From: "Darryl Gillikin" Subject: TPDIS: The Deadliest Species (the heretic's perspective--spoilers ) Date: 02 Oct 2001 01:32:13 Well, I finally had my copy of The Deadliest Species in the mail waiting for me this afternoon. I'm in the middle of my second listening, and so some of my opinions are still in flux. However, that having been said, I thought I'd share my views. But first... The Obligatory Spoiler Space Even Though The Subject Header References The Presense Of Spoilers And Can Be Read Before The Contents Of The E-Mail Even Without An Inbox Index :) Alright, that's out of the way. Now then... I remember when I first saw The Rameses Connection several years ago now. I had missed the first five weeks of the third season of the New Series. It was only via stumbling across a commercial for Living Stones that I'd known the new season had started, and so my viewing of Rameses followed Living Stones. I mention Living Stones because it is to this day my favorite TP story of either series. But as I began to watch Rameses, it consistently and continuously overwhelmed me. Parts one and three were absolutely brilliant. Parts two and four, while occasionally brought down by the presense of Red Rainwear and company, were also very good. I remember spending the week between parts four and five anxious awaiting Sunday evening, when I'd get to see my tape of the final installment, and see just how this marvelous tale--the best TP story I'd ever seen to that point--would be resolved. And then I saw part five, and the bottom simply collapsed from under the serial. I've been riding a roller coaster as to what to expect from The Deadliest Species. I'd heard the rumors of controversial plot points, but those in and of themselves did not bother me. A good writer could pull off a way to make them work, I was sure. But then I found out Gary Russell, someone whose previous best work I'd describe as disappointing at best, was writing this story, and my hopes took a hit. The Deadliest Species and The Rameses Connection are not very dissimilar in at least one regard. Both slump in the final installment. Parts one and two of Species are not nearly as good as Rameses 1-4. Indeed, they're not quite as good as The New Gods. But they're still enjoyable. Indeed, there are some things Species does better than New Gods did. Species does an excellent job of introducing Paul and Elena as characters. New Gods gave us their names and some details, but Species actually gives us more indication of who they are and what their personalities are like. And even though I've never particularly cared for past efforts to marry the Original Series and New Series into one continuity universe, I have to admit I chuckled at the implied reference to Adam and company--although Ami possibly being Elizabeth's niece seemed a touch much. Species also benefits from having an extra installment. As I said when I reviewed The New Gods, two episodes really isn't enough time for a Tomorrow People story. One can be told in two parts, but the best need at least three. Maybe I'm strange, but the fate of Tyso did not bother or offend me in the slightest. I see nothing in that plot point that warrants anything resembling moral indignation and outrage. And as for Stephen's now much publicized betrayal... Yes, it is because of Stephen's ability to kill Kenny and Hsui Tai that the story declines in part three for me, but I'm still not as offended by that as other listees seem to be. I can buy Stockholm Syndrome as a motivating factor for Stephen having the desire to betray the TPs, and even to *want* to kill them. But there needed to be something else for him to be able to *do* it. The story is aware of the extent of the power of the Prime Barrier. Several references are made to their genetic inability to kill. Brainwashing might be enough to get someone to overcome a pyschological barrier to killing, but brainwashing in and of itself is not enough to counteract a person's *genetics*. There had to be something else at work. But there's one thing that's stopping me from condemning this story on those grounds: I don't think this is the last we've heard about it. I can't help but think that many of the plot elements of this story are going to reappear in subsequent audios. The war between the Federation and the Sorsons (who, probably not surprising considering they're voiced by Roy Skelton, sound suspiciously like Daleks) is still unresolved, even with Paul's giving them a dose their own virus. Paul still has secret information locked in his head that needs to be retrieved. And Stephen definitely has a long road ahead of him on the way to recovery. I just can't help but think that we're going to hear more details about these events in the near future. Overall, better than I was expecting, but not as good as I'd have hoped. It is the weaker of the two audios released so far, but it's hardly A Man for Emily, either. 7/10 Be seeing you, Darryl "Unrequited love--it's fantastic, 'cause it never has to change, it never has to grow up, and it never has to die." --Vince Tyler, "Queer as Folk" [UK] "Well, human is a relative term. And as it happens, my relatives are rather odd." --The Doctor, "Doctor Who--The Fearmonger" _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Beth Epstein Subject: TPDIS: The Deadliest Species SPOILERS Date: 01 Oct 2001 22:25:50 -0500 Ramble much, Tigger? Yup, been a bad day. (See, talking myself and everything.) I apologize for not posting a non-spoiler review, but as I'm waffle girl right now, I can't really give you a good picture without ruining it. Tomorrow (post Buffy!) maybe. I just wish I could cut it off before the last -- oops, no that belongs below the spoiler space. Where'd Shaun's go... oh, there is! SPOILERS@WARNING@SPOILERS TAKE @@@@@@ @SPOILERS@WARNING@SPOILERS@ @CARE@ @THE@@@@@@ @SPOILERS@WARNING@SPOILERS@ PLEASE @@PRIME@@@@ SPOILERS@WARNING@SPOILERS @@@@@@ @BARRIER@@ @MANY@ @IS@@@@ PPPP @@TP@@ @NO@@@ PLLLLP @FANS@ @USE@@ LEEEEL @WILL@ @@IF@@ EAAAAE @@BE@@ @@YOU@@ ASSSSA @GLAD@ @SPOIL@ SEEEES @@STUN THE SPOILERS!@@ E@@@@E @PEOPLE WHO SPOIL@@@@ @DDDD@ @ARE@THE@MINIONS@@@@ DOOOOD @@OF JEDEKIAH@@@@@ O@@@@O @HAIL@ NNNNNN @@TO@@ TOOOOT @BIG@@ @TTTT@ FINISH S@@@@S @MANY@ PSSSSP @@TP@@ OPPPPO @FANS@ IOOOOI @WILL@ LIIIIL @@BE@@ LLLL GLAD Grr. Ok, so before I got distracted by spoiler space, I was gonna say I wish I could just cut it off about three minutes before the end of "episode" two. Grr. I liked Stephen messing with Elena in the travel agency. That was cool, and probably too typically Stephen given what was going on in that head of his. I like that we got to find out what she does, what Paul does (or at least that he's a college student) and a bit about what the current set up of the lab is. And frankly, I liked the roll call and the hint that the new series actually (sorta) exists in the BF Original Series universe. And it seemed like they did listen to some of our comments (did you relay them, Jackie?) about not differnetiating between telepathy and regular speech and fixed them. As for the two deaths, well... *sigh* I know they chose who they did because they were the two who they were least likely to get back. But still, without hearing anything more than "Kenny" grunting-- it didn't have the "real" impact it otherwise would have. I liked how Tyso's dropping out of the show was explained-- I wanna fanfic it! :) There's lots of meat for fanfic here, Elana breaking out, Tyso, how Andrew was coping. (Hey, what happened to Andrew? They never told us what happened to Andrew! No fair! Bad Gary Russell, no biscuit!) *clears throat* OK, sorry about that, I have issues. I didn't like the Stephen killing bit. Of course, the writers of New Gods set the precident with John actually being able to choke Paul. Both they and Russel seemed to have missed the part of HoS where orders that countermand the prime barrier tend to break the mind control. I saw it about two minutes before we found out though-- when Hollis said it could be one of them... well, my response was "Oh my g-d, not Stephen!" Despite the converation arising from this, I wasn't prepared for *that*. I could see someone maybe killing an enemy without meaning to (IE nervous, using a gun as a bluff, finger slips on the trigger) or something like that. But THAT???? And this was PVC's idea?! (OK, need to work on separating the character from the man. Really badly.) I was also disturbed by the implication that other member worlds of the Federation had the ability to kill. This wasn't, I'm pretty sure, true in the original series-- I seem to remember it being mentioned in War of the Empires at any rate that like the TP, the other members of the Trig *couldn't* kill. Then again, I remember the Sorcons looking like the Dalek's spicier half (IE pepper shakers to complement the salt shaker look of the Daleks) not whatever-it-was Paul said and their general in War of the Empires being named Vishishnu, not Vashnu or whatever they said it was. I doubt Sorcon history is *that* wildly inaccurate only 20 years after the fact! Ok, my ramble seems to have let out of steam. For now. I'll go back over everyone's posts (read them once, but couldn't quite properly absorb them) and get back to you if I have more to add. I should watch the first five minutes of Angel-- I let my VCR watch them for me in the interest of finishing the CD. Tigger -- What's your anti-boy band? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Horrocks, Elizabeth" Subject: RE: TPDIS: The Deadliest Species SPOILERS Date: 02 Oct 2001 14:16:00 -0400 Got it... Yay :) SPOILERS@WARNING@SPOILERS TAKE @@@@@@ @SPOILERS@WARNING@SPOILERS@ @CARE@ @THE@@@@@@ @SPOILERS@WARNING@SPOILERS@ PLEASE @@PRIME@@@@ SPOILERS@WARNING@SPOILERS @@@@@@ @BARRIER@@ @MANY@ @IS@@@@ PPPP @@TP@@ @NO@@@ PLLLLP @FANS@ @USE@@ LEEEEL @WILL@ @@IF@@ EAAAAE @@BE@@ @@YOU@@ ASSSSA @GLAD@ @SPOIL@ SEEEES @@STUN THE SPOILERS!@@ E@@@@E @PEOPLE WHO SPOIL@@@@ @DDDD@ @ARE@THE@MINIONS@@@@ DOOOOD @@OF JEDEKIAH@@@@@ O@@@@O @HAIL@ NNNNNN @@TO@@ TOOOOT @BIG@@ @TTTT@ FINISH S@@@@S @MANY@ PSSSSP @@TP@@ OPPPPO @FANS@ IOOOOI @WILL@ LIIIIL @@BE@@ LLLL GLAD Okies... I accidentally deleted most of the responses to this sucker before I had a chance to listen to the CD, so despite the probability of being redundant.... What the heck was that?? It would be hard enough to believe of a sap... But for a Tomorrow Person to off some of his best friends after a bit of psychological manipulation... is down right ridiculous. Stockholm, my foot! Stephen's explanation for what he was doing just sounded like a colossal 'in joke' regarding his(PVC's) feelings on leaving the show. Very bizarre. Just my opinion... I enjoyed all the references to the other TP, and I really like how they're developing Paul and Eleanor... but there were so many unexplained elements and loose ends. The references to the New Series TP, Andrew, Mike... And they certainly didn't deal with the deaths of Kenny and Hsui Tai enough for my liking. I'm at a loss. Maybe I just need to listen to it again for some insight... Ok, back to work for me... just felt the need to comment. betsy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jackie Clark" Subject: TPDIS: One to Watch Date: 03 Oct 2001 21:18:38 +0100 Just to let all UK fans know that the top ten show has been brought forward and will now be screened on Sat 13th October on channel 4 at 9pm. I'll be recording it and asking permission to upload clips onto my site for other people to see. Jackie. P.S I've added some of your comments about 'Species' to my fan reviews page. None of them are named but if anyone wants their comments removed please let me know. P.P.S I received a certificate in the post today confirming me as the official owner of I'm so pleased I've been walking around grinning all day and driving my students crazy lol. ---- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Emma=20Hanby?= Subject: Re: TPDIS: One to Watch Date: 04 Oct 2001 18:19:49 +0100 (BST) thats soooooo cool!! congratulations:D:D:D Em > I received a certificate in the post today > confirming me as the official > owner of I'm so > pleased I've been walking > around grinning all day and driving my students > crazy lol. > ---- > "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be > fulfilled." > > Traditional Manyarnern Greeting > > > > > > ===== please visit my new look site-go on you know you want to!: ____________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at or your free address at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jackie Clark" Subject: TPDIS: A womans perogative SPOILER WARNING Date: 04 Oct 2001 20:46:14 +0100 Hi all, over the last two days I've listened to 'Species' twice in my way to and from work and like many women I've decided to change my ideas over this story. Details below spoiler space. SPOILERS@WARNING@SPOILERS TAKE @@@@@@ @SPOILERS@WARNING@SPOILERS@ @CARE@ @THE@@@@@@ @SPOILERS@WARNING@SPOILERS@ PLEASE @@PRIME@@@@ SPOILERS@WARNING@SPOILERS @@@@@@ @BARRIER@@ @MANY@ @IS@@@@ PPPP @@TP@@ @NO@@@ PLLLLP @FANS@ @USE@@ LEEEEL @WILL@ @@IF@@ EAAAAE @@BE@@ @@YOU@@ ASSSSA @GLAD@ @SPOIL@ SEEEES @@STUN THE SPOILERS!@@ E@@@@E @PEOPLE WHO SPOIL@@@@ @DDDD@ @ARE@THE@MINIONS@@@@ DOOOOD @@OF JEDEKIAH@@@@@ O@@@@O @HAIL@ NNNNNN @@TO@@ TOOOOT @BIG@@ @TTTT@ FINISH S@@@@S @MANY@ PSSSSP @@TP@@ OPPPPO @FANS@ IOOOOI @WILL@ LIIIIL @@BE@@ LLLL GLAD Ok so I'll never accept the killing thing as I believe it goes against the spirit of the original series. But I have been thinking about the idea of how the tp's know they cannot kill and managed to accept that perhaps they could do it under exceptional circumstances. After all John admits that no tp has ever gone rogue before. Has there ever been a scene where a tp had a gun in his/her hand and the need to kill someone in order to stay alive? That said I found myself reviewing my opinions. Firstly, as someone else said, the story has a good pace. I have really grown to love the first two parts. Particularly the Elena/Paul interactoins, the Stephen/Elena interactions and the Holos/Paul scenes... and the more I listen to the John/TIM dialogue the more I get that old series TP glow... you know the one ;-) The feeling that you know these characters like brothers and are taken back to the lab instantly in your minds eye. Looking past my earlier prejudices I think that this story has much to offer. It tells us what has been happening on Earth, mentions Liz' niece and the new tp's, explains why TIM is back to his old (and I must say) much more favourable form. And last but not least it lets us know roughly how and when Elena broke out. I love the part where John agonises over his role as leader and think this is definitely within character. I agree with Darryl... was it you? that this story has not ended yet and that the loose ends, e.g. the info put into Paul's unconscious, will resurface in a further story. I also get the feeling that we've not heard the last of the Sorcens... One little thing which does bother me is the location of the Trig. I always thought it was on the other side of the Galaxy from Earth... am I missing something? Is it possible to be in orbit around Earth and within site of the Trig? The writers seem to have got their cosmology mixed up a bit! The really sad thing is the speed with which John manages to talk Stephen down. The fact that Elena waited for John to arrive shows her to be a mature and competent TP and a worthy complimentary character to John's sometimes pompous overtones. But once he arrives and removes his helmet the exchange with Stephen seems to resolve far too easily. After all TIM did warn him that Stephen was "quite mad". for me the major problem with this story is the writers misunderstanding of the TP genetic inhibition. If it is as strong as many of us think then Stephen's behaviour would have been impossible and if it is not then he would not have suddenly asked to go home... Of the entire story it is that one last line which doesn't ring true. I can accept everything else but why would he suddenly ask to go home like that if he is on the brink of madness??? Surely he would have been much more resistant. Take away that one piece of dialogue and I'd like this story as much as the first CD. How sad and picky have I become? Too picky for words. Now I can't wait until the next CD is available... Jackie Who may just listen to it a third time tomorrow (what a sad life I lead lol) ---- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Darryl Gillikin" Subject: Re: TPDIS: A womans perogative SPOILER WARNING Date: 04 Oct 2001 23:05:29 >Hi all, over the last two days I've listened to 'Species' twice in my way >to >and from work and like many women I've decided to change my ideas over this >story. Details below spoiler space. > > >SPOILERS@WARNING@SPOILERS TAKE @@@@@@ > @SPOILERS@WARNING@SPOILERS@ @CARE@ @THE@@@@@@ > @SPOILERS@WARNING@SPOILERS@ PLEASE @@PRIME@@@@ > SPOILERS@WARNING@SPOILERS @@@@@@ @BARRIER@@ > @MANY@ @IS@@@@ > PPPP @@TP@@ @NO@@@ > PLLLLP @FANS@ @USE@@ > LEEEEL @WILL@ @@IF@@ > EAAAAE @@BE@@ @@YOU@@ > ASSSSA @GLAD@ @SPOIL@ > SEEEES @@STUN THE SPOILERS!@@ > E@@@@E @PEOPLE WHO SPOIL@@@@ > @DDDD@ @ARE@THE@MINIONS@@@@ > DOOOOD @@OF JEDEKIAH@@@@@ > O@@@@O @HAIL@ > NNNNNN @@TO@@ > TOOOOT @BIG@@ > @TTTT@ FINISH > S@@@@S @MANY@ > PSSSSP @@TP@@ > OPPPPO @FANS@ > IOOOOI @WILL@ > LIIIIL @@BE@@ > LLLL GLAD > [snip] >And last but not least it lets us know roughly how and when >Elena broke out. That's one thing that actually bothers me about the disc, but only slightly. Both Elena and Paul seem to be much older than I would've expected for initial break outs. >I agree with Darryl... was it you? Yep. >that this story has not ended yet and >that the loose ends, e.g. the info put into Paul's unconscious, will >resurface in a further story. I also get the feeling that we've not heard >the last of the Sorcens... > >One little thing which does bother me is the location of the Trig. I always >thought it was on the other side of the Galaxy from Earth... am I missing >something? Is it possible to be in orbit around Earth and within site of >the >Trig? The writers seem to have got their cosmology mixed up a bit! Hmm, a bit of speculation: do we know for sure that the Trig has a fixed location? Might it possibly have a propulsion system and an ability to move throughout space? To be permanently in orbit around a closed world seems to be asking for trouble. >for me the major problem with this story is >the writers misunderstanding of the TP genetic inhibition. If it is as >strong as many of us think then Stephen's behaviour would have been >impossible You see, that's just my problem. The dialogue doesn't make it sound like they don't understand how serious the Prime Barrier is. But the actions of the story so far go against that understanding, which is why I have to think there's more to come. --Darryl _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Hately Subject: Re: TPDIS: A womans perogative SPOILER WARNING Date: 05 Oct 2001 09:29:14 +1000 Jackie Clark wrote: > Hi all, over the last two days I've listened to 'Species' twice in my way to > and from work and like many women I've decided to change my ideas over this > story. Details below spoiler space. > > > SPOILERS@WARNING@SPOILERS TAKE @@@@@@ > @SPOILERS@WARNING@SPOILERS@ @CARE@ @THE@@@@@@ > @SPOILERS@WARNING@SPOILERS@ PLEASE @@PRIME@@@@ > SPOILERS@WARNING@SPOILERS @@@@@@ @BARRIER@@ > @MANY@ @IS@@@@ > PPPP @@TP@@ @NO@@@ > PLLLLP @FANS@ @USE@@ > LEEEEL @WILL@ @@IF@@ > EAAAAE @@BE@@ @@YOU@@ > ASSSSA @GLAD@ @SPOIL@ > SEEEES @@STUN THE SPOILERS!@@ > E@@@@E @PEOPLE WHO SPOIL@@@@ > @DDDD@ @ARE@THE@MINIONS@@@@ > DOOOOD @@OF JEDEKIAH@@@@@ > O@@@@O @HAIL@ > NNNNNN @@TO@@ > TOOOOT @BIG@@ > @TTTT@ FINISH > S@@@@S @MANY@ > PSSSSP @@TP@@ > OPPPPO @FANS@ > IOOOOI @WILL@ > LIIIIL @@BE@@ > LLLL GLAD I haven't got the CD yet - living here, I've basically accepted I'll nearly always be spoiled on anything, so I don't bother not reading spoilers. But I am commenting without having heard the CD. > One little thing which does bother me is the location of the Trig. I always > thought it was on the other side of the Galaxy from Earth... am I missing > something? Is it possible to be in orbit around Earth and within site of the > Trig? The writers seem to have got their cosmology mixed up a bit! The Trig is, from memory, located about 800 light years from Earth - by galactic standards pretty close, by any other standard a *long* way off. Not having heard the CD, I don't know precisely what details are visible, but given what the Trig looked like in WotE (quite large, and reflective) it'd be possible for it to be visible (looking like a dot in the sky) from Earth orbit, provided there's nothing in the way. And given the advanced technology available, (very high powered telescopes - say with 1000+ times the resolution of Hubble), you might be able to observe some things in earth orbit from the Trig. Reading Darryl's message - I don't think we know if the Trig can move, but even if it can, 800 light years in 20 years is a pretty fair rate of speed - unless the whole Trig can travel through hyperspace. Yours Without Wax, Dreadnought Shaun Hately |webpage: |email: | ICQ: 6898200 "You know the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alter their views to fit the facts. They alter the facts to fit the views. Which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that need altering." The Doctor - Doctor Who: The Face of Evil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kristy Fahrenwald" Subject: Re: TPDIS: A womans perogative SPOILER WARNING Date: 04 Oct 2001 23:49:18 -0500 > SPOILERS@WARNING@SPOILERS TAKE @@@@@@ > @SPOILERS@WARNING@SPOILERS@ @CARE@ @THE@@@@@@ > @SPOILERS@WARNING@SPOILERS@ PLEASE @@PRIME@@@@ > SPOILERS@WARNING@SPOILERS @@@@@@ @BARRIER@@ > @MANY@ @IS@@@@ > PPPP @@TP@@ @NO@@@ > PLLLLP @FANS@ @USE@@ > LEEEEL @WILL@ @@IF@@ > EAAAAE @@BE@@ @@YOU@@ > ASSSSA @GLAD@ @SPOIL@ > SEEEES @@STUN THE SPOILERS!@@ > E@@@@E @PEOPLE WHO SPOIL@@@@ > @DDDD@ @ARE@THE@MINIONS@@@@ > DOOOOD @@OF JEDEKIAH@@@@@ > O@@@@O @HAIL@ > NNNNNN @@TO@@ > TOOOOT @BIG@@ > @TTTT@ FINISH > S@@@@S @MANY@ > PSSSSP @@TP@@ > OPPPPO @FANS@ > IOOOOI @WILL@ > LIIIIL @@BE@@ > LLLL GLAD >One little thing which does bother me is the location of the Trig. I always >thought it was on the other side of the Galaxy from Earth... am I missing >something? Is it possible to be in orbit around Earth and within site of >the >Trig? The writers seem to have got their cosmology mixed up a bit! I wondered about that one too. ... Not just in sight, they seemed to be saying they would be in attack range. (Wow, them Sorsons have got some big ol' guns. A range of 800 light years? And we TP types got our little stun guns? We give... show us where to sign to join the empire.) Maybe they were talking about a smaller Trig base or something that has been more recently established. Or at least I can play pretend that they were. (Error, what error? I will acknowledge no error until I have had ample opportunity to find an acceptable excuse... er... explanation.) >The really sad thing is the speed with which John manages to talk Stephen >down. Yeah, but this is John. My loveable, dependable, John. He can do anything. (Ok, so as much as I love him... it was highly far fetched. John pops in and says 'Now be a good boy Steven' and it is so. ... 'And for my next trick, I will be convincing Mike that music is a waste of his time and he should take up something in the sciences under my personal tutelage.') Kristy (the sap friend) _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jackie Clark" Subject: TPDIS: Good tp traits Date: 07 Oct 2001 11:40:43 +0100 I've had a lot of things on my mind all week and they have crystallised into three separate discussion threads that I wanted to put to the list. I'm hoping you don't mind as things seem a bit quiet around here lately. Firstly: What traits would make the perfect tp? One that John or Adam would be proud of? Given that there is so much potential for misuse of their powers which character traits would be best? IMHO it's respect for privacy i.e. not using telepathy to delve too deeply into the others (or Saps) minds. Remember that Carol accused John on cheating when they played a game? Does anyone have any comments on this? Jackie (I'll put other ideas in separate posts.) ---- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jackie Clark" Subject: TPDIS: New uses of powers. Date: 07 Oct 2001 11:45:35 +0100 My next idea came out of listening to the 'Species' CD. Without giving away any spoilers I just wondered if there are any new uses for the three TP talents that are possible but not used in the series... For example Elena suggests a different way of escaping from a bullet than the traditional jaunting away trick. So are there any new ways of using powers? When Andrew displayed the ability to project hallucinations it seemed a novel idea. Can you think of any more? And a side issue is to do with use of TK. Would the size of an object affect the tp's ability to manipulate it. Would they be able to lift a whole car with practice? - Jackie ---- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jackie Clark" Subject: TPDIS: Specialisation Date: 07 Oct 2001 11:54:32 +0100 The third point, which was partially discussed last night in chat (before I fell asleep), is what specialisms they each show and whether this could be linked somehow to their TP gene? We know that Andrew could hallucinate, Kenny had strong TK, Liz was very empathic... does this count as a tp talent? Elena told us hers in the 'Species CD ( so some of you know this), Adam could heal illness and John had very high intelligence and inventiveness. What other particular talents have they shown or have been hinted at? I'll put my views on Paul below a spoiler space... SPOILERS@WARNING@SPOILERS TAKE @@@@@@ > @SPOILERS@WARNING@SPOILERS@ @CARE@ @THE@@@@@@ > @SPOILERS@WARNING@SPOILERS@ PLEASE @@PRIME@@@@ > SPOILERS@WARNING@SPOILERS @@@@@@ @BARRIER@@ > @MANY@ @IS@@@@ > PPPP @@TP@@ @NO@@@ > PLLLLP @FANS@ @USE@@ > LEEEEL @WILL@ @@IF@@ > EAAAAE @@BE@@ @@YOU@@ > ASSSSA @GLAD@ @SPOIL@ > SEEEES @@STUN THE SPOILERS!@@ > E@@@@E @PEOPLE WHO SPOIL@@@@ > @DDDD@ @ARE@THE@MINIONS@@@@ > DOOOOD @@OF JEDEKIAH@@@@@ > O@@@@O @HAIL@ > NNNNNN @@TO@@ > TOOOOT @BIG@@ > @TTTT@ FINISH > S@@@@S @MANY@ > PSSSSP @@TP@@ > OPPPPO @FANS@ > IOOOOI @WILL@ > LIIIIL @@BE@@ > LLLL GLAD Paul could teleport while holding Holos, and without a boost from TIM. He is also finding it particularly hard to master his talents and keeps appearing 'in the bins'. So perhaps he has very strong teleportation ability and this makes it difficult for him to learn control. After all he did go onto the Sorcen ship which was in orbit without the other's knowledge. Just my ideas to try and get some comments from you all. Jackie ---- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jackie Clark" Subject: TPDIS: chat Date: 07 Oct 2001 16:30:05 +0100 Hi me again lol. It's Sunday at 4.30pm GMT so chat is about to start on mirc Dalnet in #TomorrowPeople. It is must be either 9.30 or 11.30am in the US. I'll wait for 20 mins to see who comes on line. Jackie ---- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Beth Epstein Subject: TPDIS: Deadliest Species NON-Spoiler Review Date: 07 Oct 2001 21:46:46 -0500 Well, I promised myself I'd try to do one of these for each CD, but for this one it's very difficult, on a scale of thumbs up vs thumbs down: *Tigger waves her flat hand back and forth in an ambivelant manner* When partway through my first listen, I was about ready to suggest that buying an 'N Stync CD might be a better use of money (note the .sig), but mellowed a little bit on that recommendation as it finished, and a tiny bit more with the second listening. Well, let's put it this way: "And the failed experiment award goes to..." Tigger -- What's your anti-boy band? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Christopher Murch" Subject: TPDIS: Urgent call from Jackie Date: 08 Oct 2001 14:58:14 I just couldn't wait until I get home to let you know that I'm interviewing Sammie Winmill on thursday 25th Oct at her home and need your questions urgently... but that's not all... Nick young is coming to TP chat on the next Day Friday 26th Oct at 6.30 my time... so that's early afternoon for the USA. Spread the word... we need as many of you in chat as possible to put your questions to him.... Will the channel ops please contact me so we can have a preliminary meeting before the night. this has to be carried out in a professional manner ... OMG John is Jaunting in... And what's more I am calling Liz in half an hours time and hope to interview her too in the next few weeks... So more quesitons for her are needed asap too. Jackie _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Matott Subject: Re: TPDIS: Specialisation Date: 08 Oct 2001 10:14:11 -0700 (PDT) --- Jackie Clark wrote: > The third point, which was partially discussed last > night in chat (before I > fell asleep), is what specialisms they each show and > whether this could be > linked somehow to their TP gene? > > We know that Andrew could hallucinate, Kenny had > strong TK, Liz was very > empathic... does this count as a tp talent? I love how you put Andrew's ability. Makes it sound like he could have acid trips without the acid. :-) I would say empathy could definitely be a TP talent. It's hard (for some) to distinguish between empathy and sympathy, but empathy is feeling WHAT a person feels while sympathy is feeling FOR a person. I could see where someone who is telepathic would also feel the emotions of another person. I would bet that that would be one of the confusing things that makes breakouts so traumatic. A quick list of what I noted from the two series in regards to specialities: Kenny - TK Carol - premonition (every time she expressed a feeling of danger she was right) Liz - premonition again Tyso - astral projection (although it was suggested that this wasn't a TP talent) Mike - TK Andrew - psychoprojection Hsui Tai/Mike - psychic rapport Adam - healing, teleportation (he's the only TP shown moving and teleporting simultaneously) Kevin - precognitive dreams Ami - premonition, TK Megabyte - electronic TK Jade - pre-breakout telepathy It's very interesting how many of these specialities are pre-breakout manifestations. mike __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? NEW from Yahoo! GeoCities - quick and easy web site hosting, just $8.95/month. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Matott Subject: Re: TPDIS: New uses of powers. Date: 08 Oct 2001 10:26:03 -0700 (PDT) --- Jackie Clark wrote: > My next idea came out of listening to the 'Species' > CD. Without giving away > any spoilers I just wondered if there are any new > uses for the three TP > talents that are possible but not used in the > series... Mind over matter tricks spring to mind - telekinetically altering molecular structures, pyrokinesis, and something I've never seen used - freezing objects The OS TPs had pretty sophisticated healing abilities, but combining telepathy and telekinesis might be interesting to do things like microsurgery. Teleporting objects to a TP rather than the TP jaunting to an object and then jaunting back with it. > And a side issue is to do with use of TK. Would the > size of an object affect > the tp's ability to manipulate it. Would they be > able to lift a whole car > with practice? > I can think of two ways of answering this: 1) Size shouldn't matter. If the TK is using the object itself as a sort of power source than weight is meaningless 2) Mass has a direct effect on TK and the heavier an object the harder it is to lift. The TP would only be able to lift specific amounts based on how strong of a TK field they can generate. Going by #2, I'd say that it'd be like weight training. The more you practice your TK, the more you'd be able to lift. mike - whose thinking of putting 'cryokinesis' under trademark and now has *another* TP story to write at some point. :-) __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? NEW from Yahoo! GeoCities - quick and easy web site hosting, just $8.95/month. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Roanna Medina Subject: TPDIS: Fw: Teleportation Just Around the Bend? Date: 10 Oct 2001 15:14:54 -0700 Here's something neat picked off an email I got from another list. Rho --------- Forwarded message ---------- TELEPORTATION JUST AROUND THE BEND? Physicists in Denmark have made a discovery that could lead to a primitive form of teleportation, according to a report in the New York Times. It won't be spectacular - they only hope to teleport a magnetic field from one set of atoms to another - but if successful, the advance could lead to unbreakable encryption techniques and superfast quantum computers. The teleportation would destroy the original and make an exact replica in a different location. "It's a very important result in the field of quantum computing, quantum information," said Christopher R. Monroe, a professor of physics at the University of Michigan. The next step of the research will be to actually conduct the teleportation experiment itself. The work could benefit computing, but it will likely never lead to a means of transportation. "It's very intriguing, but it's not `Star Trek,'" said J. Ignacio Cirac, a professor of theoretical physics at University of Innsbruck in Austria. "This is very far from doing something like that." By JIM KLING (UPI) Copyright 2001 by United Press International and Heavy Sci. All rights reserved. ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "janet.sullivan" Subject: TPDIS: GALACTIC FEDERATION COMMUNICATIONS HUB Date: 11 Oct 2001 02:34:35 +0100 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0008_01C151FD.443CDE20 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi, Is anyone else having difficulties getting into The Galactic Federation = Communications Hub. I have tried for a few days and cannot get in. I keep getting URL = cannot be found. jansulli ------=_NextPart_000_0008_01C151FD.443CDE20 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Is anyone else having difficulties = getting into The=20 Galactic Federation Communications Hub.
I have tried for a few days and cannot = get=20 in.  I keep getting URL cannot be found.
------=_NextPart_000_0008_01C151FD.443CDE20-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wendy Perkins Subject: Re: TPDIS: GALACTIC FEDERATION COMMUNICATIONS HUB Date: 10 Oct 2001 21:47:57 -0500 It's okay from my computer, but it's my site so who knows. Make sure you're going to: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michael Edmonds" Subject: Re: TPDIS: New uses of powers. Date: 12 Oct 2001 18:02:47 -0000 On 8 Oct 01, at 10:26, Michael Matott wrote: Some wonderful ideas mike! > simply the slowing down of its molecular structure. > if pyrokinesis were possible then freezing would be > too - call it cryokinesis?> Pyrokinesis usually means setting light to something. Your cryokinesis is slightly different but a great concept. What will happen to the energy that they pull out of the object? > Teleporting objects to a TP rather than the TP > jaunting to an object and then jaunting back with it. Very useful > > And a side issue is to do with use of TK. Would the > > size of an object affect > > the tp's ability to manipulate it. Would they be > > able to lift a whole car > > with practice? > > > > I can think of two ways of answering this: > > 1) Size shouldn't matter. If the TK is using the > object itself as a sort of power source than weight is > meaningless I'm not quite sure what you mean by using the object as a power source? > 2) Mass has a direct effect on TK and the heavier an > object the harder it is to lift. The TP would only be > able to lift specific amounts based on how strong of a > TK field they can generate. > > Going by #2, I'd say that it'd be like weight > training. The more you practice your TK, the more > you'd be able to lift. Alternatively rather than lifting a large object would it be easier to teleport it upwards which in someways would be the same as lifting it with TK. Depending on the energy requirements of teleporting and telekinesis this might be more "energy efficient" Just a few thoughts Michael ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS:EYE OF SCORPION Date: 12 Oct 2001 19:14:48 EDT --part1_23.12bf4de7.28f8d368_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In this new DOCTOR WHO audio, the 5th Doctor makes a slight reference to the Pyramid of Cheops and the face on the pyramid---mentioning he's heard some bizarre stories about the person (Jedikiah?) --part1_23.12bf4de7.28f8d368_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In this new DOCTOR WHO audio, the 5th Doctor makes a slight reference to the Pyramid of Cheops and the face on the pyramid---mentioning he's heard some bizarre stories about the person (Jedikiah?) --part1_23.12bf4de7.28f8d368_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Beth Epstein Subject: Re: TPDIS: New uses of powers. Date: 12 Oct 2001 20:47:09 -0500 Michael Edmonds wrote: > Your cryokinesis is slightly different but a great concept. What will > happen to the energy that they pull out of the object? Send the TP's bouncing round the room? Or make up for all that energy they're expending teleporting perhaps. (Man, and you guys thought you had to watch me around sugar or caffine.:) Tigger (who needs to be silly, bear with her:) -- What's your anti-boy band? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "jackie zalewski" Subject: TPDIS: tv-slightly off topic Date: 12 Oct 2001 22:23:10 -0400 Hiya I figured this had to do w/TP as there's always a chance of clips or specials being shown... I heard from someone that you can (with certain digital cable providers) get the BBC channel here in the US. Anyone know if this is true? _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: RE:TPDIS: tv-slightly off topic Date: 13 Oct 2001 01:48:46 EDT --part1_43.12e57d.28f92fbe_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable >Hiya >I figured this had to do w/TP as there's always a chance of clips or=20 >specials being shown... >I heard from someone that you can (with certain digital cable providers) ge= t=20 >the BBC channel here in the US.=A0 Anyone know if this is true? I get digital cable from Time Warner and there is some sort of British=20 channel on there but I don't get a chance to watch it much. I did notice Dr.= =20 Who is on at 6AM. That's about all I know.=20 Cut the strings... -Justin --part1_43.12e57d.28f92fbe_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>I figured this had to do w/TP as there's always a chance of clips or= =20
>specials being shown...
>I heard from someone that you can (with certain digital cable provid= ers) get=20
>the BBC channel here in the US.=A0 Anyone know if this is true?

I get digital cable from Time Warner and there is some sort of British c= hannel on there but I don't get a chance to watch it much. I did notice Dr.=20= Who is on at 6AM. That's about all I know.=20

Cut the strings...
--part1_43.12e57d.28f92fbe_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: New uses of powers. Date: 13 Oct 2001 01:49:50 EDT --part1_be.1c1a16b1.28f92ffe_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 10/12/2001 9:49:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: > --part1_be.1c1a16b1.28f92ffe_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 10/12/2001 9:49:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

What's your anti-boy band?
--part1_be.1c1a16b1.28f92ffe_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Scott S. Goldman" Subject: Re: TPDIS: tv-slightly off topic Date: 13 Oct 2001 04:08:22 -0400 on Directtv you can get BBC America which is a great channel but it doesn't show any sci-fi on it.. just the British sitcoms and mystery shows.. I think the European sci-fi channel showed the 90's tp not too long ago.. I wish we could turn The Tomorrow People into a MEGA PAY PER VIEW EVENT ONLY 4 easy payments of $19.99... maybe get Don King involded... oh well... At 10:23 PM 10/12/2001, you wrote: >Hiya >I figured this had to do w/TP as there's always a chance of clips or >specials being shown... >I heard from someone that you can (with certain digital cable providers) >get the BBC channel here in the US. Anyone know if this is true? > > > >_________________________________________________________________ >Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jackie Clark" Subject: TPDIS: Interviews Date: 13 Oct 2001 14:32:01 +0100 In the light of world events there has been little mail recently, so I have gone ahead and prepared the questions I'll be using at both Elizabeth and Sammie's interviews (see below). I'll be away at a friends for the days leading up to the meetings so after this weekend I'll have no opportunities for editing. If there are any more burning questions you want me to add then please get back to me this weekend. I am hoping that everyone can try to make it to chat with Nick on Friday/Sat 26/27th Oct (depending upon your time zone.) I know that it's middle of the day in the US but a week night after work was all he could do for us. Thanks Jackie Sammie Winmill Interview Questions 1. What do you do now? Do you still act, or something different? 2. Are you married with a family? 3. What other shows have you been in? How did this role compare to the one you played in The Duchess of Duke Street? 4. What did you think when you first heard about the premise for the show? 5. What influenced your decision to leave the show after just twelve weeks? 6. When you left the TP show after the first season, did you have any idea that it would run for as long as it did? 7. Is it true that you are really into the paranormal? 8. Can you tell us about some (if any) real-life paranormal (ESP, telekinesis) events that you have personally witnessed or experienced? 9. If you could pick just one of the TP's powers--jaunting, telepathy, or telekinesis, or time travel--which would you pick and why? 10. How much of Carol's character came from you and how much was Roger Price 's influence? 11. Are there any story lines that you would have liked to see Carol in that would have showed a different side of her? 12. If Carol had stayed on Earth how do you see her character developing over the years? 13. Do you think that there should have been more female Tomorrow People? 14. Have you read any fan fiction? If so, what? 15. What was your favourite story line? 16. Did you ever imagine that all these years later people would still be interested in the show? 17. If you had to do it all again, would you? 18. Was there any aspect of the show that you didn't like, be it an episode, a cast member, or something else? 19. Did you see any of the New Series episodes? If so, what did you think? 20. Are you aware that the scientific community suspect that the next stage of human evolution is beginning to evolve and manifests itself as heightened intelligence? Do you feel that Roger Price's ideas for the show were predictive in nature or just a lucky guess? 21. How do you see the future of mankind? Do you feel that there will ever be real tomorrow people living on Earth? 22. What in your opinion was the greatest strength of the tomorrow people i.e. their inability to kill, their special powers or something else? 23. Were the cast aware, at the time, of all the issues written into the show (anti war etc) why do you think it has had such a lasting appeal for the dedicated fans? 24. What impact did you personally hope that the Tomorrow People would have on the viewers? 25. Does you see the struggles of the TP as being analogous to any other struggles going on then, or today? 26. What is your favourite memory from the show in general? ------------- Elizabeth Interview Questions 1. What do you do now? Do you still act, or something different? 2. Are you married with a family? 3. What did you think when you first heard about the premise for the show? 4. Is it true that you wore short socks and a wig to your audition? 5. What influenced your decision to join the cast? 6. Were you aware of your significance as a female black role model? Did this affect how you approached the role? 7. Do you think that there should have been more female Tomorrow People? 8. Did you ever imagine that all these years later people would still be interested in the show? 9. Did you have any idea that it would run for as long as it did? 10. If you had to do it all again, would you? 11. How much of Elizabeth's character came from you and how much was Roger Price's influence? 12. What, in your opinion, was the strongest aspect of Elizabeth's character and what the weakest? 13. If you could pick just one of the TP's powers--jaunting, telepathy, or telekinesis, or time travel--which would you pick and why? 14. Are there any story lines that you would have liked to see Liz in that would have showed a different side of her? 15. Have you read any fan fiction? If so, what? 16. What was your favourite story line? 17. Was there any aspect of the show that you didn't like, be it an episode, a cast member, or something else? 18. Did you see any of the New Series episodes? If so, what did you think? 19. Do you feel that Roger Price's ideas for the show were a product of his interest in sci-fi or just a form of kids entertainment? 20. What in your opinion was the greatest strength of the tomorrow people i.e. their inability to kill, their special powers or something else? 21. Were the cast aware, at the time, of all the issues written into the show (anti war etc) why do you think it has had such a lasting appeal for the dedicated fans? 22. What impact did you personally hope that the Tomorrow People would have on the viewers? 23. Does you see the struggles of the TP as being analogous to any other struggles going on then, or today? 24. What is your favourite memory from the show in general? Thanks Jackie ---- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kristy Fahrenwald" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Interviews Date: 13 Oct 2001 08:58:38 -0500 >If there are any more burning questions you want me to add then >please get back to me this weekend. I actually have some questions for Sammie, but with my current stress level I've not got around to asking... thanks for the jolt. I had trouble putting this into words so if you need to you can shorten the wording a bit go ahead. How about... For Sammie: Carol and John seemed to have such a brother/sistery relationship with their occational teasing of each other. Carol influence made John actually appear to have some kid left in him from time to time. Which makes me wonder, how do you think it would have affected John's character if Carol would have stuck around? Carol's teasing/playing with John (trying to read his mind while playing a game) and some other comments she made have always made me feel she was a bit more 'dangerous' or at least 'sneaky' than her sweet personality ever really showed. What do you think? >I am hoping that everyone can try to make it to chat with Nick on >Friday/Sat >26/27th Oct (depending upon your time zone.) I know that it's middle of the >day in the US but a week night after work was all he could do for us. Actually, I'm being so bad! I'm considering canceling my classes or arranging to have someone cover them just to be there! (I think it is supposed to be a review day... if I give the review out ahead of time, maybe someone else can answer questions for my students. I'm so bad.) So, no guarentees... but I *really* want to come. If I don't cancel my afternoon classes, I can't come in till at least 3:30pm... I *think* it would start at 12:30pm my time. (Somebody want to make sure I have the right time for the Central time zone?) Any chance it won't be over in that case? Kristy _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Kristin Dunn) Subject: RE:TPDIS: tv-slightly off topic Date: 13 Oct 2001 12:25:58 -0400 wrote: Yeah I get BBC America, and I can pull in BBC 1 every now and then. I think it's with Time Warner digital cable, and Direct TV. Kristin >>I heard from someone that you can (with certain digital cable providers) get >>the BBC channel here in the US.  Anyone know if this is true? > >I get digital cable from Time Warner and there is some sort of British >channel on there but I don't get a chance to watch it much. -- 'You know, I would hate to be that one Japanese person who's house gets distroyed by Godzilla and their house insurance doesn't cover "damage caused by Godzilla, or other genetically engerneered creatures"' My friend making yet another random comment while watching Godzilla 2000 __________________________________________________________________ Your favorite stores, helpful shopping tools and great gift ideas. Experience the convenience of buying online with Shop@Netscape! Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Mail account today at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Beth Epstein Subject: Re: TPDIS: tv-slightly off topic Date: 13 Oct 2001 12:11:52 -0500 "Scott S. Goldman" wrote: > I wish we could turn The Tomorrow People into a MEGA PAY PER VIEW EVENT > ONLY 4 easy payments of $19.99... maybe get Don King involded... oh well... LOL! We only wish TP was that big-- then maybe we'd get commercial releases of the episodes where the quality didn't suck (or at least was equally good as Monty Python and the Holy Grail:). Tomorrow People bigger than WWF. That'd be cool. (-8 Tigger -- What's your anti-boy band? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Peter Kirk" Subject: Re: RE:TPDIS: tv-slightly off topic Date: 13 Oct 2001 13:45:46 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_011A_01C153ED.5C57D860 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable On MY Digital Cable System of 277 Ch. from Comcast I get the BBC in = America Ch. It has Dr. Who on in 1 hour spots early in the mornings... Peter Kirk IPN-PEN311 PA Chapter Admin WWW.IncidentPage.Net AIM: IPN PEN311 Y! IM: ipnpen311 MSM: ipnpen311 ----- Original Message -----=20 From: To: Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2001 1:48 AM Subject: RE:TPDIS: tv-slightly off topic >Hiya=20 >I figured this had to do w/TP as there's always a chance of clips or=20 >specials being shown...=20 >I heard from someone that you can (with certain digital cable = providers) get=20 >the BBC channel here in the US. Anyone know if this is true?=20 I get digital cable from Time Warner and there is some sort of British = channel on there but I don't get a chance to watch it much. I did notice = Dr. Who is on at 6AM. That's about all I know.=20 Cut the strings...=20 -Justin=20 ------=_NextPart_000_011A_01C153ED.5C57D860 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
On MY Digital Cable System of 277 Ch. = from Comcast=20 I get the BBC in America Ch. It has Dr. Who on in 1 hour spots early in = the=20 mornings...
Peter Kirk
PA Chapter = Admin
AIM: = IPN=20 PEN311
Y! IM: ipnpen311
MSM: ipnpen311
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, October 13, = 2001 1:48=20 AM
Subject: RE:TPDIS: tv-slightly = off=20 topic

>I=20 figured this had to do w/TP as there's always a chance of clips or=20
>specials being shown...
>I heard from someone that you = can=20 (with certain digital cable providers) get
>the BBC channel = here in the=20 US.  Anyone know if this is true?

I get digital cable = from Time=20 Warner and there is some sort of British channel on there but I don't = get a=20 chance to watch it much. I did notice Dr. Who is on at 6AM. That's = about all I=20 know.

Cut the strings...
------=_NextPart_000_011A_01C153ED.5C57D860-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jackie Clark" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Interviews Date: 13 Oct 2001 19:11:49 +0100 Kristy wrote > > How about... > For Sammie: Carol and John seemed to have such a brother/sistery > relationship with their occational teasing of each other. Carol influence > made John actually appear to have some kid left in him from time to time. > Which makes me wonder, how do you think it would have affected John's > character if Carol would have stuck around? Carol's teasing/playing with > John (trying to read his mind while playing a game) and some other comments > she made have always made me feel she was a bit more 'dangerous' or at least > 'sneaky' than her sweet personality ever really showed. What do you think? Well I may shorten it to this... Carol and John seemed to have such a brother/sistery relationship with their occational teasing of each other. how do you think it would have affected John's character if Carol would have stuck around? Is this ik by you? I can't come in till at least 3:30pm... I *think* it would start at > 12:30pm my time. (Somebody want to make sure I have the right time for the > Central time zone?) Any chance it won't be over in that case? Lets see. I'll arrive at his office at 6.30pm my time. It'll take 1/2-3/4 hour to set up the computers... I think the chat will start proper at about 7.15... I have suggested that it continue for one hour but this all depends upon how many people come into the channel and more importantly how long he's willing to stay. After all it's Friday night and he will probably want to go home to the family some time lol. So lets say that it lasts 11/2 hours now all we need is someone to work out what time that will be for you... any takers??? Jackie ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Matott Subject: Re: TPDIS: New uses of powers. Date: 13 Oct 2001 13:16:29 -0700 (PDT) --- Michael Edmonds wrote: > On 8 Oct 01, at 10:26, Michael Matott wrote: > > Some wonderful ideas mike! Thanks. > > > simply the slowing down of its molecular > structure. > > if pyrokinesis were possible then freezing would > be > > too - call it cryokinesis?> > > Pyrokinesis usually means setting light to > something. Well, since fire (and heat) are really just a matter of kinetic energy then if someone could accelerate molecules with their mind to start a fire, it wouldn't be a large stretch to slow down molecules in an object, thereby cooling or freezing it. (Think about that the next time your coffee or tea is too hot. :-) ) > > Your cryokinesis is slightly different but a great > concept. What will > happen to the energy that they pull out of the > object? Hmm, that's a good point and not one I had considered. Perhaps the TP could absorb it? > > > 1) Size shouldn't matter. If the TK is using the > > object itself as a sort of power source than > weight is > > meaningless > > I'm not quite sure what you mean by using the object > as a power > source? Ever since Einstein, it's been pretty much accepted that mass=energy. All matter is in motion (kinetic motion theory again), so if the TP could on a molecular level siphon off some of the kinetic energy they could use that as an energy source - OR could use the potential energy created by gravity (that thing we refer to as weight). I realize that there are *LOTS* of problems with the physics of this, but that's why it's fiction. :-) mike __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: TPDIS: tv-slightly off topic Date: 13 Oct 2001 19:14:31 +0100 "Scott S. Goldman" wrote: > on Directtv you can get BBC America which is a great channel but it doesn't > show any sci-fi on it.. just the British sitcoms and mystery shows.. I > think the European sci-fi channel showed the 90's tp not too long ago.. Sci-Fi showed the 70s series. The 90s series was shown on a BBC channel - BBC Prime for Europe outside the UK. At that time the BBC and Pearson were in co-operation so a lot of Pearson material turned up on BBC-branded cabsats. BBC America is a bit of a cross in output terms between BBC World and BBC Prime - but at first it had on-screen appearance derived from BBC One. Balloons and the voice of Dan Austin ... Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michael Edmonds" Subject: Re: TPDIS: New uses of powers. Date: 14 Oct 2001 13:05:09 -0000 On 13 Oct 01, at 13:16, Michael Matott wrote: something. > > Well, since fire (and heat) are really just a matter > of kinetic energy then if someone could accelerate > molecules with their mind to start a fire, it wouldn't > be a large stretch to slow down molecules in an > object, thereby cooling or freezing it. (Think about > that the next time your coffee or tea is too hot. :-) As I understand it pyrokinesis usually means the ability to burn things rather than heat them. There would he a difference in the physics as with pyrokinesis all you would need to do is somehow ignite the substance rather than heat it up. e.g. you can heat petrol with a reasonable amount of energy and it boil rather than ignite. But take a much smaller amount of energy and apply it as a spark and you have ignition. If cryokinesis was possible I guess the TPs could in some way pull the energy from one object (cool it down) and then use it to heat another object or vice versa. You have opened the door to some very intriguing possibilities. Michael Michael ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kathryn Andersen Subject: Re: TPDIS: New uses of powers. Date: 14 Oct 2001 11:16:25 +1000 On Sat, Oct 13, 2001 at 01:16:29PM -0700, Michael Matott wrote: > --- Michael Edmonds wrote: > > On 8 Oct 01, at 10:26, Michael Matott wrote: > > > > simply the slowing down of its molecular structure. > > > if pyrokinesis were possible then freezing would be > > > too - call it cryokinesis?> > > > > Pyrokinesis usually means setting light to something. > > Well, since fire (and heat) are really just a matter > of kinetic energy then if someone could accelerate > molecules with their mind to start a fire, it wouldn't > be a large stretch to slow down molecules in an > object, thereby cooling or freezing it. (Think about > that the next time your coffee or tea is too hot. :-) > ) > > > Your cryokinesis is slightly different but a great concept. What will > > happen to the energy that they pull out of the object? > > Hmm, that's a good point and not one I had considered. > Perhaps the TP could absorb it? But who says they *would* be pulling energy out of the object? Maybe it takes just as much energy to cool things down as it would to heat them up. (Or refridgerators wouldn't need power... (grin)) How exactly would they be slowing the molecules down? Maybe by "pushing" them in the opposite direction to where they were going. Like applying brakes. Or the TK equivalent to opposite polarization. (And maybe one reason why we don't see cryokinesis is because it's a very difficult technique to learn...) Kathryn Andersen -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "Even a leap in the air begins with two feet on the ground, my friend." -- Max Headroom (Max Headroom: The Blanks) -- _--_|\ | Kathryn Andersen / \ | \_.--.*/ | v | #include "standard/disclaimer.h" ------------| Melbourne -> Victoria -> Australia -> Southern Hemisphere Maranatha! | -> Earth -> Sol -> Milky Way Galaxy -> Universe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kathryn Andersen Subject: Re: TPDIS: New uses of powers. Date: 14 Oct 2001 19:53:47 +1000 On Sun, Oct 14, 2001 at 01:05:09PM -0000, Michael Edmonds wrote: > On 13 Oct 01, at 13:16, Michael Matott wrote: > something. > > > > Well, since fire (and heat) are really just a matter > > of kinetic energy then if someone could accelerate > > molecules with their mind to start a fire, it wouldn't > > be a large stretch to slow down molecules in an > > object, thereby cooling or freezing it. (Think about > > that the next time your coffee or tea is too hot. :-) > > As I understand it pyrokinesis usually means the ability to burn > things rather than heat them. There would he a difference in the > physics as with pyrokinesis all you would need to do is somehow > ignite the substance rather than heat it up. > e.g. you can heat petrol with a reasonable amount of energy and it > boil rather than ignite. But take a much smaller amount of energy > and apply it as a spark and you have ignition. Yes, but that depends on the substances involved. Heating can be done to anything. *Burning* is a chemical reaction which requires certain chemicals to be present -- basically, burning is a highly exothermic oxidization reaction. Petrol burning (to put it really simply) is a Carbon + Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide (plus other things) reaction. Other things besides Carbon are very reactive to Oxygen (like Magnesium, for example). These reactions require an initial amount of energy to activate them (eg, matches don't burn until you give them enough friction heat for them to actually start reacting) And I've forgotten the point I was trying to make. Oh well. > If cryokinesis was possible I guess the TPs could in some way pull > the energy from one object (cool it down) and then use it to heat > another object or vice versa. TP heat-pump, eh? Kathryn Andersen -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "A Jedi Knight? I'm out of it for a little while and everyone gets delusions of grandeur." -- Han Solo, on Luke Skywalker (Return of the Jedi) -- _--_|\ | Kathryn Andersen / \ | \_.--.*/ | v | #include "standard/disclaimer.h" ------------| Melbourne -> Victoria -> Australia -> Southern Hemisphere Maranatha! | -> Earth -> Sol -> Milky Way Galaxy -> Universe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "janet.sullivan" Subject: Re: TPDIS: GALACTIC FEDERATION COMMUNICATIONS HUB Date: 15 Oct 2001 00:03:03 +0100 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0015_01C1550C.C2DFCD20 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Thanks for you help Wendy. The link from my favourites list had gone wrong and although I had tried = another one I still hadn't got any joy. When I received your message and tried your link, it was fine. I have not been able to link from the TPFICT archives, What's New? from = the story Round Robin # 3. Is this my computer playing up again? Thanks again for your help. Great Site!!!! jansulli ------=_NextPart_000_0015_01C1550C.C2DFCD20 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Thanks for you help Wendy.
The link from my favourites list had = gone wrong and=20 although I had tried another one I still hadn't got any = joy.
When I received your message and tried = your link,=20 it was fine.
I have not been able to link from the = TPFICT=20 archives, What's New? from the story Round Robin # 3.  Is this my = computer=20 playing up again?
Thanks again for your help.  = Great=20 Site!!!!
------=_NextPart_000_0015_01C1550C.C2DFCD20-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "janet.sullivan" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Interviews Date: 15 Oct 2001 00:33:00 +0100 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0015_01C15510.F1FFDEC0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi Jackie, I have only just had a chance to catch up with my e-mails. If I am not too late to add a question to the list for Sammie and = Elizabeth Interviews I would like to know if they have heard about the = new TP stories on CD? What they thought of the idea of new stories = being dramatised after all this time and if given the chance would they = take part in them? I thought the other questions already on the list are very good and I = look forward to reading the answers! jansulli ------=_NextPart_000_0015_01C15510.F1FFDEC0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Hi Jackie,
I have only just had a chance to catch = up with my=20 e-mails.
If I am not too late to add a question = to the list=20 for Sammie and Elizabeth Interviews I would like to know if they have = heard=20 about the new TP stories on CD?  What they thought of the idea of = new=20 stories being dramatised after all this time and if given the chance = would they=20 take part in them?
I thought the other questions already = on the list=20 are very good and I look forward to reading the answers!
------=_NextPart_000_0015_01C15510.F1FFDEC0-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: NS opening themes Date: 15 Oct 2001 22:09:20 EDT --part1_15c.2887141.28fcf0d0_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hey all! I was listening to my .wav file of the opening theme from The Origi= n=20 Story (grace =E0 Amy's web page), and couldn't help but wondering why they=20 changed it for future serials. Personally, it's my favorite of all three=20 themes for the various TP incarnations. Does anyone know why the music was=20 changed? Danke! -Geoff Old sig quotes: "Not calling it a crusade is progress as far as Bush is concerned." -- Arpi Dawn: She's so pretty. Geoff: Dawn, she's a fetus. "She used to be worse, strict and anal. They say menopause has softened her= .=20 Now she's only sketchy." -- Micaela "You're such a bad liar you can't even lie over AIM!" -- Me Micaela: You know, that's kind of funny, that they have AIM in France.=20 Geoff: I concur. I know that in England America OnLine is called "AOL UK."=20 Micaela: Oh dear! The ironies of life!=20 "For many, this charred portraite of Elizabeth II gives poignant new meaning= =20 to the phrase, 'Hey, check out that flaming queen.'" -- Family Guy "I am extremely hot. In fact I'm getting turned on right now just being=20 myself." -- "Dashal Damsell" "I'm actually not that cool, I'm just cynical." -- Ms. Matthews Me (making a typo): AIM won't worry, and AOL decided to stop upgrading at 28= %=20 Hanna: I don't think AIM is capable of feeling=20 Me: Although I like Ukyou too, oddly enough. Actually, I like MOST of the=20 Ranma cast ^_^; Arpi: As does most of the Ranma cast :) Darryl: You know, most people would've settled for the rabid iguana. But no= t=20 you, Geoff. No, you insisted on the stick. :) Me: I gotta be me. "That's no way to talk to Microsoft! You need to use curse words." -- David=20= C "I believe in peace, b*tch." -- Tori Amos Sara:One day I'm going to write a best-selling drama with these experiences. Me: Can I quote you that? Sara: Yes You can also quote me on "::head explodes::"=20 I think I need a sedative. -- Sara "I'm trying to understand and my brain is slowly imploding on itself.." --=20 Guess who! "Wow, you're just piling up the quotes today! Soon I'm going to need a=20 special 'Sara sig.'" -- Me "He he, i've made my comeback, just like Bon Jovi." -- Amy "Life is a Twilight Zone." -- Ms. Matthews --part1_15c.2887141.28fcf0d0_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hey all! I was listening=20= to my .wav file of the opening theme from The Origin Story (grace =E0 Amy's=20= web page), and couldn't help but wondering why they changed it for future se= rials. Personally, it's my favorite of all three themes for the various TP i= ncarnations. Does anyone know why the music was changed? Danke!

Old sig quotes:

"Not calling it a crusade is progress as far as Bush is concerned." -- A= rpi

Dawn: She's so pretty.
Geoff: Dawn, she's a fetus.

"She used to be worse, strict and anal.  They say menopause has sof= tened her.  Now she's only sketchy." -- Micaela

"You're such a bad liar you can't even lie over AIM!" -- Me

Micaela: You know, that's kind of funny, that= they have AIM in France.=20
Geoff:  I concur. I know that in England Am= erica OnLine is called "AOL UK."=20
Micaela:  Oh dear! The ironies of life!=20

"For many, this charred portraite of Elizabeth II gives poignant new mea= ning to the phrase, 'Hey, check out that flaming queen.'" -- Family Guy

I am extremely hot. In fact I'm getting turned on right now= just being myself." -- "Dashal Damsell"

"I'm actually not that cool, I'm just cynical." -- Ms. Matthews

Me (making a typo): AIM won't worry, and AOL decided to stop= upgrading at 28%=20
<g> I don't think AIM is capable of feeling=20

Me: Although I like Ukyou too, oddly enough. Actually, I like MOST of th= e Ranma cast ^_^;
Arpi: As does most of the Ranma cast :)

Darryl: You know, most people would've settled for the rabid iguana. &nb= sp;But not you, Geoff.  No, you insisted on the stick.  :)
Me: I gotta be me.

"That's no way to talk to Microsoft! You need to use curse words." -- Da= vid C

"I believe in peace, b*tch." -- Tori Amos

Sara:One day I'm going to write a best-selling drama with these experien= ces.
Me: Can I quote you that?

Sara: Yes <g> You can also quote me on "::head explodes::"=20

I think I need a sedative. -- Sara

"I'm trying to understand and my brain is slowly imploding on itself.."=20= -- Guess who!

"Wow, you're just piling up the quotes today! Soon I'm going to need a s= pecial 'Sara sig.'" -- Me

"He he, i've made my comeback, just like Bon Jovi." -- Amy

"Life is a Twilight Zone." -- Ms. Matthews
--part1_15c.2887141.28fcf0d0_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Snicker Subject: TPDIS: OT - information request? Date: 15 Oct 2001 21:17:33 -0500 This is utterly off topic, but I was hoping a kind-hearted member of the UK could help someone who wrote me. I got a strange letter from a girl named Bahatyy Mtweve who claims to live in Tanzania. She's looking for a sponsor in the UK to help her find better schooling. Normally, I'd write this stuff off to the typical spam scam (like the old "I have a million dollars in diamonds, and I'll give you ten percent if you give me your bank account to transfer the monies through" scam), however, in my experience, those are rather hollow, and not interested in any response other than your account information. When I informed this girl that I'm not in the UK, however, she did respond, and requested other avenues of assistance. I dunno - I haven't seen a scam like this before, and she does seem legitimate. Is anyone out there willing to give this a once over for validity and maybe help this girl out? I can forward all the correspondence at your request. Thanks! Snicker in Houston, TX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rob Powers Subject: RE: TPDIS: The Original Series on Videotape Date: 15 Oct 2001 21:09:37 -0700 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0000_01C155BD.B2C417A0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Do any of you know where I could find the complete original series on Videotape? NTSC format? I went to a website that was recomended and the tapes were no longer being offered. Thank you. Rob Powers ------=_NextPart_000_0000_01C155BD.B2C417A0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Do any=20 of you know where I could find the complete original series on = Videotape? =20 NTSC format? I went to a website that was recomended and the tapes were = no=20 longer being offered.  Thank you.
Rob=20 Powers
------=_NextPart_000_0000_01C155BD.B2C417A0-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Kristin Dunn) Subject: RE: TPDIS: Urgent call from Jackie Date: 17 Oct 2001 17:03:36 -0400 "Christopher Murch" wrote: Nick young is coming to TP chat on the next Day Friday >26th Oct at 6.30 my time... so that's early afternoon for the USA. I remember someone asking what time that was US. It's about 1.30 pm EST. And we had to pick a day that I have to actually teach in my class... Why?? If I'm lucky enough, I'll try to make it to the chat. If not, please send my regards. Kristin ------ You know you've been working at Blockbuster Video too long when: You can start recommending the most rented adult movies to customers that ask for them. Joe Dirt becomes a part of your cult classics collection next to Night at the Roxberry, Breakfast Club, Rocky Horror Picture Show, and The Worst Witch. -- 'You know, I would hate to be that one Japanese person who's house gets distroyed by Godzilla and their house insurance doesn't cover "damage caused by Godzilla, or other genetically engerneered creatures"' My friend making yet another random comment while watching Godzilla 2000 __________________________________________________________________ Your favorite stores, helpful shopping tools and great gift ideas. Experience the convenience of buying online with Shop@Netscape! Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Mail account today at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Christopher Murch" Subject: TPDIS: Time Zones for chat Date: 18 Oct 2001 10:46:08 Hi all Jackie here again... I noticed that people are having trouble sorting out which time zone they are in and found this helpful web site. I found it easy to calculate that 7.30 pm in the UK is 1.30 pm in Arkansas. Hope it helps you all to work out whether you can be in chat on the 26th... thanks Jackie _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Aaron Propes Subject: TPDIS: The Deadliest Species Review Date: 18 Oct 2001 17:43:22 -0500 I've posted a review of The Deadliest Species on my website - you can reach it directly at or through the main page at I tend to put in a number of hyperlinks (although not as many this time around) to various places that I think may be fun or relevant, which is why I haven't posted them here (I'm old fashioned and often use Pine, I don't like HTML email). I'm also happy to add any other reviewers onto the site, should they be interested. Regards, Aaron Propes --- Aaron Lee Propes The Tomorrow People Audio Reviews ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "jackie zalewski" Subject: TPDIS: question re chat Date: 18 Oct 2001 21:19:25 -0400 Hiya this is the first time I'll be able to be around for an 'online event' so could someone please let me know how to do this? is there a website to go to or what? if this will tie up the list with stuff everyone else knows; feel free to email me directly at: oh, and for people east of Chicago; the time will be at 2:30pm. peace _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jackie Clark" Subject: Re: TPDIS: question re chat Date: 19 Oct 2001 06:44:08 +0100 You can visit my web site where you'll find the channel rules. But here's a quick run down of how I hope the event to progress. Once a fair crowd has gathered the ops will call on the first person to ask their question. Everyone will get the chance to ask one question but can abstain when it's their turn and wait until the end if they like. You may ask Nick anything as long as it's not too personal, rude abusive etc. Anyone being annoying, using bad language or flaming will be kicked and possibly banned from the channel. The chat begins at 7.30 proper but I suggest everyone comes in a few mins before this to let things settle down... I've invited everyone who's ever visited my web pages (about 50 more people) but I don't expect even half of those to attend. I'm just hoping for a fair crowd... BTW the ops include Shawn, Wendy, Megan, TIM, and me... I may need to appoint some more if things get difficult any volunteers? when everyone has asked questions if we still have time we'll open it out to general chat for everybody... Let's just see how it goes ;) Jackie ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 2:19 AM > Hiya > this is the first time I'll be able to be around for an 'online event' so > could someone please let me know how to do this? is there a website to go > to or what? if this will tie up the list with stuff everyone else knows; > feel free to email me directly at: > > oh, and for people east of Chicago; the time will be at 2:30pm. > peace > > > > _________________________________________________________________ > Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Beth Epstein Subject: TPDIS: ykybwtmpw... Date: 19 Oct 2001 20:05:30 -0500 keep hearing your name even though there's no one else around, and instead of worrying about your mental health you think "maybe I'm finally breaking out".'re trying to deny a cold, and you keep saying "I'm not sick, if I were gonna get sick, I'd get sick NEXT week when I could spend the afternoon chatting with Nick Young instead of work". Tigger -- What's your anti-boy band? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: ykybwtmpw... Date: 20 Oct 2001 11:29:53 EDT --part1_5a.6bb2a8.2902f271_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit when you find yourself running to class thinking teleport, teleport, teleport and picturing the class room in your mind, one more than one occasion. when watching a old B-horror movie you find yourself yelling "teleport" while your friends are yelling "run" (In America) you don't realize that the cute guy you just met was British until after he leaves, one of your friends, says something about his accent. (In America) You find yourself about to say things "like some folks have jam on it," or "Here's where you kip". If you hear an male Australian voice, you think Adam is finally contacting you telepathically. then you realize One he wasn't talking to you and two it wasn't Adam. You think the landscape in your bosses office is changing, and then you realize it did, and the old one is lying aginst the wall. You can't wear headbands. They that would give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary security deserve neither liberty nor freedom. Ben Franklin --part1_5a.6bb2a8.2902f271_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit when  you find yourself running to class thinking teleport, teleport, teleport and picturing the class room in your mind, one more than one occasion.
when watching a old B-horror movie you find yourself yelling "teleport" while your friends are yelling "run"
(In America) you don't realize that  the cute guy you just met was British until after he leaves, one of your friends, says something about his accent.
(In America) You find yourself about to say things "like some folks have jam on it," or "Here's where you kip".
If you hear an male Australian voice, you think Adam is finally contacting you telepathically.  then you realize One he wasn't talking to you and two it wasn't Adam.
You think the landscape in your bosses office is changing, and then you realize it did, and the old one is lying aginst the wall.
You can't wear headbands.

They that would give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary security deserve neither liberty nor freedom.
Ben Franklin
--part1_5a.6bb2a8.2902f271_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Emma=20Hanby?= Subject: TPDIS: question Date: 21 Oct 2001 08:44:56 +0100 (BST) hiya everyone, i wanted to ask everyone a question: if you were a professional writer and given the chance to resurrect The Tomorrow People as a new series what would you do to it? would you leave characters in? have an all new cast? i'd like to know what other people think as fans of the show(s) Personally, i would start from scratch where the charaters are concerned, and rather than having the plot as 1) person 'Breaks Out' 2) meets other tps 3)stops evil professor from wanting to ruin the world. i'd be more inclined to concentrate on the tps as a race, then move on to stopping evil psychopaths from bringing the world to its knees-although it wouldnt always work. thanks for your time Em ===== please visit my new look site-go on you know you want to!: ____________________________________________________________ Nokia Game is on again. Go to and join the new all media adventure before November 3rd. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: question Date: 21 Oct 2001 15:32:08 EDT i dunno what i would do. i think i would start from scratch character wise except for adam, i always liked him and wished that his character had developed more. but, i would hope that something from the fan fiction that i have been writing would be true. Its called The Threat of Darkness for those that have not seen it. it has to do with two kinds of tps, the lights and the darks, there;s a war between them and though they can't kill, they find a way to get rid of eachother. the part that i;m working on now is trying to decide what to do next. though i like the two groups thing cause we all know that with great power comes great responsibility and the potential of corruption. cathryn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wendy Perkins Subject: Re: TPDIS: question Date: 21 Oct 2001 14:47:43 -0500 I guess it depends on how soon I could get the ball rolling. The further we get from the end of the either show, the less likely I am to want to use existing cast in a major way. I know that's ageism. But, to me, the Tomorrow People is about being young. Because of its proximity, I'd probably pick up again with the new series. It's only been 6 years since that ended. I'd put Jade in charge of the TP. Maybe bring back Kevin. I'm sure with the cancellation of "All Souls" that Christian Tessier to available, so I'd bring back Megabyte. Then introduce a new character. A few episodes down the road, the other pre-existing characters could start making short return appearances. I like tradition, so I'd definitely stick with the one about having a new TP break out in the opening story. That doesn't mean we couldn't meet others along the way, tho. I also like origin stories. Those are my favorite in any generation of the TP. As for mad-scientist-of-the-week, I'm not so sure. The way the audio CDs has things set up is nice. I'd probably look for something like that, some kind of massive arc that the rest of the stories could fit into. I also like continuity, so following the path of some shows where ever episode exists in its own tiny little universe is right out. Hmm.. I'm sure there's more. Never thought about it that much. Anyone else? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Simon Fraser" Subject: Re: TPDIS: question Date: 21 Oct 2001 09:19:10 +0100 Hum Interesting Idea... Personally I tend to disagree, and I feel that the original series format works :) But.. that's just my opinion hehe As for focusing more on the TP as a race.. I think that's more interesting, but... in the scope of a series, it would maybe prove to be more difficult to write for, and also more difficult to maintain continuity. Just my thoughts :) TinyTim ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Drew Thiele Subject: Re: TPDIS: question Date: 21 Oct 2001 14:25:27 -0700 For the new cast, all new. I'd rather have at least maybe Kevin, or Jade take over, at the beginning, then they're slowly 'fading' from view, so to speak, as the rest of them assert their roles, etc etc. Kevin and Jade would still be part of the group, but not the 'major' leaders. As for needing a leader... I dunno who would be best, but Adam was the best one imho. Maybe even bring one or two old series TP's into the mix. Granted, we want the show to be relatively *NEW* so the cameos will have to be pretty much cameos, but new people, new abilities... And maybe a little more realistic too? Like "Neutral" TP's, that break out (There was an idea, I think "Thread of Darkness" Story mentioned it) but I was thinking that it might be better, even if a TP can't kill, why not some of them can at will, but very nauseous afterwards? Or at least something similiar, not losing their powers, but mind-shock, which would be like unable to control them? Just an idea -- Drew ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Anne Olsen" Subject: TPDIS: RE:question Date: 22 Oct 2001 11:24:19 +1300 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0120_01C15AEC.17C12480 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I tend to go along with Wendy's answer on this one. New Series with some = of the established characters, and a new break out in the first story. = After all by now there should be other TP's breaking out. Also though = I'd like to see where the older characters (Wendy suggested Jade, Kevin = and Megabyte which to me seems a good mix) are now, how being a TP has = impacted in their lives as they have grown older, become young adults. = This way this could be looked at, but at the same time have everyman = characters of the newbies coming in and learning what it's all about = being a TP. One thing though, I would want to stress would be let's get some decent = character driven story lines this time round. Let's see the characters = growing and evolving because of their life experiences and show them in = relationships coping with everyday life against the backdrop of being a = Tomorrow Person. Continuity is a big thing too. Very important is my book. A must have if = you want believable realistic characters. That's my two cents worth anyways Anne ------=_NextPart_000_0120_01C15AEC.17C12480 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I tend to go along with Wendy's answer = on this one.=20 New Series with some of the established characters, and a new break out = in the=20 first story. After all by now there should be other TP's breaking out. = Also=20 though I'd like to see where the older characters (Wendy suggested Jade, = Kevin=20 and Megabyte which to me seems a good mix) are now, how being a TP has = impacted=20 in their lives as they have grown older, become young adults. This way = this=20 could be looked at, but at the same time have everyman characters of the = newbies=20 coming in and learning what it's all about being a TP.
One thing though, I would want to = stress would be=20 let's get some decent character driven story lines this time round. = Let's see=20 the characters growing and evolving because of their life experiences = and show=20 them in relationships coping with everyday life against the backdrop of = being a=20 Tomorrow Person.
Continuity is a big thing too. Very = important is my=20 book. A must have if you want believable realistic = characters.
That's my two cents worth = anyways
------=_NextPart_000_0120_01C15AEC.17C12480-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Cobalt Blue" Subject: Re: TPDIS: question (The TP, Megan-style) Date: 23 Oct 2001 01:26:58 Well, this is what I would do if I were going to remake the Tomorrow People. I would use the other two series as a significant staple of the series. 1) The new TP would find Tapahini, and the remnants of other TP that were there only a few years before. 2) These clues would lead them to discover what the NS TP hadn't, that there were a group of TP before them (the OS). 3) The new TP would find the Trig and meet up with the OS character, initiating a search for the NS characters and their fate. 4) Kevin and Lisa would rejoin the TP as adults to assist the new TP. 5) There would also be adults breaking out at say...age 36 or 42. I would find a way to explain it, but it wouldn't be just teenagers. That annoyed me about the NS. The adults were all portrayed as bumbling idiots or over protective parents. Also, we would see how fabulous John, Liz, and Stephen look at 40+. 6) There would be TP families (which means both parents are TPs and have had kids). 7) There would be jaunting belts, bands, and even jaunting rings and pendants...If it's an accessory, it can help ya jaunt. 8) Not all the adventures would be villian-of-the-day. There would be episodes (NOT SERIALS) and sometimes they would be about everyday things or whatnot. There would be a consistent villian that lasted more than two episodes. 9) We would definitely check in on our friends from the Emily and Elmer and the Momma, the grandfather from Blue and Green (that guy tripped me out) 10) The TP would have something resembling formal structure...because I think there needs to be a hierarchy of command and a governing body of TP, because TP may not be able to kill, but stealing and other crimes aren't beyond them. They may frown on crime, but that doesn't mean there won't be those who do things like that. 11) The TP would span a wide span of ages. There would be TP that were little and TP that were old. The series would explore the lives, struggles, challenges, and accomplishments of them all. It wouldn't be just a children's show. It would an EVERYBODY show. You're a TP when you're born, you're a TP when you're 10, when you're 17, when you're 26, and when you're 110. The TP had a theme of universality, and I think to show the entire spectrum, to give a picture of the TP, you need to show all of it members, including the young and old ones. 12) Chris (Ginge's brother) would break out. He deserves to be a TP more than anyone in any series. He has earned his right to break out. 13) Stun guns would come personally initialled and customized. It would be possible to get a purple stun gun with the words "I'm right, you're wrong" in silver lettering on the side... 14) The TP would have a way of detecting break-outs. I'd combine the OS style of breaking out with the NS-style of breaking out. 15) There would be no more new powers. Teleporting, telepathy, telekinesis would be it. 16) Power negation would be a fact of life. 17) There would be rogue TP's. 18) There would be lots of non-British TP. There would be at least one TP from everywhere that I could think of, especially lots of the interesting but obscure places. For Anne, there would be several most fabulous New Zealander TP's. 19) The TP would deal with the tough issues of today's world, like war, crime, laws, cultures, religions, etc. 20) The TP would get closer to revealing themselves to the world at large. There you have it. If I was doing the TP, that's what I'd do. :) Many good jaunts to you all, Megan **** "Well, we can't all be sheep like them." "You say it like it's a baaaaaaaaad thing." -Tony James and John Angerer Modern History 4 _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jackie Clark" Subject: Re: TPDIS: question Date: 24 Oct 2001 20:07:14 +0100 I agree with a lot of what Megan says including the following points. > 3) The new TP would find the Trig and meet up with the OS character, > initiating a search for the NS characters and their fate. Yes. I think the new characters should meet up with the old ones (whether played by the same people or not) on the Trig. > 5) There would also be adults breaking out at say...age 36 or 42. I would > find a way to explain it, but it wouldn't be just teenagers. That annoyed me > about the NS. The adults were all portrayed as bumbling idiots or over > protective parents. Also, we would see how fabulous John, Liz, and Stephen > look at 40+. I'm not sure that I'd have adult breakouts but I would definately have adults in the story lines. Like in Roswell where it centres around teenagers but the adults are significant to the stories too.... and like in Star Trek where it is adult stories but they are never so adult that they cannot be watched, understood and enjoyed by all ages. > 6) There would be TP families (which means both parents are TPs and have had > kids). > > 7) There would be jaunting belts, bands, and even jaunting rings and > pendants...If it's an accessory, it can help ya jaunt. I like both of these ideas a lot... I'd centre my series around the family units with a central core of five or six charactrers and others too who play more leading roles in some storylines. > 8) Not all the adventures would be villian-of-the-day. There would be > episodes (NOT SERIALS) and sometimes they would be about everyday things or > whatnot. There would be a consistent villian that lasted more than two > episodes. > Yes! Not all tp's would be off saving the world all the time, some would have more mundane tasks but these could be used to expolore more character driven stories... I really like the idea of a TP school a bit like X men where new tp's could be instructed by older ones and it doesn't always go smoothly ;-) > 10) The TP would have something resembling formal structure...because I > think there needs to be a hierarchy of command and a governing body of TP, > because TP may not be able to kill, but stealing and other crimes aren't > beyond them. They may frown on crime, but that doesn't mean there won't be > those who do things like that. And this tooooo! There could be a theme running through the series where some Tp's are descovered 'breaking the rules' so to speak and something has to be done about them... But my main theme would not be based off world as so many of the original series stories were... the appeal of the darker stories like 'Secret Weapon' and 'The Dirtiest business' is how the TP's live amongst saps who know of and fear their existance... I'd have them doing battle with the SIS and some very scary moments when they are almost destroyed. But in every episode I would always always stress that the TP's use their intellect to get them out of a fix and never resort to direct violent action... there would be some sacrifices but also a lot of love and commitment between them too... Well I've rambled on long enough. I spent the past 4 days with Carolyn watching 'The Mike and Hsui Tai years' with a little bit of Carol thrown in... It's just been a wonderful way to spend a holiday. Cya in chat Friday! Jackie ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Beth Epstein Subject: TPDIS: Chat Friday Date: 24 Oct 2001 22:37:05 -0500 Can someone who's going please make sure to log the chat with Nick Young and post it to the list for those of us who need to be working or sleeping at that time? Thanks very, very, very much. Tigger -- What's your anti-boy band? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jackie Clark" Subject: TPDIS: tomorrow's chat Date: 25 Oct 2001 22:00:20 +0100 I'm sure that I don't need to remind anyone about tomorrow. I'll be arriving at Nick's office at 6.30 pm and it'll take me about 3/4 hour to set up the pc's. I'm not too sure which ops will be around but can they be on line as soon as possible to monitor people as they enter the channel. I may need to appoint some more ops so any regulars may find themselves being asked to help out. When you enter please wait until you are asked for your question we'll go strictly in order and the ops get first shot as they'll be busy later on. I'm expecting some non list members so it could either be extremely busy or, if no US people come, extremely quiet lol... so have more than one question thought through just in case you need them. I'll be logging the chat myself for editing and posting onto web sites... I'll be with Elizabeth earlier in the day so by tomorrow night I'm going to be quite tired... keep your fingers crossed that someone from TV land sees all our efforts and thinks that there's enough interest to make a new series... Remember that you can check out the list rules on my web site... Follow the link below. Cya later Jackie (angeriana) your forever hopeful TP goddess... ---- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "janet.sullivan" Subject: TPDIS: Logging Tomorrows Chat Date: 25 Oct 2001 22:39:49 +0100 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0007_01C15DA5.F499ED40 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I am hoping to join in tomorrows chat. =20 Is there anyone out there who can give me instructions on how to keep a = copy of the chat? As I am new to the chat channel it will give me a = chance to follow everything. Many thanks. jansulli ------=_NextPart_000_0007_01C15DA5.F499ED40 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I am hoping to join in tomorrows = chat. =20
Is there anyone out there who can give = me=20 instructions on how to keep a copy of the chat?  As I am new = to the=20 chat channel it will give me a chance to follow everything.
Many thanks. =20 jansulli
------=_NextPart_000_0007_01C15DA5.F499ED40-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Hately Subject: Re: TPDIS: Logging Tomorrows Chat Date: 26 Oct 2001 08:10:07 +1000 janet.sullivan wrote: > I am hoping to join in tomorrows chat. > > > > Is there anyone out there who can give me instructions on how to keep a > copy of the chat? As I am new to the chat channel it will give me a > chance to follow everything. What IRC program are you using - they log in different ways. Yours Without Wax, Dreadnought Shaun Hately |webpage: (ISTJ) |email: | ICQ: 6898200 "You know the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alter their views to fit the facts. They alter the facts to fit the views. Which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that need altering." The Doctor - Doctor Who: The Face of Evil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "janet.sullivan" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Logging Tomorrows Chat Date: 25 Oct 2001 23:10:30 +0100 Hi Dreadnought, I am using mlRC32 from Jackies page. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 11:10 PM > janet.sullivan wrote: > > > I am hoping to join in tomorrows chat. > > > > > > > > Is there anyone out there who can give me instructions on how to keep a > > copy of the chat? As I am new to the chat channel it will give me a > > chance to follow everything. > > What IRC program are you using - they log in different ways. > > Yours Without Wax, Dreadnought > Shaun Hately |webpage: > (ISTJ) |email: | ICQ: 6898200 > "You know the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in > common. They don't alter their views to fit the facts. They alter > the facts to fit the views. Which can be uncomfortable if you happen > to be one of the facts that need altering." The Doctor - Doctor Who: > The Face of Evil > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Hately Subject: Re: TPDIS: Logging Tomorrows Chat Date: 26 Oct 2001 22:50:24 +1000 janet.sullivan wrote: > Hi Dreadnought, > > I am using mlRC32 from Jackies page. Open mIRC32, go to File - then Options - then IRC - then Logging, and ensure the Automatically Log Channels, box is selected. Yours Without Wax, Dreadnought Shaun Hately |webpage: (ISTJ) |email: | ICQ: 6898200 "You know the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alter their views to fit the facts. They alter the facts to fit the views. Which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that need altering." The Doctor - Doctor Who: The Face of Evil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jackie Clark" Subject: TPDIS: Nick is on line now... Date: 26 Oct 2001 20:10:55 +0100 If anyone is on line now who can mail me a question to put to Nick please feel free to do so... ---- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Viv Subject: Re: TPDIS: Nick is on line now... Date: 26 Oct 2001 12:22:06 -0700 (PDT) On Fri, 26 Oct 2001 20:10:55 +0100, wrote: > If anyone is on line now who can mail me a question to put to Nick please > feel free to do so... comment: I have thoroughly enjoyed the "CD episodes" - can't wait for the next one!!! Question: Are he and the others having fun doing the cd episodes? viv > Tia's Pals' Press c/o Vivian Arney P.O. Box 144842 Austin, Tx 78714-4842 We've been selling Fanfiction, memorabilia and books for 13 years. SASE for more info. Http:// A proud member of FEF - _______________________________________________________ Send a cool gift with your E-Card ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tony Nolan Subject: Re: TPDIS: Nick is on line now... Date: 27 Oct 2001 05:34:14 +1000 I forgot the server, channel name im looking for ? tony ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jackie Clark" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Nick is on line now... Date: 26 Oct 2001 20:46:19 +0100 Dalnet any server will do but Liberty is best ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 8:34 PM > > I forgot the server, channel name im looking for ? > > tony > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Emma=20Hanby?= Subject: Re: TPDIS: Nick is on line now... Date: 26 Oct 2001 20:47:59 +0100 (BST) --- Tony Nolan wrote: > > I forgot the server, channel name im looking for ? > > tony > #TomorrowPeople ===== please visit my new look site-go on you know you want to!: ____________________________________________________________ Nokia Game is on again. Go to and join the new all media adventure before November 3rd. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Hately Subject: TPDIS: The Log Date: 27 Oct 2001 06:34:49 +1000 Thanks to Jackie for setting this up - and to Nick Young for his time. As= =20 I send this log out, Nick left the channel 8 minutes ago. [04:03] * Drednort is logging at this time [04:04] what is this 'logging' thing? [04:04] and does it hurt? [04:04] would the ops like to begin please Shaun your first... [04:04] *** Pikachutru has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving=0F) [04:05] ok TinyTimYou ask a question then... [04:06] * TinyTim passes [04:06] * TinyTim can't type much.. sowwy :( [04:07] Well, I really don't have a question. But an=20 observation, if I may. Nick, when I was growing up I had a great deal of=20 trouble because I was different from other kids. The Tomorrow People on=20 TV was one of the few good things in my life for a long time - and John=20 became my role model. I just want to thank you for your portrayal of that= =20 character and to let you know that, strange as it may seem, you made a=20 big difference in my life by playing John [04:07] ok Alana would you like to ask Nick something then [04:07] Please wait Alana... We're reading... [04:08] p? [04:09] Thank you for your comments, it's good to know that=20 my efforts are appreciated! [04:09] Alana you're next [04:10] First, thank you for giving us this opportunity. One of= =20 the things that most appealed to me about the TP was there non-violent=20 solution to what seemed impossible problems. My question: How do you feel= =20 about all the killing in the new CD? --Ana (from Mexico) [04:11] I was not sure about turning PVC into a killer, I=20 don't think it was quite right really. [04:11] * angeriana is glad Nick said that [04:11] Many of us were quite upset about the disregarding of=20 the Prime Barrier [04:12] *** Deron has joined #TomorrowPeople [04:13] * angeriana welcome Deron please wait to be asked for your=20 question... [04:13] I can't argue with that. However there may have been= =20 sound (pardon the pun) reasons - the unavailability of the cast members=20 who were bumped off! [04:13] Yes, but it didn't have to be a TP who killed them! [04:14] Don't blame th actor, blame the writer [04:14] * angeriana is also Nick said that! [04:14] I don't blame it on the actors. In any case, I am glad=20 you agree with us. And thanks. [04:15] * angeriana Daltonames your up next... your question please [04:18] ok we'll give daltonames another minute then move on=20 to Deron [04:18] Hi, Nick. I'm actually here because my girl Jackie is at=20 work but wanted me to pop in here to say hi from her... and from me too!=20 She has loved the TP since she was a litle kid, and now we both totally=20 dig it as adults (sort of)... [04:18] I actually have no questions [04:19] brb younger brother alert! [04:19] *** Pikachutru has joined #TomorrowPeople [04:19] * Drednort actually does have some questions to ask if we run out= ... [04:20] ... meaning were sort of adults! but i will say thank you= =20 to you and all the tp-type folks for hours of amusement... could you be=20 so kind, Nick, as to give a shout-out to my girl Jackie in a "john-like" = way? [04:20] Deron, thanks for your comments, I'm glad you both=20 enjoyed the programme (and the cd's?) [04:21] the cd's were brilliant! [04:22] BRB Nick was disconnected! [04:23] *** Nick_Young was kicked by angeriana (angeriana=0F) [04:23] is he coming back? [04:24] probably [04:24] patience:D [04:24] right on [04:24] i have to teach a voice lesson any minute! [04:24] *** Nick1_Young has joined #TomorrowPeople [04:24] huzzah! [04:24] *** angeriana sets mode: +o Nick1_Young [04:25] surely you can put off your voice lesson? [04:25] Huzzah?! What, we're at a RenFair now? [04:25] :) [04:25] i mean come on its nick young! [04:25] ok next question please [04:25] hey now... i was not finished! [04:25] ok Deron continue please [04:26] *** Jillybee has joined #tomorrowpeople [04:26] * angeriana welcome Jillubee please wait to be asked for your=20 question [04:26] can you give a shout out to my girlfriend Jackie?... i'm=20 going to pr [04:26] print this out and she'd be tickled if you say something=20 to her... :) [04:26] we don't know what pr means sorry [04:27] pr =3D print without the int [04:27] :) [04:28] Hi, Jackie. I hear that you've been a fan since you= =20 were a little kid. I won't ask how long ago that was! [04:28] Midigirl next quickly before she has to leave [04:28] hee hee... you rock, Nick... thanks and next time we're=20 in the uk, we'll take you out for a few pints! [04:29] That's orange juice of course. TPs don't drink (or=20 have any other vices) [04:29] i just wanted to know what you thought of the Tp=20 reincarnation (with Kristian Scmit) when you first saw it [04:29] well said! [04:31] I thought it was a shame they didn't tie up the two= =20 programmes with some reference to the old. It was better filmed but after= =20 all, which version is still out there on CD? [04:31] *** TinyTim has quit IRC (Ping timeout=0F) [04:32] exactly! hehe thanks for answering my question. if i=20 had Tp powers i'd teleport my younger brother away so he wont badger me=20 to come on here anymore!:D:D [04:33] thanks a lot, bye everyone:) [04:33] You would probably need a matter transporter for=20 best results [04:33] it wouldnt matter as long as he was outta my hair [04:33] lol [04:33] bye [04:33] *** midigirl has quit IRC (Quit: =0F) [04:33] Pikachutru your turn next [04:33] Um... [04:34] *** jansulli has joined #TomorrowPeople [04:34] Er.... [04:34] *** jansulli has left #TomorrowPeople [04:35] I hear we met in London (and shook hands) have you=20 washed them since!? [04:35] I had the pleasure of meeting Nicholas at Dreamwatch= =20 1994, I found him to be just as... *searching for the right word*...=20 perfect as I imagined he'd be. [04:35] That's the right word [04:35] *** jansulli has joined #TomorrowPeople [04:35] * angeriana welcome Jansuli please wait to be asked for your ques= tion [04:36] jillybee your turn [04:37] ok... .first, thanks so much for being here! My=20 question has to do with the new CD's, which are wonderful... [04:38] will some of the loose ends in Deadliest species be=20 explained.. Don't want to say more-afraid of spoiler issues... [04:39] Difficult to answer without knowing which loose=20 ends you are refering to... [04:39] I realized when I started writing... how about the=20 indirect references to the new series... [04:41] I don't know whether there is an overall plan with=20 regard to new TP who may have been mentioned. The stories are written by=20 different people so certain "loose ends" may remain [04:43] ok we're back to Drednort [04:45] * angeriana may ask a question... do you think that Big finish=20 are happy with the success of the new cd's? [04:45] *** jansulli has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer=0F= ) [04:45] They seem to be. [04:45] *** Latimer84 has joined #tomorrowpeople [04:46] * angeriana are they likely to make more than the 4 they=20 originally planned [04:46] OK - with regards to the series. Did you have a=20 favourite - or least favourite - serial among the stories? [04:46] *** jansulli has joined #TomorrowPeople [04:47] Least favourite was the story that Roger Price=20 didn't write. We were stuck on the edge of a black hole for four eps. and= =20 it got VERY boring! [04:47] * angeriana jansulli do you have a question? [04:48] Favourites were Liiving Skins, Blue and Green and=20 Hearts of Sogguth [04:48] Hi, Did you regret the way that the series was=20 finished on the TV? [04:48] *** TinyTim has joined #tomorrowpeople [04:48] Sorry folks :( [04:48] np wb [04:49] Thankies ;) [04:49] Yes, it finished in a hurry with a poorly written=20 story and rather bad bad guys who I have likened to demented Daleks on=20 Viagara [04:50] * angeriana do u have anything to add jansulli? [04:50] Would you have come back in a TV series instead of the= =20 CD's [04:51] *** TinyTim has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving=0F) [04:51] After some plastic surgery-yes [04:52] It can't be that bad. [04:52] Well, maybe just some Lady Grecian 2000 [04:53] * angeriana from where I'm sitting Nick looks just fine... [04:53] ok Latimer84 your turn [04:53] Was there anything you would have liked made into a=20 story, such as an idea you may have had, either during the filming or now= ? [04:53] Okay, my grammar died, but you get the idea ^_^; [04:54] I did write a story or two, but Roger Price guarded= =20 his position jealously! [04:55] anything else Latimer84? [04:55] What happened in them? [04:58] I think one of them involved time travel back to=20 the American Civil War. I had Elizabeth captured by some rebels and we=20 had to rescue her...I can't remember the rest, maybe the South won....! [04:59] *** TinyTim has joined #tomorrowpeople [05:00] * angeriana back to Drednort do u have another question? [05:00] * TinyTim sneaks back in [05:00] *** angeriana sets mode: +o TinyTim [05:00] i have a question now... i guess i have to wait... [05:01] nope you can ask as it's youir first one [05:01] cheers... but it's silly... we have come to the=20 conclusion that all tp's must have incredibley shiny hair... what are=20 your thoughts on this matter? [05:04] sorry he's been disconnected [05:04] brb [05:04] did he even hear/read my very important question? [05:05] *** midigirl has joined #TomorrowPeople [05:05] hiya everyone:D:D [05:05] hiya! [05:05] :) wb [05:05] Just hang on a mo, folks.. he'll be back :) [05:05] *** Nick_Young has joined #TomorrowPeople [05:05] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Nick_Young [05:05] thanks:D i escaped from my brother [05:05] it seems whenever i say something to Nick... he jaunts aw= ay [05:05] wb Nick :) [05:05] he's watching robot wars [05:06] *** Nick1_Young was kicked by angeriana (angeriana=0F) [05:07] John just jaunted to the John (as they say in the=20 colonies) [05:07] :) [05:07] lol! [05:07] hehe [05:07] * angeriana has lost all trask of who's next... [05:07] track even [05:07] did you see my question, Nick? [05:07] Deron's question.. [05:07] still :) [05:07] brb [05:07] it's very important [05:08] i shall type it again, yes? [05:08] can u cut and paste it? [05:08] Abouth the hair? Yes- I was saying that everone had=20 shiny hair in the 70's (I still have) [05:08] lol [05:08] *sorry* [05:08] yes that was it... you always had the shinest of them=20 all, man [05:09] I learnt from Roger Moore - wash your hair in beer! [05:09] Mental note...;) [05:09] why did we ever fight the british rule over here? [05:09] wouldnt that attract the bees? [05:10] TPs and alcohol - external use only [05:10] hehe [05:10] lol [05:10] :D [05:10] It's not too late for the U.S. to apply for=20 membership of the Commonwealth or to restore the Queen (or join Canada!) [05:11] * angeriana very true... is it also true that you don't drink in=20 real life [05:11] Of course, you could always use the alcohol to get a= =20 TP drunk, then you could... um, never mind. [05:11] some people only think of one thing..... [05:11] I always supected that TIM had more than oil in=20 water in those tubes... [05:12] lol [05:12] hee hee [05:12] brb *again!* [05:12] ok any serious questions? [05:12] I'd like to ask Nicholas his opinion of why it seems= =20 like most science fiction portrays psionics as dangerous and unstable=20 (i.e.: "Carrie)? [05:14] Because such powers can so easily be used for evil=20 purposes. They are safe in TP hands because of our commitment to=20 non-violence (except PVC on a bad hair day) [05:14] * angeriana but er all know what Peter does with the beer! [05:15] lol [05:16] *** TinyTim has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving=0F) [05:16] I'd like to ask Nick some more: What are the things you= =20 liked the most about the TP, and playing the TP? And, if there is=20 something, what did you dislike about doing the show? [05:19] I enjoyed working on the show because we always had=20 a laugh making it. Peter and I were always seeing the funny side oof=20 things. The show itself was a breath of fresh air in children's TV at the= =20 time and it wa exciting working on something that was new and different.=20 I disliked the lack of money to do things properly. I would have loved to= =20 have seen it shot on film instead of video. The special effects were much= =20 weaker than they [05:20] Thank you. It was certainly a breath of fresh air and=20 still is... [05:21] brb [05:22] sorry for speaking out of turn, but my student is here...= =20 even though i'd much rather hang out and tp... i must away... thank you,=20 Nick, for your time and humor... :) [05:22] any good behind the scene stories you could share?? [05:22] humour [05:22] who's next? [05:23] *** Deron has quit IRC (Quit: =0F) [05:23] I've got one from a friend [05:23] OK - here's a somewhat different question - I had the=20 misfortune to view Eskimo Nell - and it is a tribute to my esteem for=20 your acting that I would sit through any film you appeared in no matter=20 how bad. But it lead me to wonder if that film had any impact on 'A Man=20 for Emily' - almost certainly not, but the cowboy suits were interesting.= (-8 [05:24] Peter was always late for rehearsal. One day he=20 blamed the fact that he'd had an accident on his motorbike. Honest John=20 did not believe him, and ripped off the bloodstained bandage (Heinz=20 Ketchup c. 1974) thus exposing his lies! [05:24] heh... :) [05:26] I think the writer of Eskimo Nell was living out one= =20 of his fantasies. Once again, don't blame the actor....(and don't tell=20 anyone where they can get hold of a copy). [05:26] *** TinyTim has joined #tomorrowpeople [05:26] I will burn my copy directly (-8 [05:26] Phew....thanks [05:26] *** TinyTim is now known as Guest35788 [05:26] rofl... nick just offered to show me his copy [05:27] Thats...COPY! [05:27] lol [05:27] Pikachitru next then Latimer [05:28] If people did start breaking out, which do you think= =20 would happen first: They's be killed by fearful mobs of norms, or they'd= =20 be rounded up by the Government and held in those compounds with the=20 alien bodies that the Government swears don't exist? [05:28] *** Guest35788 is now known as TinyTim [05:28] That's better :) [05:28] *** RedKF has joined #tomorrowpeople [05:29] :D [05:29] * angeriana welcome RedKF please wait to be asked for your questi= on [05:29] Interesting question which was explored in some=20 episodes. I imagine any government would seek to use their powers.=20 Imagine if they let us loose in Afghanistan - we'd soon find him. [05:30] I've gotta bow out now ppls.. Thanks to Jackie and=20 Nick.. it was nice chatting to you :) [05:30] yeah [05:30] bye tinytim:D [05:30] * TinyTim bounces off :) [05:30] bye Tim... [05:30] Laters :) [05:30] Sorry I can't hang around :( [05:30] Many appologies [05:30] aww [05:31] It's not fun being away from your own PC hehe :) [05:31] Take Care all! [05:31] *** TinyTim has quit IRC (Quit: TinyTim jaunts away.......=0F) [05:31] * angeriana Latimer next then RedKF [05:31] i know how he feels:D [05:31] Do you still play the electric guitar? Do you write=20 music? Have you ever been in a band (even if it's just you and your=20 friends over at your place for a late-night jam session)? What=20 groups/music inspried you to learn the guitar in the first place, and who= =20 do you listen to now? -- From Holly (TPDIS) [05:31] *** r_i_c_h_a_r_d has joined #TomorrowPeople [05:32] * angeriana welcome Richard... please wait to be asked for your=20 question [05:33] *** TheLightFantastic has joined #TomorrowPeople [05:33] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o TheLightFantastic [05:33] Yes, I have never stopped playing the guitar. My=20 writing is not that good- I prefer to perfect other people's stuff. I was= =20 in a band (group-as they were called in the 60's) called The Orange Illus= ion [05:33] * angeriana welcome TheLightFantastic please wait to be asked for= =20 your question [05:33] cool name [05:34] did TIM write your songs?;) [05:34] I was inspired by the Rolling Stones/Kinks/The Who=20 and can play all the best bits from their early stuff - and I still=20 listen to their stuff! [05:35] * angeriana i have another question from a tpdis member sent via=20 mail... [05:35] Tim's song writing abilities are somewhat limited=20 (have you heard Flintlock?) [05:35] Hang on - was that the same band that Darryl Read was = in? [05:35] Besides having hundreds of beautiful actresses (and=20 one beautiful TP [05:35] fan/web mistress!) parading through your office [05:35] every day, what do you find rewarding about being a=20 theatrical agent? How [05:35] does your [05:35] television/film experience help your clients? [05:35] lol [05:35] Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeow [05:36] that was to the flintlock thing by the way [05:36] Drednort - Yes, how very perceptive.... [05:36] My girlfriend has an obsession with him (-8 [05:36] Apart from the beautiful actresses? Nothing! [05:37] *** TinyTim has joined #tomorrowpeople [05:38] Sorry ppls hehe, messing you around again [05:38] nice to have you back:D [05:38] Why thankies :) [05:38] >:) [05:38] * TinyTim can talk a bit more.. for a few mins [05:38] you have a demonic brother too? [05:39] My experience as an actor has helped me to=20 understand the neuroses and anxieties that many actors suffer from [05:39] lol.. more like demonic parents [05:39] lol [05:40] thanks Nick now it's RedKF turn then Richards [05:40] its good you have that to pass on:D [05:40] I for one spent far too much time in the 80's when I saw=20 the show wondering where all of you were and what you were doing... When=20 I could manage to separate the characters from the actors... I even spent= =20 (and spend) time praying for all of you. I can't imagine what that must=20 be like for you (knowing there are nuts like me out there) :) ... How do= =20 you handle such things? [05:40] With nutcrackers [05:40] *** shennagh has joined #tomorrowpeople [05:40] lol [05:40] lol [05:41] hehehe [05:41] hehe [05:41] Am I late? Have I missed anything? [05:41] No [05:41] Good [05:41] Hey shennagh :) [05:41] well you missed the cakes [05:41] Hi all [05:41] * angeriana welcome shennagh please wait to be asked for your=20 question [05:43] *** daltonames has quit IRC (Quit: =0F) [05:43] ok who's next? [05:43] *** r_i_c_h_a_r_d has quit IRC (Quit: =0F) [05:43] *** r_i_c_h_a_r_d has joined #TomorrowPeople [05:43] wb Richard your turn to ask a question [05:43] hi Jackie and Nick.... [05:44] Jillybee is next in line after Richard [05:44] I don't actually have a question (for once) only=20 to say its always good to chat and I'm so pleased to at last see the TP=20 profile rise [05:44] Gotta go again ppls :( [05:45] Take Care :) [05:45] *** TinyTim has quit IRC (Quit: =0F) [05:45] you too [05:45] Hear! Hear! [05:45] ok Jillybee then shennagh who hasn't asked one yet [05:45] did you ever want to do more stories that dealt with=20 more personal aspects of the tp's lives (family, non TP friends)? [05:45] yeah TP is soooo underated [05:47] Wait for the next CD. In that story we hear about=20 John's girlfriend who declined becomming a full TP because being close to= =20 John was "too dangerous" (Ithink she means emotionally!) [05:47] *** r_i_c_h_a_r_d has quit IRC (Quit: =0F) [05:47] *** r_i_c_h_a_r_d has joined #TomorrowPeople [05:47] Short and sweet [05:48] sounds good [05:48] groovy... :) I look forward to that! [05:48] Oh no! There goes my fanfic... [05:48] D`oh [05:49] * angeriana two more questions sent via mail... both about the=20 new cd's firstly Beth asks for Nick's thoughts on the breaking of the=20 prime barrier and Viv asks whether it is fun recording cd's... rather tha= n TV [05:50] *** r_i_c_h_a_r_d has left #TomorrowPeople [05:51] As already said, I ws not happy that PVC turned into= =20 a killer. Perhaps we could "do a Dallas" and find it was all a (bad)=20 dream.... [05:51] Shennagh is definately the next person to ask a quest= ion [05:51] Yes! [05:51] I can't think of anything to ask at the moment - it's=20 just great to be in the company of so many like-minded people... Oh, I=20 did want to say that Nick, you were one of my heart throbs when I was a=20 kid - and, judging from your recent TV appearance, you've still got IT [05:51] I've got a train to catch... Nick, thanks so much for=20 being here! [05:52] Mike Holloways a bit of a looker too! [05:52] I have enjoyed doing the CDs. As a listener, you can= =20 imagine I look just as handsome as I was all those years ago ! [05:52] *** Cry10 has joined #tomorrowpeople [05:52] I can imagine [05:52] *** Jillybee has quit IRC (Quit: =0F) [05:52] *** Cry10 is now known as SnickerTP [05:52] * angeriana welcome Cry10 please wait to be asked for your questi= on [05:52] Mike who? [05:52] Imagine!... I spend the whole time listening with the cd=20 case in my hand... just staring. [05:53] lol [05:53] I can, too... um, actually let's not bring up my=20 imagination. That's a scary place. [05:53] Shennagh, what a shame you grew older (and wiser) [05:53] Not that old, and no wiser! [05:53] aww [05:54] * angeriana would people who still have questions to ask please=20 msg me in private ... [05:54] Do remember that after all these, almost 30(!) years of= =20 fandom, we all grew older and wiser same as you [05:54] snicker your turn next [05:55] * angeriana TheLightFantastic is nexct up [05:57] Hmm...well, for one, it's so lovely to have=20 you here! :) [05:57] Nice being had [05:57] *** midigirl has quit IRC ( net=0F) [05:57] When it's all said and done, what one thing=20 would you like for people to be able to say about your career and your li= fe? [05:58] He was never paid enough, and her's a cheque for the= =20 balance... [05:58] LOL! [05:58] lol [05:58] I can relate to that! [05:59] I hear you, brother. [05:59] But more seriously, I am happy if people have=20 enjoyed what I did over the years. I would hope that people would think I= =20 did my best to be thoughtful and helpful throughout my life. [06:00] * angeriana Nick wants to know how old people are and why you are= =20 interested in a 70's show? [06:00] You're here putting up with us. That has to count for a = lot. [06:00] btw angeriana is 40 in Feb [06:01] I'm coming up 30 at Christmas. [06:01] * RedKF is 31 yr old mother of a 4 yr old boy in=20 Arkansas...Watched TP on Nick in the 80's and has been infatuated with=20 England ever since [06:01] I am 41 and I think the series gave us hope for the=20 future - and continues to do so. [06:01] I'll soon be 38 [06:02] *** midigirl has joined #TomorrowPeople [06:02] * SnickerTP is 29 now [06:02] I'm jinxed! [06:02] I'll soon be 102 (Queen Mother) [06:02] * TheLightFantastic is a 17-year-old from Tennessee. I got=20 interested in the TP after seeing the New Series on Nickelodeon, and then= =20 once I saw the Old Series it was amazing. [06:02] wb midigirl please tell us your age [06:02] my age oooo i feel like such a baby! i'm 19 [06:03] It's good to know that there are TP fans even younger=20 than me [06:03] with the mind of a 36 year old [06:03] TP just felt right... it was comfortable. The TP were=20 for each other what I wanted for myself [06:03] I'm 17. I got interested by the new series because of= =20 the way it treated kids, and of course the cool psychic powers. Then I=20 came online and found out (and got tapes of) the old series, which is=20 also ubercool. [06:03] We could solve the problem of my being underpaid if=20 you all persuaded Nickleodeon to re-run the series.... [06:03] heh [06:03] Do they still have the rights, Nick? [06:03] We're trying, we're trying. [06:03] Arpi and I went on a short-lived campaign to do just=20 that a while ago [06:04] No, no, if there was another series, let it=20 be an adult series. :) Not on Nick, on ABC or something. [06:04] Even better [06:04] UPN [06:04] Here are the questions/comments I would still like to a= sk: [06:04] 1. I'd like to know more about your relationship with=20 the other cast members, and what it felt to be reunited with Philip=20 Gilbert and PVC for the CD? [06:04] 2. I am from Mexico, and the TP were a very big show=20 here (dubbed into Spanish, although very nicely done). It was rerun many=20 times up to the 1990's (even though the New Series have never been shown=20 here). How do you feel about having been a star in so many countries? [06:04] Oh, heavens no! [06:04] No, put it on sci-fi. :) [06:05] ANd for those of us who don't have cable? [06:05] :P [06:05] You wouldn't pay for cable just for the TP?! [06:05] I don't have cable either :) [06:05] I never lost touch with TIM or PVC. It was great to=20 work withem again. It felt like we'd only finished the day before... [06:05] Anybody from Britain want to start a campaign for=20 Channel 5 to rerun the show? They did it for The Sweeney [06:05] I have satellite, which has proven cheaper=20 than cable around here [06:06] Pay for cable for the TP? I think we'd pay for plane=20 tickets to watch it live... daily. [06:06] That was the key to the TPs success-the fact that it= =20 could be enjoyed in over 50 countries. I was aware that Mexico was the=20 first country to buy the show. We used to joke about being Los Hombres de= =20 Manana! [06:07] (We are a sick, sick people.) [06:07] (No, we're "special" ;) [06:07] You were actually called La Gente del Mana=D1a [06:07] (Hey, Red, if we've got to have an obsession,= =20 this is the one to have!) [06:07] Channel 5 might be getting the message as the TP's=20 have been included in their top 10 shows recently [06:07] no it was channel 4 [06:08] (Sick, special... it's all pretty much the same.) [06:08] (True, Megan... I like special, Geoff) [06:08] I knew my Spanish ees not so good. We were speaking=20 Spanglish! [06:08] *** comickid has joined #tomorrowpeople [06:08] Do you know any other languages besides=20 English, Nick? [06:08] Have you ever heard John in Spanish? [06:09] (Does telepathy count as a language?) [06:09] nope [06:09] I do not speak any other languages other than=20 English and Profane. I was going to say that as a TP you don't need a=20 language. [06:09] * angeriana last call for questions... comickid your turn as u=20 just arrived [06:10] I would be amused to hear John speaking Spanish. I=20 always thought that the acting was probably better when dubbed, which=20 accounted for its success abroad. [06:11] your acting is fab no matter what language you speak [06:11] Not your acting, of course. ;) [06:11] Although I'd love to hear you speak Italian [06:11] flattery will get you everywhere [06:11] It's a beautiful language [06:11] I think you may be right! I'll send Jackie a sample of=20 John speaking Spanish, so that you get a chance to hear it [06:11] Muchas gracias [06:12] send away and I'll put it up on my web site for all=20 to hear [06:12] May I quote you on that line about flattery? [06:12] very cool [06:12] Bueno [06:12] What's your best advice for anyone who'd like to=20 become an actor? And I'd just like to add really fast that you were my=20 very first crush EVER. [06:12] Use it and claim it as your own [06:12] Thanks!!! [06:13] No, you've just given him a bigger .sig file! [06:13] Watch all the TP episodes, then think again [06:13] * Latimer84 cackles madly. [06:13] You were my second crush, after PVC! [06:14] :-) [06:14] Well, Nick, you were never a crush of mine - but the=20 show was a definite formative element in my teens. [06:14] You can do all sorts of things with PVC if you can't= =20 afford rubber [06:14] * SnickerTP groans. [06:14] ROTFL! [06:14] ROTFL!!!!!!!!!!!!! [06:15] * SnickerTP makes sowrds from PVC [06:15] THAT is a notable quotable! [06:15] Swords even [06:15] How swordid [06:15] I never really realized I had a crush on you/John till=20 years later... but I certainly did. [06:15] * SnickerTP groans again. [06:15] Two minutes in the punalty box, Nick. [06:15] Steven/PVC was never my type. [06:15] What's your problem Snicker? [06:15] :) [06:15] This is too funny :) [06:16] * SnickerTP has no problem... his doctor says so! [06:16] * angeriana ok folks last few questions as we all have beds to go= =20 to around here... [06:16] It's only 4:18 here! [06:16] THANK YOU for holding a late late meeting for us yank= s! [06:16] Do you have children? If so, do they like the TP? [06:17] That's what the special relationship is all about [06:17] Have you heard whether there will be the chance of=20 anymore CD's after these 4? [06:17] Yes I do have children. My daughter is 11 and my son= =20 9. She finds it too frighteneing to watch. He finds it too tame! [06:17] LOL [06:17] That's kids for you [06:18] Will the CD stories ever bridge the gap between the=20 old series and the new series? [06:18] No accounting for taste. [06:18] Wow! I wish MY dad were on the TP... [06:18] As long as you keep buyin' em, we'll keep makin em [06:18] yeah:D [06:19] We will hold you to that. (Get a stun gun handy folks.) [06:19] I don't think there are any plans to revive the new=20 series [06:19] I don't Geoff. My dad as TP would just be a=20 little bit on this side of STRANGE. [06:19] Any chance of getting Elizabeth or some other cast=20 members for the CDs? [06:19] * angeriana last call... we'll be closing chat in 9 minutes time.= .. [06:19] You will be in a job for a long time then!!!!! [06:19] can i have a Bacardi and Coke please? [06:19] oh sorry [06:19] As long as PVC hasb [06:19] n't killed her off first.... [06:20] LOL [06:20] Ouch! [06:20] * angeriana can asnswer the Liz question as i spoke to her today=20 and put the idea to her ans she was interested [06:20] * RedKF actually liked PVC as a baddie [06:20] Many Thanks for your time Nick - it has been great!!! [06:20] Baddies are always fun to play [06:20] :) [06:20] yeah [06:21] Everyone loves a bad guy [06:21] But not John... he's all good guy. [06:21] mega bitches are even better;) [06:21] And I love him that 'a way! [06:21] =032,15thanks to Nick for giving me the time and spac= e in his office=20 we are all very grateful that the TP has enriched our lives... Thanks so=20 much nick from all the fans' [06:21] Yes! [06:21] THANK YOU!!!!!!!! [06:21] Yeah, you're a star, Nick [06:22] THANK YOU! [06:22] I agree [06:22] Have a great night! [06:22] Yes, thanks so much!!!!!!! [06:22] yeah please come back and do it again [06:22] Thank you so very, very much. :) [06:22] Thanks SO much! You've made my day (nay,my WEEK!) [06:22] :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D [06:22] Hyperspace beckons............... [06:22] bye bye then [06:22] (Send me a matter transporter and I'll show in person=20 next time. :)) [06:22] Have you enjoyed yourself Nick? [06:23] Very much [06:23] *** s_lazerus has joined #tomorrowpeople [06:23] thats good:D:D:D:D [06:23] Lazerus you have one min to ask a question [06:23] I'm fading=20 [06:23] where was the lab located? [06:24] was that asked yet? [06:24] the tube station name? [06:24] wasnt it in the london underground? [06:24] Between White City and Shepherds Bush underground=20 stations on the Central Line. It was an old underground station called=20 Wood Lane (opposite the BBC TV Centre) [06:24] yes [06:25] Thanks! [06:25] Heh heh... just as my theory said! [06:25] Mystery solved! [06:25] Ironic - a plot by Thames TV? [06:25] hehe [06:25] lol [06:25] I can't wait to finish re-watching all the old eps.=20 And then watching the new ones for the first time [06:25] Yes, we used the BBC canteen for lunch [06:25] Dred is the TP king. [06:25] (And Jackie is the goddess of fandom.) [06:25] Most truly she is! :) [06:25] I gotta go - my ISP is about to time me out. Bye, y'a= ll [06:25] YES! [06:26] yeah [06:26] bye shennagh [06:26] ok folks this is the final byeeee we're jaunting off=20 now so thanks for being here [06:26] *** shennagh has quit IRC (Quit: =0F) [06:26] B!ye [06:26] er, Bye! [06:26] thanks for having us:D-in a nice way [06:26] Tim has recalled me - must jaunt [06:26] * angeriana teleports away to the LAB... Hey TIM have you cooked=20 dinner yet? [06:26] *** angeriana has left #TomorrowPeople [06:26] Bye Bye [06:26] :) [06:26] Bye [06:26] byeeeeee [06:26] :) [06:26] THAT was TOO COOL! [06:27] yeah [06:27] yes! [06:27] =037,17jaunts away [06:27] *** Nick_Young has left #TomorrowPeople [06:27] Here endeth the logging --=20 Yours Without Wax, Dreadnought Shaun Hately |webpage: (ISTJ) |email: | ICQ: 6898200 "You know the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alter their views to fit the facts. They alter the facts to fit the views. Which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that need altering." The Doctor - Doctor Who: The Face of Evil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jackie Clark" Subject: Re: TPDIS: The Log Date: 26 Oct 2001 23:55:50 +0100 Shaun wrote >Thanks to Jackie for setting this up - and to Nick Young for his time. As >I send this log out, Nick left the channel 8 minutes ago. Thanks to you for making this fantastic log of the 2 hour session... Nick was so generous with his time I'm amazed at how fast two hours went. I owe a big thanks to my wonderful understanding husband who waited outside Nick's office for nearly three hours just to let me indulge my TP obesssion and as someone in chat said what better thing to be obsessed with. ;-) The feeling I got sitting in front of Nick throughout the chat is that he really enjoyed all the attention and has asked for a copy of the chat to read himself. I'll post the log onto my web site tomorrow along with the detailed interview I did with Elizabeth earlier today... One last thing that I didn't get a chance to mention is that as a big thanks for my help with research for the Top Ten program I've been sent nine original Pearson recordings of various TP stories. So I'm really looking forward to seeing it with no fuzziness and no sound distortion... WOW what a fantastic day it's been... How can I top this? Well the interview with Sammie was postponed as she was unwell, so that's still to come. I've got plans to catch Mike for the next interview and am also going to try for one with Kristian Smidt... What do you think my chances at pulling that off...??? One last and final thing said to me by Liz as I left her office... She's very interested in fan fiction and will be trawling the archives as well as all our web sites in the next few days so... watch out watch out there's a TP about!!! Cya all in chat soon. Love to everyone who was there today whether in body or spirit. Jackie ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jackie Clark" Subject: Re: TPDIS: The Log Date: 26 Oct 2001 23:59:17 +0100 Shaun wrote >Thanks to Jackie for setting this up - and to Nick Young for his time. As >I send this log out, Nick left the channel 8 minutes ago. Thanks to you for making this fantastic log of the 2 hour session... and for being there at such an early hour! Nick was so generous with his time I'm amazed at how fast two hours went. I owe a big thanks to my wonderful understanding husband who waited outside Nick's office for nearly three hours just to let me indulge my TP obesssion and as someone in chat said what better thing to be obsessed with. ;-) The feeling I got sitting in front of Nick throughout the chat is that he really enjoyed all the attention and has asked for a copy of the chat to read himself. I'll post the log onto my web site tomorrow along with the detailed interview I did with Elizabeth earlier today... One last thing that I didn't get a chance to mention is that as a big thanks for my help with research for the Top Ten program I've been sent nine original Pearson recordings of various TP stories. So I'm really looking forward to seeing it with no fuzziness and no sound distortion... WOW what a fantastic day it's been... How can I top this? Well the interview with Sammie was postponed as she was unwell, so that's still to come. I've got plans to catch Mike for the next interview and am also going to try for one with Kristian Smidt... What do you think my chances at pulling that off...??? One last and final thing said to me by Liz as I left her office... She's very interested in fan fiction and will be trawling the archives as well as all our web sites in the next few days so... watch out watch out there's a TP about!!! Cya all in chat soon. Love to everyone who was there today whether in body or spirit. Jackie ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Kristin Dunn) Subject: TPDIS: Chat yesterday Date: 27 Oct 2001 11:15:17 -0400 Well, well, I'll be the first to admit it. I'm a sap, and I missed the chat yesterday... Sorry, but as much as I wanted to be there, teaching and classes called a bit louder. Okey dokey, now to my point. Did any one log the chat from yesterday? If someone did, could you please send me a copy of it? Thanks! Kristin -- "What makes your heart sing?" -- 'You know, I would hate to be that one Japanese person who's house gets distroyed by Godzilla and their house insurance doesn't cover "damage caused by Godzilla, or other genetically engerneered creatures"' My friend making yet another random comment while watching Godzilla 2000 __________________________________________________________________ Your favorite stores, helpful shopping tools and great gift ideas. Experience the convenience of buying online with Shop@Netscape! Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Mail account today at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jackie Clark" Subject: TPDIS: Interviews and stuff! Date: 27 Oct 2001 19:19:10 +0100 Hey everyone! I've spent all day working at my PC and finally managed to upload all the changes to my site. The interview with Elizabeth is available for you all to read as well as an edited version of the chat log. I edited it so that people not used to reading such things can follow the conversation. I hope no one minds my subtle changes to the order things were said in! For a more accurate version please read Shaun's logged session what he mailed out last night. I've also got a New 'New Series' section which is still under construction but I've put up some pics for you to see in the mean time. Ofhand last but not lease I'm going to prepare an open letter to Roger Price... with all that Nick and Liz said yesterday I think the time is right to make our feelings clear to the great man himself... i.e. please get in touch fans want the chance to tell you how much the show means to us all! So there you have it. Follow the links off my main Tp page to find the new stuff Enjoy Jackie (who's hasn't felt this tired in years... I didn't eat anything all day yesterday just ran on adrenalin!) ---- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "janet.sullivan" Subject: TPDIS: FRIDAY'S CHAT Date: 28 Oct 2001 16:21:16 -0000 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0007_01C15FCC.92073EC0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Many Thanks to everyone who was involved in setting up and running the = chat with Nick Young, and of course, to the man himself. It was the first time I have joined in a chat and it was brilliant!! I cannot believe that the man himself was there!!! Again Many Thanks. jansulli ------=_NextPart_000_0007_01C15FCC.92073EC0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Many Thanks to everyone who was = involved in setting=20 up and running the chat with Nick Young, and of course, to the man=20 himself.
It was the first time I have joined in = a chat and=20 it was brilliant!!
I cannot believe that the man himself = was=20 there!!!
Again Many Thanks.
------=_NextPart_000_0007_01C15FCC.92073EC0-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kristy Fahrenwald" Subject: TPDIS: CD... A "Deadliest Species" Theory :) Date: 28 Oct 2001 14:19:04 -0600 Ok, you know I live to explain away annoying inconsistancies and other glitches... so I've developed a little theory......... :) > > SPOILERS@WARNING@SPOILERS TAKE @@@@@@ > > @SPOILERS@WARNING@SPOILERS@ @CARE@ @THE@@@@@@ > > @SPOILERS@WARNING@SPOILERS@ PLEASE @@PRIME@@@@ > > SPOILERS@WARNING@SPOILERS @@@@@@ @BARRIER@@ > > @MANY@ @IS@@@@ > > PPPP @@TP@@ @NO@@@ > > PLLLLP @FANS@ @USE@@ > > LEEEEL @WILL@ @@IF@@ > > EAAAAE @@BE@@ @@YOU@@ > > ASSSSA @GLAD@ @SPOIL@ > > SEEEES @@STUN THE SPOILERS!@@ > > E@@@@E @PEOPLE WHO SPOIL@@@@ > > @DDDD@ @ARE@THE@MINIONS@@@@ > > DOOOOD @@OF JEDEKIAH@@@@@ > > O@@@@O @HAIL@ > > NNNNNN @@TO@@ > > TOOOOT @BIG@@ > > @TTTT@ FINISH > > S@@@@S @MANY@ > > PSSSSP @@TP@@ > > OPPPPO @FANS@ > > IOOOOI @WILL@ > > LIIIIL @@BE@@ > > LLLL GLAD Stephen can kill because of Jedikiah!! In RoJ, Jedikiah could glean all sorts of information from the person whose form he held... Stephen's knowing Trisha, Prof. Cawston's knowing the Lab's phone #. My theory is that there was a bit of *give* with this take. Jedikiah was in Stephen's form when he killed Masters... I think this could have had an effect on Stephen that we were never really shown. It was in the space between RoJ and One Law that Stephen seemed to 'grow up'... he seemed to lose some of his tendency to play and tease with his powers. He now seemed much more comfortable being a TP leader than a follower. I think he *did* have a bit more respect from John, but (according to Deadliest Species) he didn't feel respected. I think a lot of this was because Stephen was changed by what Jedikiah had done while in his form whether he knew it or not... and I think that he may yet have 'flashbacks' to that experience that could have made it possible for him to kill in Deadliest Species... when other conditions were also ripe for him to kick off the Prime Barrier. So, any takers? We have to have *some* real villian to blame... and anybody who is writing new TP stories can't be all villian, so the writer is out in my book. :) Kristy (The Sap Friend) _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: CD... A "Deadliest Species" Theory :) Date: 28 Oct 2001 19:16:12 EST --part1_135.3bb2bb0.290df9cc_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Has everyone in the US gotten their cd2? --part1_135.3bb2bb0.290df9cc_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Has everyone in the US gotten their cd2? --part1_135.3bb2bb0.290df9cc_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: CD... A "Deadliest Species" Theory :) Date: 28 Oct 2001 19:33:02 EST --part1_9d.1d650256.290dfdbe_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I like the idea but it does not' make a lot of sense. Why/how would Jedikiah actually affect Stephen just by wearing his appearance while killing Masters? I also don't like the idea of trying to explain bad writing and bad plot developments ala Gary Russell. It seems another attack against TP (the first being VERDIGRIS) by Doctor Who writers/fans. --part1_9d.1d650256.290dfdbe_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I like the idea but it does not'  make a lot of sense. Why/how would Jedikiah actually affect Stephen just by wearing his appearance while killing Masters?

I also don't like the idea of trying to explain bad writing and bad plot developments ala Gary Russell. It seems another attack against TP (the first being VERDIGRIS) by Doctor Who writers/fans.
--part1_9d.1d650256.290dfdbe_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jane starr Subject: Re: TPDIS: CD... A "Deadliest Species" Theory :) Date: 28 Oct 2001 17:59:32 -0700 At 07:16 PM 28/10/2001 -0500, you wrote: >Has everyone in the US gotten their cd2? I'm in Canada - got mine three or more weeks ago. Listened to it about 5 times in a row. So great to hear Stephen again - he really sounded so much like he did before - just a bit older. Jane Jane Starr Edmonton, Alberta, Canada ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kristy Fahrenwald" Subject: Re: TPDIS: CD... A "Deadliest Species" Theory :) Date: 28 Oct 2001 20:10:36 -0600 Sure most folks may have the CD... but I prefer to be cautious with my spoiler space..... spoiler space..... spoiler space..... spoiler space..... spoiler space..... spoiler space..... spoiler space..... spoiler space..... spoiler space..... spoiler space..... spoiler space..... spoiler space..... spoiler space..... spoiler space..... spoiler space..... spoiler space..... spoiler space..... spoiler space..... spoiler space..... spoiler space..... spoiler space..... spoiler space..... spoiler space..... spoiler space..... spoiler space..... >I like the idea but it does not' make a lot of sense. Why/how would >Jedikiah >actually affect Stephen just by wearing his appearance while killing >Masters? Why would wearing Stephen's appearance allow Jedikiah to access his memory of meeting Trisha? Stephen hadn't even met Trisha when Jedikiah knew him. Why would wearing Cawston's appearance allow Jedikiah to access the Lab's phone number? There was clearly some sort of connection established when Jedikiah took someone's form. I'm just suggesting that it may not have been strictly a one way connection. From what we know in the serial, Jedikiah may have been wearing Stephen's form for the better part of several weeks. Who knows what that may have done to Stephen? As I've said before, I'm not personally convinced that *all* telepathic races have a Prime Barrier... I think that the Federation is doing a bit a wishful thinking to tell each new race "*You* can't kill" simply because the current member races can't kill. However, I am all for protecting the idea that *our* TP generally can't kill. ... That the Prime Barrier *does* exist for them. It's just seems like sacrilege to suggest otherwise. :) So my mind went looking for a theory... it may not be perfect, but I like this one. >I also don't like the idea of trying to explain bad writing and bad plot >developments ala Gary Russell. It seems another attack against TP (the >first >being VERDIGRIS) by Doctor Who writers/fans. Well, I've just always been the sort to prefer to explain away as many errors and inconsistancies as possible. Sure, it's the mental equivalent of a small child putting his hands over his ears and humming when mommy says he can't have ice-cream, but it gets me through the day. :) Kristy (The Sap Friend) _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: alpropes Subject: Re: TPDIS: CD... A "Deadliest Species" Theory :) Date: 29 Oct 2001 08:57:14 -0600 (CST) I put out an idea that I hadn't heard anyone respond to it. Maybe it was just laughably bad, I don't know. :) In short, it's that TP have killed and attempted to kill before. Skipping the Heart of Sogguth argument, there was The Medusa Strain, and it asked if Jedikiah was sentient (if he wasn't, then Cyclops needs to complain to the manufacturer ASAP!), and Peter's sending him to Mercury was tantamount to killing him (or in this case, attempting to, since there was little reason to believe he wouldn't have been melted down himself). Would not the Prime Barrier kick in there? My way around this would seemto indicate that, since the Prime Barrier is a mental block, it requires the mind to be working properly in order to prevent a TP from killing. Peter may not have thought Jedikiah was alive, so he was allowed to follow though. Could somone suffering extreme mental strain also suffer similar problems? Aaron --- Aaron Lee Propes - Using drama to educate on sexual assault ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kristy Fahrenwald" Subject: Re: TPDIS: CD... A "Deadliest Species" Theory :) Date: 29 Oct 2001 15:21:55 -0600 >I put out an idea that I hadn't heard anyone respond to it. Maybe it was >just laughably bad, I don't know. :) Nah, we are all just too busy to actually get into decent conversations... at least that is the case on my end. >My way around this would seemto indicate that, since the Prime Barrier is >a mental block, it requires the mind to be working properly in order to >prevent a TP from killing. Peter may not have thought Jedikiah was alive, >so he was allowed to follow though. I think it does have a lot to do with the individual TP's definition of 'killing'... such as the whole Adam/shark & Tyso/hunting dilemma. I don't think I would count Jedikiah if I believed him to be a robot... but if you do give it much thought, there certainly seems to be more than a malfuntioning machine in Jedikiah. >Could somone suffering extreme mental >strain also suffer similar problems? Hmmm... so, If I understand the theory: Breaking the Prime Barrier will drive a TP insane, but *being* insane enough to not recognize eliminating someone as killing could negate the Prime Barrier. Wow, this is starting to sound as bad as temporal mechanics. :) I like the idea (but I'm just a trouble making sap).... However, I don't think Stephen seemed quite over the edge enough to not recognize his actions as *killing*. Personally, I think that would be important to make the idea really work. >Aaron Kristy _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ana Isabel Sacristan Subject: TPDIS: Spanish TP Clip Date: 29 Oct 2001 19:28:53 -0600 --=====================_7955536==_.ALT Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable OK. I finally did it. I have copied a small video clip from the Spanish version of The Blue and=20 the Green. I know I promised a few of you tapes of the TP in Spanish and never got=20 around to it, but since I promised Nick Young a clip during last Friday's=20 chat --and there is no way I was going to fail John :-) -- I finally dug=20 out my 12 year-old Beta tapes of the few (incomplete) episodes I have in=20 Spanish, and more or less randomly chose a clip with PVC and Nick Young=20 from the first episode of TB+TG. So don't expect the clip to be a=20 significant scene. I chose it as a sample of them talking in Spanish, and=20 since I did it at midnight on Friday night, I was too tired to look for a=20 better scene. It is when Stephen and John discover that there are more=20 strange paintings of other planets. A few words of TIM can be heard at the= end. Please also be aware that this is the very first time I have ever=20 transferred any video to computer format, so I didn't really know how to do= =20 it, and only had one very limited video editing software that came with my= =20 PC, so the small 30 second clip is 5MB in MPEG format, but at least the=20 quality is as good as is possible (considering that my original tapes are=20 not in good shape). I uploaded the file into my Yahoo briefcase, and you can download it from= =20 the folder called Gente del Ma=F1ana (Spanish title for the TP) at the=20 following link: Enjoy. Ana --=====================_7955536==_.ALT Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable OK. I finally did it.
I have copied a small video clip from the Spanish version of The Blue and the Green.

I know I promised a few of you tapes of the TP in Spanish and never got around to it, but since I promised Nick Young a clip during last Friday's chat --and there is no way I was going to fail John :-) -- I finally dug out my 12 year-old Beta tapes of the few (incomplete) episodes I have in Spanish, and more or less randomly  chose a clip with PVC and Nick Young from the first episode of TB+TG. So don't expect the clip to be a significant scene. I chose it as a sample of them talking in Spanish, and since I did it at midnight on Friday night, I was too tired to look for a better scene. It is when Stephen and John discover that there are more strange paintings of other planets. A few words of TIM can be heard at the end.

Please also be aware that this is the very first time I have ever transferred any video to computer format, so I didn't really know how to do it, and only had one very limited video editing software that came with my PC, so the small 30 second clip is 5MB in MPEG format, but at least the quality is as good as is possible (considering that my original tapes are not in good shape).

I uploaded the file into  my Yahoo briefcase, and you can download it from the folder called Gente del Ma=F1ana (Spanish title for the TP) at the following link:



--=====================_7955536==_.ALT-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jane starr Subject: Re: TPDIS: Spanish TP Clip Date: 29 Oct 2001 19:45:42 -0700 At 07:28 PM 29/10/2001 -0600, Ana wrote: >OK. I finally did it. >I have copied a small video clip from the Spanish version of The Blue and >the Green. Ana, that was brilliant - thanks :) Not bad quality video, either. Jane Jane Starr Edmonton, Alberta, Canada ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Spanish TP Clip Date: 29 Oct 2001 21:51:46 EST --part1_9e.1c813476.290f6fc2_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 10/29/2001 9:45:32 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > >OK. I finally did it. > >I have copied a small video clip from the Spanish version of The Blue and > >the Green. > > > Ana, that was brilliant - thanks :) I second that! Does anyone have access to a French dub? (I can actually understand French ;) -Geoff Old sig quotes: "What, I don't get a spot this time? I'm insulted!" -- Sara "Flattery will get you everywhere." -- Nick Young "You can do all sorts of things with PVC if you can't afford rubber." -- Nick Young again, making an old series Tomorrow People pun " 'Tis true, you are the quotation authority of the web." -- Bizzie "Yay communism!" -- Julie L "When people are designing things like that, don't they ever test them to see if they suck?" -- "Do what your heart tells you, man. Or what the MYA kids say; either one." -- Dave Glasser "Not calling it a crusade is progress as far as Bush is concerned." -- Arpi Dawn: She's so pretty. Geoff: Dawn, she's a fetus. "She used to be worse, strict and anal. They say menopause has softened her. Now she's only sketchy." -- Micaela "You're such a bad liar you can't even lie over AIM!" -- Me Micaela: You know, that's kind of funny, that they have AIM in France. Geoff: I concur. I know that in England America OnLine is called "AOL UK." Micaela: Oh dear! The ironies of life! "For many, this charred portrait of Elizabeth II gives poignant new meaning to the phrase, 'Hey, check out that flaming queen.'" -- Family Guy "I am extremely hot. In fact I'm getting turned on right now just being myself." -- "Dashal Damsell" "I'm actually not that cool, I'm just cynical." -- Ms. Matthews Me (making a typo): AIM won't worry, and AOL decided to stop upgrading at 28% Hanna: I don't think AIM is capable of feeling Me: Although I like Ukyou too, oddly enough. Actually, I like MOST of the Ranma cast ^_^; Arpi: As does most of the Ranma cast :) Darryl: You know, most people would've settled for the rabid iguana. But not you, Geoff. No, you insisted on the stick. :) Me: I gotta be me. "That's no way to talk to Microsoft! You need to use curse words." -- David C --part1_9e.1c813476.290f6fc2_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 10/29/2001 9:45:32 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

>OK. I finally did it.
>I have copied a small video clip from the Spanish version of The Blue and
>the Green.

Ana, that was brilliant - thanks :)

I second that! Does anyone have access to a French dub? (I can actually understand French ;)

Old sig quotes:

"What, I don't get a spot this time?  I'm insulted!" -- Sara

"Flattery will get you everywhere." -- Nick Young

"You can do all sorts of things with PVC if you can't afford rubber." -- Nick Young again, making an old series Tomorrow People pun

" 'Tis true, you are the quotation authority of the web." -- Bizzie

"Yay communism!" -- Julie L

"When people are designing things like that, don't they ever test them to see if they suck?" --

"Do what your heart tells you, man. Or what the MYA kids say; either one." -- Dave Glasser

"Not calling it a crusade is progress as far as Bush is concerned." -- Arpi

Dawn: She's so pretty.
Geoff: Dawn, she's a fetus.

"She used to be worse, strict and anal.  They say menopause has softened her.  Now she's only sketchy." -- Micaela

"You're such a bad liar you can't even lie over AIM!" -- Me

Micaela: You know, that's kind of funny, that they have AIM in France.
Geoff:  I concur. I know that in England America OnLine is called "AOL UK."
Micaela:  Oh dear! The ironies of life!

"For many, this charred portrait of Elizabeth II gives poignant new meaning to the phrase, 'Hey, check out that flaming queen.'" -- Family Guy

"I am extremely hot. In fact I'm getting turned on right now just being myself." -- "Dashal Damsell"

"I'm actually not that cool, I'm just cynical." -- Ms. Matthews

Me (making a typo): AIM won't worry, and AOL decided to stop upgrading at 28%
<g> I don't think AIM is capable of feeling

Me: Although I like Ukyou too, oddly enough. Actually, I like MOST of the Ranma cast ^_^;
Arpi: As does most of the Ranma cast :)

Darryl: You know, most people would've settled for the rabid iguana.  But not you, Geoff.  No, you insisted on the stick.  :)
Me: I gotta be me.

"That's no way to talk to Microsoft! You need to use curse words." -- David C
--part1_9e.1c813476.290f6fc2_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ana Isabel Sacristan Subject: Re: TPDIS: Spanish TP Clip Date: 30 Oct 2001 00:44:22 -0600 --=====================_4718025==_.ALT Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed Glad you liked it! When I get a DVD writer (hopefully this Xmas), I'll transfer all I've got to DVD >In a message dated 10/29/2001 9:45:32 PM Eastern Standard Time, > writes: > > >> >OK. I finally did it. >> >I have copied a small video clip from the Spanish version of The Blue and >> >the Green. >> >> >>Ana, that was brilliant - thanks :) > > >I second that! Does anyone have access to a French dub? (I can actually >understand French ;) > > -Geoff --=====================_4718025==_.ALT Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Glad you liked it!
When I get a DVD writer (hopefully this Xmas), I'll transfer all I've got to DVD

In a message dated 10/29/2001 9:45:32 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

>OK. I finally did it.
>I have copied a small video clip from the Spanish version of The Blue and
>the Green.

Ana, that was brilliant - thanks :)

I second that! Does anyone have access to a French dub? (I can actually understand French ;)

--=====================_4718025==_.ALT-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michele Bumbarger" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Spanish TP Clip Date: 30 Oct 2001 11:22:40 -0500 Did anyone else get the message "Access to this Briefcase has been disabled." Or is it just me? ********************************************** Michele B. Archivist, Author & Webmistress Alternate Realities Fan Fiction Archive ********************************************** Reply-To: OK. I finally did it. I have copied a small video clip from the Spanish version of The Blue and the Green. I know I promised a few of you tapes of the TP in Spanish and never got around to it, but since I promised Nick Young a clip during last Friday's chat --and there is no way I was going to fail John :-) -- I finally dug out my 12 year-old Beta tapes of the few (incomplete) episodes I have in Spanish, and more or less randomly chose a clip with PVC and Nick Young from the first episode of TB+TG. So don't expect the clip to be a significant scene. I chose it as a sample of them talking in Spanish, and since I did it at midnight on Friday night, I was too tired to look for a better scene. It is when Stephen and John discover that there are more strange paintings of other planets. A few words of TIM can be heard at the end. Please also be aware that this is the very first time I have ever transferred any video to computer format, so I didn't really know how to do it, and only had one very limited video editing software that came with my PC, so the small 30 second clip is 5MB in MPEG format, but at least the quality is as good as is possible (considering that my original tapes are not in good shape). I uploaded the file into my Yahoo briefcase, and you can download it from the folder called Gente del Maņana (Spanish title for the TP) at the following link: Enjoy. Ana _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Kristin Dunn) Subject: RE: Re: TPDIS: Spanish TP Clip Date: 30 Oct 2001 11:44:39 -0500 Yep I did, and I really want to see it! Kristin "It's great to be known, but even better to be known as strange." Takeshi Kaga ~Iron Chef "Michele Bumbarger" wrote: >Did anyone else get the message "Access to this Briefcase has been >disabled." Or is it just me? > -- 'You know, I would hate to be that one Japanese person who's house gets distroyed by Godzilla and their house insurance doesn't cover "damage caused by Godzilla, or other genetically engerneered creatures"' My friend making yet another random comment while watching Godzilla 2000 __________________________________________________________________ Your favorite stores, helpful shopping tools and great gift ideas. Experience the convenience of buying online with Shop@Netscape! Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Mail account today at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Spanish TP Clip Date: 30 Oct 2001 13:46:40 EST I did too, was it only good for a specified amount of time? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ana Isabel Sacristan Subject: Re: TPDIS: Spanish TP Clip Date: 30 Oct 2001 13:51:05 -0600 I am trying to figure out what happened. Maybe too many people were trying to get in and Yahoo disabled it. I'll get back to you on this. Ana At 11:22 a.m. 30/10/01 -0500, you wrote: >Did anyone else get the message "Access to this Briefcase has been >disabled." Or is it just me? > >********************************************** >Michele B. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Matott Subject: Re: TPDIS: Spanish TP Clip Date: 30 Oct 2001 13:25:54 -0800 (PST) --- Ana Isabel Sacristan wrote: > I am trying to figure out what happened. Maybe too > many people were trying > to get in and Yahoo disabled it. > I'll get back to you on this. > > Ana It might be a size issue. You said the file was 5mb, right? I don't know about your account, but my Yahoo account only allows me 6mb of space. If you have a bit over 1mb in mail space or other file space, that may be what did it. mike __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: CD... A "Deadliest Species" Theory :) Date: 30 Oct 2001 19:52:05 EST --part1_b2.e606e8.2910a535_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Okay, I'll respond. I don't like this theory at all. Sorry, but that's just the truth of my opinion. Others might like it. I hate it. --part1_b2.e606e8.2910a535_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Okay, I'll respond. I don't like this theory at all. Sorry, but that's just the truth of my opinion. Others might like it. I hate it. --part1_b2.e606e8.2910a535_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: Halloween! Date: 30 Oct 2001 23:43:35 EST --part1_92.1c663850.2910db77_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hey all! Is anyone dressing up as a TP, or TP-related character for halloween this year? I'm going to school as a TP, using the following costume (well, "costume"): It's basically a black and white checkered strip to stick over my belt (or where it would be if I had one--think "instant jaunting belt")*, and the "TP" AE suit logo to put on my shirt. It's admittedly lame, but it's 11:40, I have to get up early tomorrow, and I haven't done my French or European History homework, so... Hope you all have a TP-tastic Halloween! (I found a new old fan! Whoo!) -Geoff Old sig quotes: "What, I don't get a spot this time? I'm insulted!" -- Sara "Flattery will get you everywhere." -- Nick Young "You can do all sorts of things with PVC if you can't afford rubber." -- Nick Young again, making an old series Tomorrow People pun " 'Tis true, you are the quotation authority of the web." -- Bizzie "Yay communism!" -- Julie L "When people are designing things like that, don't they ever test them to see if they suck?" -- "Do what your heart tells you, man. Or what the MYA kids say; either one." -- Dave Glasser "Not calling it a crusade is progress as far as Bush is concerned." -- Arpi Dawn: She's so pretty. Geoff: Dawn, she's a fetus. "She used to be worse, strict and anal. They say menopause has softened her. Now she's only sketchy." -- Micaela "You're such a bad liar you can't even lie over AIM!" -- Me Micaela: You know, that's kind of funny, that they have AIM in France. Geoff: I concur. I know that in England America OnLine is called "AOL UK." Micaela: Oh dear! The ironies of life! "For many, this charred portrait of Elizabeth II gives poignant new meaning to the phrase, 'Hey, check out that flaming queen.'" -- Family Guy "I am extremely hot. In fact I'm getting turned on right now just being myself." -- "Dashal Damsell" "I'm actually not that cool, I'm just cynical." -- Ms. Matthews Me (making a typo): AIM won't worry, and AOL decided to stop upgrading at 28% Hanna: I don't think AIM is capable of feeling Me: Although I like Ukyou too, oddly enough. Actually, I like MOST of the Ranma cast ^_^; Arpi: As does most of the Ranma cast :) Darryl: You know, most people would've settled for the rabid iguana. But not you, Geoff. No, you insisted on the stick. :) Me: I gotta be me. "That's no way to talk to Microsoft! You need to use curse words." -- David C --part1_92.1c663850.2910db77_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hey all! Is anyone dressing up as a TP, or TP-related character for halloween this year? I'm going to school as a TP, using the following costume (well, "costume"):
It's basically a black and white checkered strip to stick over my belt (or where it would be if I had one--think "instant jaunting belt")*, and the "TP" AE suit logo to put on my shirt. It's admittedly lame, but it's 11:40, I have to get up early tomorrow, and I haven't done my French or European History homework, so...

Hope you all have a TP-tastic Halloween! (I found a new old fan! Whoo!)

Old sig quotes:

"What, I don't get a spot this time?  I'm insulted!" -- Sara

"Flattery will get you everywhere." -- Nick Young

"You can do all sorts of things with PVC if you can't afford rubber." -- Nick Young again, making an old series Tomorrow People pun

" 'Tis true, you are the quotation authority of the web." -- Bizzie

"Yay communism!" -- Julie L

"When people are designing things like that, don't they ever test them to see if they suck?" --

"Do what your heart tells you, man. Or what the MYA kids say; either one." -- Dave Glasser

"Not calling it a crusade is progress as far as Bush is concerned." -- Arpi

Dawn: She's so pretty.
Geoff: Dawn, she's a fetus.

"She used to be worse, strict and anal.  They say menopause has softened her.  Now she's only sketchy." -- Micaela

"You're such a bad liar you can't even lie over AIM!" -- Me

Micaela: You know, that's kind of funny, that they have AIM in France.
Geoff:  I concur. I know that in England America OnLine is called "AOL UK."
Micaela:  Oh dear! The ironies of life!

"For many, this charred portrait of Elizabeth II gives poignant new meaning to the phrase, 'Hey, check out that flaming queen.'" -- Family Guy

"I am extremely hot. In fact I'm getting turned on right now just being myself." -- "Dashal Damsell"

"I'm actually not that cool, I'm just cynical." -- Ms. Matthews

Me (making a typo): AIM won't worry, and AOL decided to stop upgrading at 28%
<g> I don't think AIM is capable of feeling

Me: Although I like Ukyou too, oddly enough. Actually, I like MOST of the Ranma cast ^_^;
Arpi: As does most of the Ranma cast :)

Darryl: You know, most people would've settled for the rabid iguana.  But not you, Geoff.  No, you insisted on the stick.  :)
Me: I gotta be me.

"That's no way to talk to Microsoft! You need to use curse words." -- David C
--part1_92.1c663850.2910db77_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ana Isabel Sacristan Subject: Re: TPDIS: Spanish TP Clip Date: 31 Oct 2001 01:53:45 -0600 OK. The problem with the Spanish TP clip is not a size issue. Rather, it seems Yahoo disables public access to sites where they think MP3 music and MPEG music videos are being publicly exchanged. It WOULD be nice if someone with a TP web site could put it on their site. I have put the clip again in another account, this time as a zip file containing the original file. Maybe that will prevent the account of being blocked. But if it does get blocked again, and those who wish to put it on their website, weren't able to get it, email me privately again (e.g. Nancy). The new site is or then choose TP Files Good luck Ana You wrote: >Hi Ana - > >If it does end up being a size issue, I can put it up on my web server >and give you the link of where it is so that people can download >it. > >Let me know! > >Nancy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ariana Brill Subject: Re: TPDIS: Halloween! Date: 31 Oct 2001 06:59:55 -0800 10/30/2001 8:43:35 PM, wrote: > Hey all! Is anyone dressing up as a TP, or TP-related character for > halloween this year? I'm going to school as a TP, using the following > costume (well, "costume"): I dressed up as Jade for Halloween when I was eleven. It was actually kind of traumatic. I put a great deal of effort into the costume, making sure that my clothing looked almost identical to the outfit that she wore in The Living Stones. After about a month of piecing things together, on Halloween I kept getting asked why I didn't have a costume (I guess no one recognized the outfit as destinctly TP!) It was very disappointing. This year I'm going as Billy Corgan - if it weren't for the bald cap, I'd probably have the same problem :) -- (~.~) Ariana "Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It's a way of understanding it." - Lloyd Alexander ICQ 9737939 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Kristin Dunn) Subject: RE: Re: TPDIS: Spanish TP Clip Date: 31 Oct 2001 10:24:21 -0500 Ana Isabel Sacristan wrote: It WOULD be nice if someone >with a TP web site could put it on their site. > Just to let you know, I am working on getting the file up on my web page. Until then I have it stored in my Yahoo! thingee. So incase it shuts down again, you can get it from my briefcase. then choose TP Files Kristin -- 'You know, I would hate to be that one Japanese person who's house gets distroyed by Godzilla and their house insurance doesn't cover "damage caused by Godzilla, or other genetically engerneered creatures"' My friend making yet another random comment while watching Godzilla 2000 __________________________________________________________________ Your favorite stores, helpful shopping tools and great gift ideas. Experience the convenience of buying online with Shop@Netscape! Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Mail account today at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Viv Subject: TPDIS: OT - Website updated. Date: 31 Oct 2001 08:16:29 -0800 (PST) We've moved and improved the website - It now lists the zines we publish as well as items on the Internet Garage Sale list. Later viv _______________________________________________________ Send a cool gift with your E-Card ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Halloween! Date: 31 Oct 2001 14:00:23 EST In a message dated Wed, 31 Oct 2001 10:00:47 AM Eastern Standard Time, Ariana Brill writes: > 10/30/2001 8:43:35 PM, wrote: > > > Hey all! Is anyone dressing up as a TP, or TP-related character for > > halloween this year? I'm going to school as a TP, using the following > > costume (well, "costume"): > > I dressed up as Jade for Halloween when I was eleven. It was actually kind of traumatic. I put a great deal of effort into the costume, making sure that my clothing > looked almost identical to the outfit that she wore in The Living Stones. After about a month of piecing things together, on Halloween I kept getting asked why I didn't > have a costume (I guess no one recognized the outfit as destinctly TP!) It was very disappointing. This year I'm going as Billy Corgan - if it weren't for the bald cap, I'd > probably have the same problem :) Hey, _I_ knew who you were! (She's not exaggerating--it was really well done!) That's the reason I went as an OS TP this year. Only a few people knew who the Tomorrow People were, but that's not terrible (most of them knew thanks to Arpi!) -Geoff@school ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ana Isabel Sacristan Subject: RE: Re: TPDIS: Spanish TP Clip Date: 31 Oct 2001 16:38:24 -0600 --=====================_5778085==_.ALT Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed Thanks Kristin. So the clip is now up in 2 addresses: Mine (Ana's): then choose TP Files and at Kristin's: then choose TP Files At 10:24 AM 31-10-01 -0500, you wrote: >Just to let you know, I am working on getting the file up on my web page. >Until then I have it stored in my Yahoo! thingee. So incase it shuts down >again, you can get it from my briefcase. > > then choose TP Files > >Kristin --=====================_5778085==_.ALT Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Thanks Kristin.

So the clip is now up in 2 addresses:
Mine (Ana's): then choose TP Files
and at Kristin's: then choose TP Files

At 10:24 AM 31-10-01 -0500, you wrote:
Just to let you know, I am working on getting the file up on my web page. Until then I have it stored in my Yahoo! thingee. So incase it shuts down again, you can get it from my briefcase. then choose TP Files

--=====================_5778085==_.ALT-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ana Isabel Sacristan Subject: Re: TPDIS: Spanish TP Clip. Correction: 3 Sites Date: 31 Oct 2001 16:42:39 -0600 --=====================_6032424==_.ALT Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable So the clip is now up in 3 addresses: Mines (Ana's): then choose TP Files then choose Gente del Ma=F1ana. This= site=20 now seems to have been unblocked, and at Kristin's: then choose TP Files At 10:24 AM 31-10-01 -0500, you wrote: >Just to let you know, I am working on getting the file up on my web page.= =20 >Until then I have it stored in my Yahoo! thingee. So incase it shuts down= =20 >again, you can get it from my briefcase. > > then choose TP Files > >Kristin --=====================_6032424==_.ALT Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable So the clip is now up in 3 addresses:
Mines (Ana's): then choose TP Files then choose Gente del Ma=F1ana.= This site now seems to have been unblocked,

and at Kristin's: then choose TP Files

At 10:24 AM 31-10-01 -0500, you wrote:
Just to let you know, I am working= on getting the file up on my web page. Until then I have it stored in my= Yahoo! thingee. So incase it shuts down again, you can get it from my= briefcase. then= choose TP Files

--=====================_6032424==_.ALT-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kathryn Andersen Subject: Re: TPDIS: Halloween! Date: 31 Oct 2001 15:43:43 -0700 <>; from on Wed, Oct 31, 2001 at 06:59:55AM -0800 On Wed, Oct 31, 2001 at 06:59:55AM -0800, Ariana Brill wrote: > 10/30/2001 8:43:35 PM, wrote: > > > Hey all! Is anyone dressing up as a TP, or TP-related character for > > halloween this year? I'm going to school as a TP, using the following > > costume (well, "costume"): > > I dressed up as Jade for Halloween when I was eleven. It was actually > kind of traumatic. I put a great deal of effort into the costume, > making sure that my clothing looked almost identical to the outfit > that she wore in The Living Stones. After about a month of piecing > things together, on Halloween I kept getting asked why I didn't > have a costume (I guess no one recognized the outfit as destinctly > TP!) It was very disappointing. Sender: Precedence: bulk Reply-To: tpdis In one sense, I'm surprised that you were surprised. In the midst of people wearing pirate suits and witches and ghosts and Yoda masks and Batman hoods -- you would look like someone in civvies. I remember once, I made myself a jaunting belt, to use as a minimalist costume at a convention (we don't really have much of a Halloween tradition here, so I save my costuming for SF cons). Of course if we weren't such nice people, the obvious comeback would be to look down your nose and imply that they were idiots for not recognising the costume... Kathryn Andersen -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THE PSI CORPS IS YOUR FRIEND. TRUST THE CORPS. -- "And Now For A Word" (Babylon 5) -- _--_|\ | Kathryn Andersen / \ | \_.--.*/ | v | #include "standard/disclaimer.h" ------------| Melbourne -> Victoria -> Australia -> Southern Hemisphere Maranatha! | -> Earth -> Sol -> Milky Way Galaxy -> Universe