high bacteria count is important because the majority of those bacteria are going to be destroyed enroute. Also, the current condition of the digestive system of the person with fibromyalgia is not the ideal environment for the friendly bacteria to thrive. I talked to someone at Flora Source to discuss the reaction that one of the people had using the product. She said that it sounded like a very bad detox reaction. I'll talk to her again to see if she would not mind receiving emails from this list to answer specific questions regarding the product. She did recommend that supplementing with the amino acid L-Glutamine would reduce that reaction. The Flora Source is just one part of the 4 part program. Taking the Flora Source may provide some positive benefits but without the other parts of the program you will not see the same good results that the ladies that have followed the program have found. One of those ladies is on the list. She can tell you a little about her experience, short of telling you the specifics of the exact products that she had used. In time I will share all the information. At the risk of sounding uncaring and greedy. I did not spend all my time and effort studying fibromyalgia and go into debt so that I could tell everyone the specific products so they could surf the net and find it cheaper elsewhere. I have not yet shared information on the one product which is probably the key to the whole program. I have ordered some of these products from overseas and know that they are not yet available on the net. There is however a much more expensive option that will work that is currently available on the net. All the best, Jim ___________________________________________________________________________ Jim Clements | email: Total Health Marketing | ph. 801/583-5060 On Sat, 15 Dec 2001, Rachel Meidan wrote: > > I bought the aerobic oxygen here but I found the website for the "Good > for you" company that manufactured it at > You don't have to test it, I've decided not tto take it anyway for some > time. > > I don't know the potency of the "Biocare" and "Solgar" brands of > probiotics that I tried before the Symbioflor. Thank you for the website > of Flora Source. I'll let you know if there are any positive > developments in the future. > > Rachel > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________ > MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: Click Here > - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information > on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same > address. Do not use quotes in your message. > - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Total Health Mktg." Subject: (thmi-fms) How email to list Date: 15 Dec 2001 13:55:09 -0700 (MST) Hello thmi-fms subscriber, For those on the list that may be unfamiliar with how an email list operates I will give some general information. The particular computer program that controls this list is called majordomo. When a person wants to join a particular email list they send the request, in the form of an email, directly to majordomo. In the case of this list the email address for majordomo is Since you are already a member of the list you do not have to do this. Should you decide that you want to leave the list, then you would also send that request to majordomo to be unsubscribed. All email that you want other list subscribers to receive should be mailed directly to the list, in this case When you send the email on the line that says To: it should look like Majordomo will take the email that you send to the list and send a copy of that email to all the addresses it knows to be subscribed to the list. If you reply to an email that you received from the list your email reader program should automatically send the reply to the list, I hope that this information will help those that may not yet have experience with mailing lists to get started. I would be interested in hearing from some of the others subscribed to the list. Please share a little about how long you have had fibro, and what kinds of things you have found to provide the greatest benefit. At this time there are 12 people subscribed to the list. One of those people is Janice. Janice responded to a newpaper advertisment that I had placed and took the initiative to find out more. She lives in southern Utah, a couple hours drive away from where I am in Salt Lake City. People with fibromyalgia have been told for so long that there is nothing that will help the condition that there is great suspicion about anything or anybody that says otherwise. Based on what I have learned about the condition, I can say that the current drugs prescribed for the condition will do nothing toward reversing symptoms of fibro. I commend you for subscribing to this list, seeking whatever information you can. That is the kind of mindset that is required to find answers. Those people with fibro that complain that their Drs. are not doing enough and are waiting for the miracle drug to come around will have a very long wait. Janice started the program about 5 months ago. I have asked her to share some of her experiences with fibromyalgia: How long she has had it, what kinds of things she has done over the years to improve her condition, her experiences following the program, etc. (Note: I have had 8 people now follow the program, every one of them had excellent results. Janice is the first and only one so far that has access to the internet.) All the best, Jim ___________________________________________________________________________ Jim Clements | email: Total Health Marketing | ph. 801/583-5060 - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Madi Creekmore" Subject: Re: (thmi-fms) How email to list Date: 16 Dec 2001 11:02:14 -0800 I've had fibromyalgia officially since 1984. I am 63 now and am falling asleep as I write this. My Aunt had it, I am sure. We just thought she was lazy because as kids we had to clean her house for her. Now I know, she just didn't feel very well at all and I'm so sorry we didn't understand. I take malic acid, magnesium citrate, codliver oil, calicum vitamin D and zinc, thyrolean, prozac, temazepam, phentermine and other supplements as I feel I need them. I'm way overweight because I do not exercise. I crave carbohydrates. I need help! Madi Creekmore ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2001 12:55 PM > > Hello thmi-fms subscriber, > > For those on the list that may be unfamiliar with how an email list > operates I will give some general information. The particular computer > program that controls this list is called majordomo. When a person wants > to join a particular email list they send the request, in the form of an > email, directly to majordomo. In the case of this list the email address > for majordomo is > > Since you are already a member of the list you do not have to do this. > Should you decide that you want to leave the list, then you would also > send that request to majordomo to be unsubscribed. > > All email that you want other list subscribers to receive should be > mailed directly to the list, in this case > When you send the email on the line that says To: it should look like > > To: > > Majordomo will take the email that you send to the list and send a copy > of that email to all the addresses it knows to be subscribed to the list. > > If you reply to an email that you received from the list your email > reader program should automatically send the reply to the list, > > > I hope that this information will help those that may not yet have > experience with mailing lists to get started. I would be interested in > hearing from some of the others subscribed to the list. Please share a > little about how long you have had fibro, and what kinds of things you > have found to provide the greatest benefit. > > At this time there are 12 people subscribed to the list. One of those > people is Janice. Janice responded to a newpaper advertisment that I had > placed and took the initiative to find out more. She lives in southern > Utah, a couple hours drive away from where I am in Salt Lake City. > > People with fibromyalgia have been told for so long that there is nothing > that will help the condition that there is great suspicion about anything > or anybody that says otherwise. Based on what I have learned about the > condition, I can say that the current drugs prescribed for the condition > will do nothing toward reversing symptoms of fibro. > > I commend you for subscribing to this list, seeking whatever information > you can. That is the kind of mindset that is required to find answers. > Those people with fibro that complain that their Drs. are not doing enough > and are waiting for the miracle drug to come around will have a very long > wait. > > Janice started the program about 5 months ago. I have asked her to > share some of her experiences with fibromyalgia: How long she has had > it, what kinds of things she has done over the years to improve her > condition, her experiences following the program, etc. > > (Note: I have had 8 people now follow the program, every one of them had > excellent results. Janice is the first and only one so far that has > access to the internet.) > > All the best, > Jim > ___________________________________________________________________________ > Jim Clements | email: > Total Health Marketing | ph. 801/583-5060 > > > > - > To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. > - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Cheryl Williams-Riddle" Subject: (thmi-fms) Madi Creekmore Date: 16 Dec 2001 11:53:28 -0800 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_002D_01C18628.477A5D60 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hello, My name is Cheryl Williams, I have had FMS probably all my = life,,I can remember my back giving me problems as early as 7 and IBS at = 17,,it was officially diagnosed in 1998, along with CFS, PTSD, HEP-C and = Grand Mal epilepsy. I am 46 and have a state paid caretaker to do = housework and cooking. My teenagers help at night and on weekends. Madi = wrote me about being overweight and craving carbs and what she = takes....I have recently started taking Alpha Lipoic Acid (supplement) = It has healed up my skin conditions and toughened it up....It would tear = from paper tape or bumping into something small. My Dr said he has never = seen anything like it and is going to recommend it to someother = patients. I have ALMOST cut carbs and have lost about 30lbs or so 2 pant = sizes anyway. I have more energy and am taking less pain meds...I was on = codeine and duregesic patches, plus soma and valium for spasms of my = muscles, depakote and folic acid for the seizures, lasex for edema, and = assorted other bottles just for the heck of it I guess....Anyway, I = suggest a diet if u can of soy milk, fresh fruits and veg, a small = amount of meat or beans etc,,,and little if no breads, tortilla's, = oatmeal, or any thing made with flour or corn meal.......cornmeal is = best if you need some or a whole cracked wheat flour base. I hope = this helps son and a lot of my friends think I am just lazy = too, like u said about your aunt.....I did find out 2 of my aunts have = fms also,,,both my parents r deceased so I can't ask them. I believe my = 17 yr. old daughter is showing signs herself,,,that is why I have her on = a diet now. hope this helps ...Cheryl ------=_NextPart_000_002D_01C18628.477A5D60 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Hello, My name is Cheryl Williams, I have had FMS = probably all=20 my life,,I can remember my back giving me problems as early as 7 and IBS = at=20 17,,it was officially diagnosed in 1998, along with CFS, PTSD, HEP-C and = Grand=20 Mal epilepsy. I am 46 and have a state paid caretaker to do housework = and=20 cooking. My teenagers help at night and on weekends. Madi wrote me about = being=20 overweight and craving carbs and what she takes....I have recently = started=20 taking Alpha Lipoic Acid (supplement) It has healed up my skin = conditions and=20 toughened it up....It would tear from paper tape or bumping into = something=20 small. My Dr said he has never seen anything like it and is going to = recommend=20 it to someother patients. I have ALMOST cut carbs and have lost about = 30lbs or=20 so 2 pant sizes anyway. I have more energy and am taking less pain = meds...I was=20 on codeine and duregesic patches, plus soma and valium for spasms of my = muscles,=20 depakote and folic acid for the seizures, lasex for edema, and assorted = other=20 bottles just for the heck of it I guess....Anyway, I suggest a diet if u = can of=20 soy milk, fresh fruits and veg, a small amount of meat or beans = etc,,,and little=20 if no breads, tortilla's, oatmeal, or any thing made with flour or corn=20 meal.......cornmeal is best if you need some or a whole cracked =  wheat=20 flour base.   I hope this helps son and a lot of my = friends=20 think I am just lazy too, like u said about your aunt.....I did find out = 2 of my=20 aunts have fms also,,,both my parents r deceased so I can't ask them. I = believe=20 my 17 yr. old daughter is showing signs herself,,,that is why I have her = on a=20 diet now. hope this helps ...Cheryl
------=_NextPart_000_002D_01C18628.477A5D60-- - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Madi Creekmore" Subject: Re: (thmi-fms) Madi Creekmore Date: 16 Dec 2001 13:25:54 -0800 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0145_01C18635.301A4060 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Thanks Cheryl. I think a lot of us are allergic to wheat products and = that is why we crave them. I'm trying to wean myself from them plus = sugar. I've tried the Atkins Diet and it works but it has to be a way = of life. I think after a person loses the weight they can have more = carbs such as beans, potatoes, etc. But, leaving wheat products alone = is like making a great sacrifice of pleasure. I guess it boils down to = priorities - do I want health or instant gratification? =20 I was reading an article that made me laugh the other day. It says = Americans are grain fed like cattle at the stockyard. Grain fattens = them up and we are the same way I guess. =20 Another joke - if the Martians land - they eat the fat ones first! LOL = Madi ----- Original Message -----=20 From: Cheryl Williams-Riddle=20 To: Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2001 11:53 AM Subject: (thmi-fms) Madi Creekmore Hello, My name is Cheryl Williams, I have had FMS probably all my = life,,I can remember my back giving me problems as early as 7 and IBS at = 17,,it was officially diagnosed in 1998, along with CFS, PTSD, HEP-C and = Grand Mal epilepsy. I am 46 and have a state paid caretaker to do = housework and cooking. My teenagers help at night and on weekends. Madi = wrote me about being overweight and craving carbs and what she = takes....I have recently started taking Alpha Lipoic Acid (supplement) = It has healed up my skin conditions and toughened it up....It would tear = from paper tape or bumping into something small. My Dr said he has never = seen anything like it and is going to recommend it to someother = patients. I have ALMOST cut carbs and have lost about 30lbs or so 2 pant = sizes anyway. I have more energy and am taking less pain meds...I was on = codeine and duregesic patches, plus soma and valium for spasms of my = muscles, depakote and folic acid for the seizures, lasex for edema, and = assorted other bottles just for the heck of it I guess....Anyway, I = suggest a diet if u can of soy milk, fresh fruits and veg, a small = amount of meat or beans etc,,,and little if no breads, tortilla's, = oatmeal, or any thing made with flour or corn meal.......cornmeal is = best if you need some or a whole cracked wheat flour base. I hope = this helps son and a lot of my friends think I am just lazy = too, like u said about your aunt.....I did find out 2 of my aunts have = fms also,,,both my parents r deceased so I can't ask them. I believe my = 17 yr. old daughter is showing signs herself,,,that is why I have her on = a diet now. hope this helps ...Cheryl ------=_NextPart_000_0145_01C18635.301A4060 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Thanks Cheryl.  = I think a lot=20 of us are allergic to wheat products and that is why we crave = them.  I'm=20 trying to wean myself from them plus sugar.   I've tried the = Atkins=20 Diet and it works but it has to be a way of life.  I think after a = person=20 loses the weight they can have more carbs such as beans, potatoes,=20 etc.   But, leaving wheat products alone is like making a = great=20 sacrifice of pleasure.   I guess it boils down to priorities - = do I=20 want health or instant gratification?  
I was reading an = article that made=20 me laugh the other day.  It says Americans are grain fed like = cattle at the=20 stockyard.   Grain fattens them up and we are the same way I=20 guess. 
Another joke - if = the Martians=20 land - they eat the fat ones first!   LOL  =20 Madi
----- Original Message -----
From:=20 Cheryl=20 Williams-Riddle
Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2001 = 11:53=20 AM
Subject: (thmi-fms) Madi = Creekmore

Hello, My name is Cheryl Williams, I have had FMS = probably=20 all my life,,I can remember my back giving me problems as early as 7 = and IBS=20 at 17,,it was officially diagnosed in 1998, along with CFS, PTSD, = HEP-C and=20 Grand Mal epilepsy. I am 46 and have a state paid caretaker to do = housework=20 and cooking. My teenagers help at night and on weekends. Madi wrote me = about=20 being overweight and craving carbs and what she takes....I have = recently=20 started taking Alpha Lipoic Acid (supplement) It has healed up my skin = conditions and toughened it up....It would tear from paper tape or = bumping=20 into something small. My Dr said he has never seen anything like it = and is=20 going to recommend it to someother patients. I have ALMOST cut carbs = and have=20 lost about 30lbs or so 2 pant sizes anyway. I have more energy and am = taking=20 less pain meds...I was on codeine and duregesic patches, plus soma and = valium=20 for spasms of my muscles, depakote and folic acid for the seizures, = lasex for=20 edema, and assorted other bottles just for the heck of it I = guess....Anyway, I=20 suggest a diet if u can of soy milk, fresh fruits and veg, a small = amount of=20 meat or beans etc,,,and little if no breads, tortilla's, oatmeal, or = any thing=20 made with flour or corn meal.......cornmeal is best if you need some = or a=20 whole cracked  wheat flour base.   I hope this helps = son and a lot of my friends think I am just lazy too, like u said = about your=20 aunt.....I did find out 2 of my aunts have fms also,,,both my parents = r=20 deceased so I can't ask them. I believe my 17 yr. old daughter is = showing=20 signs herself,,,that is why I have her on a diet now. hope this helps=20 ...Cheryl
------=_NextPart_000_0145_01C18635.301A4060-- - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rachel Meidan" Subject: (thmi-fms) jim Date: 17 Dec 2001 23:18:44 +0200

Dear Jim,

Thank you for your  emails. I am going to consult my doctor about Flora Source (when I get the appointment).  He is not a CFIDS/Fibro specialist and he will  not steal the idea it is just that he knows my condition and I need to check that it is good for me. I will contact you in due course.

Best Wishes

Rachel Meidan

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- To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Total Health Mktg." Subject: (thmi-fms) What do you want? Date: 18 Dec 2001 07:33:21 -0700 (MST) I would like to thank those that have posted to the list and introduced themselves to the list. I would be interested in knowing what you hope to gain from this list? Do you believe what I am telling you about the fibromyalgia and what will help? Or, is the fact that I am also attempting to market these products cause for suspicion? What are some of your concerns? I know that anyone that used these 4 products will, within a couple months time, reverse symptoms of fibromyalgia. We should soon hear from one person that has achieved that for herself. (nudge, nudge, hint, hint :) ) I have told you two parts of the program. What will you do with that information? If nothing, then our time on this list will be a waste. There are hundreds of emails lists on the net that focus on FMS, the newsgroup is no doubt the most popular, in which people share what they are doing. The one thing that had I hoped to acheive on this group was having people that actually were improving share their experiences. But, if nobody is going to take any action, we don't have much to discuss. These four products work together. You will not see the results you want by picking and choosing which ones you will try. I don't want to see people trying one or two of the products, not finding the success that they had hoped for and then saying, "I tried the program, it didn't help". I wish you all the best in your efforts to finding your own path. Once we hear from Janice. I will keep this forum open for those that want to continue discussion. May your holiday season be filled with joy and happiness, surrounded by those you love. All the best, Jim ___________________________________________________________________________ Jim Clements | email: Total Health Marketing | ph. 801/583-5060 - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rachel Meidan" Subject: (thmi-fms) Re: probiotics,forumetc. Date: 13 Dec 2001 15:50:29 +0200

Regarding probiotics,

I take "Sybioflor 1" and "Symbioflor 2" by a German firm called "symbiopharm". I was prescribed it by a alternative doctor here in Israel, I buy it in a pharmacy. The website is

The website has an English version if you click on the link.

Says on packet Bacteria count 1,5-4,5 times 10 to the power of 7. 

Comes in a bottle with drops. It took me a couple of months until I started getting improvements with my IBS , but  it worked.  Solgar acidophilis didn't work. The Flora Balance sounds like it has a higher count but I need to ask my doctor next week and check it out first.

The liquid oxygen you are describing sounds like the same one I used (10 drops in 10 ounces of water -similar dose). I can't find the bottle of what I used. Must have thrown it out after I got a stomach upset from it. It took me weeks to recover and I lost weight from overdosing. Just took a few more drops by accident.

I've read about the micro-ionised water and the soap-box page, I simply can't understand any of it.

Have you tried contacting the CFIDS Foundation?  They tend to be more serious than the CFIDS association.


>From: "Total Health Mktg."
>Subject: Re: (thmi-fms) don't close it yet
>Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 00:46:41 -0700 (MST)
>Hello Rachel,
> I'll answer your questions here. I have done some testing on a
>liquid oxygen drop that you add to water. The product is called
>"Stabilized Oxygen" and you add 10 drops to 8 ounces of water. I don't
>know how it compares with the product that you used. Making a couple
>tests with that product in water I found that it raised the pH of the
>water a little and increased the positive electrical properties of the
>water. It may have been the sodium in the product responsible for
>increasing the charge in a positive direction.
> Alkaline ionized water has a negative electrical charge. I have put
>some of my "Observations on ORP" in the SoapBox section on
> Regarding probiotics, the product that I use in the program is called
>"Flora Source". One person did experience some negative reaction with
>this product but all others that used it reported positive benefit using
>the product. I'm not sure why the one person experienced the reaction she
>did. I will have to check with the manfacturer to see if they can provide
>some answers. Though she did not take the probiotics, she is seeing some
>positive gains using the other parts of the program.
>Most supplemental probiotics are too weak to provide much, if any,
>benefit. "Flora Source" advertises 30 billion live bacteria per capsule.
>Most supplemented probiotics are going to die before they get to the area
>where you want them to take up residence. Also, the gut environment in
>a person with fibromyalgia is out of balance and not ideal for them to
>thrive. The online presentation addresses the need for the correct pH
>for the bacteria to survive.
>Most probiotics you find in the local health food store have about
>2 billion cells per capsule. What count does your probitic have?
>I can appreciate the skepticism, I guess if I were in the same
>position, having tried many things without success, I would likely have a
>similar response. But, I'm not the salesman type and I need to start
>making some money soon so I may be forced to return to working with
>computers, something that I can relate to. No human emotions, fears,
>skepticisms, and unpredictable logic to deal with.
>I am confident that the program will help anyone with fibromyalgia find
>significant relief. So far, though there have only been a few people
>that have followed the program, everyone has seen good results. But,
>how do I get people to investigate it?
>I gave a fibromyalgia presentation at a local health food store. Two
>of the ladies in attendance have been dealing with the condition for
>over 10 years. They sat through the presentation. At the end I told
>them about the success that Collen had in about a 6 - 8 week period.
>These two ladies each got upset that I would suggest that someone
>could find improvement in that short a time. They didn't even ask what
>Colleen did to gain the relief. They just got mad and left. Computers
>don't respond so irrationally. :)
>All the best,
>Jim Clements | email:
>Total Health Marketing | ph. 801/583-5060
>On Wed, 12 Dec 2001, Rachel Meidan wrote:
> > Hi Jim,
> > I don't want the list to close yet. It shouldn't close so fast. It takes
> > time for some ill people to respond. My name is Rachel and I have had
> > CFS/CFIDS/ME for 10 years since an epstein-bar infection when I was 15 and
> > I'm 25 now. After the initial flu like illness, At first the symptoms came
> > on and off but it got worse as I did my GCSES and A-levels (I used to live
> > in England.) I only got diagnosed for Fibromyalgia officially a few years
> > ago although I probably had it longer than that because muscle pain
> > especially in the back was always a problem. A docotor in England promised
> > to treat me and gave me a dangerous form of elimination diet which ended up
> > giving me IBS. So I do get suspicious of anyone claiming to treat this, I
> > think it's understandable for people to feel that way.
> >
> > There is something called "aerobic oxygen" or "liquid oxygen", which is from
> > US/Canada and England I was sold it here in Israel (18 british pounds a
> > bottle roughly $30) which I tried, it didn't help me and I accidently
> > overdosed and had stomach problems for weeks.) I need to read the links
> > provided to work out if the micro-ionised water is the same thing as that or
> > a completely different thing.
> > I already take probiotics (a strange German brand) which help a bit. It
> > always depends on the brand because I tried 3 different brands before I
> > found one that helped.
> > Only other thing that helps -Zostrix or capciacin cream for pain.
> > I'll sign off for now to read the stuff and then get some sleep.
> > Rachel
> >
> > _________________________________________________________________
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> >
> >
> >
> > -
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> > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send
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> >
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- To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Total Health Mktg." Subject: Re: (thmi-fms) Re: CFIDS Foundation Date: 19 Dec 2001 20:12:33 -0700 (MST) Rachael, You suggested I contact the CFIDS Foundation. Some time ago I sent a video of my presentation to the president of the Foundation. She dismissed the information and the testimonials, her response was that in any program you will have some people that see some positive results. Also, with this condition people do occasionally experience a reprieve from symptoms. She did not seem interested in learning more. Colleen, one of the first people with a pioneering spirit to try something different has been off the program and pain free for over 1 year now. She has on occasion told the people that run the local FMS support group of her success. They did not care to investigate her success. The majority of people with FMS want the answers for FMS to come from the recognized medical authorities, they want a pill that is going to fix everything, and they want their insurer to pay for it. I can tell you that that is never going to happen. The people that get better from FMS and CFIDS are those that have tried different things and continue to try different things until they find those things that help them get better. I am guessing that the people on this list are those in the latter category, trying things until they find what they need to get better. Seek and ye shall find. There are about 6 million people in the US with fibromyalgia. One report I read a few years ago estimated that on average the person with fibromyalgia spends about $1800 per year treating the condition. (note: this is more than the one time cost of the program) That works out to about $9 billion per year. Each and every year. Thats a lot of money. I will give the first person from this list that emails me in response to this offer, a 100% full money back gaurantee, if you follow this program and do not see excellent results in a few months time I will fully refund your money. I am confident in making this offer because to date everyone that has followed the program has seen good results, 100% success rate. Is there anyone out there willing to take me up on this offer? Until we have some people on the program reporting their progress we really don't have much to discuss on this list. (Unfortunately, at this time I must restrict this offer to those living in the US.) The people that are going to educate the world on fibromyalgia are people like Colleen, Mavis, Meredith, Bonnie, Alexis, Judy, Janice... People that have had fibromyalgia and have returned to good health or are on their way back to good health. Only problem is, they tell others and nobody seems to care enough to investigate. Don't stress over the holidays too much. Remember the true meaning for the season and you will be okay. God bless you all. All the best, Jim ___________________________________________________________________________ Jim Clements | email: Total Health Marketing | ph. 801/583-5060 On Thu, 13 Dec 2001, Rachel Meidan wrote: > > > > Regarding probiotics, > > I take "Sybioflor 1" and "Symbioflor 2" by a German firm called > "symbiopharm". I was prescribed it by a alternative doctor here in > Israel, I buy it in a pharmacy. The website is > > The website has an English version if you click on the link. > > Says on packet Bacteria count 1,5-4,5 times 10 to the power of 7. > > Comes in a bottle with drops. It took me a couple of months until I > started getting improvements with my IBS , but it worked. Solgar > acidophilis didn't work. The Flora Balance sounds like it has a higher > count but I need to ask my doctor next week and check it out first. > > The liquid oxygen you are describing sounds like the same one I used (10 > drops in 10 ounces of water -similar dose). I can't find the bottle of > what I used. Must have thrown it out after I got a stomach upset from it. > It took me weeks to recover and I lost weight from overdosing. Just took > a few more drops by accident. > > I've read about the micro-ionised water and the soap-box page, I simply > can't understand any of it. > > Have you tried contacting the CFIDS Foundation? They tend to be more > serious than the CFIDS association. > > Rachel > - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (thmi-fms) Re: CFIDS Foundation Date: 20 Dec 2001 04:30:18 GMT Jim, I'm willing to try this. I am carbohydrate addicted though. Will this help me get away from the carbs? I don't have much will power but I probably would if I felt better on this program. Madlyn Creekmore Total Health Mktg. writes: > > Rachael, > > You suggested I contact the CFIDS Foundation. Some time ago I sent a > video of my presentation to the president of the Foundation. She > dismissed the information and the testimonials, her response was that in > any program you will have some people that see some positive results. > Also, with this condition people do occasionally experience a reprieve > from symptoms. She did not seem interested in learning more. > > Colleen, one of the first people with a pioneering spirit to try > something different has been off the program and pain free for over 1 year > now. She has on occasion told the people that run the local FMS support > group of her success. They did not care to investigate her success. > > The majority of people with FMS want the answers for FMS to come from > the recognized medical authorities, they want a pill that is going to fix > everything, and they want their insurer to pay for it. I can tell you > that that is never going to happen. The people that get better from FMS > and CFIDS are those that have tried different things and continue to > try different things until they find those things that help them get > better. I am guessing that the people on this list are those in the > latter category, trying things until they find what they need to get > better. Seek and ye shall find. > > There are about 6 million people in the US with fibromyalgia. One > report I read a few years ago estimated that on average the person with > fibromyalgia spends about $1800 per year treating the condition. (note: > this is more than the one time cost of the program) That works out to > about $9 billion per year. Each and every year. Thats a lot of money. > > I will give the first person from this list that emails me in response > to this offer, a 100% full money back gaurantee, if you follow this > program and do not see excellent results in a few months time I will fully > refund your money. I am confident in making this offer because to date > everyone that has followed the program has seen good results, 100% > success rate. > > Is there anyone out there willing to take me up on this offer? Until we > have some people on the program reporting their progress we really > don't have much to discuss on this list. (Unfortunately, at this time I > must restrict this offer to those living in the US.) > > The people that are going to educate the world on fibromyalgia are > people like Colleen, Mavis, Meredith, Bonnie, Alexis, Judy, Janice... > People that have had fibromyalgia and have returned to good health or are > on their way back to good health. Only problem is, they tell others and > nobody seems to care enough to investigate. > > Don't stress over the holidays too much. Remember the true meaning for > the season and you will be okay. God bless you all. > > All the best, > Jim > ___________________________________________________________________________ > Jim Clements | email: > Total Health Marketing | ph. 801/583-5060 > > > On Thu, 13 Dec 2001, Rachel Meidan wrote: > >> >> >> >> Regarding probiotics, >> >> I take "Sybioflor 1" and "Symbioflor 2" by a German firm called >> "symbiopharm". I was prescribed it by a alternative doctor here in >> Israel, I buy it in a pharmacy. The website is >> >> The website has an English version if you click on the link. >> >> Says on packet Bacteria count 1,5-4,5 times 10 to the power of 7. >> >> Comes in a bottle with drops. It took me a couple of months until I >> started getting improvements with my IBS , but it worked. Solgar >> acidophilis didn't work. The Flora Balance sounds like it has a higher >> count but I need to ask my doctor next week and check it out first. >> >> The liquid oxygen you are describing sounds like the same one I used (10 >> drops in 10 ounces of water -similar dose). I can't find the bottle of >> what I used. Must have thrown it out after I got a stomach upset from it. >> It took me weeks to recover and I lost weight from overdosing. Just took >> a few more drops by accident. >> >> I've read about the micro-ionised water and the soap-box page, I simply >> can't understand any of it. >> >> Have you tried contacting the CFIDS Foundation? They tend to be more >> serious than the CFIDS association. >> >> Rachel >> > > > - > To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Total Health Mktg." Subject: Re: (thmi-fms) Re: CFIDS Foundation Date: 20 Dec 2001 02:22:52 -0700 (MST) Hello Madlyn, Do you experience any symptoms of yeast overgrowth? That may be at the root of your carbohydrate cravings. If I recall I spoke with you on the phone and you had some problems with your feet is that correct? Janice is new to working with email lists, when she is able to post to the list maybe she can share her experience with any food cravings. Although, speaking with Janice I don't recall that ever being an issue with her. Thank you for taking a chance. If you email your phone number and best time to reach you to me at I will discuss with you the other parts of the program and what you will need to start. I am confident that you will see good results. For your willingness to take this chance I will give you a discount on the price. As Janice who has met me can atest, I'm not the best of business people since I'm not always charging all that I should for the program. All the best, Jim ___________________________________________________________________________ Jim Clements | email: Total Health Marketing | ph. 801/583-5060 On Thu, 20 Dec 2001 wrote: > Jim, I'm willing to try this. I am carbohydrate addicted though. Will this > help me get away from the carbs? I don't have much will power but I > probably would if I felt better on this program. Madlyn Creekmore > - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (thmi-fms) Re: CFIDS Foundation Date: 21 Dec 2001 08:06:03 GMT I'm sure it is yeast. I itch all over sometimes and my body has a craving schedule. After the holidays are over let's get together on this. My phone number is 909-678-6328. I won't be home until Dec 27 or 28. Madi Total Health Mktg. writes: > > Hello Madlyn, > > Do you experience any symptoms of yeast overgrowth? That may be at the > root of your carbohydrate cravings. If I recall I spoke with you on the > phone and you had some problems with your feet is that correct? > > Janice is new to working with email lists, when she is able to post to > the list maybe she can share her experience with any food cravings. > Although, speaking with Janice I don't recall that ever being an issue > with her. > > Thank you for taking a chance. If you email your phone number and best > time to reach you to me at I will discuss with you > the other parts of the program and what you will need to start. > > I am confident that you will see good results. For your willingness to > take this chance I will give you a discount on the price. As Janice who > has met me can atest, I'm not the best of business people since I'm not > always charging all that I should for the program. > > All the best, > Jim > ___________________________________________________________________________ > Jim Clements | email: > Total Health Marketing | ph. 801/583-5060 > > > On Thu, 20 Dec 2001 wrote: > >> Jim, I'm willing to try this. I am carbohydrate addicted though. Will this >> help me get away from the carbs? I don't have much will power but I >> probably would if I felt better on this program. Madlyn Creekmore >> > > > - > To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Total Health Mktg." Subject: (thmi-fms) Hope you're doing well. Date: 28 Dec 2001 12:13:54 -0700 (MST) Living with chronic ill health has a tendency to pull a person down in other areas of life. The constant nagging pain screams so loudly for attention that it is often difficult to see the good things happening all around. Memories of activities once enjoyed, no longer able to do because of pain and fatigue, seem to cause further depression. It is important to focus on the positive things that are going on in life. As bad as things appear to be at times, there is always much more happening in our lives that we have to be thankful for. Family and friends that love us, specific talents each of us have been blessed and some talents yet to be found. Take a few minutes each day to reflect upon the good things happening in your life and see if it does not make the day just a little bit better. All the best, Jim ___________________________________________________________________________ Jim Clements | email: Total Health Marketing | ph. 801/583-5060 - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message.