From: Adams Subject: TPDIS: laws and such Date: 01 May 1998 04:12:40 Greetings! I've been following the recent discussion about the TP and the law, ie how the Tomorrow People tend to 'flunt' certain international laws (not only in regards of jaunting about the planet, but leaving the earth as well) as well as a few cherished mores (like 'reeducating' Douglas and Paul in the Doomsday Men). With such powers of telepathy, tk and teleportation under control of young, secretive people, of course the various intelligence agencies would both want them under their sway, and would be equally suspecious of them. Pavala is the tragic example. Hence, I want to toss in a few of my own ideas into the fray. First off, the Tomorrow People highly value their privacy and freedom. Secondly, to survive, they must avoid dangerous Saps such as Colonel Masters, et all. So, they tend to be selective in who they tell the 'secret', even going to extremes such as memory whipes to protect themselves. The Tomorrow People happen to be a small, tight-knit group of telepathic teenagers and young people. John's paternal, protective style of leadership is about the best style of 'government'. From studying the character, I believe that John envisions telepathic law for his people would be based in large part on Western thought and patterns. If I am not mistaken, laws tend to be written from experience, either historical or from current time. So, what would happen if a million or so teleporting teenagers appeared in the population say in a week. Outside of complete chaos for both TP and Saps? Once the break out waves settle down, into a very uneasy co-existance between future TP and Saps. Laws and mores would be very different. Depending on the situation, there may turn out to be two very different law codes for the two peoples. A lot of Saps would likely try to control the TP any way they can, while the TP would do anything, save an outright shooting war (TP cannot kill) to survive with their powers and developing societies intact. Which brings me to the detestable idea of thought police. The intelligence agencies have been using remote viewers for over twenty-five years. According to what I've heard, (this is from an ancient Nova episode called 'The Case for Psi'), various remote viewing projects have been running in both the CIA and KGB since the Cold War. To find loyal telepaths during turbulant times, such as the above break out waves, should be fairly easy, and have them ease drop on the TPs. Naturally, the future TPs would develope ways to shield against mental easedroppers. And of course the thought police would develope counter measures. Meanwhile, you also have a forming TP society, in which telepathy, perhaps an almost continous stream of telepathy is an accepted norm. As someone else in the list has pointed out, it is human nature, that 'rotten eggs' would turn up, among the Tomorrow People themselves. Jaunting and TK would make it easy for a TP to become a professional thief. Hence, what the enemy used against the TP, the thought police might be incorperated into their own people as a type of thought monitors, which the TP would accept as protection against the 'bad' or 'disruptive' thought. Personally, I hate the above concept, but what and how the TP could evolve, thought police would be just acceptable in their future society as police are accepted in ours. As for punishment, I feel that the Tomorrow People (any group) would tend to view the criminal mind or thought as something to be cured. Which could be twisted too easily into 'thinking our way', particularly with their resources, and inexperience. The absolute worse punishment I can see a TP do, would be to remove or block the powers of a guilty party. Having said all of that, please let me say, I am not a lawyer or any such. I have been working with a storyline called Evolution, which I've played around with some of the above concepts. Right now, the cross universe story is in a bit of a mess. I really don't know if I should keep it a short character study or pull it into a trilogy. I do recomend 'The Case for Psi' from the Nova science series, but I believe it is only on video tape, if you can find it. In it, they do interview a remote viewer who was involved with the CIA during the sevenities. Also, are you still collecting names of psionic characters? I do have a couple more: From the various Jonny Quest series and movies: Hadji, he is at least a mild telepath, with mild telekinetic powers, but his powers are highly varable. From Filmation's Fantastic Voyage: Guru. On the cartoon series, he is a formadible telepath (he is able to communicate with nontelepaths half way round the world). The mystic was also an extremely strong telekinetic, (from a minturized state, he was able to lift heavy steel doors). I am not certain if Guru was able to teleport, however, he did somehow commute from Tibet. I must admit, I am using the two above characters in some of my other writings. Chow, Dianne ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: TPTigger Subject: TPDIS: ykyrbwwtmtpw.... Date: 01 May 1998 16:40:34 -0500 (CDT) (You know your roommate's been watching way too much TP when...) find a flower in your mailbox and the card says ", Happy (belated) 25th TP anniversary, All the Best, Adam"-- in her handwriting. Tigger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "David Yates" Subject: Re: TPDIS: The Hand... Date: 02 May 1998 00:29:56 +0100 I've just looked at that page and didn't see it. Anyone else know where to look? "Live long and prosper!" DAVID. -----Original Message----- >In a message dated 98-04-30 18:04:24 EDT, you write: > >> Speaking of questions that I _can't_ answer, anyone know if there's a pic of >> the opening Hand (from the beginning sequence of the older TP) available on >> the Net? >That graphics-rich page (Dave's, right?) has it as part of an animation, I >believe. > -Geoff > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Shaun Hately" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Constitutional Psi (was Re: Bits and Pieces) Date: 03 May 1998 11:23:14 +1000 > From: W. Loraine Kelley > > OTOH, there's always the Commerce Clause (Article 1, Section 8). In Poli > Sci last semester, my Prof pointed out (extensively and with much humor) > that the commerce clause is the catch-all for the US Gov't. If they want > to do something, all they have to do is show that whatever it is they want > to do will directly affect interstate trade, and *poof*, it's done, > covered by the commerce clause. True. Most Constitutions have similar clauses (Australia's certainly does). The argument is often made that they would be useless without them. I suppose I'm arguing based on the intent of the Constitution, and not based on the loopholes that exist in it (or that have been found). And while I can't know the intent of the US Constitution it seems to me it is expressed in the Preamble. "We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welface, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity do ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States of America." It seems to me if that is taken seriously as the intent, then using Article I, Section 8(3) to deprive someone of a right to Freedom and Protection of Thought would be a deliberate misuse of the Clause. Of course, I'm not an expert. > So, issues of free speech (which isn't an individual right, no matter how > one feel like inferring the Amendment) become null. Psi would, without a > doubt, affect interstate trade. Teleportation would make any attempt at > interstate or international tariffs or taxes impossible to uphold. Drug > and arms running, liquor, pornography, etc, couldn't be controlled. > Telepathy would make espionage a big deal again. Hmm - actually the current debates on the Internet and free speech are of relevance here. Maybe when they are finally sorted out, we'd have a better idea of how the Constitution would handle telepathy. Because in certain areas, there are similarities - the fact that these methods of transferring information are much more powerful, and harder to control than any used before. > Just look at what they did to Pavla, in the original series. She was the > perfect espionage agent, until she tried to get away from it all. > > And the ease with which Stephen brought an apple from Australia to > England. Imagine what he could have done with less innocent plans? I'm sure that would be a violation of Customs Regulations - just think of the problems teleportation will cause there (Wendy has touched on them - it would effect trade). Consider the problems of disease control - already influenza viruses travel around the world with incredible speed just due to air travel. Instantaneous travel could be disastrous - no effective quarantines either. > IMO, the gov't would take control of psi in *any* way they could get > control of it, even amending the Constitution if that's what it would > take. And they would use it for whatever they felt like using it for, > rehabilitating criminals (who, by virtue of being convicted aren't > supposed to have any rights) or for creating more perfect criminals. Sure, governments might do all those things. I guess what I was discussing in regards to the US Constitution was whether current law, applied reasonably, would allow them to. That's often a side issue compared to what would actuallt happen. > As for who judges who nees to be rehabbed, I'd imagine the ones with the > control of the psi would do more judging than anyone needs. I don't know > any one group of people (TP included), who don't wish all the other idiots > out there would just see the light, convert to the correct way of > thinking, and solve all the world's problems in one fell-swoop. If > someone had the ability, or access to the ability, to make that happen, do > you really think anything like a piece of paper would stop them? People who haven't should read, Julian Mays 'Galactic Millieu' Trilogy (and 'Intervention', it's prelude). It addresses issues like the use of mind control and altering to control crime, to judge crimes, the rights of psionic and non-psionic humans in both predominately normal and predominately psionic societies. There's even discussion of an attempt to psychically control the decisions of a US President. A lot of these issues are addressed in those books. > > First of all, could mind reading be used to obtain evidence? > > Until someone finds a way a record thoughts, I don't think any evidence > obtained via mind reading would be permissible in court. It's all > circumstantial. And, to bring back the dancing hippo idea, telepathy may, > or may not, be tainted by the persons involved. No evidence could be > permitted unless it could be proved that the readee's perception of apple > was also the mind-reader's perception of apple. True, but there would be a great temptation to alter those principles in the case of telepathy IMHO - because even though, the evidence would be circumstantial, it also potentially far more powerful than what exists now. Yours Without Wax, |'Don't knock mutant freaks. That's how Dreadnought |evolution works. Something new appears / |that might turn out to be just what the o=== ======================- |species needs.' \ |- Stephanie Tolan 'Welcome to the Ark' | ICQ: 6898200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Shaun Hately" Subject: Re: TPDIS: bits and pieces Date: 03 May 1998 11:23:06 +1000 > From: > In Britain we do not have any constitutional rights. So the > government can do any thing they want. While Britain has no written Constitution as such, there are still 'Constitutional rights' given under Common Law (derived from the history of Court decisions). Freedom of Speech, for example, has been expressed in British Common Law since at least 1688 (earliest statement, I personally know of - which suggests to me it goes back even further) , and the right to trial since Magna Carta (1215): "No free man shall be arrested or imprisoned or disseised or outlawed or exiled or in any way victimised, neither will we attack him or send anyone to attack him, except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land." Clause 39 of Magna Carta. While Common Law is not as defined as a written Constitution, and so can be more easily changed, in practice it is very secure, and attempts to codify it into a written Constitution have often been opposed in the past in practice. According to the Encyclopedia Brittanica, challenges to Constitutional principles actually occur less often in Britain, with no codified Constitution than they do in the US. > In fact GCHQ in Cheltemhan does have a computor monitoring the worlds > e mail and telephone calls. It is keyed to specific phrases which > could be terrorist in their content. Not just GCHQ - similar systems are maintained in most countries (including, reportedly, the USA, where it is done by the NSA). IIRC, it's possible to do this legally, because the means of transmission is owned by the Government (phone lines etc) and because the information is transmitted in the clear. Therefore as the person using the service knows that the material will be travelling through government channels and makes no effort to conceal that information, it can be read freely. If you (for example) pgp encrypted an e-mail it is debatable whether a right exists for a government to decode it, but if it is broadcast in the clear through government owned services they do have a right to do so, just as they have a right to read the envelope of someone's mail (information in clear) but not the contents (information concealed). Internal phonelines within a country are different. > My friends phone was tapped once when he had a contract for Hungary. > We heard all kinds of clicks and echo's on the line. Most likely any tapping in this case would have been done at the Hungary's end, rather than in Britain if you were able to detect it. It's largely a myth, perpetuated by television and movies, that phone taps can be detected by noises on the line. This does occur, but only very rarely. Up until the early 1970s, it did occur a lot, but with modern exchanges, it would be quite unusual for a tap to be detectable. It's not a complicated procedure, especially not for a Security Organisation, and is certainly much easier to do in the country where the speaker is located. Any clicks you heard on the line would far more likely be caused by other factors (bad phone lines etc). Also, in the UK, warrants are required for phonetaps. Intelligence groups such as the Security Service (MI5) have been known to do them without warrants (or use the same warrant multiple times) but such actions are illegal. Not that getting a warrant is normally that difficult - provided cause can be shown. > What's more I heard that the CIA used remote viewing to gain > knowledge in the gulf war. Many rumours of this nature abound. While it is known that the US Government has investigated remote viewing in the past (this has been confirmed), officialy such experiments ceased in the mid 1980s (unless a recent announcement has been made) and reportedly had negative results. While that doesn't mean that such methods weren't used in Desert Storm and Desert Shield, there is no proof that they were, and certainly it doesn't seem they had any major impact if they were - if remote viewing was a successful technique, then arms stockpiles would have been found. Now to answer Wendy's question (this is IMHO, only): > Wandering over to a different country here, how would this apply in > regards to that agent force-reading Elizabeth, et al's mind in "Dirtiest > Business"? It wouldn't. If I remember the episode correctly, Elizabeth consented to having her mind read, although under duress (the threat that John would be allowed to die). Having given consent, the issue of whether she had a right to refuse becomes irrelevant. As for the attack on the Lab, that could have been legal. A warrant could have been obtained quite easily in order to raid the Lab (obtaining a Warrant for security purposes wouldn't have been hard - you wouldn't even have to reveal why you wanted it in most case, you'd just have to get a JP to sign it) just as a warrant could be obtained for any other person. Although, an interesting question arises. It is stated (perhaps in the Dirtiest Business) that the TP represent Earth to the Trig, and the Trig to Earth. Under those circumstances, it seems possible that the Lab may enjoy the protection of Diplomatic Immunity, and so may the TP themselves. Interesting that. If so, it makes the President's statement in War of the Empires, a non-sequitor ("You were elected to do that?") - Diplomats are not normally elected. The use of the machine to read Pavla in the Dirtiest Business would probably be illegal. She hasn't been convicted of any crime, and the 'search' of her mind would certainly seem to exceed reasonable levels, but a fair amount of leeway exists in the application of law to Intelligence matters, and the law is often skirted or broken anyway. Yours Without Wax, |'Don't knock mutant freaks. That's how Dreadnought |evolution works. Something new appears / |that might turn out to be just what the o=== ======================- |species needs.' \ |- Stephanie Tolan 'Welcome to the Ark' | ICQ: 6898200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kristy Fahrenwald" Subject: Re: TPDIS: bits and pieces Date: 02 May 1998 21:19:12 CDT >As for the attack on the Lab, that could have been legal. A warrant could >have been obtained quite easily in order to raid the Lab Actually, would a warrant have been needed at all? The old lab wasn't the property of the TP. Wasn't it on 'borrowed' public property? An underground station? How could they legally keep them out? Kristy ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jonathan C Day Subject: TPDIS: Re: bits and pieces Date: 04 May 1998 09:58:19 -0400 (EDT) On Sat, 2 May 1998, Kristy Fahrenwald wrote: > >As for the attack on the Lab, that could have been legal. A warrant > could > >have been obtained quite easily in order to raid the Lab > > Actually, would a warrant have been needed at all? The old lab wasn't > the property of the TP. Wasn't it on 'borrowed' public property? An > underground station? How could they legally keep them out? My 0.0000000000002 ECU's worth: If I remember rightly, there were a number of news items in the UK a few years back on squatters who'd gained access to shops or private homes without breaking and entering. I don't know if I'm remembering the items clearly, but I seem to remember that the squatters couldn't legally be evicted because they hadn't commited an offence. *If* I'm remembering all that correctly (and please correct me if I'm wrong), the TP were doing nothing wrong by being there. (I don't even know if trespass existed as an offence in England at tht time the TP was set - wasn't that the reason for all the fracas over those huge traveller gatherings that hit the news a few years back?) This would all limit what the authorities could do to the TP, at least in the open. If there's no obvious crime or reasonable belief that a crime may be being commited, the authorities would have no rights to interfere with the TP, especially if they've not been asked to do so by London Transport. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Matott Subject: TPDIS: fanfic question Date: 04 May 1998 18:40:47 -0400 Hi, Does anyone know what the name of the school Kevin and Megabyte attended in Origin Story? And was it private or public? Can anyone give me a little bit of info (off list) about the set-up of school systems in England? And finally, is it ever stated where Megabyte and his family live? Anyone have any idea of London neighborhoods that might be likely? (And how far away they'd be from Kennington station) Thanks. mike (who doesn't like writing stories about places he's never been to before.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Matott Subject: TPDIS: further fanfic question Date: 04 May 1998 18:42:40 -0400 Is there a slang/colloquial term for the busses or bus system in London? thanks, mike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Shaun Hately" Subject: TPDIS: Got more stuff Date: 04 May 1998 16:09:09 +1000 I mentioned on the chat yesterday that I was getting a tape with some more TP stuff on it (but I didn't know precisely what it was) as well as tapes of the 'Chocky' series' I mentioned in the recent discussion on Psi TV shows. Some people asked for details on the TP Stuff I got when I got it, so here it is. First of all, a 1979 or 1980 Thames TV program called 'About Books'. This episode of this program was hosted by Nicholas Young and Elizabeth Adare (I found out I've been mispronouncing Adare for years!). Both appear in their AE suits and normal clothing and they are discussing what Science Fiction is, and talking about various kids SF books, and also kids books on Astronomy. They also plug The Tomorrow People books a couple of times, and the show as well. There are excerpts from the show - including an excerpt from 'War of the Empires' which Nick Young says is from 'The Thargon Menace', scenes of Nick Young performing a conjuring trick, a shot of Nick Young in the shower. Elizabeth Adare reads an excerpt from 'Dragonfall 5 and the Space Horse' by Brian Earnshaw (coincidently 'Dragonfall 5' was my favourite series of books when I was about 5 or 6). There was also an Ad for The Tomorrow People from the Sci Fi Channel Europe, and a collection of music videos. These were a bit strange. There were three of them and my copy is *very* poor quality (full of jumps and static) but they were footage from The Tomorrow People overlaid with three songs. The first appeared to be called 'Planet Earth', the second was 'Homo Superior' mentioned on list recently, and the third was so poor in sound quality I couldn't tell what it was. But it was interesting none the less. Don't ask me where these video clips came from - I suspect they may have been put together by a fan sometime in the early 80s. Yours Without Wax, |'Don't knock mutant freaks. That's how Dreadnought |evolution works. Something new appears / |that might turn out to be just what the o=== ======================- |species needs.' \ |- Stephanie Tolan 'Welcome to the Ark' | ICQ: 6898200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: TPTigger Subject: Re: TPDIS: Got more stuff Date: 04 May 1998 21:01:44 -0500 (CDT) Shaun wrote: >This >episode of this program was hosted by Nicholas Young and Elizabeth Adare (I >found out I've been mispronouncing Adare for years!). Feel like trying to phoenticize for the rest of us? Tigger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Shaun Hately" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Got more stuff Date: 05 May 1998 16:15:09 +1000 > From: TPTigger > > Shaun wrote: > >This > >episode of this program was hosted by Nicholas Young and Elizabeth Adare (I > >found out I've been mispronouncing Adare for years!). > Feel like trying to phoenticize for the rest of us? I'll try. I've been pronouncing it A-Dare - the 'A' being a short 'a' like that found at the start of the word 'arm', and the 'Dare' being pronounced to rhyme with 'bear' or 'hair' In actual fact it seems it is pronounced in three syllables A-Dar-E. The 'A' being pronounced as above (as in 'arm'), the 'Dar' to rhyme with 'bar' or 'car', and the final E being a long sound rhyming with the word 'bee'. I hope that makes it clearer. Yours Without Wax, |'Don't knock mutant freaks. That's how Dreadnought |evolution works. Something new appears / |that might turn out to be just what the o=== ======================- |species needs.' \ |- Stephanie Tolan 'Welcome to the Ark' | ICQ: 6898200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Amanda Ohlin Subject: TPDIS: YKYBWTMTPW.... Date: 05 May 1998 21:52:46 -0400 ....your college's dining hall is serving Mexican food for Cinco de Mayo, and the first thing that comes to your mind when looking at a greenish shell marked "Sun-dried tomato" something (yeah right!) is a bunch of certain pods and people with glowing green eyes. ....your mail server finally stops bouncing after over a week and your first action is to get back on TPFICT and TPDIS! -- Amanda Ohlin (aka Mandi) fanfic fanatic and nitpicker extraordinaire nemesis of the Hood College foodservice staff "All theatre people are born hams. Those that aren't are developmental hams." --Matt Bruno ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Shaun Hately" Subject: TPDIS: Newspaper Articles Date: 06 May 1998 07:41:19 +1000 The following two articles come from a Melbourne newspaper over the last few days. I thought they might be of interest to TP fans. That's Life It's a talent gambler pray for - the ability to make their numbers come up just by willing it to happen. Now scientists claim to have shown chance may be a question of mind over matter. Concentrate hard enough and you can get a coin to come down heads more often than tails, researchers say. The theory was tested with computers in the anomalies research department at Princeton University in New Jersey. Researcher Dr Brenda Dunne said: "Over tens of millions of trials, we have a very strong cases that people's intentions can have a small but persistent effect on the results." - Herald-Sun, Tuesday, May 5, 1998, p 7 Couch-Potato Man future of species If you believe humans will evolve into a race of superbeings, think again. Mankind's future is as Homo couchus - a slovenly species of sluglike creatures with a taste for junk food, comfortable sofa and home entertainment, according to archaeologists. Couch-Potato Man will be short, flabby and hairless - as different from modern men and women as we are from our caveman ancestors. This depressing picture comes from a team of Edinburgh archaeologists at the launch of the city's annual international science festival. The scientists say our preference for junk food, labor-saving devices and lack of exercise will see humans developing smaller skeletons and fatter bodies. They came up with the prediction after studying how humans have evolved over the past few million years. The outcome is a balding, grey-skinned, 150cm tall and with a jowled pig-like face, slouched on a sofa alongside an equally obese woman. The only improvement on the 20th-century body is likely to be more agile fingers for manipulating television, computer and video remote control. Darwin's theory of evolution says species tend to improve and specialise over time as the adapt to their environment. Because we control so much of our world, many experts suspect human evolution has stopped. And one scientist behind Couch-Potato Man said the horrific image of the future was inspired by the rubbish people ate today. Edinburgh City Council Keeper of Archaeology Mark Collards said processed foods and an inactive lifestyle would have long-running consequences. Couch-Potato Man is depressing but may be wildly off the mark. Some futurologists and science-fiction writers say our descendants will learn how to tinker with genes, giving humans stronger bodies, bigger brains, or even animal characteristics - feather, fur and tails. - Sunday Herald-Sun, May 3, 1998, p 30 Yours Without Wax, |'Don't knock mutant freaks. That's how Dreadnought |evolution works. Something new appears / |that might turn out to be just what the o=== ======================- |species needs.' \ |- Stephanie Tolan 'Welcome to the Ark' | ICQ: 6898200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ariana Brill) Subject: TPDIS: Zener card tests Date: 04 May 1998 11:47:34 -0700 i am doing an report on telepathy and need to preform Zener card tests on a few people (it's part of my plot to incorporate The Tomorrow People into every aspect of my schoolwork!). if anyone is interested in being the subject of a test (or isn't really interested but just wants to help me out!), *please* e-mail me and we can set up a time to meet either over IRC, AOL instant messenger, ICQ, or any web based chat rooms that are liked. thanks in advance! --Ariana "If I was telepathic, if I could teleport, it would be the dream of my life come true!" --Megabyte Damon, The Tomorrow People _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Kathleen E Riiter) Subject: Re: TPDIS: Zener card tests Date: 06 May 1998 19:54:25 -0700 I'm interested I can do it over AOL instant messenger. Tell me a time and I'll be there. Kathie aka Katnight _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Hal Freeman Subject: TPDIS: Just got it... Date: 09 May 1998 14:56:32 -0500 I just realised something...Trevor Bannister was Colonel Masters in the old series, and last night I was watching Are You Being Served...and Trevor Bannister worked on that show, too. I never made the connection. I kept thinking 'he's played in something else'. I went to Ami Houghton's page just now and saw that Colonel Masters was none other than Trevor Bannister. I'm so proud of myself Megan ***** "I'm not seeing this! I'm not seeing this! I'm not seeing this! Tell me I'm not seeing this!" "You're not seeing this." "Then why is it still here?!" -Erin and Josh G:T - Games Without Frontiers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Matott Subject: TPDIS: Bye Date: 10 May 1998 19:19:27 -0400 Apologies for the brief off topic post. Just wanted to say goodbye for the summer to everyone on list. I aim to be back in mid August, and hopefully the next installment(s) of my serial will be ready to be betaed by then. Thanks all. mike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Hal Freeman Subject: Re: TPDIS: Bye Date: 11 May 1998 17:46:06 -0500 > Just wanted to say goodbye > for the summer to everyone on list. I aim to be back in mid > August, and hopefully the next installment(s) of my serial will be > ready to be betaed by then. You're going to leave me hanging until August! You can't do that! That's not nice. Argg! You better make it a quick summer, bub, or I will come to your house and make you post more! BTW, We'll miss you. Go Bye Bye, Megan :? (You can tell I've got finals) ****** "Oh no! I've lost you children! I've gone too far, too soon, too fast. I've walked into the land where nothing's funny anymore!" -Robin Williams ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "David Yates" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Bye Date: 11 May 1998 23:46:50 +0100 Have a good Summer Mike "Live long and prosper!" DAVID. -----Original Message----- >Apologies for the brief off topic post. Just wanted to say goodbye >for the summer to everyone on list. I aim to be back in mid >August, and hopefully the next installment(s) of my serial will be >ready to be betaed by then. Thanks all. > >mike > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Amanda Ohlin Subject: Re: TPDIS: Bye Date: 11 May 1998 19:51:49 -0400 At 05:46 PM 5/11/98 -0500, you wrote: >> Just wanted to say goodbye >> for the summer to everyone on list. I aim to be back in mid >> August, and hopefully the next installment(s) of my serial will be >> ready to be betaed by then. > > You're going to leave me hanging until August! You can't do that! >That's not nice. Argg! You better make it a quick summer, bub, or I will >come to your house and make you post more! > > BTW, We'll miss you. > Same here. Have a great summer, all right? And since your time isn't overburdened by e-mail, maybe you'll have time to work on that serial (hint hint)! >Go Bye Bye, >Megan :? >(You can tell I've got finals) > MWA HA HA! I'm DONE! Ahem. Sorry. **turns and runs from the barrage of debris she knows is going to get hurled at her** -- Amanda Ohlin (aka Mandi) fanfic fanatic and nitpicker extraordinaire nemesis of the Hood College foodservice staff "How are your finals?" "Done!" "YEAAGGGHH!" (runs off down hall) --Kati Cronin and Mandi Ohlin, 5/10/98 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: SapphireSky Subject: Re: TPDIS: Bye Date: 11 May 1998 20:51:11 -0400 > > At 05:46 PM 5/11/98 -0500, you wrote: > >> Just wanted to say goodbye > >> for the summer to everyone on list. I aim to be back in mid > >> August, and hopefully the next installment(s) of my serial will be > >> ready to be betaed by then. > > > > You're going to leave me hanging until August! You can't do that! > >That's not nice. Argg! You better make it a quick summer, bub, or I will > >come to your house and make you post more! > > > > BTW, We'll miss you. > > > > Same here. Have a great summer, all right? And since your time isn't > overburdened by e-mail, maybe you'll have time to work on that serial (hint > hint)! Have an awesome summer, and work on the stories - you're a grat writer. > >Go Bye Bye, > >Megan :? > >(You can tell I've got finals) > > > > MWA HA HA! I'm DONE! > > Ahem. Sorry. > > **turns and runs from the barrage of debris she knows is going to get > hurled at her** How come you guys are already taking finals? I've still got another month of school. NOT FAIR! Stressed and wishing that she could break out, Rachel with an E :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: Re: Three in Three Date: 12 May 1998 08:34:44 +0000 I would like to mention three things in one mail. 1. I'm 36 and have been a fan since I was 11yrs old. Does that make me the longest serving fan on the list? 2. I've found a company who specialize in finding rare out of print books. In just one month they have found a near complete set of original series and one new series title. These are reserved for a lucky member of the group. I have told them to continue the search. If I come across additional copies would anyone be interested in them? 3. last night I sat up and read Shaun's Braddy Bunch cross over story. I noticed the song lyrics at the end and wanted to share some lyrics from 'Fragile' by Sting that makes me think of the TP's. If blood would flow, the flesh is still as one. Dying in the colour of the evening sun. Tomorrow's rain will wash the stains away, Something in our minds will always stay. Perhaps this final act was meant, to quench a lifetimes argument. That nothing comes from violence and nothing ever will. For all those born beneath that angry star lest we forget how fragile we are. On and on the rain will fall like tears from the star, like tears from the star. On and on the rain will say. How fragile we are, how fragile we are. Oh! I've just thought of a wonderful idea for my next fan fic. Must dash to write some notes. Jack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "David Yates" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Three in Three Date: 12 May 1998 12:55:29 +0100 >I would like to mention three things in one mail. >1. I'm 36 and have been a fan since I was 11yrs old. Does that make >me the longest serving fan on the list? I dunno Jack, I'm 34 and have been a fan since I was 9, so I'll race you for it!!! >2. I've found a company who specialize in finding rare out of print >books. In just one month they have found a near complete set of >original series and one new series title. These are reserved for a >lucky member of the group. I have told them to >continue the search. If I come across additional copies would anyone >be interested in them? Where is it??????? I'll buy any books that are available!!! IIRC you are also in the UK, do you have an address for this shop? "Live long and Prosper" David. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Warren Hillsdon" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Three in Three Date: 12 May 1998 22:21:59 +1000 I do have some spare original series books here if you guys are desperate. Warren -----Original Message----- > > > > >>I would like to mention three things in one mail. > >>1. I'm 36 and have been a fan since I was 11yrs old. Does that make >>me the longest serving fan on the list? > >I dunno Jack, I'm 34 and have been a fan since I was 9, so I'll race you >for it!!! > >>2. I've found a company who specialize in finding rare out of print >>books. In just one month they have found a near complete set of >>original series and one new series title. These are reserved for a >>lucky member of the group. I have told them to >>continue the search. If I come across additional copies would anyone >>be interested in them? > >Where is it??????? I'll buy any books that are available!!! IIRC you are >also in the UK, do you have an address for this shop? > >"Live long and Prosper" > > David. > > > > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ana Isabel Sacristan Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Three in Three Date: 12 May 1998 13:33:02 -0500 >I do have some spare original series books here if you guys are desperate. > >Warren > Which ones do you have and at what price? >>1. I'm 36 and have been a fan since I was 11yrs old. Does that make >>me the longest serving fan on the list? > >I dunno Jack, I'm 34 and have been a fan since I was 9, so I'll race you >for it!!! Just for the record: I may not be the longest serving fan but I am 34 and have been a fan since I was 10. BTW, of the TP dubbed into Spanish! Did any of you notice that in the CultTV interview NY and PVC talk of getting fan mail from Mexico? Guess from whom? (Actually I must admit it wasn't me. I didn't know where to send it back then). Ana. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ana Isabel Sacristan Subject: TPDIS: Pet telepathy Date: 12 May 1998 13:32:56 -0500 Something which may be of interest to the list: I was reading the other day a horseriding magazine and there was an advertisement requesting reports of telepathic communication between horses and their owners, or between any pet and their owners for a research being conducted on the subject in London, UK. It got me thinking that animal ESP is not a subject dealt with in the TP. (In fact I don't recall any animals being shown in the series). Ana. PS If anyone is still building the list of TV shows with PSI phenomenon, there is also the bond between Vincent and Catherine in Beauty and the Beast. Apologies if this was already mentioned. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Three in Three Date: 12 May 1998 20:42:22 +0100 wrote: > 1. I'm 36 and have been a fan since I was 11yrs old. Does that make > me the longest serving fan on the list? There are some more (like me) who can go back to the first ITV broadcast. > 2. I've found a company who specialize in finding rare out of print > books. In just one month they have found a near complete set of > original series and one new series title. The old books aren't that difficult to find, with the exception of the last one which is more tricky. The prices can vary a lot - most dealers though will throw in a copy of Three in Three very cheaply. Jez -- You're tuned to the Northern station of the Independent Television Authority, and your weekend programmes on Channels 9 and 10 are brought to you by ABC Television ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "David Yates" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Three in Three Date: 12 May 1998 23:56:14 +0100 >I do have some spare original series books here if you guys are desperate. > >Warren Which ones?? And how do I get hold of them? "Live long and Prosper" David ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "tzm" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Three in Three Date: 12 May 1998 22:20:10 -0400 Warren where do you live? I need to find someone in the states who has spare books. Tracey > > I do have some spare original series books here if you guys are desperate. > > Warren > > > -----Original Message----- > From: David Yates > To: > Date: Tuesday, 12 May 1998 21:56 > Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Three in Three > > > > > > > > > > > >>I would like to mention three things in one mail. > > > >>1. I'm 36 and have been a fan since I was 11yrs old. Does that make > >>me the longest serving fan on the list? > > > >I dunno Jack, I'm 34 and have been a fan since I was 9, so I'll race you > >for it!!! > > > >>2. I've found a company who specialize in finding rare out of print > >>books. In just one month they have found a near complete set of > >>original series and one new series title. These are reserved for a > >>lucky member of the group. I have told them to > >>continue the search. If I come across additional copies would anyone > >>be interested in them? > > > >Where is it??????? I'll buy any books that are available!!! IIRC you are > >also in the UK, do you have an address for this shop? > > > >"Live long and Prosper" > > > > David. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Warren Hillsdon" Subject: TPDIS: TP Books Date: 13 May 1998 19:56:04 +1000 Thanks all guys for the messages. BUT the sad news is that most of the copies I had already given to Shaun. However I do have one spare of The Visitor and one of Three in Three. Now that doesn't necessarily mean that we are dead in the water. As every 3 months we have a collectors fair. Which at the last one a couple of weeks ago had a complete run plus the annual and various other duplicate copies of the books there. Now they are going for about $10- each AUD. Except for the annual of course which from memory was about $30-... So if anyone wants to make plans for the next one then let me know.. I didn't buy any others as I already had good copies of them all. But let me know guys. I do have those other 2 at the moment. I hope this answers all the questions. Warren -----Original Message----- >Warren where do you live? I need to find someone in the states who has >spare books. >Tracey > >> >> I do have some spare original series books here if you guys are >desperate. >> >> Warren >> >> >> -----Original Message----- >> From: David Yates >> To: >> Date: Tuesday, 12 May 1998 21:56 >> Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Three in Three >> >> >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >>I would like to mention three things in one mail. >> > >> >>1. I'm 36 and have been a fan since I was 11yrs old. Does that make >> >>me the longest serving fan on the list? >> > >> >I dunno Jack, I'm 34 and have been a fan since I was 9, so I'll race you >> >for it!!! >> > >> >>2. I've found a company who specialize in finding rare out of print >> >>books. In just one month they have found a near complete set of >> >>original series and one new series title. These are reserved for a >> >>lucky member of the group. I have told them to >> >>continue the search. If I come across additional copies would anyone >> >>be interested in them? >> > >> >Where is it??????? I'll buy any books that are available!!! IIRC you are >> >also in the UK, do you have an address for this shop? >> > >> >"Live long and Prosper" >> > >> > David. >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >> > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rachael Bailey" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Three in Three Date: 13 May 1998 03:29:42 PDT >I would like to mention three things in one mail. > >1. I'm 36 and have been a fan since I was 11yrs old. Does that make >me the longest serving fan on the list? i never realised how long some people have known about the tomorrow people. If i hadn't have seen the new series between yr 12 breaks last year i never would have heard of it, scary thought. Rachael with an A ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "David Yates" Subject: TPDIS: Testing Date: 16 May 1998 16:35:58 +0100 Please ignore this one, I'm testing my email to see if there's a problem with it, as I haven't received any post for two days. "Live long and prosper!" DAVID. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ariana Brill) Subject: TPDIS: TP episode guide Date: 14 May 1998 15:31:50 -0700 i was searching for a Twilight Zone episode guide for my science report (don't ask) and stumbled across a web site the "speculative fiction clearing house" which had episode guides for a variety of SF TV shows. before even looking to see if it in fact had a Twilight Zone episode guide, i looked to see if it had a Tomorrow People one. i wasn't really expecting to find anything, but i did! it has all the original series serials with the names of the episodes! i've been working on compiling a list of all the episode names, so i guess i'll stop now... anyway, here's the URL: BTW, did anyone compile that thread from a few weeks ago involving books, TV shows, and movies involving characters with psionic powers? --Ariana "If I was telepathic, if I could teleport, it would be the dream of my life come true!" --Megabyte Damon, The Tomorrow People _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Edmonds Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP episode guide Date: 17 May 1998 12:48:15 +1200 (NZST) > > BTW, did anyone compile that thread from a few weeks ago involving books, > TV shows, and movies involving characters with psionic powers? > > I was working on it but I haven't had any time in the last couple of weeks to add all the corrections/additions everyone sent. Michael ps I think I sent a blank message by accident just before I sent this. Sorry! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: TPDIS: Re: TP Episode Guide Date: 17 May 1998 07:54:47 +0100 > This is quite probably the oldest TP guide available from the internet. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sun Star77 Subject: TPDIS: Movie, TV list Date: 17 May 1998 17:02:20 EDT I found one more for the list of movies dealing with psychic powers: Warlock, the armageddon. The two main characters are druid warriors and have telekenesis and can talk with trees and animals. Kate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kasey Thompson" Subject: TPDIS: ykybwtmtpw Date: 18 May 1998 10:33:03 PDT watch the highly secretive season finale of the "X-files" about a boy who reads minds, surpasses all Xener tests, and is described as "more human than human" and you wonder what the big secret is. He's just breaking out. spend the entire episode waiting for him to break out. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sun Star77 Subject: Re: TPDIS: ykybwtmtpw Date: 18 May 1998 14:37:19 EDT In a message dated 98-05-18 13:35:38 EDT, you write: << you spend the entire episode waiting for him to break out. >> I did too. :-) Kate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: Re: A Man for Emily Date: 19 May 1998 08:44:48 +0000 I've just seen the first part of 'A Man for Emily'. I thought I would not like it but realized that it works on a deep level if you overlook the pantomime atmosphere. It makes a good point about differences between cultures, that what seems natural to one race may be comical to another. I especially like the scene where Liz talks to the camera while pathing to the other tp's. You get the feeling that you are one of them and she is pathing to you directly. It really draws you into the story. Jack BTW. Does anyone know how old Andrew would be in the year 1992? I need this for my latest story. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "David Yates" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: A Man for Emily Date: 19 May 1998 23:25:19 +0100 >BTW. Does anyone know how old Andrew would be in the year 1992? I need this >for my latest story. I would estimate somewhere between 28 and 30. "Live long and Prosper." David ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Trina L. Short" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: A Man for Emily Date: 19 May 1998 20:49:16 -0400 wrote: >=20 > I've just seen the first part of 'A Man for Emily'. I thought I > would not like it but realized that it works on a deep level if you Heh, I'd love to show this quote to my friend Judi, who watched it with me at Visions last year. I felt so bad for her discomfort (I, of course, enjoyed seeing it again after 15 years) that I bought her dinner. :) =20 > It makes a good point about differences between cultures, that what > seems natural to one race may be comical to another. Or what seems natural to a TP fan may be comical to a DW fan? :) (Oh heck, it's silly and it's goofy and I like it all the same.=20 Besides, you get some great scenes of John feeling discomfort AND you get the best view of Peter Davison ever...) --=20 trinalin, some TP and DW fan =A91998 ACME Page Fillers, Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: TPTigger Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: A Man for Emily Date: 19 May 1998 21:06:24 -0500 (CDT) >BTW. Does anyone know how old Andrew would be in the year 1992? I need this >for my latest story. Um, let's see, he's fourteen in WotE, which I think takes place in '79. 1979 - 14 = 1965. Assuming he's has his birthday at this point this makes him, um 92-65= 27. (Reference: "I'm fourteen now, which makes me just three years younger than you [Mike], and two years younger than Hsui Tai.") Right, then, homework. Tigger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "David Yates" Subject: TPDIS: Re: Tomorrow People on Sci-Fi Channel (Europe) Date: 20 May 1998 09:51:51 +0100 Does anybody know which episode we're up to? I haven't been watching it recently as they've been showing ones I have on tape. "Live long and prosper!" DAVID. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jack Newman Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Tomorrow People on Sci-Fi Channel (Europe) Date: 20 May 1998 16:55:18 +0100 David Yates wrote: > Does anybody know which episode we're up to? I haven't been watching it > recently as they've been showing ones I have on tape. > "Live long and prosper!" > DAVID. Last night 1a.m. The Doomseday Men. Episode 1. This morning 10 a.m. The Revenge of Jedikiah Episode 1. Regards Jack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rachael Bailey" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: A Man for Emily Date: 20 May 1998 22:30:43 PDT >(Oh heck, it's silly and it's goofy and I like it all the same.=20 >Besides, you get some great scenes of John feeling discomfort AND you >get the best view of Peter Davison ever...) I have to agree with this one, it's so silly and funny it's a classic. Rachael with an A P.S. and no matter what John says Stephen looks way better in that cowboy outfit than he does. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "W. Loraine Kelley" Subject: TPDIS: ADMIN: Administrative Vacation Date: 21 May 1998 20:15:59 -0600 (MDT) It's that time again. I'm going on vacation! I leave tomorrow (Friday) morning at 9:00 for parts far away from job and school and will return on or around June 2nd. Until then, please contact Kyrie Daniels at if you have any questions or problems. She, as always, has full admin duty and rights. While I'm gone, the TPFICT archive will not be updated. Don't panic. I'll update it as soon as possible after I get back. Until June 2nd ... take care, have fun, and try to keep it on topic :) ... Wendy * Listowner: Tomorrow People Creative and Discussion Lists Asst Listowner: Sliders Creative & Discussion at esosoft ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "tzm" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: A Man for Emily Date: 21 May 1998 22:23:37 -0400 Oh I totally agree with that one. I loved this ep. Tracey ---------- > > P.S. and no matter what John says Stephen looks way better in that > cowboy outfit than he does. > > ______________________________________________________ > Get Your Private, Free Email at > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Latimer84 Subject: TPDIS: Effects of migraine headaches on special powers Date: 22 May 1998 18:15:42 EDT What do you guys think the effects of migraine headaches on special powers would be? (I'm asking since I was talking about it with Arpi since I've been getting them more than usual lately.) -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Shaun Hately" Subject: TPDIS: More Stuff (aren't I lucky?) Date: 23 May 1998 08:43:43 +1000 Once again, I've managed to obtain some more TP-related stuff on video, so I thought I'd let people know about it, as some people are always interested. Three Episodes of "Ace of Wands" (The Meddlers) with a guest appearance by Michael Standing (Ginge) Two episodes of "Sky" co-starring Richard Speight (Peter, the Time Guardian) A compilation of clips from TV Sci Fi prohrams from 1938(!)-1990 set to music, called the Telefantasy Years. The 70s series of "The Tomorrow People" is featured to the music of a song with the words "Do You Wanna Be In My Gang?" repeated over and over again. Most of the clip is from "The Slaves of Jedikiah" and is much higher quality than my copies of that episode. I noticed that it seems that Stephen has been crying when Carol explains to him what the Tomorrow People are (tears glistening on his cheeks) and I wonder if anyone else has noticed this. And finally, about two minutes of video footage from the 1994 "Dreamwatch" convention featuring appearances by Nicholas Young, Michael Holoway, and Sammie Winmill. I hope to make screen captures of these available in the next few days. Yours Without Wax, |'Don't knock mutant freaks. That's how Dreadnought |evolution works. Something new appears / |that might turn out to be just what the o=== ======================- |species needs.' \ |- Stephanie Tolan 'Welcome to the Ark' | ICQ: 6898200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: TPTigger Subject: Re: TPDIS: More Stuff (aren't I lucky?) Date: 22 May 1998 18:17:51 -0500 (CDT) Shaun wrote: >I hope to make screen captures of these available in the next few days. Any chance of .wav files of the footage from Dreamwatch? (I'm curious what they sound like after all these years.:) Tigger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Shaun Hately" Subject: Re: TPDIS: More Stuff (aren't I lucky?) Date: 23 May 1998 09:26:03 +1000 Shaun wrote: > > I hope to make screen captures of these available in the next few days. > Any chance of .wav files of the footage from Dreamwatch? > (I'm curious what they sound like after all these years.:) I'll have a go but I'm not sure how that will turn out. The footage is rather quiet and it may be hard to get a decent quality wav off of it. Yours Without Wax, |'Don't knock mutant freaks. That's how Dreadnought |evolution works. Something new appears / |that might turn out to be just what the o=== ======================- |species needs.' \ |- Stephanie Tolan 'Welcome to the Ark' | ICQ: 6898200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "David Yates" Subject: Re: TPDIS: More Stuff (aren't I lucky?) Date: 23 May 1998 00:55:55 +0100 >I'll have a go but I'm not sure how that will turn out. The footage is >rather quiet and it may be hard to get a decent quality wav off of it. Do have a go Shaun, I would also like to know what they sound like. (Can we have the shot of Carol and Stephen that you mentioned??) "Live long and Prosper!" David. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Warren Hillsdon" Subject: Re: TPDIS: More Stuff (aren't I lucky?) Date: 23 May 1998 10:13:59 +1000 I think I have that TP footage from Dreamwatch somewhere. W. -----Original Message----- > > >>I'll have a go but I'm not sure how that will turn out. The footage is >>rather quiet and it may be hard to get a decent quality wav off of it. > > > >Do have a go Shaun, I would also like to know what they sound like. > >(Can we have the shot of Carol and Stephen that you mentioned??) > >"Live long and Prosper!" > >David. > > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Hal Freeman Subject: Re: TPDIS: Effects of migraine headaches on special powers Date: 22 May 1998 20:45:20 -0500 Latimer84 wrote: > What do you guys think the effects of migraine headaches on special > powers > would be? (I'm asking since I was talking about it with Arpi since > I've been > getting them more than usual lately.) > -Geoff Well, I'm not sure that they would have permanent effects, I think that the pain in itself would absorb a large deal of energy that usually would go to those special powers. It might disable you from using the powers simply because migranes can be rather debilitating. Think of it this way, "You could be breaking out!" and that would make these migranes even more bearable. BTW, Whatever you do, DON'T TAKE ANY ASPIRIN! It may have detrimental effects on special powers. I could be wrong, but since seeing the Tomorrow People, I've stopped all use of aspirin and used good ol' grit to wait it out. Seriously, if you start getting sick to your stomach, and if you start getting impaired vision, forget the special powers, get to the doctor immediately. I knew a girl who had bad migranes, but never would do anything about them. She finally got very sick at school and had to be taken to the emergency room. Don't wait until it gets that far. Nip it in the bud, Geoff. Just remember, if the doctor gives you a CAT scan and you have wedge shaped patterns, you might want to get out of there, no telling how he'll/she'll react. Well, that's my (albeit unprofessional) prognosis, Megan ***** You gonna blow my mind, or shall I blow yours? -Adam Newman The Ramses Connection ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Latimer84 Subject: Re: TPDIS: Effects of migraine headaches on special powers Date: 22 May 1998 22:00:37 EDT In a message dated 98-05-22 21:43:27 EDT, you write: > > What do you guys think the effects of migraine headaches on special > > powers > > would be? (I'm asking since I was talking about it with Arpi since > > I've been > > getting them more than usual lately.) > > -Geoff > > Well, I'm not sure that they would have permanent effects, I think > that the pain in itself would absorb a large deal of energy that usually > would go to those special powers. It might disable you from using the > powers simply because migranes can be rather debilitating. Debilitating? Maybe. Painful? NO way! It's WAAAYYYYY beyond pain ;) > Think of it this way, "You could be breaking out!" and that would make > these migranes even more bearable. Yeah, but I've been getting them for YEARS (not per headache, 'course! ;) > BTW, Whatever you do, DON'T TAKE ANY ASPIRIN! It may have detrimental > effects on special powers. I could be wrong, but since seeing the > Tomorrow People, I've stopped all use of aspirin and used good ol' grit > to wait it out. Of COURSE I don't take asprin! Excedrin Migraine (which is really just different packaging for Extra Strength Excedrin) works MUCH better! > Seriously, if you start getting sick to your stomach, and if you start > getting impaired vision, forget the special powers, get to the doctor > immediately. I knew a girl who had bad migranes, but never would do > anything about them. She finally got very sick at school and had to be > taken to the emergency room. Don't wait until it gets that far. Nip it > in the bud, Geoff. Yeah, that's what the nurse is always telling me (the nip it in the bud part). And my mom. And dad. And doctor. And... >Just remember, if the doctor gives you a CAT scan > and you have wedge shaped patterns, you might want to get out of there, > no telling how he'll/she'll react. LOL! I can see it now: Doctor (looking at CAT scan and sees the patterns): Hmmm, nurse, get me the phone Arpi ('pathing me): Geoffy, jaunt! Me ('pathing Arpi): No need to yell, Arpi, I can hear you fine! AND LOUD NOISES HURT! Shaun ('pathing us both): Arpi, Geoff, shut up! I'm trying to sleep! Beth ('pathing all three of us): Everyone, QUIET, I'm taking an exam! Arpi ('pathing everyone): Shut up! Geoffy still needs to jaunt! Me (still 'pathing): Um, Arpi, I jaunted like 10 minutes ago, I'm standing behind you... Arpi (turns around): Whaa! ('pathing) (like Homer's yell in The Simpsons) > Well, that's my (albeit unprofessional) prognosis, > Megan -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "tzm" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Effects of migraine headaches on special powers Date: 22 May 1998 22:34:47 -0400 I'd like to know the answer too, because, I , too have been having more migraines than usual and i'm on meds for it. My luck, it's because of El Nino. Tracey ---------- > > > What do you guys think the effects of migraine headaches on special powers > would be? (I'm asking since I was talking about it with Arpi since I've been > getting them more than usual lately.) > -Geoff > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jane starr Subject: Re: TPDIS: Effects of migraine headaches on special powers Date: 22 May 1998 23:40:50 -0600 I'm sensing a trend here - list telepathy is one thing but sharing headaches is simply not fair, guys. Although I must admit, mine, bad as they are, aren't classic migraines. No aura, and usually I can function (badly) through them. I have to take a scary amount of acetominophen and codeine to get them down to a bearable level, though, which is probably not something the TP would approve of. I think the TP did take voluntarily take aspirin in The Visitor when they woke up after being captured by the military but of course I can't find my old series books to check. When I had kids they (my GP, the public health nurses and the baby books) said never to give children aspirin because it, if given to kids or teenagers with flu symptoms, is linked to Reyes syndrome which can be fatal (not sure if in all cases fatal or just some, but I have no intention of finding out. I don't keep it in the house). Jane At 10:34 PM 5/22/98 -0400, Tracey wrote: >I'd like to know the answer too, because, I , too have been having more >migraines than usual and i'm on meds for it. My luck, it's because of El >Nino. >Tracey ANd Geoff said: >> What do you guys think the effects of migraine headaches on special >powers >> would be? (I'm asking since I was talking about it with Arpi since I've >been >> getting them more than usual lately.) >> -Geoff Jane Starr 9518-91 st., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6C 3P5 check out the new ON SPEC web page at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jack Newman Subject: Re: TPDIS: Effects of migraine headaches on special powers Date: 23 May 1998 07:15:29 +0100 jane starr wrote: > I'm sensing a trend here - list telepathy is one thing but sharing > headaches is simply not fair, guys. Although I must admit, mine, bad as > they are, aren't classic migraines. No aura, and usually I can function > (badly) through them. I have to take a scary amount of acetominophen and > codeine to get them down to a bearable level, though, which is probably not > something the TP would approve of. > > I think the TP did take voluntarily take aspirin in The Visitor when they > woke up after being captured by the military but of course I can't find my > old series books to check. When I had kids they (my GP, the public health > nurses and the baby books) said never to give children aspirin because it, > if given to kids or teenagers with flu symptoms, is linked to Reyes > syndrome which can be fatal (not sure if in all cases fatal or just some, > but I have no intention of finding out. I don't keep it in the house). Yep that's right page no. 36 chapter 5 > At 10:34 PM 5/22/98 -0400, Tracey wrote: > >I'd like to know the answer too, because, I , too have been having more > >migraines than usual and i'm on meds for it. My luck, it's because of El > >Nino. > >Tracey > ANd Geoff said: > >> What do you guys think the effects of migraine headaches on special > >powers > >> would be? (I'm asking since I was talking about it with Arpi since I've > >been > >> getting them more than usual lately.) I have heard (and correct me if I'm wrong ) that migraines are caused by a sort of short circuit between brain pathways and are related to over active dopamine levels. i think that a tp's brain would use more resources than a Saps so any short circuit would seriously affect their powers. I think it would have the most serious effects on their jaunting ability as this requires disassembly and reassembly of the matter of their bodies. Well that's my contribution. Now I've got a headache. (only kidding) BTW I keep experiencing list telepathy too. Jack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Latimer84 Subject: Re: TPDIS: Effects of migraine headaches on special powers Date: 23 May 1998 15:30:13 EDT In a message dated 98-05-23 01:39:45 EDT, writes: > I'm sensing a trend here - list telepathy is one thing but sharing > headaches is simply not fair, guys. Although I must admit, mine, bad as > they are, aren't classic migraines. No aura, and usually I can function > (badly) through them. I have to take a scary amount of acetominophen and > codeine to get them down to a bearable level, though, which is probably not > something the TP would approve of. My doc won't give me meds 'cause of something about making teens pass out or something (I'm gonna nag her again, I had to sleep a few extra hours this morning, and it was really hard to get to sleep 'cause even under all of my blankets it was still WAY too bright..),, > I think the TP did take voluntarily take aspirin in The Visitor when they > woke up after being captured by the military but of course I can't find my > old series books to check. When I had kids they (my GP, the public health > nurses and the baby books) said never to give children aspirin because it, > if given to kids or teenagers with flu symptoms, is linked to Reyes > syndrome which can be fatal (not sure if in all cases fatal or just some, > but I have no intention of finding out. I don't keep it in the house). Yeah, but I don't have flu symptoms ;) Could we be developing list headaches along with list telepathy?Just to stay on topic: did the TPs ever get really bad headaches? -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: CompuExp Subject: Re: TPDIS: Effects of migraine headaches on special powers Date: 23 May 1998 01:26:10 -0500 Latimer84 wrote: > > In a message dated 98-05-22 21:43:27 EDT, you write: > > > > What do you guys think the effects of migraine headaches on special > > > powers > > > would be? (I'm asking since I was talking about it with Arpi since > > > I've been > > > getting them more than usual lately.) It depends if the person know how to use self control, there are ways that you can stop pain by thought, like headaches, migranes and other stuff. And some of the methods used to lear how to do that are very similar with learning lucid dreaming. For some people to learn it is enough just to read a book about it and practice for few days. One of the examples of doing that is for example if you know how you feel when you take for example Tolenol to stop migrane, then once try to imagine that you have taken medicine and it's working on you migrane, you might get same result without medicine with just a self suggestion. (It doesn't work on all people, only on few). Alex. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: TPTigger Subject: TPDIS: TP, Headaches,and painkillers Date: 23 May 1998 15:36:40 -0500 (CDT) Ok, studies have actually shown that pain can slow healing and that *not* taking medication for headaches, etc, can actually be detrimental. So I can't really see asprin,acetominophin (tylenol), whatever, interfering with special powers. Especially 'cause I've experienced list telepathy even when I'm taking ibruproferin on a regular basis. On the other hand, I can't remember many instances during the first two weeks when I broke my leg, so I'd assume the narcotic painkillers are another story. (And John was pestering me to take them regularly anyway-- if the'd just jaunted me to the lab....) Anyway, I can remember Mike complaining about his head quite a few times after it had been hit, but there's no real documentation of him taking anything-- and TIM usually clears up what's *causing* the pain, so it's sort of silly for him to use medicine to treat it symptamatically. However, when the cause is something either a) stress (John's GOT to get stress headaches), or b) not something you want to knock out the cause of (eg menstrual cramps) I can see the TP taking over the counter pain medication. At least, I hope they're not a problem, not at the rate I've been taking ibuproferin for headaches lately. (Me too, end of term stress, hope I'm not the cause of this!) Just my $0.02, Tigger PS CAT scans don't show ekg lines :( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Latimer84 Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP, Headaches,and painkillers Date: 23 May 1998 16:41:38 EDT In a message dated 98-05-23 16:38:22 EDT, you write: > However, when the cause is something either a) stress (John's GOT to get > stress > headaches), or b) not something you want to knock out the cause of (eg > menstrual cramps) I can see the TP taking over the counter pain medication. That makes me wonder about just how much TIM can do. Could psi-powers help with stress? Althouh, I can see TIM: "Elizabeth, I could always make you a male." Liz: "TIM!!!!!!!!" -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Latimer84 Subject: TPDIS: real teleportation? Date: 23 May 1998 17:11:16 EDT I was reading, and Amy Bridger (hi amy!) responded to my post (hi me!) asking people to fill out a survey on arpi's friend's page (hi arpi!) about teleportation, and someone posted: Amy Bridger wrote: >> > >(Little note: Why is it suddenly, everyone seems to be talking about > >teleportating and telepathy? I've just finished helped out anothe > >rperson with an experiment in telepathy and now for a survey on > >teleportation... *muahahahahahaha*) > >Actually, not too long ago, a photon of light (the information) was >teleported successfully. Maybe that's why there's a lot of talk about >teleportation. > >Jupiter Knight anyone know if this is true? thanks! -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: TPTigger Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP, Headaches,and painkillers Date: 23 May 1998 18:04:01 -0500 (CDT) Geoff wrote: >Could psi-powers help with stress? I think a TP ep or a coloring book (don't ask) would be more effective. >TIM: "Elizabeth, I could always make you a male." >Liz: "TIM!!!!!!!!" Tigger attempts to hide under her desk, but can't 'cause there's way too much stuff under there (not enough shelves in this room), so she runs away screaming in utter terror instead. Tigger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Latimer84 Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP, Headaches,and painkillers Date: 23 May 1998 20:03:22 EDT In a message dated 98-05-23 19:04:26 EDT, you write: > >Could psi-powers help with stress? > I think a TP ep or a coloring book (don't ask) would be more effective. Well, NOW I hafta ask! Do tell about the latest merchandise! =) > >TIM: "Elizabeth, I could always make you a male." > >Liz: "TIM!!!!!!!!" > Tigger attempts to hide under her desk, but can't 'cause there's way too > much > stuff under there (not enough shelves in this room), so she runs away > screaming > in utter terror instead. Liz becomes Jon! WHAA HA HA! ;) -Geoff P.S.- Coudl someone log IRC for me tonight? Thanks! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Shaun Hately" Subject: Re: TPDIS: real teleportation? Date: 24 May 1998 11:17:35 +1000 > > Actually, not too long ago, a photon of light (the information) was > >teleported successfully. Maybe that's why there's a lot of talk about > >teleportation. > > anyone know if this is true? thanks! Broadly true, yes. I'll see if I can find an article about it. I have one somewhere. Yours Without Wax, |'Don't knock mutant freaks. That's how Dreadnought |evolution works. Something new appears / |that might turn out to be just what the o=== ======================- |species needs.' \ |- Stephanie Tolan 'Welcome to the Ark' | ICQ: 6898200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jack Newman Subject: TPDIS: RE: Space ship Date: 24 May 1998 15:45:59 +0100 I am writing a fan fict and need a detailed description of the inside and outside of the space ship. Particularly the symbols around the walls. Can anyone help? Jack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: TPTigger Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP, Headaches,and painkillers Date: 24 May 1998 13:15:24 -0500 (CDT) Geoff wrote: >> I think a TP ep or a coloring book (don't ask) would be more effective. >Well, NOW I hafta ask! Do tell about the latest merchandise! =) It's not TP related. >Liz becomes Jon! WHAA HA HA! ;) Don't make me jaunt over there with a water pistol, young man! That's just too frightening a thought. adn how would you turn off her melanin genes, anyway? Tigger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: Re: TPDIS: real teleportation? Date: 25 May 1998 13:56:38 +1000 (EST) As promised, I've dug out the information I have on the teleportation of photons. I'm going to try and write this as simply and clearly as possible as the science is very complex (beyond my ability to explain clearly), and I assume most people are more interested in the actual results. In 1993, a group of scientists lead by Charles Bennett working for IBM suggested that teleportation was possible. They made use of a theory called the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen effect. In very simple terms this theory states that when two particles collide they may become entangled, and once entangeled anything done to one of the particles will automatically be done to the other. So let's assume we have two particles Alpha and Beta which are allowed to become entangled through a collision. Under EPR, anything that is done to particle Alpha will automatically happen to particle Beta. So now we had a third particle (Gamma) to Alpha creating a pair of joined particles Alpha-Gamma. As Alpha and Beta are entangled, the effect of this is that Beta also becomes Beta-Gamma (has a Gamma particle added to it). This is not a different Gamma particle to the one in Alpha-Gamma - it is the *same* particle. But it is not in the same place. In other words we have the same object in two different locations without that object having ever travelled between the two. The Gamma particle as moved from location Alpha to location Beta without ever having travelled the distance between the two points. In other words it has teleported that distance. That's the theory (I hope I've made it clear - this is stuff I barely understand). Now to the practice. Last year, scientists at the University of Innsbruck did an experiment in which they used three photons they call A, B, and M. A photon is, in simple terms, a particle of light. Photons A and B are both 'entangled' according to the requirements for the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen. Photon M is 'encoded' to carry a particular signal so it can be identified. Photons A and B are fired together at a beam splitter. When they hit the beam splitter, Photon A heads towards one detector (Detector 1). Photon B heads towards a second detector (Detector 2). Photon M is fired towards Detector 1 arriving there at the same moment as Photon A. Photon A and M mix - Photo M can be detected because of it's encoding. At the same moment, Photon B arrives at Detector 2. Now despite the fact that Photon M was *never* fired at Detector 2, and has already been detected at Detector 1, suddenly it is at Detector 2 as well. It has teleported - arrived at Detector 2 without having ever travelled to it. Once again, I hope this is clear. It's as clear as I can make it. So teleportation of photons has been achieved, just as Amy said. Is it possible to teleport larger objects using the same theory. Yes, it is *theoretically* possible to do so but the engineering practicalities involved mean it's unlikely to happen for quite a while, and even then it will be simple objects (say atoms or structures made up of simple atoms). One day, teleportation of large, complex objects (like people) may be possible but that's still a dream, scientifically speaking. Dreadnought ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Amy Bridger Subject: Re: TPDIS: real teleportation? Date: 25 May 1998 19:39:35 +0800 At 01:56 PM 25/5/98 +1000, you wrote: >So teleportation of photons has been achieved, just as Amy said. Just want to point out, it was someone else who posted that, not me. >Dreadnought -- Amy Bridger ( I am in a HOUSE! Is writing psychic instead of physical a Freudian slip? Or merely the product of a tired, bored mind while completing a network assessment? Only my unconscious mind knows for sure! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Hal Freeman Subject: Re: TPDIS: Effects of migraine headaches on special powers Date: 25 May 1998 17:59:40 -0500 > > Well, I'm not sure that they would have permanent effects, I > think > > that the pain in itself would absorb a large deal of energy that > usually > > would go to those special powers. It might disable you from using > the > > powers simply because migranes can be rather debilitating. > Debilitating? Maybe. Painful? NO way! It's WAAAYYYYY beyond pain ;) > lol. I know the feeling. Kind of like you've been hit by a mega-ton truck or something. > Of COURSE I don't take asprin! Excedrin Migraine (which is really > just > different packaging for Extra Strength Excedrin) works MUCH better! > My mum didn't know that, so we now have two full bottles of the stuff. Just shows you that watching TV isn't all that bad. > Yeah, that's what the nurse is always telling me (the nip it in the > bud part). > And my mom. And dad. And doctor. And... I don't want to sound like that, I just don't wanna see you in the hospital, you know how long it takes for a doctor to get to your room? And if you're in a paper gown on one of those metal beds that they keep in the freezer, that's worse. Hospitals are not nice places to's not like ER, most of the doctors around here are old, fat, and smell awful. > >Just remember, if the doctor gives you a CAT scan > > and you have wedge shaped patterns, you might want to get out of > there, > > no telling how he'll/she'll react. > LOL! I can see it now: > Doctor (looking at CAT scan and sees the patterns): Hmmm, nurse, get > me the > phone > Arpi ('pathing me): Geoffy, jaunt! > Me ('pathing Arpi): No need to yell, Arpi, I can hear you fine! AND > LOUD > NOISES HURT! > Shaun ('pathing us both): Arpi, Geoff, shut up! I'm trying to sleep! > Beth ('pathing all three of us): Everyone, QUIET, I'm taking an exam! > Arpi ('pathing everyone): Shut up! Geoffy still needs to jaunt! > Me (still 'pathing): Um, Arpi, I jaunted like 10 minutes ago, I'm > standing > behind you... > Arpi (turns around): Whaa! ('pathing) (like Homer's yell in The > Simpsons) hehehehe....and I how come I didn't get a part? Well! ::mock insult:: You know this could be a prelude to a fan fiction, Geoff. I'd like to see what happens when you get your brain set to the task. BTW, If your face glows and you pass out, either two things have happened: 1)You've quantum leaped into Stephen's body at the beginning of SoJ 2)You're gonna meet John! Ask him for his last name if you do, I've been dying to know. Hope it gets better. Megan **** I bought a pack of batteries once, but they weren't included. -Steven Wright I once went to court for a traffic violation. I pleaded insanity. I said, "Your honour, who in their right mind would park in a passing lane?" -Steven Wright ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Latimer84 Subject: Re: TPDIS: Effects of migraine headaches on special powers Date: 25 May 1998 20:25:28 EDT In a message dated 98-05-25 18:57:27 EDT, you write: > > lol. I know the feeling. Kind of like you've been hit by a mega-ton > truck or something. Several trucks... > > Of COURSE I don't take asprin! Excedrin Migraine (which is really > > just > > different packaging for Extra Strength Excedrin) works MUCH better! > > > > My mum didn't know that, so we now have two full bottles of the stuff. > Just shows you that watching TV isn't all that bad. > > Yeah, that's what the nurse is always telling me (the nip it in the > > bud part). > > And my mom. And dad. And doctor. And... > > I don't want to sound like that, I just don't wanna see you in the > hospital, you know how long it takes for a doctor to get to your room? > And if you're in a paper gown on one of those metal beds that they keep > in the freezer, that's worse. Hospitals are not nice places to's > not like ER, most of the doctors around here are old, fat, and smell > awful. I know, I volunteer in a hospital! And I think ER's way scarier than the real thing >;) > > >Just remember, if the doctor gives you a CAT scan > > > and you have wedge shaped patterns, you might want to get out of > > there, > > > no telling how he'll/she'll react. > > LOL! I can see it now: > > Doctor (looking at CAT scan and sees the patterns): Hmmm, nurse, get > > me the > > phone > > Arpi ('pathing me): Geoffy, jaunt! > > Me ('pathing Arpi): No need to yell, Arpi, I can hear you fine! AND > > LOUD > > NOISES HURT! > > Shaun ('pathing us both): Arpi, Geoff, shut up! I'm trying to sleep! > > Beth ('pathing all three of us): Everyone, QUIET, I'm taking an exam! > > Arpi ('pathing everyone): Shut up! Geoffy still needs to jaunt! > > Me (still 'pathing): Um, Arpi, I jaunted like 10 minutes ago, I'm > > standing > > behind you... > > Arpi (turns around): Whaa! ('pathing) (like Homer's yell in The > > Simpsons) > > hehehehe....and I how come I didn't get a part? Well! ::mock insult:: I'd hated to call you "Hal" by mistake! ::evil cackle:: > You know this could be a prelude to a fan fiction, Geoff. I'd like to > see what happens when you get your brain set to the task. Hmmmm... maybe.... > BTW, If your face glows and you pass out, either two things have > happened: 1)You've quantum leaped into Stephen's body at the beginning > of SoJ 2)You're gonna meet John! Ask him for his last name if you do, > I've been dying to know. He says his last name is "Thomas" (don't ask, it's a teacher..) -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Hal Freeman Subject: Re: TPDIS: Effects of migraine headaches on special powers Date: 26 May 1998 00:28:30 -0500 Latimer84 wrote: > In a message dated 98-05-25 18:57:27 EDT, you write: > > > > > lol. I know the feeling. Kind of like you've been hit by a > mega-ton > > truck or something. > Several trucks... > I guess you can say that a migrane is like being hit by a 'drive' of mega-ton trucks. > Hospitals are not nice places to's > > not like ER, most of the doctors around here are old, fat, and > smell > > awful. > I know, I volunteer in a hospital! And I think ER's way scarier than > the real > thing >;) > BTW, What size is the freezer that they keep the beds on, and can you request one that's thawed? I'd hate to work in hospital, the aura is awful...people dying, people sick, people alone... > > hehehehe....and I how come I didn't get a part? Well! ::mock > insult:: > I'd hated to call you "Hal" by mistake! ::evil cackle:: Very funny...just call me Megan. Can I please have a part? I wanna part! > > You know this could be a prelude to a fan fiction, Geoff. I'd like > to > > see what happens when you get your brain set to the task. > Hmmmm... maybe.... He's got that hmmm thing going on...people may want to start preparing their nerf launchers. > > BTW, If your face glows and you pass out, either two things have > > happened: 1)You've quantum leaped into Stephen's body at the > beginning > > of SoJ 2)You're gonna meet John! Ask him for his last name if you > do, > > I've been dying to know. > He says his last name is "Thomas" (don't ask, it's a teacher..) > I would ask, but let's not bring up that can of worms. I've been having headache flare ups again, and I'm not in the mood to restate why his last name should be Biddle. These things have been going since Sunday. Starting little, getting big. Stephen had headaches in SoJ, didn't he? I could break out...I could break out... Megan P.S- It's 12:27 Central Time here, is anyone else getting a headache right now? **** I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time. -Steven Wright ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Effects of migraine headaches on special powers Date: 26 May 1998 15:49:12 EDT In a message dated 98-05-26 01:27:45 EDT, you write: > > In a message dated 98-05-25 18:57:27 EDT, you write: > > > > > > > > lol. I know the feeling. Kind of like you've been hit by a > > mega-ton > > > truck or something. > > Several trucks... > > > > I guess you can say that a migrane is like being hit by a 'drive' of > mega-ton trucks. > > Hospitals are not nice places to's > > > not like ER, most of the doctors around here are old, fat, and > > smell > > > awful. > > I know, I volunteer in a hospital! And I think ER's way scarier than > > the real > > thing >;) > > > > BTW, What size is the freezer that they keep the beds on, and can you > request one that's thawed? I'd hate to work in hospital, the aura is > awful...people dying, people sick, people alone... I dunno, I don't work in the morgue! though, oddly enough, a day around arpi's comment I started working in the MRI... > > > hehehehe....and I how come I didn't get a part? Well! ::mock > > insult:: > > I'd hated to call you "Hal" by mistake! ::evil cackle:: > > Very funny...just call me Megan. Can I please have a part? I wanna > part! Okee, if I do it. hmmmmm.... > > > You know this could be a prelude to a fan fiction, Geoff. I'd like > > to > > > see what happens when you get your brain set to the task. > > Hmmmm... maybe.... > > He's got that hmmm thing going on...people may want to start preparing > their nerf launchers. Hmmmmmm... > > > BTW, If your face glows and you pass out, either two things have > > > happened: 1)You've quantum leaped into Stephen's body at the > > beginning > > > of SoJ 2)You're gonna meet John! Ask him for his last name if you > > do, > > > I've been dying to know. > > He says his last name is "Thomas" (don't ask, it's a teacher..) > > > > I would ask, but let's not bring up that can of worms. I've been > having headache flare ups again, and I'm not in the mood to restate why > his last name should be Biddle. These things have been going since > Sunday. Starting little, getting big. > Stephen had headaches in SoJ, didn't he? I think he did > I could break out...I could break out... You mean you haven't -- OW, stupid headache-- already? ;) > Megan > > P.S- It's 12:27 Central Time here, is anyone else getting a headache > right now? Actually, today my headache got WAY worse and I was gonna leave school early but neither of my parents could pick me up. It stinks, I had to miss the memorial service! BTW, does fanfic count if one of the characters (or more) in the story is a TP, even if it's not centered around that? Thanks! -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ariana Brill) Subject: Re: TPDIS: Effects of migraine headaches on special powers Date: 25 May 1998 10:32:21 -0700 Geoffrey wrote: > I dunno, I don't work in the morgue! though, oddly enough, a day around arpi's > comment I started working in the MRI... what about Arpi's comment? what did i say? i didn't do it! it's not my fault! i have no clue what's going on, but it isn't my fault! > Actually, today my headache got WAY worse and I was gonna leave school early > but neither of my parents could pick me up. It stinks, I had to miss the > memorial service! BTW, does fanfic count if one of the characters (or more) in > the story is a TP, even if it's not centered around that? Thanks! no... you don't mean... *ariana screams and runs out of the room* sorry. i'm okay now. too much raspberry jell-o. --Ariana "If I was telepathic, if I could teleport, it would be the dream of my life come true!" --Megabyte Damon, The Tomorrow People _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ariana Brill) Subject: TPDIS: ykybwtmtpw... Date: 25 May 1998 10:25:39 -0700 go camping with your school class and by the end of the trip the girl you were tenting with (who has never seen the TP) can not only carry on a decent conversation about it, but can also recite scenes of various episodes. ...while bored in class, you begin playing "guess which page" - a game you've invented where you pick a scene out of a TP novelization and try to guess what page it's on. start guessing right. ...the highlight of your day is finding the word "saponification" in the glossary of your science book. (it's the process of making soap, but it still *sounds* TP-related). manage to talk your science teacher into letting you research telepathy for your science project. ...your friend claims to be an extra terrestrial being who is visiting earth and you start yelling at her for coming to a closed world without permission. smell incense and the first thing that comes to mind is "oh no! Jedikiah's back! it's the Gon drug! must jaunt... must jaunt..." begin reading a book in which the bad guys are named Adam and Stephen and although it seems like something you would, under other circumstances, enjoy, you immediately return it to the library, half read. ask if you'll be aloud to be home schooled by TIM if you break out. manage to convince your sibling that standing on one's head for two hours is the cause of breaking out, and laugh at them when they try. begin to wonder if perhaps you were right, and start standing on your head for prolonged periods of time. see the cover of TIME magazine which reads "jim carrey breaks out!" and run out of the room screaming. ...your english teacher specifically asks you not to write any more journal entries about "that show." --Ariana "If I was telepathic, if I could teleport, it would be the dream of my life come true!" --Megabyte Damon, The Tomorrow People _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Latimer84 Subject: Re: TPDIS: Effects of migraine headaches on special powers Date: 26 May 1998 20:10:32 EDT In a message dated 98-05-26 20:02:20 EDT, you write: > Geoffrey wrote: > > I dunno, I don't work in the morgue! though, oddly enough, a day around > arpi's > > comment I started working in the MRI... > > what about Arpi's comment? what did i say? i didn't do it! it's not my > fault! i have no clue what's going on, but it isn't my fault! The one about the brain scan! > > Actually, today my headache got WAY worse and I was gonna leave school > early > > but neither of my parents could pick me up. It stinks, I had to miss > the > > memorial service! BTW, does fanfic count if one of the characters (or > more) in > > the story is a TP, even if it's not centered around that? Thanks! > > no... you don't mean... *ariana screams and runs out of the room* Yes I do! ha ha ha! (I'm talking about the story, not the funeral) > sorry. i'm okay now. too much raspberry jell-o. OkAAYYY.... -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Latimer84 Subject: Re: TPDIS: ykybwtmtpw... Date: 26 May 1998 20:13:34 EDT ... you write all of these... -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ariana Brill) Subject: Re: TPDIS: Effects of migraine headaches on special powers Date: 25 May 1998 11:35:17 -0700 Geoffrey wrote: > > what about Arpi's comment? what did i say? i didn't do it! it's not my > > fault! i have no clue what's going on, but it isn't my fault! > The one about the brain scan! i must be going crazy. i have honestly no recollection of that conversation. > > no... you don't mean... *ariana screams and runs out of the room* > Yes I do! ha ha ha! (I'm talking about the story, not the funeral) nnoooo.... --Ariana "If I was telepathic, if I could teleport, it would be the dream of my life come true!" --Megabyte Damon, The Tomorrow People _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Latimer84 Subject: Re: TPDIS: Effects of migraine headaches on special powers Date: 26 May 1998 20:51:57 EDT In a message dated 98-05-26 20:50:03 EDT, you write: > Geoffrey wrote: > > > what about Arpi's comment? what did i say? i didn't do it! it's > not my > > > fault! i have no clue what's going on, but it isn't my fault! > > The one about the brain scan! > > i must be going crazy. i have honestly no recollection of that > conversation. weirdo.... we TOLD you not to take asprin! ;) > > > no... you don't mean... *ariana screams and runs out of the room* > > Yes I do! ha ha ha! (I'm talking about the story, not the funeral) > > nnoooo.... Anyone want me to post what I have so far? (This IS on-topic 'cause it has TPs in it!) -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jack Newman Subject: TPDIS: Re: Galactic Federation Membership Date: 27 May 1998 04:26:09 +0100 I have decided to make a list of all planets and cultures known to the Federation including open and closed worlds. As I have not seem many episodes for nearly 20 yrs and my memory is not too good could people let me know what was mentioned in both series as well as the name/s of aliens involved. So far I have. Goros Repos Four Thargon Matra Kraaton Klepton Kulthan Saiyonara Sophia (And this is my own from a forth coming fan fic) Manyarner. Thanks Jack BTW: note my new mailing address. Please send all future correspondence here and not to my work address, thanks :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Shaun Hately" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Galactic Federation Membership Date: 27 May 1998 19:20:40 +1000 > From: Jack Newman > > I have decided to make a list of all planets and cultures known to the > Federation including open and closed worlds. As I have not seem many > episodes for nearly 20 yrs and my memory is not too good could people > let me know what was mentioned in both series as well as the name/s of > aliens involved. > > So far I have. > Goros > Repos Four > Thargon > Matra > Kraaton > Klepton > Kulthan > Saiyonara > Sophia As you have Matra, I'm assuming you are including the novelisations. I can't guarantee spellings for these. This list certainly isn't exhaustive - it's just what I can think of off the top of my head. Some other planets are: Barran Six (home to the Nola Bears in Three In Three: The Great Mothers of Matra) Rexel 4 (mentioned in 'The Blue and the Green') Peeri (The planet visited in 'Worlds Away') Crito (planet Arlon is from in 'The Visitor') Galia (planet visited in 'A Much Needed Holiday') At least one other planet is named in 'The Blue and the Green' when John sees a painting of it, but I can't remember what it was. Yours Without Wax, |'Don't knock mutant freaks. That's how Dreadnought |evolution works. Something new appears / |that might turn out to be just what the o=== ======================- |species needs.' \ |- Stephanie Tolan 'Welcome to the Ark' | ICQ: 6898200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jack Newman Subject: TPDIS: RE: Web page Date: 27 May 1998 15:36:41 +0100 Hi everyone. My web page is up at last. Not quite finished yet but the gallery is worth a look. find me at Jack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "tzm" Subject: Re: TPDIS: RE: Web page Date: 27 May 1998 23:50:38 -0400 if you add the http:// in front of the www in your web address, it will send it as a hotlink so we can visit it directly from the e-mail. Just a thought for next time. Tracey ---------- > Hi everyone. > My web page is up at last. Not quite finished yet but the gallery is > worth a look. > > find me at > > Jack > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: TPTigger Subject: Re: TPDIS: RE: Web page Date: 28 May 1998 13:35:09 -0500 (CDT) Tracy wrote: >if you add the http:// in front of the www in your web address, it will >send it as a hotlink so we can visit it directly from the e-mail. If your email reader is capable of such things. Mine isn't. Someday we'll all use terminals tied into TIM for email, though, then it'll be standard. (Yes, this is my lame attempt to stay on topic.:) (OK, let's drop this before we get 'way off topic:) Tigger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "David Yates" Subject: TPDIS: Re: Web Pages. Date: 28 May 1998 22:56:09 +0100 Just a thought, I wonder if all those who have/or know about TP web-Pages would mind sending the information in? It occurred to me that we might not all know about all of them. "Live long and prosper!" DAVID. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Shaun Hately" Subject: TPDIS: Page Updated Date: 29 May 1998 10:24:47 +1000 I've just updated my Tomorrow People pages ( In particular, I have added images of Nicholas Young, Michael Holoway, and Sammie Winmill from the 1994 Dreamwatch Convention captured from the video I have recently obtained, updated the filmorgraphies of Elizabeth Adare, Nicholas Young, Michael Standing and Richard Speight (added descriptions of roles and new images), and added some images from Nicholas Young and Elizabeth Adares' 1980 episode of 'About Books' - including some rather strange ones (sorry, Tigger!) Yours Without Wax, |'Don't knock mutant freaks. That's how Dreadnought |evolution works. Something new appears / |that might turn out to be just what the o=== ======================- |species needs.' \ |- Stephanie Tolan 'Welcome to the Ark' | ICQ: 6898200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: TPTigger Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Web Pages. Date: 28 May 1998 20:33:49 -0500 (CDT) >I wonder if all those who have/or know about TP >web-Pages would mind sending the information in? has links to most things (or at least links to most of the known pages currently maintained). It's a subject index. If you'd rather use an author index, try the web ring at the bottom. :) (All purpose URL's are fun.:) Tigger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: TPTigger Subject: Re: TPDIS: Page Updated Date: 28 May 1998 20:35:40 -0500 (CDT) Shaun wrote: >added some images from Nicholas Young and >Elizabeth Adares' 1980 episode of 'About Books' - including some rather >strange ones (sorry, Tigger!) You're gonna make me hike somewhere with a graphical web browser, aren't you? Or do you mean the .wav didn't work? Tigger (who's not gonna get a 'puter w/graphics tonight at any rate:) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Stephanie Anderson" Subject: TPDIS: Hi! Date: 29 May 1998 21:42:01 PDT Hi! Hi! Hi! :waves happily: The lurker has retuned! What's happening!? . . Bard Joey (Stephanie Anderson) |\ /| ~*(^.^)*~ \ |/ |oo\ Bardic Hall Shounen Ai webring / \ .) -W----------W- ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Joey Girl" Subject: TPDIS: automated response Date: 30 May 1998 23:48:19 CST5EDT |\ /|Bard Joey \ |/ ~~~~~~~~~ |oo\ bardjoey@o-tay,com / \ .) -W----------W ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Hal Freeman Subject: Re: TPDIS: Hi! Date: 30 May 1998 22:19:13 -0500 Stephanie Anderson wrote: > Hi! Hi! Hi! :waves happily: The lurker has retuned! > What's happening!? We were talking about the effects of migrane headaches on special powers (that was Geoff, not me). We also discussed the new stuff on Shaun's page and Jack's page just came up. Both are awesome. Wendy's on "administrative vacation" till June or something, which means nothing gets archived (which means that TPFICT is at a literal stand still). TPDIS has been rather slow, but that's okay. It's summer, a lot of us are out, or are getting ready to be out of school. You missed the great finals panic (lucky). Ariana has finished finals, and I had them three weeks ago. Tigger's done with hers, and Geoff doesn't have them (but does have several mega-ton trucks ramming him in the head currently, we call them migranes). BTW, I don't believe I've met you. This concludes this broadcast of the emergency update system. Megan p.s- Please inform me if any of my information is off/outdated or if I need to get a life. Any referrals to good shrinks will be taken seriously. **** "I once bought a pack of batteries, but they weren't included, so I had to go buy them again." -Steven Wright "Oh no! I've lost you children! I've gone too far, too soon, too fast. I'm in the land where nothing's funny anymore!" -Robin Williams ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ariana Brill) Subject: Re: TPDIS: Hi! Date: 27 May 1998 08:30:46 -0700 Megan wrote: > TPDIS has been rather slow, but that's okay. It's summer, a lot of us > are out, or are getting ready to be out of school. You missed the great > finals panic (lucky). Ariana has finished finals, and I had them three > weeks ago. Tigger's done with hers, and Geoff doesn't have them (but > does have several mega-ton trucks ramming him in the head currently, we > call them migranes). nope! i wish you were right, Megan! my finals haven't even started yet :( they start on thursday, and end on monday, i believe. or maybe they're all over by friday. i'd better find out! --Ariana "If I was telepathic, if I could teleport, it would be the dream of my life come true!" --Megabyte Damon, The Tomorrow People _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: TPTigger Subject: Re: TPDIS: Hi! Date: 31 May 1998 11:47:58 -0500 (CDT) Megan wrote: >Wendy's on >"administrative vacation" till June or something, In *Britain*, the lucky stiff. :) >which means nothing >gets archived (which means that TPFICT is at a literal stand still). Things will get archived if they're posted now, it's just gonna *take* longer than usual. > Ariana has finished finals, and I had them three > weeks ago. Tigger's done with hers I am? Did I fall through a plot hole or a discontinuity in space-time? I could've sworn I hadn't even *started* them yet (well, really I have, but officially the take home final due tomorrow is a "midterm"-- never mind last day of classes is Wensday:). I'd better get cracking on that Anagrams program in c++ (gotta get it to do single words, then phrases then spit out "Sam Rees" if you type "Rameses":). Tigger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Hi! Date: 31 May 1998 19:09:11 EDT In a message dated 98-05-30 23:17:42 EDT, you write: > and Geoff doesn't have them Excuse me? I do too! (well, I DID, ha ha ha!) -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Hal Freeman Subject: Re: TPDIS: Hi! Date: 31 May 1998 21:37:15 -0500 Okay, I stand *extremely* corrected here. Tigger is not done with finals, neither is Ariana. Geoff is. Lucky Geoff, poor Ariana and Tigger. I really should've 'pathed to Ariana to clarify my info, me and my big mouth.... Things will get posted, but I meant not as fast as they would, and TPFICT is at a stand still. Only on this list could somebody muff something like that so completely and people won't mind telling them when they've stuck their foot completely in their mouth. It's a good list, this list, it is, Megan **** "Well, let's get down to the nub of it." "We've never got down to the nub this quickly before." -Mr. Rumbold and Mr. Humphreys. "Are You Being Served?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ariana Brill) Subject: Re: TPDIS: Hi! Date: 27 May 1998 20:25:49 -0700 > Tigger is not done with finals, neither is Ariana. Geoff is. Lucky > Geoff, poor Ariana and Tigger. I really should've 'pathed to Ariana to > clarify my info, me and my big mouth.... yes, you should have, at the least! or you could have jaunted in and asked, i never mind visitors... at any rate, i'll be done my exams at the end of the week, and then there's graduation (*Ariana shudders involuntarily at the thought of being in a dress and standing up in front of lots of people!* hey, maybe i'll teleport like Lisa!). but after that it's summer and i won't have anything to do with my life, so no one should be surprised if they see me on #TomorrowPeople at three in the morning... > It's a good list, this list, it is, i couldn't agree more! --Ariana "If I was telepathic, if I could teleport, it would be the dream of my life come true!" --Megabyte Damon, The Tomorrow People Three days until Adore comes out! _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]