From: Subject: Re: Starlog Articles Date: 01 Aug 1996 12:45:12 -0400 Fox Valley Mall, JKohn? Do you live in Illinois? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Starlog Articles Date: 01 Aug 1996 16:10:25 -0500 (EST) asks >Fox Valley Mall, John? Do you live in Illinois? Yes. Aurora. (Implied hint in my initial post to this thread, is that I can get at least two of these three magazines for people...) John ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Deb Harrington) Subject: Re: Starlog? Date: 02 Aug 1996 14:28 CDT >Yup. The issue numbers are 219, 221, and 225. There are two ways to get back >issues: go to the Starlog store in the Mall of American in Minnesota (I don't >have time to run trips at school, sorry) for cheap. Wow, they have every thing there! Cool, maybe I can get my mom to take me there some time soon. Were is the shop at? Joey ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: I'm alive!!!! Date: 03 Aug 1996 16:31:24 -0700 (PDT) To a certain buncha crazy people I picked out of my somehow dwindled out address book (what happened there I dunno): WHEW!!!! Here I am, a former California Girl, living it up in New York! I was sooooo glad to be back on line, but darnit, looks like I am going to have to change providers. I suppose I shall be absent for a few more days, but I will be back. Aside from one missing box (personal stuff that I cannot ever replace, of course), and the fact that they TRASHED my desk (I am computing from the coffee table) the move was okay....I suppose. I am fine, the cat is fine, blah blah. The web pages will be moving as well, and as soon as I get them replaced I will post another general type message. ade ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I want to be a part of it NEW YORK NEW YORK! If I can make it there, I'll make it anywhere, It's up to you ... um ... um.... What are the rest of the words??? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: General Info Date: 05 Aug 1996 16:55:44 -0700 (PDT) Did I get unsubbed or something? It's too quiet! pages are moving. Sometime next week they will be located as thus: (My home page) (The TP Photo Gallery) (The TP Episode Guide Main Page) (Original Series 1-2 episode guide) The other original series guides (as I complete them) will be as follows: s3s4.htm (Series 3-4) s5s6.htm (Series 5-6) s7s8.htm (Series 7-8) Please adjust your links accordingly :) I only get 1meg free space on the new server but it is the only cheap ISP with a local POP that I could find. I'll regrettably have to skimp on pic size, etc (if and when I ever get finished :)) ade ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ya gotta roll with it Ya gotta take your time Ya gotta say what you say don't let anybody get in your way Cause its all too much for me to take Ya gotta stand your ground Don't ever be denyed Ya gotta be who you be if you're comin' with me... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ade's pages: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: Two Questions? Date: 07 Aug 1996 19:42:08 +1000 (EST) Who produced the 90s Tomorrow People? I know it was done partly by Nickelodeon, but who else was involved (Thames?). Also how many of the 90s series TP stories were turned into novels, and what were their names? Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working / |out all the combat tables and everything. o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time \ |the dice caught fire . . .' | --Terry Pratchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Jeremy Rogers) Subject: Re: Two Questions? Date: 07 Aug 1996 12:49:38 BST Shaun Owen Hately <> wrote: > Who produced the 90s Tomorrow People? I know it was done partly by > Nickelodeon, but who else was involved (Thames?). Nickelodeon partly financed it, but it was made by Tetra Films 'in association with' Thames, who retained the subsidiary rights. Most of the money was put up by the ITV Network Centre, and in the UK Nickelodeon had no on-screen credit, except for the mini-series. > Also how many of the > 90s series TP stories were turned into novels, and what were their names? All of them, although the mini-series was combined with Culex into a single book for some reason: The Culex Experiment: ISBN 0 7522 0637 0 Monsoon Man: ISBN 0 7522 0642 7 Rameses Connection: ISBN 0 7522 0647 8 Living Stones: ISBN 0 7522 0652 4 The publisher was Boxtree who have recently been taken over by Macmillan UK, so I don't know whether they are still available; they never were that easy to find. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Two Questions? Date: 07 Aug 1996 23:56:09 -0400 I'm not sure if Nickelodeon was the sole producer on the 90s series -- I believe they hired in an outside production company to produce it, as they do with several of their series. Actually, that's probably the likelihood. I never knew it existed until recently -- I'm really just a fan of the original series! Can't beat it! Kerry ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: What Happened to Killer Kitty? Date: 09 Aug 1996 21:14:39 -0500 (EST) I just rewatched "The Rameses Connection" for the first time in a while and noticed something that I don't remember catching before. At the climatic scene, just before Tate and Rameses are destroyed by the power unleashed through by the obelisks and Amtoudi, Rameses' "pet" runs away. The Killer Kitty is *not* destroyed along with Tate and Rameses. Tutankhamen does not take him back to the past. Millicent and the Three Amigos don't take it with them either. (wherever *they* go) This is a blow to political correctness that it is ok to kill villains, but not their cat... ?? Anyone want to take a stab at where the cat went? John ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: What Happened to Killer Kitty? Date: 09 Aug 1996 22:48:43 -0500 (CDT) Maybe without Rameses to control it, the kitty became a normal cat? Or maybe it disappeared with the Three Amigos (I like that name for them:). Oh wait, I know, the Marharba stone reflected the energy back at it and zapped the thing. (Too much Dr Who tonight, I expect.:) Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Temesha Lynn Chatman Subject: New Series Tapes Date: 10 Aug 1996 00:34:49 -0400 (EDT) Hi. I'm new to this list, but I'm a big fan of "The Tomorrow People." I was wondering if anyone knows how I might get tapes of the new series? Thanks, Temesha p.s. Sorry to bombard mailboxes of those who are subscribed to both lists. -------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | Temesha Lynn Chatman | "Therefore, stand firm. Let | | 221 Cuyler Hall | nothing move you. Always give| | Princeton University | yourselves fully to the work | | Princeton, NJ 08554 | of the Lord, because you know | | (609) 258-9498 | that your labor in the Lord is| | | not in vain." | || --I Corinthians 15:58 | |__________________________________________________________________| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Deb Harrington) Subject: Re: New Series Tapes Date: 10 Aug 1996 15:14 CDT >Hi. I'm new to this list, but I'm a big fan of "The Tomorrow People." >I was wondering if anyone knows how I might get tapes of the new series? > Thanks, Temesha >p.s. Sorry to bombard mailboxes of those who are subscribed to both lists. Hi ya, welcome to the list! New series tapes, I would love to know that to. I'm sure one of us knows and is willing to help you, were a freindly bunch. Don't be a lurker:) Joey(Stephanie) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Deb Harrington) Subject: Re: What Happened to Killer Kitty? Date: 10 Aug 1996 15:24 CDT >At the climatic scene, just before Tate and Rameses are destroyed by the >power unleashed through by the obelisks and Amtoudi, Rameses' "pet" runs >away. The Killer Kitty is *not* destroyed along with Tate and Rameses. Cats are smart, and I suppose if you were a cat and thousands of years old you'd be really smart. This cat was smart enough to get his tail out of there. I'm guessing with out Rameses, he had no power. As for the bit about it being a "blow to political correctness" (wich I snipped) no one wants to see a kitty, evil or no, get fried:) Joey (Who loves Evil T. Cat from Earthworm Jim ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Allyson Subject: Re: New Series Tapes Date: 10 Aug 1996 14:41:09 -0700 At 12:34 AM 8/10/96 -0400, you wrote: > >Hi. I'm new to this list, but I'm a big fan of "The Tomorrow People." >I was wondering if anyone knows how I might get tapes of the new series? > Thanks, Temesha You can normally get new series eps from Wendy, but she's out of the country right now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: New Series Tapes Date: 10 Aug 1996 23:09:59 +0100 In message <> Allyson writes: > At 12:34 AM 8/10/96 -0400, you wrote: > > > >Hi. I'm new to this list, but I'm a big fan of "The Tomorrow People." > >I was wondering if anyone knows how I might get tapes of the new series? > > Thanks, Temesha > You can normally get new series eps from Wendy, but she's out of the country > right now. She was round my place again today and she heads back across the Atlantic tomorow. But she will have to plough through all the other messages first ... Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Temesha Lynn Chatman Subject: Newbie Date: 11 Aug 1996 17:28:19 -0400 (EDT) Hi. I wrote a few days ago, but I thought I'd write and introduce myself a little better. My name is Temesha Chatman, and I'm a senior at Princeton University. I'm majoring in Computer Science, but I'm not sure exactly what I want to do in that area. I'm really interested in the Web and telecommunications. I'm from Virginia, but I'm spending this summer working in Seattle for Hewlett-Packard. I watched the old series of "The Tomorrow People" when Nickelodeon ran it in the 80's, but I was pretty young, so I don't remember it that well. In fact, the only characters I remember from the show are John and Elizabeth. I was really psyched when the show was revived in the 90s, but being away at college, I didn't see it that often. I was hoping to catch up on it this summer and make tapes, but unfortunately The Big Orange Network cancelled it. :( Anyway, I'm really glad to have found people who enjoy the show as much as I do. I look forward to corresponding with you in the future! --Temesha -------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | Temesha Lynn Chatman | "Therefore, stand firm. Let | | 221 Cuyler Hall | nothing move you. Always give| | Princeton University | yourselves fully to the work | | Princeton, NJ 08554 | of the Lord, because you know | | (609) 258-9498 | that your labor in the Lord is| | | not in vain." | || --I Corinthians 15:58 | |__________________________________________________________________| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: The Tomorrow Leap, Part 1 Date: 11 Aug 1996 16:35:12 -0700 (PDT) Ari, I am a MAJOR QL fan. GIMME MORE GIMME MORE !!!!!! WHERE IS PART TWO? ade ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ya gotta roll with it Ya gotta take your time Ya gotta say what you say don't let anybody get in your way Cause its all too much for me to take Ya gotta stand your ground Don't ever be denyed Ya gotta be who you be if you're comin' with me... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Deb Harrington) Subject: Re: Newbie Date: 11 Aug 1996 23:19 CDT > Anyway, I'm really glad to have found people who enjoy the show as >much as I do. I look forward to corresponding with you in the future! Cool, welcome aboard, this is a nice little list. Just watch out for Wendy and agree with whatever she sez :> Joey (who's hopes she doesn't get flamed) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Are You Afraid of the Dark? Date: 12 Aug 1996 10:37:39 -0400 For those Christian Tessier fans out there, thought you'd like to know he's made at least two appearences on the Nickelodeon show, "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" The first one I forgot the title, he made a cameo appearence as a bully. He looked as old as he was in the Rameses episodes. The second one he comes in as the main character. It's called "The Tale of Laughing in the Dark." He looks slightly older than the origin episodes. They're both pretty corny, but what do you expect from Nickelodeon? :) Amy :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: LDJ Subject: Re: Are You Afraid of the Dark? Date: 12 Aug 1996 11:20:08 -0400 Hey There! >For those Christian Tessier fans out there, thought you'd like to know he's >made at least two appearences on the Nickelodeon show, "Are You Afraid of the >Dark?" > Did you also know that he was a series regular from You Can't Do That on TV? And he also did a couple of other Canadian things! Also, one of the directors of the new TP is Ron Oliver, a Canadian director who has directed a lot of are you afraid of the dark? He is now directing Criss Cross, a Canadian/UK co production! Just thought you'd like to know! Dave Cogito Ergo Sum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: LDJ Subject: Another newbie! Date: 12 Aug 1996 14:33:27 -0400 Hi there...I'm new to the discussion as well. I'd just like to say that the tomorrow people (old one) is one of my favourite shows. I know that you guys may have been asked this question before, but does anyone know where I could get copies of the old series on tape? Or the soundtrack? Also, Tyso was my favourite tomorrow person, I was wondering if anyone had any info on him...please feel free to email it to me, or post it on the discussion! Thanks a lot in advance! Dave PS That was a good beginning to Tomorrow leap...keep it going! Cogito Ergo Sum @:-) (Elvis!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Donna Kirking Subject: Tower Scenes, etc. Date: 12 Aug 1996 12:18:59 -0700 For any of you that are interested in the Tower Bridge or Tower of London scenes in the original series, I accidentally came across an excellent virtual tour of the Tower today. You can find it at: I was very, very impressed by it. Ari, I have also been working (when I've had that rare commodity, time) on a QL/TP crossover. It will be interesting to see where your story goes. Maybe we can encourage each other and get both of them done. One basic difference from the very beginning in our stories is that I have Sam leaping into Tyso. I think Al is going to have an interesting time trying to keep a young gypsy settled in the waiting room. No other teasers will be given. I will be going to LACon3 over the Labor Day weekend, and of course will be looking for anything Tomorrow People. Will any of you be there? Although I don't contribute to this list much I do read it and would like to meet anyone here that I can. Recent "newbies" to the list have made me aware that I've never given you my bio, so here it is. Maybe this will make up for my lack of postings. I'm 40 years old (ancient) and live in the San Francisco Bay Area. I fell in love with SF back in junior high school with the Heinlein juveniles and the work of Andre Norton and Alan Nourse (whose book "The Universe Between" I had read 13 times before entering high school). I have a B.S. in psychology and a masters in theology and did my thesis on "Messianic Themes of the Old Testament Prophets in Science Fiction." I work as a free lancer doing general "administrative and computer consulting." This means I do everything from telephone tech support to fancy word processing to forms design to database setup to whatever my clients ask me to do. I am presently working mostly with pharmaceutical companies. I have been married for 19 years to Matt, who just smiles and leaves the room when I put on a TP tape. I have no children and 5 birds (3 cockatiels, 2 budgies). I am presently in the process of house hunting in the hope of having enough space to house all our books, videos, and computer equipment, but can't seem to find a place in our budget that's any bigger than our apartment. I am getting ready to take my first real vacation in 10 years, at LACon3 in Anaheim. And with everything else going on I just can't seem to get back to the 2 Tomorrow People stories I have in the works. I was really hoping to have at least one of them done before Wendy got back, but no such luck. Donna Kirking El Cerrito, CA, USA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: Are You Afraid of the Dark? Date: 12 Aug 1996 20:06:45 +0100 In message <> LDJ writes: > Did you also know that he was a series regular from You Can't Do That on TV? > And he also did a couple of other Canadian things! > Also, one of the directors of the new TP is Ron Oliver, a Canadian director > who has directed a lot of are you afraid of the dark? He is now directing > Criss Cross, a Canadian/UK co production! Ron Oliver came over with Roger Price to film the mini-series. Note that Brian Finch wrote some episodes of Criss Cross, a show which despite the Canadian involvement features an American played by a British actor, Simon Fenton. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: Another newbie! Date: 12 Aug 1996 19:58:55 +0100 In message <> LDJ writes: > Hi there...I'm new to the discussion as well. I'd just like to say that the > tomorrow people (old one) is one of my favourite shows. > I know that you guys may have been asked this question before, but does > anyone know where I could get copies of the old series on tape? Or the > soundtrack? The only tape officially released is Slaves of Jedikiah, AFAIK in the UK only. Various peolple offer off-air copies on this list. If by soundtrack you mean the theme, this has been released on 2 different CD compilations, one in Australia, the other in the UK. Both are now deleted. > Also, Tyso was my favourite tomorrow person, I was wondering if anyone had > any info on him...please feel free to email it to me, or post it on the > discussion! Dean Lawrence is not one of the more visible old TPs unfortunately. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Another newbie! Date: 12 Aug 1996 15:24:26 -0400 Welcome aboard! I got my old series tapes from Wendy about a month ago, but she's not back online yet.... when she is, you should put in the request to her. I haven't seen the original series since the early 80's, and to have ALL of the episodes in front of me, to watch whenever I want, was like a little slice of heaven. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Allyson Subject: Re: Are You Afraid of the Dark? Date: 12 Aug 1996 20:09:26 -0700 wrote: > > Postage paid by: [Image] > > --------------------------------------------------------------- > > For those Christian Tessier fans out there, thought you'd like to know he's > made at least two appearences on the Nickelodeon show, "Are You Afraid of the > Dark?" > > The first one I forgot the title, he made a cameo appearence as a bully. He > looked as old as he was in the Rameses episodes. > > The second one he comes in as the main character. It's called "The Tale of > Laughing in the Dark." He looks slightly older than the origin episodes. > > They're both pretty corny, but what do you expect from Nickelodeon? :) > > Amy :) "The Tale of Laughing In The Dark" was on yesterday. (My 6-year-old neice actually called to tell me!) I managed to get most of it on tape, so if anyone wants a copy I can get it - but you are definitely right Amy, it's really, really corny. Oh well, I got a good laugh out of it. :) -Allyson ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Has anyone considered..... Date: 12 Aug 1996 16:18:37 -0700 (PDT) Making a "videography" of sorts...? Not just an episode guide, but something to keep track of the actor's appearances in other things, etc. Someone should be taking down all these notes that keep popping up (like the Christian Tessier credits from this morning) and compile them. I'd do it but I barely have the time to work on my current TP projects ("Three Moons" is back in production BTW...should be out soon). I would be willing to host the page if someone did compile it. ade ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ya gotta roll with it Ya gotta take your time Ya gotta say what you say don't let anybody get in your way Cause its all too much for me to take Ya gotta stand your ground Don't ever be denyed Ya gotta be who you be if you're comin' with me... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: Re: Another newbie! Date: 13 Aug 1996 09:18:53 +1000 (EST) On Mon, 12 Aug 1996, LDJ wrote: > Hi there...I'm new to the discussion as well. I'd just like to say that the > tomorrow people (old one) is one of my favourite shows. > I know that you guys may have been asked this question before, but does > anyone know where I could get copies of the old series on tape? Or the > soundtrack? No idea about the Old Series. I know one of the stories was released but I don't know how to get it. I also don't know about a soundtrack, but the theme tune was released on a CD called something like 'The Man From Uncle: Cult TV Themes'. Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working / |out all the combat tables and everything. o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time \ |the dice caught fire . . .' | --Terry Pratchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ruby Red Subject: Re: Tower Scenes, etc. Date: 13 Aug 1996 06:57:00 +1000 (EST) Donna Kirking wrote: > > I will be going to LACon3 over the Labor Day weekend, and of course will be > looking for anything Tomorrow People. Will any of you be there? Although I > don't contribute to this list much I do read it and would like to meet > anyone here that I can. Me! (aka Kathryn Andersen) I will be there! (Hi Donna! T'will be great to meet one of my contributors...) -- Ruby Red "Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas any more." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Deb Harrington) Subject: Re: Has anyone considered..... Date: 12 Aug 1996 22:17 CDT >Someone should be taking down all these notes that keep popping up (like the >Christian Tessier credits from this morning) and compile them. I'd do it but I >barely have the time to work on my current TP projects ("Three Moons" is back in >production BTW...should be out soon). >I would be willing to host the page if someone did compile it. I could do it if people would be willing to send me tid bits, I never (or hardly ever) delete my mail. Joey ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: I have returned Date: 12 Aug 1996 22:42:05 -0700 For those who didn't see my announcement on tpfict, I'm back. It certainly didn't seem like 5 weeks, but that's what the calendar says it was. I'll be back at my job off and on this week, and more fully after next. Here Jez was assuring me that ya'll had been rather quiet, and I return to over 1500 email messages. Okay... so many of them weren't ya'll talking, but a majority were tp-lists related. It's going to take me a while to shlog through them, as it took me 15 hours at the computer just to download the first 400. Who knows how long it will take to read them all. Also, school starts again on Monday. So I may be a bit silent for the next week or so, but don't let that deter you. I am here and if you need me for any reason, please feel free to email. Now for the promised details of the trip. It was a five week study abroad program through my school, Purdue University. Oxford University graciously loaned us the use of their facilities and then stayed out of the way. England was fantastic! I fell in love with the place immediately, and did as much travelling as I could: all over central England, up to Glasgow, down through the south of the Wales, and even a day and a half in Ireland. I also managed to met the illustrious Jez, who succeeded admirably at the task of entertaining me for a few hours. We got together twice and I throughly enjoyed both times, though I'm never going to forgive him for getting me hooked on all those new(ish) tv shows I'll never be able to get over here. :) Somehow I did manage to fit some school into all this, but since neither me nor the Profs were there for studying, it was more an excuse to do even more travelling. I basically went from one book and video store to the next, all across the UK. Finally, on a tip from Jez (thanx again!), managed to locate the second tape of _Slaves of Jedikiah_ at a shop in Reading. I found the Origin Story tape in Bath, I think. Could have been London. And stumbled across in the first SoJ tape in Dublin, on a trip I made entirely by accident. Obviously the fates were pulling me there :) No success in finding any of the new series novelisations. I did see lots of sheep, tho. Sheep, and rolling pastures that would have been green had the grass not been mostly dead. Oh, and sheep. Didn't get to see any TP related sites, as I never seemed to be in a situation where I could get to them. I did manage to see one of the last surviving police boxes in Great Britain, but that's a different fandom :) I don't believe in travelling with an agenda, so I spent most of the trip touring random towns along the train line, while attempting to get to one of the larger cities. Had a lot of great stuff to eat. Discovered that most of the myths about English food are just myths, but also discovered that one truth has yet to be expressed: everywhere I went, in every course of the food, the English managed to incorporate blackcurrants: Lamb basted in blackcurrants; a blackcurrant sundae at McDonalds; sparkling blackcurrant juice in cans, juice boxes, and even a Snapple flavour; and of course the ubiquitous bottles of Ribena. It's a good thing I like blackcurrants (except on the Sundae; that was pretty gross). There's a whole lot more to tell, but I'm afraid I need to admonish myself for such an off-topic post. If you're really interested in more stories from my trip, you know where to find me :) I'll be heading back down to school at the end of the week, as mentioned, so both the Galactic Fed and archive pages will be updated (finally). I may have some new pictures to post. And I'll be making more sounds, if I can coax a good enough sound quality from my tapes. Oh, one point on those: I'm not trying to preserve the scene in the sound bytes. Especially for the older series, that's usually impossible. I'm trying to make bytes that will function well if used to make your computer talk. My whole computer is rigged up to talk at me like that, and quite frequently it gets accused of being sentient since it always seems to pick the right byte for the situation out of a random assortment. Now, to make this more on-topic: You Know You've Been Watching Too Much Tomorrow People When... ...You keep referring to Beaumont street in Oxford as Savage street. ...You see a statue of Rameses in the British Museum and your first comment is, "that doesn't look a thing like Christopher Lee". ... W. Loraine Listowner, Tomorrow People Creative and Discussion lists Editor, infinitum Alternative Fiction Magazine "I'm going to be Immortal until the day I die." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPI and TC Date: 12 Aug 1996 22:42:32 -0700 Jez sayeth: >Wendy mentioned to me on Saturday that she had received an e-mail >from him indicating that he wasn't going to restart TPI. She can >give the full story when she gets back. Personally I think I haven't >heard from him since about last October. WARNING: SERIOUS BREACH OF NETIQUETTE BELOW. I'm quoting the entirity of the email I received from TC on the 5th of May, 1996. Get what you will out of this. I'm afraid I don't know any more than this says. I have tried to reach him on numerous occassions, both via email and snail mail, and have received no response. I even mailed him immeditiately (within 10 minutes) of recieving the below letter, and that didn't have any effect either. <-----begin forwarded message-----> Loraine-- I just found your TP website---WOW! It's everything I had hoped to do for them, and more. I've got to admit, my own interest in the TP has waned, outside of our own stories (my fiancee and I, a much larger universe based on the original series, but with well over 200 TP now, and currently about to begin our 15th anniversary season of storylines). I had a hard time maintaining interest in the club, even though we've been around since 1987. I don't know when TPI will be fully reactivated, if indeed it ever will be (I'm making a few hard decisions about it at this very moment), but at least if I do decide to pull the plug on the club, I know from your site that the fandom will be in excellent hands. I also know I will want to continue to be active in the future. Congrats on an EXCELLENT site. I'd like very much to correspond with you in the future, and maybe if enough people are interested, I can once again relaunch TPI and keep it going far into the future. Regards, TC Kirkham, President Tomorrow People International <----end forwarded message----> On a nitpicky note, with the info he mentions about who he and the TPI are, he obviously didn't realise I am a paid member of the club. That irks me. We had corresponded on several occassions in the past (yes... he wrote back!), so he seems to have forgotten who I am. ... W. Loraine Listowner, Tomorrow People Creative and Discussion lists Editor, infinitum Alternative Fiction Magazine "I'm going to be Immortal until the day I die." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Tower scenes, etc Date: 13 Aug 1996 16:42:46 -0700 <-----begin forwarded message-----> Hi everyone, I'm not really new to this group, it's just that I haven't contributed much. I would like to introduce myself - I'm Brad, I live in NJ (USA) and am an avid fan of the old Tomorrow People. I used to watch them on Nick way back in the 80's and I haven't seen the shows in well over a decade. Much like alot of you out them (I'm sure), I am still trying to get my hands on some copies of the old series. I hear you people talking about LACon3. Could someone fill me in on what that is?! Thanks, Brad <----end forwarded message----> ... W. Loraine Listowner, Tomorrow People Creative and Discussion lists Editor, infinitum Alternative Fiction Magazine "I'm going to be Immortal until the day I die." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPI and TC Date: 13 Aug 1996 20:33:23 -0700 (PDT) On Mon, 12 Aug 1996, wrote: >WARNING: SERIOUS BREACH OF NETIQUETTE BELOW. -- Well, someone is a wee bit indecisive. I wish I had more time. I'd take over his spot... >On a nitpicky note, with the info he mentions about who he and the TPI >are, he obviously didn't realise I am a paid member of the club. -- I think it might be a good time to write via snail and ask for a refund...whilst you still can. ade ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ya gotta roll with it Ya gotta take your time Ya gotta say what you say don't let anybody get in your way Cause its all too much for me to take Ya gotta stand your ground Don't ever be denyed Ya gotta be who you be if you're comin' with me... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: WotE Date: 13 Aug 1996 20:34:51 -0700 (PDT) I forget if I mentioned this before but... I watched "War Of The Empires" today. I noted (as I had in the past) that on the left breast of the 'new' AE suits there is what LOOKS like a logo. A mixed T with a P. ________________________ | | | | | | |_____| | | | | Kinda sorta like the above (forgive I am not too good at ASCII art). Am I crazy or was this done on purpose or accident? /me watches as Jez pulls out his hat of knowledge with a wry grin on his face... And the crowd goes wild! ade ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ya gotta roll with it Ya gotta take your time Ya gotta say what you say don't let anybody get in your way Cause its all too much for me to take Ya gotta stand your ground Don't ever be denyed Ya gotta be who you be if you're comin' with me... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Roll Call Date: 13 Aug 1996 20:34:11 -0700 (PDT) I did this a while ago, just about a month after the lists began. I think since our ranks have grown it might be a nice time to share with each other who we are. I'll start just to give you all an example. This is strictly optional. I was not asked by Wendy to do it. I take complete blame/thanks. Quite honestly, for a while the list was jumping and now it has gotten rather slow again. I am hoping that some of our lurkers will come out into the open so that we can have some longer more in-depth discussions. That is what the list is for. I've enjoyed the company of everyone I have interacted with, and I would like to continue getting to do just that. Roll call for ade Marla Kendal 27 years old Female Middletown, NY (just moved here from the West coast) I am primarily an old series fan, but I have seen all of the new series. (I have all the old series and most of the new on tape). I started watching mid-80's on Nickelodeon. If I had to pick a favorite TP it would be Stephen. My favorite episodes are: "Man For Emily", "Secret Weapon", and "The Blue & The Green" My least favorites would have to be: "The Living Skins" and "The Lost Gods" I do a rather good Tsu Tai impression (voice/inflection/accent) if I do say so myself. I won't go into the reasons WHY I like the show. Most of it is intangible. Besides, I happen to enjoy cheesy British Sci-Fi. Like many on our list I have indulged in the use of the TP universe for my own pleasure. Sounds funny, but to me writing is a pleasure. It allows me to stretch my creativity. It lets my imagination get past my own teeny tiny brain. So far I have completed one TP story called "The Double Cross Affair." I am in the midst of writing a new one called "Three Moons Over Delenor." I also had a crossover story in the works called "A Touch Of Days To Come" but it is on hold right now. I have a series of web pages devoted to TP (right now I don't have a place for the files, but that will change in the next couple of weeks). That is more than anyone would want to know about me :) BTW...those of you who don't have the show on tape must have noted that I said I do. Right now I CANNOT make dups. I just don't have the time. In the near future (a month or so) as things calm down I should be able to start again. I will make an announcement when that time comes. :) I have a suggestion as well. I don't know how many of our ranks have access to IRC, but I think it might be a GREAT idea to have a once weekly chat. I can have the channel set up in a quick minute, if we have enough people interested. Comments? I believe I have said more than enough! ade ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ya gotta roll with it Ya gotta take your time Ya gotta say what you say don't let anybody get in your way Cause its all too much for me to take Ya gotta stand your ground Don't ever be denyed Ya gotta be who you be if you're comin' with me... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Roll Call Date: 13 Aug 1996 23:23:05 -0700 ade sayeth: >I did this a while ago, just about a month after the lists began. I >think since our ranks have grown it might be a nice time to share >with each other who we are. I'll start just to give you all an >example. This is strictly optional. I was not asked by Wendy to do >it. I take complete blame/thanks. Well... we are coming up on our one year birthday. And we have over double (quadruple?) the people now that we had then. So, I guess I'll give this topic official endorsement :) There's no reason for us to be strangers. Roll call: Wendy Kelley, aka W. Loraine Kelley, aka LadySilver (ladyslvr) 21 years old (22 in November, the same time as TPFICT's 1st bday) Female West Lafayette, Indiana I'm a TP fan in all its incarnations. I've seen them all and I own them all. I'm the one to talk to if you want copies of anything. I stated watching the TP on Nick back in the early 80's -- pre Nick at Nite. I remember the TP being advertised as one of Nick at Nite's first programs, airing at 7:30 Central, only I hadn't quite gotten the hang of the varkin Eastern/Central thing yet, so I missed several weeks when it moved. My favourite TP back then was Andrew. Now it's a toss-up between Stephen, Mike, and Jade. My favourite episodes are "The Blue and the Green", "Castle of Fear", "The Origin Story" and "Living Stones". My least favourites are "The Living Skins", "A Man For Emily", and "The Culex Experiment" I've always been attracted to any show starring one or more annoying kids. Especially if they happened to be annoying kids with superpowers. I think that's what first hooked me. I stayed hooked because the "existance" of the TP gave me an explanation for why I didn't fit in. I felt I'd finally found a group with whom I belonged, even if they did only exist on television. Besides being your friendly TPFICT and TPDIS list owner, I also maintain the Galactic Federation Communications Page ( and the TPFICT Archive page ( I also indulge occassionally in writing fanfic. I've produced a short vingette called "Good Question", and am working on my first novel length piece "The Atropos Project". Long, long time ago (before the lists started), I started writing a crossover story called "On the Wings of Pigs", which got so twisted around on its own plot threads that I found myself unable to finish it. It's still floating around out there somewhere, despite my best efforts to track it down and put it to rest. I keep promising a rewrite, but that got stuck on page 2 after my machine ate it (and kept eating it -- for some reason it wouldn't let me write more than 2 pages total) and then Kyrie stole all my best jokes :) And even farther back in my past I wrote a short story called "Welcome to the Tomorrow People". I know it's somewhere in my room since I showed it to a friend a few months ago, but who knows where it is now. This one was written back when Nick still aired the original series. If I ever find it, I may type it up and post it for a lark. As far as ade's suggestion for an IRC channel... I only wish I could join ya'll. I don't have IRC access (or usenet or ftp or telnet). Anything else ya want to know? Just ask. ... W. Loraine Listowner, Tomorrow People Creative and Discussion lists Editor, infinitum Alternative Fiction Magazine "I'm going to be Immortal until the day I die." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Selma McCrory) Subject: Re: Roll Call Date: 14 Aug 1996 00:39:02 -0800 And I think I shall take up the challenge, since things have changed from the time I last did this. Roll call: --------- Selma McCrory Age: 24 Sacramento, California, USA Female I like both incarnations, but I think I'll like the new one the best, because that is what I saw first. I lay the blame for discovering the series to the 'highlights' section of the local paper, and my own liking for male ponytails at the time. At that point, I watched the third episode of the first story and was hooked (this was about 2 years ago, I think). And then I got to see "The Blue and the Green" (courtesy of Wendy and Kyrie) and was hooked all over again. I do have tapes of all the episodes, but no dubbing capability. :( My favourite TPs are Adam and Lisa on the new series, and Stephen on the old. My favourite stories are the first new series story, The Rameses Connection, The Blue and the Green, and The Medusa Strain. My least favourites are Monsoon Man, A Man for Emily, and The Vanishing Earth. I don't know why I got hooked onto TP. Probably it's a combination of being a SF buff and, like Wendy, not feeling like I belonged. I'm one of your friendly set of web page maintainers- my pages are at (for both series) and I've been trying to update them regularly, with mixed results. As for my creative endeavors, I'm constantly writing *something*. Right now, I'm writing fiction as a hobby, to keep me sane while I work on getting a new job. My writings on the fiction list include "Differing Varieties", "Understanding", "With Human Blood and Human Tears", "A Part of Growing Up", "Birthday Gifts", and "Telepathic Ghosts". My seventh piece for the list will be "Mistakes", and most likely I will be posting it sometime this month or next. I also recently wrote a Starman/TP crossover for a 'zine which hasn't been published yet. I do have IRC access, although I'm not on much. And now, onto the next brave soul... Selma McCrory * * "We're peaceful. We can't wage wars, and we can't kill. Not deliberately, anyway." -Carol, The Tomorrow People ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Roll Call Date: 14 Aug 1996 10:31:47 -0400 This is a great idea -- Roll call: -------------- I'm Kerry Muzzey (that's a MALE Kerry!) and I live in New York City. I grew up in Joliet Illinois and was never a sci-fi buff, but LOVED the original TP series. I've always been into superheroes and fascinated by the whole idea of superpowers. I collected comic books as a youngster and was really into the X-Men (before they got so popular!) because of the whole "outsider" thing. Anyway, I'm now 26 and working for MTV Networks. It's a cool place. When I re-remembered my fascination with the Tomorrow People, I was disappointed to see that we don't have any of the original episodes in our library (Nickelodeon is part of MTVN). Wendy was good enough to send me a set, and I'm not even close to getting all the way through them yet, but I remember the breakout episodes as being my faves. Nice to "meet" you all! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "McKay, Brad" Subject: Re: Roll Call Date: 14 Aug 1996 10:27:13 -0400 Brad McKay 22 Years old Male North Arlington, NJ I am a fan of the old series, but haven't seen them in well over a decade (and dying to get my hands on some of them). I watched them on Nick (as I'm sure most of you have). If memory serves me right, my favorite episode was the one when they went into the past and came back and the present was different - I have no clue what the title is. I wasn't too crazy about the "jump suit" episode where John had a cold and was immune to those "balls". Kinda weird! Anyways, anyone know of a way I can get a hold onto some of the old series, please let me know. I am also wondering what LACon3 is that everyone is talking about! Thanks Brad God put us on earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I'm so far behind, I'll never die. -Calvin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Roll Call Date: 14 Aug 1996 09:07:22 -0600 (MDT) Okay, me too. Jane Starr (yes, that is my real surname (people have asked now and then)) 38 years old, female, married to Marcel Chichak, 2 kids (Thomas and Will (after my Grandad, not Will Robinson or Will Riker)), 2 cats (Tucker and Peri), 2 jobs (technical services librarian for Alberta Agriculture, Food & Rural Development/Public Works, Supply and Services Library and art director, _On Spec : the Canadian Magazine of Speculative Writing_ I discovered SF fandom in general in 1979 after I finished my BSc (Trent University, Peterborough, Ont.) and came home to Edmonton to start my MLS at the University of Alberta, but I've been an SF reader and watcher since the 60s when I discovered Hugh Walters and Andre Norton and Robert Heinlein and all that lot, not to mention Star Trek, Lost in Space, all the Gerry Anderson stuff, etc. I started watching the TP on CBC back in the 1970s, but I never saw the whole series until the 80s when it was rebroadcast on YTV (Canada's answer to Nick). I've only seen the origin story of the new TP (Thanks again, Donna), which I liked well enough, but I'll always be an old series fan, and one of these days, real soon now, I'm going to have a chat with Wendy about tapes. Favorite characters - John and Elizabeth. Favourite episodes - well, it is too hard to choose. Doomsday Men, Secret Weapon and Worlds Away are the ones I remember best, because I have audiotape copies. Least favourite - A Man for Emily. Why do I like it? The usual reasons - feeling of being an outsider, wanting to be special, plus I've always had a serious attraction to people who solve problems with their brains instead of their fists. I have tried writing fan fic but it doesn't turn out well (this is not false modesty). This doesn't stop me from doing it anyway, but I'm not prepared to share it. Yet. You never know, some day I might actually finish something that doesn't make me gag. Jane Starr email: 9518 - 91 Street phone: 466-6004 Edmonton, AB, T6C 3P5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Donna Kirking Subject: Re: Tower scenes, etc Date: 14 Aug 1996 08:14:45 -0700 Brad, LACon3 is this year's WorldCon or World Science Fiction Convention. The ORIGINAL con, the one where the Hugo winners are announced, etc. This year it is happening in Los Angeles, California. Actually, it's really happening at the Anaheim convention center, but close enough. I think this is the 53rd convention, and it's the 50th convention of PacifiCon, the first Worldcon held in California. Since it seems every science fiction bookseller on the planet (large exaggeration, I know) shows up for it, I'm hoping to find some TP books. For anyone who wants more information they have a web site at I read that they are expecting at least 6,000 people this year. Reading Ade's and Wendy's and Selma's bios I just realized I never gave my favorite episodes in my bio the other day. Hmmm...this is a tough one. I think my favorites for the old series are Top Secret and The Blue and the Green. My least favorite is A Man for Emily. For the new series the favorites are the Origin Story and Living Stones, and my least favorite is Monsoon Man (ironically, the only one I managed to tape at home, thus having a first generation tape of at least one episode, before the series was canceled). I had read the review in TV guide but been unable to find the show until I saw Wendy's vignette The Question on the Highlander list. She let me know when Nickelodeon was showing it and I was hooked, just in time for it to be canceled. I swear, if I like a show it's a sure sign it's dead in the water. Donna Kirking El Cerrito, CA, USA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "McKay, Brad" Subject: Question about TIM Date: 14 Aug 1996 11:26:59 -0400 I was wondering this question for quite some time now... Has anyone ever seen a TP episode (most likely one of the first), where you see TIM as a humanoid? I know TIM was their computer, but is there more to his story? I remember seeing a SciFi show, gosh - about 12 or so years ago, and it was before I got into TP. I remember seeing a humanoid connected to a computer and some other things I can't remember since I was so young! Any info would be appreciated. Thanks Brad God put us on earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I'm so far behind, I'll never die. -Calvin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "McKay, Brad" Subject: Hey Kirbyko3! Date: 14 Aug 1996 11:32:29 -0400 Kerry, I live only a few minutes from NYC... is there anyway we could work something out where I could get some copies of those TP episodes? PLEASE? (you can't see me, but believe me, I'm begging!) :-) Thanks Brad God put us on earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I'm so far behind, I'll never die. -Calvin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Question about TIM Date: 14 Aug 1996 11:59:41 -0600 (MDT) On Wed, 14 Aug 1996, McKay, Brad wrote: > I was wondering this question for quite some time now... > Has anyone ever seen a TP episode (most likely one of the first), where > you see TIM as a humanoid? I know TIM was their computer, but is there > more to his story? TIM was never humanoid. However, his voice is that of one of the clone brothers of Timus, the Gal. Fed. Ambassador and Tikno the I'm not sure what. The clone brother in question was called Timon (in Worlds Away he is mentioned as having initialized TIM), but he never appears. TIM's voice and all the clones that appear are played by Philip Gilbert. In addition, all the clones have the initials T.I.M. (Timus Irnok Mosta, Timon I. Mantar, etc. please excuse spelling). Timus and Tikno first appear in Worlds Away. > I remember seeing a SciFi show, gosh - about 12 or so years ago, and it > was before I got into TP. I remember seeing a humanoid connected to a > computer and some other things I can't remember since I was so young! This could be any number of things. The Questor Tapes (a post ST Roddenberry project), perhaps? Jane Starr email: 9518 - 91 Street phone: 466-6004 Edmonton, AB, T6C 3P5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: LDJ Subject: Re: Roll Call Date: 14 Aug 1996 18:57:44 -0400 Hi There! I like this idea of a roll call as well. Dave Johnston 24 Mississauga, ON Canada Funeral Director I really like the show, and always have...ever since I first saw it on YTV in the 80's. My favourite Tomorrow Person is Tyso, with Elizabeth a close runner up. I loved most of the episodes equally, but the Secret Weapon was my fave. I couldn't stand the A Man For Emily one...the only good part of that was to see the guy from Dr. Who acting like an idiot! I loved the show because I saw it at a time in my life where I was really perked me up a lot. Well, that's it! Anything else you want to know about me? Email me or post it and I'll respond! Cogito Ergo Sum @:-) (Elvis!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (ScottG) Subject: Re: Roll Call Date: 14 Aug 1996 19:54:23 -0400 Hi all.... First the bio... Scott S. Goldman 33 Years Old Male Albany, NY. Married to Susan with 1 child, Dustin.... Run Movie Theatres and write programs for the Movie Biz.... I like the old series more, but do like and have seen (most of ) the new series (I have all of the old and some of the new on tape) I stumbled across TTP during the mid-80's on a friends cable system (TP and the third eye - eh anybody remeber?!) Nick didn't even broadcast a whole day.. 9:30 was it... oh... and no commercials in the shows - until later My friend would tape 1 ep per day and send me a whole weeks worth... This was also a problem as I didn't own a VCR... Anybody remember when paying $10 for a TDK tape was a steal????... So I ended up staring at Secret Weapon going to the end and starting at the beginning until The Doomsday men... My favorite TP would be Stephen with a tie of John and Elizabeth for second.. (John could be a mother hen, but still could be rather funny) My least Favorite TP is definitely Carol.... I mean geeeze, stop whining....Not tverything is the end of the world....Alright, maybe it is, but still..... I guess given my favorite TP's its no surprise my favorite episodes are "The Blue and The Green", "The Doomsday Men" and "Secret Weapon" - I like Chris harding more than Ginge Harding... My least favorites would have to be: "A Man for Emily" (Which I'm forcing myself to rewatch), "The Living Skins" (Ahchooo) and "The Thargon Menace" Typical reasons for loving the show... Nerdy kid.. Into Computers (Before it was fashonable) I don't write fiction, but given an interesting topic I tend to write too much about it... I also can speak/write volumes on The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy.... I think thats it..... ScottG..... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: Re: Roll Call Date: 15 Aug 1996 11:10:22 +1000 (EST) Roll Call Shaun Hately (aka Dreadnought) 21 years old, living in Frankston, Victoria, Australia. Big fan of the original TP and have never seen the new series (but I want to). I haven't seen the old series for quite a while either. Sole relief from deprivation at the moment is reading FanFic when I had time, and one original TP and one new series TP novelisation to read. The original TP were the only people on TV I was able to relate to as a kid, and the only show I watched religiously for several years (when it was on that is). BTW I have set up a TP web page at: It's very sparse at the moment. Eventually there may be more on it, but I would appreciate any comments. Yours Without Wax, Dreadnought ( 30th Anniversary - Battle of Long Tan 18th August 1966 Lest We Forget 'And can you tell me Doctor, why I still can't get to sleep? Why night times just a jungle dark and a barking M16? And what's this rash that comes and goes, can you tell me what it means? God help me, I was only nineteen.' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tim O'Neal" Subject: Re: Roll Call Date: 14 Aug 1996 20:38:03 -0500 (CDT) Boy! Do I feel young! I think the Idea of a Roll Call is interesting. Name: Timothy Michael O'Neal Age: 14 Gender: Male Location: New Orleans, Louisana, USA I've seen only one series of the TP, the New one. My Favorite story.... I don't really have a favorite. My least favorite is "The Monsoon Man" (I wonder what mind came up with that story. A sedistic one, that's for sure.) It looked interesting when they showed commercials for it. So I watched it and I was hooked. I also enjoy watching Japanese Animation. (Anime for short) Like Bishojo Senshi Sailor Moon, Ranma 1/2, Project A-Ko, so on and so forth. BTW, Nickelodeon USA is dropping its late night Nick-At-Nite programming. Maybe we'll see a resurrection of the TP. Ade, The IRC thing is another good idea. Timothy O'Neal ---------------------------| "...The cat that chases | tail leaves a circular | trail..." | | Luna, Sailor Moon | ---------------------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ryan Turner Subject: Roll Call Date: 14 Aug 1996 22:03:43 -0500 Well, here's my own little introduction: Name: Ryan Jay Turner Age: 14 Location: Lincoln, Nebraska (originally from SoCal) I originally saw the new TP series about two years ago, toward the end of the summer. I wasn't sure at first exactly what I was watching, but I soon found that I liked it a lot! Since then I've learned a lot more about the show and have come to be a big fan. I've never seen the original TP series, but would like to see it sometime. I think picking a favorite episode would be hard, and for me would probably be a toss-up between the Origin Story and The Rameses Connection, but I suppose the Origin Story has a bit more appeal, since it's the first one and does a fairly good job (I think) of introducing the characters. The worst TP episode? Well, DUH! :) Monsoon Man, silly. By default. Don't even get me started about Colonel Cobb. Although I did like Ami's part in that one, and Adam's always cool. Hmm... a bit off-topic, but I'll say it anyway... I also like science-fiction from Michael Crichton and the brilliant William Gibson. I'm a big fan of Star Trek in all its forms (with TNG as my favorite (Ryan puts his Flame-Suit ON), note the gratuitous use of nested parantheses), and like movies of almost all genres (except icky horror flicks... blech). Um, oh yes, I'm a huge fan of computer adventure games (from Sierra, LucasArts and the like) and hope to write a few someday. Okay, well, as usual, I've talked too much. :) In closing, I think that a third TP series or perhaps a small-budget film based on the Tomorrow People are sadly unlikely yet very, very good ideas. Maybe if we all whine enough to the right people... hmm, it worked for Star Trek. Oh, well. Ta ta for now! Ryan (who promises he'll finish his story... SOMEDAY :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Marcell J. Elsegood" Subject: Re: Roll Call Date: 14 Aug 1996 22:28:48 -0600 (CST) seems like a good idea to participate in this discussion. Name: Marcell Jeffery Elsegood Age: 22 Male Location : Lubbock, Texas Birthplace: Peterborough, England Hometown: Abilene, Texas I originally started watching the old TP when I first came to the states, right along with Knight Rider and a local station's syndicated carrying of Wonder Woman (yay!). Right now, my favorite show has got to be ....well, The Nanny, as I am not too fond of Star Trek: Voyager, and I'm never at home to see DS9. Of my two earliest memories, the TP was one of them, (I had seen it on TV in Britain when I was earlier...the Slaves of Jedekiah was the one I remember, as well as the Star Trek episode The Galileo Seven. I do mean my two earliest memories of TV, of course. :) I also am really fond of The Simpsons, Murphy Brown, and I do think that Sliders might actually make it some day if they cut the horribly cleted SciFi scenarios. My favorite movie of all, all, all time: Mr. Holland's Opus. In all of my 22 years before this movie, I had never cried at a movie theater before or since. Fav movies: Braveheart, Dave, Sneakers, Total Recall, etc. Fav TV movies: Battlestar Galactica and DS9's Emissary Fav TV miniseries: V ( the Nazi allusions were chilling when I was a child and still are now) Fav Disney: A tossup between Bluebeard's Ghost and Beauty & The Beast. I just saw Hunchback a couple of weeks ago, and was very, very impressed (after being severly angered and offended by Pocahontas). Anyway, I'm starting to ramble. Oh well. Fav ST:TNG episodes: Devil's Due and The Inner Light Fav QL episode: a tossup between Running for Honor and The Leap Home Fav Knight Rider episode: (hehe) I forget the name of the episode, but the one where K.I.T.T. is completely taken over (note I did say completely) and tries to kill Michael and Devon and company. Also really liked K.I.T.T. vs K.A.R.R. I've rambled too much now. Take care, all. Marcell ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: Roll Call Date: 14 Aug 1996 19:32:30 -0500 (CDT) Beth Epstein, sometimes known as "Tigger", but not usually here 19, less than one month away from 20 (feeling young- Joey, Amy, Anne?) Junior Biology Major (Genetics specialist, I think) I actually watched the original series in the eighties- although have recently obtained tapes and rewatched them, and I'm not sure how much I actually understood the first time through. I watched the new series too, and really can't choose between the two. Fave TP's: Either Andrew or Liz for the original Series, Adam for the new series. Fave eps: The Doomsday Men or War of the Empires, and The Rameses Connection Least favorites: A Man for Emily, The Dirtiest Buisness, and Monsoon Man. Creative works: "The Dolerich Affair", and several in progress ones, "Reality Check", which is hard to classify, and two untitled works: one original series, the other a cross-over between the new series and Doctor Who (McCoy/Ace). Oh and I maintain the New Series drinking game at and have an original series one in the works and will post it as soon as I get it organized and spell-checked. Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: WotE Date: 14 Aug 1996 19:06:42 -0500 (CDT) It is there, and I was thinking it looked sorta like that too. As for whether or not it's on purpose- well, I'll let Jez answer that. Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: Question about TIM Date: 14 Aug 1996 19:33:52 -0500 (CDT) Is TIM an acronym for something? If so, what? Beth (active today, sorry:) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Alex Gen) Subject: Re:Roll Call Date: 14 Aug 1996 23:54:24 -0500 > Well... we are coming up on our one year birthday. And we have over > double (quadruple?) the people now that we had then. So, I guess I'll > > give this topic official endorsement :) There's no reason for us to > be strangers. > Roll call: > Wendy Kelley, aka W. Loraine Kelley, aka LadySilver (ladyslvr) > 21 years old (22 in November, the same time as TPFICT's 1st bday) > Female > I also indulge occassionally in writing fanfic. I've produced a short > vingette called "Good Question", and am working on my first novel > length piece "The Atropos Project". Hi Wendy... I might write some stuff like a short story or something wich will be close to TP but will be different in some ways... My only problem that I haven't writen any stories in english before so the story might be with some language errors thince I have 5 languages mixed up in my head with all of their grammar and in some ways it goes backwards to english language... I like "The Antropos Project" parts that I read.. Very interesting... Alex. -- |Fidonet: Alex Gen 1:2235/185 |Internet: | Standard disclaimer: The views of this user are strictly his/her own. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re:Roll Call Date: 14 Aug 1996 23:28:14 -0700 Alex sayeth: >My only problem that I haven't writen any stories in english before >so the story might be with some language errors thince I have 5 >languages mixed up in my head with all of their grammar and in some >ways it goes backwards to english language... I'm replying to the list because this applies to all of you. I'd be more than happy to beta-read / grammar check / offer suggestions on any story before it's been posted. I've found my beta-readers (Hi Kyrie! Hi Selma!) to be absolutely invaluable for helping me improve my works. (That's the only thing I still like about "On the Wings of Pigs" -- it's how Kyrie and I met). And as a founding member of the Miracles in Second Draft Club, I refuse to believe that any story could be so bad as to make it impossible to fix. Jeezu... you should see some of the first drafts Kyrie and I have exchanged :) ... W. Loraine Listowner, Tomorrow People Creative and Discussion lists Editor, infinitum Alternative Fiction Magazine "I'm going to be Immortal until the day I die." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Temesha Lynn Chatman Subject: Roll Call Date: 15 Aug 1996 03:10:42 -0400 (EDT) Hi! I introduced myself a while back, but I'll give a more "official" bio now. :) Temesha Lynn Chatman Age 21 Home Town: Chesapeake, Virginia Student Majoring in Computer Science I began watching the Old Series back in the 80's on Nick. I have a weakness for shows, books, etc involving telepathy, so I got hooked pretty easily. Unfortunately, the show aired pre-VCR days ( at least in my house), so I don't remember much of the series. I do remember Elizabeth and John and "The Blue and the Green", so those must have been my favorites! I started watching the new series sometime last year, but only could catch it when I was home on breaks. The only story I saw in its entirety was "Monsoon Man", but, luckily, from what I hear that was not the best the series had to offer. :) I guess my fave character from the new series is Megabyte. (How can I not like someone who's into computers?) I'm enjoying reading the fanfics. Keep them coming! I like to write, too, but I think I need to get re-acquanited with the series before I can post anything. See 'ya --Temesha ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kyrie Daniels" Subject: Re:Roll Call Date: 15 Aug 1996 00:34:09 -0300 Not only is it probably my turn, but Wendy said: > I'm replying to the list because this applies to all of you. I'd be > more than happy to beta-read / grammar check / offer suggestions on > any story before it's been posted. I've found my beta-readers (Hi > Kyrie! Hi Selma!) Hi Wendy! Vacation obviously did wonders.... > to be absolutely invaluable for helping me improve > my works. (That's the only thing I still like about "On the Wings of > Pigs" -- it's how Kyrie and I met). LOL...I was just telling Selma a few hours ago about how I couldn't understand Wendy's bashing of Pigs since it not only introduced us, but it also was what got me started with the TP. Therefore, it couldn't be all *that* bad. >And as a founding member of the > Miracles in Second Draft Club, I refuse to believe that any story > could be so bad as to make it impossible to fix. Jeezu... you should > see some of the first drafts Kyrie and I have exchanged :) How quickly she forgets the first draft and incarnation of Nobler... :) But anyway: Kyrie Daniels 24 on Sunday Belmont, CA (just moved from Stockton, CA and originally from HI) I don't necessarily prefer one series over the other, as each have its pros and cons. I know the new series better, but it doesn't have TIM -- by far my favorite TP character. As I said, I blame that lovely Pigs crossover for my introduction to Wendy and the TP. Despite what Wendy says, I do *not* steal all her good jokes. I give her quite a few in beta and some parts got more than others (like part six or so of Atropos). In that intangible concept called Real Life, I'm a student as SFSU in radio/television. I think I'm the unofficial beta reader of New Series TP fanfic, which is rather funny considering I haven't posted any yet. I am working on a massive novel crossover as my first TP involved story, and expect to write shorter pieces in the months to come. I do manage the TP sister list, the Sliders fanfic list. Most of my fanfic activities are centered there for that reason, but subbing as manager for this list is certainly easier than subbing for mine, as Wendy will attest to, I'm sure. I still haven't figured out how I get mentioned in posts around here more than I actually post around here, either. :) Kyrie Daniels SLFIC List Manager/temp TPDIS & TPFICT List Manager "Do *not* open the inter-dimensional doorway! There is a monster inside!" Dexter's Laboratory ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Jeremy Rogers) Subject: Re: Another newbie! Date: 15 Aug 1996 14:46:42 BST Shaun Owen Hately <> wrote > On Mon, 12 Aug 1996, LDJ wrote: > > > Hi there...I'm new to the discussion as well. I'd just like to say that the > > tomorrow people (old one) is one of my favourite shows. > > I know that you guys may have been asked this question before, but does > > anyone know where I could get copies of the old series on tape? Or the > > soundtrack? > > No idea about the Old Series. I know one of the stories was released but > I don't know how to get it. I also don't know about a soundtrack, but the > theme tune was released on a CD called something like 'The Man From > Uncle: Cult TV Themes'. Close - 'The Man From Uncle: Cult TV Classics', Silva Screen, FILMCD 712. It had previously been issued on '30 Years of Funtastic TV Toons 1960-1990' (!) in Australia. Both are now deleted. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Jeremy Rogers) Subject: Re: WotE Date: 15 Aug 1996 14:51:19 BST It seems a possibility to me, but I don't have any direct evidence. I do know why they changed from the suits used in the first series - the silver material would reflect the chromakey colour causing that area to disappear. Thisalso seems to have been a problem with the tin-plate Jedikiah in The Medusa Strain. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: WotE Date: 15 Aug 1996 09:54:56 -0500 (CDT) Jez said something like: "I do know why they changed from the suits in the first series- [technical explanation I don't get deleted]..." Didn't the old suits get burned with the rest of the suits and props between "Heart of Sogguth" and "The Lost Gods"? Just curious, Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Jeremy Rogers) Subject: Re: WotE Date: 15 Aug 1996 16:22:46 BST > Jez said something like: > "I do know why they changed from the suits in the first series- [technical > explanation I don't get deleted]..." OK let me be a bit more detailed. Chromakey is the process of inserting a different background, and is usually achieved by originally taping in front of a background of a single colour (usually blue, yellow or green), which can then be replace electronically by the desired background. If that colour is present elsewhere, say on the clothing, that too will be replaced by the background. The techniques in the 70s were not as good as available today. > Didn't the old suits get burned with the rest of the suits and props between > "Heart of Sogguth" and "The Lost Gods"? I would guess that probably happened to the second generation - after all even the belts were lost after the fire. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: LDJ Subject: Re: WotE Date: 15 Aug 1996 12:05:55 -0400 Could someone inform a newbie about the fire you are talking about? Thanks Dave Cogito Ergo Sum @:-) (Elvis!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: WotE Date: 15 Aug 1996 09:15:14 -0700 (PDT) On Thu, 15 Aug 96, (Jeremy Rogers) wrote: area to disappear. Thisalso seems to have been a problem with the tin-plate Jedikiah in The Medusa Strain. -- Are you talking about that strange phenom that also occurred in "Revenge" wheras parts of "metal" items (i.g. the psi-damping headbands) kinda disappear as if not there (at times)? ade ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ya gotta roll with it Ya gotta take your time Ya gotta say what you say don't let anybody get in your way Cause its all too much for me to take Ya gotta stand your ground Don't ever be denyed Ya gotta be who you be if you're comin' with me... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: WotE Date: 14 Aug 1996 19:10:52 +0100 In message <> LDJ writes: > Could someone inform a newbie about the fire you are talking about? > Thanks AE suits in The War of the Empires. I hope that makes sense :) Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Selma McCrory) Subject: Re: WotE Date: 15 Aug 1996 12:04:47 -0800 Jez writes: >In message <> > LDJ writes: > >> Could someone inform a newbie about the fire you are talking about? > >> Thanks > >AE suits in The War of the Empires. I hope that makes sense :) > I think he was asking about the fire that destroyed sets and props between "Hearts of Sogguth" and the "Lost Gods", Jez. :) The cause of the new set, new design for TIM, new AE suits, and the jaunting bands. :) The one I hope someone can explain better than I can. :) Selma Selma McCrory * * "We're peaceful. We can't wage wars, and we can't kill. Not deliberately, anyway." -Carol, The Tomorrow People ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Deb Harrington) Subject: Re: Roll Call Date: 15 Aug 1996 14:28 CDT Hi all! Let's see, Name: Stephanie Marie Anderson (A.K.A. Joey) Age: 15 I live in Southeast Minneapolis, Minnesota. My fav' episode is Ramesses, my fav' person is a tie between Adam and Megabyte. I didn't care for Monsson Man, but it did have it's momments, maybe one or two, or maybe just one . I have only seen the new version, I want to see the old version as well. I enjoy Animae such as Sailor Moon, Project A-ko, Ronin Warriors, and Tech-no Man has it's charm. I love X-Fils, but hate the Fox network. After dummping Space Above and Beyond, Strange Luck and VR5, and then still keep Sliders! I don't get it. I am working on fixing Fear of Drowning, but frankley I might just drop it for the momment and start on something else. Fear' was a big mistake 'cause A: I was writing it as I went along and B: 'cause I didn't think things through. But with any luck, I will salvage what I can. Joey(Stephanie) "No one down here but F.B.I.'s most unwanted." -Fox Mulder, The X-Files ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ari Halpern Subject: Roll Call Date: 15 Aug 1996 15:57:50 -0401 (EDT) Name: Ari Halpern Age: 22 (next week) Location: Holmdel, NJ I watched the old series on Nick in the 80's, along with my then other favorite program "You Can't Do That on Television." I remember a friend telling me about TP and he thought I should watch the show. The first episode I saw was Andrew's breakout episode "Castle of Fear", to be more specific, the one where his father locks him in the cage. I was pretty confused by the whole show, but was somehow hooked. When Nickelodeon finished running the series (since Castle of Fear is very near the end) and it started over with Slaves of Jedekiah...that's when I became thoroughly confused. It took me a little bit of time to realize that those were in fact older episodes...before Mike and Hsu Tai were actually on it. My favorite TP's are Andrew and Tyso, but I really like all of them. I watched some of the new series, but not all of it. I thought it was okay, but was really confused when the TP's kept disappearing (like Kevin and Lisa) after one episode. At least in the old TP they waited a few more shows before they just disappeared :) I have all of the episodes of the old series on tape but the quality of most of them are pretty bad. Since I've gotten the tapes, I've rewatched all of the episodes except The Lost Gods and The Vanishing Earth because the audio quality of those is particularly bad. The Vanishing Earth is pretty much totally inaudible. The Lost Gods isn't as bad, but since most of the characters in that one have very thick accents they are pretty incomprehensible when combined with the audio. I am in the middle of sending out "The Tomorrow Leap" to TPFICT, so I hope you all enjoy it since it will most definitely be my only story. Ari -- "True! Who are you? Perry Mason?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Longstaff Subject: RE:Roll Call Date: 15 Aug 1996 20:59:10 +0100 Hi, everybody! My name is Brian H.Longstaff, and I'm a 40-year-old, living in England. As well as The Tomorrow People (of which I've been a fan since the very first episode, and still enjoyed the new series), I'm also a fan of Star Trek, Babylon 5, Space Rangers, Dr Who, Batman Animated, Exo-Squad, and much, much more... Although I've not really been active here, I have been watching your mailings with interest, while reading the few TP fanzines I have (and if anyone's interested, I can supply an address for them..). Sorry, before you ask, I don't have any of the episodes of the original series on tape - something I must remedy soon. Anyway, that's me! If anyone's interested in writing to me, feel free... Brian. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: WotE Date: 15 Aug 1996 21:25:12 +0100 In message (Selma McCrory) writes: > Jez writes: > >In message <> > > LDJ writes: > > > >> Could someone inform a newbie about the fire you are talking about? > > > >> Thanks > > > >AE suits in The War of the Empires. I hope that makes sense :) > > > I think he was asking about the fire that destroyed sets and props between > "Hearts of Sogguth" and the "Lost Gods", Jez. :) The cause of the new set, > new design for TIM, new AE suits, and the jaunting bands. :) > The one I hope someone can explain better than I can. :) Yeah, I shouldn't try to do email when I have a migrane coming on. I'll only misread and/or write something that won't make sense. Two days before the props and sets were due to be withdrawn for filming series 6 there was a large fire in the store and they were all lost. What were eventually used were replacements made in quick time. The overall damage at Thames was extensive - Ruth Boswell (who at this time was working on The Warrior Queen) had been filming a scene of London burning using a model in the morning and after lunch found out that her office had burnt down. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Roll Call Date: 15 Aug 1996 17:35:43 -0400 Name: Amy H. Age: 13 I found the Tomorrow People on Nickelodeon. From what everybody's told me (and the old series episodes I'll be recieving soon!) I'll probably hate the new version and embrace the old. I looooooove to write, and hopefully the three week course I just took (if anybody noticed I was gone) should help. I'm currently working on two fan fiction stories, one about Sailor Moon and one about the Tomorrow People. If I find any time, I also have an original fiction stored away in my brain. Since my father's started up his computer store, I've gotten to make internet pages on anything I like. I do have to help out at his store, and make these boring educational web pages. :) Anyway, if anybody doesn't know this, I really like Sailor Moon. It's getting to be kindof a pain, because all these people are now going to my Sailor Moon web page, and I hardly have any time to do anything anymore. Fav ep: Last episode of the Origin story Fav serial: Ramese Connection Well, I've bored everyone enough. Amy :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: Re: Another newbie! Date: 16 Aug 1996 08:16:03 +1000 (EST) On Thu, 15 Aug 1996, Jeremy Rogers wrote: > > No idea about the Old Series. I know one of the stories was released but > > I don't know how to get it. I also don't know about a soundtrack, but the > > theme tune was released on a CD called something like 'The Man From > > Uncle: Cult TV Themes'. > > Close - 'The Man From Uncle: Cult TV Classics', Silva Screen, FILMCD 712. I have a copy of the theme dubbed from the above CD. I'm willing to copy it for people, but I live in Australia, so it could be awkward. If you are interested e-mail me and we can try and work something out. Yours Without Wax, Dreadnought ( 30th Anniversary - Battle of Long Tan 18th August 1966 Lest We Forget 'And can you tell me Doctor, why I still can't get to sleep? Why night times just a jungle dark and a barking M16? And what's this rash that comes and goes, can you tell me what it means? God help me, I was only nineteen.' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Marcell J. Elsegood" Subject: Re: Another newbie! Date: 15 Aug 1996 18:29:29 -0600 (CST) On Fri, 16 Aug 1996, Shaun Owen Hately wrote: > On Thu, 15 Aug 1996, Jeremy Rogers wrote: > > > No idea about the Old Series. I know one of the stories was released but > > > I don't know how to get it. I also don't know about a soundtrack, but the > > > theme tune was released on a CD called something like 'The Man From > > > Uncle: Cult TV Themes'. > > > > Close - 'The Man From Uncle: Cult TV Classics', Silva Screen, FILMCD 712. > > I have a copy of the theme dubbed from the above CD. I'm willing to copy > it for people, but I live in Australia, so it could be awkward. If you > are interested e-mail me and we can try and work something out. > > Yours Without Wax, > Dreadnought ( > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------- > 30th Anniversary - Battle of Long Tan 18th August 1966 > Lest We Forget > 'And can you tell me Doctor, why I still can't get to sleep? > Why night times just a jungle dark and a barking M16? > And what's this rash that comes and goes, can you tell me what it means? > God help me, I was only nineteen.' > > Hey, Shaun... what are the chances you could copy the theme to a .wav or midi file and send it via the Net? Lemme know, o.k.? Marcell ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: TP Theme Date: 16 Aug 1996 10:45:35 +1000 (EST) On Thu, 15 Aug 1996, Marcell J. Elsegood wrote: > Hey, > Shaun... > what are the chances you could copy the theme to a .wav or midi file and > send it via the Net? > > Lemme know, o.k.? I can't copy it but I do have a version that someone turned into a wav file sitting on my PC (I don't know why as I don't have a soundcard). It's 1.7 meg in size. I'm willing to mail it to people, but it will take a few days to upload it to my mailer. Yours Without Wax, Dreadnought ( 30th Anniversary - Battle of Long Tan 18th August 1966 Lest We Forget 'And can you tell me Doctor, why I still can't get to sleep? Why night times just a jungle dark and a barking M16? And what's this rash that comes and goes, can you tell me what it means? God help me, I was only nineteen.' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Humberto Reboredo) Subject: Roll Call Date: 15 Aug 1996 21:23:33 -0500 Humberto Reboredo 20 years old Miami, Florida I grew up watching the old series and I have seen the complete new series. Thanks to Wendy I have been able to see most of the old episodes again since I was only able to save 3 serials from the old Nick days. I tend to like the old series better probably b/c it's the one that I grew up with. My favorite character is John since he was there from day one to the end and he was the one in control most of the time. My favorite eps have to be Secret Weapon and Doomsday Men. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Another newbie! Date: 15 Aug 1996 20:39:37 -0700 Marcell asketh: >what are the chances you could copy the theme to a .wav or midi file >and send it via the Net? The version on the CD is over two and a half minutes long. It would probably be too large to be worth posting anywhere, assuming one even had the room to do so. Periodically I post a version copied from one of the episodes to the Galactic Fed page. ... W. Loraine Listowner, Tomorrow People Creative and Discussion lists Editor, infinitum Alternative Fiction Magazine "I'm going to be Immortal until the day I die." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: TP Theme Date: 16 Aug 1996 15:55:10 +1000 (EST) I can't copy it but I do have a version that someone turned into a wav file sitting on my PC (I don't know why as I don't have a soundcard). It's 1.7 meg in size. I'm willing to mail it to people, but it will take a few days to upload it to my mailer. Yours Without Wax, Dreadnought ( 30th Anniversary - Battle of Long Tan 18th August 1966 Lest We Forget 'And can you tell me Doctor, why I still can't get to sleep? Why night times just a jungle dark and a barking M16? And what's this rash that comes and goes, can you tell me what it means? God help me, I was only nineteen.' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TP Theme Date: 16 Aug 1996 09:42:03 -0400 Hey guys and gals, I found the TP theme at this website, along with HUNDREDS of other old TV themes. It's under the Children's section, I believe, in .WAV format. Enjoy! Kerry ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Jeremy Rogers) Subject: Re: TP Theme Date: 16 Aug 1996 15:16:54 BST > Hey guys and gals, > > I found the TP theme at this website, along with HUNDREDS of other old TV > themes. It's under the Children's section, I believe, in .WAV format. Enjoy! > > They must have a DNS problem - I get: DNS Domain '' is invalid: Host not found (authoritative). Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Roll Call Date: 16 Aug 1996 11:57:24 -0500 (EST) Well... since it seems everyone else has introduced themselves, I guess I should . Name: John Pannell Age: 32 Location: Chicago, IL Profession: Actuary I was first introduced to the Tomorrow People when the original series was aired on Nick, back in the days when Nick "became" A&E after 8pm (I think) ... or at least that's how it was on my cable provider then. My parents thought I was crazy for watching this. They could not see how an 18 year old would want to watch such a "bad" (their words) tv show. They just didn't get it. I first saw the new series after the first three serials had already aired. My first one was "Monsoon Man". Yeah, it's not good, but far better than "A Man for Emily"! When it was around, I was a member of TPI. It was through this group that I met Jez. Last time I was in the UK we had met for an afternoon of viewing, allowing me to see Rameses and Living Stones long before they were aired in the US! We then had a nice dinner, and some bitter, afterwards. Favorite TP: Stephen, Andrew, Megabyte Least Favorite TP: Carol (stop whining) Favorite Serials (in no order): Rameses Connection, Secret Weapon, Doomsday Men, Blue and the Green, Castle of Fear. Least Favorite: A Man for Emily, The Vanishing Earth (both are *far* worse than Monsoon Man, IMO. Among my other interests I am actively involved in Scouting and just returned from a National Conference with a group of Scouts. There were about 7,000 of us at Indiana University. I play bassoon, clarinet, recorder, Indian (cedar) flute. I am a fan of classical music, including music of the Rennaisance and Medieval eras. I have an interest in English history. I also belong to the same fraternal order as John's father (mentioned in a TP book). Of course, I also enjoy science fiction -- although I have not had time to read too much recently -- cycling and computers. I have attempted to write a couple of stories. They may eventually show up here if I can finish them and get them by a few beta readers. John ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ari Halpern Subject: Re: TP Theme Date: 16 Aug 1996 13:47:42 -0401 (EDT) I tried to get on that site several weeks ago for something else and I think I found that the owner had to take the page down because he was getting too much email from people that owned the themes and said he couldn't put them up on his page. Ari -- "True! Who are you? Perry Mason?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: TP Theme Date: 16 Aug 1996 20:48:00 +0100 In message Ari Halpern writes: > I tried to get on that site several weeks ago for something else and I > think I found that the owner had to take the page down because he was > getting too much email from people that owned the themes and said he > couldn't put them up on his page. The UK Performing Rights Society have been cracking down on copyrighted music stored on *.uk sites. The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1989 here classifies transmission from an on-line database to be a public performance as it constitutes 'cable diffusion'. See Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: Roll Call Date: 16 Aug 1996 21:01:56 +0100 Suppose I should get round to this ... Name: Jeremy Marc Rogers Age: 32 Location: Didcot, Oxfordshire, UK Profession: Safety Assessor and Consultant My first Tomorrow People was Slaves of Jedikiah, 16:50, 30/4/73 on ATV. Can't get much earlier than that. I don't know what really drew me to the show; probably its overall optimism for the future. It was the only TV show where I contacted the producers when young - unfortunately the letters I had from Ruth Boswell seem to have disappeared sometime through the years. Favourite episodes: Rift In Time, Blue and the Green, Secret Weapon (old), Living Stones (new) Least Favourite: Man For Emily (old), Monsoon Man (new) My TP writing have somewhat been put on one side; in my spare (?) time I have been co-developer of a youth show for regional cable. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TP Theme Date: 16 Aug 1996 20:35:11 -0400 I understand about the copyright thing, but am surprised that that would be the reason... TVToons had a link to that guy's site, so unless publishers cracked down on TVToons, well.... maybe it was getting too many hits? It WAS published in a magazine recently! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: Tomorrow People in Australia Date: 17 Aug 1996 10:43:39 +1000 (EST) For any Australians on the list (?) The ABC will be showing the Tomorrow People later in the year. At the moment it is scheduled to begin at 9.30 am on Sunday 27th October and continue each Sunday morning although this time is subject to change. Yours Without Wax, Dreadnought ( 30th Anniversary - Battle of Long Tan 18th August 1966 Lest We Forget 'And can you tell me Doctor, why I still can't get to sleep? Why night times just a jungle dark and a barking M16? And what's this rash that comes and goes, can you tell me what it means? God help me, I was only nineteen.' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Alex Gen) Subject: Re:Roll Call Date: 16 Aug 1996 10:52:48 -0500 > I am in the middle of sending out "The Tomorrow Leap" to TPFICT, so I > hope you all enjoy it since it will most definitely be my only story. Could you repost Part 1 of Tomorrow Leap ? I only recieved part 2 of it... Thanks.. Alex. -- |Fidonet: Alex Gen 1:2235/185 |Internet: | Standard disclaimer: The views of this user are strictly his/her own. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: TP Theme Date: 17 Aug 1996 08:23:32 +0100 In message <> writes: > I understand about the copyright thing, but am surprised that that would be > the reason... TVToons had a link to that guy's site, so unless publishers > cracked down on TVToons, well.... maybe it was getting too many hits? It WAS > published in a magazine recently! Tee Vee Tunes may have held the mechanical copyright (ie the recording), although it is more likely that they only had a licence to use it. The site would also need clearance for a public performance. This is the situation in UK copyright laws but countries do vary. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Greg Foster" Subject: RE: Roll Call Date: 17 Aug 1996 16:40:53 UT ---------- Sent: 16 August 1996 21:01 I've been listening in to all these discussions for a few weeks now so I suppose I should introduce myself. Name: Carolyn Foster Age - well let me just say that I was a teenager when I watched the original series in the '70s Female I am a science teacher and I live in North Wales. I was a huge fan of TP when it was first shown and I have wanted to watch all the episodes again ever since. The cable networks here in the UK seem to get a daily episode of TP the original series from the Sci Fi channel but the few hours of that channel beamed into my home courtesy of Rupert Murdoch don't include it any more. I think my favourite episode was the blue and the green . I would love to get my hands on copies of the original series on video (UK versions that is). I watched most of the new series and enjoyied it. I agree with the comments about the lack of continuity of the characters. I have enjoyed reading the fan fiction so keep writing you talented young things. regards Carolyn. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TP Theme Date: 18 Aug 1996 08:13:20 -0400 Tee Vee Tunes may have held the mechanical copyright (ie the recording), although it is more likely that they only had a licence to use it. The site would also need clearance for a public performance. This is the situation in UK copyright laws but countries do vary. --------------------- TVTunes does license the master from the tv/film studio, and they do pay mechanicals to the publishers, but I find it surprising that, knowing that, they provide a link to a site where recordings are available for download. That's why I figured it was a case of too many hits. (And we've just stumbled onto a good explanation of what I do for a living at MTV Networks! It's a tough one to explain...) KErry ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: TP Theme Date: 18 Aug 1996 16:18:48 +0100 In message <> writes: > Tee Vee Tunes may have held the mechanical copyright (ie the > recording), although it is more likely that they only had a licence > to use it. The site would also need clearance for a public > performance. This is the situation in UK copyright laws but countries do > vary. > --------------------- > TVTunes does license the master from the tv/film studio, and they do pay > mechanicals to the publishers, but I find it surprising that, knowing that, > they provide a link to a site where recordings are available for download. > That's why I figured it was a case of too many hits. > (And we've just stumbled onto a good explanation of what I do for a living at > MTV Networks! It's a tough one to explain...) I know we are veering way off topic, but Tee Vee used to directly host what was on this site for a while, which like you I found odd. Previously it was stored on a University server. ISTR that the 90s theme (all three of them?) used to be on the wanted list. Maybe we should talk about the person that asked for my help to get their overseas rights payments from Nickelodeon :) Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re:Roll Call Date: 18 Aug 1996 17:01:01 -0400 Name: Melyssa (a polish last name) Location :Illinois Age:13 Favorite TP episode: Last Living Stones episode Favorite Serial: Origin Story Favorite Character: Jade!! Reason I liked TP: I love science fiction, and I felt a strange connection to the TP. When they talked about being different I felt as if they were talking about me! Interests: Paganism and wicca. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TP Theme Date: 19 Aug 1996 10:41:56 -0400 For those that care anymore, I've just place the TP Theme along with several other .wav sounds on my TP page at: I'm considering making a MIDI version, but don't expect it anytime soon. Amy :) ~~~~~~~~~~ "Shutup brain or I'll stab you with a que tip." - Homer Simpson, The Simpsons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Flipper Subject: Re: Roll Call Date: 19 Aug 1996 12:20:46 -0400 (EDT) What's up? After a long summer break I am back.... my name is Ray McNulty. I am 23 and a student here at Rider University in NJ. I have been watching the tomorrow people since I was in the 4th grade and loved it. Still catch it on the tube whenever I see it. I posted part of a story on the fiction page and now that I'm back I plan on adding the rest over the next few weeks so stay tuned. If anyone wants to email me then feel free my address is Later ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Tomorrow People on The Sci Fi Channel (Europe) Date: 19 Aug 1996 20:04:40 +0100 In message "Greg Foster" writes: > The cable networks here in the UK seem to get a daily episode of TP the > original series from the Sci Fi channel but the few hours of that channel > beamed into my home courtesy of Rupert Murdoch don't include it any more. > I think my favourite episode was the blue and the green . I hope you have noticed (or see this in time). From today, 19 August the direct satellite service will be showing The Tomorrow People at the same time as the cable service, ie Monday-Wednesday at 22:30. However, you never can tell with Sci Fi ... I think they have reached The Blue and the Green. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Selma McCrory Subject: Re: Tomorrow People on The Sci Fi Channel (Europe) Date: 19 Aug 1996 12:25:27 -0700 (PDT) On Mon, 19 Aug 1996, Jeremy Rogers wrote: > > >From today, 19 August the direct satellite service will be showing > The Tomorrow People at the same time as the cable service, ie Monday-Wednesday > at 22:30. However, you never can tell with Sci Fi ... > I went to check their listing a few days back for updating one of my pages, and they didn't have a listing at all for the TP in September. I've sent an inquiry to their scheduling address, but I have yet to receive a reply. Selma ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: Tomorrow People on The Sci Fi Channel (Europe) Date: 19 Aug 1996 22:48:52 +0100 In message Selma McCrory writes: > On Mon, 19 Aug 1996, Jeremy Rogers wrote: > > > > >From today, 19 August the direct satellite service will be showing > > The Tomorrow People at the same time as the cable service, ie Monday-Wednesday > > at 22:30. However, you never can tell with Sci Fi ... > > > I went to check their listing a few days back for updating one of my > pages, and they didn't have a listing at all for the TP in September. I've > sent an inquiry to their scheduling address, but I have yet to receive a > reply. Well they did play it today at 22:30, but the story was Worlds Away. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: Tomorrow People on The Sci Fi Channel (Europe) Date: 19 Aug 1996 18:00:12 -0500 (CDT) I think it's Sci-Fi Europe that plays it, Selma. (Which might be in Sci-Fi entertainment, but not in a US cable guide.) Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Selma McCrory Subject: Re: Tomorrow People on The Sci Fi Channel (Europe) Date: 19 Aug 1996 17:01:04 -0700 (PDT) On Mon, 19 Aug 1996, Tigger wrote: > I think it's Sci-Fi Europe that plays it, Selma. (Which might be in Sci-Fi > entertainment, but not in a US cable guide.) > Beth > I think I needed to take a nap before answering that one. :) As way of explination, I have a page which lists where and when both series are showing. As part of that page, I try to keep track of what stories SciFi Europe shows. I'm reliant on the listings on the SciFi channel site to keep my page up to date. The schedule I checked was the September schedule for SciFi Europe. :) SciFi, however, is not making things easy for me. :) Nor is my cold. :) Selma ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: Tomorrow People on The Sci Fi Channel (Europe) Date: 20 Aug 1996 07:34:32 +0100 In message Selma McCrory writes: > As way of explination, I have a page which lists where and when both > series are showing. As part of that page, I try to keep track of what > stories SciFi Europe shows. I'm reliant on the listings on the SciFi > channel site to keep my page up to date. The schedule I checked was the > September schedule for SciFi Europe. :) ... and you are right that it isn't there. I have heard that it will be back in the winter, but have contacted them to try to get direct info about what they are doing *if they know*. I suspect they are playing two 3-episode stories, which probably means next week's treat is A Man For Emily. > SciFi, however, is not making things easy for me. :) As an example yesterday they trailed 'Tales of the Unexpected' at 20:00 saying it was going to be on at 22:00, but they put Inside Space on instead. They did play an interviewette with Peter Vaughan Clarke though. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: LDJ Subject: Where is everyone? Date: 21 Aug 1996 10:18:16 -0400 Hey Everybody...I haven't heard a peep from the discussion group for a couple of days...where is everbody? I know...watching TP right? Dave Cogito Ergo Sum @:-) (Elvis!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Donna Kirking Subject: LACon III Date: 21 Aug 1996 08:08:18 -0700 I've meant to get back to you before this, but have been extremely busy. Since I'm arriving first I will leave a message for you at the desk with our room number and you can give me a call after you arrive. We look forward to meeting you. Donna Kirking El Cerrito, CA, USA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Donna Kirking Subject: Re: LACon III Date: 21 Aug 1996 08:21:32 -0700 I'm sorry, my mail server is doing strange things. My prior message was not meant for the list, only for Ruby Red. Donna Kirking El Cerrito, CA, USA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Where is everyone? Date: 21 Aug 1996 11:18:10 -0400 Y'know, I have a set of the tapes from Wendy (thanks Again, Wendy!!!) and I've only gotten time to get through two of them so far. Once I re-familiarize myself with episode titles and the like, I hope to be able to contribute more. Does anyone know, offhand, which episode was Steven's breakout episode? Kerry ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Where is everyone? Date: 21 Aug 1996 10:23:06 -0700 (PDT) On Wed, 21 Aug 1996, wrote: > > >Y'know, I have a set of the tapes from Wendy (thanks Again, Wendy!!!) and >I've only gotten time to get through two of them so far. Once I >re-familiarize myself with episode titles and the like, I hope to be able to >contribute more. > >Does anyone know, offhand, which episode was Steven's breakout episode? -- Slaves of Jedikiah (also the 1st one aired) ade ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ya gotta roll with it Ya gotta take your time Ya gotta say what you say don't let anybody get in your way Cause its all too much for me to take Ya gotta stand your ground Don't ever be denyed Ya gotta be who you be if you're comin' with me... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "McKay, Brad" Subject: LADYSLVR (tapes) Date: 21 Aug 1996 18:21:03 -0400 Wendy, I forgot your email address, please resend it, thanks. This is regarding the tapes. Brad ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Where is everyone? Date: 21 Aug 1996 20:20:19 -0500 (EST) >Does anyone know, offhand, which episode was Steven's breakout episode? Slaves of Jedekiah... ...unless my memory is totally gone. John ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Fwd: Magical Grapefruit of Love Date: 22 Aug 1996 16:15:08 -0400 Sorry this isn't TP related... --------------------- Forwarded message: Subj: Fwd: Magical Grapefruit of Love In a message dated 96-08-22 12:51:56 EDT, you write: << Magical Grapefruit of Love This is the Magical Grapefruit of Love. It has been bequeathed upon you by someone who thinks you are really cool. This person might be your boyfriend, girlfriend, lover, pal, homie, Hausfrau, neighbor or someone else you don't even know. This person finds you rather interesting, possibly even attractive, and just generally thinks you're a pretty good excuse to be alive. Whether this person actually IS attracted to you is another question. This is merely a token of affection for you to wonder at and appreciate. The proper response, upon reciept of the Magical Grapefruit of Love is a hug, or a message of thanks, if this person is too far away to hug within a week of reciept. Basically, the Magical Grapefruit of Love is a way to say "Hey, you're really damn cool, and I want you to know that." Sorry if you were disappointed that there is no actual citrus fruit contained in this letter. Unfortunately, at the time of writing, that miracle of science that allows grapefruit to travel through telephone lines had not been perfected. But be consoled by the fact that someone thinks you're really a rockin' guy/gal, and would most likely help you out if you had a flat tire somewhere in the same state or within a one or two hour radius, depending on the size of your state. The sender of the Magical Grapefruit of Love only asks one thing of you-- (besides the aforementioned hug) that you bequeath this Grapefruit of Love on someone else. The Magical Grapefruit of Love grows in power as it is shared, and someday you may recieve this Magical Citrus Entity again. Send it on. Remember the elation you felt the first time you recieved it? If you send it on, you may feel this again. This is not a chain letter. Nothing bad will happen to you if you don't send it on, but think of the bright spot it might put in the day of someone you think is extra marvy. >> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Knock-Outs Date: 26 Aug 1996 11:44:42 -0400 I was feeling bored (or silly) so I decided to compile a list of every time a Tomorrow Person was rendered unconscious in the newest series. Keep in mind there was only 25 episodes total. Megabyte was knocked out a total of 4 times. First time in the origin story when he was given that drug. He was knocked out twice in Monsoon Man (poor guy!), he was thrown against the wall by the weather machine, and he was knocked out by that gas in the elevator. The fourth time was in the Living Stones, a piece of ceiling hit him in the exploding boiler room. Adam was also knocked out 4 times. The first time was in the origin story when he got hit by that dart, the second time Dr. Culex knocked him out with chloroform? (in the Culex Experiment), the third was in Monsoon Man when he was thrown against the wall by that weather machine with Megabyte. The fourth is kindof weird, in the Rameses Connection, Rameses stopped him from teleporting and sent him to that weird inverted dimension. Adam was first shown unconscious, so I assume he was knocked out somewhere in there. Ami was knocked out only 1 time. In the Monsoon Man, she was with Megabyte in that elevator when that gas knocked them both out. Lisa was also knocked out once. In the origin story when those agents stormed her apartment and shot those darts at her, Adam, and her mother. Kevin takes the cake, falling into a coma in the Culex Experiment. He came out 4 1/2 episodes later. Jade got out scott-free, being the only Tomorrow Person _not_ to be knocked out! Making that a total of 11 times any Tomorrow Person has been knocked out. Amy :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Steinberg Subject: Re: Knock-Outs Date: 26 Aug 1996 09:07:12 -0700 (PDT) At 11:44 AM 8/26/96 -0400, wrote: >I was feeling bored (or silly) so I decided to compile a list of every time a >Tomorrow Person was rendered unconscious in the newest series. Keep in mind >there was only 25 episodes total. (snip) > >Making that a total of 11 times any Tomorrow Person has been knocked out. So basically: being knocked out : new series :: losing powers : old series :-) apologies to those non-americans or youngsters who haven't taken the sat's :) -David "ZZYZX" Steinberg TIME FOR TIMER ************************************************************************* *"This afternoon the streets turned*"I can't believe I'm a junior and a * * grey/And I watched the cars below* film major, when all I really * * My time coming, any day * wanted in this life was to marry a * * Don't worry bout me no." * lobsterman and cook fish." * *"very strange raving egomaniac" * -a letter from Christie Searing * ************************************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Proofreader.... Date: 26 Aug 1996 20:53:58 -0700 (PDT) I need someone who is not busy in the next week to proofread part one of "Three Moons Over Delenor." I am looking for someone who is familiar with the original series, and has excellent grammar and spelling skills. Again, ya also need to have time to read/correct/comment on it this week :) THANKS! ade ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ya gotta roll with it Ya gotta take your time Ya gotta say what you say don't let anybody get in your way Cause its all too much for me to take Ya gotta stand your ground Don't ever be denyed Ya gotta be who you be if you're comin' with me... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Selma McCrory) Subject: Megabyte, Galt, and breaking out Date: 29 Aug 1996 15:59:11 -0800 This list got a bit quiet, so I decided to drop something on here. I was watching my tapes of the first story again, and this came to me during the last episode. Of the four TP that break out during that story, we are only surprised by Megabyte's break out (unless you see another story first). Adam pops up at the island during the first few minutes of the story, Kevin's obviously got abilities, and Lisa is seen in the water in Kevin's daydream/precognition. Megabyte's the only one that isn't considered a potential TP. I was wondering, perhaps, if Galt's machine (the helmet) did something to speed Megabyte's break out. That is, Megabyte would have developed his powers, but not at such a convienient time. Of course, that would have meant that Mulvaney would have gotten Lisa and Adam, and Kevin would be rather stranded at the spaceship, leading to a totally different history for the TP, but it's fun to speculate. Does anyone else think that Galt's machine worked in an unintended way? Selma Selma McCrory * * "We're peaceful. We can't wage wars, and we can't kill. Not deliberately, anyway." -Carol, The Tomorrow People ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: Megabyte, Galt, and breaking out Date: 29 Aug 1996 18:04:07 -0500 (CDT) I always thought with the new series that breaking out stemmed from intense need: Adam- who knows, but it looks like he was unconscious (sp?) when he hit the beach Lisa- really embarrassed (seems kind of wimpy to me, but who knows) Kevin- worried about Lisa Admittedly, the above two had been in communication for months, but there is other evidence. Megabyte- being dangled over the stairs- if TP's didn't break out at times like that, the species might not survive. I really think, if anything, that Galt's helmet might have kept Megabyte from breaking out earlier (I don't know about you, but I'd be pretty scared to wake up and find myself in a suitcase). Ami- in the tube when being attacked by a mosquito Again, she showed signs of telepathy before breaking out, but couldn't really teleport or do anything on her own until flight or fight (no can do- as a TP) kicked in- assuming that Megabyte and Adam merely helped and didn't initiate it. Jade- stuck in the boiler room when Megabyte is knocked unconscious She exhibited minor signs of telepathy under severe stress, but nothing like what Kevin and Lisa (or Ami) initially experienced. The only outward sign for most of the serial was her intense desire to be a TP- something Megabyte also had. Hmmm..... It seems stress and danger is more of a catalyst than what Galt's machine might have been. Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ari Halpern Subject: where tomorrow leap is... Date: 29 Aug 1996 19:28:16 -0400 (EDT) For those of you that are reading it, I am sorry I haven't been sending out "The Tomorrow Leap" so frequently. I have to take care of some other things going on right now, so I will try to send out the next part as soon as possible. Possibly tonight or tomorrow. Sorry about that. Is anyone reading it? Ari -- "True! Who are you? Perry Mason?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Deb Harrington) Subject: Re: where tomorrow leap is... Date: 29 Aug 1996 18:52 CDT >For those of you that are reading it, I am sorry I haven't been sending >out "The Tomorrow Leap" so frequently. I have to take care of some other >things going on right now, so I will try to send out the next part as >soon as possible. Possibly tonight or tomorrow. > >Sorry about that. > >Is anyone reading it? Do birds fly? :) Joey ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Timothy M. O'Neal" Subject: Re: where tomorrow leap is... Date: 29 Aug 1996 19:01:48 -0500 (CDT) On Thu, 29 Aug 1996, Deb Harrington wrote: > >For those of you that are reading it, I am sorry I haven't been sending > >out "The Tomorrow Leap" so frequently. I have to take care of some other > >things going on right now, so I will try to send out the next part as > >soon as possible. Possibly tonight or tomorrow. > > > >Sorry about that. > > > >Is anyone reading it? > > Do birds fly? :) > > Joey Penguins and Ostriches don't... :) Timothy O'Neal ---------------------------|-----------------------------| "...The cat that chases | School Countdown: | tail leaves a circular | | trail..." | 5555 | | 5 Days | Luna, Sailor Moon | 5555 | ---------------------------|-------------5---------------| 5555 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: Re: where tomorrow leap is... Date: 30 Aug 1996 10:21:14 +1000 (EST) On Thu, 29 Aug 1996, Timothy M. O'Neal wrote: > On Thu, 29 Aug 1996, Deb Harrington wrote: > > > >For those of you that are reading it, I am sorry I haven't been sending > > >out "The Tomorrow Leap" so frequently. I have to take care of some other > > >things going on right now, so I will try to send out the next part as > > >soon as possible. Possibly tonight or tomorrow. > > > > > >Sorry about that. > > > > > >Is anyone reading it? > > > > Do birds fly? :) > > > > Joey > > Penguins and Ostriches don't... :) Nor do Emus! But I am reading it. Yours Without Wax, Dreadnought ( 30th Anniversary - Battle of Long Tan 18th August 1966 Lest We Forget 'And can you tell me Doctor, why I still can't get to sleep? Why night times just a jungle dark and a barking M16? And what's this rash that comes and goes, can you tell me what it means? God help me, I was only nineteen.' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Megabyte, Galt, and breaking out Date: 29 Aug 1996 18:46:12 -0700 >I was wondering, perhaps, if Galt's machine (the helmet) did >something to speed Megabyte's break out. That is, Megabyte would >have developed his powers, but not at such a convienient time. Definitely possible. Instead of blocking the neurons, or whatever it was doing to prevent his powers, it forced them to build new routes through his brain faster. Or something like that. >Of course, that would have meant that Mulvaney would have gotten >Lisa and Adam, and Kevin would be rather stranded at the >spaceship, leading to a totally different history for the TP, >but it's fun to speculate. Sounds like a story that needs to be written :) ... W. Loraine Listowner, Tomorrow People Creative and Discussion lists Editor, infinitum Alternative Fiction Magazine "I'm going to be Immortal until the day I die." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kyrie Daniels" Subject: Re: Megabyte, Galt, and breaking out Date: 29 Aug 1996 23:27:33 -0300 Wendy in response to Selma: > >Of course, that would have meant that Mulvaney would have gotten > >Lisa and Adam, and Kevin would be rather stranded at the > >spaceship, leading to a totally different history for the TP, > >but it's fun to speculate. > > Sounds like a story that needs to be written :) Ahem. Seems to me I'm not betaing anything for Atropos, my dear! :) Also seems that the story I am doing is lost in beta. Maybe next one. Depends how good I am at this whole alternate history thing. "You knew the job was dangerous when you took it!" -- SuperChicken ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: Megabyte, Galt, and breaking out Date: 30 Aug 1996 19:28:33 +0100 In message <> writes: > >I was wondering, perhaps, if Galt's machine (the helmet) did > >something to speed Megabyte's break out. That is, Megabyte would > >have developed his powers, but not at such a convienient time. > Definitely possible. Instead of blocking the neurons, or > whatever it was doing to prevent his powers, it forced them to > build new routes through his brain faster. Or something like > that. Yeah, whatever a mag-sub-ray oscillator does. Jez [Coming back from Teeside to find that the SciFi channel did play A Man For Emily, and wondering whether it would have been better or worse if it had been directed by the director of the previous serial, Dennis Kirkland, as he produced/directed Benny Hill for 20 years.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Greg Foster" Subject: RE: where tomorrow leap is... Date: 30 Aug 1996 20:47:33 UT ---------- Sent: 30 August 1996 00:28 Is anyone reading it? I am reading it . Please hurry up with the rest! Carolyn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Deb Harrington) Subject: Re: where tomorrow leap is... Date: 30 Aug 1996 16:36 CDT >> >Is anyone reading it? >> >> Do birds fly? :) >> >> Joey > >Penguins and Ostriches don't... :) They don't count! Joey ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Timothy M. O'Neal" Subject: Re: where tomorrow leap is... Date: 30 Aug 1996 18:55:16 -0500 (CDT) On Fri, 30 Aug 1996, Deb Harrington wrote: > >> >Is anyone reading it? > >> > >> Do birds fly? :) > >> > >> Joey > > > >Penguins and Ostriches don't... :) > > > They don't count! > They're Birds aren't they? Hey Dreadnought, thanks, I couldn't remember the Emus... (: Timothy O'Neal ---------------------------|-----------------------------| "...The cat that chases | School Countdown: | tail leaves a circular | | trail..." | 5555 | | 5 Days | Luna, Sailor Moon | 5555 | ---------------------------|-------------5---------------| 5555 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Proofreader.... Date: 30 Aug 1996 20:04:49 -0400 I have excellent spelling and grammar skills, but I am not too familiar with the original series. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: All powerful TPs and just TPs Date: 30 Aug 1996 20:35:31 -0400 Does it seem to you that some TPs are more TP than others? More TP: Adam Kevin Ami Lisa Just TP: Megabyte Jade ( Not saying anything against Jade , she's my favorite character!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Proofreader.... Date: 30 Aug 1996 18:14:11 -0700 (PDT) Thanks, but I already found someone! On Fri, 30 Aug 1996, wrote: >I have excellent spelling and grammar skills, but I am not too familiar with >the original series. > > > ade ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...Night is falling And it's time to frolic with our slingers that not only twirl in the air But glow in the dark as well Hey kids, you can get your own slinger by sending ten package tops of Kool-Aid soft drink mix to Kool-Aid P.O. Box six-six-six Bradley Illinois Oh (what does Micky say here?) and happiness to get a free slinger! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: Megabyte, Galt, and breaking out Date: 30 Aug 1996 20:59:06 -0500 (CDT) Jez said something like: "Yeah, whatever a mag-sub-ray ocillator does." Sounds like it uses magnetic radiation at varying frequencies to scramble one's brain waves to me! (Stop me if I'm getting too technical here...:) Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: All powerful TPs and just TPs Date: 30 Aug 1996 19:30:18 -0700 JadeTTP asketh: >Does it seem to you that some TPs are more TP than others? What do you mean 'more TP than others'? ... W. Loraine Listowner, Tomorrow People Creative and Discussion lists Editor, infinitum Alternative Fiction Magazine "I'm going to be Immortal until the day I die." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ari Halpern Subject: thanks. Date: 31 Aug 1996 00:31:54 -0401 (EDT) given the overwhelming response i got to the amount of people reading The Tomorrow Leap, it gave me some drive to stay up late tonight to get out the next part. this part is my favorite because of the dream. you'll see. :) Ari -- "True! Who are you? Perry Mason?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ari Halpern Subject: Missing parts of Tomorrow Leap Date: 31 Aug 1996 00:56:20 -0400 (EDT) If anyone is missing parts of The Tomorrow Leap, I have posted it onto my web page (up to what I have sent to tpfict). The address is: Ari -- "True! Who are you? Perry Mason?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Alex Gen) Subject: where tomorrow leap is... Date: 30 Aug 1996 09:33:22 -0500 > From: Ari Halpern > For those of you that are reading it, I am sorry I haven't been > sending > out "The Tomorrow Leap" so frequently. I have to take care of some > other things going on right now, so I will try to send out the next part as > soon as possible. Possibly tonight or tomorrow. > Sorry about that. > Is anyone reading it? Yes, I did. And it's very good. I haven't seen old series, but from the story you wrote it goes very interesting. (But I've seen Quantum Leap) There is one error you have in your story when Stephen got into Future he shouldn't have teleported, thince he was in another body and brain in that body would not going to have such abilities. I mean wasn't somebody wrote somewhere that to be TP they had to go through physical and mental changes so if TP would change body he would have to go through some of the changes again or he would not be able to teleport. Or you assume that everyone have such abilities inside and just don't know how to use them ? Who think that if TP changes body he/she would still have all the abilities ? How about discussion about it... There is another story called Mistakes which is continuation of another story somebody else did (I don't remember who probably Ade) called Telepathic Ghosts or something similar). And those 2 stories are very interesting too.. Alex. -- |Fidonet: Alex Gen 1:2235/185 |Internet: | Standard disclaimer: The views of this user are strictly his/her own. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ari Halpern Subject: Re: where tomorrow leap is... Date: 31 Aug 1996 11:41:18 -0400 (EDT) On 30 Aug 1996, Alex Gen wrote: > > There is one error you have in your story when Stephen got into > Future he shouldn't have teleported, thince he was in another body > and brain in that body would not going to have such abilities. I mean > wasn't somebody wrote somewhere that to be TP they had to go through > physical and mental changes so if TP would change body he would have to > go through some of the changes again or he would not be able to teleport. > Or you assume that everyone have such abilities inside and just don't know > how to use them ? I have to disagree with you on this point. The point of Quantum Leap was that when Sam leapt into someone, it was his body and soul there, but the host's aura that other people saw. Therefore, everyone saw Sam's aura in the future, but it was still Stephen's body and soul. I can only explain what I mean through example from the Quantum Leap series. For example: In the episode "Blind Faith" Sam leapt into a blind piano player. Yet during the whole episode Sam was able to see. He wasn't blind like his host, and this caused quite a bit of conflict at the end (one of my favorite episodes) Another example was in "Nowhere to Run" where Sam leapt into I think a vietnam vet who had no legs. Everyone saw the aura of the man with no legs, but Sam was able to walk nonetheless. By the way, for all of you "Friends" fans out there, "Nowhere to Run"'s main guest for that episode was Jennifer Aniston (before she became famous). Therefore, even with Stephen being in Sam's aura, he would still have his own abilities. Now...if you're wondering why I made Sam be able to hear Elizabeth telepathically in part 2, you'll just have to wait for the final part on that one... :) Ari ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: where tomorrow leap is... Date: 31 Aug 1996 12:11:22 -0700 (PDT) On 30 Aug 96, (Alex Gen) wrote: >There is another story called Mistakes which is continuation of another story >somebody else did (I don't remember who probably Ade) called Telepathic >Ghosts or something similar). And those 2 stories are very interesting too.. -- Nope, I can't take credit for that one. I don't work within the TP/HL crossover universe. :) ade ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...Night is falling And it's time to frolic with our slingers that not only twirl in the air But glow in the dark as well Hey kids, you can get your own slinger by sending ten package tops of Kool-Aid soft drink mix to Kool-Aid P.O. Box six-six-six Bradley Illinois Oh (what does Micky say here?) and happiness to get a free slinger! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~