From: ASACRIST@MVAX1.RED.CINVESTAV.MX Subject: Re: Lee Wan's time in space ("The Doomsday Men") Date: 01 May 1997 00:52:27 -0600 (CST) I am sorry I've gotten everyone rewatching "The Doomsday Men" for mentions of Lee Wan's time in space. It is very possible that the Spanish version is different. Maybe they were talking about something that would not make sense to a Mexican audience (back in 1976 when the dub was made) so they changed it. I'll be getting the original tapes soon from Wendy, so I'll check then. But in case anyone is interested in the meantime, here's a description of the scenes I was referring to in the Spanish version: After the TP rescue Lee Wan, when they are taking off his helmet in the lab, John talks about how space had a catalytic effect that made Lee Wan look young. Then, when Lee Wan wakes up, the TP point out that even though he look young his voice doesn't. Lee Wan then goes on to explain that he is from the Republic of China, is 60 years old, and has been travelling in space for 35 years. It will be very interesting what the original version is like. I cannot wait to see all of them. Ana. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: ynybwtmtpw Date: 01 May 1997 16:39:12 -0400 (EDT) You know you've been watching too much when.... During L.A. you don't see someone enter the room, and when the leave, assume that they jaunted in. -Geoff with Arpi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Yikes! Date: 01 May 1997 17:17:55 -0400 (EDT) Sheesh, you can't get your email for a couple of days and then your mailbox explodes! How come we're so talkative lately? :) Amy :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kerry Blackwell" Subject: Test Date: 02 May 1997 19:34:41 +1300 I had mail problems a day or two ago, so I'm just checking I'm still properly subscribed. Kerry -- "We shall be remembered in spite of ourselves" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Yikes! Date: 02 May 1997 16:07:44 -0400 (EDT) I don't know. I haven't been able to read even half of the TPDIS mail lately because it'll take too long!!!!!!! ;-) -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ruby Red) Subject: Refractions at MediaWest Date: 03 May 1997 23:54:31 +1000 (EST) Off-topic alert! Refractions #3 and #4 will be available fresh and new at MediaWest*Con 1997! If you want to insure you will get a copy, drop me a line at *before* May the 9th and I will pack an extra copy for you. Overseas travel being what it is, I am *not* taking very many copies at all. I'm afraid I won't be packing extra copies of Issue 2, because I will be taking all the ones I have - all six of them! I did my best, but there aren't any TP stories in Refractions yet. There will be one in Issue 5, but you folk will have seen it before, since it was posted on the TP fiction list. But I liked it, so I wanted to use it, so there! Kathryn Andersen -- Ruby Red "Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas any more." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ruby Red) Subject: Re: ynybwtmtpw Date: 02 May 1997 23:02:22 +1000 (EST) wrote: > > You know you've been watching too much when.... > During L.A. you don't see someone enter the room, and when the leave, > assume that they jaunted in. > -Geoff with Arpi I had something weird like that happen to me today. There I was at the airport, in the ladies room, waiting to go to the toilet. That particular ladies room had only one toilet; there was the room with the sinks, and a swing door into a tiny room which had one toilet cubicle (you know, the toilet is behind a door which you lock and when it's locked it shows "engaged" on the outside). Well, there I was, I looked into the little room, and the toilet was engaged. So I waited. Someone came out the door of the little room, and I thought "At last, the toilet is free". So I looked in, and the toilet was engaged. Someone *else* was in there. So finally *that* person came out. It was a little old lady, but I still don't know where she came from. Or maybe the first person was the mysterious person... Or maybe I was just tired. But it did make me think about teleportation. -- Ruby Red "Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas any more." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: ykybwtmtpw Date: 03 May 1997 15:26:24 -0400 (EDT) You stay up late and then have a dream about an animated Tomorrow People show coming on Nickelodeon... (I swear - happened last night!) Amy :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Deb Harrington) Subject: Re: ykybwtmtpw Date: 03 May 1997 14:33:27 -0500 (CDT) >You stay up late and then have a dream about an animated Tomorrow People show >coming on Nickelodeon... Think thats bad, I had a dream were I was on a date with KS!!! Joey(Stephanie) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: ykybwtmtpw Date: 03 May 1997 16:07:21 -0500 (CDT) see a sign that you think says "Hsui Tai" and you do a double take only to discover it says "New Tai". This happened on the way to Classsics yesterday- it's a good thing it's midterm break, looks like I need it. Oh, and Stephanie said: >wonders if she start looking for a real boyfriend! Oh, no MN spring hasn't got you too, has it? Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: ykybwtmtpw Date: 03 May 1997 20:48:19 -0400 (EDT) What's MN spring? You mean "young love"? Hasn't that gotten to *everybody*? :::laugh::: Later! -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: ykybwtmtpw Date: 03 May 1997 21:31:01 -0400 (EDT) >What's MN spring? You mean "young love"? Hasn't that gotten to > *everybody*? :::laugh::: Later! > -Geoff what the hell? sorry, i'm really tierd, not to mention confused... you're gonna have to spell things out for me :) what's MN? what do you mean by this "young love" bit? and what's so funny? ::whine like steven's:: -arpi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: ykybwtmtpw Date: 04 May 1997 09:32:06 -0400 (EDT) >>What's MN spring? You mean "young love"? Hasn't that gotten to >> *everybody*? :::laugh::: Later! >> -Geoff >what the hell? sorry, i'm really tierd, not to mention confused... you're >gonna have to spell things out for me :) what's MN? what do you mean by >this "young love" bit? and what's so funny? ::whine like steven's:: >-arpi oooops..... i thought that was a private e-mail from Geoff. hence, pressing reply would reply back in private e-mail. whoops! sorry... -ariana ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dr. Tavolite" Subject: Re: ykybwtmtpw Date: 04 May 1997 10:28:07 -0500 (CDT) On Sat, 3 May 1997 wrote: > You stay up late and then have a dream about an animated Tomorrow People show > coming on Nickelodeon... > > (I swear - happened last night!) > > Amy :) > That's about as bad as when the animated Star Treks came out.. Timothy O'Neal :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Judi and Mandi Ohlin Subject: Re: ykybwtmtpw Date: 04 May 1997 11:35:16 -0400 Deb Harrington wrote: > > > Think thats bad, I had a dream were I was on a date with KS!!! shudders and wonders if she start looking for a real boyfriend!> > Oh, yeah? ....when you fall half-asleep in the middle of the weirdest post-prom party ever (drama people) and start hallucinating that your date just teleported in and out several times! ....when you're at prom and you start daydreaming that you're with KS instead. Mandi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: ykybwtmtpw Date: 04 May 1997 13:16:15 -0400 (EDT) YOu know, the saying "Ah, spring, the time when a young man/woman's fancy turns to love"! DUH! Go to sleep. ;-) -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: ykybwtmtpw Date: 04 May 1997 13:18:09 -0400 (EDT) Apoligies to everyone. I replied before I read Arpi's second. Sorry! -Geoff (But don't blame me, blame Arpi!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lebeaux Family Subject: Re: ykybwtmtpw Date: 05 May 1997 19:54:52 -0400 Oh, don't even get me started on dreams about The Tomorrow People! My guess is that none of you want to hear about all my dreams about dates with Adam, Megabyte, or Kevin. Or all the times that I've dreamed about being a Tomorrow Person. Or all the ideas I've had about new shows ideas to be made. And, well, you got the idea! I know, I'm weird. Rachel :) Deb Harrington wrote: > > >You stay up late and then have a dream about an animated Tomorrow People show > >coming on Nickelodeon... > > Think thats bad, I had a dream were I was on a date with KS!!! Stephanie > shudders and wonders if she start looking for a real boyfriend!> > > Joey(Stephanie) > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: ykybwtmtpw Date: 05 May 1997 21:45:35 -0500 (CDT)'re figuring out relative ages of Seaquest characters now by figuring out relative ages of original series TP characters and working forward from there. (Bridger is younger than Stephen but older than Tyso, probably). Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: ykybwtmtpw Date: 05 May 1997 22:09:57 -0500 (CDT) I thought Bridger was older than all of them including John. Now jonthan brandis's character (I can't remember his right now) is probabily younger than steven but older than tyso as far as the age they are during the series Martha On Mon, 5 May 1997, Tigger wrote: >'re figuring out relative ages of Seaquest characters now by figuring out > relative ages of original series TP characters and working forward from there. > (Bridger is younger than Stephen but older than Tyso, probably). > Beth > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: ykybwtmtpw Date: 05 May 1997 22:47:41 -0500 (CDT) Martha wrote: >I thought Bridger was older than all of them including John. Um, no. We were trying to figure out how our generation related to Lucas's and Bridgers. Bridger was 8 at Woodstock, John would've been about 13. This would make them in the generation between my roommate and I and our parents. So Bridger would be commanding Sequest and Mike would be a very old washed out rock star. :) (Trying to keep this on topic. Best to drop it now.) Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (ScottG) Subject: ykybwtmtpw Date: 06 May 1997 09:24:53 -0400 ykybwtmtpwhen.... While sleeping, you roll over & see that your spouse (significant other) is gone and when you roll over again she is back & you swear she MUST have jaunted in because you didn't see her come back to bed! Replace the You & Yours with I & Mine and it REALLY happend last night... Alright MAYBE I fell asleep again! ScottG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: A trick! Date: 06 May 1997 14:46:42 -0400 (EDT) I played the best trick on my mom and brother! We were going back to our car from the restraunt (which was closed, so we didn't get to eat), and I saw a little alley, so I ran through it back to our car. Then my mom called my name, and I said "Over here!". They asked me how I did it, and I told them that I teleported! It took them forever to figure it out! -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: ykybwtmtpw Date: 06 May 1997 22:03:57 -0400 (EDT) my friends and i always share our dreams on the bus in the morning. whenever i announce that i had a dream, they all groan, and say "what was it this time? let me guess, you teleported..." and i say "no, this one was old series oriented. i jaunted." then they all groan again. last night it was something about advil bottles in hyperspace. i don't know. -Ariana ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (heidi tandy) Subject: Re: ykybwtmtpw Date: 06 May 1997 22:22:38 -0400 At 10:03 PM 5/6/97, wrote: >last night it was >something about advil bottles in hyperspace. i don't know. "I've got a headache this big...oh wait - my head's disapearing!"* *oops, that's excedrin. whatever. back to regular, on-topic stuff, i'm sure! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: ykybwtmtpw Date: 08 May 1997 15:32:53 -0400 (EDT) Timothy O'Neal said: >That's about as bad as when the animated Star Treks came out.. I have those weird dreams a lot. I think I also dreamed about an alternative ending to the Culex Experiment when I didn't know what was going to happen, and it didn't seem that bad... (better then the real one... :)) Amy :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (heidi tandy) Subject: from an email including "Important Things to Know" Date: 08 May 1997 20:29:51 -0400 > > * David Prowse, was the guy in the Darth Vader suit in Star Wars. He > spoke all of Vader's lines, and didn't know that he was going to be > dubbed over by James Earl Jones until he saw the screening of the > movie. > Thought everyone should know this (and any newbies who don't know what this has to do with TP, Dave Prowse played Coppin in the 2nd Jeddikiah episode). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: ykybwtmtpw Date: 08 May 1997 23:14:38 -0400 (EDT) you have dreams about advil bottles in hyper space, and a few days later notice that the advil bottle you keep by your bed is gone. the first thing that comes to your mind isn't concerning its whereabouts, but is more like "oh darn. i screwed up again. i jaunted the darn advil bottle instead of myself. can i *ever* do anything right?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: from an email including "Important Things to Know" Date: 09 May 1997 19:40:28 +0100 (heidi tandy) writes: > > * David Prowse, was the guy in the Darth Vader suit in Star Wars. He > > spoke all of Vader's lines, and didn't know that he was going to be > > dubbed over by James Earl Jones until he saw the screening of the > > movie. > > > Thought everyone should know this (and any newbies who don't know what this > has to do with TP, Dave Prowse played Coppin in the 2nd Jeddikiah episode). With his quite obvious West Country accent he should have worked it out. Still it was better than being the Green Cross Code Man, or part of a minotaur (Doctor Who, but this did lead to the Coppin part). David Prowse is a regular on the convention circuit these days, and very approachable. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: YKYBW*W*TMTPW... Date: 10 May 1997 05:01:41 -0400 (EDT) your mother sits you down and says (seriously, not joking) "ariana? can i ask you a question? tell me the truth, okay? are you a Tomorrow Person?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: YKYBW*W*TMTPW... Date: 10 May 1997 11:07:23 -0400 (EDT) Ariana, that's, like, REALLY scary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Steinberg Subject: Re: YKYBW*W*TMTPW... Date: 10 May 1997 08:29:07 -0700 (PDT) On Sat, 10 May 1997 wrote: > your mother sits you down and says (seriously, not joking) "ariana? can i > ask you a question? tell me the truth, okay? are you a Tomorrow Person?" You did say yes, right? :) -David "ZZYZX" Steinberg "very strange raving egomaniac" ************************************************************************** *"We drive north into the frothing *"I can't believe I'm a junior and a * * caffeine inferno - straight back * film major, when all I really * * to Archie McPhee's, to load up on * wanted in this life was to marry a * * fresh radiation suits" * lobsterman and cook fish." * *-Roadside America's web site * -a letter from Christie Searing * ************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: YKYBW*W*TMTPW... Date: 10 May 1997 12:47:17 -0400 (EDT) >You did say yes, right? :) i didn't say anything, i just started to laugh, and then left the room. ::laugh:: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Steinberg Subject: Re: YKYBW*W*TMTPW... Date: 10 May 1997 10:06:07 -0700 (PDT) On Sat, 10 May 1997 wrote: > >You did say yes, right? :) > > i didn't say anything, i just started to laugh, and then left the room. > ::laugh:: Ah but HOW did you leave the room? ;) -David "ZZYZX" Steinberg "very strange raving egomaniac" ************************************************************************** *"We drive north into the frothing *"I can't believe I'm a junior and a * * caffeine inferno - straight back * film major, when all I really * * to Archie McPhee's, to load up on * wanted in this life was to marry a * * fresh radiation suits" * lobsterman and cook fish." * *-Roadside America's web site * -a letter from Christie Searing * ************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: YKYBW*W*TMTPW... Date: 10 May 1997 15:27:17 -0400 (EDT) >Ah but HOW did you leave the room? ;) i just walked out, i didn't want to freak her out *too* much, you know. but today she said to me "if you don't clean your room by the time i get back here, you have better teleported away, because your going to get it!" she's still not back, but i've spent most of the time trying to teleport. which reminds me OH SHOOT. maybe i'll get to work on my room... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Steinberg Subject: Re: YKYBW*W*TMTPW... Date: 10 May 1997 12:33:06 -0700 (PDT) On Sat, 10 May 1997 wrote: > >Ah but HOW did you leave the room? ;) > > i just walked out, i didn't want to freak her out *too* much, you know. but > today she said to me "if you don't clean your room by the time i get back > here, you have better teleported away, because your going to get it!" she's > still not back, but i've spent most of the time trying to teleport. which > reminds me OH SHOOT. maybe i'll get to work on my room... Just ask surprised, concentrate for a moment, and exclaim, "I can't jaunt!" She'll be so busy consoling you over the loss of your special powers that she'll forget about your messy room -David "ZZYZX" Steinberg "very strange raving egomaniac" ************************************************************************** *"We drive north into the frothing *"I can't believe I'm a junior and a * * caffeine inferno - straight back * film major, when all I really * * to Archie McPhee's, to load up on * wanted in this life was to marry a * * fresh radiation suits" * lobsterman and cook fish." * *-Roadside America's web site * -a letter from Christie Searing * ************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Venting session/opinion Date: 11 May 1997 11:34:35 -0400 (EDT) You've all checked out the new FAQ right? The link does work if I am not mistaken! I must need something other than the blinking link to make it stand out (I need suggestions) -- because I am STILL getting letters asking "Where can I get tapes?" *argh* - HELP! ade - of the FAQ that nobody reads ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: Pictures of KS Date: 13 May 1997 10:44:20 +1000 (EST) I have no idea if this information is of any interest to anyone, but here goes. Selling in ABC Shops, here in Australia, is a book called the "English: Have A Go! Resource Guide". It's about $20. The link to the TP is that the book contains numerous recent photos of Kristian Schmid (Adam) who appears in the television version of "English: Have A Go!" There might be some people wo wnat pictures of him, who may be interested. Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working / |out all the combat tables and everything. o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time \ |the dice caught fire . . .' | --Terry Pratchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: hi Date: 17 May 1997 15:59:24 -0700 Hi everybody/anybody. . . just joined. . . so what's up? Stormdance, fan o' the new series. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: My Webpage Updated. Date: 20 May 1997 10:13:36 +1000 (EST) I have spent the last few days updating my Tomorrow People web page. Additions include: my first attempt at an animated gif. updating the page, now that I have finally seen the new series, to take this into account. adding my second TP fanfic, along with some notes on future fanfics. updating the filmography. adding another formal reference to the TP from a Science Fiction encyclopedia. adding to my TP impressions. I'd really appreciate any comments people have to make on the page which is at Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working / |out all the combat tables and everything. o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time \ |the dice caught fire . . .' | --Terry Pratchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: hey, a person! Date: 19 May 1997 19:51:35 -0700 So there's somebody on this list after all! I joined a couple days ago. . . Stormdance, fan o' the new series ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: hey, a person! Date: 19 May 1997 23:24:51 -0500 (CDT) (your name?) said: >So there's somebody on this list after all! I joined a couple days ago. . . > Stormdance, fan o' the new series Apparently, it's time to wrack my brain for another discussion question! I'll work on it, but it's eighth week (of a ten week term), so it may take awhile. Welcome all, Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ASACRIST@MVAX1.RED.CINVESTAV.MX Subject: A discussion topic. Date: 20 May 1997 00:40:16 -0600 (CST) While Beth wracks her brain for another discussion question, here is one of mine: How did the (old series) TP ever get in touch with beings from other planets and the Galactic Federation in the beginning? We know that the TP need help from TIM in order to teleport long distances. They also seem to need a boost for long range telepathy (TIM or "linking") but we know that John built TIM with the help of the Galactic Federation (or the Sophists according to the book "The Visitor"). So it seems to be a question of what came first: the chicken or the egg? In "The Visitor" it says: "At first, Carol and John had not realized the full significance of breaking out. It was only as their powers began to develop, in particular, as they found themselves able to visit distant corners of the universe, that they learned the truth about themselves." But, without TIM how did they visit those other worlds in the first place? The only possibility seems to be that the Sophists, for example, (or the Galactic Federation) had been keeping watch on Earth for the breaking out of telepaths, and when John and Carol broke out they got in touch with them. What do you think? -Ana. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: Re: A discussion topic. Date: 20 May 1997 16:05:57 +1000 (EST) On Tue, 20 May 1997 ASACRIST@MVAX1.RED.CINVESTAV.MX wrote: > While Beth wracks her brain for another discussion question, here is one > of mine: > > How did the (old series) TP ever get in touch with beings from other planets > and the Galactic Federation in the beginning? > > We know that the TP need help from TIM in order to teleport long distances. > They also seem to need a boost for long range telepathy (TIM or "linking") > but we know that John built TIM with the help of the Galactic Federation (or > the Sophists according to the book "The Visitor"). > > So it seems to be a question of what came first: the chicken or the egg? > In "The Visitor" it says: > > "At first, Carol and John had not realized the full significance > of breaking out. It was only as their powers began to develop, in > particular, as they found themselves able to visit distant corners > of the universe, that they learned the truth about themselves." > > But, without TIM how did they visit those other worlds in the first place? > > The only possibility seems to be that the Sophists, for example, (or the > Galactic Federation) had been keeping watch on Earth for the breaking out > of telepaths, and when John and Carol broke out they got in touch with them. Okay. This appeared just as I was writing up a post with a similar purpose (to inspire discussion) but as I've been beaten to it. . . My theory is pretty simple. It is based on a couple of assumptions concerning how *I* think jaunting works. I believe that the distance limitations involved in the Original series are caused by a difficulty in accurately calculating the target of a jaunt, rather than any power problems. TIM provides these calculations very quickly, but a TP can do them given enough time. Therefore what was necessary for the TP to jaunt to another planet, or star was merely very, very detailed mathematics. So TIM is an aid in this case not a necessity. As for Telepathic contact I have a couple of theories. The first involves some sort of monitoring stations set up on Earth, perhaps in the dim, dark past after the time of the Kulthan. These could have allowed another telepathic race, perhaps the Sophists/Sophostrians to monitor and communicate with the TP when they chose to. From the Visitor we know contact was made just after Kenny broke out, so maybe three was the magic number. After all, except for the period between Kenny and Carol leaving and Elizabeth's breakout, I don't think there was ever a case whn there were less than 3 TP living on Earth during the Original series - excpet for brief periods, or when they were at the Trig. The second theory is that some sort of space craft (again maybe Sophostrian) passed close by the Earth and accidently picked up signals from the Telepaths on Earth. Was it a Sophostrian spacecraft that was used to transport the Cyclops in SOJ? If so, it suggests that they must pass Earth fairly closely and fairly often. In either of these cases, then the Sophostrians could have provided the means to get the TP to their planet. Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working / |out all the combat tables and everything. o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time \ |the dice caught fire . . .' | --Terry Pratchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: A discussion topic. Date: 20 May 1997 15:45:11 -0400 (EDT) I dunno. Arpi and I have been wracking our brains for ages on that one. Maybe that contacted the GF telepathically. Oh, well. Whatever! ;-) -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: A discussion topic. Date: 20 May 1997 13:47:13 -0700 Maybe the spaceship in the new series was from these aliens, and the (old series) TPs found it and used the communications stuff to contact the aliens. But then we need a reason the new series folks didn't do the same. . . maybe Adam did before the others broke out, but couldn't say anything because the aliens wanted to see how the TPs managed on their own. It's a half-baked theory, but it's a theory. :) Stormdance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: Tomorrow People MPEG Date: 21 May 1997 14:56:34 +1000 (EST) I was surfing the net today and I found a TP page dating from 1995 which had been maintained by (I think) Jeffrey Jacobs. This page had contained a MPEG file of the opening credits of the original series for download at one stage. I'd really like to get a copy of this file if it is at all possible. Did anyone download it when it was available, and still has a copy somewhere? Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working / |out all the combat tables and everything. o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time \ |the dice caught fire . . .' | --Terry Pratchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Tomorrow People MPEG Date: 21 May 1997 07:47:45 -0400 (EDT) -- That page was abandoned a long time ago. I was able to watch the MPEG once, but never downloaded it...then it was gone :( I wish I had! -- ade On Wed, 21 May 1997, Shaun Owen Hately <> wrote: >I was surfing the net today and I found a TP page dating from 1995 which >had been maintained by (I think) Jeffrey Jacobs. This page had contained a >MPEG file of the opening credits of the original series for download at one >stage. > >I'd really like to get a copy of this file if it is at all possible. Did >anyone download it when it was available, and still has a copy somewhere? > >Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I > Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working > / |out all the combat tables and everything. >o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time > \ |the dice caught fire . . .' > | --Terry Pratchett > > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ASACRIST@MVAX1.RED.CINVESTAV.MX Subject: Re: A discussion topic. Date: 20 May 1997 21:39:09 -0600 (CST) Shaun> I like your explanations. But even better, just after I sent in the discussion topic yesterday, I looked at your new fanfic and I really like how you handlehow the TP get in touch with the Sophostrians in it. If I had read it before it would have solved my question (so I recommend your story to the others with the same query). --Ana. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (heidi tandy) Subject: Re: Tomorrow People MPEG Date: 21 May 1997 21:24:14 -0400 >I was surfing the net today and I found a TP page dating from 1995 which >had been maintained by (I think) Jeffrey Jacobs. This page had contained a >MPEG file of the opening credits of the original series for download at one >stage. > URL! URL! URL! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Deb Harrington) Subject: Re: Tomorrow People MPEG Date: 21 May 1997 20:20:37 -0500 (CDT) >>I was surfing the net today and I found a TP page dating from 1995 which >>had been maintained by (I think) Jeffrey Jacobs. This page had contained a >>MPEG file of the opening credits of the original series for download at one >>stage. >> > > >URL! URL! URL! Is this the guy who kept saying he would get his page up and never did, or am I thinking of some one else? Joey ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Tomorrow People MPEG Date: 21 May 1997 21:26:35 -0400 (EDT) Joey, You are thinking of the fan club page....what the heck was it called? ade On Wed, 21 May 1997, (Deb Harrington) wrote: >>>I was surfing the net today and I found a TP page dating from 1995 which >>>had been maintained by (I think) Jeffrey Jacobs. This page had contained a >>>MPEG file of the opening credits of the original series for download at one >>>stage. >>> >> >> >>URL! URL! URL! > >Is this the guy who kept saying he would get his page up and never did, or >am I thinking of some one else? > >Joey >typo's she has made and would >rather that no one point them out!> > > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Deb Harrington) Subject: Re: Tomorrow People MPEG Date: 21 May 1997 20:29:47 -0500 (CDT) ade sez: >Joey, > >You are thinking of the fan club page....what the heck was it called? Thought so, oh well I'll be quiet now. Speaking of quiet, what's with the list!? Joey ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: Re: Tomorrow People MPEG Date: 22 May 1997 12:38:11 +1000 (EST) On Wed, 21 May 1997, heidi tandy wrote: > >I was surfing the net today and I found a TP page dating from 1995 which > >had been maintained by (I think) Jeffrey Jacobs. This page had contained a > >MPEG file of the opening credits of the original series for download at one > >stage. > > URL! URL! URL! From memory (I hop it's right) it was Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working / |out all the combat tables and everything. o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time \ |the dice caught fire . . .' | --Terry Pratchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Katie Malone Subject: ADMIN: email problems Date: 21 May 1997 23:05:38 -0600 (MDT) Hi all-- not sure if you noticed or not, but I haven't been around much this past week. I'm not sure when I'm going to be back around. For some reason, my mail (read: local) account at sprynet has decided that I don't exist and that it's never heard of my password. I'm working on getting this straightened out, but I haven't the foggiest about how long it will take. I'm not ignoring anyone and if I haven't answered anyone's private mail, that's why. I shudder to think how much mail I'll have to wade through when I do get back online. I also shudder to think of my mom's reaction to te phone bill I'm running up writing this. Anyway, if you need admin help for anything, I presume Kyrie is still around somewhere. You're best best for locating her is at If that doesn't work, post something off-topic to SLFIC. It'll get you in trouble, but at least you'll get the admin's attention :) (BTW, that's these days). Also, I have no idea when I'll be able to update the archives so if anyone is missing a back story part, contact the author by private email. ... W. Loraine Kelley * Listowner: Tomorrow People Creative and Discussion Lists Assistant Listowner: Sliders Creative List Editor: infinitum EZine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Allyson Subject: Re: Tomorrow People MPEG Date: 22 May 1997 16:37:41 -0700 wrote: > You are thinking of the fan club page....what the heck was it called? Tomorrow People International. -- Allyson (a.k.a. Morwenna) ********************************************************************* Creator and maintainer of "The Un-Official Kristian Schmid Web Page" ********************************************************************* "Humor is like dynamite - it's even more dangerous in the hands of amateurs." ********************************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TP book 3 Date: 22 May 1997 16:34:17 -0700 I was looking for the TP books at, and they'd only admit one existed: something called "The TPs in Three in Three" by Roger Price, which I haven't seen mentioned on any of the TP sites. So all ye collectors may have another book to search for. ( only said it existed, they didn't say they could get a copy.) Maybe you all knew about this already, but I didn't. Stormdance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: TP book 3 Date: 22 May 1997 19:33:41 -0500 (CDT) >Maybe you all knew about this already, but I didn't. It's one of the Original Series novels. And if you read carefuly, Amazon says they can usually find it in 3-6 months if you order it. You're better off with H.P. Bookfinders, IMHO. Not that they've found The Lost Gods for me yet, but it's really hard to find, and I'm probably last in line. :) I think it's in the FAQ, somewhere. The only new series books are the novelizations (and The Atropos Project, found on the fanfic archives:). Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TP book 3 Date: 22 May 1997 21:27:22 -0400 (EDT) Three in Three exists and you CAN get it. I have one (thanks to Jez) ade On Thu, 22 May 1997, wrote: > I was looking for the TP books at, and they'd only admit one >existed: something called "The TPs in Three in Three" by Roger Price, which >I haven't seen mentioned on any of the TP sites. > So all ye collectors may have another book to search for. ( only >said it existed, they didn't say they could get a copy.) > Maybe you all knew about this already, but I didn't. > Stormdance > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TP book 3 Date: 22 May 1997 19:08:15 -0700 > >Three in Three exists and you CAN get it. I have one (thanks to Jez) > Well that's cool! Maybe I'll try and find one. Get Amazon to do a search, or that other bookfinder Beth mentioned-- where is that online? (Just what I need, more hard to find books to look for:) And while I'm replying to both-- Atropos Project?? Stormdance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: TP book 3 Date: 22 May 1997 21:27:58 -0500 (CDT) Stormdance said: >that other bookfinder Beth mentioned-- where is that online? > (Just what I need, more hard to find books to look for:) Try looking for the Ruth Plumly Thompson Oz books. not easy. :) > And while I'm replying to both-- Atropos Project?? A really long story by Wendy Kelley. On the archives under "Tomorrow's Future": This has most of the (completed) stories posted to tpfict; minus a couple things that the authors asked not to be archived. (One story published in a 'zine, and two in-jokes: something to solve a discussion on TPDIS, the other relating to original series actors' other projects.) Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: TP book 3 Date: 23 May 1997 08:14:28 +0100 Tigger writes: > It's one of the Original Series novels. And if you read carefuly, Amazon says > they can usually find it in 3-6 months if you order it. Three In Three is easy to find, and dealers here will more or less give low condition copies away, especially if you are buying something else from them (I think I have a cheap spare one somewhere). > You're better off with H.P. Bookfinders, IMHO. Not that they've found The Lost > Gods for me yet, but it's really hard to find, and I'm probably last in line. > :) I've only ever seen two copies of Lost Gods etc for sale. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ASACRIST@MVAX1.RED.CINVESTAV.MX Subject: Re: TP book 3 Date: 23 May 1997 02:40:48 -0600 (CST) >I was looking for the TP books at, and they'd only admit one >existed: something called "The TPs in Three in Three" by Roger Price, which >I haven't seen mentioned on any of the TP sites. > So all ye collectors may have another book to search for. ( only >said it existed, they didn't say they could get a copy.) > Maybe you all knew about this already, but I didn't. > Stormdance Yes. You will find it listed (among the books for the Old Series) in some of the Web sites of the TP Web ring, although I've never seen a review for it, so here is one (anyone who would like to add it to their Web page is welcome). I bought this book some time ago from a used book internet place called Pandora's Books (I also got from them "The Visitor" which is a must have book for any serious old series TP fan as it contains a lot of background info -- e.g. Carol's breaking out, a description of the Trig, and much more). "Three in three" I guess stands for 3 TP (John, Stephen, and Elizabeth) in 3 stories (because it is really three short stories in one book). The stories are: 1. "The Man Who Knew Too Much" This is the story I liked best (by far) in this book. Stephen is again sent to a boarding school in Scotland where he is to contact the son of a missing scientist. I had a lot of fun reading this story which I thought had many of the elements we saw on the TV series (including some of that characteristic Roger Price humour). 2. "The Great Mothers of Matra" In my opinion this was not a great story. Stephen lands in a planet of giant lonely women. I thought it was all a bit ridiculous. It reminded me of "A Man for Emily". Not serious TP stuff. 3. "The Guru" Jedikiah returns in this story. The book dates from 1974, so it was written before "The Revenge of Jedikiah" story (which dates from 1975), and would have to take place INSTEAD of that later story, as it describes a totally different return and outcome for Jedikiah. The problem with this story is that it also contradicts some of the facts from "Slaves of Jedikiah" and "The Medusa Strain" which should predate it. In the book Jedikiah's true form is not that of the shape changing robot, but rather he is a "Blob"; another discrepancy is that in the book Jedikiah escapes from a Galactic Rehabilitation Center, instead of returning from Mercury where he was sent at the end of "The Medusa Strain". The Jedikiah in the book is almost a different character (except for also being a shape-changing alien holding a grudge against the TP), than the one we came to know on the TV series. I found the discrepancies quite annoying and they prevented me from enjoying the story, although I guess is OK if you disregard those weaknesses. --Ana. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: TP book 3 Date: 23 May 1997 11:10:56 -0500 (CDT) Ana said: >used book internet place called >Pandora's Books URL? (We should be pooling these.:) Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TP book 3 Date: 23 May 1997 14:47:32 -0500 (CDT) On Fri, 23 May 1997, Tigger wrote: > Ana said: > >used book internet place called > >Pandora's Books > URL? (We should be pooling these.:) > Beth > > The address is Hope this helps Martha ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: Very Interesting Article Date: 24 May 1997 11:28:33 +1000 (EST) I'm reading a book called Brain Physiology and Psychology (why? No better reason than it was edited by Christopher Evans, the original series Science Advisor - does anyone else think he never earned his paycheck?) and there is a very interesting article in in it called 'Science and the Supernatural' which outlines the case against ESP. It's got detailed descriptions of a large number of tests done to test for ESP, telepthy, telekinesis etc. The things of most interest to TP fans though, are descriptions of one of the tests in particular. The one where you roll a dice and the person manipulates it to bring up the results that they want (as shown in the Tomorrow People). For anyone writing a fanfic or just interested in these types of tests, it is a very interesting article - especially as it gives some interesting reasons why governments might be interested in people with these powers. It outlines a method of using ESPers to predict nuclear explosions and other disasters in advance, in addition to actual military phenomenon. Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working / |out all the combat tables and everything. o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time \ |the dice caught fire . . .' | --Terry Pratchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ASACRIST@MVAX1.RED.CINVESTAV.MX Subject: Re: TP book 3 Date: 23 May 1997 22:14:24 -0600 (CST) >> Ana said: >> >used book internet place called >> >Pandora's Books >> URL? (We should be pooling these.:) >> Beth >> >> >The address is > >Hope this helps > >Martha Thanks Martha. You beat me. I checked earlier, and Pandora has both "The Visitor" and "Three in three" in stock, in case anybody is interested. - Ana. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Very Interesting Article Date: 23 May 1997 23:47:56 -0400 (EDT) On Sat, 24 May 1997, Shaun Owen Hately <> wrote: > >For anyone writing a fanfic or just interested in these types of tests, >it is a very interesting article - especially as it gives some >interesting reasons why governments might be interested in people with >these powers. It outlines a method of using ESPers to predict nuclear >explosions and other disasters in advance, in addition to actual military >phenomenon. -- Actually, yes I might be. That might assist me in the 2nd part of the DCA trilogy if I ever get to it ;) (Yes, yes, TMOD is ALMOST done. Two more chapters...whoooooo-hooooooooooooooo) ade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Very Interesting Article Date: 24 May 1997 09:47:39 -0400 (EDT) While I probably know most of the experiments, do you have a copy on disk? Or can you scan it in? YOu could put it on your web page! -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Eureeka! An interesting discussion question! Date: 25 May 1997 15:18:56 -0500 (CDT) This is probably what I get for watching "Worlds Away" early in the morning (finished around 2:30), but: in "Worlds Away", when they get Leenda (sp?) away from the Vesh hunters, John smoothes her hair once they get her settled in a bunk, and keeps gravitating over there. He's actually more affectionate with her, a complete stranger, than all of the other TP's. One of the other people I was watching it with said it was interesting that he only seemed to be this way with people he'd never met before and was likely to never meet again. I wondered if maybe he had a crush on her (or Nick Young on the actress:). Theories, opinions? Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: Re: Eureeka! An interesting discussion question! Date: 26 May 1997 09:25:54 +1000 (EST) On Sun, 25 May 1997, Tigger wrote: AAAAAAGGGGHHHH! A question on an serial proposed 12 hours before I am going to see that serial. So what I write here is based on only one viewing in six years. It may change. > This is probably what I get for watching "Worlds Away" early in the morning > (finished around 2:30), but: > in "Worlds Away", when they get Leenda (sp?) away from the Vesh hunters, John > smoothes her hair once they get her settled in a bunk, and keeps gravitating > over there. He's actually more affectionate with her, a complete stranger, > than all of the other TP's. > One of the other people I was watching it with said it was interesting that he > only seemed to be this way with people he'd never met before and was likely to > never meet again. > I wondered if maybe he had a crush on her (or Nick Young on the actress:). > Theories, opinions? John with a crush on someone? Maybe. It would be an interesting idea, but I see it somewhat differently. Lenda obviously needs comfort at this time. I think John is simply trying to provide it the best way that he can. With the other TP, it has to be remembered that John is responsible for them, and more than that he has to, at times, send them into danger. I personally think that John finds both of these things an incredible strain. He finds this very difficult and this leads him to take a somewhat distant approach to them. He has to lead and his leadership style and personality mean that he adopts a position of authority, authority that he feels would be weakened if he gets too close to the others. He has to make decisions and take risks with their lives. Could he do this if he gets too close to them? So he chooses to maintain a distance. He fails obviously. I don't think anyone doubts that John is close to the others. But even this failure disturbs John and it serves to increase his desire to maintain clarity of thought, and an emotional distance from the others. With Lenda, the situation is different. John knows that his involvement with her is only short term. Perhaps he also feels very little for her - no more than someone as compassionate as John would feel for anyone in her situation. Also, this time they have been sent on the mission by Timus (and Tikno is somewhere about - do they know this, I can't remember?). There is therefore less overall, ultimate responsibility for John. Therefore the burden on hims is relaxed slightly, and he can allow himself to bend more than usual. Both of these factors mean that he can show Lenda more affection. The likelihood is that he will not get too close to her and then have to put her in danger. And he is not ultimately responsible for her. Also, consider that this serial takes place just after Secret Weapon. All through the series we have been told of the TPs fear of the Saps - the fear that they will be captured and used for the wrong purpose or hunted down and killed. But in Secret Weapon this, for the first time is seriously shown - the risk is seriously exposed. Now John is on a planet, where the same risk is evident and taken to a greater extreme. This has to be one of John's worst nightmares, and Lenda has to live with it, and endure it. Maybe this fact awakens more obvious compassion in John than is normally evident. Also remember that Tyso and Stephen came very close to death only a short time before. Again, maybe these factors cause John to show more compassion. Later on, in later serials, he has once again recovered the detachment he feels so necessary - but for now, his shields are down temporarily. Bear in mind, that I'm speculating on one viewing only. I should be seeing the serial again tonight, so my opinion may change. Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working / |out all the combat tables and everything. o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time \ |the dice caught fire . . .' | --Terry Pratchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: Eureeka! An interesting discussion question! Date: 25 May 1997 20:01:46 -0500 (CDT) >He has to make decisions and take risks with their lives. Could >he do this if he gets too close to them? So he chooses to maintain a >distance. >He fails obviously. I don't think anyone doubts that John is close to the >others. But even this failure disturbs John and it serves to increase his >desire to maintain clarity of thought, and an emotional distance from the >others. Yet he frequently lets his guard down and reaches out to them. Not so much as to Lenda, yet would think if he was trying to keep an emotional distance, he would try harder not to let it down *at all*. Besides, Lenda gets chased by Vesh Hunters and he's smoothing her hair despite the fact she's unconscious for most of the time he's in the cave-- it's not like *she's* going to notice. Tyso has a twisted foot, just got attacked by a "Khultan", and John uses Tyso's leg as a hand rest even when he finally figures out TK isn't working. >Also, consider that this serial takes place just after Secret Weapon. All >through the series we have been told of the TPs fear of the Saps - the >fear that they will be captured and used for the wrong purpose or hunted >down and killed. But in Secret Weapon this, for the first time is >seriously shown - the risk is seriously exposed. Now John is on a planet, >where the same risk is evident and taken to a greater extreme. This has >to be one of John's worst nightmares, and Lenda has to live with it, and >endure it. Maybe this fact awakens more obvious compassion in John than >is normally evident. Also remember that Tyso and Stephen came very close >to death only a short time before. Again, maybe these factors cause John >to show more compassion. Later on, in later serials, he has once again >recovered the detachment he feels so necessary - but for now, his shields >are down temporarily. This makes a lot more sense. That he's feeling very empathetic and projecting his emotions onto someone he won't have deal with for very long makes more sense. However, it seems odd that he takes that much time for such things when Tyso's out there on his own (cliffhanger logic?:). > I should be >seeing the serial again tonight, so my opinion may change. Watch carefully, I got my bunks mixed up and thought it was Tyso he was sitting next to the first couple times I watched it (no, I don't know why:). Have fun! Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: ADMIN: New email address Date: 25 May 1997 22:47:35 -0700 Right, I think I'm back. The strangest thing happened -- the ladyslvr account at sprynet disappeared. It wasn't cancelled, closed, or suspended. It's just gone as though it never existed and no one is quite sure what happened. Until someone can figure out what's going on and fix it, all email should be directed to me at or I don't check the latter address very often, it being a long distance call and all, so there will be a delay in my responses to anything sent there. ... Wendy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: Re: Eureeka! An interesting discussion question! Date: 26 May 1997 17:56:52 +1000 (EST) An obvious thing that for some reason didn't occur to me in my last post. Lenda is female. At that stage John has never had to deal with a female TP who was in a position to need affection and comfort in that way. Carol was nearly his age, and I think Liz was probably older - certainly she was not significantly younger. Maybe John finds it easier to show affection to Lenda for this reason. He strokes her hair. He might just feel uncomfortable showing that level of affection to Stephen or Tyso - both of whom would probably feel uncomfortable to receive it as well, under most circumstances. It would probably be embarassing for them (the 'real men don't have feelings for each other' phenomenom). Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working / |out all the combat tables and everything. o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time \ |the dice caught fire . . .' | --Terry Pratchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ASACRIST@MVAX1.RED.CINVESTAV.MX Subject: Re: Very Interesting Article Date: 26 May 1997 04:03:52 -0600 (CST) >YOu could put it on your web page! > -Geoff I second that!! I would be very interested to see it. I've been searching for things by Christopher Evans for some time now. -Ana ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Eureeka! An interesting discussion question! Date: 26 May 1997 09:12:17 -0400 (EDT) maybe whoever was the director for that particualar episode (i can never keep the directers straight. i always mix up new and old series) wanted to emphasize John's caring for everyone, and that he was open to everyone, not just TP. that way it would be more likely to be noticed. i'm not sure. worlds away was the third episode i saw (after a man for emily and the living skins. i don't know how i could have wanted to watch any more after seeing a man for emily) and at that point i couldn't tell John from Steven or Tyso. i know, i know. that was six months ago! you can get a lot of watching done in six months... maybe i'll pull out the tape and watch again tomorrow. no great hardship there. -Ariana ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: Eureeka! An interesting discussion question! Date: 26 May 1997 11:41:05 -0500 (CDT) Dreadnought said: >affection to Stephen or Tyso - both of whom would probably feel >uncomfortable to receive it as well, under most circumstances. It would >probably be embarassing for them (the 'real men don't have feelings for >each other' phenomenom). (Please excuse the sloppy paste, I'm on dos machine as I was working on a data set and the stupid math department doesn't know macs are better, so I don't know what I'm doing.) In other words: It was the ninteen seventies and they didn't want rumors about the characters being gay? My gosh, was Britain as homophobic as the states? Or should I say British men? How many women (in either country) do you see leaving a blank seat between them at a movie theater? ;) Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: Re: Very Interesting Article Date: 27 May 1997 08:14:22 +1000 (EST) On Mon, 26 May 1997 ASACRIST@MVAX1.RED.CINVESTAV.MX wrote: > >YOu could put it on your web page! > > -Geoff > > I second that!! I would be very interested to see it. I've been > searching for things by Christopher Evans for some time now. The article is about fifteen pages long, and I don't have access to a scanner. If I get a lot of time I may type it, though. I've been using our statewide University library catalogue to find these things. Besides the book I mentioned before, I've also managed to borrow 'Cults of Unreason' but I haven't yet read it. As for the Holy Grail, I've been trying to find for years 'The Mind In Chains', there is one copy available in my state - and it will involve a two and a half hour train trip, and then a bus trip to get it. (I wish I could jaunt!) Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working / |out all the combat tables and everything. o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time \ |the dice caught fire . . .' | --Terry Pratchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: Very Interesting Article Date: 26 May 1997 17:48:58 -0500 (CDT) >(I wish I could jaunt!) You, me, and the rest of the list. well, except Kyrie, who wants to be an immobile computer. Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: Re: Eureeka! An interesting discussion question! Date: 27 May 1997 09:21:33 +1000 (EST) I've now seen the serial, so I'm adding a few things. On Mon, 26 May 1997, Tigger wrote: > Dreadnought said: > >affection to Stephen or Tyso - both of whom would probably feel > >uncomfortable to receive it as well, under most circumstances. It would > >probably be embarassing for them (the 'real men don't have feelings for > >each other' phenomenom). > > In other words: > It was the ninteen seventies and they didn't want rumors about the characters > being gay? My gosh, was Britain as homophobic as the states? > Or should I say British men? How many women (in either country) do you see > leaving a blank seat between them at a movie theater? ;) That's not precisely what I meant. I wasn't even considering production values or homophobia, but other concepts. Tyso and Stephen are adolescent males. John is not much older. Besides any consideration of sexuality there is a lot more attached to males of this age. First of all, they want to be men. They do not want to be seen or treated as children in any way shape or form. And for some reason they are likely to see any form of affection - especially a form involving physical contact such as hugging, or stroking of hair etc, as a sign of weakness. Teenage boys normally don't want any of that, not even from their parents, who they may have accepted it from without question. I agree these attitudes make no real sense, but they do exist. To show or receive affection is considered a sign of weakness. And coming from John, it would be even worse. I think we have to consider the position he fulfills in the younger TPs lives and in their minds. By the time we are considering (Worlds Away), Stephen has been around John a long time. I believe John has a profound impact on him, and Stephen really looks up to him and respects him. Tyso hasn't been around for anywhere near as long, but in his case, there seem to be problems with his father. At the very least John must be one of the few men in his life that he is likely to respect. And remember John is a figure who demands respect. He is intelligent, neat, calm, polite and courageous. He is likely to represent an incredible role model to the younger TP - and for the boys, a figure they want respect from. Couple this with the point I mentioned before - that the boys are likely to equate respect with manhood and manhood with being 'tough' and consequently not requiring affection or comforting, to receive anything of that nature from John is likely to be acutely embarrassing. And John is going to know this, and not seek to embarrass them. Now back to some older posts. Tigger (25th May) on John: > Yet he frequently lets his guard down and reaches out to them. Not so > much as to Lenda, yet would think if he was trying to keep an emotional > distance, he would try harder not to let it down *at all*. Besides, > Lenda gets chased by Vesh Hunters and he's smoothing her hair despite > the fact she's unconscious for most of the time he's in the cave-- it's > not like *she's* going to notice. Tyso has a twisted foot, just got > attacked by a "Khultan", and John uses Tyso's leg as a hand rest even > when he finally figures out TK isn't working. As I said, I think he is trying to maintain an emotional distance, but is just not very good at it. He does slip up sometimes. A case in point. When the TP first arrive on Peeri (Pyri?) John immediately begins to lecture Tyso and Stephen on the potential dangers. And I do mean lecture. He is calm, concise, and shows very little personal emotion. They both just stand there listening to him. When he is finished they still just stand there, until he dismisses them. At this point a trace of emotion does creep into his voice. While Tyso is out leading away the Vesh Hunters, John seeks to justify his own actions (We'd just hinder him. There wasn't time to give him a stun gun) logically. I think he is probably seriously worried for Tyso at this point but is pushing those thoughts to the back of his mind - he has other concerns. His statements that he makes to justify his actions, aren't just for Stephen's benefit, but also for his own. He is fighting to maintain an emotional distance, to maintain clarity, and seeking refuge in logic. When Tyso does reappear, injured, John's relief and concern become evident, showing that, despite his logical protestations, he was worried. He was just hiding it. > This makes a lot more sense. That he's feeling very empathetic and > projecting his emotions onto someone he won't have deal with for very > long makes more sense. However, it seems odd that he takes that much > time for such things when Tyso's out there on his own (cliffhanger > logic?:). But can he help Tyso? Would his running out there do any good? I think he realises that it wouldn't, and the same statements of logic I mention above then become John trying to convince himself of this fact. In a logical sense: I cannot help Tyso. Therefore there is no point worrying about him. Therefore I shall not let myself worry. > Watch carefully, I got my bunks mixed up and thought it was Tyso he > was sitting next to the first couple times I watched it (no, I don't > know why:). Have fun! Actually I did as well, despite your warning. I think he's talking about Tyso as he sits down next to Lenda, which is the reason we get confused. Arpi's comments: > maybe whoever was the director for that particualar episode (i can never > keep the directers straight. i always mix up new and old series) wanted to > emphasize John's caring for everyone, and that he was open to everyone, not > just TP. that way it would be more likely to be noticed. The episode was directed by Dennis Kirkland (film directed by Vic Hughes), and produced by Rith Boswell. And you may be right. I don't think Dennis Kirkland directed any other serials, and I think it was Vic Hughes first (although he went on to do a lot of directing and producing on the TP, and later did Chocky as well, which was quite similar to the TP in a lot of ways). These changes in directors might have lead to a different style in directing John. Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working / |out all the combat tables and everything. o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time \ |the dice caught fire . . .' | --Terry Pratchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: Eureeka! An interesting discussion question! Date: 26 May 1997 22:43:54 -0500 (CDT) Dreadnought said: >Actually I did [get the bunks mixed up] as well, despite your warning. I think > he's talking about >Tyso as he sits down next to Lenda, which is the reason we get confused. Oh. I thought it was because the first time I noticed this it was about 1 AM and I was half distracted and watching to calm down after being scared by Highlander..... (Last summer- but last week's will probably be worst when I get to it) Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: Very Interesting Article Date: 27 May 1997 17:03:52 +0100 Shaun Owen Hately <> writes: > I'm reading a book called Brain Physiology and Psychology (why? No better > reason than it was edited by Christopher Evans, the original series > Science Advisor - does anyone else think he never earned his paycheck?) ... Here is an extract from the article he wrote for 'TV Times' for the first episode: 'The trouble is that whenever writers fictionalise about computers, they always turn them into modern equivalents of pantomime's demon king. This is something we have avoided with The Tomorrow People. 'Here, the script calls for a super-intelligent computer named TIM, which, far from being resentful of and a threat to humans, treats children as partners and equls, maintaining a helpful, friendly relationship with them. 'This is how I feel computers will behave once we have given them the gift of personality.' Maybe his contribution was worth something after all. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: Eureeka! An interesting discussion question! Date: 27 May 1997 17:04:19 +0100 Shaun Owen Hately <> writes: > The episode was directed by Dennis Kirkland (film directed by Vic > Hughes), and produced by Rith Boswell. > And you may be right. I don't think Dennis Kirkland directed any other > serials, and I think it was Vic Hughes first (although he went on to do a > lot of directing and producing on the TP, and later did Chocky as well, > which was quite similar to the TP in a lot of ways). These changes in > directors might have lead to a different style in directing John. As some might be aware, this was the only story filmed out of transmission order. Dean Lawrence hurt his leg during the locatiuon filming of Secret Weapon, so they stopped work on that and moved onto Worlds Away, where his injury could be accounted for (and not healed as this was a 'no powers' story). Both Dennis Kirkland and Vic Hughes were staff directors for Thames. Kirkland was Benny Hill's regular director / producer. Hughes worked on a lot of children's programmes. I suspect the rescheduling meant they used whoever was available. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: Eureeka! An interesting discussion question! Date: 27 May 1997 13:08:51 -0500 (CDT) Jez said: > Dean Lawrence hurt his leg during the locatiuon >filming of Secret Weapon, How on earth did he manage that when he spent most of the serial in a coma? :) Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Very Interesting Article Date: 27 May 1997 15:23:37 -0700 >>(I wish I could jaunt!) >You, me, and the rest of the list. well, except Kyrie, who wants to be an >immobile computer. >grin< Me too. I've tried. Never got anywhere. :( Stormdance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: Very Interesting Article Date: 30 May 1997 21:28:33 +0100 Shaun Owen Hately <> writes: > The things of most interest to TP fans though, are > descriptions of one of the tests in particular. The one where you roll a > dice and the person manipulates it to bring up the results that they want > (as shown in the Tomorrow People). I've just remembered that I also have a copy of the 'Telepathy Test' article from 'TV Times' where they were asking people to send in a coupon with drawings of sequences of Zener cards attempting to match the order selected by Christopher Evans. I haven't managed to trace any results in later editions of this test, so I guess it was negative! There is a picture of Evans testing Peter Vaughan Clarke and Elizabeth Adare with the Zener cards. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: Very Interesting Article Date: 30 May 1997 18:31:40 -0500 (CDT) > I haven't managed to trace >any results in later editions of this test, so I guess it was negative! Either that or they set their signifcance standards too high, and it was positive, but the person purposefully messed up on some so they wouldn't get caught by the mad sceintists in Britain, only to be foiled by making the average for the sample..... I think I've been in Stats too long. Beth