From: Subject: TPDIS: My web page Date: 01 Aug 1997 16:25:25 -0400 (EDT) My web page is now all TP. It's at If you go there I think you'll like the title. Thanks to all who helped me (if anyone still wants to give me images and whatnot, I'd still like s'more). Thanks! -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: SapphireSky Subject: TPDIS: Farewell, for now Date: 01 Aug 1997 18:31:53 -0400 Hi everyone. I'm going to be away for the next few weeks, so I just thought that I would let you all know. Maybe by the time I get back, I will have FINALLY broken out. It's taken long enough! See you all soon! Rachel :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: Many things Date: 02 Aug 1997 21:53:02 -0400 (EDT) First off, in Hitler's Last Secret, Jon put Mike to sleep by putting his hand over his face, but they're supposed to need stun guns for that! And in World's Away, Tikno did the same to that vesh girl, but they couldn't use their powers! Second off, I have a second web page linked to my first. -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: TPDIS: TP Morality Date: 03 Aug 1997 12:09:22 +1000 (EST) I've been talking to a friend over the last few days (trying to get him hooked on the TP actually), and after watching a bunch of episodes he was complaining that all the TP are too 'goody-goody'. I see what he means. All of the Tomorrow People, both old and new series are 'good' people, who seem to possess a similar set of morals. Now we know that they can't kill, so I was trying to work out what makes them that way. In the few cases where a telepath doesn't seem to have the moral code (Tricia, and Major Turner (? - the person who storms the Lab in The Dirtiest Business, I think that was her name) come to mind), they don't seem to have developed to the stage of being Tomorrow People although, as Tricia's case shows, the potential may be there. So which is it? Are the Tomorrow People inherently moral (within the constraints of a particular set of values) or is their morality a prerequisite to becoming a TP - if they were bad, they wouldn't break out - or is it just a coincidence? Whatever the reason their morality is interesting to say the least. John's willingness to let the astronaut die in 'The Doomsday Men' is a prime example - does he place only small value on the life of a Sap, or is he merely allowing logic to rule his actions with no regard for anything else? Liz is certainly less than reticent in her opinion of this action. Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working / |out all the combat tables and everything. o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time \ |the dice caught fire . . .' | --Terry Pratchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: scott goldman Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Morality Date: 02 Aug 1997 22:35:12 -0400 (EDT) On Sun, 3 Aug 1997, Shaun Owen Hately wrote: > I see what he means. All of the Tomorrow People, both old and new series > are 'good' people, who seem to possess a similar set of morals. Now we > know that they can't kill, so I was trying to work out what makes them > that way. That point is brought up in One Law (The Michael Bell Breakout eps).. John and Elizabeth worry about having a renagae tp running around... with all their powers, but not their moral code (i made up the moral code bit 'cause I couldn't remember the exact wording :) ) I'd have to think that if you accept the idea that nature produced a tp with an inability to kill, then nature could produce thoses tp's with a similar moral code Looking at it another way, the inability to kill could be a function of a greater moral code. If are a TP then you have this 'moral code' and therfore, can't kill. > So which is it? Are the Tomorrow People inherently moral (within the > constraints of a particular set of values) or is their morality a > prerequisite to becoming a TP - if they were bad, they wouldn't break out > - or is it just a coincidence? In The Dirtiest Business didn't Elizabeth tell Mike that if he went in that 'James Bond' business, head probably lose his special powers (or worse) ? Just my feelings on it.... ScottG 'You Go Girl' - Charlton Heston in Hercules! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: scott goldman Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Morality Date: 02 Aug 1997 22:35:12 -0400 (EDT) On Sun, 3 Aug 1997, Shaun Owen Hately wrote: > I see what he means. All of the Tomorrow People, both old and new series > are 'good' people, who seem to possess a similar set of morals. Now we > know that they can't kill, so I was trying to work out what makes them > that way. That point is brought up in One Law (The Michael Bell Breakout eps).. John and Elizabeth worry about having a renagae tp running around... with all their powers, but not their moral code (i made up the moral code bit 'cause I couldn't remember the exact wording :) ) I'd have to think that if you accept the idea that nature produced a tp with an inability to kill, then nature could produce thoses tp's with a similar moral code Looking at it another way, the inability to kill could be a function of a greater moral code. If are a TP then you have this 'moral code' and therfore, can't kill. > So which is it? Are the Tomorrow People inherently moral (within the > constraints of a particular set of values) or is their morality a > prerequisite to becoming a TP - if they were bad, they wouldn't break out > - or is it just a coincidence? In The Dirtiest Business didn't Elizabeth tell Mike that if he went in that 'James Bond' business, head probably lose his special powers (or worse) ? Just my feelings on it.... ScottG 'You Go Girl' - Charlton Heston in Hercules! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Morality Date: 02 Aug 1997 21:59:22 -0500 (CDT) Shaun wrote: >In the few cases where a telepath doesn't seem to have the moral code >(Tricia, and Major Turner (? - the person who storms the Lab in The >Dirtiest Business, I think that was her name) come to mind), they don't >seem to have developed to the stage of being Tomorrow People although, as >Tricia's case shows, the potential may be there. Scott G wrote: >In The Dirtiest Business didn't Elizabeth tell Mike that if he went in >that 'James Bond' business, head probably lose his special powers (or >worse) ? Yes, and John says if at didn't happen, the conflict would pretty much kill Mike. Therefore, one can conclude that if they don't follow the moral code, there is something genetic that prevents break-out or forces loss of powers or painful conflict. Or it could be because such things can lead to killing, even if it's not the telepath who does the killing. This is further supported by the fact that Liz says that Pavla running away from the KGB is a good sign and she might be able to break out. I still say this is internal, and not the Trig as some have postulated. Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ruby Red) Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Morality Date: 03 Aug 1997 15:56:10 +1000 (EST) This is a fascinating subject. Before I start theorizing, I'll recap what we actually know. I'll stick just to the Original Series, because the New Series has less information, and it isn't all consistent with the Original Series. 1) Tomorrow People cannot kill. This instinct is so fundamental that it is strong enough to overcome powerful conditioning. (John was ordered to kill the others in Heart of Sogguth. The conflict was enough to break him out of it, temporarily, if I recall correctly.) 2) Working in the spy business can prevent people from breaking out or cause TPs to lose their powers, go mad, or die. [Secret Weapon, The Dirtiest Business, as others have pointed out previously]. 3) John was concerned (in One Law) that Mike would be a renegade TP, one without their moral code. What can we deduce from this? What questions does this raise? Why can't TPs kill? Is it because they are telepathic? (refer the wonderful series of books by Joan Vinge where the telepaths there cannot kill because they would share the death of the one they killed, and therefore die also.) But if that is the case, then telepaths such as Major Turner and Tricia Conway couldn't kill either. Mind you, I doubt that Tricia has actually killed anyone anyway. But this brings us on to point (2) - what is it about the spy business that causes TPs to lose their powers? Is it that spies kill people, or merely that they associate with people who kill people, and thus have to become callous about life and death? Then we have point (3), which seems to indicate that Mike would not have been in danger of losing his powers if he engaged in theft (rather than murder). John's concern in One Law seems to be more of the case that he feels responsible for all of the Tomorrow People, and therefore doesn't want any of them to go down the wrong moral track. My conclusion, therefore, is that the morality issue is a mixture of instinct and learning. The thou-shalt-not-kill is hardwired into a Tomorrow Person's makeup. It is fundamental to being a TP. Because it is such a strong instinct, then if someone's psychological makeup is such that they do not agree that killing is wrong (such as might happen if you worked as a spy for too long) then even if you don't actually kill someone, it prevents you from breaking out, or causes you heaps and heaps and heaps of psychological conflict if you already are a TP; and there seems to be two ways of resolving this conflict: either lose your powers or commit suicide. But, for lesser issues, such as theft, the morality is not part of the fundamental instincts of the TP, but up to the morality of the people concerned. The reason the TPs are such goody-two-shoes is probably mainly due to John, and his ability to lead, and his own morals. We know that Andrew was brought up with very strict moral standards, and indeed, since all of them except Hsui Tai actually come from England, they'd have a bit more of a common moral framework, one would expect. Of course, the question raised here is, whether this is a coincidence or not; whether you have to be "good" in order to break out. I can't answer that; all I know is that you can't be a murderer. KJA. -- Ruby Red "Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas any more." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Morality Date: 03 Aug 1997 13:42:14 -0500 (CDT) Ruby Red wrote: >But this >brings us on to point (2) - what is it about the spy business that >causes TPs to lose their powers? Is it that spies kill people, or >merely that they associate with people who kill people, and thus have >to become callous about life and death? Actually, I have this theory going that the spy buisness is so closely related to killing people (it happens) that the chances of a spy indirectly leading to someone's death are very high, and as most TP's would probably have an over-active guilt complex (I doubt The Dirtiest Business is really far enough along for John to have gotten to Mike that much), they would feel responsible, even if it wasn't their fault, and that could lead to problems. (I have a story sort of half planned involving this, but as it's not even in the first draft stage yet, I would not recommend that anyone hold their breath.) >Of course, the question raised here is, whether this is a >coincidence or not; whether you have to be "good" in order to break >out. I can't answer that; all I know is that you can't be a murderer. I think whatever part of the goody two-shoes complex isn't John is that Roger Price was looking for the TP to be good role models for kids. I mean the avoiding drugs like poisen bit? OK, so it's possible one might start teleporting where they shouldn't or TK'ing everything in sight while high, but as alcohol can also be used responsibly (and let's face it, by Castle of Fear where he has John drinking orange juice John and LIz are certainly old enough to choose to have one drink without too much trouble), I think 1/2 of it might be that the TP is, after all, intended to be primarily a children's show. (Roger's just too good a writer for it to stay that way.:) Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: TPDIS: Ade's Page Date: 04 Aug 1997 15:28:06 +1000 (EST) Is anyone able to access any of Ade's TP pages - I can't seem to and I'm wondering if it's my server or not? Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working / |out all the combat tables and everything. o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time \ |the dice caught fire . . .' | --Terry Pratchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Ade's Page Date: 04 Aug 1997 13:45:23 -0700 I recall something about her pages moving to a new server, but I don't know which one and I don't know when. I assume she'll tell us when that happens. ... W. Loraine * Listowner: Tomorrow People Creative and Discussion Lists Editor: infinitum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Ade's Page Date: 04 Aug 1997 16:53:29 -0600 (MDT) She's in the process of moving to a new server. She sent me a message Saturday the 26th, which due to a screw-up with my own ISP I did not receive until Monday. I'm sure she'll tell the list when everthing's working again. Jane Starr email: 9518 - 91 Street phone: 466-6004 Edmonton, AB, T6C 3P5 On Mon, 4 Aug 1997, Shaun Owen Hately wrote: > Is anyone able to access any of Ade's TP pages - I can't seem to and I'm > wondering if it's my server or not? > > Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I > Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working > / |out all the combat tables and everything. > o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time > \ |the dice caught fire . . .' > | --Terry Pratchett > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Trina L. Short" Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Morality Date: 04 Aug 1997 23:08:17 -0400 Tigger wrote: > (and let's face it, by Castle of Fear where he has John drinking > orange juice John and LIz are certainly old enough to choose to have > one drink without too much trouble) But I seem to recall Liz drinking champagne at the end of that story.=20 But it's been a looooooong time since I've seen that. --=20 trinalin =A91997 ACME Page Fillers, Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Trina L. Short" Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Morality Date: 04 Aug 1997 23:13:00 -0400 Ruby Red wrote: > 2) Working in the spy business can prevent people from breaking out > or cause TPs to lose their powers, go mad, or die. [Secret Weapon, > The Dirtiest Business, as others have pointed out previously]. I've always been of the feeling that it's a balance of nature kind of thing. I'm made to think of the Indian in "Henry Sugar" by Roald Dahl.=20 This young man learns how to do things such as read minds and levitate, but it turns out that if you use the powers for ill-gotten gain, you lose, in a big way, often. Rather a more magical than scientific explanation, but this is all just speculation anyway. :) So, why did I post anyway? Dunno. I just had to get it out of my system. --=20 trinalin =A91997 ACME Page Fillers, Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Morality Date: 05 Aug 1997 00:05:11 -0500 (CDT) Trinalin (no, not the antihistamine) wrote: >But I seem to recall Liz drinking champagne at the end of that story. Just 'cause she's got something in a champane glass doens't mean it's champagne. How long has sparkling grape juice, etc been around? 'Sides, Andrew appeared to be drinking the same thing, and neither his father nor John would've stood for that. :) Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "heidi t." Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Morality Date: 05 Aug 1997 08:37:19 -0400 At 11:13 PM 8/4/97 -0400, Trina L. Short wrote: >Ruby Red wrote: > >> 2) Working in the spy business can prevent people from breaking out >> or cause TPs to lose their powers, go mad, or die. [Secret Weapon, >> The Dirtiest Business, as others have pointed out previously]. > >I've always been of the feeling that it's a balance of nature kind of >thing. I'm made to think of the Indian in "Henry Sugar" by Roald Dahl. >This young man learns how to do things such as read minds and levitate, >but it turns out that if you use the powers for ill-gotten gain, you >lose, in a big way, often. But if you use the powers for something that would be considered ill-gotten gain, but turns out to be, in the long run, a more Robin Hood kind of thing, then your powers stay as they are. In Henry Sugar, he learns how to read through cards, so that, when gambling, he can see what the cards are before they are delt. Initially, he wants to use the $$ for himself, but ends up choosing to give the $$ to the poor, although he uses some for his own expenses & to pay a makeup man from Hollywood enough money to travel with him and make him look like a different person every night. But I think that may be "ok" because the ends justify the means. But, if that same concept worked in the Tomorrow People universe, then Mike certainly would be "justified" in robbing a bank or two, especially if he dispersed the money to the other people in his building. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ASACRIST@MVAX1.RED.CINVESTAV.MX Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Morality Date: 05 Aug 1997 09:42:28 -0600 (CST) The morality of the TP is actually one of the things which makes them so appealing to me. So I've got to say something about it. Please excuse me if I sound too "new age" but I cannot help making connections. So here goes: In Eastern philosophies the purpose of life is to evolve to higher states of consciousness. The development of consciousness implies learning to use that 85% of the brain which is not usually used. As a higher level of consciousness develops, "siddhis" also develop. Siddhis are perfected abilities such as cognition of other places and times, levitating (either oneself or other objects), etc. (A list of siddhis that can be developed is given in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali). From this perspective the TP are basically siddhas, since they possess certain siddhis or special abilities. Now, the point is that develoment of siddhis comes hand in hand with the development of a higher state of consciousness: a level of consciousness which gives a self-referral awareness that says killing or hurting others is wrong; drinking or using drugs is not good because it harms the body and impairs the mind (i.e. it prevents consciousness to be clear); and which is an instinctive guideline as to how to use, or not use, the siddhis. Basically, the higher the level of consciousness the more LIFE-SUPPORTING one becomes (do notice how the TP are always trying to save the world); so anything harmful to one's own body, to others or to society and the universe as a whole is rejected. It is not something intellectually learned. It is something that develops naturally as part of the process of evolution. And it is the same with the TP. There are cases of people who develop a single siddhi or ability without raising their level of consciousness (e.g. many psychics); and in those cases the instinct of how to use that power is not always fully developed, and they can use it in the wrong way. This can actually hinder their evolution (it can actually be dangerous and and may create bad karma), so the development of other siddhis is not likely. This is perhaps the case of Tricia, although she eventually evolved enough since she did break out. By the way, Ruby Red said in one of her posts that she did not think Tricia had actually killed anybody. However, she DID order Tikno shot in Revenge of Jedikiah. I always found this interesting as it did not prevent her from breaking out shortly afterwards: one moment she is ordering someone to be shot, and the next she is a TP! Plot convenience I guess. A little more food for thought: Saint Francis of Assissi came back home from a war (where he fought and maybe killed). After he came back he became very ill; during his illness (a sort of breaking out!) he underwent a big transformation and his consciousness opened up and he became a saint who had some special abilities (such as taking to animals). There is also a long list of saints who are reputed to have levitated, some of them very regularly ( e.g. St. Teresa of Avila). So, special abilities and being "good" do seem to generally come together. Ana. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Morality Date: 05 Aug 1997 10:47:54 -0500 (CDT) Ana wrote: >By the way, Ruby Red said in one of her posts that she did not >think Tricia had actually killed anybody. However, she DID >order Tikno shot in Revenge of Jedikiah. I always found this >interesting as it did not prevent her from breaking out shortly >afterwards: one moment she is ordering someone to be shot, and >the next she is a TP! Plot convenience I guess. Um, she thought Tikno was Jedikiah, and I'm pretty sure she was told jedikiah was a robot. Therefore, as far as she knew, it wasn't killing, it was deactivation. At least, I think someone told her that. There are episodes whre TP have wished the bad guys were dead, and that they could kill them in emotional moments. It's possible Tricia was having a similar experience when she gave that order. Tigger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Morality Date: 05 Aug 1997 14:13:35 -0400 (EDT) really? I just saw "Castle of Fear" this morning and I didn't see Liz do any drinking! And, in my opinion, NO one can handle ANYdrinks without trouble (oo, I"m sure to get shot fer that one). -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Morality Date: 05 Aug 1997 22:53:07 -0500 (CDT) Geoff wrote: > And, in my opinion, NO one can handle ANYdrinks without trouble >(oo, I"m sure to get shot fer that one). If anyone tries, let us know and we'll zap w/ stun guns before they get the chance. TP's *do not* let each other get beaten up (except when Mike B really deserves it:). Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: TPDIS: Kristian Schmid Rumour Date: 06 Aug 1997 17:15:37 +1000 (EST) I heard a rumour today which I personally doubt is true - but I thought I'd mention it on list anyway in case it isn't. On Australian TV this Friday (at least in Melbourne) on Channel 7 at 8 o'clock there is going to be a program which will be talking to actors who've had their characters killed off on TV. Now a friend of mine thinks Kristian Schmid may be on the show (because of his character in Neighbours, Todd Landers, who was killed when run over by a van). The program is "Where Are They Now?" and if he does appear there would be a good chance that the Tomorrow People would be mentioned. But he doesn't appear in any of the promotions for the show I have seen, and I don't actually think he will be on the show. Still I will watch it just in case. Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working / |out all the combat tables and everything. o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time \ |the dice caught fire . . .' | --Terry Pratchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Kristian Schmid Rumour Date: 06 Aug 1997 10:57:48 -0400 (EDT) tape it! if he is on it, all of us are gonna be bugging fer copies (charge for wear and tear and make a bundle! ;-) -Gepff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: TPDIS: Kristian Schmid Rumour Date: 06 Aug 1997 20:34:24 +0100 Shaun Owen Hately <> writes: > The program is "Where Are They Now?" and if he does appear there would be > a good chance that the Tomorrow People would be mentioned. There is an interview with Kristian Schmid in this month's TV Zone special. I didn't know that these days he was attending a drama academy. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "tzm" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Kristian Schmid Rumour Date: 06 Aug 1997 17:03:34 PDT ---------- > > Shaun Owen Hately <> writes: > > > The program is "Where Are They Now?" and if he does appear there woul= d be > > a good chance that the Tomorrow People would be mentioned. > > There is an interview with Kristian Schmid in this month's TV Zone spec= ial. > > I didn't know that these days he was attending a drama academy. > > Jez > -- > > Does the TV Zone special Publish in the US? It's neat that he is at = the drama acadey. I did not know that either. > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: TPDIS: Kristian Schmid Rumour Date: 07 Aug 1997 20:42:43 +0100 In message "tzm" writes: > Does the TV Zone special Publish in the US? It's neat that he is at = > the drama acadey. I did not know that either. I suppose it must, becase it has a US cover-price of $7.99 (and a Canadian one of $11.50). If you can't see it retail, try enquiring at their office: Visual Imagination PO Box 156 Manorville NY 11949 Tel/Fax 818 980 1727 email The edition is S26. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "tzm" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Kristian Schmid Rumour Date: 07 Aug 1997 22:00:04 PDT ---------- > > In message > "tzm" writes: > > I suppose it must, becase it has a US cover-price of $7.99 (and a > Canadian one of $11.50). > > If you can't see it retail, try enquiring at their office: > > Visual Imagination > PO Box 156 > Manorville > NY 11949 > > Tel/Fax 818 980 1727 > email > > The edition is S26. > > Jez > -- > Jez, Thanks. I will keep an eye out for the magazine. T > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: TPDIS: #TomorrowPeople on Dalnet Date: 08 Aug 1997 15:07:59 +1000 (EST) Ade set up a #TomorrowPeople channel on Dalnet in the hope that people would use it for IRC about the Tomorrow People. It was suggested that 9pm Saturdays, American Eastern Summer Time would be a good time for a chat. I've been there almost every week since the chat was set up - I missed the first one due to not having IRC and another one because I couldn't connect. On all but one ocasion, I've found the channel empty. Once Ade was there, and last weekend Tigger and I met there after realising that we were both on-line at the time. I can't believe that there aren't some people on list who wouldn't like to use IRC to talk about the Tomorrow People - it's the only reason I downloaded MIRC in the first place. I'm wondering if the problem has been caused by people dropping in and finding it always empty. So I have a suggestion to make. This Saturday, 9PM American Eastern Summer time (it's Sunday morning for me), why don't as many people as possible turn up. I will be there if it's humanly possible for me to be so (phone lines, and IRC availability through University permitting) and I will stay on the channel as long as possible (probably about two hours as I have work to do on Sunday afternoon). That way hopefully there will be at least one person on the channel. I'd hope to log on just before the due start time, so if you turned up at 9PM (can people come up with conversions - it's 11 am, Sunday, Australian Eastern, I think) there would hopefully be at least me there. Ade's gone to the trouble of setting this up, and I think it could be really good too, so why don't we try and make it work? Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working / |out all the combat tables and everything. o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time \ |the dice caught fire . . .' | --Terry Pratchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jason Fraser Subject: RE: TPDIS: #TomorrowPeople on Dalnet Date: 08 Aug 1997 15:52:31 +1000 On Friday, August 08, 1997 Shaun Owen Hately wrote: > Ade set up a #TomorrowPeople channel on Dalnet in the hope that people > would use it for IRC about the Tomorrow People. It was suggested that 9pm > Saturdays, American Eastern Summer Time would be a good time for a chat. First I've heard of it... but being on the list for only a couple of days might explain that :-) > I can't believe that there aren't some people on list who wouldn't like > to use IRC to talk about the Tomorrow People - it's the only reason I > downloaded MIRC in the first place. I'm wondering if the problem has been > caused by people dropping in and finding it always empty. Well, I'd certainly like to chat about TP, and would like to meet a few of you, get to know you etc, etc, etc :) > So I have a suggestion to make. This Saturday, 9PM American Eastern > Summer time (it's Sunday morning for me), why don't as many people as > possible turn up. Count me in! I'm generally around on DALnet most of the day during the weekends... :-) I'll be on as "Jondar" if anyone notices... BTW, as this is my first post to TPDIS, I think a little bit of an intro is in order. I'm Jason "Jondar" Fraser, a 18 year old Australian university student. I was born in Sydney, but due to my fathers work, have travelled widely. I stumbled across the new series of TP three weeks ago on ABC Australia, and it's got me hooked, I'm very keen to find out more, so that explains my joining the list. I look forward to participating. Jason Fraser _________________________________________________________________ /\ Jason Fraser UIN: 998284 / / Jonnexus - / / /\ Dominium - / / \ \ BLMBIFC - / / ___\ \ WWinW Ring - \/ /______\___________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: RE: TPDIS: #TomorrowPeople on Dalnet Date: 08 Aug 1997 16:01:42 +1000 (EST) Warning: Private message on list due to Universities loust e-mail service. On Fri, 8 Aug 1997, Jason Fraser wrote: > Well, I'd certainly like to chat about TP, and would like to meet a few of > you, get to know you etc, etc, etc :) Hi Jason - welcome to the list (I'm sure I won't be the only one to say that). I realise you e-mailed me the other day - I'm sorry I haven't replied but my University won't let me e-mail people at your domain - or your domain has blocked my University. Whereabouts in Australia are you, out of interest? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: #TomorrowPeople on Dalnet Date: 08 Aug 1997 08:23:17 -0400 (EDT) Shaun, Apparently nobody is interested in chat. Since the chat page has been up, I have gotten a total of 5 responses to my poll. One of those was just a comment from someone complaining that I was missing information on my site. I am on IRC most every night around the same time. I frequently check in on the room, and when I see someone there, I join them. It was a nice idea, but if there is no interest I will let the channel go. ade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Timothy O'Neal" Subject: Re: TPDIS: #TomorrowPeople on Dalnet Date: 08 Aug 1997 08:47:20 -0500 (CDT) > > Shaun, > > Apparently nobody is interested in chat. Since the chat page has been up, I have > gotten a total of 5 responses to my poll. One of those was just a comment from > someone complaining that I was missing information on my site. I'm interested........ > I am on IRC most every night around the same time. I frequently check in on the > room, and when I see someone there, I join them. I've been so busy, I haven't been able to get on.. Once my family leaves, and I start school up again, I'll join you.. It's 'Tav' or 'Tavolite' depending on the server I connect to. > It was a nice idea, but if there is no interest I will let the channel go. Don't let it go yet. If no one's really gone in there by October, then I'd let it go.. > > ade > Tim O'Neal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: #TomorrowPeople on Dalnet Date: 08 Aug 1997 09:22:29 -0500 (CDT) I was wondering if some one could tell me what I need to do to be able to participate in the chat. I have internet access but I don't know program plugins will be needed. I would really like to join in on the chat if possible. Thanks Martha ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: #TomorrowPeople on Dalnet Date: 08 Aug 1997 09:00:10 -0600 (MDT) Regrets - I've never done IRC, and I wont' be starting this weekend. I'll try another time, but 9 Eastern is 7 Mountain time and at that time this weekend I will be lying on a hill in the late afternoon sun (I hope - at least not pouring rain like some years) listening to the finest folk music festival on the planet. Saturday's lineup is not quite as good (IMHO) as Thursday, Friday or Sunday, but even the blues sound better to me there. Jane Starr email: 9518 - 91 Street phone: 466-6004 Edmonton, AB, T6C 3P5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Trina L. Short" Subject: Re: TPDIS: #TomorrowPeople on Dalnet Date: 08 Aug 1997 17:21:16 -0400 Jason Fraser wrote: > Well, I'd certainly like to chat about TP, and would like to meet a > few of you, get to know you etc, etc, etc :) Hear hear! I'd love to meet you, Jondar, online some time. Fancy not seeing you on IRC before... :) Shaun Owen Hately wrote: > > So I have a suggestion to make. This Saturday, 9PM American Eastern > > Summer time (it's Sunday morning for me), why don't as many people > > as possible turn up. Weekends currently suck for me for online. My response to the poll was Monday around 5 pm, though I'm usually on after 4pm during the week.=20 I'm on as trinalin (and a host of Sylvester McCoy related nicks). Maybe once school starts I'll be able to log on during the weekend. > Count me in! I'm generally around on DALnet most of the day during the > weekends... :-) Ah. So that's prolly why I've never seen you online. And you're a Doctor Who person too? I mean, with a name like Jondar, you probably are. You should check out #drwhochat sometime too. =20 =20 Welcome to the list, Jason. :) --=20 trinalin =A91997 ACME Page Fillers, Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Trina L. Short" Subject: Re: TPDIS: #TomorrowPeople on Dalnet Date: 08 Aug 1997 17:24:04 -0400 wrote: > I am on IRC most every night around the same time. I frequently check > in on the room, and when I see someone there, I join them. > Around what time? Put trinalin in /notify and /msg me when you see me come online. I'd be happy to come to the channel and chat about Elizabeth. Oh, and the other Tomorrow People. --=20 trinalin =A91997 ACME Page Fillers, Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "McELRATH, JAMON" Subject: TPDIS: Date: Fri, 8 Aug 1997 17:00:00 -0500 Date: 08 Aug 1997 16:01:16 -0600 Hello, I'm new on the list too and only have a computer at work, so no Saturday evening chatting for me. Has anyone read a book called Tomorrow's Children? I think that was the title. The idea was very similar to The Tomorrow People I think. There were two children with telepathic abilities living in a community of semi-barbarians. I think it was a post-appocalyptic world and a scientist had experimented on the parents of these children to make them smarter and more like homo-sapians today. This is just a vague remembrance of a story. Anyone else read it? Where did Roger D. Price get his ideas? Jamon McElrath (a 27 year old French teacher in Kentucky) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kerry Blackwell" Subject: Children of Morrow (was: TPDIS: Date: Fri, 8 Aug 1997) Date: 09 Aug 1997 10:12:48 +1300 > Has anyone read a book called Tomorrow's Children? I think that was the > title. The idea was very similar to The Tomorrow People I think. There > were two children with telepathic abilities living in a community of > semi-barbarians. I think it was a post-appocalyptic world and a > scientist had experimented on the parents of these children to make them > smarter and more like homo-sapians today. This is just a vague > remembrance of a story. Anyone else read it? I think the book you're thinking of is called "Children of Morrow" and the author was H.M. Hoover. There was a sequel too, called "Treasures of Morrow", where the children went back to their original settlement. I read these years ago from the local library and remember liking them, but I can't remember all that much more of the story. Kerry -- "We shall be remembered in spite of ourselves" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ruby Red) Subject: Re: Children of Morrow (was: TPDIS: Date: Fri, 8 Aug 1997) Date: 09 Aug 1997 09:24:56 +1000 (EST) Kerry Blackwell wrote: > > > Has anyone read a book called Tomorrow's Children? I think that was the > > title. The idea was very similar to The Tomorrow People I think. There > > were two children with telepathic abilities living in a community of > > semi-barbarians. I think it was a post-appocalyptic world and a > > scientist had experimented on the parents of these children to make them > > smarter and more like homo-sapians today. This is just a vague > > remembrance of a story. Anyone else read it? > > I think the book you're thinking of is called "Children of Morrow" > and the author was H.M. Hoover. There was a sequel too, > called "Treasures of Morrow", where the children went back to their > original settlement. I read these years ago from the local library > and remember liking them, but I can't remember all that much more of > the story. I remember when I read "Children of Morrow" that it felt far too much like a rip-off of John Wyndham's "The Chrysalids". I think Wyndham's book was the better one. -- Ruby Red "Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas any more." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ruby Red) Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Morality Date: 09 Aug 1997 09:42:57 +1000 (EST) ASACRIST@MVAX1.RED.CINVESTAV.MX wrote: > > The morality of the TP is actually one of the things which > makes them so appealing to me. So I've got to say something > about it. Please excuse me if I sound too "new age" but I > cannot help making connections. It does sound too "new age", I'm afraid. > A little more food for thought: > Saint Francis of Assissi came back home from a war (where he > fought and maybe killed). After he came back he became very ill; > during his illness (a sort of breaking out!) he underwent a big > transformation and his consciousness opened up and he became a > saint who had some special abilities (such as taking to animals). > > There is also a long list of saints who are reputed to have > levitated, some of them very regularly ( > e.g. St. Teresa of Avila). Oh boy. No, absolutely not. *Please* don't attribute the Godly miracles of saints to Eastern mystical powers - or to them "breaking out" as TPs either. If you want to discuss religion, I'd be happy to, but not on the List. One reason I was talking about the *psychological* aspects of morality in regard to the TP is that I was trying to look at it on their terms: and the world-view of the series appears to be basically non-supernatural (Heart of Sogguth being the notable exception) and thus talking about *mystical* powers or the spiritual basis of morality seems to be going outside the bounds of the series, more like an external explanation than an internal one. It's not consistent with the rules of that universe. -- Ruby Red "Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas any more." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Date: Fri, 8 Aug 1997 17:00:00 -0500 Date: 08 Aug 1997 21:15:28 -0400 (EDT) I read a book (so did Arpi) called "The Children of Morrow" (there was a book before or after it, arpi'll remember) where the kids were telepathic and lived with barbarians, and a group of other telepathes took them in. -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Children of Morrow (was: TPDIS: Date: Fri, 8 Aug 1997) Date: 08 Aug 1997 21:16:32 -0400 (EDT) whoa! That was it! Treasures of Morrow! Hey, I'm not the only one (besides arpi) who read 'em! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "tzm" Subject: Re: TPDIS: #TomorrowPeople on Dalnet Date: 08 Aug 1997 21:13:36 PDT ---------- > > Ade, I would love to join the chat but I do not get dalnet. I do have AOL tho= ugh. If there is anyway for me to join in on chats I will. Tzm > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: #TomorrowPeople on Dalnet Date: 08 Aug 1997 21:44:55 -0400 (EDT) -- You WERE on my notify list at one point, along with Tav....Maybe it go= t wiped=20 out.... ade On Fri, 08 Aug 1997, "Trina L. Short" wrote: > wrote: > >> I am on IRC most every night around the same time. I frequently check >> in on the room, and when I see someone there, I join them. >> >Around what time? Put trinalin in /notify and /msg me when you see me >come online. I'd be happy to come to the channel and chat about >Elizabeth. Oh, and the other Tomorrow People. >--=20 >trinalin > >=A91997 ACME Page Fillers, Inc. > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Timothy O'Neal" Subject: Re: TPDIS: #TomorrowPeople on Dalnet Date: 08 Aug 1997 21:05:19 -0500 (CDT) I'm on at this moment, If anyone cares.. :) (8/08/97 9:05 CST) Tim O'Neal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: TPDIS: TP Like stories (was Re: Children of Morrow) Date: 09 Aug 1997 13:58:11 +1000 (EST) On Fri, 8 Aug 1997 wrote: > whoa! That was it! Treasures of Morrow! Hey, I'm not the only one (besides > arpi) who read 'em! I'd say a lot of the people on this list have read them at one stage or another (although as Ruby Red said, the Chrysalids probably does it better). One book I'd like to suggest to anyone who can get hold of it is "Welcome to the Ark" by Stephanie Tolan. I know other people on the list have heard of it (it's where I found out about it) but I have just read it. Again, it's similar in a lot of ways to the Tomorrow People and I think it's excellent besides. Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working / |out all the combat tables and everything. o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time \ |the dice caught fire . . .' | --Terry Pratchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: Re: TPDIS: Kristian Schmid Rumour Date: 09 Aug 1997 14:04:35 +1000 (EST) On Wed, 6 Aug 1997, Shaun Owen Hately wrote: > I heard a rumour today which I personally doubt is true - but I thought > I'd mention it on list anyway in case it isn't. I watched the program in question last night. The rumour was unture - Kristian was not a guest on the show, but in a montage of 'the greates death scenes in Australian television history' he did appear - the scene in question was from Neighbours and showed him being run down by a van (while on his way to hospital to prevent his pregnant girlfriend from having an abortion that he had suggested she should have - aren't soap operas true to life (-8 ). I'll keep just about anything with a TP actor in it - but his total time on screen amounted to less than 5 seconds in a half hour program. Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working / |out all the combat tables and everything. o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time \ |the dice caught fire . . .' | --Terry Pratchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Allyson Subject: TPDIS: Re: #TomorrowPeople on DALNET Date: 09 Aug 1997 00:11:43 -0400 I'm heading to the chat room now under the nick Morwenna, hope to see someone there. -- Allyson (a.k.a. Morwenna) ********************************************************************* Creator and maintainer of "The Un-Official Kristian Schmid Web Page" ********************************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: #TomorrowPeople on Dalnet Date: 08 Aug 1997 21:16:42 -0700 >I'm interested........ As am I. I also have the problem with being online for more than a few minutes at a time. Once university starts back and I get access to the university computers, it won't be a problem. Here at home, it's just not possible. My parents have this crazy idea that they should be allowed to use the phones too. ;) ... W. Loraine * Listowner: Tomorrow People Creative and Discussion Lists Editor: infinitum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: TPDIS: #TomorrowPeople on Dalnet Date: 10 Aug 1997 10:49:56 +1000 (EST) There are actually people at the chat now for anyone who is interested! Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working / |out all the combat tables and everything. o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time \ |the dice caught fire . . .' | --Terry Pratchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: #TomorrowPeople on Dalnet Date: 09 Aug 1997 21:24:37 -0400 (EDT) i dunno how to get there, and I don't know where to get IRC! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: #TomorrowPeople on Dalnet Date: 09 Aug 1997 21:36:26 -0400 (EDT) On Sat, 9 Aug 1997, wrote: > i dunno how to get there, and I don't know where to get IRC! > I posted this the other day, but I will do it again.... Tomorrow People CHAT To connect to IRC, you need IRC software, called an "IRC client", and an internet connection that allows you full internet access. You'll need to download the chat client from the web. The best two programs available are FREE (can't get better than that). The most popular is mIRC, but I use PIRCH. (Mac users try IRCLE) Here are a few places I know of you can get mIRC: United Kingdom Kuwait USA Brazil South Africa The Netherlands USA For PIRCH, take a walk over to YAHOO! and type in PIRCH as your search, and you'll get a list of places to download their software. (This also applies to IRCLE) Once you get your software set up (they both have excellent help files, and I suggest reading them): Choose a DALnet server: Go to get the most current server list. Some servers I use often are: Log onto the net like you normally do, then start your chat client. See that blinking curser in a text box on your screen at the bottom? That's where you type. Type the following to connect, substituting the server you have chosen. I'm using the server called "", as an example: /server OR (once you have learned to navigate around the screens) you can point and click on a server from the list both programs have included. If you've connected, you'll see that particular server's MOTD (Message of the Day). You know then, that you are connected. If you get messages like, "disconnected", "unable to connect", "no more connections" or "this server is full," just keep trying. If you get a message "unable to resolve server" check the spelling of the server you typed. Once the MOTD has stopped scrolling by, you can enter #TomorrowPeople. To enter #TomorrowPeople type: /join #TomorrowPeople Note the syntax. It isn't Tomorrow People, or #Tomorrow People. You must put the # sign at the start, and there isn't a space between 'Tomorrow' and 'People'. If you type #Tomorrow People, you will end up in a non channel called #Tomorrow and be very lonely. To get a list of who is on the channel before you enter it, type: /who #TomorrowPeople. Remember, the syntax is the same as above. If you're having trouble getting to #TomorrowPeople email me at PLEASE be sure to tell me what type of computer you use, what kind of internet account you have (shell or SLIP/PPP), and the name of your chat client. If you are getting an error message, please copy it down WORD FOR WORD and include it. There's a lot of help available once you connect to DALnet. Help menus are available by typing the following commands: /msg helpserv help /msg nickserv help /msg chanserv help Helpserv contains general help files. Nickserv lists commands on how to register your nick, and set various commands such as "kill", etc. Chanserv lists commands specific to setting up and running your own channel. You can also seek help online by joining the following channels: #Help #IRCHelp #DALHelp #HelpDesk #mIRC (for all questions specific to mIRC clients) #dragonrealm (for password problems) There isn't a set chat night yet, but I will try and be on the channel as much as I can, in the evenings to make sure that things run smoothly. I will be finding a backup SOP to assist me in these endeavors. Thanks! ade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jason Fraser Subject: TPDIS: FW: Tyso's Sister Date: 10 Aug 1997 15:53:23 +1000 Below is a message from Trina Short, who asked me to forward this message to TPDIS because for some reason her email server wouldn't send it ----- Forwarded Message----- Sent: Sunday, August 10, 1997 3:37 PM True Confessions time. While in #TomorrowPeople this evening, I told Ade that of all the TPs, I most resembled Tyso. So I put a picture of me (and my Great Gramma) up hidden at my site. You too can see the proof by checking here: (Toddler Tyso) I'm a bit older now and look very little like him. But way back when - we could'a been twins. :) -- trinalin ?1997 ACME Page Fillers, Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Hal Freeman Subject: Re: TPDIS: YKYBWTMTPI.... Date: 10 Aug 1997 15:37:42 -0500 I've got a few more. YKYBWTMTPI: You know you've been watching to much TP if.... (Think New Series.) You refuse to take aspirin for a headache because it might mess up your "breaking out". You see bright lights and think "They're here. Better go make some brownies." You capitalize Megabyte as not to make Marmaduke mad. You never look at brownies the same again. You never look at England the same. If you're an American you thank God that our scientist like rats better than teleporters. You hear your friend say "I've got a headache I'm going to take some Advil." and you scream "NO! You'll never break out if you take it." You've tried to send a telepathic message for help when you can't figure out what in God's name the Magna Charta is. You wonder if anybody from Canada will break out. You see the word 'tomorrow' on a billboard or sign somewhere and get very disappointed when you realize that it has no relevancy to the Tomorrow People. Your mother asks for some Q-tips and you think she says 'Culex' and you run and hide under the bed in fear. You hear something coming fom nowhere and you think "This is it. Talk to me TP!" If you've ever had a test on Australia and been confidant that you'd pass because hey, you've got an Australian on hand. Misquitos are your number one enemy and Off! sends you Christmas cards. Every time you see a misquito you scream "SHE'S AT IT AGAIN. RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" Rainstorms make you wonder. You tell your History teacher you can't study Egypt because of "personal trauma" caused by the subject. If you've ever had a weird dream and thought "They're in trouble, _again_" Some one says I thought I saw Mulder (X-files) and you think they said Mulvaney and you scream "Somebody warn the Tomorrow People!" If there's a boy that rides your school bus and he looks like Megabyte even slightly and you think "So that's where he went to." You make sure not to think to loud, you wouldn't want to wake Adam up. You go to malls to "Tomorrow-Spot." You see a blonde with and English accent and you think "That was Jade!" and look like a total idiot when you insist her name is Jade. You have a morbid fear of cornflakes and Frosted Flakes reasoning, "he'll use Frosted Flakes this time." If you an Adam, a Jade, a Lisa, an Ami and a Kevin and think "Where is Megabyte?!" If you go to bake sales for the purpose of finding out who made the brownies. You see 'merge ahead' on a road sign and your first thought has nothing to do with traffic or cars. If somebody says "I need a hug." and your first thought is "Adam." If you've ever tried to will your crush into going out with you. If you've ever tried to will your mom into letting you do something and she says "don't push your luck." If when your mom says that you think "I think John missed one." If you've ever covered up the 'nometry' in trignometry and then put Galatic above it on your book cover. Your little sister annoys you and you don't slap her like you usually do stating "I'm a pacifist now. I can't do that." You get grounded and mumble under your breath "Just wait till I can teleport." You have to watch wrestling because it's the only thing on and you think "Poor saps. So violent." You can't say 'I'll kill you' anymore because you know you can't. Some one calls and you think "Please let it be Adam. Please let it be Adam." You think "Why have telephones when you can just 'path to them?" You actually got 99% of these. Hope I tickled your funny bone Megan! ******** Hold it in you heart where Tomorrow shines -REM "Shiny happy people." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: TPDIS: YKYBWTMTPI.... Date: 10 Aug 1997 16:29:12 -0500 (CDT) Megan F wrote: >You actually got 99% of these. So if we got 100% of them, we should be really worried, huh? Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Stormdance) Subject: Re: TPDIS: YKYBWTMTPI.... Date: 10 Aug 1997 14:55:43 -0700 >Some one calls and you think "Please let it be Adam. Please let it be >Adam." > >grin< I take it I'm not the only one who fell for Adam when the series was on. BTW, what nationality is Christian Schmid? The Australian accent *sounds* pretty fake, but I'm not sure. Here's another one: You call a friend and hear that they "just popped out" and you begin to wonder. . . --Stormdance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: TPDIS: YKYBWTMTPI.... Date: 10 Aug 1997 16:38:30 -0500 (CDT) >BTW, what nationality is Christian Schmid? The Australian accent >*sounds* pretty fake, but I'm not sure. Kristian (note the spelling) is actually Australian. He jsut doen't have yer stereotypical Australian accent,and it's been termpered by living in England during the making of TP also. Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Hal Freeman Subject: Re: TPDIS: YKYBWTMTPI.... Date: 10 Aug 1997 16:53:07 -0500 If you got 100% then I guess I'm not the only one who did! I could break out Megan! ***************** Hold it in your heart where Tomorrow shines -REM "Shiny Happy People" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Hal Freeman Subject: Re: TPDIS: YKYBWTMTPI.... Date: 10 Aug 1997 17:06:47 -0500 Hey! I got a few more I want to share: YKYBWTMTPI..... You know you've been watching too much TP if... When somebody is talking about computers and they say "This model had four hundred Megabytes" and you think _Somebody got REALLY clone happy._ Everytime you stub your toe on something like a door you wish you had Adam around If you wish had Adam around even if you didn't stub your toe. ;) Everytime your mouse locked you wish you had Megabyte around. When somebody is following you on the street you automatically think "Worldex should know about this." You wish you had an authentic Australian accent. You wish Adam had an authentic Australian accent. (It sure doesn't sound real.) You've ever tried to teleport to the beach because it's like fourty below where you are. (All last winter I was wishing this.) If you dread going back to school and wish Kevin was there with you so maybe you'd have a bit more fun sending telepathic messages in class. The algebra teacher would never know. If you buy clothes that you like even if they don't fit so Jade won't get to them. :) If you've wondered what Megabyte was doing over coffee. If you've ever been stuck in traffic jam that lasted almost five hours and wished you could teleport. If you think, "Why drive, I can teleport." Then you realize you've got to break out first. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Stormdance) Subject: Re: TPDIS: YKYBWTMTPI.... Date: 10 Aug 1997 15:36:04 -0700 >>BTW, what nationality is Christian Schmid? The Australian accent >>*sounds* pretty fake, but I'm not sure. >Kristian (note the spelling) is actually Australian. >He jsut doen't have yer stereotypical Australian accent,and it'sbeen termpered >by living in England during the making of TP also. > Thanks for the info and the spelling correction. :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: YKYBWTMTPI.... Date: 10 Aug 1997 20:06:33 -0400 (EDT) About the accent thing... Kristian Schmid sounds just like my cousin who was born and raised in Sidney, Australia. I wouldn't mind having Adam around, either. Kate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "tzm" Subject: Re: TPDIS: YKYBWTMTPI.... Date: 10 Aug 1997 20:47:38 PDT ---------- > I've got a few more. > > YKYBWTMTPI: You know you've been watching to much TP if.... > (Think New Series.) > . > > You see the word 'tomorrow' on a billboard or sign somewhere and get > very disappointed when you realize that it has no relevancy to the > Tomorrow People. >The funny thing is that this has actually happened to me back when the = show was on in1995 and now that I have joined the TPDIS. > > > I have also used expression like "I used telepathy" to find out an answ= er to something when someone asks "How did you know That was what he was= going to say?" Now my new thing is wishing I could teleport because it would be a great = way to travel with all these plane crashes happening. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: Hello again! Date: 11 Aug 1997 22:54:35 -0400 (EDT) Hey, I'm back! Sorry, not much stuff to report from camp that's TP related, but my class (Writing 2B: Writing and Society) was supposed to analyze society in a whole, so we watched this really 80s movie called King of Comedy during that time. It's an American movie, but for some reason the angles and stuff reminded me of the old version of the Tomorrow People. It just had that same look. Oh, and my teacher knew about the TP too! He only knew the old version, and he said he loved it as a kid (the teachers here can be less then 25, the people in charge of us in the dorms can be less then 20). He was so excited when he found there was stuff on the Web about it too. Too bad we couldn't download anything, he really wanted to hear the sounds at my web page. The computers at the college are really restricted, and I only figured out how to get by the restrictions later (Megabyte would be ashamed :)) Wow, you guys have gotten talkative lately! My mailbox is overflowing!!! I'm glad to be back tho, the people at the camp seemed much more snottier this year. Ah well. Amy :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "tzm" Subject: TPDIS: TP sighting in a movie Date: 11 Aug 1997 23:20:29 PDT Several weeks ago, I was watching the movie Stargate so I would be able = to following along with the new Showtime series Stargate SG-1. Towards = the end of the movie, when Ra was taking over, the whole scene reminded = me of the Rameses Connection serial. Especial when the pyramid lit up = and hovered. There was a good fifteen minutes of the movie that seemed = to be excatly like the TP. Has anyone else seen the movie and noticed the similarity? The movie was= from 1994, one year before the episodes of the TP aired. Just thought I'd share that bit of info with ya. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "heidi t." Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP sighting in a movie Date: 12 Aug 1997 05:59:59 -0400 At 12:45 AM 7/12/97 -0400, Mandi Ohlin wrote: >tzm wrote: >> Has anyone else seen the movie and noticed the similarity? The movie was from 1994, one year before the episodes of the TP aired. > >Actually, if I read my episode quides right (knock on wood), the pilot >of the new series was filmed in '92. I'm going to go with Mandi on this one - I was in my first year of law school when the new series started, which I know because I read the issue of Entertainment Weekly which reviewed the pilot (something I should try to find, for one of the sites) in my first apartment in washington, and I was in my 3rd year when Stargate came out, which I know because I watched the movie at the theater near where I got my car alarm installed after my cd player was stolen out of my car. And I personally remember thinking, when it started, Jaye Davidson (remember, the Crying Game!) looks NOTHING like a Khultahn! Strange, the things that I remember still....... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: Fwd: Kristian Shmid interview in TV Zone Special Date: 12 Aug 1997 09:50:51 -0400 (EDT) Here, this is the reply i got from the TV zone people, if anyone is interested. --------------------- Forwarded message: wrote: > > I live in the Philedelphia area in PA in the USA, and I'd like to know > where I can get that issue (see subject) (edition S26). Thank you for your > time.Dear Kristian, TV Zone is hard to find in America. You can order TV Zone Special #26 for $7.99 plus $2.00 postage. If you want to use your credit card you can ring this office in Los Angeles at 818-980-4022 to place your order or, if you want to send a check you can write to our New York distribution office at PO Box 156, Manorville, New York 11949. Thanks for you interest. Sincerely, Judy Sloane Visual Imagination Los Angeles ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP sighting in a movie Date: 12 Aug 1997 09:53:18 -0400 (EDT) the TPs existed WAY before 1994 (both series!)! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP sighting in a movie Date: 12 Aug 1997 19:57:44 +0100 Mandi Ohlin writes: > Actually, if I read my episode quides right (knock on wood), the pilot > of the new series was filmed in '92. Yes, and the Rameses storyline was in the set of ten that were pitched to ITV and Nickelodeon in mid 1993. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Hal Freeman Subject: Re: TPDIS: Hello again! Date: 12 Aug 1997 15:39:08 -0500 Hey! It's nice to see you. Never met you before but hey nice to know ya! I've had too much coffee. Megabyte wouldn't be ashamed girl, he'd be proud. Besides restrictions are rules and not electronics and even Megabyte (the coolest guy TP IMHO.) can't override that programme. We've been fanficy over at TPFICT too. Lots of stories. You have got to read "Senior Week". It is the bomb and tell that teacher of yours to read Dear John. It's a Quantum Leap/Old Series crossover. All at the Galactic Federations Communications Hub. Nice to meet you and I hpoe we'll chat again. If you ever get around to it, check out my "You know you've been watching to much Tomorrow People if..." list and please comment. I love comments! I could break out any time now, Megan! ::) The Four eyes. ******* Hold it in your heart where Tomorrow shines -REM "Shiny Happy People" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP sighting in a movie Date: 12 Aug 1997 18:39:57 -0400 (EDT) I have seen Stargate and also noticed the similiarity. Kate "I think I might persuade them." Adam Newman, The Tomorrow People ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "tzm" Subject: TPDIS: TP/Stargate Date: 12 Aug 1997 22:28:32 PDT I just wanted to clarify something. I am aware that the TP the new serie= s started aring in 1992, I was refering to just the episodes of the Ramas= es Connection. They aired by me in 1995, which was a year after Stargate= . That was the similarity I was refering to. The coyright date at the = end of that serial says 1995. Thanks for showing me how specific I need = to be when trying to communicate something to others. I see now how very= easy it is for miscommunication and misunderstandings to occur. I hope this clarifies for everyone exactly what I meant in comparing Sta= rgate to the Ramases Connection of the TP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "tzm" Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP sighting in a movie Date: 12 Aug 1997 22:15:34 PDT ---------- > tzm wrote: > > > > Several weeks ago, I was watching the movie Stargate so I would be = able to > following along with the new Showtime series Stargate SG-1. Towards = the end > of the movie, when Ra was taking over, the whole scene reminded me of = the > Rameses Connection serial. Especial when the pyramid lit up and hovere= d. > There was a good fifteen minutes of the movie that seemed to be excatly= like > the TP. > > Has anyone else seen the movie and noticed the similarity? The movie= was > from 1994, one year before the episodes of the TP aired. > > Actually, if I read my episode quides right (knock on wood), the pilot > of the new series was filmed in '92. > You are right, the pilot was filmed in 1992 > > Just thought I'd share that bit of info with ya. > > Yeah, I noticed that too. Hmmm, maybe Rameses was a renegade Goa'uld = in > a human host (if you don't watch SG-1, don't ask). That would explain > why he would try to stifle the TP--a telepath might be able to defend > his or her mind against the parasite, and therefore be impossible to > enslave. > I agree. > BTW, both Rameses and the infected bad guys in SG-1 have the Glowing > Eyes Syndrome(tm) that signifies what they are. > > What the heck, I'm going to go for a blatant plug here. I'm starting = a > Stargate SG-1/TP crossover, "Gates of the Mind" (after I finish Senior > Week) and any thoughts on the similarities would help big time. > I think the crossover would be interesting. I will be on the lookout = for them in future episodes of SG-1. > (And if anyone has an anal retentive detailed synopsis of "The Rameses > Connection," I'd be eternally grateful.) > How much detail do you want? I have a good portion of it on tape (not = full episodes however, I was only taping scenes Adam was in) So just tel= l me what info you want to know? > It's late, I'll shut up now. Thanks for listening. > > -- > Amanda Ohlin (Mandi) > fanfic fanatic and general nitpicker > ((()))((()))((()))((()))((()))((()))((()))((()))((())) > () Mandi's Weird Web Page: () > () () > () () > () Visit the CMW High School Student Web Project: () > () () > ((()))((()))((()))((()))((()))((()))((()))((()))((())) > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: Tomorrow People are Fiddling on the Roof Date: 12 Aug 1997 06:42:55 +0000 my friend Elizabeth is attempting to write a play titled "Tomorrow People are Fiddling on the Roof". she takes pieces of the script from Fiddler on the Roof, and mixes them around so their relevant to the new series. it doesn't have much of a plot (at least as of yet) but what she's got, i think is hysterical. she asked me for help on a certain scene, and i couldn't really think of anything. in the play Fiddler on the Roof, Tevye quotes "the good book" inaccurately in a conversation. she's trying to re-arrange that so that Kevin quotes someone in the original series wrong. (don't ask me how the new series characters would know of the original series, but i guess in her play they do). she's looking for the conversation to fit this format: Kevin: As said, "" Megabyte: said that. Kevin: ah, forgive me. As said, "" Megabyte: that was also Kevin: for a without a sure talked a lot! any ideas? --Ariana "If I was telepathic, if I could teleport, it would be the dream of my life come true!" -Megabyte Damon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mandi Ohlin Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP/Stargate Date: 13 Aug 1997 08:27:40 -0400 tzm wrote: > > I just wanted to clarify something. I am aware that the TP the new series started aring in 1992, I was refering to just the episodes of the Ramases Connection. They aired by me in 1995, which was a year after Stargate. That was the similarity I was refering to. The coyright date at the end of that serial says 1995. Thanks for showing me how specific I need to be when trying to communicate something to others. I see now how very easy it is for miscommunication and misunderstandings to occur. That's not limited to this thread or this list--worse and much more egregious mistakes have occurred! Don't worry about it. > I hope this clarifies for everyone exactly what I meant in comparing Stargate to the Ramases Connection of the TP. Copyright dates aside, the similarities are there (I have got to review the pilot ep of SG-1 I taped), and the possibilities of Rameses being one of Ra's kind/cronies/followers are endless. Anyone who has seen SG-1: do you think that the TP could be able to fight off the goa'uld (the mind-controlling parasite that got into Maj. Kowalski's head in the second ep) any more than a normal human could? The phone is in demand (sigh). 'Til later! -- Amanda Ohlin (Mandi) fanfic fanatic and general nitpicker ((()))((()))((()))((()))((()))((()))((()))((()))((())) () Mandi's Weird Web Page: () () () () () () Visit the CMW High School Student Web Project: () () () ((()))((()))((()))((()))((()))((()))((()))((()))((())) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP sighting in a movie Date: 13 Aug 1997 18:40:05 +0100 > You are right, the pilot was filmed in 1992 The pilot was filmed in December 1991 I think. The first 5 episodes actually shown were filmed in 1992. Although Rameses has a copyright date of 1995, some episodes had a 1994-style Central Television logo at the end (not seen on US broadcasts I understand, but then again there was no mention of Nickelodeon on the UK ones), and I saw the first episode in Novemeber 1994. The second episode had an advert for Stargate just before it, which said that it was opening in the UK the following Friday. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: TPDIS: Go legit? Date: 13 Aug 1997 18:42:11 +0100 I see that permission has been granted by Pearson Television to someone to use their images in an "Ace of Wands" site (to be found at Maybe some of you may want to try again to make your sites 'legit'. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Tomorrow People are Fiddling on the Roof Date: 13 Aug 1997 17:04:34 -0400 (EDT) yeah, i'm helping Liz with that too (i'm giving her quotes and whatnot). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ruby Red) Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP sighting in a movie Date: 15 Aug 1997 21:46:12 +1000 (EST) tzm wrote: > > Several weeks ago, I was watching the movie Stargate so I would be able = > to following along with the new Showtime series Stargate SG-1. Towards = > the end of the movie, when Ra was taking over, the whole scene reminded = > me of the Rameses Connection serial. Especial when the pyramid lit up = > and hovered. There was a good fifteen minutes of the movie that seemed = > to be excatly like the TP. > Has anyone else seen the movie and noticed the similarity? The movie was= > from 1994, one year before the episodes of the TP aired. Well, personally, I think *both* Stargate and The Rameses Connection got their ideas from elsewhere, not from each other. The Mysterious Knowledge of the Ancient Egyptians (and toss in some aliens and/or magic) has been around in SF for *ages*. KJA (who thinks they could have condensed all the good bits of Stargate into twenty minutes, and it still would have made just as much sense.) -- Ruby Red "Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas any more." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "heidi t." Subject: TPDIS: Re: The Daily Weekly -- August 15, 1997 -Forwarded Date: 16 Aug 1997 10:00:59 -0400 Unfortunately, because of their copyright requirement (and since I'm an intellectual property lawyer -I have to be good!) I have to forward this whole thing, just to send around the first "article" which I thought y'all would appreciate.... forgive me for the waste of bandwith, but I did think y'all would like the story! >=================================================================== >[ T H E D A I L Y W E E K L Y ] >[ "Stretching the Truth 'til it Breaks" ] >=================================================================== >[ Satire! Comedy! Legal Disclaimer! Satire! Comedy! ] >[ Copyright information at bottom of message. ] >[ Please forward this message only in its entirety. ] >=================================================================== > > Friday, August 15, 1997 > >=================================================================== >[ DOMESTIC NEWS ] >=================================================================== > > USPS UNVEILS NEW SERVICE > >WASHINGTON, DC (DWPI) - Taking advantage of the strike by United >Parcel Service workers, the U.S. Postal Service unveiled a new >shipping technology: teleportation. During a news conference in >which the concept was shown to the media, Postmaster General S. >Putter said the Postal Service will now be offering next-second >delivery to most locations. When asked about the new technology, >Putter's only comment was an obviously nervous, "Where do you think >it came from, Roswell?" > >- Reported by Phill Smith > >------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------ > > CLINTON INVESTIGATION TAKES A HIT > >OXFORD, ENGLAND (DWPI) - Whitewater Special Prosecutor, Kenneth >Starr, has failed in his quest to uncover any confessions by >President Clinton of financial misconduct, even after interviewing >women alleged to have had relationships with Clinton during his >years as Arkansas governor. So now Starr has begun interviewing >Clinton's old classmates at Oxford, in hopes that Clinton may have >confessed his future Whitewater plans to his school chums during >late night bong sessions. Said one of Starr's investigators, "I >don't know what was going through Mr. Starr's mind when he sent me >over here to get stoned with a bunch of 50-year-old guys, but hey, >I got a trip to England and some really wicked weed." > >- Reported by Jonathan Colan > >=================================================================== >[ INTERNATIONAL NEWS ] >=================================================================== > > KAL UPDATE > >SEOUL (DWPI) - Korean Airlines today announced the cancellation of >its planned advertising campaign, which had scheduled full-page >newspaper ads that boasted, "Here Today, Guam Tomorrow." The >cancellation follows a tragic accident that the FAA says killed >nearly a dozen U.S. citizens and some other people. Initial >reports blamed the crash on pilot error, but a KAL spokesperson >took issue, suggesting that North Korean agents may have moved the >runway back by three miles prior to the accident. > >- Reported by David E. Spiro > >=================================================================== >[ LIFESYTLE / THE ARTS ] >=================================================================== > > GOD CONCEDES > >LONDON (DWPI) - In a move that startled many Christians, God has >conceded to Oasis. "I give up," God was quoted as saying, "Oasis >is bigger than me." When asked how the band came about, the Lord >responded, "Well, Odin and I are always trying to top each other. >He's been one-up on me since he created Deion Sanders, so I came up >with the Gallagher brothers and their egos. In truth, even *I* was >stunned by the sheer size of those damn egos! Man!!" God went on >to apologize for Bono of U2, claiming, "He was really just a test >case, but a pretty damn good attempt, if I say so myself." > >- Reported by Craig Stacey > >------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------ > > AMAZING DISCOVERY SHEDS NEW LIGHT ON FILM > >LOS ANGELES (DWPI) - Film historian J.R. Tracy has reported the >discovery of a joke in the original draft screenplay for the film, >"A Simple Wish." "Don't let the presence of Martin Short fool you," >Tracy stated, "this was originally going to be a comedy." The >discovery comes as a shock to established film critics and the few >people who have seen the film. > >- Reported by Rob Seulowitz > >------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------ > > SUE SPICER'S STARCHART > Know Your Future Before Everone Else Does! > >Leo - Birthday times promises presents and getting your ass kissed. > All things you like! Don't be afraid to push the envelope. If > your mate is looking a little fatter, tell him or her. > >Virgo - Time to get social if you want to score some nice gifts for > your approaching birthday. Expensive tastes are bad only when > you're doing the buying! Tell some aging Leo how young they > look and maybe they'll share their birthday booty with you. > >Libra - Go to Europe. Visit lots of castles. Attend a party. Run > with the bulls, but watch those Taurus'. You'd be safer with > the four-hoofed kind this sun cycle. > >=================================================================== >[ D A I L Y W E E K L Y I N F O ] >[ ------------------------------------ ] >[ To subscribe, send mail to ] >[ with SUBSCRIBE DAILY-WEEKLY in the *body* of the message. ] >[ --- --- --- --- ] >[ To unsubscribe, send mail to ] >[ with UNSUBSCRIBE DAILY-WEEKLY" in the *body* of the message. ] >[ --- --- --- --- ] >[ For info on submitting items, send mail to ] >[ with WRITE in the *subject* line of the message. ] >=================================================================== >[ Copyright 1997, Chris White ] >[ The Daily Weekly is published by Chris White ( ] >[ Techno-wizardry by Neil Schwarztman ( ] >[ --- --- --- --- ] >[ Please forward this message only in its entirety. ] >[ Radio and television programs, magazines and newspapers ] >[ *must* receive permission before using this material. ] >=================================================================== >[ T H E D A I L Y W E E K L Y ] >=================================================================== > > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: Visions Date: 16 Aug 1997 20:59:59 -0700 Yeah, I know it's still three months until the convention but I was hoping to get a feel for who's going, who's planning to go, and who wants a room party. I sorta have an inroad with the convention planners (very sorta, but I *might* be able to finagle them into showing something TP related in the video rooms *if* I can convince them that there will be enough interest) and I'm curious just for curiousity's sake. I think it might be fun to have a room party, where all the listees can meet one another, but I also need to know if there's any interest in that. I refuse to throw another room party on three hours notice. The convention is held Thanksgiving weekend in Chicago. Check out their page at for more information. ... W. Loraine * Listowner: Tomorrow People Creative and Discussion Lists Editor: infinitum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: TPDIS: Tomorrow People ASCII Art Date: 19 Aug 1997 14:33:04 +1000 (EST) As some people know I do ASCII art, and as those of you who went to the Tomorrow People chat on the last two weekends know, I having a spree at the the moment doing TP pictures. So far I've done Adam and Andrew in addition to John and Liz who I did a while ago. Does anyone have any other requests? (I'm already trying to do a Megabyte). The ASCIIs of John and Liz can be found on my page at - Liz is my favourite and one of my best. The others will appear there in a few days. Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working / |out all the combat tables and everything. o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time \ |the dice caught fire . . .' | --Terry Pratchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "tzm" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Tomorrow People ASCII Art Date: 19 Aug 1997 22:15:13 PDT ---------- > As some people know I do ASCII art, and as those of you who went to the > Tomorrow People chat on the last two weekends know, I having a spree = at > the the moment doing TP pictures. So far I've done Adam and Andrew in = > addition to John and Liz who I did a while ago. Does anyone have any = > other requests? (I'm already trying to do a Megabyte). > > The ASCIIs of John and Liz can be found on my page at > - Liz is my favourite = and > one of my best. The others will appear there in a few days. > >Shaun, can you do a scene from the Living Skins episode, preferably one = with the bubble suits on? Thanks. Update us when the page has the new pics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Trina L. Short" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Visions Date: 20 Aug 1997 00:09:26 -0400 wrote: >=20 > Yeah, I know it's still three months until the convention but I was > hoping to get a feel for who's going, who's planning to go, and who > wants a room party. I'm going to Visions this year, and I think a room party would be fun. But be sure not to schedule one against the PMEB party - we intend for this one to be bigger than last year's (and it went from 8pm to 3am).=20 (BTW - whether you are a Paul McGann or Doctor Who fan or not, you are always welcome to the PMEB party...) We had the PMEB party on Friday Night IIRC. (Though several people who came to our party were party hopping, so I suppose a party at the same time wouldn't be too detrimental to either.) > I sorta have an inroad with the convention planners (very sorta, but I > *might* be able to finagle them into showing something TP related in=20 > the video rooms *if* I can convince them that there will be enough > interest) Surely "A Man for Emily" would be appropriate. After all Peter Davison was in it and he's the main guest. (Besides, I'd love to see that one again.) > I refuse to throw another room party on three hours notice. I don't blame you there. I think the PMEB party was planned weeks in advance. This year's has already started the planning session. (And chances are it's in our room again. :) --=20 trinalin, planning on no sleep this Thanksgiving (again) =A91997 ACME Page Fillers, Inc. <-Note new URL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michele Mason" Subject: TPDIS: TP chat Date: 19 Aug 1997 21:56:50 PDT Chat? When and where is this held? (Forgive me, I'm a little slow sometimes!) ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: TPDIS: Visions Date: 20 Aug 1997 07:16:55 +0100 "Trina L. Short" writes: > Surely "A Man for Emily" would be appropriate. After all Peter Davison > was in it and he's the main guest. Since Peter Davision has said more than once that it was the worst thing he had ever done, possibly he wouldn't be too happy about it. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ruby Red) Subject: Re: TPDIS: Visions Date: 20 Aug 1997 22:02:03 +1000 (EST) Jeremy Rogers wrote: > > "Trina L. Short" writes: > > > Surely "A Man for Emily" would be appropriate. After all Peter Davison > > was in it and he's the main guest. > > Since Peter Davision has said more than once that it was the worst > thing he had ever done, possibly he wouldn't be too happy about it. Hear! Hear! (Or is that "Here! Here!" ?) Please, I beg of you, DON'T ask them to show "A Man For Emily". Not only would it be unfair to Peter Davison, it would be unfair to The Tomorrow People! How on earth could you showcase the show by showing one of the worst episodes? -- Ruby Red "Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas any more." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP chat Date: 20 Aug 1997 08:50:57 -0400 (EDT) On Tue, 19 Aug 1997, "Michele Mason" wrote: >Chat? When and where is this held? (Forgive me, I'm a little slow >sometimes!) -- We haven't got a definite time yet....but instructions are below.... Tomorrow People CHAT To connect to IRC, you need IRC software, called an "IRC client", and an internet connection that allows you full internet access. You'll need to download the chat client from the web. The best two programs available are FREE (can't get better than that). The most popular is mIRC, but I use PIRCH. (Mac users try IRCLE) Here are a few places I know of you can get mIRC: United Kingdom Kuwait USA Brazil South Africa The Netherlands USA For PIRCH, take a walk over to YAHOO! and type in PIRCH as your search, and you'll get a list of places to download their software. (This also applies to IRCLE) Once you get your software set up (they both have excellent help files, and I suggest reading them): Choose a DALnet server: Go to get the most current server list. Some servers I use often are: Log onto the net like you normally do, then start your chat client. See that blinking curser in a text box on your screen at the bottom? That's where you type. Type the following to connect, substituting the server you have chosen. I'm using the server called "", as an example: /server OR (once you have learned to navigate around the screens) you can point and click on a server from the list both programs have included. If you've connected, you'll see that particular server's MOTD (Message of the Day). You know then, that you are connected. If you get messages like, "disconnected", "unable to connect", "no more connections" or "this server is full," just keep trying. If you get a message "unable to resolve server" check the spelling of the server you typed. Once the MOTD has stopped scrolling by, you can enter #TomorrowPeople. To enter #TomorrowPeople type: /join #TomorrowPeople Note the syntax. It isn't Tomorrow People, or #Tomorrow People. You must put the # sign at the start, and there isn't a space between 'Tomorrow' and 'People'. If you type #Tomorrow People, you will end up in a non channel called #Tomorrow and be very lonely. To get a list of who is on the channel before you enter it, type: /who #TomorrowPeople. Remember, the syntax is the same as above. If you're having trouble getting to #TomorrowPeople email me at PLEASE be sure to tell me what type of computer you use, what kind of internet account you have (shell or SLIP/PPP), and the name of your chat client. If you are getting an error message, please copy it down WORD FOR WORD and include it. There's a lot of help available once you connect to DALnet. Help menus are available by typing the following commands: /msg helpserv help /msg nickserv help /msg chanserv help Helpserv contains general help files. Nickserv lists commands on how to register your nick, and set various commands such as "kill", etc. Chanserv lists commands specific to setting up and running your own channel. You can also seek help online by joining the following channels: #Help #IRCHelp #DALHelp #HelpDesk #mIRC (for all questions specific to mIRC clients) #dragonrealm (for password problems) There isn't a set chat night yet, but I will try and be on the channel as much as I can, in the evenings to make sure that things run smoothly. I will be finding a backup SOP to assist me in these endeavors. Thanks! ade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Waddell Subject: Re: TPDIS: books Date: 21 Aug 1997 06:28:45 GMT On Mon, 28 Jul 1997 10:17:16 -0400, you wrote: >For anyone that needs it, David's e-mail address is > > > >And I want to get ahold of those books too! > >Rachel :) sorry I've been out of touch - my PC was broken. I still have a *very* few of the books left. The books are: The Living Stones The Rameses Connection Monsoon Man They retailed at =A33.99, and I only had about 30 of each - so, it is a first come, first served basis. I am selling them at =A35 each, but this includes postage and packing. Cheques should be in UK Sterling (due to the prohibitive charges that the bank make to exchange currency) and made payable to "David Waddell". The address for orders: David Waddell =46lat 30 Waterloo Warehouse Waterloo Dock Liverpool UK L3 0BG D@ve ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Tomorrow People ASCII Art Date: 20 Aug 1997 20:06:39 -0400 (EDT) i'd like to see Jade (::Glances at arpi with a stun gun::). ;-) -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Visions Date: 21 Aug 1997 10:46:33 -0400 (EDT) can't argue that! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: The Daily Weekly -- August 15, 1997 -Forwarded Date: 21 Aug 1997 13:21:17 -0400 (EDT) what on eart is that? cool, though, though i'm sure not true (duh!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Visions Date: 21 Aug 1997 13:22:19 -0400 (EDT) what IS visions? Also, for us minors out there, i doubt our parents would really go for us going to meet strangers by ourselves even if they'd cough up the dough (which MY parents prob. wouldn't!). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Visions Date: 21 Aug 1997 14:51:57 -0700 >what IS visions? It's a media convention held in Chicago every thanksgiving. >i doubt our parents would really go for us going to meet strangers by >ourselves even if they'd cough up the dough (which MY parents prob. >wouldn't!). That, I guess, depends on your parents and how old you are. I started going to conventions when I was 15, but only local ones that I could get to on bicyle and didn't have to pay hotel fees for. Went to my first "real" convention three years ago. ... W. Loraine * Listowner: Tomorrow People Creative and Discussion Lists Editor: infinitum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: happy trails Date: 21 Aug 1997 14:53:13 -0700 forwarded for Mandy Ohlin Weeelll....I have succumbed to deadlines, and come Saturday I'll be packing up and heading off for Hood College. So until I get my Hood address up and running, I'll be uns*bscribing from TPDIS and TPFICT. In the interim, I can be reached at I'm not sure how long it'll take to get my connection set up. 'Til then, -- Amanda Ohlin (Mandi) fanfic fanatic and general nitpicker ((()))((()))((()))((()))((()))((()))((()))((()))((())) () Mandi's Weird Web Page: () () () () () () Visit the CMW High School Student Web Project: () () () ((()))((()))((()))((()))((()))((()))((()))((()))((())) "Duct tape is like The Force: it has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together." -- unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: TPDIS: Visions Date: 22 Aug 1997 20:37:39 +0100 writes: > what IS visions? Also, for us minors out there, i doubt our parents would > really go for us going to meet strangers by ourselves even if they'd cough up > the dough (which MY parents prob. wouldn't!). The last convention I went to which had any TP content had a few UMs (as they are called in the air business). I think they were a little disappointed that Kristian Schmid had chickened out at the last minute. The old series episode they chose was one from The Vanishing Earth, not exactly a story I would have chosen. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Visions Date: 22 Aug 1997 16:12:51 -0400 (EDT) Vanishing earth? Have they no taste? Well, if they like The Tomorrow People, they must! -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Visions Date: 22 Aug 1997 20:42:58 -0400 (EDT) i went to conventions when i was in 4th grade, but never alone, and i'm 13 now (not exactly legally independant!). -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Hal Freeman Subject: Re: TPDIS: Visions Date: 22 Aug 1997 20:45:28 -0400 Nice to know I'm not alone. For a moment there I was terrified at the thought of being the only ::Insert huge gasp of terror (circa, 50's b movies):: MINOR! So I'm not alone. You know we're at risk of breaking out Geoff. I could see you one day at the ship or something. Well if you get to the beach before I do tell Adam and everyone else hi for me. I could break out, this could be it, Megan Freeman, Age 13! ******* Hold it in your heart where Tomorrow lies -REM "Shiny Happy People" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: Re: Peter Vauhan Clarke Date: 23 Aug 1997 01:42:01 -0400 (EDT) Uh, guys, I just got this in the email :) If any of you want to form a general statement, then, uh, go ahead. If not, I'm just gonna ask her if she can help me with actor information on my web page or find out some general Tomorrow People information: >I found your web page by accident and happened to notice the bit about >Peter Vauhan Clarke. Peter, or PCV as he is now known is a very good friend >of mine and we've worked together for quite a while. In fact I was with him >today! If you or anyone wabnts to know what he's been up to drop him a line >via my e-mail (he's not on the net) and I'm sure he'll be more than happy >to fill you in! > > Amy :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Peter Vauhan Clarke Date: 23 Aug 1997 09:31:52 -0400 (EDT) whoa! that's news! i'd love ta e-mail 'im! speaking of contacting TP actors (okay, os no one actually said that), my friend MAY have found the address of our favorite KS! :;watches certain people light up:: she has 2, and it's one of them, so she just needs to test. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Peter Vauhan Clarke Date: 23 Aug 1997 10:44:49 -0400 (EDT) -- Wait a second....PVC has e-mail? I just got home from a trip, and apparently all of my mail hasn't been delivered (I had 101 messages in my box after two days). Can someone re-send the address? ade On Sat, 23 Aug 1997, wrote: > whoa! that's news! i'd love ta e-mail 'im! speaking of contacting TP >actors (okay, os no one actually said that), my friend MAY have found the >address of our favorite KS! :;watches certain people light up:: she has 2, >and it's one of them, so she just needs to test. > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Waddell Subject: TPDIS: New series books Date: 24 Aug 1997 00:48:06 GMT Hi Guys, I have still got a few remaining of a (small) supply of new series books (thanks to those who have already got their books - hope they are enjoying them). if anyone is interested, please email me. D@ve ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Waddell Subject: TPDIS: New series books Date: 24 Aug 1997 00:48:06 GMT Hi Guys, I have still got a few remaining of a (small) supply of new series books (thanks to those who have already got their books - hope they are enjoying them). if anyone is interested, please email me. D@ve ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Peter Vauhan Clarke Date: 23 Aug 1997 12:49:30 -0500 (CDT) Amy wrote that someone else wrote: >>I found your web page by accident and happened to notice the bit about >>Peter Vauhan Clarke. Peter, or PCV as he is now known is a very good friend >>of mine and we've worked together for quite a while. In fact I was with him >>today! If you or anyone wabnts to know what he's been up to drop him a line >>via my e-mail (he's not on the net) and I'm sure he'll be more than happy >>to fill you in! >> >> Am I the only one here who isn't sure we should believe this? Not to rain on anyone's parade or anything, but how do we know we can trust this person? (Of course, the last time I said that was in connection to my Tommy Page pages and it turned out to be probably true, but still, I felt I had to make the point.) Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Peter Vauhan Clarke Date: 23 Aug 1997 13:53:05 -0400 (EDT) no, it's not too unbelievable. i read somewhere that his career died after TTP (though it may not be true). But he's not a giant celebrity or anything. And even if he was, that doesn't mean no one knows him! (My "book buddy" in kindergarden was Matthew Laurence [however you spell it], and i knew his older brother too,, though they weren't very nice]). -The Trusting One ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Hal Freeman Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Peter Vauhan Clarke Date: 23 Aug 1997 13:49:09 -0400 Who is Peter Vauhan Clarke? I must have missed something. Is he really important to the Tomorrow People or something? I could break out, anytime now, watch me! Megan ******* Hold it in your heart where Tomorrow shines -REM "Shiny Happy People" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Peter Vauhan Clarke Date: 23 Aug 1997 14:53:08 -0400 (EDT) he's Stepehn from the old series. I thought it was peter vauGhan! oh well ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Peter Vauhan Clarke Date: 23 Aug 1997 17:44:09 -0400 (EDT) -- I didn't see the original post, but I got a letter recently with the same sort of wording, from a guy who said that he was IN the show, and still knew Mike H. Could be a scam, could be coincidence. ade On Sat, 23 Aug 1997, Tigger wrote: >Amy wrote that someone else wrote: >>>I found your web page by accident and happened to notice the bit about >>>Peter Vauhan Clarke. Peter, or PCV as he is now known is a very good friend >>>of mine and we've worked together for quite a while. In fact I was with him >>>today! If you or anyone wabnts to know what he's been up to drop him a line >>>via my e-mail (he's not on the net) and I'm sure he'll be more than happy >>>to fill you in! >>> >>> >Am I the only one here who isn't sure we should believe this? Not to rain on >anyone's parade or anything, but how do we know we can trust this person? >(Of course, the last time I said that was in connection to my Tommy Page pages >and it turned out to be probably true, but still, I felt I had to make the >point.) >Beth > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michele Mason" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Peter Vauhan Clarke Date: 23 Aug 1997 17:10:11 PDT EPSTEINB wrote: >>Am I the only one here who isn't sure we should believe this? Not >>to rain on anyone's parade or anything, but how do we know we can >>trust this person? >>(Of course, the last time I said that was in connection to my Tommy >>Page pages and it turned out to be probably true, but still, I felt >>I had to make the point.) I have to agree. Maybe I'm jaded here, but I think that you can't take everything that everyone says at face value. Trust me, I've had some interesting "encounters" in real life w/people who turned out to be full of themselves! Be cautious and even a little dubious! Michele ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Peter Vauhan Clarke Date: 24 Aug 1997 10:17:58 +1000 (EST) Just an observation here. I do have Roger Price's e-mail address but i wouldn't give it out without his permission - these people are entitled to privacy and some fans can forget that. If you do get someone from the shows e-mail adress please don't abuse it. Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working / |out all the combat tables and everything. o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time \ |the dice caught fire . . .' | --Terry Pratchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: New series books Date: 23 Aug 1997 20:19:35 -0400 (EDT) Hi, I'd be interested in buying one copy of each title you have left. I just need to figure out the best way to convert my US currency to British. You can e-mail me at --Temesha Chatman ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: TPDIS: TP Chat Date: 24 Aug 1997 10:56:16 +1000 (EST) I'm anout to head over to Dalnet. So if anyone wants to chat I will be there. Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working / |out all the combat tables and everything. o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time \ |the dice caught fire . . .' | --Terry Pratchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Waddell Subject: Re: TPDIS: New series books Date: 24 Aug 1997 16:17:19 GMT On Sat, 23 Aug 1997 20:19:35 -0400 (EDT), you wrote: >Hi, I'd be interested in buying one copy of each title you have left. I= just >need to figure out the best way to convert my US currency to British. = You >can e-mail me=20 >at > >--Temesha Chatman =20 Hi, The books are: The Living Stones The Rameses Connection Monsoon Man They retailed at =A33.99, and I only have about 30 of each - so, it is a first come, first served basis. I am selling them at =A35 each, but this includes postage and packing even to the States. Cheques should be in UK Sterling (because the banks charge an absolute fortune for converting currency) and made payable to "David Waddell". However, I am planning on coming to the USA on holiday in a couple of months, so if you want to send $cash then please make sure it is well packaged. I'd email you to let you know when it arrives. The address for orders: David Waddell =46lat 30 Waterloo Warehouse Waterloo Dock Liverpool UK L3 0BG Hope this helps. D@ve ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Peter Vauhan Clarke Date: 24 Aug 1997 09:16:33 +0100 "Michele Mason" writes: > I have to agree. Maybe I'm jaded here, but I think that you can't take > everything that everyone says at face value. The mis-spelling of the name etc looks a problem, but then again we all type things quickly and don't look at what we have done. Peter Vaughan Clarke has carried the nickname PVC since the Tomorrow People, but that is well known. > Be cautious and even a little dubious! But don't discount it altogether. PVC is not one of the cast which disappeared when he left the show. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Peter Vauhan Clarke Date: 24 Aug 1997 20:15:53 -0500 (CDT) Jez wrote: >But don't discount it altogether. PVC is not one of the cast which >disappeared when he left the show. We need to find a chat time that isn't the wee hours of the morning in the UK. This came up last night, and we discovered that not only was the email from someone claiming to know Mike H similarly worded, but the email addresses were pretty similar, placing it in the highly dubious category. If someone can come up with questions that the answers to wouldn't be well known (tricky), it might be worth trying to question them, though. Unless you've come up with something, Shaun? (Wait, he actually goes by his initials?!) Beth PS Watch this person sub the list at the wrong moment. Bets? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: Vacation Date: 24 Aug 1997 22:20:15 -0400 (EDT) Sorry to be off-topic, but i'm going on vacation and i'll be back on wednesday, so dinnae worry that i'm gone! (darien, please tell the lsit, i didn't want them to kill me for being off-topic, but TPDIS: you guys are MUCH nicer about that sorta thing!) -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "tzm" Subject: Re: TPDIS: New series books Date: 24 Aug 1997 22:23:34 PDT ---------- > On Sat, 23 Aug 1997 20:19:35 -0400 (EDT), you wrote: > > >Hi, I'd be interested in buying one copy of each title you have left. = I just > >need to figure out the best way to convert my US currency to British. = You > >can e-mail me > >at > > > >--Temesha Chatman > > Hi, > > The books are: > > The Living Stones > The Rameses Connection > Monsoon Man > > They retailed at =A33.99, and I only have about 30 of each - so, it is = a > first come, first served basis. > > I am selling them at =A35 each, but this includes postage and packing > even to the States. > > Cheques should be in UK Sterling (because the banks charge an absolute > fortune for converting currency) and made payable to "David Waddell". > However, I am planning on coming to the USA on holiday in a couple of > months, so if you want to send $cash then please make sure it is well > packaged. I'd email you to let you know when it arrives. > > The address for orders: > > David Waddell > Flat 30 > Waterloo Warehouse > Waterloo Dock > Liverpool > UK > L3 0BG > > > > Hope this helps. > > > > D@ve > > Dave, when you are in the states, if you give an address on where you = will be and when, I would send you money for a book or two. Provided of = course you still had any left when you got here. Also tell me how much = it would cost in american currancy. Thanks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Peter Vauhan Clarke Date: 25 Aug 1997 16:12:52 +1000 (EST) On Sun, 24 Aug 1997, Tigger wrote: > We need to find a chat time that isn't the wee hours of the morning in the UK. > This came up last night, and we discovered that not only was the email from > someone claiming to know Mike H similarly worded, but the email addresses were > pretty similar, placing it in the highly dubious category. > If someone can come up with questions that the answers to wouldn't be well > known (tricky), it might be worth trying to question them, though. > Unless you've come up with something, Shaun? I done some checking and can find no evidence that this person is known for having done this before, and no conclusive evidence that the two e-mail addresses belong to the same person (there was some very tenuous circumstantial evidence, but not enough to draw any conclusions from and IMHO that link was more likely to be coincidence rather than anything else). Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working / |out all the combat tables and everything. o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time \ |the dice caught fire . . .' | --Terry Pratchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: TPDIS: T-Shirts: Really the Last Call Date: 26 Aug 1997 18:39:07 -0500 (CDT) The Design: Front: pocket logo, the stylyzed TP design from the late original series AE suits. Back: the original series logo and the quotes: "Can you imagine living your whole life in a tribe of monkeys, with your very survival depending on them not finding out that you're a human being, a superior creature? That's the sort of training these kids have had," Professor Cawston. "Secret Weapon" (1975) "Every kid in the world could be a Tomorrow Person. Maybe its the kids who feel different, who don't fit in. There's nothing wrong with them really, they're just like us," Adam Newman. "The Origin Story" (1992) "Anyone could be a Tomorrow People fan. Maybe it's just the ones who feel different, like they don't fit in. There's nothing wrong with them really - they're just like us. Hey, wait a sec, they are us!" Kyrie Daniels. TPFICT (1995) ---------------------- Price: Small through XL is 14.55 USD (if it needs to be sent within the US), 14.90 USD to the UK or Australia (if you're somewhere else, ask me and I'll find out the postage and tell you). XXL's are an additional 2.13 USD, and XXXL an additional 3.20. Bio majors don't do more arithmetic than necessary, sorry. :) If you're interested, please email me ASAP for an order form. All checks must be in US dollars as my banks' fee for checks in other currencies is about the same as the price of the shirt (slightly more, but not much). If you have suggestions for trades, I'm willing to listen, but unless you've got an extra copy of The Lost Gods, etc novelization lying around, I'm afraid I'm out of ideas. And I am asking for the money up front. Why the sudden extra chance? There are some slow pokes about getting their checks to me, and as for some strange reason 21 people get a better deal on 24 shirts than 21, I have some extras to work with, and am looking for a way to get the order in before I have to leave for school without worrying about losing money. email me at if you're intersted. Thanks, Beth PS The goal of this little exercise is to come as close to breaking even as possible without going over. The prices were determined based on what I needed to break even (read: pay for one shirt) if 21 shirts were purchased. As anything else on this list, no copyright infringement is intended. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: TPDIS: Kristian Schmid Scenes Date: 27 Aug 1997 09:51:23 +1000 (EST) I know it's nearly two months away but I heard this last night so I thought I'd post it now. Either the October 17th episode or an episode in the week starting October 20th of Neighbours (Australian showing) is going to feature a number of flashbacks to previous episodes. It is apparently very likely that some of these flashback scenes will involved Kristian Schmid playing the character of Todd Landers. I know nothing else about this at this stage but am attempting to find out more. I have a friend who is absolutely insane about Neighbours. I don't know how anyone can get so obsessed about a TV show (-8. He may know more and I'll try and get in touch with him. Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working / |out all the combat tables and everything. o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time \ |the dice caught fire . . .' | --Terry Pratchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: T-Shirts: Really the Last Call Date: 27 Aug 1997 21:09:45 -0400 (EDT) you HAVE my dough! ;-) -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: TPDIS: TP Punishments Date: 27 Aug 1997 22:57:42 -0500 (CDT) A random discussion Shaun and I stumbled our way onto (I don't even remember *how*): If John and Liz had to go about punishing a TP (for argument's sake, lets say circa season 7 or so, aka New Lab), how would they go about it? I came up with ostracism (this would have to be for something pretty severe), scrubbing outthe lab's toilets, fixing satellites (OK, this wouldn't be much of a punishment for Andrew). It is debatable as to whether or not they could ground a TP. (Since this translated well from American to Australian, I'll assume the British should also ascertain the meaning without too much trouble.) Thoughts? Suggestions? Comments? Beth (Posted w/Shaun's permission and encouragement.) Right, time to finish up that fanfic.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Punishments Date: 28 Aug 1997 09:08:14 -0400 (EDT) grounding a TP? Fat chance! in "Hitler's Last Secret", they tried to keep Mike in the lab, but did that work? Anyway, i thought that TIM jaunted the "waste" to a nearby septic tank! ;-) -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Waddell Subject: Re: TPDIS: New series books Date: 28 Aug 1997 22:13:37 GMT On Sun, 24 Aug 97 22:23:34 PDT, you wrote: >> >> Dave, when you are in the states, if you give an address on where you = will be and when, I would send you money for a book or two. Provided of = course you still had any left when you got here. Also tell me how much = it would cost in american currancy. >Thanks. > I am only considering coming on holiday to the States at the moment - no firm plans, It will all depend on how work, money etc is at the time. I am thinking of going to California, but even that is not certain. Best plan is to send the order to me here in the UK. > > D@ve ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Trina L. Short" Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Punishments Date: 28 Aug 1997 17:39:29 -0400 wrote: >=20 > grounding a TP? Fat chance! in "Hitler's Last Secret", they tried t= o > keep Mike in the lab, but did that work? Anyway, i thought that TIM > jaunted the "waste" to a nearby septic tank! ;-) Punishment would be making Mike *watch* "Hitler's Last Secret" (I know, I recently subjected my self to that for the first time in 15 years.) --=20 trinalin =A91997 ACME Page Fillers, Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ariana B) Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Punishments Date: 28 Aug 1997 04:18:17 -0400 > grounding a TP? Fat chance! in "Hitler's Last Secret", they tried to keep > Mike in the lab, but did that work? Anyway, i thought that TIM jaunted the > "waste" to a nearby septic tank! ;-) well, he? obviously doesn't do a very good job of it. Mike's still around! hey, there's a good punishment. subject them to hours on end of Mike's pop music. that's enough punishment for anyone. --Ariana "If I was telepathic, if I could teleport, it would be the dream of my life come true!" --Megabyte Damon, The Tomorrow People ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Punishments Date: 29 Aug 1997 11:50:32 +1000 (EST) On Thu, 28 Aug 1997, Ariana B wrote: > > grounding a TP? Fat chance! in "Hitler's Last Secret", they tried to keep > > Mike in the lab, but did that work? Anyway, i thought that TIM jaunted > > the "waste" to a nearby septic tank! ;-) > > well, he? obviously doesn't do a very good job of it. Mike's still > around! OOOHHH! And I thought I was vicious about Mike sometimes! Personally I think they should've just kept some of Jedikiah's silencer bands around. Stick that on a TP's head and you could ground them very effectively. Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working / |out all the combat tables and everything. o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time \ |the dice caught fire . . .' | --Terry Pratchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michele Mason" Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Punishments Date: 28 Aug 1997 19:16:55 PDT >>Personally I think they should've just kept some of Jedikiah's >>silencer bands around. Stick that on a TP's head and you could >>ground them very effectively. Hear, hear! The perfect punishment! Of course, there's always stun guns, but I guess that would get old after a while. . . Michele ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Punishments Date: 28 Aug 1997 22:36:08 -0500 (CDT) Ariana wrote: >hey, there's a good punishment. subject them to hours on end of Mike's >pop music. that's enough punishment for anyone. Hey, at least Mike can sing, unlike Byron Lucifer! Also, the only person this would seem to be a good punishment for is John. And I doubt they'd ever punish him, he's too old! Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Punishments Date: 29 Aug 1997 14:57:06 +0100 (Ariana B) writes: > hey, there's a good punishment. subject them to hours on end of Mike's > pop music. that's enough punishment for anyone. Hmm, Mike Holoway / Flintlock in the mid 1970s seemed to be never off the screen. If it wasn't The Tomorrow People the band was in You Must Be Joking or Pauline's Quirkes, or a guest on some other show. Mike Holoway Senior must have been a good manager! Recently I came across some publicity photos of MH and Flintlock. One shows them playing in sort of green-brown matching trousers and T shirts, the latter with their individual names on (yuk). Another has MH pictured in a clearly very tatty and worn-out AE suit: the helmet clearly has 'PVC' written inside. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Punishments Date: 29 Aug 1997 13:27:37 -0400 (EDT) if they DID keep the bands, they should've super-glued one to Mike's head. Another punishment could be taking away their jaunting bands. (No jaunting for you!) -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ariana B) Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Punishments Date: 28 Aug 1997 06:59:49 -0400 > if they DID keep the bands, they should've super-glued one to Mike's head. > Another punishment could be taking away their jaunting bands. (No jaunting > for you!) they can Jaunt without the belts, just not extremely far. and besides, i think that would be too dangerous. if they go Jaunting off without one, no one would have any way of knowing where they were, unless they were told. if they for some reason got into trouble, there would be less of a chance of getting them out of it, especially if it was spontaneous and they didn't have any other leads. --Ariana "If I was telepathic, if I could teleport, it would be the dream of my life come true!" --Megabyte Damon, The Tomorrow People ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Hal Freeman Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Punishments Date: 29 Aug 1997 16:01:37 -0400 wrote: > if they DID keep the bands, they should've super-glued one to > Mike's head. > Another punishment could be taking away their jaunting bands. (No > jaunting > for you!) > -Geoff That might work, but knowing all Tomorrow People (Old, new, imagined, breaking out, non-broken out etc) they'd get into trouble and since TP won't fight, then teleporting is their defense and I'm betting if somebody super glued one of those suckers to Mike, he or maybe his mom or something would get into trouble. It's plot convience. Do those silencer bands work on saps? Cause I've got a few saps that could use 'em. Mainly my sister (but you didn't hear that from me). I'm also thinking what would happen if you put one on Megabyte or Jade from the new series? That would be nice. Just Megabyte in the first series, he needed it. I can think of some news series saps, TP, and villians that need 'em. It's just a thought. Who would know? I'm gonna break out any day now, Megan Freeman, 13 and proud of it! ******* Hold it in your heart where Tomorrow shines -REM "Shiny Happy People" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Punishments Date: 29 Aug 1997 19:15:32 -0500 (CDT) Jez wrote: >rs and T >shirts, the latter with their individual names on (yuk). Another has >MH pictured in a clearly very tatty and worn-out AE suit: the helmet >clearly has 'PVC' written inside. ROTFL! Bets it's the same one that PVC has ont he cover of Three in Three? :) Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: Chat... Date: 29 Aug 1997 20:56:03 -0400 (EDT) The chat room is open for business. If you see this message, please join us. ade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: SapphireSky Subject: TPDIS: Christian Tessier project? Date: 29 Aug 1997 23:23:10 -0400 I was cruising the Nickelodeon news group, and someone was talking about Christian when he was on "You Can't Do That On Television". She also mentione that he was in a movie called "Night of the Demons III" or something like that. Anyone know anything about this? Good to be back! Rachel :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Hal Freeman Subject: Re: TPDIS: Christian Tessier project? Date: 29 Aug 1997 23:10:44 -0400 I missed ya Sapphire. I've heard about that. You can go to Teleporter Take out and I think that they have a filmogoraphy of Christian Tessier. I'm sure that Dreadnought or Beth Epstien, or one of these people are bound to know. I would tell you, but at this point I can't see the screen. I'd like to see what Tessier looks like in non TP action. I just can't see the dude as anything but Megabyte though. I just can't. Oh let me tell you something unbelieveable. There is this guy who rides my bus and I swear if he were just two inches taller and had a few less pimples he could be Tessier look alike. It's wierd and he's about the same age too. Maybe younger. Tessier would be what twenty now? I can't see that in my brains. I can only see the season 1 incarnation of him. The cute one! Does anybody else here get sort of weirded out by the fact that Kristian Schmid is like twenty five, twenty six. That to me is like the epitome of time flies when you're having fun. I had so much fun, I forgot that people grow up. I forgot that actors too grow up albeit much much much slower. Watch me, I'm gonna break out, any day now, Megan, 13 too much homework, can't see a thing ****** Hold it in our heart where Tomorrow shines -REM "Shiny Happy People" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Christian Tessier project? Date: 29 Aug 1997 21:18:31 -0700 >Does anybody else here get sort of weirded out by the fact that >Kristian Schmid is like twenty five, twenty six. KS is 22. He's 15 days younger than me. :) But, like me, he prolly still looks 18. ... W. Loraine * Listowner: Tomorrow People Creative and Discussion Lists Editor: infinitum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: Re: TPDIS: Christian Tessier project? Date: 30 Aug 1997 14:38:01 +1000 (EST) On Fri, 29 Aug 1997, SapphireSky wrote: > I was cruising the Nickelodeon news group, and someone was talking > about Christian when he was on "You Can't Do That On Television". She > also mentione that he was in a movie called "Night of the Demons III" or > something like that. Anyone know anything about this? The titles is correct. This movie was released this year by Republic Entertainment Ltd and is rated R in the US. It's going to appear in my updated CT filmography in a few days. Other roles for Christian include: Natural Enemy (1997) (released to TV) Habitat The Tomorrow People You Can't Do That On Television. An appearance in Goosebumps. A starring role in an episode of Are You Afraid Of The Dark? (The Tale of Laughing In The Dark). An appearance in another episode of Are You Afraid of The Dark? (The Tale of the Curious Camera) Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working / |out all the combat tables and everything. o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time \ |the dice caught fire . . .' | --Terry Pratchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: Re: TPDIS: Christian Tessier project? Date: 30 Aug 1997 14:39:29 +1000 (EST) On Fri, 29 Aug 1997 wrote: > >Does anybody else here get sort of weirded out by the fact that > >Kristian Schmid is like twenty five, twenty six. > > KS is 22. He's 15 days younger than me. :) But, like me, he prolly > still looks 18. Actually he does look 22 and plays a 21 year old in his only current TV role. Yours Without Wax, |'Dead clever of him,' said Wobbler. 'I Dreadnought |mean sitting down there in Hell, working / |out all the combat tables and everything. o=== ======================- |I bet he used to really swear every time \ |the dice caught fire . . .' | --Terry Pratchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "tzm" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Christian Tessier project? Date: 30 Aug 1997 01:12:11 PDT ---------- > I missed ya Sapphire. I've heard about that. You can go to Teleporter > Take out and I think that they have a filmogoraphy of Christian Tessier= . > I'm sure that Dreadnought or Beth Epstien, or one of these people are > bound to know. I would tell you, but at this point I can't see the > screen. > > I'd like to see what Tessier looks like in non TP action. I just can't > see the dude as anything but Megabyte though. I just can't. Oh let me > tell you something unbelieveable. There is this guy who rides my bus = and > I swear if he were just two inches taller and had a few less pimples = he > could be Tessier look alike. It's wierd and he's about the same age too= . > Maybe younger. Tessier would be what twenty now? I can't see that in = my > brains. I can only see the season 1 incarnation of him. The cute one! > Does anybody else here get sort of weirded out by the fact that Kristia= n > Schmid is like twenty five, twenty six. That to me is like the epitome > of time flies when you're having fun. I had so much fun, I forgot that > people grow up. I forgot that actors too grow up albeit much much much > slower. > > > Watch me, I'm gonna break out, any day now, > > Megan, 13 too much homework, can't see a thing > ****** > Hold it in our heart where Tomorrow shines > -REM > "Shiny Happy People" > > Actually Ks is only 22. His B-day is 11/28/74. I know this from the = page. > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Punishments Date: 30 Aug 1997 15:23:45 +0100 Tigger writes: > Jez wrote: > >MH pictured in a clearly very tatty and worn-out AE suit: the helmet > >clearly has 'PVC' written inside. > ROTFL! Bets it's the same one that PVC has ont he cover of Three in Three? :) The 'PVC' is in a different place. Perhaps it was a good job the props went up in flames before they fell to bits. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Christian Tessier project? Date: 30 Aug 1997 16:34:09 -0400 (EDT) he was in 2 episodes of "Are You Afraid of the Dark?". I think arpi has them on tape. i've seen the clown one, he plays an obnoxious jerk (like usual ;-), and in the other one he's a (get this) bully and a jock! -geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Christian Tessier project? Date: 30 Aug 1997 16:36:52 -0400 (EDT) he was in Goosebumps? AAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!! Beth, fetch the stun guns! ;-) Habitat, what is that again? i recognize it somehow! -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Punishments Date: 30 Aug 1997 16:37:46 -0400 (EDT) i liked hitler's last secret (though i know it made beth cringe.) i hafta admit, though, it WAS unrealistic. -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: TP Punishments Date: 30 Aug 1997 14:35:37 -0700 <---- Begin Forwarded Message ----> ["Marcell J. Elsegood" ] Is it possible that PVC doesn't just refer to Peter Vaughan Clarke? Perhaps the thing was made out of PVC tubing material, and never got the PVC removed ;) <---- End Forwarded Message ----> ... W. Loraine * Listowner: Tomorrow People Creative and Discussion Lists Editor: infinitum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ariana B) Subject: Re: TPDIS: Christian Tessier project? Date: 29 Aug 1997 21:58:59 -0400 > he was in 2 episodes of "Are You Afraid of the Dark?". I think arpi has > them on tape. i've seen the clown one, he plays an obnoxious jerk (like usual > ;-), and in the other one he's a (get this) bully and a jock! yeah, i have both of them on tape, minus the beginning of the midnight society part, and the first 30 seconds. (since i didn't know the name of either of them when i was looking, it was an "ah! it's Christian Tessier!" ) i'm supposed to be sending them to Wendy, since my VCR and camcorder are both working at the same time (wow, it's a miracle) which i'll get to before school starts :) as long as i'm making copies, anyone else want it? --Ariana "If I was telepathic, if I could teleport, it would be the dream of my life come true!" --Megabyte Damon, The Tomorrow People ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: tp picture Date: 30 Aug 1997 22:19:54 -0600 (MDT) They opened the first Chapters in Edmonton a couple of weeks ago (it's a mega bookstore chain) and being totally incapable of resisting a bookstore, I went, and, yes, bought, although I don't think they'll take the place of my favourite independents. One of the books in the bargain section was called _The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Science Fiction : the Definitive Illustrated Guide_. It really fails to live up to its title - any book that omits a Nebula winner and tireless self promoter like Robert J. Sawyer (and in fact has no list of Hugo/Nebula award winners at all) is neither "Ultimate" nor "definitive," although it does include R. Lionel Fanthorpe, arguably the WORST SF writer of ALL TIME. Also the incredibly brief blurb on Buckaroo Banzai is puzzlingly negative. Anyway, the TP-related point of all this rambling is that on page 145 it does have a photo of John, Elizabeth, Hsui Tai and Mike, all looking terribly serious. J, E, and M have two fingers on their jaunting bands and H is behind them, wearing a kimono, hands as if in prayer. TIM (or at least a round table with three half hemispheres on top) is in front of them. Obvious publicity shot. The accompanying blurb about the show is fairly brief and seemed awfully familiar. Needless to say, I bought the book anyway, just for that one picture. Pathetic, eh? :) Jane Starr email: 9518 - 91 Street phone: 466-6004 Edmonton, AB, T6C 3P5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Punishments Date: 31 Aug 1997 01:07:41 -0500 (CDT) Geoff wrote: >i liked hitler's last secret (though i know it made beth cringe.) i hafta >admit, though, it WAS unrealistic. It didn't make me cringe, it made me fall on the floor laughing at the ridiculousness of it. Other than the genetic technobabble scene, it's actuallly one of my fave eps. :) Tigger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: TPDIS: tp picture Date: 31 Aug 1997 01:12:14 -0500 (CDT) >J, E, and M have two fingers on their jaunting bands >and H is behind them, wearing a kimono, hands as if in prayer. Eek. *cringe* But I'm asking anyway: Do you have a scanner Jane? We wanna see! :) >Needless to say, I bought the book anyway, just for that one picture. >Pathetic, eh? :) I spent $20 on the Man from UNCLE cult classics CD just for the TP theme. And just today bought a tape just 'cause it had a song called Telepathy on it (it was only 88 cents, the song was OK, but wholly inappropraiate for TP fanfic, IMHO). Feel better? Tigger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "heidi t." Subject: Re: TPDIS: tp picture Date: 31 Aug 1997 08:48:49 -0400 > >Needless to say, I bought the book anyway, just for that one picture. >Pathetic, eh? :) Only pathetic if you don't, whenever you have a chance, get that photo scanned & uploaded onto a website... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Hal Freeman Subject: TPDIS: Diana is dead (Off Topic) Date: 31 Aug 1997 09:16:25 -0400 I know that this is horribly off topic, but I found out right when it happened over CNN. I can't believe that I knew before most of Britian. It's hard to believe that Diana is dead. Just dead. Are there any UKer's on this list? Did any of you go lay flowers at her door or at Buckingham? I will greive today and break out tomorrow Megan Freeman ********* Hold it in your heart where Tomorrow shines -REM "Shiny Happy People" "She was an excellent mother" -A reporter commenting on Diana ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: tp picture Date: 31 Aug 1997 12:03:58 -0400 (EDT) oh yeah, i forgot to mention. when i was on vacation a while ago, i was at Wordsworths, and i saw a book called "Cult TV". I thought "This HAS to have Dark Shadows and maybe TP", so i looked in it, and it had both! i would've bought it, but i am NOT going to pay $20.00 for about half a page on the TP! -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Hal Freeman Subject: TPDIS: Question Date: 31 Aug 1997 15:08:05 -0400 In the new series do we ever see General Damon's office. If we do can anyone give me a discription? I can't remember if we do because I'm still very upset. I haven't broken out yet, I'm too upset, Megan Freeman ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ariana B) Subject: Re: TPDIS: Question Date: 30 Aug 1997 04:17:37 -0400 >In the new series do we ever see General Damon's office. If we do can > anyone give me a discription? I can't remember if we do because I'm > still very upset. i don't think we ever see his office. i know we see beaumont-savage's office that Damon is borrowing, and we see bits and pieces of offices in The Origin Story, but i don't think any of them were ever said to belong specifically to Damon. i hope you feel better soon :) i wonder if this is going to be like kennedy's assassination. i love asking people where they were when they heard about it. if this is similar, i can say that i heard it from you - over TPDIS. they'll all laugh and say "yeah, leave it to arpi to hear about news through The Tomorrow People!" > I haven't broken out yet, I'm too upset, hey, being upset could increase your chances of breaking out. think of Megabyte, Lisa, Kevin, and Jade. they were all upset. good luck! and don't forget to pop by my house after you do! (have you ever noticed that anyone who is over 12 and under 20 who spends over 5 minutes with a TP breaks out? in the new series, at least. or maybe you just need to be in the same building, like Ami). it's worth a shot, isn't it? --Ariana "If I was telepathic, if I could teleport, it would be the dream of my life come true!" --Megabyte Damon, The Tomorrow People ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Question Date: 31 Aug 1997 16:27:20 -0400 (EDT) I think that we see it in The Culex Experiment. When Damon and his assistant are talking about the security plan, i think they are in an office. Kate "I think I might persuade them." Adam Newman, The Tomorrow People ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: TPDIS: Question Date: 31 Aug 1997 22:16:14 +0100 writes: > I think that we see it in The Culex Experiment. When Damon and his assistant > are talking about the security plan, i think they are in an office. Another little point here; all the references to 'Securities' in the name of his organisation are production errors which should have been 'Security'. Jez -- ps anyone may leave their own tribute to Diana, Princess of Wales at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: TPDIS: Re: Question Date: 31 Aug 1997 17:33:47 -0500 (CDT) Megan wrote: >I mean maybe the reason Megabyte had to wait until somebody nearly >killed him was because he was too upset. Naw, it was the injection professor Galt gave him, but thanks for playing. :) Beth PS *hug* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: TPDIS: Question Date: 31 Aug 1997 17:34:29 -0500 (CDT) Jez wrote: >all the references to 'Securities' in the >name of his organisation are production errors which should have been >'Security'. Heh. More evidence for my UN organization theory. :) Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: tp picture Date: 31 Aug 1997 17:55:01 -0600 (MDT) On Sun, 31 Aug 1997, Tigger wrote: > >J, E, and M have two fingers on their jaunting bands > >and H is behind them, wearing a kimono, hands as if in prayer. > Eek. *cringe* But I'm asking anyway: Do you have a scanner Jane? We wanna > see! :) And Heidi wrote: >Only pathetic if you don't, whenever you have a chance, get that photo >scanned & uploaded onto a website... We're supposed to be getting a scanner next week, but I haven't a website to upload it to ("mine" is an intrAnet site, not accessible outside my org, and my husband's is reserved for the Shell 2000 (or is it 4000) rally and the sacred car - really too bad a mini never featured on the TP - I'd have a lot easier time converting him :)), so I'll need a volunteer to whom I can e-mail it (Ade?). The credit listed in the book for that photo is Thames Television/Pictorial Press - I'll leave it to whoever takes the photo to get official permission, if necessary. Jane Starr email: 9518 - 91 Street phone: 466-6004 Edmonton, AB, T6C 3P5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: TP music (was tp picture) Date: 31 Aug 1997 18:04:56 -0600 (MDT) On Sun, 31 Aug 1997, Tigger wrote: > And just today bought a tape just 'cause it had a song called Telepathy on it > (it was only 88 cents, the song was OK, but wholly inappropraiate for TP > fanfic, IMHO). A long time ago, some twisted person on the TPDIS list suggested a "musical" version of the TP, and wondered what they would sing. My suggestion then was Connie Kaldor's "Talk Without Speaking" which IMHO is quite appropriate, lyrically, although the tune isn't one of my favourites. I've come up with another possibility: Christine Lavin's "It's a Good Thing He Can't Read My Mind" (I think that's the title - I don't have the recording, but I've heard it several times - it's about a woman whose boyfriend likes opera and sushi and such, and she goes along because she wants to be with him, but she really hates it). Anyone else got any suggestions (the sillier the better, IMHO)? Jane Starr email: 9518 - 91 Street phone: 466-6004 Edmonton, AB, T6C 3P5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: tp picture Date: 31 Aug 1997 20:15:43 -0400 (EDT) On Sun, 31 Aug 1997, wrote: > >We're supposed to be getting a scanner next week, but I haven't a website >to upload it to ("mine" is an intrAnet site, not accessible outside my >org, and my husband's is reserved for the Shell 2000 (or is it 4000) rally >and the sacred car - really too bad a mini never featured on the TP - I'd >have a lot easier time converting him :)), so I'll need a volunteer to >whom I can e-mail it (Ade?). The credit listed in the book for that photo >is Thames Television/Pictorial Press - I'll leave it to whoever takes the >photo to get official permission, if necessary. -- /me raises her hand. I'll take it, not a problem! ade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "tzm" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Diana is dead (Off Topic) Date: 31 Aug 1997 21:12:48 PDT ---------- > I know that this is horribly off topic, but I found out right when = it > happened over CNN. I can't believe that I knew before most of Britian. > It's hard to believe that Diana is dead. Just dead. Are there any UKer'= s > on this list? Did any of you go lay flowers at her door or at > Buckingham? > I too heard about the death of the Princess midnight in NY. Finding out = before the UK was something else. It is a terrible shame. My condolence= s to any member from the UK who is upset by the passing of Princess Diana= . Tracey>>><<< > > > "She was an excellent mother" > -A reporter commenting on Diana > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "tzm" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Question Date: 31 Aug 1997 21:19:36 PDT ---------- > > I think that we see it in The Culex Experiment. When Damon and his assi= stant > are talking about the security plan, i think they are in an office. > > Kate > > "I think I might persuade them." Adam Newman, The Tomorrow People > > Kate's right. Adam and Megabyte go to his dad's office. You see them = waiting and then agin when Megabyte is with Ami when they try to communic= ate with Adam and cannot. General Damon is at his desk in that scene. = It is when they realize that Adam is in trouble. Good memory Kate, I almost forgot about that scene. I know shame on me = . Tracey >>><<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP music (was tp picture) Date: 31 Aug 1997 22:27:35 -0500 (CDT) Jane wrote: >Anyone else got any suggestions (the sillier the better, IMHO)? Purple People Eater. The Martian Hop This will make sense eventually, but y'all will have to be patient as I have other fish to fry at the moment. You did ask for silly, Jane. :) Tigger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ariana B) Subject: TPDIS: Re: Question Date: 30 Aug 1997 22:15:49 -0400 > Thank you Beth I needed that. It's been a bad sunday. You should have > heard what Ariana said. She said being upset would help breaking out > along. And I have to be under twenty, over 12 and spend at least five > minutes will a full blown TP and I'll break out in a flash. Literally. > Where I can I find them and do they ship them by mail order. That would > be funny wouldn't. If you could just order a TP clone anytime you > wanted? well, that was just something i noticed when i was watching my tapes (yet another time). Megabyte was with Kevin, and Jade with Adam and Megabyte. and Ami could count, depending on the way you look at it. but then i was thinking about Richy in The Culex Experiment. he was 12, so i made it over twelve. there's got to be other ways to break out, though, because Adam, Kevin, and Lisa did it without any assistance. it's just a stupid little joke Geoff and i had going for a while. i don't know. i'm just being weird again. > it's all arpi's fault! she's on the who told it ta me! > -Geoff (who's cowering in his closet with a stun gun) hey, it's not my fault! i wasn't the one who called me while i was busy kicking a brownie mix box around the kitchen! you can't expect me to make any sense while i'm busy kicking brownie mix boxes! --Ariana "If I was telepathic, if I could teleport, it would be the dream of my life come true!" --Megabyte Damon, The Tomorrow People ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ariana B) Subject: TPDIS: Re: Question Date: 31 Aug 1997 03:21:38 -0400 > aHEM, YOU called ME! Anyway, maybe if a potential TP REALLY had to go to > the bathroom but was on a bus or somethign they'd break out. ;-) > -Geoff no, unfortunately, that happened to me, only on a plane. i was going to florida over winter break, and had recently discovered The Drinking Game. i was playing it with audio tapes on the plane, and only realized i had to go to the bathroom after 6 or 8 diet cokes. i had to wait in line for half an hour - if it's possible to break out from having to go to the bathroom, it would have happened then! =) > > Well, MAYBE it's just me, but i always thought Tricia was just a > >character... ;-) > Maybe it's time for a sequel to reality check. If the TP in concept are real, > the characters can be too. :p what - you mean the characters aren't real? i can't believe it! no! it can't be true! :) seriously, i'm not sure if Roger Price had any children, but if he did, maybe one of them was a TP. he got the idea from that, and decided to make a so-called fictional TV show about it. it could happen. or maybe i really want to break out so i'm making up ways for it to be possible. --Ariana "If I was telepathic, if I could teleport, it would be the dream of my life come true!" --Megabyte Damon, The Tomorrow People ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ariana B) Subject: TPDIS: ykybwtmtpw... Date: 31 Aug 1997 05:23:38 -0400 just a few experiences i jotted down while watching The Rameses Connection (again): you no longer require any type of inconvenience whatsoever to make you think "i wish i could Jaunt/Teleport", it just comes to you like "i'm hungry" or "i'm tired". instead of visualizing your current living quarters when someone used the word "home", you see the lab/the space ship. you name your virtual pet Megabyte, and only realize the non-TP connection hours later. the first thing you ask a magic 8-ball is "am i going to break out?" (and of course, threaten to smash it if it says "no"). walking down the school hallway, you hear someone say "ohmigod, i'm breaking out!" and are about to rush over and thoroughly question them, but you see them squeezing a big zit in their locker mirror. just in case, you watch them carefully for the next few days. at first you were thrilled to have a dream about The Tomorrow People, and now you can't remember a recent one *without* a reference. your non-TP fan friend calls you yelling about some old song titled "The Tomorrow People" and you don't lose interest when you find out it has no connection to the show. for no obvious reason, you stay up all night watching all the new series episodes, only to "wake up" the next morning and announce you'll be spending the day watching one other than The Tomorrow People. your parents are watching some movie about a guy named John who is telepathic/precognitive (the movie didn't seem to know the difference) in the next room, you're listening to wisps of dialog. walking in, your shocked when "John" looks nothing like John-the-TP. every few days you'll find a Tomorrow People tape in your backpack that you never put there. while babysitting, you're only aloud to watch TV when your sibling is home, so you bake chocolate brownies to try and get them to come back. the smell of certain foods remind you of different episodes for no apparent reason (like cheese-its and A Rift in Time). you start weighing your TP tapes to see if their weight fluctuates as you watch them more. someone asks you what your favourite currently airing show is, and you don't know what the answer is. you get a blood test, and a few days afterwards you get a letter from the hospital. you get all excited that it's something about them never seeing your blood type before, but it's really just a bill. your friend sleeps over at your house, and in the morning, she complains that you were babbling about moving stones and shining stars during the night. you ask if it was "the stones shall move, the stars shall shine, and a shadow long shall fall upon the earth" and she says "yes, how did you know?". you want to say "ooo, gossip, gossip, like raspberry jam and lemon curd - it spreads!" but you decide against it. you start drinking your coffee like Megabyte, just to see if one cream, no sugar is the cause of breaking out. after one too many watchings, your Monsoon Man tape gets stuck in the VCR. after screaming "noooo" several times and crying, you take the VCR to the repair shop. they tell you they can either save the tape or the VCR - and although you have several copies of Monsoon Man, you can't stand to see it destroyed. instead, you talk your mother into buying a new VCR. you accidentally leave the sound on on your TV, and lying awake at night you hear it playing. you're all excited that you're breaking out - and then you recognize the seinfeld episode. the two most common question you're asked are "do you have any interests besides The Tomorrow People?" and "why do you like The Tomorrow People?" your sibling is known at school as "the kid who's sister watches that weird show". you spend your saturday calling every video store in the area asking if there's really an "Attack of the Killer Cucumbers". you get a kick out of going into random AOL chat rooms and saying "you can't mess around with the laws of the universe. we live and we die! those are the rules!" just to see what people do. you regularly drink large quantities of orange juice, even though you don't really like it. you find an old pair of pants identical to those worn by Jade in The Culex Experiment, and recognize them as such. you refuse to call your computer TIM, for fear of insulting "the real TIM". you write "telepathic conversations" with a friend (which consist of eye movements, hand signals, laughter, etc) to trick your other friends into thinking you're telepathic. your notes on the Egypt unit in school are covered with bits of dialog from The Rameses Connection. you're afraid of white cats. you do a report on the life of Tutankhamen and it takes all you've got not to put in any TP references. you wonder what your friends would think if they knew some of the things you get yelled at for ("if i ever hear the Original Series theme blaring at 2 AM again...") you feel guilty when you watch the TP while doing your homework - not because you weren't paying enough attention to your homework, but because you weren't paying enough attention to the TP. when your sibling gets on your nerves, you consider trying to kill them just to see if you can. you figure it's a win-win situation. either you're a TP, or you've gotten rid of your sibling. --Ariana "If I was telepathic, if I could teleport, it would be the dream of my life come true!" --Megabyte Damon, The Tomorrow People ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ariana B) Subject: Re: TPDIS: ykybwtmtpw... Date: 31 Aug 1997 08:24:57 -0400 Beth wrote: >the first thing you ask a magic 8-ball is "am i going to break out?" >(and of course, threaten to smash it if it says "no"). This is why you ask it a question your know the answer to first, just to be sure it's working. :) that's exactly why i asked it "am i going to break out?" as we all know, the answer is "yes". =) John wrote: > >hey, it's not my fault! i wasn't the one who called me while i was busy > >kicking a brownie mix box around the kitchen! you can't expect me to > >make any sense while i'm busy kicking brownie mix boxes! > > Brownies!? > > Where they chocolate? Are you expecting Lisa to pop in? yeah, there were chocolate. and i was actually expecting Geoffrey to "pop in". unfortunately, my parents wanted to go golfing and they wouldn't let us alone in the house for 6 hours. (they were afraid we'd throw a party). last time i made a batch of brownies, Geoff ate the whole thing, so i thought i'd make him another. but, my father found it first so all the brownies are now gone. may they rest in peace. Shaun wrote: > > instead of visualizing your current living quarters when someone used the > > word "home", you see the lab/the space ship. > > You have plans to make your home look like the Lab. i asked my mother if i could re-do my room to make it look like the lab, but she said she'd rather have me paint it black. i said "okay!", but then she went back on her word. oh well. i'll just have to do my best to make it look lab-ish. what do you think of another lava lamp? or maybe i can talk my mother into letting me get a big-screen TV. although last time i tried for even a little TV it didn't go so well... > > every few days you'll find a Tomorrow People tape in your backpack that > > you never put there. > > Did you check for a matter transporter? yeah, i did. they're getting very clever about it, too! if i hadn't known better, i would have sworn it was a three month old bagel with some sony walk-man batteries smashed into it... > > while babysitting, you're only aloud to watch TV when your sibling is > > home, so you bake chocolate brownies to try and get them to come back. > > Does it work? only because i called him at his friend's house and told him i was baking brownies, and that Geoff was going to come over and eat them unless he got home within the next 10 minutes. > > you start drinking your coffee like Megabyte, just to see if one cream, > > no sugar is the cause of breaking out. > > It isn't - trust me. awwww... well, back to the diet coke, i guess. > > you spend your saturday calling every video store in the area asking if > > there's really an "Attack of the Killer Cucumbers". > > It's not listed in the Internet Movie Database. There is an "Attack of > the Killer Refrigerator", an "Attack of the Killer Shrews." and an > "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes!" though. strangely enough, my parents were watching "attack of the killer tomatoes" the night that i saw The Tomorrow People the first time. (that wasn't the time when i re-discovered in in march of fifth grade) it was the night it originally aired on Nick. i drank too much cream soda and ate too many egg rolls, i threw up and was forced into bed by my mother. > > you find an old pair of pants identical to those worn by Jade in The > > Culex Experiment, and recognize them as such. > > You seriously consider which TP you should copy your clothing style from. once, for a few weeks, i wore my hair in pig tails (like Elizabeth) and wore the Jaunting Belt that Geoff and i made out of cardboard. it was pretty kewl - but the belt didn't really work. although for a while i thought it did! maybe i should try a different brand of marker. or maybe i should find that matter transporter that looked like a moldy bagel... --Ariana "If I was telepathic, if I could teleport, it would be the dream of my life come true!" --Megabyte Damon, The Tomorrow People ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ariana B) Subject: Re: TPDIS: ykybwtmtpw... Date: 31 Aug 1997 10:47:12 -0400 Shaun wrote: >You seriously consider which TP you should copy your clothing style from. Beth wrote: hint: noone from the seventies series. Or at least omit the bell bottoms. :) well, that wasn't a worthwhile visit to the mall... i just spent 4 hours looking for a pair of jeans. i finally find one, and you tell me to get rid of it! there was a brand called "evolution", which i thought was pretty kewl. they didn't fit me well (like every other brand i tried on) but there was one on sale for $5, so i got it anyway, even though i doubt i'd wear it anywhere. my mother kept getting mad at me because there were all these pictures of all these models up in the stores. i would say to her, "if i looked like that, i'd be a famous model, and then i'd have enough money to copy all my TP tapes!" she'd say "ariana! is that all you think about!? you've been watching too much of The Tomorrow People!" yeah, well, we've already established that. i've decided to copy my tapes onto 8 mm film, just incase they stop making VCR's. at least *maybe* they'll still make camcorders that take 8 mm film, and then i'd be able to watch them. (and having them on 8 mm film makes them *much* easier to copy) but two hours of film is $6, and with 42 1/2 hours, it gets pricey, hence my complaining. there's three more: you buy a pair of jeans just because of the brand name "evolution". your mother yells at you because you keep coming up with strange ways to make enough money to copy all your tapes. you decide to copy all your tapes onto 8 mm film, even though it's expensive and rather purposeless. --Ariana "If I was telepathic, if I could teleport, it would be the dream of my life come true!" --Megabyte Damon, The Tomorrow People ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ariana B) Subject: TPDIS: Re: Question Date: 31 Aug 1997 17:07:10 -0400 > >::Michele retreats to her meditation room to begin the process of > >breaking down those barriers:: > and GEOFF reaches for the phone to dial 1-800-straightjacket... > -Geoff i actually tried that once. it was some orthadontist's office. i think it's because the first 7 didgets are straight, which makes sense for an orthadontist. but i've never tried 1-800-jacket, though. my father's jackets work just as well as real straight jackets on my brother. the sleeves are long enough to tie behind him. very fun baby-sitting activity! i don't think Geoff is that much bigger than my brother... Geoff, want to try tomorrow? :) --Ariana "If I was telepathic, if I could teleport, it would be the dream of my life come true!" --Megabyte Damon, The Tomorrow People