From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: Re: Best Wishes Date: 01 Jan 1997 12:22:24 +1100 (EST) On Tue, 31 Dec 1996 wrote: > For a great 1997!!! > > This is a great group, and I treasure your companionship/friendship. > > HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! > > (I wonder how the TP are celebrating....grin) Same to you and everyone else. As for the TP, if I could jaunt, I'd be following midnight all around the world, from timezone to timezone. Hey, that could be a way for the old and new TP to meet. The old ones have come out of wherever they've been since 1979, and get suspicious of these kids who keep popping up in the same places as they jaunt around the world. Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working / |out all the combat tables and everything. o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time \ |the dice caught fire . . .' | --Terry Pratchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: Best Wishes Date: 01 Jan 1997 00:00:08 -0600 (CST) Ade said: > HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Same to you and everyone on the list! > (I wonder how the TP are celebrating....grin) Everyone back from the Trig drinking cocoa and telling stories to embarass John most likely. (You'd think they'd spend Christmas with their families [Mike could take Hsui Tai home with him Same to you and everyone else. As for the TP, if I could jaunt, I'd be >following midnight all around the world, from timezone to timezone. Up for 24 hours straight? Yuck. (I'll be lucky if I last the next five minutes- me life?:) >Hey, that could be a way for the old and new TP to meet. Well, I suppose, but it wouldn't be very exciting, would it? (I have other plans .) >The old ones have >come out of wherever they've been since 1979, and get suspicious of these >kids who keep popping up in the same places as they jaunt around the >world. Wouldn't there be too many people to notice? Well, if they went somewhere other than the equivelant of Times Square every time, maybe.... Speaking of, gotta go! Beth happy 1997 to one and all! May it bring peace- and a world of TP's. (Us first. :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: scott goldman Subject: Range of Powers Date: 01 Jan 1997 11:21:59 -0500 (EST) This whole debate about the AE suites started me actively thinking about the (for lack of a better term) range of Jaunting powers.. Not how far you can jaunt, but what you can jaunt with. When A TP jaunts, it seems they can carry a certain amount of "non personal" matter with them.. The obvious: clothes, belts, ae suits, shoes, hats; the non obvious: wallets, pocket lint, dental implants; and the carry-on-baggage;Russian stacking dolls (The dirtiest buis.), Umbrellas(sp), Jedikiah's Amulet (Slaves of Jedikiah), etc.. I've used the old series because believe it or not, the new series actually seems more consistant. In the new series, TP's can jaunt with a SAP along for the ride (General Damon geting teleorted with Megabyte and Adam). So the question is: How strong is that carry-along control. Do you think there it comes down to how strong a TP is? Is there a minimum/maximum (A minimal tp would look awfully funny always ending up in the nude whenever they jaunted!) Is there a maximum( Do you like this house, but not the neihborhood? Teleport the house!) When is that control learned? (Nature is good, but wow, giving new TP's just the right strength to jaut with their clothes in tact!) Just some early new years morning thoughts from someone who is working a box-office in the cold... This probaly qualifies as "You Know youv'e been watching to much TP when" You worry about new TP's Jaunting Nude! HAPPY GNU YEAR Scott G (Who doesn't want to hear about how hot it is down under.. You don't shovel heat!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Marcell J. Elsegood" Subject: Re: Range of Powers Date: 01 Jan 1997 12:29:47 -0600 (CST) I have had an answer for your question for some time, Scott. There are branches of so-called psychics today who believe in looking at one aspect of the human being to see if the person has illnesses, strengths, is the same thing that scientists have proven does exist, to some degree.. the bioelectrical field that extends around all human beings (we generate current from the heart that is used in the nervous system) that mystics like to call the "aura". So, my explanation is this.. anything that is inside the old TPs' aura goes with them when they jaunt (which explains just about everything they ever jaunted with), but since other people can't be surrounded by your aura, they can't jaunt with you..the same goes for houses and such for the old TP :) That's my explanation. Enjoy. On Wed, 1 Jan 1997, scott goldman wrote: > This whole debate about the AE suites started me actively thinking about > the (for lack of a better term) range of Jaunting powers.. Not how far you > can jaunt, but what you can jaunt with. > > When A TP jaunts, it seems they can carry a certain amount of "non > personal" matter with them.. The obvious: clothes, belts, ae suits, shoes, > hats; the non obvious: wallets, pocket lint, dental implants; and the > carry-on-baggage;Russian stacking dolls (The dirtiest buis.), > Umbrellas(sp), Jedikiah's Amulet (Slaves of Jedikiah), etc.. > > I've used the old series because believe it or not, the new series > actually seems more consistant. > > In the new series, TP's can jaunt with a SAP along for the ride > (General Damon geting teleorted with Megabyte and Adam). > > So the question is: How strong is that carry-along control. Do you think > there it comes down to how strong a TP is? Is there a minimum/maximum (A > minimal tp would look awfully funny always ending up in the nude whenever > they jaunted!) Is there a maximum( Do you like this house, but not the > neihborhood? Teleport the house!) When is that control learned? (Nature is > good, but wow, giving new TP's just the right strength to jaut with their > clothes in tact!) > > Just some early new years morning thoughts from someone who is working a > box-office in the cold... This probaly qualifies as "You Know youv'e been > watching to much TP when" You worry about new TP's Jaunting Nude! > > > HAPPY GNU YEAR > Scott G (Who doesn't want to hear about how hot it is down under.. You > don't shovel heat!) > > Marcell J. Elsegood - Hornist, Latin student, music lover Brother of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia "Non omnes qui habent Zeta Sigma, Texas Tech, Spring 1994 cornum sunt cornicines" OAS, AAS, LLS -adapted Varro quote "Forget belief systems; forget the parameters of rational thinking as it so smugly is called, and feel, my friend, feel..." K.A.R.R. (from Knight Rider) "We don't want every Tom, Dick, and scientist knowing that we can.." John, The Tomorrow People ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: Range of Powers Date: 01 Jan 1997 13:15:34 -0600 (CST) Marcell said: >So, my explanation is this.. anything that is inside the old TPs' >aura goes with them when they jaunt (which explains just about everything >they ever jaunted with), but since other people can't be surrounded by >your aura, they can't jaunt with you Well, the Alfred Bester theory (in "The Stars My Destination") is that you can jaunt with whatever you can carry or happen to be wearing. This theory would allow the TP to jaunt with a small child, however, and in "The Visitor" they can't jaunt with Arlo, so maybe it only applies to inanimate objects. *shrug* My personal theory is they can jaunt with whatever the plot calls for them to able to except for people. And when did they ever jaunt with umbrellas? Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Common sense Date: 01 Jan 1997 13:17:30 -0600 (CST) How on earth could the original series TP hold down jobs when they had to keep jaunting off to save the world. John of course saved himself from this problem by being self-employed, but the others couldn't sponge off him forever. Just something that crossed my mind when I was trying to fall asleep last night... Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: Common sense Date: 01 Jan 1997 20:03:46 GMT In message <> Tigger writes: > How on earth could the original series TP hold down jobs when they had to keep > jaunting off to save the world. John of course saved himself from this problem > by being self-employed, but the others couldn't sponge off him forever. Just > something that crossed my mind when I was trying to fall asleep last night... Elizabeth kept up being a teacher, and the others were made to stay at school until they were of age. They probably sponged off their parents or got Peter to invest some money for them in 1694 or something. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: Range of Powers Date: 01 Jan 1997 20:03:58 GMT In message <> Tigger writes: > Well, the Alfred Bester theory (in "The Stars My Destination") is that you can > jaunt with whatever you can carry or happen to be wearing. This theory would > allow the TP to jaunt with a small child, however, and in "The Visitor" they > can't jaunt with Arlo, so maybe it only applies to inanimate objects. They did pull Arlon through in the end, although TIM had to drain the National Grid to do so. This would suggest the weight of extra items were limited. Also TIM used to do the navigation calculations via the belts/bands, and probably took into account a normal amount of odds and ends. Another example of a jaunt going wrong was when Stephen was trying to rescue a Nola 'bear' in The Great Mothers of Matra, but these extra long distance ones seem to be set up rather differently anyway. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: scott goldman Subject: Re: Range of Powers Date: 01 Jan 1997 16:42:58 -0500 (EST) On Wed, 1 Jan 1997, Tigger wrote: > And when did they ever jaunt with umbrellas? > Beth Didn't Steven jaunt with Evergreen's umberalla in Revenge of Jedikiah and i have some vaugh recollection that John was carrying an umberlla when he stepped on the dozzluh(SP?) in A Man For Emily (I try not to watch those episodes) :) ScottG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: scott goldman Subject: Re: Common sense Date: 01 Jan 1997 16:59:34 -0500 (EST) On Wed, 1 Jan 1997, Tigger wrote: > How on earth could the original series TP hold down jobs when they had to keep > jaunting off to save the world. John of course saved himself from this problem > by being self-employed, but the others couldn't sponge off him forever. Just > something that crossed my mind when I was trying to fall asleep last night... > Beth That depends on the job... Pizza Delivery would be a perfect job... Courier.. (NOT Goverment type!) Another thing.... They could take a job anywhere... It's not like they would have to worry about the morning commute! ScottG Who currently wishes he could jaunt to anywhere warm! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Marcell J. Elsegood" Subject: Re: Common sense Date: 01 Jan 1997 16:38:16 -0600 (CST) Well, I noticed that they could indeed hold down fact, they had a rather dispassionate way of letting each TP take care of himself/herself if there was no other choice at the moment (The BATG, TMS, etc..) I dunno..maybe TIM just materialized money for them when they needed it? ;) hehehehe Marcell J. Elsegood - Hornist, Latin student, music lover Brother of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia "Non omnes qui habent Zeta Sigma, Texas Tech, Spring 1994 cornum sunt cornicines" OAS, AAS, LLS -adapted Varro quote "Forget belief systems; forget the parameters of rational thinking as it so smugly is called, and feel, my friend, feel..." K.A.R.R. (from Knight Rider) "We don't want every Tom, Dick, and scientist knowing that we can.." John, The Tomorrow People ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Range of Powers Date: 01 Jan 1997 19:33:13 -0500 (EST) On Wed, 1 Jan 1997, scott goldman wrote: >On Wed, 1 Jan 1997, Tigger wrote: > >> And when did they ever jaunt with umbrellas? >> Beth >Didn't Steven jaunt with Evergreen's umberalla in Revenge of Jedikiah and -- Nope. >i have some vaugh recollection that John was carrying an umberlla when he >stepped on the dozzluh(SP?) in A Man For Emily (I try not to watch those -- I don't think John had an umbrella but he was wearing a hat when he stepped on the doozlum pin. ade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: Common sense Date: 01 Jan 1997 19:10:52 -0600 (CST) Jez wrote: >Elizabeth kept up being a teacher She must've either timed all those trips to the Trig with vacations or gotten a lot of sabbaticals! >the others were made to stay at school until they were of age They could always fake sick to get out of school though. (Stephen does in "The Guru" as long as we're citing Three in Three stories.) Either that the new series theory that all adventures happen during summers or weekends! I still think we should've just once seen anyone besides Stephen actually doing homework (or complaining about school other than when the plot called for it). IE: John: Mike, we need you back at the lab- now! Mike: 'ang on, I need to find a way to weasel my way out of this test first. >got Peter to invest some money for them in 1694 or something Sort of like how to pay for a meal at Milliways? Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Heidi Tandy) Subject: Re: Range of Powers Date: 02 Jan 1997 13:36:25 -0500 >This whole debate about the AE suites started me actively thinking about >the (for lack of a better term) range of Jaunting powers.. Not how far you >can jaunt, but what you can jaunt with. > >When A TP jaunts, it seems they can carry a certain amount of "non >personal" matter with them.. The obvious: clothes, belts, ae suits, shoes, >hats; the non obvious: wallets, pocket lint, dental implants; and the >carry-on-baggage;Russian stacking dolls (The dirtiest buis.), >Umbrellas(sp), Jedikiah's Amulet (Slaves of Jedikiah), etc.. I always assumed this was like the explanation given in Superman-related media (provided to me by my husband) - that each person's energy extends a few inches around him/her, and therefore, things like clothing or what someone is carrying, as long as it is, in part, within that Zone, it can move with him/her. But it doesn't work for senitent things, like people - so people can't be jaunted along if they're merely holding a TP's hand. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: Re: Range of Powers Date: 03 Jan 1997 22:38:08 +1100 (EST) On Wed, 1 Jan 1997, Tigger wrote: > jaunt with whatever you can carry or happen to be wearing. This theory would > allow the TP to jaunt with a small child, however, and in "The Visitor" they > can't jaunt with Arlo, so maybe it only applies to inanimate objects. *shrug* With regards to Arlon, I though that the reason that they couldn't jaunt with him was due to something in his genetic makeup that made it very difficult, not due to his weight. I'm not saying this was said, just my take on it. Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working / |out all the combat tables and everything. o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time \ |the dice caught fire . . .' | --Terry Pratchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: Range of Powers Date: 03 Jan 1997 10:29:59 -0600 (CST) Shaun/Dreadnought said: >With regards to Arlon, I though that the reason that they couldn't jaunt >with him was due to something in his genetic makeup that made it very >difficult, not due to his weight. It must have been, because in the novelezation of One Law Mike's jaunting powers first manifest themselves when he saves a girl from being run over by a truck. I suspect that while possible with the original TP, they tend to use the matter transporters because it's safer. (Also, since Mike only jaunted her to the side of the road without a belt, it may have something to do with operation of the jaunting equipment.) Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Sammie Winmill in Charge Date: 03 Jan 1997 20:33:59 GMT People in the UK can see Sammie Winmill's pre-TP part as Nurse Crumpton in Doctor in Charge from on Monday on Granada Plus - the first time this has been shown here for over 20 years. Oddly they have been showing the series *after* this one for the last 3 months. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: Range of Powers Date: 03 Jan 1997 20:14:31 GMT In message <> Tigger writes: > Shaun/Dreadnought said: > >With regards to Arlon, I though that the reason that they couldn't jaunt > >with him was due to something in his genetic makeup that made it very > >difficult, not due to his weight. > It must have been, because in the novelezation of One Law Mike's jaunting > powers first manifest themselves when he saves a girl from being run over by a > truck. Arlon couldn't jaunt because his species were not capable. Possibly the girl had some latent ability. Or Roger Price hadn't thought of matter transporters at the time of The Visitor, and if he had, the TP would have used one for Arlon. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Range of Powers Date: 04 Jan 1997 17:07:09 -0500 >Didn't Steven jaunt with Evergreen's umberalla in Revenge of Jedikiah and >i have some vaugh recollection that John was carrying an umberlla when he >stepped on the dozzluh(SP?) in A Man For Emily (I try not to watch those >episodes) :) Speaking of the doozlum pin, Stephen jaunted back with it from the spaceship after mistakenly stepping on it. Amy :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Range of Powers Date: 04 Jan 1997 18:00:18 -0500 (EST) On Sat, 4 Jan 1997, wrote: >Speaking of the doozlum pin, Stephen jaunted back with it from the spaceship >after mistakenly stepping on it. -- The doozlum pin always went back to the ship. It was the way for the ship to recover it. ade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Gina Shaw Subject: Peter the Time Guardian in ID4? Date: 04 Jan 1997 20:02:12 -0800 Finally got around to renting "Independence Day", and as I'm scrolling through the credits trying to identify all the cameos I spot a credit for "Richard Speight, Jr." playing "Ed." Was this *our* Richard Speight, Peter the Time Guardian? (Or could it have been his son, as I don't recall a Jr. being affixed to his name in the TP credits?) I haven't a *clue* as to who "Ed" was (it apparently was a pretty small role), so I don't even know where to begin looking on the tape for someone who might resemble a 20-years-older Peter... I wasn't on this list when the movie first came out, so maybe this has already been discussed to death. If so, mucho apologies...but could someone straighten me out? Is it another Richard Speight, or is he really in this movie and if so, where? (Hey, I didn't figure out it was Brent Spiner playing the weird doctor until the credits...I'm a little slow.) Thanks! Gina IST! PWFC, MFW Cavalry (Major & PEACE/APFC Music Librarian for the ROG) BB: An it harm none, do what ye will. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Peter the Time Guardian in ID4? Date: 05 Jan 1997 01:24:25 -0800 Gina -- Rest assured, you're the first person to mention the possible appearance of Peter in ID4. Now I'm going to have to see it <:stomps around room cursing:> And here I thought I could be the one person in America who hadn't :) Does anyone know for sure? Shaun? You're our filmography expert. ... Wendy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Peter the Time Guardian in ID4? Date: 05 Jan 1997 10:46:30 -0500 (EST) On Sun, 5 Jan 1997, wrote: >Gina -- Rest assured, you're the first person to mention the possible >appearance of Peter in ID4. Now I'm going to have to see it <:stomps >around room cursing:> And here I thought I could be the one person in >America who hadn't :) Does anyone know for sure? Shaun? You're our -- Wendy, please do see it, so I *don't* have to and then I can be the only one. Because, as you know, there can be only one...... ade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Peter the Time Guardian in ID4? Date: 05 Jan 1997 12:24:17 -0700 (MST) On Sun, 5 Jan 1997 wrote: > On Sun, 5 Jan 1997, wrote: > >Gina -- Rest assured, you're the first person to mention the possible > >appearance of Peter in ID4. Now I'm going to have to see it <:stomps > >around room cursing:> And here I thought I could be the one person in > >America who hadn't :) Does anyone know for sure? Shaun? You're our > > -- Wendy, please do see it, so I *don't* have to and then I can be the only one. > Because, as you know, there can be only one...... Well, I haven't seen it yet either, but I *am* planning to, so why don't you both sit back for a couple of weeks (if you can stand it) and I'll try to get to it sooner, rather than later, as originally planned :) Maybe there can be two, seeing as you don't have to cut each other's heads off. Jane Starr email: 9518 - 91 Street phone: 466-6004 Edmonton, AB, T6C 3P5 _On Spec : the Canadian Magazine of Speculative Writing_ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Peter the Time Guardian in ID4? Date: 05 Jan 1997 15:16:57 -0500 (EST) On Sun, 5 Jan 1997, wrote: >On Sun, 5 Jan 1997 wrote: >> On Sun, 5 Jan 1997, wrote: >> >Gina -- Rest assured, you're the first person to mention the possible >> >appearance of Peter in ID4. Now I'm going to have to see it <:stomps >> >around room cursing:> And here I thought I could be the one person in >> >America who hadn't :) Does anyone know for sure? Shaun? You're our >> >> -- Wendy, please do see it, so I *don't* have to and then I can be the only one. >> Because, as you know, there can be only one...... > >Well, I haven't seen it yet either, but I *am* planning to, so why don't >you both sit back for a couple of weeks (if you can stand it) and I'll try >to get to it sooner, rather than later, as originally planned :) Maybe >there can be two, seeing as you don't have to cut each other's heads off. -- There can be only ONE ;) I'm coming for you Wendy! ade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Darryl W Gillikin Subject: Re: Stephen Salmon Date: 06 Jan 1997 07:12:20 -0500 (EST) > > In message > "Marcell J. Elsegood" writes: > > > Forgive me if I'm wrong here...I was looking at the filmography page for > > the old page, and only the Tomorrow People is listed for Stephen Salmon. > > Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Salmon the black pilot/explorer on Red > > Dwarf? Lemme know if I'm right or wrong..I'd like to know either way :) > > You're wrong - that is Craig Charles. In January he will be appearing > in three new series on BBC2, ITV and Channel 4 all on a Friday - > aren't schedulers great? Late response, I know! :-) The only two people from Red Dwarf that I can think of popping up in TP are Danny John-Jules, and one of Colonel Cobb's two thugs in "Monsoon Man", who was Captain Hollister for the first two seasons of RD. Darryl ============================================================================== "Two weeks ago I had it made. Two weeks ago I was dead. It's all pretty much been downhill ever since." Katina Choovanski ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: Re: Peter the Time Guardian in ID4? Date: 06 Jan 1997 23:23:10 +1100 (EST) On Sun, 5 Jan 1997 wrote: > Gina -- Rest assured, you're the first person to mention the possible > appearance of Peter in ID4. Now I'm going to have to see it <:stomps > around room cursing:> And here I thought I could be the one person in > America who hadn't :) Does anyone know for sure? Shaun? You're our > filmography expert. Believe me, I'm checking. I don't think it's him, as far as I've been able to tell there may be as many as three actors going by the name of Richard Speight, in some form or another. They are: Richard Speight The Tomorrow People: Peter Sky: Roy (This was made in 1976 by ITV, and is definitely the same person) Richard Speight By Dawn's Early Light (1990): Guard (I have seen this and it does not look like Peter to me, however a lot of time has passed.) Demonic Toys (1992): Andy Running the Halls (1993): Mark Stark Richard Speight Jr Goodbye, Miss 4th of July (1988): A Klansman Amanda & The Alien (1995): Jojo Menno's Mind (1996): Kal ID4 (1996): Ed Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working / |out all the combat tables and everything. o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time \ |the dice caught fire . . .' | --Terry Pratchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: Re: Peter the Time Guardian in ID4? Date: 06 Jan 1997 23:25:55 +1100 (EST) > >Well, I haven't seen it yet either, but I *am* planning to, so why don't > >you both sit back for a couple of weeks (if you can stand it) and I'll try > >to get to it sooner, rather than later, as originally planned :) Maybe > >there can be two, seeing as you don't have to cut each other's heads off. > > -- There can be only ONE ;) > > I'm coming for you Wendy! But, surely, you can't kill. Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working / |out all the combat tables and everything. o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time \ |the dice caught fire . . .' | --Terry Pratchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: Peter the Time Guardian in ID4? Date: 06 Jan 1997 19:22:40 GMT In message Shaun Owen Hately <> writes: > Richard Speight > The Tomorrow People: Peter > Sky: Roy (This was made in 1976 by ITV, and is definitely the same person) ... which no longer officially exists in full as HTV managed to damage one episode and lose another ... (I think it was made in 1975.) Richard "Time Guardian" Speight is the son of the scriptwriter Johnny Speight. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Peter the Time Guardian in ID4? Date: 06 Jan 1997 21:48:43 -0500 Actually, if you look at the Internet Movie Database, they list him as being Richard Speight Jr., but there is no referance to the Tomorrow People. I took that on faith, as the years would line up with his age, and actually went out and rented ID4. I think I got a screenshot of him, one of the English who picked up the Morse code transmission from the Americans, but I'm not sure (it's on the page). He looks about the right age (about 40 or late 30s), he does have an English accent, and his hair has gone from blond to greyish brownish blond. If someone ever cared to visit my page they might actually see that under my actor/actress info page. :) Amy :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Screen shot of "Richard Speight Jr" Date: 07 Jan 1997 12:06:33 -0500 (EST) If that is a shot of the actor Richard Speight Jr, then we know absolutely that it ain't our Richard Speight. It doesn't look a THING like him. Strangely enough, to me, it looks like the actor who played 'Sky'. (It isn't, but I cannot for the life of me recall the name of the actor who did.) ade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Deb Harrington) Subject: Re: Peter the Time Guardian in ID4? Date: 07 Jan 1997 14:53:35 -0600 (CST) >Finally got around to renting "Independence Day", and as I'm scrolling >through the credits trying to identify all the cameos I spot a credit >for "Richard Speight, Jr." playing "Ed." Was this *our* Richard Speight, >Peter the Time Guardian? (Or could it have been his son, as I don't >recall a Jr. being affixed to his name in the TP credits?) I haven't a >*clue* as to who "Ed" was (it apparently was a pretty small role), so >I don't even know where to begin looking on the tape for someone who might >resemble a 20-years-older Peter... He was the crop dster that was kidnapped by aliens, I can't belive you didn't pick up his name.... In the end he was the key to destroying the ships. Sir Joey ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Gina Shaw Subject: Re: Peter the Time Guardian in ID4? Date: 07 Jan 1997 14:36:40 -0800 I wrote: >>Finally got around to renting "Independence Day", and as I'm scrolling >>through the credits trying to identify all the cameos I spot a credit >>for "Richard Speight, Jr." playing "Ed." Was this *our* Richard Speight, >>Peter the Time Guardian? (Or could it have been his son, as I don't >>recall a Jr. being affixed to his name in the TP credits?) I haven't a >>*clue* as to who "Ed" was (it apparently was a pretty small role), so >>I don't even know where to begin looking on the tape for someone who might >>resemble a 20-years-older Peter... > And then Sir Joey wrote: >He was the crop dster that was kidnapped by aliens, I can't belive you >didn't pick up his name.... In the end he was the key to destroying the ships. Really? When did Randy Quaid change his name to Richard Speight, Jr.? I think you're remembering the wrong character. I can't recall Quaid's character's name offhand, but it wasn't "Ed" -- and he was certainly not in the credits following "Secret Service Agent #1" as Speight was. Gina IST! PWFC, MFW Cavalry (Major & PEACE/APFC Music Librarian for the ROG) BB: An it harm none, do what ye will. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Deb Harrington) Subject: Re: Peter the Time Guardian in ID4? Date: 07 Jan 1997 16:49:34 -0600 (CST) >And then Sir Joey wrote: > >>He was the crop dster that was kidnapped by aliens, I can't belive you >>didn't pick up his name.... In the end he was the key to destroying the ships. > >Really? When did Randy Quaid change his name to Richard Speight, Jr.? >I think you're remembering the wrong character. I can't recall Quaid's >character's name offhand, but it wasn't "Ed" -- and he was certainly not >in the credits following "Secret Service Agent #1" as Speight was. Are you sure?! I coulda sworn.... Oh well I'm out of it, I'll shut up now! (scowls, bad Joey! You know better than to post half asleep!:)) Sir Joey (Stephanie) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: Re: Screen shot of "Richard Speight Jr" Date: 10 Jan 1997 22:42:34 +1100 (EST) On Tue, 7 Jan 1997 wrote: > > If that is a shot of the actor Richard Speight Jr, then we know absolutely that > it ain't our Richard Speight. > > It doesn't look a THING like him. > > Strangely enough, to me, it looks like the actor who played 'Sky'. (It isn't, > but I cannot for the life of me recall the name of the actor who did.) For anyone who is interested, Sky was played by Mark Harrison. Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working / |out all the combat tables and everything. o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time \ |the dice caught fire . . .' | --Terry Pratchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: Peter the Time Guardian in ID4? Date: 11 Jan 1997 20:46:47 GMT I took a look in Spotlight today (the UK casting bible). There is a Richard Speight listed in there, could be around the right age, but the picture is not conclusive. If you look at Chris Chittell today for example you wouldn't think it was the same person. Children can act under their own name, even if it duplicates someone in the UK acting union, Equity. However, if/when they want to join, they can't share a name with an existing actor. This doesn't eliminate international duplication. Even Roger Price had to modify his name for his American series in the mid 80s because of conflict with an actor's. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Marcell J. Elsegood" Subject: round robin Date: 14 Jan 1997 13:55:02 -0600 (CST) Well, I tried sending this yesterday, as part of an email message attachment, but it wouldn't stick, according to Wendy. therefore, I am sending it in place of my usual signature file. This will work :) Round Robin, part 5/? Adam sat at the edge of the Adriatic Sea, with Jade and Ami at his side. "It's all very puzzling," he began, taking a whiff of the briny body of water in front of him. "Megabyte first begins getting these dreams..nightmares, really..Now it's your turn, Ami..." his voice trailed off. Ami cocked her head to one side. "I wouldn't worry about it if I were you, Adam...maybe Megabyte and I just have some unconscious link..I mean, stranger things have happened." Adam chuckled under his breath, and Jade picked up on the thing he was amused by without need of any telepathy at all. "A link with Megabyte?", Jade began, smirking. "Perhaps you and he need some time al..." Ami's skin flushed with blood. "That's enough," she interrupted. Adam got to his feet. "What we need here is some conjecture. Some good old-fashioned guesses. No matter what the reason, you, miss Ami, and Megabyte are sharing the same dreams. Maybe if you two are sharing some sort of link, the rest of us might not be far behind? Some new latent link that we're just now starting to develop?" Ami shuddered. "That's a little scary, having someone being able to enter your mind not only without your permission(which is of course possible already) but without your knowledge as well..." General Damon lay unconscious on the tiled floor as his first born materialized a few feet from him. Megabyte scanned the room, until he noticed his father lying there. "Dad!" he exclaimed, and went to his knees beside his father. Megabyte tried shaking the man, but to no avail. "Dad! Dad, wake up!" Megabyte placed his arms around his father, and pictured Hospital in his mind... Ami was pacing around the Ship, clicking the fingers of her right hand. Adam approached her, and tapped her shoulder. "What's wrong, Ami?" he asked. "Well, this is going to sound strange.." Amy said, her eyes slowly meeting Adam's. "Go ahead," he replied. "Well, it's just that I have this feeling...that the man I saw in my dreams, the one with the shirt on...was someone I've seen before, but I just don't know who..." Adam frowned. "Hmm..well, the harder you try to remember it, the harder it'll probably be to remember it, so just relax." Jade materialized in front of the other two. "Has anyone heard from Megabyte lately?" Ami and Adam looked at her and then each other. "No, come to think of it, we haven't" Adam replied. Several moments elapsed as they individually tried to raise him. Adam's voice dropped in pitch. "Something must be wrong. Let's teleport to the Damon residence." "Megabyte! Megabyte!" the three telepaths called out, vocally and mentally. Ami sighed. "There's no trace of him. Where could he be?" "For that matter, " Adam continued, "Why can't we contact him?" Jade turned her head, looking around the room. "Let's look around to see if anything's out of place." Half an hour elapsed as the three combed Megabyte and Gen. Damon's place. Jade called out first. "I think we're at a dead end here." Adam called back. "I'm afraid I agree. I can't find anything." Ami chewed her lower lip, lifting various items in General Damon's bedroom. She was just about to make her own report when she saw something that made her gasp.... "Guys, guys!" she called out mentally, "I think you'd better get in here!" Adam and Jade materialized. "What have you found?" Adam said. Ami picked up the object she had spotted and showed it to Adam and Jade. It was a picture. "Do you recognize who this is?" she asked. Adam nodded his head. "Of's General Damon." Ami shook her head in response. "Yes..but it's more..." Ami turned her back to the other two as she quickly considered something. She turned back around. "How do we know when someone else is breaking out, becoming one of us?" Jade looked at Ami. "Usually when they're in danger, and they teleport away from the danger. The beacon lands them in the drink, and then they teleport back out..." Ami clicked her fingers as she had done on the Ship. "But that's just for the scant few of us who are tomorrow people right now. And that seems to be something indicative of people who break out at our age..." Adam raised an eyebrow. "What are you saying?" "If a tomorrow person was breaking out and they were not a teenager, might they begin in another fashion? Maybe something less traumatic?" Adam and Jade looked at each other. "Okay, perhaps...but we just don't know..." Adam said. Ami took a step back from them, and took a deep breath. "The thing is, you two...I do think we know now...The man who Megabyte and I saw in the dream...I recognized him just a moment ago, here... Adam and Jade looked at each other and Ami incredulously, digesting what she was saying. "The man in our dreams is the same person as the picture here of Damon when he was in college...and I now think that General Damon is Breaking Out....." Next Player? ;) *evil grin* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Slaves of Jedikiah synopsis Date: 14 Jan 1997 17:45:48 -0800 Temesha Lynn Chatman's excellent and detailed synopsis of "Slaves of Jedikiah" is now available, in full, on the Original Series GF page. ... W. Loraine * Listowner: Tomorrow People Creative and Discussion Lists Asst. Owner: Sliders Creative * Co-Warmistress 2nd HL War Editor: infinitum "I'm going to be Immortal until the day I die." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: Filmography Page Date: 15 Jan 1997 14:42:00 +1100 (EST) I have been updating the TP filmographies over the last few weeks, adding new roles for the TP, and also adding some non-TP old series main actors (Chris Chittel, Richard Speight etc). I still only have the actual TP actors for the new series, as I don't know which non TP actors could be considered 'major' characters in the new series (If you do, let me know, and I'll start researching). I've also added an ASCII picture of Liz to my page, and I would welcome anyones opinions on it. Finally thanks to all those people who answered my question about the spines of the old series novels. It's worked. I managed to find the novelisation of 'The Lost Gods, Hitler's Last Secret, and The Thargon Menace' this morning in a second hand bookshop. Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working / |out all the combat tables and everything. o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time \ |the dice caught fire . . .' | --Terry Pratchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Heidi Tandy) Subject: Re: TV Zone Date: 14 Jan 1997 13:44:10 -0500 Has everything gotten silent around here, or have I just not gotten any email from this list in a week? I was flipping thru NetSciFi, from the NetGuide people, last week, and saw that our very own list, and some of the websites, have been mentioned in the web reviews section. Fame! Fortune! A new series! Well, maybe not. heidi tandy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kyrie Daniels" Subject: Re: TV Zone Date: 14 Jan 1997 23:41:35 -0300 Heidi writes: > Has everything gotten silent around here, or have I just not gotten any > email from this list in a week? I thought this was talkative for us. > I was flipping thru NetSciFi, from the NetGuide people, last week, and saw > that our very own list, and some of the websites, have been mentioned in > the web reviews section. Selma and I must have got some sort of telepathy thing going. She mentioned this very thing to me very recently. :) And I was *very* happy about what they said about my site, even though it's the out of date URL. > Fame! Fortune! A new series! > > Well, maybe not. Never hurts to dream. Kyrie Daniels -- "You knew the job was dangerous when you took it!" -- SuperChicken ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Old Series Books (was Filmography page) Date: 14 Jan 1997 20:26:40 -0800 >Finally thanks to all those people who answered my question about the >spines of the old series novels. It's worked. I managed to find the >novelisation of 'The Lost Gods, Hitler's Last Secret, and The Thargon >Menace' this morning in a second hand bookshop. Shaun - I think you've just made the list at large envious. You've somehow managed to find the one book that apparently doesn't exist anywhere except the bookshop in which you found it! :) ... W. Loraine * Listowner: Tomorrow People Creative and Discussion Lists Asst. Owner: Sliders Creative * Co-Warmistress 2nd HL War Editor: infinitum "I'm going to be Immortal until the day I die." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: TV Zone Date: 15 Jan 1997 11:22:26 -0600 (CST) Heidi said: >I was flipping thru NetSciFi, from the NetGuide people, last week, and saw >that our very own list, and some of the websites, have been mentioned in >the web reviews section. Is that a magazine or a web site? If the latter, where? If the former, can I bribe someone to either key it in and send to me or xerox it for me? Help? Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Selma McCrory) Subject: Re: TV Zone Date: 16 Jan 1997 04:34:05 -0800 >Is that a magazine or a web site? If the latter, where? If the former, can I >bribe someone to either key it in and send to me or xerox it for me? >Help? Book. I don't own a copy, but I looked through it in a bookstore. I didn't buy it because I recognized about half the sites as being out of date (including our very own archives). The TPFICT archives are mentioned twice, once in the listings for Tomorrow People and once in the listings for fan fiction. The other sites listed in the TP section are (I think) Teleporter Take-Out and Galactic Fed. There might be another one or two listed, I can't remember. It's not a bad book, just that like every other guide it's out of date before it was published. You can find it in the web section of the computer guides at most bookstores. Selma Selma McCrory * "We're peaceful. We can't wage wars, and we can't kill. Not deliberately, anyway." -Carol, The Tomorrow People ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Heidi Tandy) Subject: Re: TV Zone Date: 16 Jan 1997 13:16:11 -0500 >Heidi said: >>I was flipping thru NetSciFi, from the NetGuide people, last week, and saw >>that our very own list, and some of the websites, have been mentioned in >>the web reviews section. >Is that a magazine or a web site? If the latter, where? If the former, can I >bribe someone to either key it in and send to me or xerox it for me? It's a book, produced my Wolff New Media - but it might also be part of the info at their website - You should be able to find the book in a book store! heidi tandy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: Old Series Books (was Filmography page) Date: 16 Jan 1997 20:32:26 GMT In message <> writes: > >Finally thanks to all those people who answered my question about the > >spines of the old series novels. It's worked. I managed to find the > >novelisation of 'The Lost Gods, Hitler's Last Secret, and The Thargon > >Menace' this morning in a second hand bookshop. > Shaun - I think you've just made the list at large envious. You've > somehow managed to find the one book that apparently doesn't exist > anywhere except the bookshop in which you found it! :) I have only turned up two copies of that book over the last 3 years. The rarity more or less goes in reverse order of publication, although Three In Three switches places with The Visitor. I am also interested how many of the copies I have found have been retired from public libraries. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: Re: Old Series Books (was Filmography page) Date: 17 Jan 1997 11:46:11 +1100 (EST) On Thu, 16 Jan 1997, Jeremy Rogers wrote: > > Shaun - I think you've just made the list at large envious. You've > > somehow managed to find the one book that apparently doesn't exist > > anywhere except the bookshop in which you found it! :) > > I have only turned up two copies of that book over the last 3 years. > > The rarity more or less goes in reverse order of publication, > although Three In Three switches places with The Visitor. > > I am also interested how many of the copies I have found have been > retired from public libraries. What interests me, is how many of the books are meant to be available in public libraries over here. I have travelled to many, many libraires trying to find copies, and the books are listed on their catalogues, but they are never on the shelves. And when I ask, I find that none of them have been borrowed in ten years or so. Looks like someone went around and 'borrowed' them all in 1987. According to the guy who owns the bookshop where I found the book last Wednesday, he ha TP books every now and again. He's going to call me if he gets any of them again. He didn't realise that anyone was interested in them, and just 'shelved them with the Dr Who books'. Unfortunately due to my heroic leap across the bookshop to snatch the book off the shelf, before somebody else got it (I don't know who, the shop was almost empty at the time), he now knows there is a market, and I'm likely to have to pay more than $1 for any future books. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Heidi Tandy) Subject: Re: Old Series Books (was Filmography page) Date: 16 Jan 1997 20:50:09 -0500 At 7:46 PM 1/16/97, Shaun Owen Hately wrote: >According to the guy who owns the bookshop where I found the book last >Wednesday, he ha TP books every now and again. He's going to call me if >he gets any of them again. He didn't realise that anyone was interested >in them, and just 'shelved them with the Dr Who books'. Unfortunately due >to my heroic leap across the bookshop to snatch the book off the shelf, >before somebody else got it (I don't know who, the shop was almost empty >at the time), he now knows there is a market, and I'm likely to have to >pay more than $1 for any future books. Oh, leave some on the shelves for me! I should be down under in, um, 11 months or so.With my husband, the major scifi book collector - he's into vintage books in a major way. Which leads me to my question, which is off-topic, but I hope that's ok. If anyone from Australia can send me the names & addresses of any used book stores in Sydney or Cairns (did I spell that right?) I would be very appreciative - especially shops that carry lots of scifi and/or mysteries. Thanks in advance! heidi tandy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Old Series Books (was Filmography page) Date: 17 Jan 1997 08:48:16 -0700 (MST) Our public library had the TP books in the late 70s/early 80s, but they don't list paperbacks in the catalogue, so it was pure chance whether you found them in any given branch at any time. The way they shelve paperbacks was a pain too - stacked on top of each other in bookstore type display shelving, so it takes forever to go through the whole rack if you're looking for something specific. I suspect they have been lost, stolen or chucked long since. I got Three in Three at a second hand store years ago, and a friend (a dear person who didn't like the TP herself, but knew I did) found all except Lost Gods at Bakka Books in Toronto (a great SF bookstore, if you're ever in TO) and sent them to me in about '86, including another copy of Three in Three (which has found a good home :)). Lost Gods I got from Jez last year. I don't get out to second hand bookstores as often as I used to, but I keep my eyes open, and if I ever see any of the books, I'll buy them and let you know. Jane Starr email: 9518 - 91 Street phone: 466-6004 Edmonton, AB, T6C 3P5 _On Spec : the Canadian Magazine of Speculative Writing_ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: Old Series Books (was Filmography page) Date: 17 Jan 1997 20:41:54 GMT In message Shaun Owen Hately <> writes: > What interests me, is how many of the books are meant to be available in > public libraries over here. > I have travelled to many, many libraires trying to find copies, and the > books are listed on their catalogues, but they are never on the shelves. > And when I ask, I find that none of them have been borrowed in ten years > or so. Looks like someone went around and 'borrowed' them all in 1987. I've never seen any still listed on libraries here except The British Library, which is hardly the place to go for a quick look if you don't have a copy. Berkshire does have 10 copies of Rameses Connection and Living Stones though (but only 2 of Culex and Monsoon Man!). > According to the guy who owns the bookshop where I found the book last > Wednesday, he ha TP books every now and again. He's going to call me if > he gets any of them again. He didn't realise that anyone was interested > in them, and just 'shelved them with the Dr Who books'. Unfortunately due > to my heroic leap across the bookshop to snatch the book off the shelf, > before somebody else got it (I don't know who, the shop was almost empty > at the time), he now knows there is a market, and I'm likely to have to > pay more than $1 for any future books. Dealers here don't really think they are that valuable, and particularly if you are buying something else seem willing to discount them if you push a little. The least I have paid is around 20p, but that book was in less than good condition. (Going off topic a bit, the Timeslip novelisation is well worth finding too if you can, even though it only covers the first 2 stories.) Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TV Zone Date: 18 Jan 1997 14:15:09 -0500 (EST) >It's a book, produced my Wolff New Media - but it might also be part of the >info at their website - I must've gotten Teleporter Take-Out onto that by Wow, I feel flattered :) Amy :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: ADMIN: Archive cleaning Date: 18 Jan 1997 18:42:41 -0800 With the new year, I've decided it's time to weed out the extraneous material from the TPFICT archives. Any unfinished story (exempting the Round Robin) is subject to removal. If you're working on a partially posted story and have just gotten caught by Real Lift (tm), but fully intend to finish the story at some point in the near future, just let me know and I'll leave what you've done in the archives. If I don't hear from you by the end of January, I'll assume you've given up on your story and it will be pulled. If you've already talked to me in the past week, you're okay and don't need to worry about anything. ... W. Loraine * Listowner: Tomorrow People Creative and Discussion Lists Asst. Owner: Sliders Creative * Co-Warmistress 2nd HL War Editor: infinitum "I'm going to be Immortal until the day I die." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Old Series Books (was Filmography page) Date: 17 Jan 1997 09:23:53 -0700 (MST) On Thu, 16 Jan 1997, Heidi Tandy wrote: > If anyone from Australia can send me the names & addresses of any used book > stores in Sydney or Cairns (did I spell that right?) I would be very > appreciative - especially shops that carry lots of scifi and/or mysteries. > Thanks in advance! Can anyone send me similar info for Ireland? I know there are lots of other things to do and see (and I plan to fit in as many as possible) but it isn't a real trip if I can't hit a few bookstores. Anyway, making Marcel wait while I browse is my revenge for all the car talk I have to sit through while we're at International Mini Meet, which is the real reason we're going (assuming air fares come down to the point where we can both afford to go). Cork area, specifically, because that's where the meet is, but I'll take any suggestions because our itinerary for the rest of the trip isn't set yet (and I think it is perfectly reasonable to go hundreds of miles out of our way just to go to one used bookstore). Jane Starr email: 9518 - 91 Street phone: 466-6004 Edmonton, AB, T6C 3P5 _On Spec : the Canadian Magazine of Speculative Writing_ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: The TP Internet Universe Date: 22 Jan 1997 12:27:09 -0500 (EST) I'd like to start have reciprocal links with all of your pages. Anyone interested please send me the url of your MAIN TP site page. The url you should link to for my site, if you so wish to do that, is below. Thanks! ade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: The TP Internet Universe Date: 25 Jan 1997 10:41:42 -0500 (EST) my site is at it's no where *near* done. but, it's on it's way. as soon as i get to my links page i'll be sure to include your site :-) -ariana ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Suzanne M. Upshaw) Subject: Old Series Books Date: 27 Jan 1997 03:32:38 -0600 Hi Does anyone know if there is a list of old series book titles around? Suzanne ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Jeremy Rogers) Subject: Re: Old Series Books Date: 27 Jan 1997 09:49:48 GMT (Suzanne M. Upshaw) wrote: > Hi > Does anyone know if there is a list of old series book titles around? > Suzanne The list is: The Tomorrow People in The Visitor 1973 ISBN 0 330 23477 3 The Tomorrow People in Three in Three 1974 ISBN 0 330 24105 2 The Tomorrow People in Four into Three 1975 ISBN 0 330 24294 6 The Tomorrow People in One Law 1976 ISBN 0 330 24312 6 The Tomorrow People in The Lost Gods with Hitler's Last Secret and The Thargon Menace 1979 ISBN 0 330 25614 9 All written by Roger Price except the first one which is credited to Price and Julian R Gregory. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Query Date: 28 Jan 1997 23:24:36 -0600 (CST) This came up in a story I'm writing, and my Vanishing Earth tape is currently 500 miles away (can't teleport for it, Adam'd be ticked:), but what is the exact technobabble for TIM's cooking/replicator (bad Beth, Trek refernce) action? Molecular _____________? Help? Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Query Date: 30 Jan 1997 17:47:25 -0500 (EST) >my Vanishing Earth tape is currently >500 miles away (can't teleport for it, Adam'd be ticked:), Shame on you! :) >Molecular _____________? It was molecular remanipulation (I think, ahhh!) Amy :)