From: Peter Taylor Subject: TPDIS: Old Series TP on SciFi Europe Date: 01 Nov 1998 14:09:13 -0000 The Old Series repeats on SciFi Europe have moved to 02-Nov-1998 = 0200-0300 GMT (i.e. in about 12 hours time) and weekly thereafter. For = some reason they are starting with 'The Medusa Strain' rather than 'The = Slaves of Jedikiah' and are showing two episodes at a time. The last = series of repeats ended at 27-Oct-1998 0100-0130 . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lynne Paskavich" Subject: TPDIS: New to the new series Date: 01 Nov 1998 11:06:00 PST Hi all! I just recently dug up a few new series shows that someone taped for me. At the time, I turned my nose up at them before I watched an entire serial; but since discovering the group I have been reformed. I went back to get the tape and give the new series a second chance. I thought some of you might actually be interested in the ramblings I have been subjecting my friends to on the many things I have learned from doing so. 1. The tape started with the wrong serial... I would have appreciated the NS a lot more if I had something else first. I won't say which, because it's got me thinking about your answeres to the question... We talked awhile back about what to show nonfans, How about what NS to show someone who has only seen the OS... and vice versa? 2. I don't hate Megabite! At first glance I was sure I hated him. I think he just took some getting use to. I also LOVE Kevin... I know nothing about show politics in either series, but if what was said in list postings is true and he felt pushed out because he wasn't used... Boo Hiss to pushing him out. He was young, but he was great. And I believed in the friendship with Megabite... the age difference was a bit ackward, but Megabite was different than kids his age (as an American, as a computer nerd, as a psi enthusiast, etc.) and was ignored at home... I can see him making friends with someone younger that he felt comfortable with. Let's just leave it at that for now... except to say that I am *so* excited that I will now be able to follow NS postings! A whole new world has been opened to me! :) Lynne Paskavich ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Christopher Murch" Subject: Re: TPDIS: New to the new series Date: 01 Nov 1998 14:57:11 PST >From: "Lynne Paskavich" >To: >Subject: TPDIS: New to the new series >Hi all! > >I just recently dug up a few new series shows that someone taped for me. >At the time, I turned my nose up at them before I watched an entire >serial; but since discovering the group I have been reformed. I went >back to get the tape and give the new series a second chance. I thought >some of you might actually be interested in the ramblings I have been >subjecting my friends to on the many things I have learned from doing >so. > I have never seen the new series and would very much appreciate details on how it differs from the Original series... >Let's just leave it at that for now... except to say that I am *so* >excited that I will now be able to follow NS postings! A whole new >world has been opened to me! :) > > Lynne Paskavich > This will also help me to understand the new series characters... I plan to write my first TP story soon... Chris ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shaun Owen Hately <> Subject: TPDIS: Differences between old and new series Date: 02 Nov 1998 10:26:47 +1100 (EST) On Sun, 1 Nov 1998, Christopher Murch wrote: > I have never seen the new series and would very much appreciate details > on how it differs from the Original series... A lot of this will be my own opinion (naturally) but first of all, factual differences. 1) Different people are involved - we have a whole new group of Tomorrow People. 2) Continuity with the Original series was never really considered in terms of the new - no reference (beyond a few in jokes) is ever made to the Original series, and the history of Earth seen in the 1990s Tomorrow People is not consistent with the history of the 1970s series. 3) The powers of the Tomorrow People differ slightly in the 1990s version. The term 'jaunt' has disappeared (they 'teleport') and they no longer require jaunting belts or bands to do so over long distances. Telekinesis is no longer a major ability but it does seem to still exist. 4) The Lab is gone - the base of the new series TP is a old spaceship on a Pacific Island. 5) The New series TP are confined to Earth - there is no time travel, or trips to other planets. They have no knowledge of any alien civilisations, although they do know of the existence of aliens and encounter them on at least one occasion. Now my opinions. The New Series is far more of a kids show than the original series was - while the Original series was made for kids, it had a much 'grittier' feel at times than the new series obtained. The New series contains a lot of 'humorous' characters - caricatures rather than characters. The average quality of the serials is probably higher than the Original series, but (with the possible exception of 'The Rameses Connection') there are no serials to compare with the best of the Original Series - the plus to this is that there are no serials as bad as the worst of the Original Series either. I guess I'd say the new series is more consistent in terms of quality. In terms of the characters (for potted descriptions of the new series characters, check out Beth's guide at the new series Tomorrow People are all kids, unlike the Original Series where we had two adult Tomorrow People (anyone care to debate (-8 ). I'm not talking about age here, but about how the characters act - at least one of the new series TP is probably technically an adult, but he doesn't act that way (not that he's irresponsible or anything - quite the opposite). And while the Original series Tomorrow People had a lot of adults around them at times (Timus, Tikno, Ginge, Lefty, Professor Cawston, etc), this is far less the case in the new series. There seems to be very much an 'us and them' situation occurring between teens and adults. Just my opinion. Dreadnought ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Differences between old and new series Date: 01 Nov 1998 19:11:58 EST In a message dated 98-11-01 18:27:54 EST, you write: > 2) Continuity with the Original series was never really considered in > terms of the new - no reference (beyond a few in jokes) is ever made to > the Original series Hmmm? When was this? I don't remember that! -Geoff, who doesn't WANNA write the stupid reading response! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Shaun Hately" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Differences between old and new series Date: 02 Nov 1998 12:56:17 +1100 > From: > > In a message dated 98-11-01 18:27:54 EST, you write: > > > 2) Continuity with the Original series was never really considered in > > terms of the new - no reference (beyond a few in jokes) is ever made to > > the Original series > Hmmm? When was this? I don't remember that! In jokes? Well, in 'The Origin Story', the two police officers who come to visit Megabyte are named 'Young' and 'Holloway' - obvious references to Nick Young (John) and Michael Holoway (Mike) the original series actors. Yours Without Wax, |'Don't knock mutant freaks. That's how Dreadnought |evolution works. Something new appears / |that might turn out to be just what the o=== ======================- |species needs.' \ |- Stephanie Tolan 'Welcome to the Ark' | ICQ: 6898200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Beth Epstein" Subject: Re: TPDIS: New to the new series Date: 01 Nov 1998 20:40:43 -0600 Chris M wrote: > > This will also help me to understand the new series characters... I plan > to write my first TP story soon... You don't *have* to cross over both series, you know. You can just write OS stories! tigger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Old Series TP on SciFi Europe Date: 01 Nov 1998 22:30:07 EST In a message dated 11/1/98 10:10:59 am, you wrote: <> For once I think that the US is being left out of a really great event... The reoccurance of the OS. People like me, who have never seen a single eps. of the OS but have seen the NS thousands of times and have distroyed their tapes beyond repair, would love to see them and maybe see something that my parents used to watch. ( Scary thought right? Well then again there is Doctor Who..... ) But any who if any one hears any news of the OS or the NS being rerealeased in the US ( fat chance right?) please, please tell me! Tell every one! Tell the world!! This is news to be spread around the world a few thousand times and then some!! Sorry I am babbling again.... Night every one! Kristin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: new series, old series. Date: 02 Nov 1998 00:31:30 EST I think that the perspective two series reflects a couple of things; 1. The show was originally conceived as a U.K. series not really an U.S. series due to the fact that most of the characters use rather distinct british accents (reflecting a more traditional accent than the more mellow U.K. accent these days) 2. Perspective, it only seems fit to market this new series to kids because there isn't much interest in the idea as an adult sci-fi series, to adults (20+) unless they've seen the old series. 3. Non-essential elements are eliminated to make the idea of tomorrow people more realistic. I remember that the tomorrow people never really caught on in the U.S. because there were too many sci-fi series already pushing the boundaries of viewers to over-kill. Also, U.S./U.K. relations were probably not as strong as they are now.. The two main sci-fi themes were Dr. Who/Blake7(u.k.) or Star Trek, I can't remember much else being that important besides a the typical martian series croping up with aliens invading the earth, etc.. or maybe Lost in Space.. or cartoon sci-fi cropping up in the 80's Maybe what we need is a "end all" Tomorrow People - The Movie; kind of like something in 2-4 parts like Twilight Zone, the Movie... this kind of thing hasn't been done much lately.. too many dull movies coming out.. or remakes of old crap that should never be made into a movie...(Like tha brady bunch and it's sequel) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lynne Paskavich" Subject: Re: TPDIS: New to the new series Date: 02 Nov 1998 01:14:29 PST >I have never seen the new series and would very much appreciate details >on how it differs from the Original series... Seeing something other than the Origin Story first made the differences very confusing and more frustrating than they could have been for me. I think seeing the Origin Story first would have 'eased' me into the changes better... not to mention its being a much better story (IMHO) than the other two I saw (Culex and Monsoon Man). It had more believable villians for one thing. Maybe we old folks just aren't ready for the new (and improved?) version. Change is hard on us. But I am excited about broadening my horizons. >This will also help me to understand the new series characters... I plan >to write my first TP story soon... > >Chris Ah soon, that's what I keep telling myself about mine. (I am sticking with the OS characters in it, though.) I just don't have time for things that take real thought right now. Watching TP doesn't require *original* thought... makes it easier. Tell you what... you hunt down copies of the last two NS serials and we can catch up with the modern folks before we settle down to write. Lynne Paskavich ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Timothy O'Neal" Subject: Re: TPDIS: New to the new series Date: 02 Nov 1998 12:43:23 -0600 (CST) On Mon, 2 Nov 1998, Lynne Paskavich wrote: > Seeing something other than the Origin Story first made the differences > very confusing and more frustrating than they could have been for me. I > think seeing the Origin Story first would have 'eased' me into the > changes better... not to mention its being a much better story (IMHO) > than the other two I saw (Culex and Monsoon Man). It had more > believable villians for one thing. Hey! I believe Culex had believable villians for being a Sci-Fi show (I'll leve Monsoon Man out of this. Bleh) But then again, 'You could say, that I'm in love with mosquitos'. :) > Maybe we old folks just aren't ready for the new (and improved?) > version. Change is hard on us. But I am excited about broadening my > horizons. Change? Change is going from Spaceships and teleporting, to TIMs and Labs and 'jaunting'. :) But, I'd like to broaden my horizens, but I need to broaden my wallet too. :) BTW, what is that table in the (new) lab that they always seem to be touching while telepathically contacting with someone. To help out with the question, I'm talking of 'Doomsday Men'. I also saw, in its entirety, 'Ramses Connection' last night. I loved it, save one minor nitpick, and another question. My nitpick is, they built up to the ending, but for what? That was an extremely weak ending for such a cool serial. And now my question, Why did Milicent and Co. turn to rocks at the end. Anywho, Ja ne minnasan! Timothy O'Neal/KishiSankaku ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Shaun Hately" Subject: Re: TPDIS: New to the new series Date: 03 Nov 1998 08:41:21 +1100 > From: Timothy O'Neal > > Change? Change is going from Spaceships and teleporting, to TIMs and Labs > and 'jaunting'. :) But, I'd like to broaden my horizens, but I need to > broaden my wallet too. :) BTW, what is that table in the (new) lab that > they always seem to be touching while telepathically contacting with > someone. To help out with the question, I'm talking of 'Doomsday Men'. Well, 'The Doomsday Men' is actually still the old lab, but the table to which you refer is the 'Link Table'. In simple terms, it seems that placing their hands on the table allows the TP to boost their telepathic range by acting in concert with TIM and any other Tomorrow Person touching the table. The Link Table is not needed for telepathy, but does seem to make it easier (less energy needed by the TP) and so when the Tomorrow People are in the Lab, they normally make use of it. In the new lab, the link table is gone, but the mobile version of TIM serves the same purpose (among others). It's also used for recovering memories and combining minds, much like that wierd seesawing chair in the new series Spaceship is used in the mind merge. > I > also saw, in its entirety, 'Ramses Connection' last night. I loved it, > save one minor nitpick, and another question. > > My nitpick is, they built up to the ending, but for what? That was an > extremely weak ending for such a cool serial. And now my question, Why did > Milicent and Co. turn to rocks at the end. Anywho, Ja ne minnasan! Good question. I have my theories, but won't reveal them here - fanfic, you know. But I agree - if not for those final scenes which just got silly, The Rameses Connection would have joined The Blue and the Green (IMHO) as one of the best serials ever made. Yours Without Wax, |'Don't knock mutant freaks. That's how Dreadnought |evolution works. Something new appears / |that might turn out to be just what the o=== ======================- |species needs.' \ |- Stephanie Tolan 'Welcome to the Ark' | ICQ: 6898200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Christopher Murch" Subject: Re: TPDIS: New to the new series Date: 02 Nov 1998 22:37:27 PST >Ah soon, that's what I keep telling myself about mine. (I am sticking >with the OS characters in it, though.) I just don't have time for things >that take real thought right now. Watching TP doesn't require >*original* thought... makes it easier. > >Tell you what... you hunt down copies of the last two NS serials and we >can catch up with the modern folks before we settle down to write. > > Lynne Paskavich that sounds like a nice idea... I have been reading a lot of the stories archived on TPFICT and I think that there is a lot of original thought out there. Can I ask what to do if I want to use one of the charactrs created by a someone else in one of my stories? Chris ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jack Newman Subject: Re: TPDIS: Differences between old and new series Date: 03 Nov 1998 07:00:38 +0000 Shaun Owen Hately wrote: Now my opinions. The New Series is far more of a kids show than the > original series was - while the Original series was made for kids, it had > a much 'grittier' feel at times than the new series obtained. I agree with this, I remember my father rushing home from work to watch TP with me. I think that even after all this time it is still very accessible to all age greoups. > The New series contains a lot of 'humorous' characters - caricatures rather > than > characters. The average quality of the serials is probably higher than > the Original series, but (with the possible exception of 'The Rameses > Connection') there are no serials to compare with the best of the > Original Series - the plus to this is that there are no serials as bad as > the worst of the Original Series either. I guess I'd say the new series > is more consistent in terms of quality. > I wonder what you mean by the worst? AMFE, Living Skins? > unlike the Original Series where we had two adult > Tomorrow People (anyone care to debate (-8 ). I'm not talking about age > here, but about how the characters act - I think John acted like an adult from the outset! As Stephen and Mike got older they can also be considered adults. In War of the Empires Andrew says he is 14, Hsui is 16 and Mike is 17. > And while the > Original series Tomorrow People had a lot of adults around them at times > (Timus, Tikno, Ginge, Lefty, Professor Cawston, etc), this is far less > the case in the new series. There seems to be very much an 'us and them' > situation occurring between teens and adults. IMHO, I think this is a sign of the times in which it was made. PVC was chosen for the part by RP because he was over 16 but looked much younger. This meant he did not require a chaperone on set. As far as I remember most kids shows in the 70's had adults as the main characters, but in the 80's there was more of a trend to make the stars more acceptible to the viewing age group. This is just my opinion too :) Jackie -- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lynne Paskavich" Subject: Re: TPDIS: New to the new series Date: 02 Nov 1998 23:24:34 PST >Change? Change is going from Spaceships and teleporting, to TIMs and Labs >and 'jaunting'. :) Or vice versa... could give you a headache, couldn't it? Lynne Paskavich ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lynne Paskavich" Subject: Re: TPDIS: New to the new series Date: 02 Nov 1998 23:29:38 PST >Can I ask what to do >if I want to use one of the charactrs created by a someone else in one >of my stories? That was my first question. I think the short answer was ask real nice and hope they agree. (The main emphasis on ASK.) :) Lynne Paskavich ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Timothy O'Neal" Subject: Re: TPDIS: New to the new series Date: 03 Nov 1998 08:24:21 -0600 (CST) On Mon, 2 Nov 1998, Lynne Paskavich wrote: > >Change? Change is going from Spaceships and teleporting, to TIMs and > Labs > >and 'jaunting'. :) > > Or vice versa... could give you a headache, couldn't it? > > Lynne Paskavich Here you go.. Living in a 90s world, and traveling ack to all those odd styles.. That's *scary* (j/k) :) TIM/KishiSankaku :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michael Matott" Subject: Re: TPDIS: New to the new series Date: 03 Nov 1998 21:45:15 PST >From Mon Nov 2 22:39:06 1998 >From: "Christopher Murch" >To: >Subject: Re: TPDIS: New to the new series > Can I ask what to do >if I want to use one of the charactrs created by a someone else in >one of my stories? Common courtesy would be to ask the author. If you can't find them through the list, Wendy as archive keeper might know how to find the particular author. (although I believe most authors on the archive are list members.) I put in my disclaimers that if people want to use any of my characters they're free to do so, if they check with me first (and I'd ask to beta the story if they chose to use one of my characters.) I know some people are posessive about their characters and/or plotlines and wouldn't appreciate someone doing something to their character they didn't like. mike - not posessive, just parental ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wendy Kelley Subject: TPDIS: contacting authors Date: 04 Nov 1998 11:01:36 -0600 Just a note about contacting authors: many authors (self included) have changed their email addresses several times over the course of the archive's life. I try to post the author's address with their story when it's archived, but I absolutely cannot guarantee that the address is still valid. Sometimes I go back and change them all when an author informs me of an update. More often, I don't. The best way to find the author's most recent address is to find their most recent story (and cross your fingers). The counters page has all the stories listed with the date of their posting (if after July 1997). The page is linked off the archives. Also, if an author for whatever reason doesn't respond at all to your inquiry, that should not be taken as an implied okay. I'd hate to see unnecessary tensions brought to the list because of a situation such as this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jack Newman Subject: TPDIS: Jaunting/Teleporting Date: 04 Nov 1998 22:17:27 +0000 I was laying in bed last night attempting to jaunt/teleport to the states ( something I try at least once a week) when it occurred to me that it could be very embarrassing if I materialised in a public place in a state of undress and without the appropriate documentation. This got me thinking about places it would be fun/ daring / dangerous to jaunt to or from... These were some of my ideas. 1. My parents bedroom ;) 2. The President's/Prime Minister's bathroom! 3. An active volcano! Spectacular view but a bit hot! 4. The background scenery of a live TV broadcast... Would the producer believe his/her eyes? 5. The stage of a rock concert. 6. Monica Lewinskey's meeting with her lawyer/publisher. Grab the documents quick and run! 7. Just outside the window of the Space Shuttle: AE Suit needed. 8. Front row seats of Centre Court Wimbledon. Better still beside the umpire! Does any one have any other thoughts? Believe it or not I was sober at the time I made up this list :) Jackie -- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Edmonds Subject: Re: TPDIS: Jaunting/Teleporting Date: 05 Nov 1998 11:39:19 +1300 (NZDT) On Wed, 4 Nov 1998, Jack Newman wrote: > This got me thinking about places it would be fun/ daring / dangerous to > jaunt to or from... > These were some of my ideas. > > 1. My parents bedroom ;) Oh dear! > 2. The President's/Prime Minister's bathroom! Careful. Their security might decide to fill you with bullet holes > 3. An active volcano! Spectacular view but a bit hot! Bit hot? Pick the wrong place and you could be vaporised. > 4. The background scenery of a live TV broadcast... Would the producer > believe his/her eyes? I love this one > 5. The stage of a rock concert. > 6. Monica Lewinskey's meeting with her lawyer/publisher. Grab the > documents quick and run! > 7. Just outside the window of the Space Shuttle: AE Suit needed. You would have to paint your face green and wear antennae for this one > 8. Front row seats of Centre Court Wimbledon. Better still beside the > umpire! > Does any one have any other thoughts? > > Believe it or not I was sober at the time I made up this list :) > > Jackie > How about: Onto a golf green just as someone begins to putt Into Fort Knox for a look around Visit a silent running Nuclear sub (if you could find it first) Think of all the objects you could climb etc without need ing a harness. If you fell you could just teleport - Eiffel Tower etc. Take a look at Mt Everest. Onto the wing of a Jumbo jet (AE suit I think) Michael ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: TPDIS: Differences between old and new series Date: 04 Nov 1998 22:43:50 GMT "Shaun Hately" wrote: > In jokes? Well, in 'The Origin Story', the two police officers who come to > visit Megabyte are named 'Young' and 'Holloway' - obvious references to > Nick Young (John) and Michael Holoway (Mike) the original series actors. The original idea supposedly was that these characters would be played by Nick Young and Mike Holoway, but they were unavailable. Believe that if you will. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: TPDIS: New to the new series Date: 04 Nov 1998 22:47:44 GMT "Lynne Paskavich" wrote: > >I have never seen the new series and would very much appreciate details > >on how it differs from the Original series... > Seeing something other than the Origin Story first made the differences > very confusing and more frustrating than they could have been for me. I > think seeing the Origin Story first would have 'eased' me into the > changes better... not to mention its being a much better story (IMHO) > than the other two I saw (Culex and Monsoon Man). It had more > believable villains for one thing. The miniseries is a bit repetitive, and threadbare in places. Series two was made in a bit of a rush, which means it is rather rough round the edges to say the least. It is also the most influenced by the desires of Nickelodeon, whereas the third was much more self assured. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: TPDIS: New to the new series Date: 04 Nov 1998 22:56:04 GMT "Timothy O'Neal" wrote: > Hey! I believe Culex had believable villains for being a Sci-Fi show (I'll > leave Monsoon Man out of this. Bleh) But then again, 'You could say, that > I'm in love with mosquitoes'. :) Part of the remit was to make it more Avengerish. It so happens that plot ideas along similar lines had been to a certain extent been used in the original Avengers. > I > also saw, in its entirety, 'Ramses Connection' last night. I loved it, > save one minor nitpick, and another question. > My nitpick is, they built up to the ending, but for what? That was an > extremely weak ending for such a cool serial. And now my question, Why did > Millicent and Co. turn to rocks at the end. Anywho, Ja ne minnasan! Things start to fall apart somewhere through episode 3, at least for me. Episodes 4 and 5 were re-edited late [which can be told directly by the 1995-style Central Television logo at the end of the UK broadcast, whereas the others have the 1994 one], and at least one scene was removed without thought as to how its absence affected the story. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Jaunting/Teleporting Date: 04 Nov 1998 20:56:38 EST In a message dated 98-11-04 17:19:25 EST, you write: > 2. The President's/Prime Minister's bathroom! Eewwwww! To be perfectly blunt, in the US the LAST place you want to end up is alone with the President, especially in a place where he's SUPPOSED to be undressed =) Anyway, here's where *I* think it'd be most dangerous/safe to teleport: Dangerous: Anywhere where they film those cheesy FOX network specials (the World's Deadliest Chair-Carvers Caught on Tape 5!) OR the zoo! Safest: the head of the Statue of Liberty (assuming it's still closed) -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Shawn Lazerus" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Jaunting/Teleporting Date: 04 Nov 1998 22:24:58 -0500 >I was laying in bed last night attempting to jaunt/teleport to the >states I wonder where???? >2. The President's/Prime Minister's bathroom! I hope not there!!! >3. An active volcano! Spectacular view but a bit hot! As long as you can hover! >5. The stage of a rock concert. Journey maybe? >Believe it or not I was sober at the time I made up this list :) Not sure I believe it!!! : ) I'm afraid of jaunting somewhere in my sleep and not having the energy to jaunt home!!!! Like, the mall, when its closed and I end up setting off the alarms!!! Or downtown on a bus, with no ID and no money!!! Worst yet, jaunting to work and having to wait until the building is unlocked(My keys and the security card would still be home!) -Lazerus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jack Newman Subject: Re: TPDIS: Jaunting/Teleporting Date: 05 Nov 1998 06:06:42 +0000 Shawn Lazerus wrote: > >I was laying in bed last night attempting to jaunt/teleport to the > >states > I wonder where???? Now that would be telling lol :) But any where would be a breakthrough. > > > >2. The President's/Prime Minister's bathroom! > > I hope not there!!! Catch them in the shower as a dare was what I was thinking about....Do you think the tp's would dare each other to do this sort of thing? Maybe Tyso and Stephen might. As long as John never found out! > > > >3. An active volcano! Spectacular view but a bit hot! > > As long as you can hover! > Yep, Manyarnerns can levitate...Which makes me wonder how fast you could jaunt into a place, realize it was a big mistake, then jaunt straight out again? A few fractions of a second according to Elizabeth in Secret Weapon.. I wonder whether you can change your mind mid jaunt? Does any one have ideas on this? > >5. The stage of a rock concert. > > Journey maybe? You guessed it! But appearing in the background and joining in at any concert would be great! > > > >Believe it or not I was sober at the time I made up this list :) > > Not sure I believe it!!! : ) lol.. careful Laz other people may be listening :) > > > I'm afraid of jaunting somewhere in my sleep and not having the energy to > jaunt home!!!! Like, the mall, when its closed and I end up setting off the > alarms!!! Or downtown on a bus, with no ID and no money!!! Worst yet, > jaunting to work and having to wait until the building is unlocked(My keys > and the security card would still be home!) Yep but arriving in the Mall in the US when you are not clothed and have a british accent but no ID/passport at all, to explain how you got there, would be *very* embarrassing :)Jackie -- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michael Matott" Subject: Re: TPDIS: New to the new series Date: 04 Nov 1998 22:39:19 PST >From Wed Nov 4 15:23:04 1998 >From: Jeremy Rogers > "Timothy O'Neal" wrote: > >> Hey! I believe Culex had believable villains for being a Sci-Fi show (I'll >> leave Monsoon Man out of this. Bleh) But then again, 'You could say, that >> I'm in love with mosquitoes'. :) > >Part of the remit was to make it more Avengerish. It so happens that >plot ideas along similar lines had been to a certain extent been used >in the original Avengers. Well, that's okay. The original Avengers used the same plot on more than one occasion. I can't remember the exact episodes but there were two Diana Rigg-Patrick Macnee episodes seperated by a few years that had EXACTLY the same plot. The plot involved Mrs. Peel being lured to a house, only to be trapped inside with no conceivable way out as an old enemy tried to kill her, and Steed comes to the rescue, with Mrs. Peel getting a number of licks and discoverie in herself. The only thing they changed was the names and the sets. They made a clever sort of nod to these cookie-cut plots in the recent Avengers movie when Mrs. Peel was stuck in a house with architecture out of MC Escher. > >> I >> also saw, in its entirety, 'Ramses Connection' last night. I loved it, >> save one minor nitpick, and another question. > >> My nitpick is, they built up to the ending, but for what? That was an >> extremely weak ending for such a cool serial. And now my question, Why did >> Millicent and Co. turn to rocks at the end. Anywho, Ja ne minnasan! > >Things start to fall apart somewhere through episode 3, at least for >me. I have to agree. I missed the first episode which left me confused enough, but I *didn't* miss episode 3 or 4, yet I was pretty confused during episode 5. Things just didn't add up quite right. >Episodes 4 and 5 were re-edited late [which can be told directly by >the 1995-style Central Television logo at the end of the UK >broadcast, whereas the others have the 1994 one], and at least one >scene was removed without thought as to how its absence affected the story. > What scene? And what was missing? Ramses had the best beginning of the serials, IMHO, but the absolute weakest deus ex machina ending. They *danced* around Ramses to defeat him? Okay, sure. I thought Culex was all in all a good story, minus the sortof twins and the over the top moments with Dr. Culex (most of the time it was okay, sometimes it got into kids show melodrama). Monsoon Man? Some things are better left forgotten. Living Stones would have been better if they hadn't dragged out Jade's breaking out over the whole serial. I mean, by the time she broke out everything was nearly over except for the final rounding up of the aliens. We didn't even see her arrive at the spaceship to find out whether or not she landed in the water first. :-) mike Greyfalcon aka Mike Matott Nothing is stranger than reality ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lynne Paskavich" Subject: Re: TPDIS: New to the new series Date: 05 Nov 1998 12:59:47 PST >I thought Culex was all in all a good story, minus the sortof twins and >the over the top moments with Dr. Culex (most of the time it was okay, >sometimes it got into kids show melodrama). I'm rewatching it in my spare (ha!) moments now... and that is just the way I feel. The overdone Dr. Culex moments and the twins just got a little too childish. Otherwise, it was ok. It just made a poor introduction to the new series for me. >Monsoon Man? Some things are better left forgotten. Hehe - I was distracted enough when I watched it that I can't say it was *that* bad... not fairly at least. I'll have to pay more attention this next time. Lynne Paskavich ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: TP Screen Saver Date: 05 Nov 1998 22:29:45 EST Okay, here's the deal: I'm trying to make my own TP screen saver. I need some pics of the cast (new series), etc., but whenever I save a pic from the web, it saves as an .art file, which I can't see without AOL open. What I need is some of you wonderful people to send me some pics (.gif, .tif, or .jpg files) of any of TP from the new series. Thanks a lot. PR Mega ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Screen Saver Date: 05 Nov 1998 22:52:49 EST In a message dated 11/5/98 10:46:52 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > I need some > pics of the cast (new series), etc., but whenever I save a pic from the web, > it saves as an .art file, which I can't see without AOL open. I've copied some pics off the web and had the same thing happen to me. Sometimes it would let me save as gifs, but not at other times. I've found that the best thing to do is to save them as bmp files (AOL has always given me that choice) and then translate them into gif files. I actually encountered the same problem for exactly the same reason I've since deleted all the pictures, though, since they're saved as a screen-saver file. I would send you some, otherwise. Sorry. -Nicole ___________________________ "People talk about my pictures. So long as they continue talking about butts, they will not be killing each other." -Yoko Ono discussion her art project consisting of posters showing butts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Shaun Hately" Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Screen Saver Date: 06 Nov 1998 14:52:56 +1100 > From: > > Okay, here's the deal: I'm trying to make my own TP screen saver. I need > some pics of the cast (new series), etc., but whenever I save a pic from the > web, it saves as an .art file, which I can't see without AOL open. What I > need is some of you wonderful people to send me some pics (.gif, .tif, or > .jpg files) of any of TP from the new series. Thanks a lot. Can you be more precise? I'm happy to send pics but altogether I have about 300 TP pics - more info and I can probably really help you. Yours Without Wax, |'Don't knock mutant freaks. That's how Dreadnought |evolution works. Something new appears / |that might turn out to be just what the o=== ======================- |species needs.' \ |- Stephanie Tolan 'Welcome to the Ark' | ICQ: 6898200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Screen Saver Date: 05 Nov 1998 23:03:21 EST In a message dated 98-11-05 22:46:52 EST, you write: << Subj: TPDIS: TP Screen Saver Date: 98-11-05 22:46:52 EST From: Sender: Reply-to: To: >>Okay, here's the deal: I'm trying to make my own TP screen saver. I need some >>pics of the cast (new series), etc., but whenever I save a pic from the web, >>it saves as an .art file, which I can't see without AOL open. What I need is >>some of you wonderful people to send me some pics (.gif, .tif, or .jpg files) >> of any of TP from the new series. Thanks a lot. Actually, all you need to do is after you sign-off, keep AOL open,and go to FILE, then go to open. When you view the files in question, go to SAVE AS, and then another box should open,and say SAVE IMAGE AS. Then go to the name,and save it as a GIF,BMP or whatever. You can save it as a JPG,which will erase the old file,and replace it with the viewable image. Good Luck, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Shawn Lazerus" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Jaunting/Teleporting Date: 05 Nov 1998 23:50:16 -0500 Jack Newman wrote: >I wonder whether you can change your mind mid jaunt? Does any one >have ideas on this? I think in order to jaunt somewhere effectively, you have to see it in your mind. That would mean you could be a stunt teleporter and jaunt above the volcano, fall for a while, enjoying the sights, and then jaunt back! Hopefully, but don't get cought! And especially don't lose your concentration! : ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Shawn Lazerus" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Jaunting/Teleporting Date: 05 Nov 1998 23:55:31 -0500 Jack Newman wrote: >I wonder whether you can change your mind mid jaunt? Does any one >have ideas on this? I dont see why you couldn't change your mind in mid jaunt. As long as you are stong enough and focused enough! One of us should try it sometime! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lynne Paskavich" Subject: Re: TPDIS: New to the new series Date: 05 Nov 1998 23:23:14 PST >childish Yuck, shame on me ... very poor choice of words. Please forgive me. I was in a hurry. I'm just not a big fan of mad scientist villians in general. Give me a good alien menance and/or interplanetary culture clash... or a nice little government intrusion/coverup anyday. :) Again, sorry on my word choice. I don't consider your average Superhero comic *childish* as such; and a lot of the villians in them tend to fall in Culex's catagory... Just not my favorite type of villian. Lynne Paskavich ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Jaunting/Teleporting Date: 06 Nov 1998 14:20:32 EST In a message dated 98-11-05 23:48:48 EST, you write: << Subj: Re: TPDIS: Jaunting/Teleporting Date: 98-11-05 23:48:48 EST From: (Shawn Lazerus) Sender: Reply-to: To: >>Jack Newman wrote: >>I wonder whether you can change your mind mid jaunt? Does any one >>have ideas on this? >I think in order to jaunt somewhere effectively, you have to see it in your >mind. That would mean you could be a stunt teleporter and jaunt above the >volcano, fall for a while, enjoying the sights, and then jaunt back! Hopefully, but >don't get cought! And especially don't lose your concentration! : ) While I ca see that that reply is tounge-in-cheek,you're right to a certain extent. Without TIM's help, you do need to be more focused (ie KNOW where you're going--home, school etc),while with TIM's help, you neednt be too concerned,as you would've told him in adnvance where you wanted to go. Also, with the (dis) advantages of todays technology, there are more spy cameras everywhere,including in orbit,so since TIM can ''talk'' to any computer know to saps,we can safely assume that he can be very accurate in pinpointing almost any place on the Earth that you might want to go,but havent been ie the PM's office, Buckingham Palace, White House, etc,etc. Again, I am not trying to make TIM into the Ultimate Computer,but merely saying that he is more advanced that even the TP are,and can do things more accurately than they could. The fact that TIM is Bio-tronic,and has a Human personality and emotions, makes him better than if he were a cold, emotionless IBM.:) IMHO of course.:) Jeff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Derek A Klein) Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Screen Saver Date: 06 Nov 1998 18:35:15 EST >Can you be more precise? I'm happy to send pics but altogether I have about >300 TP pics - more info and I can probably really help you. Okay. I need a few good group shots, any pics the opening TP credits, and good shots of any of the TP, Jade, Adam, Megabyte, Kevin, Lisa, or Ami or the enemies. Thanks. PR Mega ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Shaun Hately" Subject: TPDIS: Jaunting wristband Date: 07 Nov 1998 13:47:27 +1100 I don't suppose anyone has a screen captured image of a jaunting band (from the original series) post The Lost Gods anywhere? I thought there might be one on Dave Johnson's TP page but it seems to have gone down. If anyone has such a screen capture or if someone with the ability (ie, a video capture card) could make me one, it would be greatly appreciated. Yours Without Wax, |'Don't knock mutant freaks. That's how Dreadnought |evolution works. Something new appears / |that might turn out to be just what the o=== ======================- |species needs.' \ |- Stephanie Tolan 'Welcome to the Ark' | ICQ: 6898200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jack Newman Subject: Re: TPDIS: Jaunting wristband Date: 07 Nov 1998 07:54:28 +0000 Shaun Hately wrote: > I don't suppose anyone has a screen captured image of a jaunting band (from > the original series) post The Lost Gods anywhere? I thought there might be > one on Dave Johnson's TP page but it seems to have gone down. > > If anyone has such a screen capture or if someone with the ability (ie, a > video capture card) could make me one, it would be greatly appreciated. > I have a fairly good pic in the TP 1979 annual of Hsui Tai standing with her hands in front of her... Trouble is I don't have a scanner! I'll try to find a friend who can scan it and then send it to you. Jackie -- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Peter Taylor Subject: RE: TPDIS: Jaunting/Teleporting Date: 07 Nov 1998 12:32:58 -0000 ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE0A4A.C7BA8520 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <<< Jack Newman 04 November 1998 22:17 I was laying in bed last night attempting to jaunt/teleport to the states ( something I try at least once a week) when it occurred to me that it could be very embarrassing if I materialised in a public place in a state of undress and without the appropriate documentation. This got me thinking about places it would be fun/ daring / dangerous to jaunt to or from... >>> I would have thought that _any_ long-distance first-time jaunt would be = dangerous (except in the New Series when the Ship acts as a beacon). = Possible problems in a UK to US jaunt include: Forgetting to allow for the Earth's rotation and ending up heading for = the ground at an angle at about 700 mph. Making a 1% error in the co-ordinates and ending up 50 miles up in the = air or 50 miles underground. Forgetting to allow for potential-energy differences in a change of = altitude - especially downwards. If the energy isn't 'dumped' in some = way (by Telekinesis?) and appears as kinetic energy Jaunting from the = top of a tall building to the bottom would have the same effect as = jumping off the top! If the energy appears as heat the effect should be = less severe - 1 degree Centigrade per 400m change in altitude (I think) = - just be careful Jaunting out of aircraft. When practicing try short distances at the same altitude first. :-) ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE0A4A.C7BA8520 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IgoMAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAEIgAcAGAAAAElQTS5NaWNy b3NvZnQgTWFpbC5Ob3RlADEIAQ2ABAACAAAAAgACAAEEkAYANAEAAAEAAAAMAAAAAwAAMAIAAAAL AA8OAAAAAAIB/w8BAAAATwAAAAAAAACBKx+kvqMQGZ1uAN0BD1QCAAAAAHRwZGlzQGxpc3RzLnht aXNzaW9uLmNvbQBTTVRQAHRwZGlzQGxpc3RzLnhtaXNzaW9uLmNvbQAAHgACMAEAAAAFAAAAU01U UAAAAAAeAAMwAQAAABkAAAB0cGRpc0BsaXN0cy54bWlzc2lvbi5jb20AAAAAAwAVDAEAAAADAP4P BgAAAB4AATABAAAAGwAAACd0cGRpc0BsaXN0cy54bWlzc2lvbi5jb20nAAACAQswAQAAAB4AAABT TVRQOlRQRElTQExJU1RTLlhNSVNTSU9OLkNPTQAAAAMAADkAAAAACwBAOgEAAAACAfYPAQAAAAQA AAAAAAACoz0BBIABACAAAABSRTogVFBESVM6IEphdW50aW5nL1RlbGVwb3J0aW5nAMsKAQWAAwAO AAAAzgcLAAcADAAgADoABgBTAQEggAMADgAAAM4HCwAHAAwABwAeAAYAHgEBCYABACEAAABDOThC QTc1NjM5NzZEMjExQjhBNTQ0NDU1MzU0MDAwMADcBgEDkAYAIAYAABQAAAALACMAAQAAAAMAJgAA AAAACwApAAAAAAADAC4AAAAAAAMANgAAAAAAQAA5AKDydMBKCr4BHgBwAAEAAAAgAAAAUkU6IFRQ RElTOiBKYXVudGluZy9UZWxlcG9ydGluZwACAXEAAQAAABYAAAABvgpKwG1Wp4vKdjkR0rilREVT VAAAAAAeAB4MAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AHwwBAAAAFAAAAHBqdC4xQGNhYmxlb2wuY28udWsA AwAGEKn6c0QDAAcQNgQAAB4ACBABAAAAZQAAADw8PEpBQ0tORVdNQU4wNE5PVkVNQkVSMTk5ODIy OjE3SVdBU0xBWUlOR0lOQkVETEFTVE5JR0hUQVRURU1QVElOR1RPSkFVTlQvVEVMRVBPUlRUT1RI RVNUQVRFUyhTT01FVEgAAAAAAgEJEAEAAACOBAAAigQAADgHAABMWkZ1ULiLoP8ACgEPAhUCpAPk BesCgwBQEwNUAgBjaArAc2V07jIGAAbDAoMyA8YHEwKDxjMDxQIAcHJxEiATiPo0Ew19CoAIzwnZ AoAKgZMNsQtgbmcB0DU3CvQgbGkxNDQC0WktPxojDNAaIwtVFCIB0CA83xxACuEbegqgA2B0BZAF QPpKANBrB7IRYhtsHH8dhcQwNAewb3ZlBtAEkAAgMTk5OCAyMng6MTcKjwuRFbIdSUlYIHdhBCAL YHkLgGeqIAuAICGQZCTxcwVA6QMAZ2gFQGECQCFwBTCBJTJ0byBqYXUCMGIvHaBsZXAXMScydLxo ZSJ1JgAmkAeRKCkgGwNwEgBoJTIkoHRyeZsmgSTwZSXyAiBjZSaAcySwCeBrKSSwKKADoGn5KzFj YwhwF5EnMgeAInXPKJAqwSxxBaB1bCXAIZDeICFgKpEhcQrAciTQAJD9JUJmJJEAwB2gByIEACWx kyVxK6BwdQJgaWMxgP8LYCtwInUxQykzK0AwMCeQ/mQXkAQRAHAlwAPwKJAIYPcoQSigJoBwHXEU wAcwM0G6ZCygdQeAAjAmkGkCILYuInUidVQqEAQgZx2Q9y1RKIELgGslMgGgNKIyA6sEICxxdy6G ZieQLzXQ/wrAJTI6shlABJAIYAQgJ0DfInUncycyBbEDUi49kCJ3/Rt7Pj8gIn8LkRLyHBE9z/8b 8yShLoMRwCFgKIEIYCZSZS3zXwBweV8k8AIgZ3wtZAQAAZArYhpwEeB0Pi0m8DgxPJQ59ztoKGX+ eCtwBTElcTTiB8IGYgeR6ywjNOJTKhBwJoAdwDQBDzQBJZEA0AIgKS4gUL5vL8ECYCuAHXFLgW05 oekxUlVLJzJVBfA8lAuA1mMKQA2wOjbMRgWwO5D/AkAnBQdAFyAH4AIQLdIrgPZFCsAokCcEIB2B NmM0E7cJ8ESwJUF1SeAooGFSI/9QNgnACGA0MSrBA5EZMUuRs1QSOQM3MBwgJtBoNr3sTWE4pCHA JS9ALOAFsXtIBQWgLQWwUiEpU1HMNf9VgQMQB5FScUgFC3AFwAWx/1oIM7AEkFOkNr1O/1AFKBD3 HaACMAcxLQnwXGEqoESw/w3QBJAJ8DmDMVIRsTuBM2JLB0Am8HRN0SAtL0BztnAFkAcxbGBBUABu JMD1CyBzSxBJMDA04l/1BABkbicFQCdkNhBi4GSeJyViKcIksSqgKGIqoN5UJ+E4oQeQBAA/LAA0 Iv81ISsAEeBKQmcyJvAx4F/1/x3wJ5FS4wNhNNMnQEngYeL3JzBP0SWQdQMQUiMoZCWQnx2QJ0Bq cEKLK4BzYTgx9w3BHbIk0WplgSUyM3BkNH1q0SFkHWgZUqE0xG5lc380kS6kWlEEIBHwLwFigjHl NdBlCcIgQ1+CCcBSwPdLoSGhGkAwanBhdTFCYib+KCphOHIsAGKgbwAmAS7R/mMKwA3ALpBpqDSi YeJFUO0FAGEBgDa9VywyFMBKAf8x0CcDKpFy4SgxRLY0ATTEj24TYhdFQ0sQOi0pP1UFFrEAgHAA AAMAEBAAAAAAAwAREAAAAABAAAcwoHGmMUcKvgFAAAgwoHGmMUcKvgEeAD0AAQAAAAUAAABSRTog AAAAAAMADTT9NwAAJdQ= ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE0A4A.C7BA8520-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michael Matott" Subject: RE: TPDIS: Jaunting/Teleporting Date: 07 Nov 1998 20:01:56 PST I'm not very good at physics, but I thought of some rebuttals anyway... >From Sat Nov 7 04:33:44 1998 >From: Peter Taylor > >I would have thought that _any_ long-distance first-time jaunt would >be dangerous (except in the New Series when the Ship acts as a >beacon). >Possible problems in a UK to US jaunt include: > >Forgetting to allow for the Earth's rotation and ending up heading >for the ground at an angle at about 700 mph. This would depend on whether or not the teleportation was instantaneous or not. If it's instantaneous then going from one point to another would involve no rotation of the earth at that moment so it would be a matter of transporting between two fixed points. If it's not instantaneous (the more likely solution) than the calculation would be pretty difficult. > >Making a 1% error in the co-ordinates and ending up 50 miles up in >the air or 50 miles underground. Can't find a way around this one. > >Forgetting to allow for potential-energy differences in a change of = >altitude - especially downwards. If the energy isn't 'dumped' in >some way (by Telekinesis?) and appears as kinetic energy How do you define a change in altitude when your reference point is not fixed? If you're going from Paris to New York say. You'd want to plan the jaunt to arrive with your feet on the ground (not in the ground or above the ground.) So from the perspective of the point you are at at any given time (before or after the jaunt)you aren't really at a different point above ground even though you are at vastly different altitudes. The effects on your lungs on the sudden change in pressure on the other hand... Jaunting >from the top of a tall building to the bottom would have the same >effect as jumping off the top! If the energy appears as heat the >effect should be less severe - 1 degree Centigrade per 400m change >in altitude (I think) - just be careful Jaunting out of aircraft. For the same reason as above, I don't think this would happen. Greyfalcon aka Mike Matott Nothing is stranger than reality ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Shaun Hately" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Jaunting/Teleporting Date: 08 Nov 1998 15:15:29 +1100 > > I would have thought that _any_ long-distance first-time jaunt would be > dangerous (except in the New Series when the Ship acts as a beacon). > Possible problems in a UK to US jaunt include: > > Forgetting to allow for the Earth's rotation and ending up heading for the > ground at an angle at about 700 mph. The mathematics is pretty easy - I know, I did it for 'Making Connections'. If I can do it on paper in one minute, I suspect a TP can do it very easily. > Making a 1% error in the co-ordinates and ending up 50 miles up in the air > or 50 miles underground. A 1% error is pretty large, though - if you're worried about errors on thst scale, then I think jaunting is so dangerous it's untenable as a means of travel. > Forgetting to allow for potential-energy differences in a change of > altitude - especially downwards. If the energy isn't 'dumped' in some way > (by Telekinesis?) and appears as kinetic energy Jaunting from the top of a > tall building to the bottom would have the same effect as jumping off the > top! If the energy appears as heat the effect should be less severe - 1 > degree Centigrade per 400m change in altitude (I think) - just be careful > Jaunting out of aircraft. I think we have to assume energy transfer is pretty neutral with no change due to altitude. It's basic thermodynamics. If energy is required/lost in jaunting, wouldn't we have to deal with the fact that jaunting long distance requires so much energy the jaunting person collapses? Imagine walking from the US to the UK (OK - swimming, I guess). Same distance travelled - approximately same energy expenditure. This time in a fifh of a second (time to jaunt according to 'The Visitor' IIRC) The 5th of a second also means the Earth will move as you jaunt - nasty (again, I did the maths in 'Making Connections' - not hard to compensate for). Yours Without Wax, |'Don't knock mutant freaks. That's how Dreadnought |evolution works. Something new appears / |that might turn out to be just what the o=== ======================- |species needs.' \ |- Stephanie Tolan 'Welcome to the Ark' | ICQ: 6898200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jane starr Subject: Re: TPDIS: Jaunting wristband Date: 07 Nov 1998 22:23:59 -0700 At 01:47 PM 07/11/98 +1100, you wrote: >I don't suppose anyone has a screen captured image of a jaunting band (from >the original series) post The Lost Gods anywhere? I thought there might be >one on Dave Johnson's TP page but it seems to have gone down. > >If anyone has such a screen capture or if someone with the ability (ie, a >video capture card) could make me one, it would be greatly appreciated. Actually... I do. I got this book a while back with a really great pic of John, Liz, Hsui Tai, Mike and TIM, and Mike has a wristband prominently displayed. I scanned it and sent it to Ade, who has never got round to putting her photo gallery back up. I'll see if I still have the .jpg and buzz it along. If I don't still have it I'll have to scan it again, which might take me a bit longer. Jane Jane Starr Edmonton, Alberta, Canada check out the ON SPEC web page at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Peter Taylor" Subject: TPDIS: Re: Jaunting/Teleporting Date: 08 Nov 1998 14:42:40 +0000 I've attempted to combine two replies into the same E-Mail. I hope the result makes sense. <<< Peter Taylor Forgetting to allow for the Earth's rotation and ending up heading for the ground at an angle at about 700 mph. >>> <<< Michael Matott This would depend on whether or not the teleportation was instantaneous or not. If it's instantaneous then going from one point to another would involve no rotation of the earth at that moment so it would be a matter of transporting between two fixed points. If it's not instantaneous (the more likely solution) than the calculation would be pretty difficult. >>> Peter Taylor I was thinking of the momentum with respect to the Earth's centre of gravity. If you Jaunt 90 degrees west you need to remember to 'rotate' the direction of motion by 90 degrees - for short distances the problem does not occur (I think the difference is something like 1/2 mph for a 1 mile Jaunt). <<< Shaun Hately The mathematics is pretty easy - I know, I did it for 'Making Connections'. If I can do it on paper in one minute, I suspect a TP can do it very easily. >>> Peter Taylor Essentially long-distance Jaunting would be like Jaunting to a moving object - something a first-timer might forget. <<< Peter Taylor Making a 1% error in the co-ordinates and ending up 50 miles up in the air or 50 miles underground. >>> <<< Shaun Hately A 1% error is pretty large, though - if you're worried about errors on this scale, then I think jaunting is so dangerous it's untenable as a means of travel. >>> Peter Taylor If you are Jaunting across a room 1% is only an inch or so. A novice teleporter is likely to make errors at first and improve with practice. A long-distance Jaunt will require precision which will probably need practice. <<< Peter Taylor Forgetting to allow for potential-energy differences in a change of altitude - especially downwards. If the energy isn't 'dumped' in some way (by Telekinesis?) and appears as kinetic energy >>> <<< Michael Matott How do you define a change in altitude when your reference point is not fixed? [...] >>> Peter Taylor With respect to mean sea level. You need to expend energy to move up and energy is released when you move down. <<< Peter Taylor If the energy appears as kinetic energy Jaunting from the top of a tall building to the bottom would have the same effect as jumping off the top! If the energy appears as heat the effect should be less severe - 1 degree Centigrade per 400m change in altitude (I think) - just be careful Jaunting out of aircraft. >>> <<< Michael Matott For the same reason as above, I don't think this would happen. >>> <<< Shaun Hately I think we have to assume energy transfer is pretty neutral with no change due to altitude. It's basic thermodynamics. If energy is required/lost in jaunting, wouldn't we have to deal with the fact that jaunting long distance requires so much energy the jaunting person collapses? Imagine walking from the US to the UK (OK - swimming, I guess). Same distance travelled - approximately same energy expenditure. This time in a fifth of a second (time to jaunt according to 'The Visitor' IIRC) >>> Peter Taylor Jaunting to a different altitude involves a change in gravitational potential energy. Jaunting long distances over the Earth's surface involves a change in momentum (similar to Jaunting to a moving vehicle). It's possible that the characteristics of Hyperspace take care of the gravitational potential energy problem automatically, so a novice teleporter doesn't have to worry about altitude changes. Momentum changes might be a different since you have 6 co-ordinates to worry about: 3 for location and 3 for momentum. For short distances between points on the Earth's surface you can forget about the momentum co-ordinates. For long distances or moving objects you need to worry about all 6. A novice teleporter might forget about the momentum co-ordinates. Peter Taylor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Jaunting/Teleporting Date: 08 Nov 1998 11:20:55 EST Here's an interesting thought: I've never seen Arpi-chan's house, and she hasn't seen my new ones all that much. Because of this, we can't jaunt to each others' house, which is why she's taking a plane to visit in 15 days! YAAAAY! Anyway ;), once she comes over to my house and gets a good look around, she'd be able to jaunt between houses. Could she take me with her back to her house, and then we could both go freely? (Ignore needing TIM because we're building one in my basement =) -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Jaunting wristband Date: 08 Nov 1998 13:57:49 EST In a message dated 11/8/98 12:26:40 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > I got this book a while back with a really great pic of > John, Liz, Hsui Tai, Mike and TIM, and Mike has a wristband prominently > displayed. This is a little off subject from the current conversation, but does anyone know where I can find TP books? New series or old series, I don't care. I've searched through Barnes and Nobles and Amazon. I even looked with the codes for some of the books. The problem is, they're all out of print. Any ideas? -Nicole ___________________________________ "People talk about my pictures. So long as they continue talking about butts, they will not be killing each other." -Yoko Ono discussion her art project consisting of posters showing butts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ariana Brill Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Jaunting/Teleporting Date: 08 Nov 1998 09:49:31 -0800 (Geoffy-chan) wrote: > Here's an interesting thought: > I've never seen Arpi-chan's house, and she hasn't seen my new ones all that > much. Because of this, we can't jaunt to each others' house, which is why > she's taking a plane to visit in 15 days! YAAAAY! Anyway ;), once she comes > over to my house and gets a good look around, she'd be able to jaunt between > houses. Could she take me with her back to her house, and then we could both > go freely? (Ignore needing TIM because we're building one in my basement =) I would have to argue that seeing each other's houses wouldn't really be all that necessary - we're familiar with each other, and in the New Series, that seems to be enough. For example, take the fourth chapter of The Rameses Connection - Adam and Ami teleport into wherever Megabyte is (I think it's Felix Fry's office) without knowing where he is, or having seen the office before. Then again, the New Series is inconsistent. In the 4th chapter of the Origin Story, Lisa is on the spaceship and Adam and Lisa's mother have been captured by Colonel Masters. He discovers Adam speaking telepathically with Lisa and asks him to have her teleport to where they are. But Adam says "Until she's had more practise, she can only teleport to places she knows." I guess that's the answer - after a some practise, they can teleport to anywhere they'd like. Which then raises the question, have Geoffy-chan and I had enough practise to teleport to each others' houses, even though we're unfamiliar with them? I guess we'll have to wait until I come visit Geoffy-chan in 14 DAYS!!!! YAY!!!!! so that we can build TIM in his basement and ask him. -- (~.~) Ariana "If I was telepathic, if I could teleport, it would be the dream of my life come true!" -Megabyte Damon, The Tomorrow People ICQ 9737939 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Edmonds Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Jaunting/Teleporting physics Date: 09 Nov 1998 09:32:49 +1300 (NZDT) I would have to disagree with some of the physics problems that have been suggested for teleportation. First if teleprtation goesvia hyperspace we have no idea what physics are involved in penetrating hyperspace or what rules hold in hyperspace. Also I think the potential energy argument of jaunting to lower altitudes is invalid because imho I don't think they actually travel that distance (more like they take a "shortcut" in space) If they did you could always use the flash and pop effect as part of the release of ebergy when they arrive ( though if they are going upwards I can't see how you can explain where the energy comes from With all the other physics I guess the calculations are instinct. Just like me typing now. I'm not consciously manipulating every muscle individually to type. I just "tell" my brain what I want to do and it happens. If I had to suggest the physics for teleportation as shown on the new series it would go like this. To teleport you must go via some form of hyperspace. The tps mind is able to open a "door" into hyperspace and then out again in a different place The flash is some sort of energy release in the process and the pop is due to air displacement maybe. Navigation is instinctive. I think in the new series a number of teleports are to places they haven't been or seen. Perhaps they some how "look through" hyperspace first to see their destination. Just a few thoughts Michael ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Jaunting/Teleporting physics Date: 08 Nov 1998 16:02:53 EST In a message dated 11/8/98 3:41:40 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > To teleport you must go via some form of hyperspace. The tps mind is able > to open a "door" into hyperspace and then out again in a different place > The flash is some sort of energy release in the process and the pop is due > to air displacement maybe. I've always thought that maybe the energy we see is them forming some sort of electric field to prevent themselves from being damaged while they're in hyperspace. I'd hazard a guess that traveling through nothingness would be rather painful, otherwise. Also, there might be some radiation floating around, like in black holes. Another posibility about the *pop* could be that it's like thunder. Thunder is produced when the air is heated so much by a lightning bolt that the surrounding air literally explodes. Maybe the energy field could cause this... -Nicole ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: SapphireSky Subject: TPDIS: TP Article in EW magazine Date: 08 Nov 1998 17:46:47 -0400 Hello everyone, Entertainment Weekly magazine finally put on its website its back issues since 1991, and I was able to find its review of "The Origin Story" from when it first showed Stateside in February of 1993. I'm not sure if the link I've given will work; if not, let me know, and I'll send the text to anybody whose interested (I think that we have some rule about not sending articles to the list, right?),1728,,00.html?mtype=0&name1=the+tomorrow+people&major_ref=ON Rachel with an E :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Jaunting/Teleporting Date: 08 Nov 1998 16:35:32 EST In a message dated 98-11-08 09:44:43 EST, you write: << Jaunting to a different altitude involves a change in gravitational potential energy. Jaunting long distances over the Earth's surface involves a change in momentum (similar to Jaunting to a moving vehicle). It's possible that the characteristics of Hyperspace take care of the gravitational potential energy problem automatically, so a novice teleporter doesn't have to worry about altitude changes. Momentum changes might be a different since you have 6 co-ordinates to worry about: 3 for location and 3 for momentum. For short distances between points on the Earth's surface you can forget about the momentum co-ordinates. For long distances or moving objects you need to worry about all 6. A novice teleporter might forget about the momentum co-ordinates. Peter Taylor >> I do tend to agree with the above statements that you collected, however, this is where safety is a factor,so TIM would of course assist, since it is in his programing to aid them when/where needed. I doubt that even John would attempt a long-distance jaunt without TIM. Remember that NO TP goes to the TRIG unassisted,not even Timus, Tinko, etc, etc. Your theories are just and well thought out,but TIM is the missing equation from your hypothosis. True, the New TP, seem not to rely on the SHIP very much,as all of the boring water jaunts that they did. I think that there could be a hidden meaning in those bitsd,but its IMHO only,and I wont go into it now, as its not important. I hope that in any new series FanFict, that this problem will be corrected,unless the writers feel that it is a comic relief for the new TPs to have to learn how not to get wet. J ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Jaunting/Teleporting Date: 08 Nov 1998 19:33:26 EST In a message dated 98-11-08 16:37:05 EST, you write: > I do tend to agree with the above statements that you collected, > however, this is where safety is a factor,so TIM would of course assist, > since > it is in his programing to aid them when/where needed. I doubt that even > John > would attempt a long-distance jaunt without TIM. Remember that NO TP goes to > the TRIG unassisted,not even Timus, Tinko, etc, etc. Your theories are just > and well thought out,but TIM is the missing equation from your hypothosis. I seem to remember John making Stephen do a long distance jaunt in Secret Weapon.. -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ariana Brill Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Jaunting/Teleporting Date: 08 Nov 1998 16:51:29 -0800 wrote: > I seem to remember John making Stephen do a long distance jaunt in Secret > Weapon.. IIRC, it wasn't a *long distance* jaunt, exactly, but it was a 'long way to jaunt without a belt.' He was jaunting from the lab to the shelter for boys who have run away from home - where Colonel Masters was told he was living. I've never really understood that scene. If it was a long way to jaunt (even if 'the mental exercise will do him good') why couldn't he just jaunt there with the belt, remove it, and then have TIM jaunt the belt back? We know TIM can do that, because it happens several times on accident. -- (~.~) Ariana "If I was telepathic, if I could teleport, it would be the dream of my life come true!" -Megabyte Damon, The Tomorrow People ICQ 9737939 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Jaunting/Teleporting Date: 09 Nov 1998 14:29:23 EST In a message dated 98-11-08 19:35:06 EST, you write: << I seem to remember John making Stephen do a long distance jaunt in Secret Weapon.. -Geoff >> Very true. However its not the same as thousands of miles into unfamiliar territory. I also might guess that if a TP did aunprepared Jaunt, he/she would either go into hyperspace,(as Lis did) or materalize into a solid object. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Jaunting/Teleporting physics Date: 09 Nov 1998 14:47:08 EST In a message dated 98-11-08 16:04:33 EST, you write: << Subj: Re: TPDIS: Re: Jaunting/Teleporting physics Date: 98-11-08 16:04:33 EST From: Sender: Reply-to: To: In a message dated 11/8/98 3:41:40 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: >> To teleport you must go via some form of hyperspace. The tps mind is able >> to open a "door" into hyperspace and then out again in a different place >> The flash is some sort of energy release in the process and the pop is due >> to air displacement maybe. > I've always thought that maybe the energy we see is them forming some sort of > electric field to prevent themselves from being damaged while they're in >hyperspace. I'd hazard a guess that traveling through nothingness would be >rather painful, otherwise. Also, there might be some radiation floating >around, like in black holes. >Another posibility about the *pop* could be that it's like thunder. Thunder >is produced when the air is heated so much by a lightning bolt that the >surrounding air literally explodes. Maybe the energy field could cause >this... I tend to agree. If i recall correctly, in the show Hyperspace was dangerous only in a few aspects: 1) You could drift off course so that if you didnt mark where you were,you'd not be able to go back to your own time. 2) If you stayed for an extended period of time, your molecules would tend to seperate,and breakdown. Hence, the AE suits. Not for breathable air,but as to maintain the stablility of your molecular structure. As to the ''pop'' mentioned, in the OS, when they adapted the new Jaunting bands (which were created due to the loss of the belts which were lost during the time between shows/seasons), John mentioned improving the Jaunting Bands so that the flash of light no longer occured to prevent a sap from seeing the Jaunt. Some previous poster mentioned the curvature of the Earth affecting the jaunt. True also,but lets not forget that gravity would also play a part. You should also remember that which direction you choose also would be a factor. Are you going with or against the Earth's rotation? The same principle that causes problems with boating, driving in the wind,,etc, would also hinder a jaunt to an extent. IMHO. Not very much, mind you, but something that you would have to calculate in your equation. Jeff -Nicole ----------------------- Headers -------------------------------- Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by (v51.16) with SMTP; Sun, 08 Nov 1998 16:04:32 -0500 Received: from ( []) by (8.8.8/8.8.5/AOL-4.0.0) with ESMTP id QAA10081; Sun, 8 Nov 1998 16:04:29 -0500 (EST) Received: from domo by with local (Exim 2.04 #1) id 0zcbzt-0004as-00 for; Sun, 8 Nov 1998 14:03:45 -0700 Received: from [] ( by with esmtp (Exim 2.04 #1) id 0zcbzq-0004Vy-00 for; Sun, 8 Nov 1998 14:03:42 -0700 Received: from by (IMOv16.10) id OORQa03975 for ; Sun, 8 Nov 1998 16:02:53 -0500 (EST) From: Message-ID: Date: Sun, 8 Nov 1998 16:02:53 EST To: Mime-Version: 1.0 Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Jaunting/Teleporting physics Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: AOL 4.0 for Windows 95 sub 214 Sender: Precedence: bulk Reply-To: >> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Jaunting/Teleporting physics Date: 09 Nov 1998 15:49:34 EST All of this discussion has reminded me of a series of books by Anne McCaffrey (I think). The basis of the books is a bunch of dragons that can teleport. I'm not sure which of the books go into more detail, but some of them mention dragons ending up getting stuck in solid objects or their riders running out of air while going "between" (hyperspace). At certain points they would time travel as well. These were the times when I got extraordinarily confused while listening to the characters trying to figure out where the planet would be, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jack Newman Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Jaunting/Teleporting physics Date: 09 Nov 1998 21:05:54 +0000 I have been studying the various comments made about teleportation and feel that we are getting bogged down in physics and over analysing the problem... Michael Edmonds wrote: > I would have to disagree with some of the physics problems that have been > suggested for teleportation. > First if teleprtation goesvia hyperspace we have no idea what physics are > involved in penetrating hyperspace or what rules hold in hyperspace. > Also I think the potential energy argument of jaunting to lower altitudes > is invalid because imho I don't think they actually travel that distance > (more like they take a "shortcut" in space) I agree with this. Actually I have my own theory that it is just their individual consciousness that actually takes the short cut and then they reorder the matter in the new location to make a copy of themselves... Does this sound too way out? comments please :) > The tps mind is able to open a "door" into hyperspace and then out again in > a different place The flash is some sort of energy release in the process > and the pop is due > to air displacement maybe. Navigation is instinctive. > > Michael I think that the most important aspect of jaunting is visualization, and this *is* instinctive. There has been some mention of Stephen benefiting from the mental exercise of the jaunt to "The Hostel for Homeless Boys, 21 Owens Road Shephards Bush" We know that the lab is in fact quite near to this location (thanks to Shaun) and that Stephen had already been there so he could visualize the place. There for I think it is feasible for him to jaunt the long way with out his belt! I would like to raise another issue though: In the Doomsday Men and other episodes there seems to be a contradiction. In the opening shots Stephen jaunts from a seated position in the van to a standing one in the lab! Does he move while in hyper space? could he do this in a fifth of a second? Or does my idea above explain it? Then later when he is tied up on the balcony outside the school he jaunts back to the warmth of the lab but appears still kneeling and bound. He should have been able to compensate for this also and arrive standing... Any ideas on why this happened? I also recall (rather vaguely) Mike changing his cloths instantly. Did he jaunt into the new cloths or use pk to surround his body? Either would require very precise calculations... I believe that they do this by visualizing what they want to achieve and let their *superior* brains do the rest! Well that's my lot for now... Jackie ( still trying to teleport to the US.....) -- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "McElrath, Jamon" Subject: RE: TPDIS: Re: Jaunting/Teleporting physics Date: 09 Nov 1998 15:55:23 -0600 I agree with this. Actually I have my own theory that it is just their individual consciousness that actually takes the short cut and then they reorder the matter in the new location to make a copy of themselves... Does this sound too way out? comments please :) Or, what if that theory about teleportation in our world were correct? (I think someone summarized an article from a jounal a few threads back.) Then it might just be that the consciousness IS the only thing teleporting, and a duplicate of the body is created at the other end for the mind to travel to, and the original body is left without a consciousness-slowly dissolving in hyperspace. Almost makes me not want to jaunt if that were the case. Jamon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Edmonds Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Jaunting/Teleporting physics Date: 10 Nov 1998 10:55:50 +1300 (NZDT) On Mon, 9 Nov 1998, Jack Newman wrote: > standing one in the lab! Does he move while in hyper space? could he do this > in a fifth of a second? Or does my idea above explain it? Your idea explains it well. Although what happens to the original copy? Did you develop your theory from the current research on teleportation? i.e. a copy is produced and in the process the original is destroyed. > Then later when he is tied up on the balcony outside the school he jaunts back > to the warmth of the lab but appears still kneeling and bound. He should have > been able to compensate for this also and arrive standing... Any ideas on why > this happened? oh no an inconsistency perhaps if they are stressed or fatigued they don't think to alter their position when they go to teleport? > I also recall (rather vaguely) Mike changing his cloths instantly. Did he > jaunt into the new cloths or use pk to surround his body? Either would require > very precise calculations... I believe that they do this by visualizing what > they want to achieve and let their *superior* brains do the rest! > Unless he was wearing an AE suit. I seem to remember that they are equipped with some sort of chameleon circuit (which works unlike Dr Who). Michael ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jack Newman Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Jaunting/Teleporting physics Date: 09 Nov 1998 22:09:33 +0000 Michael Edmonds wrote: > On Mon, 9 Nov 1998, Jack Newman wrote: > > > standing one in the lab! Does he move while in hyper space? could he do this > > in a fifth of a second? Or does my idea above explain it? > > Your idea explains it well. Although what happens to the original copy? > Did you develop your theory from the current research on teleportation? > i.e. a copy is produced and in the process the original is destroyed. > Yep I did but long before it was posted to the list :) see my page at i think the original just dematerialises and ceases to exist. It doesn't float around consciousless in hyperspace. > > Then later when he is tied up on the balcony outside the school he jaunts back > > to the warmth of the lab but appears still kneeling and bound. He should have > > been able to compensate for this also and arrive standing... Any ideas on why > > this happened? > > oh no an inconsistency > perhaps if they are stressed or fatigued they don't think to alter their > position when they go to teleport? > That's a good point :) > > I also recall (rather vaguely) Mike changing his cloths instantly. Did he > > jaunt into the new cloths or use pk to surround his body? Either would require > > very precise calculations... I believe that they do this by visualizing what > > they want to achieve and let their *superior* brains do the rest! > > > Unless he was wearing an AE suit. I seem to remember that they are > equipped with some sort of chameleon circuit (which works unlike Dr Who). > > Michael You mean a chameleon spectra shift. Nope I recall him waking in his cabin and dressing this way.. although I could have dreamt it of course! Jackie -- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jack Newman Subject: TPDIS: 25th anniversary Video update Date: 09 Nov 1998 22:20:03 +0000 Many of you have asked for an update on the video situation and I'm afraid it is rather grim :( Richard had legal advice and it seems that they cannot use the new music despite Dudley Simpson giving permission, Thames still own the copyright. Neither can they include any clips of the show or even still photo's of books, lookin magazine, pictures etc... this will make the final video seem very dull and boring as the reunion and some interviews are all that it can legally contain. There is even a terrific scene acted out by PVC and Nick where they are in character and yes, you guessed it! the characters are copyrighted too. Richard had contacted Roger Price but for some strange reason he wants *nothing* to do with TP or any other kids show he originated! So the footage is still sitting on a book shelf in it's unedited format. The only good news is that Shawn Lazerus and myself will get to see it as your representatives and have been given permission to write a review and take down the details of questions asked of the cast. So that is all there is for now... I'll keep you all posted if there is any progress. Jackie -- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Jaunting wristband Date: 09 Nov 1998 17:20:22 EST In a message dated 98-11-08 15:41:02 EST, you write: << Subj: Re: TPDIS: Jaunting wristband Date: 98-11-08 15:41:02 EST From: Sender: Reply-to: To: In a message dated 11/8/98 12:26:40 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: >> I got this book a while back with a really great pic of >> John, Liz, Hsui Tai, Mike and TIM, and Mike has a wristband prominently >> displayed. >This is a little off subject from the current conversation, but does anyone >know where I can find TP books? New series or old series, I don't care. I've >searched through Barnes and Nobles and Amazon. I even looked with the codes >for some of the books. The problem is, they're all out of print. Any ideas? Sure. Try Peter Hennessey, Bookseller POBox 393 Peconic,NY 11958 (514)-734-5650 This company has about a 80% success with the rare books that I've try to find. They are EXPENSIVE,but worth it IMHO. I need a few books myself, so maybe if all of us ask for the books, they'll try harder to fill them! :) Jeff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Beth Epstein" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Finding books Date: 09 Nov 1998 21:18:22 -0600 You missed bibliofind: you can put a request that will sit there for six months, and if anyone is looking to sell it, it should let you know. Also, I think the url is (at least that looks right) and their searches never expire unless you email them and cancel (so be polite and if you find them, remember to do it!) Also, I've seen New Series books at Uncle Hugo's the last couple times I've been there. I'll post to the list when I next I visit, but it's hard to make a special trip as it's in a bad part of town; 'less any of you big burly types want to jaunt over here to keep all the scary people away. :) Tigger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ariana Brill Subject: Re: TPDIS: 25th anniversary Video update Date: 09 Nov 1998 16:37:26 -0800 Jack Newman wrote: > So the footage is still sitting on a book shelf in it's unedited format. > The only good news is that Shawn Lazerus and myself will get to see it > as your representatives and have been given permission to write a review > and take down the details of questions asked of the cast. Hmmm... how does bootlegging sound? Do you have any small cameras? Just kidding... sort of :) -- (~.~) Ariana "If I was telepathic, if I could teleport, it would be the dream of my life come true!" -Megabyte Damon, The Tomorrow People ICQ 9737939 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jane starr Subject: Re: TPDIS: Finding books Date: 09 Nov 1998 23:26:13 -0700 At 09:18 PM 09/11/98 -0600, Tigger wrote: >Also, I've seen New Series books at Uncle Hugo's the last couple times I've >been >there. I'll post to the list when I next I visit, but it's hard to make a >special trip as it's in a bad part of town; 'less any of you big burly types >want to jaunt over here to keep all the scary people away. :) That the Hugo's in Minneapolis? I was there once - about 1984. I think I actually got one of my old series TP books there. What a great book shop. Edgar's next door was pretty cool too, for the mystery fan, which I also am. I was staying in a hotel downtown, and I didn't really understand the street numbering in Minneapolis, and I decided to walk (alone) from my hotel to Uncle Hugo's. It was a *much* longer walk than I expected, and I was wearing shoes with heels, and I bought *lots* of books, and then on the way home I went by a convention centre which had a huge antique show on, and I went in and bought a couple of lovely Japanese woodcuts, and did not buy (to my everlasting regret) a pair of wrought iron wall sconces for candles, shaped like bats. I don't recall the actual bookstore being in that bad an area (could certainly have changed, though, assuming that it is still in the same location), but some of the places I walked through made me a bit nervous. Bakka Books in Toronto also sometimes used to have old series books, if you're ever in TO. Jane Jane Starr Edmonton, Alberta, Canada check out the ON SPEC web page at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Beth Epstein" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Finding books Date: 10 Nov 1998 16:33:45 -0600 Responding to the message of <> from > > At 09:18 PM 09/11/98 -0600, Tigger wrote: > >Also, I've seen New Series books at Uncle Hugo's the last couple times I've > >been > >there. I'll post to the list when I next I visit, but it's hard to make a > >special trip as it's in a bad part of town; 'less any of you big burly types > > >want to jaunt over here to keep all the scary people away. :) > > That the Hugo's in Minneapolis? Yup. > I was there once - about 1984. Bet the neighborhood wasn't so scary then. >I think I > actually got one of my old series TP books there. You might have done. They have a great used selection, and a friend spotted "The Visitor" awhile back-- but he didn't buy that one 'cause he'd seen me with it! I always check that section and would probably grab any OS books they had (of course, Maria'd probably jump at them before you guys got a chance as I doubt they'd charge as much as some other places). > Bakka Books in Toronto also sometimes used to have old series books, if > you're > ever in TO. I'll have to remember that. :) Tigger (who hopes she'd managed to keep this at least sort of on topic) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Screen Saver Date: 10 Nov 1998 17:59:46 EST >but whenever I save a pic from the web, >it saves as an .art file, which I can't see without AOL open. Something that I do ( yu might need to have an apple for this.. I don't know if other systems have this or not. ) is copy the pic and paste it to my scrap book or in an area that can store pic.. ex.. Writing center, Microsoft works, and the like... It should work Kristin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: TPDIS: 25th anniversary Video update Date: 10 Nov 1998 23:49:08 GMT Jack Newman wrote: > Many of you have asked for an update on the video situation and I'm > afraid it is rather grim :( > Richard had legal advice and it seems that they cannot use the new music > despite Dudley Simpson giving permission, Thames still own the > copyright. Neither can they include any clips of the show or even still > photo's of books, lookin magazine, pictures etc... If he didn't realise this before, I have to say that it shows a large amount of innocence in the area of copyright and television production. The one I would not have been sure about from the start would be the title music, which does appear from copyright statements on CDs containing it to be available as stock music, but it could be exclusively contracted to Thames/Pearson. I did take the trouble to obtain the names of the best two people to negotiate with at Pearson on the the lines that what was intended was a limited non commercial product, but since I received no reply from you relating to these I took it that he didn't want to try to licence material any more from them. The seemingly large figure he had been asked for was not considered to be anything out of the ordinary for a commercial product by the person I contacted, who deals with Pearson (and many other UK production companies) on an almost daily basis. Using pictures of Look-in and the books may also need permission of others, apart from Pearson. > this will make the > final video seem very dull and boring as the reunion and some interviews > are all that it can legally contain. Like for example all the interview videos available relating to people from Doctor Who. People who have an interest in this generally will have seen all the other material anyway. > There is even a terrific scene acted out by PVC and Nick where they are > in character and yes, you guessed it! the characters are copyrighted > too. Naturally. > Richard had contacted Roger Price but for some strange reason he wants > *nothing* to do with TP or any other kids show he originated! Although at times he has been better disposed, this is the reaction you get most of the time. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Shaun Hately" Subject: TPDIS: Please consider . . . Date: 12 Nov 1998 08:38:23 +1100 I've just been informed that my Tomorrow People site 'The Lab' is one of 10 sites nominated for one of the Bigglethwaite's UK TV Site of the Year awards (the Sci-Fi one). I'd like to ask people to please go to and cast their votes. Not necessarily for me, but for whichever site in all the categories, you feel should win. I've checked out the other 9 SF sites and they are excellent IMHO, so if nothing else, going there is worth it just to check them out. Also, if anyone knows anything about these awards, could they let me know. At first glance, they seem genuine but there are always people out there who enjoy setting up fakes (or worse plagiarising the works of others) Yours Without Wax, |'Don't knock mutant freaks. That's how Dreadnought |evolution works. Something new appears / |that might turn out to be just what the o=== ======================- |species needs.' \ |- Stephanie Tolan 'Welcome to the Ark' | ICQ: 6898200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: heidi tandy Subject: Re: TPDIS: Jaunting/Teleporting Date: 12 Nov 1998 19:55:35 -0500 At 08:56 PM 11/4/98 EST, wrote: >Anyway, here's where *I* think it'd be most dangerous/safe to >teleport: >Safest: the head of the Statue of Liberty (assuming it's still closed) This is actually pretty close to a plot point in a book called Time And Again (or was it Time After Time) by Jack Finney, which is about a guy in NYC in the 70's who is part of a Going Back In Time project, and he & his wife get back from the 1880s to modern NYC by climbing into the statue's head and doing their little mind trick to move thru time... Completely off topic, but a good pair of books. BTW - with regard to prior discussions on the Galactic Milieu books - I just read the Pliocene Exile books which I had *never* read before - if anyone has read those and the Pliocene Companion, please email me privately - I have questions! heidi howard tandy ...close your eyes, get so dizzy... Faster Than Light (Neil Finn) ...and praise will come to those whose kindness leaves you without debt and bends the shape of things to come that haven't happened yet... Ditto ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (As if the last of days were fading and all the wars were done) Subject: Re: TPDIS: Finding books Date: 12 Nov 1998 20:31:32 -0600 > 'less any of you big burly >types >want to jaunt over here to keep all the scary people away. :) >Tigger Tigger, we *are* the scary people. You sure you want to try and fight me for an LS novelisation? I get wicked 'bout my novelisations. A lot the people who live in small towns, remote areas, lands of the the terminally stupid, etc.... Start looking at garage sales...rummage sales, second hand book stores, and other such stuff. See, I saw a novelisation of a few old TV shows, like Battlestar Galactica, and a Star Wars one, and some old sf novels at a few of these places. Saw Highlander novelisations, Star Trek (overflowing ST novels) and X-Files... You never know what kind of person has got what sort of novels. If I'm lucky, I'll find somebody here who wants to part with an OS novelisation...if they even sold them here. I guess I'll have to just settle for an NS novelisation...oh darn... There's a book shop here that can get just about anything with one catch in the Contential US. So, if anyone knows if they can be found in the first 48 states, lemme know... Strange People, Strange Stuff Megan ***** "So? Are you going to be the brave vetran of a student who throws themself on this one and rescues all the newbies, or am I?" -Adam Austill ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: 25th anniversary Video update Date: 14 Nov 1998 03:06:34 EST In a message dated 98-11-09 17:31:37 EST, you write: << Subj: TPDIS: 25th anniversary Video update Date: 98-11-09 17:31:37 EST From: (Jack Newman) Sender: Reply-to: To: ( >> Many of you have asked for an update on the video situation and I'm >>afraid it is rather grim :( >>Richard had legal advice and it seems that they cannot use the new music >>despite Dudley Simpson giving permission, Thames still own the >>copyright. Neither can they include any clips of the show or even still >> photo's of books, lookin magazine, pictures etc... this will make the >>final video seem very dull and boring as the reunion and some interviews >>are all that it can legally contain. That's very sad. You'd think that a celebration of a still popular show would please them, as it means more revenue for all involved. I find it hard to believe that TP people would not want to milk this for all its worth,as they've done with Dr. Who. >>There is even a terrific scene acted out by PVC and Nick where they are >>in character and yes, you guessed it! the characters are copyrighted >>too. This really is sad,as I'd love to see it! This would really make me want to buy the tape. >> Richard had contacted Roger Price but for some strange reason he wants >>*nothing* to do with TP or any other kids show he originated! This is not news to me. I've gathered from the interviews I've read,and from what the two Presidents of the US TP fanclubs have told me, that this is RP's normal atttiude about all he's done. His ''dont ask', dont tell'' attitude is really ruining his place in the field of great producers ,at least from the fan point of view. >>So the footage is still sitting on a book shelf in it's unedited format. >>The only good news is that Shawn Lazerus and myself will get to see it >>as your representatives and have been given permission to write a review >>and take down the details of questions asked of the cast. I'm happy that you've gotten permission to do so,and I thank you for taking the time to do so.At least we'll be able to get some idea of what could've been. >> So that is all there is for now... I'll keep you all posted if there is >>any progress. I just hope that you do have something to report,IF they dont change their moronic minds about it. Jeff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Christopher Murch" Subject: TPDIS: Fan Fiction Date: 14 Nov 1998 04:34:02 PST Having read many fan fic stories and mailed to various list members over the past few weeks I have finally put pen to paper (or rather finger to keyboard) and written down my own ideas. The end result is a rather adult/erotic story involving the original series characters. I am prepared to share this short story with any list member who requests it but do not intend to archive it. Anyone wishing to receive a copy should mail me privately. I am also aware that there are some children on the list and there fore I request that I also receive confirmation of the requestees age from another list member. I would like to thank Lynne Paskavich for her help and encouragement in persuading me to write this story :) This one's for you baby! Chris Murch ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: Commercials and TP Date: 15 Nov 1998 18:58:33 EST This may seem a bit off topic on things and please don't get mad at me if it is.. Nether the less it is just some things that I have noticed lately on TV and the relation to TP.. Has any one seen the new Night Quill commercial ( you know what I mean.. that stuff made by vicks.. I think ) where the people are in bed and they take the cough med. and when they wake up.. :: suspense type music here:: They are in FRANCE! Wow.. how did they do that? Could it be that the med. made them jaunt/ teleport? Has the producer or director seen TP? Who knows? Is this just a freaky coincidence or what? Thoughts on this please... And has any one else seen any realtion beside this? Interesting huh? Any who night all! Kristin " She turned me into a newt! A newt?.... Well I got better.. " Monty Python and the Holy Grail ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jack Newman Subject: Re: TPDIS: Commercials and TP Date: 18 Nov 1998 06:31:02 +0000 wrote: > This may seem a bit off topic on things and please don't get mad at me if it > is.. Nether the less it is just some things that I have noticed lately on TV > and the relation to TP.. Has any one seen the new Night Quill commercial ( you > know what I mean.. that stuff made by vicks.. I think ) where the people are > in bed and they take the cough med. and when they wake up.. :: suspense type > music here:: They are in FRANCE! Wow.. how did they do that? Could it be that > the med. made them jaunt/ teleport? Has the producer or director seen TP? Who > knows? Is this just a freaky coincidence or what? Thoughts on this please... > And has any one else seen any realtion beside this? Interesting huh? > > In the UK there is a car commercial where this guy gets into the back of a car and everyone keeps looking in because there is no driver... he is using TK to drive and thinks the car to change gear and open the sunroof. It is very subtle but I think it is an excellent example of how TP abilities are accepted by society. btw the music which accompanies the commercial is 'I am a passenger'. Now why didn't John think of that instead of letting Chris drive his TR6? Jackie -- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Warren Hillsdon" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Finding books Date: 18 Nov 1998 21:11:12 +1100 I saw a couple of Original Series books again at the last Collectables Fair. There wont be another one till Feb though now.. But if people are keen I can go there on their behalf. W. -----Original Message----- >You missed bibliofind: you can put a request that >will sit there for six months, and if anyone is looking to sell it, it should >let you know. > >Also, I think the url is (at least that >looks >right) and their searches never expire unless you email them and cancel (so >be >polite and if you find them, remember to do it!) > >Also, I've seen New Series books at Uncle Hugo's the last couple times I've >been >there. I'll post to the list when I next I visit, but it's hard to make a >special trip as it's in a bad part of town; 'less any of you big burly types >want to jaunt over here to keep all the scary people away. :) >Tigger > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Finding books Date: 18 Nov 1998 12:18:18 EST Hey Warren! I'm intrested. E-mail me. Jeff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Adams Subject: TPDIS: I think its Peeri Date: 22 Nov 1998 16:12:45 Greetings: I believe Pyri, is spelled, Peeri. Or that's how Roger Price spelled it in one of the TP books. Also, I think originally 'Worlds Away' took place either in the fall of 1975 or spring of '76. As to the date, I don't know. Good luck with your Peerian story! Dianne ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Beth Epstein" Subject: Re: TPDIS: I think its Peeri Date: 22 Nov 1998 22:21:50 -0600 Responding to the message of <> from > > Greetings: > I believe Pyri, is spelled, Peeri. Or that's how Roger Price spelled it > in one of the TP books. Four Into Three, as Maria will attest. (She's staying with me until after Visions, and I had to distract her so I could do homework.:) >Also, I think originally 'Worlds Away' took place > either in the fall of 1975 or spring of '76. As to the date, I don't know. This sounds about right. It was the '75 season, though; that much I'm sure of. Tigger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jack Newman Subject: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 23 Nov 1998 08:02:40 +0000 I was just discussing the addictive quality of TP with Kristy... She has a work colleague who she talks to about TP. This lady has become hooked on the show without ever seeing it! I was wondering why this often occurs and there are several points I would like to suggest. Firstly there is the special quality of the show. We all know that it is fairly low budget kids tv and there are some actors in it that are better than others but despite this it had a world wide following during the 70's and 90's run and still has us all avidly watching our video tapes. Why? What was that special quality that got us all hooked? I can speak for myself when I say that the tp's felt like they were my friends when I was a child. And I still get a warm glow whenever I watch a tape. Now could this be something to do with me or the stories? I tend to think it is me! I think that the tp's appealed to the part of me that wanted to be special. So how about the rest of you did it have this affect too. If yes then does that make us all a particular type of personality, with a predisposition to liking the show? The second point is that there have been numerous cases of list telepathy recently and maybe this lends a clue to our own tp addiction. Do we broadcast a sort of group consciousness to each other? Is Kristy pathing her enthusiasm to this friend which is picked up and amplified into an overwhelming desire to watch tp episodes? Are we all TP's in reality waiting to break out in our own limited way? Am I making any sense I wonder !!! Or was it just a good sci-fi show that appealed to us for entertainment value? I tend to think that to many kids in the world this is all it was and those have long forgotten the show. But we are a special group of people who have fought against the potential ridicule from family and friends have remained true to the show and still love it as much today as we did so many yr. (25yrs) ago :) Is TP really an addiction or just a philosophy of life? a new religion for the millennium? I truly hope there is enough here to stimulate some serious debate I miss the friendly discourse of the group. And Happy Thanksgiving to all the American list members :) Jackie --- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Edmonds Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 24 Nov 1998 08:57:39 +1300 (NZDT) > friends when I was a child. And I still get a warm glow whenever I watch > a tape. Now could this be something to do with me or the stories? I tend > to think it is me! I think that the tp's appealed to the part of me that > wanted to be special. I think it would be interesting to know at what age people got hooked. I guess I was about 8 or 9, an age where every child wants to be special. Also I remember through my teens feeling "different" from other kids and the TP made it all right to be different. A couple of other "guesses" I might make to possible commonalities amongst members of the group is that most of us are probably not very aggressive (any agressive kid watching the show would probably say " what a pack of wimps" :) ) This of course doesn't mean we are not assertive. Also The adults amongst us probably haven't completely grown up (I mean this in a good way). We still enjoy things targeted at children -tv shows and well written kids books. From what I have read in the email postings there seems to be a higher than average intelligence on this group but I don't think you could directly link this to liking TP. If the "being different" idea is quite common to all of us then I might guess that we are quite a tolerant group accepting others differences. I have seen this a couple of times on the group and I don't think I have ever seen much more than "assertive debate" here. Certainly no flame wars. Well I guess I post this and see what everyone else thinks (JUst don't flame me if you disagree ) Michael ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (The Toy Soldier) Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 23 Nov 1998 17:14:52 -0600 >does that make us all a particular type of personality, >with a predisposition to liking the show? >The second point is that there have been numerous cases >of list telepathy recently and maybe this lends a clue to >our own tp addiction. Maybe it's a genetic thing, maybe we were born to like this. Perhaps it was fated. Maybe it was the result of a series of events that started with our mothers meeting our fathers that turned out so that in the end we had no choice but to love the TP. It could be just one moment in us all when the light comes on and we think to ourselves, "I know! Tomorrow People!" A bit of "Eureka!" type deal. Perhaps the show was made purely for us. Perhaps Roger Damon Price knew when he was creating it that people who weren't yet born (that's several ppl) were going to see it and from this something extraordinary was going to happen. This lady, does she share the common traits? 1)Has she had brushes with the paranormal, mystical, or wierd? 2)Is she a science fiction fan? 3)Does she like the paranormal, mystical, or wierd 4)Is she normal? 5)Is she creative, brilliant, and perhaps wierd? 6)Does it affect some part of her? Does it move some part inside of her in such a manner that she can't help but like it? 7)Does it spark some hidden memory, or feeling? For me seeing the TP made me remember something strange from my past, and because of this I kept looking for it and certain parts would remind me of it and I kept looking, though I haven't put my finger on it. 8)Does she instinctively understand somethings that others just don't get. We all instinctively understand the idea of teleportation. Who here NEEDED the explaination of teleportation when seeing the show? If so, she could possibly be one of us. Addicted, nah, more like attached for life Megan **** With so little experience Your mind not yet cognizant Are you wise beyond your few days? -Barenaked Ladies "When You Dream" ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Beth Epstein" Subject: TPDIS: Visions TPfan Minicon Date: 23 Nov 1998 22:08:39 -0600 OK, so anyone besides Maria, Darryl, and I going to Visions this weekend and want to talk some TP in person? (Not to mention like, meet in real life and stuff?) You can just look for people in list T-shirts on Friday, but it might help if we know to look for you. (I don't know what, if anything, Wendy's planning in terms of room parties, etc, but my curiosity is getting the best of me.:) Tigger (who'll probably wear a name tag shirt on Friday:) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kristy Fahrenwald" Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 24 Nov 1998 01:41:34 CST >I think it would be interesting to know at what age people got hooked. 12 here >A couple of other "guesses" I might make to possible commonalities amongst >members of the group is that most of us are probably not very aggressive I tend to get aggressive - or at least have a hot temper - with those I am very close to, but not with anyone else. Maybe that is why I see the prime barrier as being psychological. Too many sap tendoncies here. >Also The adults amongst us probably haven't completely grown up And who would want to do a crazy thing like that? Kristy ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kristy Fahrenwald" Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 24 Nov 1998 01:54:04 CST > This lady, does she share the common traits? I'm going to take your list to work with me tomorrow and see what she thinks! I accused her of being paid extra to keep me happy and just playing along on the TP thing... but she assures me that her interest is the real thing. BTW... she and I have discussed having her first actual TP viewing when I get settled in our new house in the next week or two. Bearing in mind that she is already hooked and has been subjected to all my favorite lines and scenes repeatedly... and that she is old enough to remember the 70's and overlook the 'signs of the times'... what do I show her first? My biggest fear is that she's had too much build up and that it will be too different from what she is expecting. Kristy ********************************************************************* "All the world will be your enemy, Prince With a Thousand Enemies. And whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first, they must catch you--digger, listener, runner, Prince with the swift warning. Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." Richard Adams Watership Down ********************************************************************* ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wendy Kelley Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction & Mini-Con Date: 24 Nov 1998 12:16:52 -0600 Without looking at any previous messages, let's see how many I can answer here :) I got hooked on TP around age 8 or 9. Nickelodeon is to blame for that. I remember when Nick used to sign off for the night at 5:00p, and when they first started promoting this thing called Nick @ Nite, to which the TP was to be the lead in. I'm an extremely violent person, but people aren't likely to find that out since it's also extremely repressed violence (unless someone hands me a weapon . . . <:wicked grin:>). I would say I've never grown up, going by the listed definition. Upon entering a bookstore, the first place I head is the young adult section. After that, if there's time and/or no new good books out, I'll wander over to the science fiction section. Also, about half the shows I currently watch are definitely children's shows (Animorphs, Sabrina, Boy Meets World). Kristy, I think you should show her "The Blue and the Green". Mini-Con: I'm not planning a room party. Haven't had the time or inclination. If it happens, it happens. I will be bringing my vcr, tho, and a selection of tapes. If anyone has any requests, now's the time to speak up. Information about the Visions convention is available at The hotel is booked solid, but I still have openings left in my rooms. ... Wendy * Listowner: Tomorrow People creative and discussion lists Asst. Listowner: Sliders creative and discussion lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ana Isabel Sacristan Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction & Mini-Con Date: 20 Nov 1998 05:06:31 -0600 Wendy wrote: >I would say I've never grown up, going by the listed definition. Upon >entering a bookstore, the first place I head is the young adult section. >After that, if there's time and/or no new good books out, I'll wander over >to the science fiction section. Also, about half the shows I currently >watch are definitely children's shows (Animorphs, Sabrina, Boy Meets= World). That=B4s an interesting point. I am the same, and I was wondering how many o= f us TP fans suffer from the Peter Pan syndrome. Because one of the things I like about the TP is the fact that they are kids. It appealed to me when I was 10 (when I first saw the OS TP in 1975), and it is still one the appealing factors.=20 Or maybe I don=B4t want to grow up because I am still waiting to break out= :) Ana ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "McElrath, Jamon" Subject: RE: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 24 Nov 1998 14:03:43 -0600 > friends when I was a child. And I still get a warm glow whenever I watch > a tape. Now could this be something to do with me or the stories? I tend > to think it is me! I think that the tp's appealed to the part of me that > wanted to be special. Nickelodeon is responsible for me being hooked as well. In fact, that phrase warm glow very much describes my initial reaction-a reaction that stayed with me throughout the series. I was about 10 or 12 at the time and felt very alone and left out. I would go to great lengths not to miss an episode. When Nickelodeon changed its time slot, I used to run home from school just to catch the last 10 minutes of an episode. I wanted to be special too; I respected/admired/trusted John. The others also appealed to me as being genuine, caring, compassionate. It did not matter what abilities or qualities one had physically. Being TP was the only thing that mattered. And only people on the list will know the desperate desire we all had to be TP. There is a great comfort in belonging to a "group." I also think that a certain type of self-awareness is essential to TP addiction. Being able to evaluate one's thoughts and reactions and -contain- them (especially anger) is probably a shared quality of TP addicts. This relates to the "not fitting in" aspect of many TP fans. I think we were mature for our age and did not/could not enjoy the company of our peers. I am not a violent person. There is something in me that has an aversion to aggression. I DO have anger but am generally not competitive. In fact I purposely avoid competition because a scary competitive energy/aggression comes out of me that is disturbing. I have a couple of friends who enjoy hunting and have tried several times to understand the pleasure they derive from it. That quality, that thrill of the chase was just not there for me. When they talk of hunting it is like I am looking at an alien speaking another language. I think the prime barrier must be an emotional revulsion more than any other barrier. Well I've rambled :-) Jamon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Edmonds Subject: RE: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 25 Nov 1998 09:59:42 +1300 (NZDT) > aggression. I DO have anger but am generally not competitive. In fact I > purposely avoid competition because a scary competitive energy/aggression > comes out of me that is disturbing. I have a couple of friends who enjoy Interesting. I can be very aggressive when competing with others academically but I loathe physical aggression. I practice a martial art and it took me years to get use to sparring against someone else (noncontact) and even then I have to tell myself "its just pretend". I often wonder how effectively I would be using it for real. Maybe if I was lucky I would instincitvely teleport > hunting and have tried several times to understand the pleasure they derive > from it. That quality, that thrill of the chase was just not there for me. > When they talk of hunting it is like I am looking at an alien speaking > another language. I think the prime barrier must be an emotional revulsion > more than any other barrier. I'd be interesting to see how everyone else on the group feels about hunting. Personally I loathe it and like Jamon I can't fathom its appeal. Same goes for fishing. I suppose if I had to do it to survive I could but it would probably turn my stomach to do it. Michael ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 24 Nov 1998 17:36:07 EST > I think it would be interesting to know at what age people got hooked. I was seriously hooked on the new series when I was eight. Well, at least as hooked as an eight year old can be. I hadn't thought of it for a few years, when my friend and I started reflecting on various TV shows we used to watch. TP came up, and I decided to check out some web sites. Ironically, that's what I really became hooked. See what you people did to me?! Uhm, well, as far as violent tendencies go, maybe I'm a pre-immortal rather than a TP... I have precognative abilities when it comes to TV shows; does that count? BTW, I love the Watership Down sig! -Nicole ___________________________________ "People talk about my pictures. So long as they continue talking about butts, they will not be killing each other." -Yoko Ono discussion her art project consisting of posters showing butts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Beth Epstein" Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 24 Nov 1998 17:23:40 -0600 Responding to the message of from > I'd be interesting to see how everyone else on the group feels about > hunting. Personally I loathe it and like Jamon I can't fathom its appeal. > Same goes for fishing. I suppose if I had to do it to survive I could but > it would probably turn my stomach to do it. Guns with bullets should be rounded up and destroyed and replaced with Federation issue Stun Guns. :) Tigger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Shaun Hately" Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 25 Nov 1998 12:51:22 +1100 It's hard for me to say when I got hooked on the TP - probably when I was around 5 or so, but as it was on so often here in my early primary school years (Channel 7 repeated it quite often) I can't be that precise. I know I'd watched it at 5, and I know it really appealed to me. Mostly because I was a freak and different from other kids with no real friends - the show showed me close friendship, and it gave me something to aim for. It also helped me to feel that being different wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Like Wendy, I've never really grown up. I don't want to either - it looks really boring (-8 I watch kids shows (when I have time), and I read a lot of kids books - I'm also in regular contact with kids, so that makes that easier. I am a pacifist - so much of one, I used to let people beat me up, but I'm also capable of real violence if I lose control - OK, not very TP like, but I'm talking about being under incredible stress for long periods of times, because I hold in my violence as long as possible if I don't get relief somehow I have been known to explode. I hate violence - I hate being violent - but sometimes it tended to come out. As to the questions about hunting - well, I've done it. I dislike hunting, and I would never do it for sport, but in situations when it's necessary, I can do it. Rabbits are a real pest here, historically - they are basically vermin and if they are allowed to get out of control they can devastate whole areas. My family has a farm in northern NSW, and we've had rabbit plagues up there - when that's occurred, it's been necessary to go out and shoot them because if we didn't, they'd eat all the grass needed for our sheep. Under those circumstances I can hunt - but I don't enjoy it at all. It comes down to basic survival - OK, the rabbits aren't going to kill us, but they could potentially wipe out my uncle and aunt's livelihood. I'd also probably have problems with anything smarter than a rabbit (-8 Yours Without Wax, |'Don't knock mutant freaks. That's how Dreadnought |evolution works. Something new appears / |that might turn out to be just what the o=== ======================- |species needs.' \ |- Stephanie Tolan 'Welcome to the Ark' | ICQ: 6898200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: SapphireSky Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 24 Nov 1998 23:37:51 -0400 Am I the only one whose first experience with The Tomorrow People was the New Series? I was hooked from the moment that it first aired on Nickelodeon (I was a day short of 11 years old), and by the scene when Lisa first walked to the spaceship, I rememeber already contemplating the fact that I should have been recording. This sounds really stupid, and you'll laugh, but The Tomorrow People gave me the "tingles", as I always called them - it was just kind of a tingly feeling that I got and still get when watching the show (I still tell myself that they're just pre-breakout jitters :)). I can't describe why I loved the show, it just totally overtook me. In both sports and academics, I'm fairly competitive. I don't think of myself as a violent or excessively aggressive person, however, meaning that I can't see myself getting into a fight. Though I don't think that I'm technically appalled by violence, I certainly do not feel that it is the way that things should be settled. I'm only 16, but I can't see myself "growing up" any time soon. Like Wendy, most of the shows that I watch are really supposed to be aimed at kids (The Tomorrow People natch, plus Sailor Moon, Animorphs, Alex Mack, The Wonder Years, and Boy Meets World.) But I consider hanging onto imagination to be a really good thing! Seriously, somebody ought to make up a profile of the ultimate TP fan based on these postings. I bet that many of us would fit it very well! Rachel with an E :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jane starr Subject: TPDIS: getting hooked on the TP Date: 24 Nov 1998 22:35:01 -0700 As one of the oldest (chronologically, at least) on the list, I got hooked in the 70s when CBC was showing the old series, fairly closely concurrent with its run on British TV. I fit the profile pretty well - heavy reader, not many friends, always felt on the outside looking in. I loved shows and books with groups of kids - all those Enid Blyton mysteries, for example, and the old Forest Rangers series on CBC - who were close but not necessarily related and looked after each other - I never had that, although my sister and I got (still get) on well. We like similar things. The TP echoed my need to be special, and to have a peer group that I could really respect, and they had *the* coolest hideout - even better than the Forest Rangers' fort. And they were pretty much my age, too - I'm a bit younger than John and Liz, maybe a bit older than Stephen, and I kind of grew up with them over the run of the series. When I went to University in '76 I used to go over to the college across the road from mine, which had a better TV, and watch TP on Saturday mornings when everyone else was sleeping off their latest binge :). Another point of contact with me and the TP - I don't drink alcohol - I have never developed a taste for it, and have very little respect for people who mess with their brains using it or any other kind of drug. Except caffeine - I am a major tea drinker. Real tea, not that wussy herbal stuff :) I'm a pretty non-violent, non-competitive person. I have always hated team sports, except rowing at University, which is as close to an individual sport as you can get in a boat with 8 other people. I practice Taoist Tai Chi for fitness and stress relief and fun (I know, it's like watching paint dry to watch it, but it's challenging to do). I don't hunt. Although I have fished I don't especially like it (I always say I fish at Safeway). I do understand hunting for food and survival, but I do not understand, like or support in any way hunting for trophies or if one doesn't need to to survive. I read voraciously - mysteries, SF, kids' books - even before I had kids I read kids' books - I just never stopped after I was technically not a kid myself. I worked in the faculty library when I was in library school, and in quiet times read through the children's fiction collection, picking up some of the classics I'd missed on my way through my own childhood. Some of the best writing there is is for children. Try Arthur Ransome or Diana Wynne Jones or ... well, I could name dozens more, I expect. You get the point, anyway. I still watch a lot of kids' tv shows with my kids - Buffy, ReBoot, etc. but my favourite show these days is Babylon 5 (well, maybe tied with Buffy - those are the two I never miss). I can't say that I've ever had a brush with the paranormal, other than some mild precog events, which probably wasn't really precognition at all - just good guessing (sometimes even educated guessing). 'Night, all :) Jane Jane Starr Edmonton, Alberta, Canada check out the ON SPEC web page at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michael Matott" Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 24 Nov 1998 23:11:51 PST Okay I'm not going back to see who I'm answering along with because there were so many things that I agreed with with different people. I got hooked on the New series and in fact have never seen the Original. (Anyone with tapes who would be interested in making copies - I'll pay for the cost of the tape and postage obviously. mild begging over with) I'm surprised no one's mentioned identifying with people with similar abilities! :-) Seriously though. I've always had an interest in the paranormal and super-heroes and science fiction. I still read comic books and watch children's sci-fi shows (Ani-morphs isn't bad, comparatively. I'd still prefer the TP on Friday nights on Nick, but hey.) and I'm now addicted to Sailor Moon. I try not to miss new Batman cartoons, etc. I don't read children's books, but I rarely did as a child. I outgrew them years before most people do (although I held onto the Hardy Boys until about 7th grade) I started reading "classics" when I was about 9. By the time I was in middle school, I was reading stuff recomended for English classes in the senior year of high school. I watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer religiously, even though it's aimed at the high school teeny bopper set. The stories are much above that level though. Compare it to "Charmed" which has a VERY obvious high school target to it. Like Wendy, I have the Peter Pan complex but good. A while back I'm the one who brought up "Hook" as being one of my favorite movies and thought it'd be neat to do a crossover with Peter Pan and the TP The TP were an instant attraction because they had a type of friendship I could relate to with my friends. I didn't have many friends in high school, but the group that I did have was very tight. I could see us in the type of situations the TPs were in and that we would respond the same way. Concern for each other above concern for ourselves. As for the violence question. I consider myself capable of violence. I think I could kill. Either animals, or people if I had to. I don't like to kill animals , but in Biology it comes with the job relatively often. (well, if you work in an anatomy/physiology field like I am) I'm not a big believer in using guns for hunting. Traps and bow-and-arrow I approve of. Those take skill and practice and training. Not that using a gun doesn't, but it certainly doesn't require the precision or woodsmnaship that the others do. Also, it's not nearly as sporting of a chance for the animal in question. Being a city boy, I've never had the oppurtunity to hunt. I'm forgetting something, but it doesn't seem to want to come to me, si I'llhave to write it out later. ta, mike ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Amy Bridger Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 25 Nov 1998 21:03:08 +1000 At 11:37 PM 24/11/98 -0400, you wrote: >Am I the only one whose first experience with The Tomorrow People was >the New Series? Mine was too. In fact I have yet to see any old series episodes. >I was hooked from the moment that it first aired on >Nickelodeon (I was a day short of 11 years old), I was about oh, the length of the new series aired at 4 episodes a week short of my 16th birthday (it finished on my b-day (or was supposed to, they missed an episode here)). >and by the scene when >Lisa first walked to the spaceship, I rememeber already contemplating >the fact that I should have been recording. I came in at the second episode, just came up on it channel surfing and was hooked straight away. I knew it was one of those shows I had to watch. >This sounds really stupid, >and you'll laugh, but The Tomorrow People gave me the "tingles", as I >always called them - it was just kind of a tingly feeling that I got and >still get when watching the show I get that feeling too watching a show I like. >(I still tell myself that they're just >pre-breakout jitters :)). I can't describe why I loved the show, it >just totally overtook me. I know why I liked it. I'm interested in pyschic powers and the fact these were teens using them and the message that you're not alone, just sort of comforting really. >I'm only 16, but I can't see myself "growing up" any time soon. Like >Wendy, most of the shows that I watch are really supposed to be aimed at >kids (The Tomorrow People natch, plus Sailor Moon, My fave two shows :) I like kiddy tv shows (well except some!). -- Amy Bridger ( I am in Brisbane Being dyslexic could have come in handy today. In my assessed lab there was a pub called Wunder-BAR. I wonder if spelling counted? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 25 Nov 1998 14:10:28 EST In a message dated 11/24/98 10:19:53 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > Am I the only one whose first experience with The Tomorrow People was > the New Series? Not hardly! I've never even seen the original series. I think that I might have caught the show on its first episode, but it could have just been reruns. I was about eight at the time. (Yeah, I know, I wrote on this subject earlier, but never got time to finish the e-mail.) I tend to be rather (er, well, maybe a little more than 'rather') competitive with sports and academics. I just started fencing this year, which I suppose doesn't fit too well with the profile. Not to mention I used to take Kung Fu On the other hand, though, I'm completely against killing. I'm against the death penalty. I also despise hunting as a sport. I did a bit of fishing at one point, but I don't think that I could stomach it anymore. I've always had a huge interest in the unexplained and stuff. I'm one of those people who watches all the specials on Discovery and TLC that mention anything like that... I'm also the only one in one of my elementary school science classes who thought my teacher was using telekenesis when he was able to move a compass. Ends up he had a magnet in his watch band. oops. I'm also seriously into certain aspects of science. It's amazing what kinds of bizarre explanations you can come up with for TP when you combine those two interests... Anyway, I'm currently trying to convince my friend that I'm a precog as I have precognative dreams about TV shows and I always know when my science teacher is about to hand my papers back... My friend says I pick up on body language, but I (naturally) try my best to convince her otherwise. And what about those headaches I keep getting...? -Nicole _____________________ Michael Stipe: If you want someone to think that you're really intelligent and observant, notice if they're left-handed. People love that. Right-handed people never notice, though, I don't know why. Mike Mills: It's because we don't give a *$&%. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Edmonds Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 26 Nov 1998 08:31:52 +1300 (NZDT) Now I think there is a psychologist on this group somewhere so maybe he would be better suited to this but maybe someone should write a survey to find some of our commonalities. I can already see a couple of patterns emerging. Oh what the hell, let me try 1) Do you support hunting as a sport? 2) If you are over 20 yrs old do you still read childrens books? 3) If you are over 18 yrs old do you watch childrens cartoons and teen TV shows? 4) How many times have you seriously hit someone in anger? 5) Are you for or against the death penalty for some one who has commited murder? 6) Do you believe in psychic abilities? yes/no/undecided 7) Do/did you consider yourself to be popular as a child? 8) Would you class yourself as an introvert or extrovert? 9) What is your occupation? I would love to know what everyones IQ and EQ are. I would be guessing higher than average as there seem to be a lot of mature intelligent people on this group. My answers to the above are 1) Never! 2&3) I'm thirty and still watch Batman, XMen, and read kids books 4) Once as a teen and my bropther provoked me OK!!! :) 5)Against 6) undecided. I'm a scientist so I'm cynical, but not unswayable with good evidence. 7) No 8) introvert BTY my favourite tv shows are Babylon 5 and Buffy. Michael ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Edmonds Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 26 Nov 1998 08:50:02 +1300 (NZDT) Another possible common factor just occurred to me. A number of us have mentioned being competitive in sprt or academically. This suggests that perserverance/mental discipline/focus might be a common factor. Imagination too. I've heard that creative people dream in colour. Does anyone else here dream in colour? Michael indulgent aside - In my favourite recent dream I was a rogue Babylon 5 telepath and kept having to block Psicops. It was great. Have never managed to teleport though :( (Maybe I'm too scared that I might do it for real ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "McElrath, Jamon" Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 25 Nov 1998 13:59:26 -0600 This sounds really stupid, and you'll laugh, but The Tomorrow People gave me the "tingles", as I always called them - it was just kind of a tingly feeling that I got and still get when watching the show (I still tell myself that they're just pre-breakout jitters :)). I understand completely what you mean by "tingles." That describes exactly the feeling I got when I used to watch the TP. I still get it when I watch a particularly good episode of Voyager. The strongest sensation was when the 5th Doctor regenerated into Colin Baker. With the TP though it was almost a painful feeling because it touches so deeply a longing or a need unmet. As an adult, that sensation has been replaced with an uncontrollable exuberance for what I am watching. When alone I am probably the most obnoxious TV viewer! (shouting, cheering, etc.) As far as the survey: 1) Do you support hunting as a sport? I don't hunt, but don't oppose it either. 2) If you are over 20 yrs old do you still read childrens books? Yes 3) If you are over 18 yrs old do you watch childrens cartoons and teen TV TV shows, not really cartoons (children's) 4) How many times have you seriously hit someone in anger? Tried once as a child--unsucessful 5) Are you for or against the death penalty for some one who has commited Against murder? 6) Do you believe in psychic abilities? yes/no/undecided Yes-in a religious sense 7) Do/did you consider yourself to be popular as a child? No 8) Would you class yourself as an introvert or extrovert? Introvert (less so as an adult) 9) What is your occupation? Jamon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jack Newman Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 25 Nov 1998 21:18:15 +0000 Michael Edmonds wrote: > Now I think there is a psychologist on this group somewhere so maybe he > would be better suited to this but maybe someone should write a survey to > find some of our commonalities. I can already see a couple of patterns > emerging. > Oh what the hell, let me try Well that's me and I'm the one that started this discussion. I have been sitting back and watching it develop over the past few days and feel that it is time for me to add my own comments :) I think your survey idea is great and will start with that > 1) Do you support hunting as a sport? No 2) If you are over 20 yrs old do you still read childrens books? As someone else said I grew out of kids books while still young but am addicted to science fiction and read everything they had in my local library by the time I was 14. > 3) If you are over 18 yrs old do you watch childrens cartoons and teen TV > shows? Yes > 4) How many times have you seriously hit someone in anger? Never!! > 5) Are you for or against the death penalty for some one who has commited > murder? Against, but have an open mind and would consider listening to debate (althought not here because it is off topic) on the subject. > 6) Do you believe in psychic abilities? yes/no/undecided Definately and I am telepathic and precognitive. > 7) Do/did you consider yourself to be popular as a child? No definately an outsider in my class. > 8) Would you class yourself as an introvert or extrovert? I have done an Eysenck EPI on this and come out split exactly 50-50 so it depends upon the company I'm with. > 9) What is your occupation? Psychologist and lecturer... with a keen interest in Parapsychology. > > > I would love to know what everyones IQ and EQ are. I would be guessing > higher than average as there seem to be a lot of mature intelligent people > on this group. I agree. I do not know my own IQ but did get the highest number of 'O' Levels in my entire school so does this count? I think that this list contains some of the brightest people in the world I became hooked on TP when I was 11 when Thames showed the Original series. There is only one episode I have never seen in my entire life and that is the very first one. Shawn please note, I really want to see this one :))) Someone said recenlty: With the TP though it was almost a painful feeling because it touches so deeply a longing or a need unmet. I relate to this very much... that need is; wishing to be accepted for being different, for not being laughed at or pushed aside, a need to be unconditionally loved. This closeness is something which the Tp's seem give to one another. I also get a sort of tingle when ever I watch the show, and allways believed it to be something no one else felt until I joined this group. Someone, possibly Michael, said the following: >The TP were an instant attraction because they had a type of friendship >I could relate to with my friends. I didn't have many friends in high >school, but the group that I did have was very tight. I could see us in >the type of situations the TPs were in and that we would respond the >same way. Concern for each other above concern for ourselves. That feeling seems true of those I have become friends with from the group too :) The psychologist in me is beginning to see a particular personality type coming across from many list members, it will be fascinating to see other responses to the questionnaire. Jackie -- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michele Bumbarger Subject: TPDIS: Beta Anyone? Date: 25 Nov 1998 16:41:31 -0500 Okay, before I get innundated with offers, let me tell you what's going on here. I am in the process of writing a TP/Buffy crossover and could really use a beta/idea-bouncer person to help me out. Now, the story will be a bit odd (but so's the combo of Buffy/TP), and this story (a sequel is planned but mum's the word on that) will only feature the following characters: Angel, Whistler, Ami and cameos by Giles and Adam. I don't think it's one of my run of the mill fics or what folks have come to expect from me, so if you're not flexible or imaginative, then you probably won't wish to help me out. Anyways, please respond to me via private email (, no need to overload the list with "yes" responses. Thanks a million in advance, Michele _________________________________________________________________ Reading graffiti on a locker, "Kiss rocks? Why would anybody want . . . oh, I get it." --Willow, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, "Band Candy" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Shaun Hately" Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 26 Nov 1998 10:58:47 +1100 Interesting survey > From: Michael Edmonds > > Now I think there is a psychologist on this group somewhere so maybe he > would be better suited to this but maybe someone should write a survey to > find some of our commonalities. I can already see a couple of patterns > emerging. > Oh what the hell, let me try > > 1) Do you support hunting as a sport? No, not as a sport. > 2) If you are over 20 yrs old do you still read childrens books? Yes, along with just about everything else I can get my hands on - except romances. > 3) If you are over 18 yrs old do you watch childrens cartoons and teen TV > shows? When I have time, yes. > 4) How many times have you seriously hit someone in anger? How do we count this? Number of occasions or numbers of blows? In terms of occasions - three, but I hit them more than once on each occasion. It was under extreme provocation - in one case, I was in genuine fear for my life. > 5) Are you for or against the death penalty for some one who has commited > murder? For most murders, I am opposed. However, in a case where someone was fully cognisant of their actions (ie, responsible for their own actions, aware of what they are doing, and aware it is wrong), where a murder is premeditated, and where there are no mitigating circumstances, I'd support the death penalty - but cases that fit these criteria would be extremely rare - someone who killed for a fee is the only case I can identify, off hand - a killing where the motive was entirely monetary. > 6) Do you believe in psychic abilities? yes/no/undecided Of the three choices, I'd have to say undecided - I am a natural sceptic and only believe things I consider proven. However in testing, I've performed 'significantly better than chance' in the areas of telepathy and telekinesis - not well enough to be certain indications of psionic ability, but well enough to freak me out. > 7) Do/did you consider yourself to be popular as a child? Distinctly unpopular > 8) Would you class yourself as an introvert or extrovert? An introvert - but if I want to, I can come across as very extroverted. > 9) What is your occupation? Student (Computer Science) > I would love to know what everyones IQ and EQ are. I would be guessing > higher than average as there seem to be a lot of mature intelligent people > on this group. Well, FWIW my IQ is . . . well, significantly higher than 160 is all I'm prepared to say. EQ - no idea, although it's probably been tested and I could find out. I'd certainly back your opinion on the average IQ of this list being higher than average - I'd guess significantly higher. Of course, as most people never get tested, it'd be hard to know for certain. Yours Without Wax, |'Don't knock mutant freaks. That's how Dreadnought |evolution works. Something new appears / |that might turn out to be just what the o=== ======================- |species needs.' \ |- Stephanie Tolan 'Welcome to the Ark' | ICQ: 6898200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Adams Subject: TPDIS: TP Addiction, my two cents Date: 25 Nov 1998 18:35:52 Greetings I've been following the TP addiction thread with interest. I believe that I am the oldest, if not the oldest member on the list, I am 38. I was introduced to the Original series, when I was in college, via a law student. We would met every evening, after dinner, watch an episode and discuss it. Having a life long interest in the paranormal, I quickly made the TP one of my favorite TV series. Okay, Nick Young is quite handsome, even in bell bottoms. As long as Nickelodeon ran the Tomorrow People, I faithfully watched. As I began to try my hand at fan fiction, I found that the TP were very easy for me to use, much like Doctor Who. Although I am a Star Trek fan from way, way back, I cannot get the proper military feel in my stories. Now for Michael Edwards questions: 1. Do you support hunting as a sport? No way, nadda, never! I'm the sort of animal lover, who gets the willies around mounted stag heads and mink coats. 2. If you are over 20 yrs old, do you still read children's books? Yes, in fact I'm beginning to collect some of the older books, particularly natural history and fantasy. I usually grab new Doctor Who and Julian May titles as soon as my local B. Daltons gets them on the shelves. I also hunt down the lastest Gon manga (comics). (Gon is this two foot tall T.rex, who, is like a pint sized Godzilla.) 3. If you are over 18 yrs old, do you still watch children's cartoons and teen TV shows? Well, right now Cartoon Network is on Batman. I've been hooked on cartoons since the first run of the Herculoids. Of the current crop of new toons, my favorites are Godzilla and MIB. Bill, my better half, is a Freakazoid, and Animanics nut. 4. How many times have you seriously hit someone in anger? Never, eventhough I do have a temper. Instead, if I get really mad enough I do break the occasional pencil. I do have a violent imagination, which I do tap into whenever I read about some scumball in the newspaper or when I write. 5. Are you for or against the death penalty for someone who has commited murder? Against. 6. Do you believe in psychic abilities? Humm, as we all know there is no firm scientific proof of psychic abilities and yet --- I'll steal a line from the X-files for this one: I want to believe. I've had a few brushes with precognition, usually coming up with a good fan story idea, writing it up, and then in a couple weeks time, see it on the screen. The creepest precognition episode that hit me was on the morning when the Challenger exploded. 7. Do/did you consider yourself to be popular as a child? No, I was the on the bottom of the pecking order. 8. Would you class yourself as an introvert or an extrovert? Introvert. Throughout my schooling, most of my classmates considered me as a science/history nerd. I was rotten in phys ed. I'm not at all competitive, unless I challenge/treat myself to a research binge. 9. What is your occupation? Chemistry lab tech - somewhat boring, but at least it keeps the food on the table. I don't know my IQ, or even what EQ is. Now someone, I can't remember who, was asking who dreamed in black and white or in color. I dream in color, usually vividly. Well, that's my two cents. Dianne ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Edmonds Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction, my two cents Date: 26 Nov 1998 13:49:59 +1300 (NZDT) Just a quick note. I'm also noticing that there are an awful lot of us in scientific/research areas -computers, chemistry, psychology, biology? This is fascinating. Michael ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: SapphireSky Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 25 Nov 1998 21:55:12 -0400 > Just a quick note. I'm also noticing that there are an awful lot of us in > scientific/research areas -computers, chemistry, psychology, biology? > This is fascinating. List telepathy at its height! I was two milliseconds away from posting the same exact observation, and was beaten to it. Wah! :) As for my responses to the current poll: > > 1) Do you support hunting as a sport? While I suppose that I understand why some people like to hunt, I myself do not support it. > > > 2) If you are over 20 yrs old do you still read childrens books? I'm only 16, so I guess that I really can't answer. I do sometimes re-read stuff from elementary school, if that counts. > > 3) If you are over 18 yrs old do you watch childrens cartoons and teen TV > > shows? As I said, I'm still a teen, so it makes sense that I do watch TV that's made for teens. But when I was 11 or so, a lot of kids seemed to get interested in soap operas while I was still interested in Nickelodeon shows. So I guess that I do often watch TV shows that are aimed at younger audiences (BTW, it still disgusts me that, if Nickelodeon was still showing The Tomorrow People, it would probably have a Y rating - aimed at kids ages 2-6. Whatever!) > > > 4) How many times have you seriously hit someone in anger? I doubt that I've ever really hit somebody - little fights with my brother don't count. > > > 5) Are you for or against the death penalty for some one who has commited > > murder? We discussed this in English class last year, and I was undecided. I guess that I think it depends on the crime. > > 6) Do you believe in psychic abilities? yes/no/undecided Yes. Though I HATE and don't believe those stupid psychics on TV commercials, I have read of too many paranormal occurrences to consider them coincidences. > > > 7) Do/did you consider yourself to be popular as a child? Well, I dunno, actually. While I'm certainly not like Miss Popularity or anything, I'm good friends with the kids who are, and have never had trouble making friends. But still, like everybody, I sometimes do feel really out of it. > > 8) Would you class yourself as an introvert or extrovert? If forced to choose, I guess that I would say introvert, because I'm quieter than the kids who I would consider true extroverts. But still, I think that I fall somewhere in the middle. > > 9) What is your occupation? I'm a high school student who plans to go into something English-related. Actually, I laughed when I read about all of you who are science people and that it seems to be a common trait among TP fans, because I HATE science! Or, technically, I've hated my science CLASSES, because I am interested in how the world works and stuff. But still, if a love for and an ability in science is a characteristic of a TP fan, I definitely don't fit it. > > I would love to know what everyones IQ and EQ are. I would be guessing > > higher than average as there seem to be a lot of mature intelligent > people > > on this group. I've never had an IQ test, but when we're given California Achievement Test in school, I've always gotten in the 99th percentile. And people usually say that I'm mature for my age. I also agree with the observation that the intelligence level on this list seems WAY off the charts. That's all for now, minna-san! Rachel with an E :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jane starr Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 25 Nov 1998 21:54:54 -0700 At 08:31 AM 26/11/98 +1300, Michael Edmonds wrote: >1) Do you support hunting as a sport? No, only for survival. >2) If you are over 20 yrs old do you still read childrens books? Yes, and not just because I have kids. Had to give up buying comics when I acquired a mortgage - couldn't afford both :) >3) If you are over 18 yrs old do you watch childrens cartoons and teen TV >shows? Yes, when I have time. >4) How many times have you seriously hit someone in anger? Um, actually, several. I don't keep track, but once in a while I've hit the kids when they've have done something especially provoking or dangerous (like the time Thomas crossed a wall socket with a hacksaw blade - Yikes!). Nobody can make you as mad as your own kids. Hideous guilt trip afterwards. >5) Are you for or against the death penalty for some one who has commited murder? Against. Once in a while I waver over a particularily awful and guarenteed guilty serial killer, but there have been too many cases of wrongful convictions and I can't square being able to kill the Clifford Olsens and Jeffrey Dahmers of the world with accidentally killing a person who was not guilty after all. >6) Do you believe in psychic abilities? yes/no/undecided Undecided. Need proof. >7) Do/did you consider yourself to be popular as a child? Not really, but I had some good friends, so I was okay about it. Not running with the "in" crowd was okay - most of them smoked (eeuw). >8) Would you class yourself as an introvert or extrovert? Introvert, although I work hard at being a bit more out-going. Hate making phone calls - wish everyone I knew was on e-mail. >9) What is your occupation? Primary: Librarian (cataloguer, or as I have started calling it, metadata production analyst). Secondary: Art Director, On Spec magazine (Canadian SF mag). Plus volunteer work at the kids' school. >I would love to know what everyones IQ and EQ are. I have no idea. Reasonably high, I would think, but probably not Mensa material. Jane Starr Edmonton, Alberta, Canada check out the ON SPEC web page at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jane starr Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction, my two cents Date: 25 Nov 1998 22:03:25 -0700 At 06:35 PM 25/11/98 +0000, Dianne wrote: >Greetings > I've been following the TP addiction thread with interest. I believe that >I am the oldest, if not the oldest member on the list, I am 38. nope - I'm 40, and there is, or was, someone even older than me - I don't know if she's still on the list or not - haven't seen a posting in a while. Jane Jane Starr Edmonton, Alberta, Canada check out the ON SPEC web page at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (The Toy Soldier) Subject: Re: TPDIS: Beta Anyone? Date: 25 Nov 1998 23:23:12 -0600 I'LL BETA! OOh, cross over, I'll beta, I'll beta, I'll beta! It's a standing offer for everyone on the list. I will beta read with a fox in a box with a mouse in a house. I will beta read green eggs and ham, I will beta read, sam I am. I'll beta read anything. Infringing upon Dr. Seuss. Megan, WHO MUST BETA READ ***** Tyrannosaurus was a beast he had no friends to say the least He ruled the ancient out of doors And slaughtered other dinosaurs -Jack Prelutsky "Tyrannosaurus Was A Beast" ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (The Toy Soldier) Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 26 Nov 1998 00:09:44 -0600 Okay, well, I'm up to bat, so let's see what we've got here. >1) Do you support hunting as a sport? No. I live in an area where people think it's the greatest thing since fire, and well, I can't stand the idea of killing something for sport, just to mount it's head on the wall and stick a cigar in it's mouth for fun. >2) If you are over 20 yrs old do you still read childrens >books? I'm not over 20, but still will pick up a Dr. Seuss book or something from childhood and read. Partly because it's easy and funny and partly for the warm fuzzy feelings. >3) If you are over 18 yrs old do you watch childrens >cartoons and teen TV N/A >4) How many times have you seriously hit someone in >anger? One time seriously. As for light taps for fun or those in mild irritation, few to date. >5) Are you for or against the death penalty for some one >who has commited Against murder? I'm not an eye-for-an-eye type person. No. Just because they did it doesn't give us the right to do it. >6) Do you believe in psychic abilities? yes/no/undecided ABSOLUTELY! >7) Do/did you consider yourself to be popular as a child? No with a vengeance. >8) Would you class yourself as an introvert or extrovert? Introvert. >9) What is your occupation? I'm supposed to be occupied? Well, I've got a list of what I want to be. 1) writer/editor (beta reading for money) 2)Forensic Psychologist 3)Parapsychologist/ ufologist 4)Tomorrow Person 5)Somebody who can argue a *lot* and get away with it, possibly a politician. We all saw something in this show, we all have that in common. We all felt something when we saw this show. For me, and this may be me alone, it was a sense of "Eureka! I get it now! I'm not bad, I'm not strange, I'm just not like they are." For me, it was the understanding of the line between me and everyone else in the world. For me, it was also the knowledge that maybe, just maybe, I wasn't the only one on this side of the line. My first experience was with the new series, I saw it and at first didn't understand it, but the more I watch the more it brought up things that I didn't understand. It faded away, but the things it brought up never did. Somehow, on a very boring day in summer I was on the 'net and something at random said "Whatever happened to that show The Tomorrow People?" I remembered scenes and people, and went searching. From there I found all of this. The more I remembered the more I liked and wanted to know. Ever since it has refused to fade away. Like Michael Edmonds, my sibling provoked me to serious violence. Siblings will do that, BTW, how many people here happen to have a brat- er sibling? My IQ I've been told is high. I won't say numbers or anything. I don't believe it to be that high, but ppl nonetheless say it's high. Yeah, and ppl also once believed the world was flat. So, I don't really don't listen to ppl all that much. We're all different in a different way Megan **** If you believe they put a man on the moon If you believe there's nothin' up my sleeve Then nothing is cool -REM "Man On the Moon" ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wendy Kelley Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 26 Nov 1998 00:52:34 -0600 I answered some of these already, but in the interest of contributing to a worthy cause ... :) >1) Do you support hunting as a sport? No. I don't get it, I've never gotten it and I don't want to get it. I understand hunting for food. I understand killing in self-defense or in the defense of loved-ones. I don't understand hunting/killing for sport. >2) If you are over 20 yrs old do you still read childrens books? Absolutely. I find more good books and interesting concepts in the children's section than anywhere else in the bookstore. Perhaps it's because children's books are frequently serials, which I adore. >3) If you are over 18 yrs old do you watch childrens cartoons and teen TV >shows? Absolutely. >4) How many times have you seriously hit someone in anger? As a child, I hit my younger sister often enough that I had a serious fear of becoming an abusive parent. As a teen/adult I can only recall hitting someone in anger once. >5) Are you for or against the death penalty for some one who has commited >murder? I'm for the death penalty. One of my cousins was John Wayne Gacy's ninth victim, so it's a bit personal. But I can't reconcile allowing Gacy to live (he spent 15 years on death row) when he didn't allow my cousin the same option. >6) Do you believe in psychic abilities? yes/no/undecided Yes. >7) Do/did you consider yourself to be popular as a child? Absolutely not. I had exactly one friend from 5th-8th grade and none between 8th and 11th. It's improved some since then. >8) Would you class yourself as an introvert or extrovert? Introvert. >9) What is your occupation? Currently a grad student in applied linguistics. I'm also planning on seeking a degree in library science. >I would love to know what everyones IQ and EQ are. I've never had an EQ test done (that I know of) and everyone refuses to tell me my IQ test scores. >Another possible common factor just occurred to me. A number of us have >mentioned being competitive in sprt or academically. I'm extremely competitive. If I don't watch myself, I'll turn just about anything into some sort of competition. >Does anyone else here dream in colour? All the time. I also had several imaginary friends as a child (6, to be exact). Note about the dreaming: I frequently dream that I have super-powers of some sort (usually teleporting and/or flying abilities). What's interesting tho is that at the start of the dream I really do have those abilities. By the end of the dream I realize that I really don't (and/or they're not working correctly for some reason), so I have to trick all the other people in my dream into thinking I still have them. Sort of a "close your eyes so you don't see my walk when I said I teleported" scenario. ... Wendy * Listowner: Tomorrow People creative and discussion lists Asst. Listowner: Sliders creative and discussion lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "The Time Guardian" Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 26 Nov 1998 01:54:14 -0500 To those that celebrate it, I wish you all a Very Happy Thanksgiving! >1) Do you support hunting as a sport? For years I was very much into wilderness survial, and my feelings are: --So long as your sport hunting for food and use as much as the animal as possible, then its ok. (I also studied tanning hides and different preserving methods for the meat). Hunting helps keep the animals from overpopulating, and starving to death. Unless your a true vegetarian, when you shop at the store your really just paying someone to do the killing for you, and how do you know what kind of job they did? At least when hunting in the wild the animals have a chance at life. I would rather live free and be hunted a small portion of the year, than to live captive and never be free, doomed to death. I am *very* much opposed to the other type of sport hunting, which is solely for show. Although I have gone hunting, I have never shot at an animal. >2) If you are over 20 yrs old do you still read childrens books? Well, the fact that, just today, I was thinking of buying "Where the Wild Things Are" is a good answer to that question. I havn't seen that book in over a decade! or two! And also, although not really a kids book, I do like "The Neverending Story" book and movies/cartoons. >3) If you are over 18 yrs old do you watch childrens cartoons and teen TV >shows? Yes, on occasion, but many of the cartoons are so violent now-a-days... I like to watch family shows... And science fiction as well... I havn't had much time lately to watch TV. >4) How many times have you seriously hit someone in anger? I really debated answering this one... Never really, well, um.. anger really makes me weak... Can any of you relate? I was in Karate for years and if I'm not angry, and its practice, I'm pretty good. But I don't like violence at all. I hope to never be in a fight. >5) Are you for or against the death penalty for some one who has commited >murder? This is a big topic for me, and I really feel the justice system has to be rewriten, but the short answer, with our current justice system, is yes. Main reason, the criminals should be supporting themselves and paying back society while in jail, not us paying for them!!! It may seem harsh, but if someone is out there killing people, we need to put a stop to it and I damn well dont want to be paying for thier food and board!!! >6) Do you believe in psychic abilities? yes/no/undecided definately yes >7) Do/did you consider yourself to be popular as a child? no, although i could hang out with any group, and was accepted, i prefered to be in the background, not stand out. I really didn't feel like I fit in with the other groups... >8) Would you class yourself as an introvert or extrovert? Although I am overly sensitve towards picking up others feelings, and sometimes it gets so hard to block it all out, I am mostly an introvert. Mostly because I have a lot of hobbies and personal interests. Many of them do in one way or another help others, but they all center around me. However, I wouldn't concider myself at all selfish, as I do share, and care alot about others. >9) What is your occupation? Basically its Network Engineering/Programming I don't like to rate people using tests.... No comment on IQ... How about class a or b personality traits??? I'm b, very relaxed and non-confrontational. How about listing a few hobbies??? I like the outdoors, swimming, hiking, skiing.... I don't like sports, but its ok if I'm playing for fun. I started watching the TP on Nick when I was about 11. It was then and is still my favorite show. What I like the most is the acceptance and closeness they showed towards each other. Shawn (The Time Guardian) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ana Isabel Sacristan Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 26 Nov 1998 03:05:11 -0600 I think I already said it recently: I am 34 and got hooked on the OS TP when I was 10 or 11. Somebody said Nick Young was handsome. I also had a bit of a crush on him, but much more on Stephen. I used to dream all the time that he helped me during my breaking out. >>1) Do you support hunting as a sport? As a sport: definitely no! Only for food or in self-defence.=20 But I should add that I am a vegetarian. I will not eat dead beings unless it is matter of survival. >>2) If you are over 20 yrs old do you still read childrens books? YES. >>3) If you are over 18 yrs old do you watch childrens cartoons and teen TV >>shows? > Yes! They are my favorite, but more what you call "teen TV" than cartoons. > >>4) How many times have you seriously hit someone in anger? Unfortunately, more than I should have. Ive got quite a short temper (a passionate latin temper).=20 When I was a kid I don=B4t know how my brother and I survived without killin= g each other.=20 As an adult a couple of times: my sister (in a mutual fight: she also has a terrible temper), and my ex-boyfriend when I caught him cheating on me.=20 >>5) Are you for or against the death penalty for some one who has commited murder? Definitively against. Just as murderers dont have a right to kill, I believe no human being has the right to decide on taking away the life of somebody else. Also, I believe that the death penalty is letting the murderer out the easy way. I would certainly prefer death than life in prison. And I am sure there are worse punishments than death. BTW, I also truly believe that not being able to kill, not even in self-defense, is not as much a handicap as it is always made out to be. A truly evolved person will find a way around having to kill to protect him/herself like the TP did in the Blue and the Green. In the worst case there are things like stun guns.=20 I cannot understand why in films today everything is solved with a gun. And in real life I certainly don=B4t understand why police carry fireguns instea= d of, for instance, those dart guns that zoo keepers use to temporarily put to sleep an animal for transport.=20 Or why is it that, for instance in hostage situations, guns are often used by police. Why not instead use a sleep gas that would not hurt either the criminals nor the hostages. (Recently here in Mexico, when the police tried to save a kidnapped person, both the victim and a few of the kidnappers were killed in the rescue operation. ) >>6) Do you believe in psychic abilities? yes/no/undecided Yes. In fact, I am about to break out any day now! :) Actually telepathy is quite common in my family. My father in particular can REALLY read the minds of my mother, sister and me. Sometimes it is a bit scary. He sometimes even completes or answers our thoughts outloud when not a single reference to the thought was made on the outside. My intuition is also very sharp and I=B4ve had quite a few uncanny premonitions about things. >>7) Do/did you consider yourself to be popular as a child? No. I was almost invisible. >>8) Would you class yourself as an introvert or extrovert? Introvert. > >>9) What is your occupation?=20 University professor and researcher (PhD degree in Maths Education with particular interest in computers in education). >>I would love to know what everyones IQ and EQ are. No idea. Never been tested. Don=B4t even know what EQ is. >>Another possible common factor just occurred to me. A number of us have >>mentioned being competitive in sprt or academically.=20 I am not very competitive. However I am a bit of an overachiever: I do several sports; academics as I already mentioned; I speak 4 languages; and I also have professional degrees in mind/body medicine and as a teacher of meditation. >>Does anyone else here dream in colour? Always. >>How about listing a few hobbies??? I love Nature. That=B4s why I like cross country horseriding.=20 I also (after 25 years) still do gymnastics with girls 20 years younger than me, and I get along better with them than I do with people my age. A few years ago I also got into fencing for a while. Which is why I love the fact that Stephen was fencing champion! I don=B4t smoke (never even tried a cigarette), and don=B4t drink (it is totally beyond me how people can like alcohol. It tastes horrible! I=B4ve never been able to get past a sip). I am into organic foods; and against pesticides, GM foods, and everything that threatens the planet. Ana. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Amy Bridger Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 26 Nov 1998 20:21:17 +1000 At 08:31 AM 26/11/98 +1300, you wrote: > >Another possible common factor just occurred to me. A number of us have >mentioned being competitive in sprt or academically. This suggests that >perserverance/mental discipline/focus might be a common factor. >Imagination too. I've heard that creative people dream in colour. >Does anyone else here dream in colour? > >Michael I always dream in color. I've start reading alt.dreams.lucid lately (it's about being able to be conscous (SP?) while dreaming) and I think most people do in fact dream in color. >Oh what the hell, let me try > >1) Do you support hunting as a sport? No! If you have to do it to survive then it's ok, but just killing something for "fun" is wrong. >2) If you are over 20 yrs old do you still read childrens books? Not over 20 yet, and I don't read childrens books. Even when I was younger though I didn't read childrens books much. I prefer science fiction books myself. Some of the books I like are found in the childrens section of the library, such as Dr Who books (or TP books ^_^) but I would call them science fiction. >3) If you are over 18 yrs old do you watch childrens cartoons and teen TV >shows? Not quite 18 yet, but I do love watching kiddy and teen shows (but then again, I am a teen :) ). My favourite shows are all chilren's shows. I like how they can have completely fanatastic plots, they're not limted by the bounds of reality. >4) How many times have you seriously hit someone in anger? No. I don't believe in violence. >5) Are you for or against the death penalty for some one who has commited >murder? It depends. If they had just killed one person and would never do it again then no they shouldn't be. But if they were likely going to kill again then they should be (one life vs. how many others?). >6) Do you believe in psychic abilities? yes/no/undecided Yes. I am a strong believer that pyschic abilities exist. >7) Do/did you consider yourself to be popular as a child? Nope. I had one or two good friends, and not many others as a child. >8) Would you class yourself as an introvert or extrovert? Very strongly an introvert. >9) What is your occupation? Information Technology student. >I would love to know what everyones IQ and EQ are. I would be guessing >higher than average as there seem to be a lot of mature intelligent people >on this group. I'm not sure what EQ is, but I have had my IQ tested. And yes it was higher than average. -- Amy Bridger ( I am in Brisbane Being dyslexic could have come in handy today. In my assessed lab there was a pub called Wunder-BAR. I wonder if spelling counted? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: scott goldman Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 26 Nov 1998 14:01:05 -0500 (EST) I've missed most of the responses (and the original post) but here goes: > >1) Do you support hunting as a sport? yes, up to a point. Hunting with a bow and arrow is a sport... hunting with a shotgun is simply target practice.... > >2) If you are over 20 yrs old do you still read childrens >books? Other Than TP Books?... to a small extent...Sometime I think I have a child just so I can read Green Eggs and Ham! > >3) If you are over 18 yrs old do you watch childrens >cartoons and teen > TV You bet! Nick rules... Rugrats, rocko etc... some of it is really for adults... (just like to old rocky & bullwinke stuff) > >4) How many times have you seriously hit someone in >anger? as an adult... once or twice... I tend to be a 'kicker'... chairs, doors, walls etc... > >5) Are you for or against the death penalty for some one >who has > commited Against murder? Yes, if there is uncontriverted (sp!) evidence... the susan smith case makes me mad.... she admits to DROWING her 2 children and then says 'oh please...i was abused as a child..' a lot of us had abusive upbringings... NOTHING mitigates intentionaly killing a child > >6) Do you believe in psychic abilities? yes/no/undecided ABSOLUTELY! I want to believe... but (other than TP) it's just so unbelieveable > >7) Do/did you consider yourself to be popular as a child? Definetly NOT! > >8) Would you class yourself as an introvert or extrovert? Extrover! > >9) What is your occupation? Movie Theatre Owner Scott G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Edmonds Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 27 Nov 1998 08:22:14 +1300 (NZDT) When I wrote the list of questions I had no idea that the results were going to have so many similarities. Almost everytime I read one of the emails with answers I feel like there is a echo inside of me. Its weird. Its great. Michael ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Edmonds Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 27 Nov 1998 08:24:44 +1300 (NZDT) BTW, E.Q. stands for Emotion(al) Quotient. It's sort of the emotional equivalent of IQ. Michael ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Edmonds Subject: TPDIS: I want to believe Date: 27 Nov 1998 08:37:20 +1300 (NZDT) Just had the weirdest experience. I came into the lobby of the building I work in in a not particularly good mood and headed for the elevator with its doors open. As usual I got about three metres away and the doors started to close. So I "thought" at the elevator -Don't you dare!!!- and to my amazement they stopped closing and reopened. I have never seen this happen before and the scientist part of me knows that there is a logical reason but I know what explanation I want to believe. :) One interesting thing about this is that the only times anything like this has happened before I have been in the same sort of mood. (Glared at a fellow cyclist who cut me off and five seconds later he was on the ground - Iwas only twelve and boy did I feel bad even though I'm sure it was coincidence). So next time anyone is in an annoyed mood give telekinesis a go. You never know Michael ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 26 Nov 1998 16:45:37 EST This is from Geoff and Arpi: In a message dated 98-11-25 14:33:21 EST, you write: > 1) Do you support hunting as a sport? Geoff: NO!! Unless you're just chasing them. Cats. It's *really* fun! ::watches as Jerry eats John:: GOOD kitty! Wait, no, spit it out... Arpi: GEOFFY-CHAN!!! Jerry didn't just eat John. Nor will he ever! I think he's kind of afraid of him. But as an answer to the question... Um, no. I think it's stupid to kill animals no matter what... but I think in some instances it can be justified if it's for food. > 2) If you are over 20 yrs old do you still read childrens books? Geoff and Arpi: N/A > 3) If you are over 18 yrs old do you watch childrens cartoons and teen TV > shows? Geoff and Arpi: N/A > 4) How many times have you seriously hit someone in anger? Geoff: If we're counting family, lots and lots! ;) Seriously, not very often Arpi: I kicked my younger brother once (really hard, actually) when he stole my Tomorrow Penguin, but I think that was maternal instinct :) Geoff: Bad Arpi-chan, bad! ::smack:: whoops... > 5) Are you for or against the death penalty for some one who has commited > murder? Geoff: Yes. Why should we kill someone for killing people? Then the executioner should be killed, and his, etc. Arpi: I don't know... I've heard a lot of propaganda for both arguments. I think the fairest thing would be to give the criminals an option. I know that I would rather be killed than spend the rest of my life in jail - that is, of course, unless we had internet access. And that would be good for the government, too, cause if they killed people they wouldn't have to fund them. But I'm not sure what that has to do with the TP! Geoff: He meant forced killing, Stup-chan! ;P Arpi: "You didn't say it, you merely implied it!" -Liz, The Doomsday Men > 6) Do you believe in psychic abilities? yes/no/undecided Geoff: I'm closer to yes than undecided, but I can't prove it. at least, not in public. oops, i've said too much already.... Arpi: Well, I've had some experiences that would definitely indicate a yes. But it's not across the board belief - I think that they exist, but... well, those people on that TV show Geoffy-chan and I watched yesterday definitely were *not* telepathic. What was that called, Geoffy-chan? Geoff: Worlds Greatest Magic V on ABC. Or NCB. or some letter thingie... > 7) Do/did you consider yourself to be popular as a child? Geoff: Not really, no. Arpi: Um, ::snort:: Geeeeooofffff!!! ::giggle:: You take the cat so *I* can type! Geoff: You've gotta keep this, okay? Arpi: Okay. Geoff: Yay! Kitty! Arpi: Well, I did better at my previous school (significantly, actually) than I'm doing at the moment, but I never (nor did I have any desire to) fit in with the "popular" group. Geoff: Everybody likes Arpi-chan! Arpi: Well, not at my current school. I'm having a lot more trouble making friends than I would have anticipated at my previous school. I miss Geoffy- chan!! Geoff: Everyone misses Geoffy-chan! Wait... > 8) Would you class yourself as an introvert or extrovert? Geoff: Introvert. I've always sort of dreaded stuff like school dances. Sometimes they're fun; usually I just *think* I won't enjoy them. Arpi: I would say I'm an introvert as well. And if enjoyment of school dances is any judge, than *DEFINITELY*. I hate them! Once I only went to one because I had a dream that Stephen was there and asked me to dance.... (Seriously!) Geoff: Wouldn't that make you stay at home? Girls are weird... ::ducks:: > 9) What is your occupation? Geoff: I'm a student, TP, Professor Utonium, and a character in "Sailor Pi" ( Arpi: Well, I'm a student, and a TP if that counts (I tried to use that as an occupation in a project once), I'm Arpiana in Sailor Pi, the *REAL* Sailormars, and I'm the only living person with a degree in Bobology. Geoff: NOT TRUE! I have one too ;P Bob, bob bob bob, bob BOB bob bob! Arpi: BOB!!!! -Geoff and Arpi who are omitting a sig cause they don't have a joint one ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Peter Taylor" Subject: RE: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 26 Nov 1998 23:34:17 +0000 I'm 41, but I'm fairly sure I'm not the eldest on the list. 1) Do you support hunting as a sport? No. 2) If you are over 20 yrs old do you still read childrens books? No. 3) If you are over 18 yrs old do you watch childrens cartoons and teen TV shows? Not cartoons, some teen TV but I avoid soaps. I often watch the European charts on MTV which is sort of 'teen TV'. 4) How many times have you seriously hit someone in anger? Never. 5) Are you for or against the death penalty for some one who has commited murder? Against. Murder is murder even if it is 'socially' approved. 6) Do you believe in psychic abilities? yes/no/undecided Yes, but there seems to be only a little scientific evidence - either it is a weak effect or all the best telepaths are hiding! 7) Do/did you consider yourself to be popular as a child? No. 8) Would you class yourself as an introvert or extrovert? Introvert. On a Meyers-Briggs personality test I came out as INTJ with the score in the Introvert-Extrovert axis (the 'I') close to the extreme end of the range. 9) What is your occupation? Computer Programmer/Analyst (well, we are currently called 'Internet Architects' where I work and my job title is 'Senior Developer' but that is essentially what I do). <<< I would love to know what everyones IQ and EQ are. I would be guessing higher than average as there seem to be a lot of mature intelligent people on this group. >>> Of the 'DIY' IQ tests I've tried I never seem to get a consistent result, something between 100 and 135 I think. However IQ tests are a bit vague about what, exactly, they are trying to measure - memory?, problem solving?, perception?, mental arithmetic?, language? If you are good in some areas and worse in others the result is likely to be somewhat meaningless. I've even less idea what an 'Emotional Quotient' is supposed to measure - quantity of emotion? type of emotion? I wonder if interest in IQ and personality tests is a TP fan characteristic also? :-) <<< BTY my favourite tv shows are Babylon 5 and Buffy. >>> Strangely enough those are two shows I always watch also! Peter Taylor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: heidi tandy Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 26 Nov 1998 19:34:51 -0500 I'm catching up on email and thought it would be a good moment to answer the surveys (in the order in which they were sent to the list: >the common traits > >1)Has she had brushes with the paranormal, mystical, or wierd? Occasional bits of precognition >2)Is she a science fiction fan? I am, but only, it seems, of SF which contains a little paranormality, like the Star Wars series, the Galactic Milieu/Pliocene Exile stories, and various Lois Duncan books from when I was younger (some of you may have only heard of her in connection to I Know What You Did Last Summer, but she also wrote some pretty freaky books - does anyone remember the title of the one about astral projection?) >3)Does she like the paranormal, mystical, or wierd Only in terms of reading about it - not enough to dabble in it (too scared, i admit!) >4)Is she normal? Most people say so, but then again, most of my friends & family are on the above-average-intelligence scale, so on that note, I may be normal in comparison to my circle - but not to the rest of the world - I guess in certain things I come into the top 2% (including in LSAT scores) >5)Is she creative, brilliant, and perhaps wierd? I wish I was more creative & brilliant than I am - but am glad to be un-weird : ) >6)Does it affect some part of her? Does it move some part inside of her >in such a manner that she can't help but like it? Yes - it does - watching the show is like putting myself into a timewarp (occasionally a sociopolitical one, especially in A Spy Is Born - how many of the younger fans out there even remember when Russia really was an evil empire - and I remember reading an article thru NEXIS once which included a comment from a Soviet politician saying that episode of TP was damaging to UK/USSR relations! At 08:31 AM 11/26/98 +1300, Michael Edmonds wrote:> >1) Do you support hunting as a sport? No. Fishing, yes, if it's thrown back (even though I think that's a little barbaric too) >2) If you are over 20 yrs old do you still read childrens books? Yes - it's something I started doing again recently, after only owning ELOISE from about age 15 to 26 - I've reacquired every one of my favorite books from childhood (except for The Woodcutter's Duck - if anyone's ever heard of it please email me asap!) - although in my case it may have something to do with getting mentally ready for having kids & wanting them to have all the books I remember adoring when I was young... >3) If you are over 18 yrs old do you watch childrens cartoons and teen TV >shows? Only with my husband, the obsessive collector of comic books & watcher of Batman/Superman. Well, apart from our habits of watching Dexter's Laboratory (although I identify with DeeDee), Pinky & The Brain and The Parent Trap (*3* times in theaters this summer!) >4) How many times have you seriously hit someone in anger? Once. When I was 13. And I still think she deserved it. >5) Are you for or against the death penalty for some one who has commited >murder? Only mass murder (i.e. more than 25 people at once, or 5 peole over a period of more than a week) and only when DNA evidence can confirm guilt in each instance. >6) Do you believe in psychic abilities? yes/no/undecided yes. >7) Do/did you consider yourself to be popular as a child? not one of the most popular, but yes, I was basically invited to everything, until 10th grade, when I switched schools. >8) Would you class yourself as an introvert or extrovert? extrovert around people I'm good friends with; introvert otherwise >9) What is your occupation? Lawyer. which basically required perpetual extroversion.... heidi howard tandy ...close your eyes, get so dizzy... Faster Than Light (Neil Finn) ...and praise will come to those whose kindness leaves you without debt and bends the shape of things to come that haven't happened yet... Ditto ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Cobalt Blue" Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 26 Nov 1998 17:37:39 PST >Um, no. I think it's stupid to kill animals no matter what... but I >think in some instances it can be justified if it's for food. I agree, it's a bit stupid to kill a deer just to mount the poor thing on the wall and stick a cigar in it's mouth. However, if a hunter were willing to kill a deer with only his bear hands then I'd be all for it. I figure if you level the playing field the deer has got a good chance of survival. >Arpi: Well, I've had some experiences that would definitely indicate >a yes. But it's not across the board belief - I think that they >exist, but... well, those people on that TV show Geoffy-chan and I >watched yesterday definitely were *not* telepathic. What was that >called, Geoffy-chan? It's illusions. You can tell that they're doing something funky. You could see the mirror when the three teenagers came out at the beginning of it, and the thing across the grand canyon...what a hoax...I'm telling you, I swear it looks phonier and phonier *EVERY* time. >Arpi: I would say I'm an introvert as well. And if enjoyment of >school dances is any judge, than *DEFINITELY*. I hate them! Once I >only went to one because I had a dream that Stephen was there and >asked me to dance.... Dances...BLECCH. I love dancing, just not the big clique war that takes place at these things. And besides standing on the wall the *entire* time, UGH. Lemme tell you, at dances if you're not open to all mankind, you're basically a leper. Arpi, I extend to you my condolances. Since I don't have my school ID with me I CAN'T attend dances so...I'm saved!!!!!!!!!! BTW, If anyone gets to dance with any TP at any time you're all under oath to tell the ENTIRE list about it at once! >Geoff: Wouldn't that make you stay at home? Girls are weird... >::ducks:: We're not weird ducks! Arpi and Geoff...the really dangerous minds (telepathic or not) Megan ***** "So we'll kill two bird with one stone." "What? Kill birds?" -Diane and Ocean Girl "Ocean Girl" ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 26 Nov 1998 22:13:47 EST In a message dated 11/23/98 4:03:34 am, you wrote: <> I think what drew me to the show was, in fact the entire part that every one of the TPs were different. In my life I can some how relate to each and every one of the characters in some sort of fashion. I have moved around quite a bit, found it hard to find friends within my same age group, friends period. I have always been called different and I think that when I saw TP for the first time when I was about 9 of 10, it gave me that thing in life that I could really look foward to seeing every Sayurday and Sunday at around 4.00 ( pretty sad right? I still remember the time and every thing! ) I think that this is one of the very few shoes that I could ever tell any one as to why I like it so much. If you were to ask me why on any other show, forget it, you will most likely will not get a real answer from me... ( sorry for the tangent there.. Bad habit right? ) ( Don't bash me too hard.... ) Night and happy holidays to every one! Kristin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: RE: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 26 Nov 1998 22:48:01 EST ( My new two cents being entered into the conversation ) Like I said I first started watching the show when I was 9 or 10, I now blame Nickelodeon for getting me hooked, but it's a good blame. There are a lot of shows that they have that I like and I will admit to it, I still watch Nickeloden to this day and I am 16.. Go figure.. When the show was stil on the air, I had taped every show that I had a chance to get. Then I discovered the little button call program... ^_^ I don't know how many repeats I had of each show and how many times I had made my friends watch them when they came over, and how many time I said that I thought that Adam was " cute ".. I think that I still do.. Ah yes childhood crushes.. :: sigh :: I don't think that I am violent.. I was in a fight when I was in 5ht grade and I didn't fight back.. No one helped me and I just stood for my self.. I think that it is very scary to get into a fight and not even the play ground moniters come to stop the fight.. I was a wimp I guess.. I couldn't bring myself to hit them back.. And no, I did not start the fight.. It all began with a knife.. ( Sounds like Adam and trying to kill the shark right only I didn't have the knife. Sorry.. ) The first time I fought back is when I was in 7th grade,, a senior got mad at me for no reason and punched me in the face.. I hit her back..that I will not just stand and take when 70 other kids are watching.. It was on the bus... I have not really grown up.. I have just matured.. That's all.... ^_^ Who ever said that you had to grow up? Ahh yes and the thought that liking showes could be genetic.. I agree with that.. My dad, from what I understand, loved to watch showes like Monty Python, Doctor Who, Star Treak, etc.. I also have a great liking for many of those shows... My mum one the other hand only likes one of the three that I have listed.. She only stands the others.. When she sees me watching the others the stands for a few min, then turns and walks out of the room shaking her head.. It's rather funny to see her do it really it is.. Well there you have it, my new two cents on this.. And my new tangent of the evening! ^_^ Kristin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 26 Nov 1998 23:04:07 EST In a message dated 11/25/98 7:04:16 am, you wrote: <<>I was hooked from the moment that it first aired on >Nickelodeon (I was a day short of 11 years old), >> My bad again this is what happens when I don't check my mail for about two weeks.. I think that i remember when the first time that I saw TP on Nickeloden... If my memory serves me right, I think that the firts time that they aired the NS was on a Saturday night on the program called SNICK..... Either that or sometime before that.... All I remember is that I was at my aunt's house in the basement watching it.... But i think that it was a Saturday night... Kristin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 26 Nov 1998 23:35:55 EST In a message dated 11/25/98 3:33:21 pm, you wrote: <<1) Do you support hunting as a sport? No I don't 2) If you are over 20 yrs old do you still read childrens books? I am only 16 but yes I still do any who 3) If you are over 18 yrs old do you watch childrens cartoons and teen TV shows? Same as above 4) How many times have you seriously hit someone in anger? Once... Huge croud, and I was prevoked ( is this the word that I am looking for? 5) Are you for or against the death penalty for some one who has commited murder? It depends on if the person premedated the whole thing and knew what he was getting into. And if the person was paid to kill them... Other than that, against. 6) Do you believe in psychic abilities? yes/no/undecided Yes I do. This most likely has nothing to do with it, but some of my friends of people that I know say that I have empathic abilities. 7) Do/did you consider yourself to be popular as a child? No I don't and I still don't think so either.. I read too much they say... 8) Would you class yourself as an introvert or extrovert? It depends on who I am with, If I know the people well enough and if I need to be.. 9) What is your occupation? I work at a theme park in Cincinnati. I would love to know what everyones IQ and EQ are. I would be guessing higher than average as there seem to be a lot of mature intelligent people on this group. I have never, to my knowledge, had my IQ tested nor do I know what and EQ is... All that I do know is that on those tests that you have to take in middle school and the like, I scored hight in many of the areas tested.. Except for spelling.... >> Kristin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Marcell J. Elsegood" Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 26 Nov 1998 22:46:13 -0600 (CST) On Thu, 26 Nov 1998, Michael Edmonds wrote: > > 1) Do you support hunting as a sport? Ans: as a sport? Never. If you have no alternatives and need to obtain food from the land and it's okay with you physically and mentally? Fine with me. > 2) If you are over 20 yrs old do you still read childrens books? It depends on what you consider children's books. I wouldn't read most of what is considered children's books, the Beverly Cleary stuff and such, but Madeline L'Engle, for example, has books that transcend easy lines of age. > 3) If you are over 18 yrs old do you watch childrens cartoons and teen TV > shows? Honestly? I do watch some shows from my childhood. HOWEVER, I have noticed the trend towards dumbing down kids' TV shows and making violence the answer for everything. Sorry, Selma, but when was the last time that the Power Rangers attempted a peaceful solution to a problem? And there are many shows on the air equally as violent. I don't think that it's all the fault of the people who make them, it's the way the market flexes its financial muscle. For example, take a cartoon show from my childhood: He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. Quite a few times, He-Man expressed an interest in resolving a situation without violence or pure brute force... at least force coupled with intelligence, which seemed to reduce peripheral damage. And He-Man often let his enemies go, instead of utterly destroying them, like Power Rangers do, even though he knew that they would try again. Kind of like the Batman. Batman doesn't attempt to kill his enemies, he attempts to restrain them and gain the upper hand..which is the main problem I have with the major motion picture Batman movies... Batman would never use a machine gun or a regular gun in general without horrible provocation. And I'm afraid that today's kids shows glorify stupidity, like bodily functions such as passing gas or urination/excretion. > 4) How many times have you seriously hit someone in anger? "Seriously". To where I caused them more than a few moments of discomfort? Never. In anger to attempt damage of some sort? Never. In anger at all? Once, when I was 8 years old. > 5) Are you for or against the death penalty for some one who has commited > murder? I'm undecided in this area. > 6) Do you believe in psychic abilities? yes/no/undecided Undecided. Quantifiable proof is required. > 7) Do/did you consider yourself to be popular as a child? Not really. > 8) Would you class yourself as an introvert or extrovert? Both. > 9) What is your occupation? Student. Music education major. Planning on going directly into the computer field when I graduate. Writer, composer, poet, philosopher, photographer, fledgling physicist. All of these things I'm amateur at. > > I would love to know what everyones IQ and EQ are. I would be guessing > higher than average as there seem to be a lot of mature intelligent people > on this group. > Heh. Unless I'm mistaken, Michael, you never did reveal your IQ or EQ. I've never had my EQ tested. AS for my IQ, from what I remember, I'm no genius, but I am quite comfortably above average. > My answers to the above are 1) Never! 2&3) I'm thirty and still watch > Batman, XMen, and read kids books 4) Once as a teen and my bropther > provoked me OK!!! :) 5)Against 6) undecided. I'm a scientist so I'm > cynical, but not unswayable with good evidence. 7) No 8) introvert > > BTY my favourite tv shows are Babylon 5 and Buffy. > > Michael > > > > MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM J M A R C E L L J. E L S E G O O D J J J J Quote 1: "It has a certain pleasant symmetry, though, his J J swallowing that offensive tongue, don't you agree?" J J Quote 2: "One man _can_ make a difference." J J J J OAS, AAS, LLS! J EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michael Matott" Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 27 Nov 1998 13:29:44 PST >From: Jack Newman >2) If you are over 20 yrs old do you still read childrens books? > >As someone else said I grew out of kids books while still young but am >addicted to science fiction and read everything they had in my local library >by the time I was 14. I would be the someone else, I think. I was reading Moby Dick and Treasure Island by the time I was ten. At that point I'd already read through all the "young adult" stuff our library had that interested me (intended for 12-15 year olds. I was late on the sci-fi thing - didn't start reading that until I was 13. And as for fantasy, I didn't read any fantasy (aside from Tolkein) until two years ago! >I also get a sort of tingle when ever I watch the show, and allways believed >it to be something no one else felt until I joined this group. Someone, >possibly Michael, said the following: - that would be me. not necessarily the Michael you meant, but a Michael nonetheless - > >>The TP were an instant attraction because they had a type of friendship >>I could relate to with my friends. I didn't have many friends in high >>school, but the group that I did have was very tight. I could see us in >>the type of situations the TPs were in and that we would respond the >>same way. Concern for each other above concern for ourselves. > >That feeling seems true of those I have become friends with from the group too >:) I should've added on what you said when I typed what I did but I guess it didn't occur to me. The people I know from the list "seem" personality-wise to be the type of people I would be friends with. (but I don't generally carry on on-line friendships with people I've never met. I have enough friends previously I like to keep touch with via email, etc.) Greyfalcon aka Mike Matott Nothing is stranger than reality ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michael Matott" Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 27 Nov 1998 16:50:21 PST >From: Michael Edmonds > >1) Do you support hunting as a sport? Hesitantly. I'm more in support of bow and arrow or trap-line hunting than I am semi-sutomatic rifles. There is a certain skill to hunting. I don't do it myself, but msny of the people I know who do hunt see it as an almost spiritual thing. They have respect for the animals they hunt. >2) If you are over 20 yrs old do you still read childrens books? Not unless you count comic books >3) If you are over 18 yrs old do you watch childrens cartoons and teen TV shows? yep. Super-hero cartoons especially, but I like the Animorphs currently. And when I had the Sci-fi channel and they used to show it I liked "Odyssey", a Canadian childrens sci-fi show. >4) How many times have you seriously hit someone in anger? Probably four or five times. More seriously I once tried to strangle somneone. >5) Are you for or against the death penalty for some one who has >commited murder? I am strongly for it. Contrary to most people on this list, I'm sure. I've rarely found anyone whose morals come near to mine. I don't hold to a "sanctity" of life thing. I think murder in some cases is justified. I would see nothing wrong with someone killing a rapist in cold blood. I think when someone violates another person's life in such a drastic way, they give up their rights. Including their life. And in my opinion, some people just deserve killin'. :-) (Not trying to freak people out here. I'm not crazy. Just have slightly skewed morals to the norm. Partially due to different religious convictions. I'm a believer in the persistence of consciousness so ending this life doesn't mean an end to existence necessarily.) >6) Do you believe in psychic abilities? yes/no/undecided Yes. Someone said there was no scientific evidence towards the existnce of psi. That's not true. At Duke University in the 20's or 30's a man named Rhine performed experiments on telepathy. He demonstrated in a couple of cases people who picked the right card more frequently than statistically likely. One individual tested repeatedly had a 90 something percentile score. The Xener cards used to test telepathy are modifications of the cards Rhine used in his experiments. There have also been tests done on isolated pendulums, sealed in a vacuum, in which people apparently demonstrated telekinesis by making the pendulums move. Unfortunately I don't have an experimenter's name to cite. The Rhine experiments, however, are well known and I'd be sure there's info on them in many books that give a history of parapsychology. >7) Do/did you consider yourself to be popular as a child? Not really. >8) Would you class yourself as an introvert or extrovert? Like Jackie, on one personality test I scored dead even. On another I scored well into the extroverted side. I'd consider myself an extrovert in situations where I am comfortable or confident. In situations where I am not, I tend to be introverted. For example, I've just moved and started school in a new city. I spent about three weeks very shyly making friends with some people until I got to the point I was comfortable enough around them to reassert my extroverted portion of my personality. >9) What is your occupation? Biology grad student >I would love to know what everyones IQ and EQ are. Our dear Dreadnought makes me feel like an intellectual infant. :-) My IQ score in 3rd grade was a mere 144, just 4 points above the classification for "genius" level. However, I had an earlier test run when I was four. I was a bit precocius and our next door neighbor was a school counselor/psychiatrist. So my parents had me tested by him and I wasn't told the results, but my parents said that at that time they knew they'd never have to worry about me suceeding in school. Greyfalcon aka Mike Matott Nothing is stranger than reality ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michael Matott" Subject: Re: TPDIS: I want to believe Date: 27 Nov 1998 17:03:21 PST >From: Michael Edmonds >Subject: TPDIS: I want to believe >One interesting thing about this is that the only times anything like this has happened before I have been in the same sort of mood. (Glared at a fellow cyclist who cut me off and five seconds later he was on the ground- Iwas only twelve and boy did I feel bad even though I'm sure it was coincidence). << I wouldn't be so sure of that. :-) I can relate. This happens to me with singal lights. (and I'm sure it has nothing to do with my time sense latching onto the rhytm of the cycle and allowing me to predict when the light would change - that's too normal!) >So next time anyone is in an annoyed mood give telekinesis a go. You never >know > Remind me never to get you mad. :-) mike matott aka Greyfalcon ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jason Fraser Subject: RE: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 29 Nov 1998 01:49:52 +1100 I've been reading the responses with great interest. It seems to me at least that there's quite a lot of commonality between us (other than the fact that we like The Tomorrow People >:-)) Anyway, I think it's time I put in my responses. :) Michael Edmonds wrote: > 1) Do you support hunting as a sport? Not as a sport. I went hunting once about 4 years ago with some of my relatives as was totally repulsed by the notion of killing an animal for some trophy. I can, however, understand the necessity in hunting for survival. > 2) If you are over 20 yrs old do you still read childrens books? Well, I'm just shy of 20, so I think I can answer this :) Yes, I do, almost anything will interest me. Books written for young adults with a science fiction/fantasy slant are those which are most appealing. > 3) If you are over 18 yrs old do you watch childrens cartoons and teen TV > shows? Cartoons yes - again like the books, almost any cartoon will generally get me interested. Most of the teen TV shows are just bleargh IMO, full of unrealistic situations, at least, that's the way I see it :) > 4) How many times have you seriously hit someone in anger? Hmmm... a few, I can't recall an exact number, but I'd say less than 5. Two times that I can remember I was definitely provoked by bullies at school (I had a terrible time from 5th grade right through to 12th grade in terms of teasing, bullies, etc) > 5) Are you for or against the death penalty for some one who has commited > murder? Against. Many people who know me personally are very surprised at this. A relative of mine was murdered in a not-to-pleasant way. :( I feel that killing a murderer is an all-to-easy escape route for the criminal, to me, imprisonment is a much better option. > 6) Do you believe in psychic abilities? yes/no/undecided Undecided on this. Like a few others on the list, I need proof. I'm willing to accept that there are people out there that have these abilities (I wouldn't be a TP fan if I didn't feel that way!) > 7) Do/did you consider yourself to be popular as a child? Definitely not! As I said before, I was an outcast. My appearance, intelligence, my health (I'd had a few illness problems in school) and my dislike/lack of ability in most sports played at school all turned to my disadvantage. Teased almost every day and only had a few "true" friends - and even then, some of those turned against me at the end through no fault of my own, I didn't willingly do anything to my knowledge to turn them against me. > 8) Would you class yourself as an introvert or extrovert? Mostly Introvert. I'd rather be alone than in with a group of people, however one of my favourite sports is a team sport (cricket) and I enjoy public speaking and debating in front of a large number of people. I've also done some music work - both concerts performing and doing some DJ work at discos/parties. So I can be extroverted when I want to, but it's rare. > 9) What is your occupation? I've just finished my second year of a four year Information Technology course, so I fit the scientist mould like a few others here. I'm also doing a traineeship/internship as a computer operator at a mapping firm. > I would love to know what everyones IQ and EQ are. I would be guessing > higher than average as there seem to be a lot of mature intelligent people > on this group. I've been IQ tested and I'd rather not disclose the exact number, but your statement is certainly correct in my case. My IQ is above average, and I'm definitely considered mature for my age (I'm 19) Jason Fraser ----- Jason Fraser - - 998284 - "Oh look! Rocks!" -- Doctor 4, "Destiny of the Daleks" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Aoife Moon ni Reille Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 28 Nov 1998 10:55:19 -0800 Well, this topic's been really interesting, so I figure it's time to get off my butt and actually reply. This is, btw, my first post to the list- my name is Cait, I'm 18 & I live in Texas, the Mundanity Capitol of the World. (ack. No. Sorry... too much peer-editing of my friend's novella thingy...) > Michael Edmonds wrote: > > > 1) Do you support hunting as a sport? Nope. It's gross, and pointless. My brother shot somekinda water bird over thanksgiving break, while we were out at my granddad's farm, and I was totally disgusted by the way my dad & granddad made a big deal over how neat it was. I can deal with hunting for food- heck, I've gone on camping trips where the only meat we had was what we caught (or didn't catch, as the case turned out. Fishing is easier, not least because I get less grossed out by having to clean fish than having to clean mammels or birds.) > > 2) If you are over 20 yrs old do you still read childrens books? I'm not over 20, but I still read childrens books, and probably always will- I want to be an illustrator for childrens books when I 'grow up'. (well, as much as I'm planning to grow up. I swear that turning thirty makes you go stupid....) > > 3) If you are over 18 yrs old do you watch childrens cartoons and teen TV > > shows? welll.... some of them. I love Buffy the Vampire Slayer, cause it's fun, and I occasionally watch Xena or Hercules. Other than that, I don't watch a lot of television at all. > > 4) How many times have you seriously hit someone in anger? Maybe three times, and it's mostly been my brother. (Having a sibling with Tourette's is very hard to deal with, especially when you don't _know_ they have tourettes, and all you can see is that your parents just don't even try to make him stop pestering you.) > > 5) Are you for or against the death penalty for some one who has commited > > murder? Cautiously in favor of the death penalty for murder & a couple other crimes, but at the same time, I dislike the idea that it might even be needed. Still, I guess I see it as dealing with a mad dog- you don't try and rehabilitae a dog with rabies, you have it put down before it can hurt someone. > > 6) Do you believe in psychic abilities? yes/no/undecided Yes. I do think that if they do exist, it's in a much more subtle form than most fiction would have us believe. > > 7) Do/did you consider yourself to be popular as a child? Right. Whatever. I was alternately the class clown & the class weirdo- I'd read every book in the school library by fifth grade, and never hesitated to remind my classmates that. (yes, I was awful. Still am, sometimes..) > > 8) Would you class yourself as an introvert or extrovert? Somewhere in the middle- it depends on how long I've been awake, and who I'm around. > > 9) What is your occupation? Student. *sigh* Only 7 months till graduation. -cait- -- Buffy: Giles, there are two things that I don't believe in: coincidence and leprechauns. Giles: Well, Buffy, it's entirely possible that they both arrived here by chance simultaneously. Buffy: Okay, but I was right about the leprechauns, right? "Will you go left.... or right?" -Labyrinth DC.?(D) f+ s(RL-- VR+) h++ cMW/V^A a- $ m d++ WL++* Fr- L* BF/E e++++ g i! U+ ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jack Newman Subject: TPDIS: TP Adiction survey Results Date: 28 Nov 1998 17:31:24 +0000 I have spent the past 2 hours collating the results of the survey... If there are list members who have not yet responded and wish to be included they can be added at a later date. I have done my best to accurately collect the data but as some people did not give definitive yes/no answers there had to be a small amount of interpretation on my part. I hope I have not been prone to experimenter bias and would appreciate it if someone else checked my findings. So here it is... The TPDIS List Members Personality Profile :) Q1. Do you agree with hunting for sport? 18 of us are against 1 is for 4 support it for survival. Q2. Do you read children's books? 15 said yes 5 said no 2 said not applicable Q3. Do you watch children's/ teen t.v? 17 said yes 2 said no three were not applicable Q4. Have you hit someone in anger? 7 never 10 when provoked 5 once or twice Q5. Death Penalty? 4 are for 10 are against 6 are undecided or it depends upon the crime. Q6. Psychic abilities? 16 said yes they believe. There were no no's 6 said undecided Q7. Popular at school? 20 said no one said yes one not sure Q8. Introvert v Extrovert? 16 of us are introverts 2 are extroverts for 6 people it depends upon the situation. Q9. Occupation? 9 are students 11 are in science and technology (this includes the type of student courses mentioned) 4 are in the arts (also includes students) 3 other Q10. Intelligence? 10 think they are higher than average 1 doesn't know Q11. Do you dream in colour? Not many pple answered this 6 said yes So there we have it: To summarize IMHO we are a group of highly intelligent introverts who can occasionally be extroverts. We carry the scars of bullying and being generally unpopular at school which often provoked us to violence. We have a leaning towards science and technology and like science fiction, we are escapists who wish that psychic abilities were for real and see these as a possible solution to some of the worlds problems. (my own opinion here). We are generally against violence for it's own sake such as in sport and may agree with the death penalty for some crimes but generally believe in non violent action. We like to read and watch things aimed at a younger audience possibly because it reminds us of the less than happy childhood we all had. Basically we don't want to grow up! Feel free to criticize my summary as a lot of personal interpretation has been added and I know it is very subjective. Any suggestions where this debate can lead next? Jackie -- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: List of knockouts revision: New Series Date: 29 Nov 1998 13:36:56 EST I should repost this and I also sent a copy of the html to Wendy. It's basically the same, except Betsy ( mentioned a fifth time that Adam got knocked out in the Living Stones... which I forgot about (shame on me after Ariana sent me the serial and all!) He he, enjoy. (um, a copy of this has been at the Galactic Fed for a while... it's... um... here: ~~~~~ Knock-Outs by Amy Houghton Originally posted to TPDIS, August 26, 1996 I was feeling bored (or silly) so I decided to compile a list of every time a Tomorrow Person was rendered unconscious in the newest series. Keep in mind there was only 25 episodes total. Adam received the most, being knocked out 5 times. The first time was in the origin story when he got hit by that dart, the second time Dr. Culex knocked him out with chloroform? (in The Culex Experiment), the third was in Monsoon Man when he was thrown against the wall by that weather machine with Megabyte. The fourth is kind of weird, in The Rameses Connection, Rameses stopped him from teleporting and sent him to that weird inverted dimension. Adam was first shown unconscious, so I assume he was knocked out somewhere in there. The fifth one I actually forgot about but Betsy helped me out with this: in Living Stones, the weird alien people were kidnapping Beth, and Adam was chasing them out when that possessed old woman hit him over the head with a cane. Megabyte was knocked out a total of 4 times. First time in the origin story when he was given that drug. He was knocked out twice in Monsoon Man (poor guy!), he was thrown against the wall by the weather machine, and he was knocked out by that gas in the elevator. The fourth time was in the Living Stones, a piece of ceiling hit him in the exploding boiler room. Ami was knocked out only 1 time. In the Monsoon Man, she was with Megabyte in that elevator when that gas knocked them both out. Lisa was also knocked out once. In the origin story when those agents stormed her apartment and shot those darts at her, Adam, and her mother. Kevin takes the cake, falling into a coma in the Culex Experiment. He came out 4 1/2 episodes later. Jade got out scott-free, being the only Tomorrow Person to never be knocked out. ~~~~~~` (I'm so silly) Amy :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Edmonds Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Adiction survey Results Date: 30 Nov 1998 09:27:19 +1300 (NZDT) On Sat, 28 Nov 1998, Jack Newman wrote: > So there we have it: > To summarize IMHO we are a group of highly intelligent introverts who > can occasionally be extroverts. We carry the scars of bullying and being > generally unpopular at school which often provoked us to violence. We > have a leaning towards science and technology and like science fiction, > we are escapists who wish that psychic abilities were for real and see > these as a possible solution to some of the worlds problems. (my own > opinion here). We are generally against violence for it's own sake such > as in sport and may agree with the death penalty for some crimes but > generally believe in non violent action. We like to read and watch > things aimed at a younger audience possibly because it reminds us of the > less than happy childhood we all had. Basically we don't want to grow > up! > > Feel free to criticize my summary as a lot of personal interpretation > has been added and I know it is very subjective. I think you summarised the results really well. Although I would disagree on a couple of points > A few possible suggestions. A couple of your summary statements I found a little strong. "reminds us of a less than happy childhood" doesn't quite apply to me at least. Some days I didn't like school but as a whole it was a pretty ok time. I was bullied a couple of times but survived. These days I hear school can be a lot less friendly. I think most kids are bullied at one stage or another. Iwas going to disagee with escapist but to be truthful, you are correct. Have a firm grip on reality though. Which reminds me, as a kid I used to walk home alone (1/2 hour trip) Used to amuse myself by creating stories in my head (and trying to jaunt :) ) The rest I pretty much agree with. I also noted a fair number of high achievers on the list. Are we more "focused" than others or is it just the high intelligence of those on the group. By the way I've never had my IQ officially tested. I have a Ph.D. in chemistry and have passed every unofficial Mensa test I have ever tried. So I think it must be above average. Personally I think IQ tests are good for a rough guide but don't necessarily count for much in the "real" world. Also the "which often provoked us into violence" remark is off(IMHO). I think all of us have displayed much less violence than average and often under severe provokation. I only ever threw a punch at my brother once under intense provokation. At school I mainly used my wits to keep me and others out of trouble. I'm usually very good at reading other peoples moods - very useful talent! (Shared by a few others on the group too I think) Michael ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Edmonds Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 30 Nov 1998 09:40:49 +1300 (NZDT) On Fri, 27 Nov 1998, Michael Matott wrote: > named Rhine performed > experiments on telepathy. He demonstrated in a couple of cases people > who picked the right card more frequently than statistically likely. > One individual tested repeatedly had a 90 something percentile score. > The Xener cards used to test telepathy are modifications of the cards > Rhine used in his experiments. There have also been tests done on > isolated pendulums, sealed in a vacuum, in which people apparently > demonstrated telekinesis by making the pendulums move. Unfortunately I > don't have an experimenter's name to cite. The Rhine experiments, > however, are well known and I'd be sure there's info on them in many > books that give a history of parapsychology. > A lot of this tests have been shown to be flawed. There is some evidence that the Rhine experiments had the raw data "fiddled with". But again it comes down to who you believe. The trouble is that alot of the people critizing psi research can be just as illogical in their reasoning as those doing the research. My personal belief is that it might exist but if it does it is at present it is a very weak and uncontrollable phenomena. Solid evidence is required. Michael E > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jack Newman Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Adiction survey Results Date: 29 Nov 1998 21:09:47 +0000 Michael Edmonds wrote: > I think you summarised the results really well. Although I would disagree > on a couple of points > > > A few possible suggestions. A couple of your summary statements I found a > little strong. > > "reminds us of a less than happy childhood" doesn't quite apply to me at > least. Some days I didn't like school but as a whole it was a pretty ok > time. I was bullied a couple of times but survived. These days I hear > school can be a lot less friendly. I think most kids are bullied at one > stage or another. Yes someone else said I was a bit strong too... just playing devils advocate :) > Iwas going to disagee with escapist but to be truthful, you are correct. > Have a firm grip on reality though. Me too but that never stopped me fantasising about TP most of my life... where would all that fan fic come from otherwise :) > Which reminds me, as a kid I used to walk home alone (1/2 hour trip) Used > to amuse myself by creating stories in my head (and trying to jaunt :) ) > The rest I pretty much agree with. I also noted a fair number of high > achievers on the list. Are we more "focused" than others or is it just the > high intelligence of those on the group. > By the way I've never had my IQ officially tested. I have a Ph.D. in > chemistry and have passed every unofficial Mensa test I have ever tried. > So I think it must be above average. > Personally I think IQ tests are good for a rough guide but don't > necessarily count for much in the "real" world. I always thought that IQ tests just measure how good you are at the test and not much more... Here I go again hehe :) > Also the "which often provoked us into violence" remark is off(IMHO). I > think all of us have displayed much less violence than average and often > under > severe provokation. I only ever threw a punch at my brother once under > intense provokation. At school I mainly used my wits to keep me and others > out of trouble. I'm usually very good at reading other peoples moods - > very useful talent! (Shared by a few others on the group too I think) Depends upon what you call average violence... From some of the comments many pple in the group said they were provoked into hitting someone. I was thinking that this question was originally asked in order to ascertain whether we had the prime barrier or lived by it at least! I was trying to justify (rather badly) why we may actually have aggressive tendencies...does this make sense? Jackie -- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Edmonds Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Adiction survey Results Date: 30 Nov 1998 10:48:13 +1300 (NZDT) On Sun, 29 Nov 1998, Jack Newman wrote: > > Depends upon what you call average violence... From some of the comments many > pple in the group said they were provoked into hitting someone. I was > thinking that this question was originally asked in order to ascertain whether > we had the prime barrier or lived by it at least! I was trying to justify > (rather badly) why we may actually have aggressive tendencies...does this make > sense? I sort of understand what you mean. Most people have aggressive tendencies and under under certain (different for different people) conditions can be provoked into violence. For me I could probably handle a certain level of aggression directed at me but have a much lower tolerance if it is directed at someone I care about. And attacks on those unable to defend themselves will rapidly bring my blood to the boil. The Matthew Sheppard attack in the US infuriates me and I use it as a focus when I lose motivation in martial arts training. That said, I'm not sure if I could ever bring myself to deliver a lethal blow. I guess what I was thinking of is that there are people out there who do the provoking and teasing and hit people without a reason. I would be surprised to find anyone like that on the group. Michael ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jen Sulzer" Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 29 Nov 1998 17:24:02 -0500 Sorry it's taken me so long to get to this--I just got back from Thanksgiving Break & had to dig through over 30 mail messages! >>>1) Do you support hunting as a sport? As a sport, no. I would only hunt if it was absolutely necessary for survival. >>>2) If you are over 20 yrs old do you still read childrens books? Quite often! >>>3) If you are over 18 yrs old do you watch childrens cartoons and teen TV? All the time--sometimes they have better plots than some of those "adult" TV shows! >>>4) How many times have you seriously hit someone in anger? Only a few times, I'm not sure of the exact number. More often, I'll yell at them until my throat is hoarse. >>>5) Are you for or against the death penalty for some one who has commited >murder? Undecided, & hoping I'll never have to make that decision! >>>6) Do you believe in psychic abilities? yes/no/undecided Absolutely. I've had several precognitive episodes, & occasionally have experienced "finder" episodes. (I see a picture in my mind of where something is--like the time my dad lost his wallet in the supermarket & I knew where it was (I wasn't with him at the time.)) Unfortunately, I haven't developed teleportation yet, though it's not from lack of trying! >>>7) Do/did you consider yourself to be popular as a child? As unpopular as you can get! >>>8) Would you class yourself as an introvert or extrovert? Introvert, but I'm gradually coming out of my shell. >>>9) What is your occupation? College Freshman majoring in Computer Information Systems >>>I would love to know what everyones IQ and EQ are. My IQ is fairly high (I'm in the Honors College at my University), & I think my EQ is high as well, most people say I'm very mature & sensitive. >>>Another possible common factor just occurred to me. A number of us have >>>mentioned being competitive in sprt or academically. I'm not as bad now as I used to be, but I used to have to be the best at all my subjects. >>>Does anyone else here dream in colour? Always. >>>How about listing a few hobbies??? I love to read (I'll devour anything SF or Fantasy), & write (I have some fanfic ideas, but no time to write--maybe over Christmas Break). I also enjoy watching TV (when the shows have decent plotlines!), & playing on my computer (I've had it since August & am still learning about it!) Jen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michael Matott" Subject: Re: TPDIS: List of knockouts revision: New Series Date: 29 Nov 1998 21:32:36 PST >From: >I was feeling bored (or silly) so I decided to compile a list of every time a >Tomorrow Person was rendered unconscious in the newest series. Keep in mind >there was only 25 episodes total. > > Ah but has anyone compiled a list of how many times the new series TP have been unconcscious in Fanfics? :-) mike Greyfalcon aka Mike Matott Nothing is stranger than reality ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michael Matott" Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 29 Nov 1998 21:44:31 PST >From: Michael Edmonds >Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction >In-reply-to: <> <> >> >A lot of this tests have been shown to be flawed. Turue. But a lot of the Russian research (only recently relased to the West) showed essentially statistically significant proof of "remote viewing" in some of their operatives. Supposedly the Soviets were more intensely interested in this than the US government/CIA, but you'd say that too if your government was still potentially working on this program, rather than the program being abandoned because the country fell apart. However, much of the Russian "reasearch" has been attacked for having many of the same flaws of the Rhine experiments <> >My personal belief is that it might exist but if it does it is at present >it is a very weak and uncontrollable phenomena. Solid evidence is >required. > You said you had a PhD in chemistry, correct? Although chemistry tends to be more cut and dry then the other scientists, I assume you know that nothing is really ever "proved" hypotheses are either supported or rejected until satisfactorily retooled. I don't think you could ever demonstrate telepathy satisfactorily to anyone - until they experience it for themselves. I'm not sure most ESP abilities would be testable. There is a certain performance anxiety that goes with testing, and the people I've known who claimed any sort of psi ability invariably reported a lessening of abilitiy in stressful situations. mike ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "The Time Guardian" Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Addiction Date: 29 Nov 1998 23:14:34 -0500 >>>>Does anyone else here dream in colour? I also always dream in color and frequently its as real as real life. In my dreams, I also experience taste, smell, feel pressure, and pain, just every bit as real as reality. But the dreams are generally not about me, they're about other people at places I havn't been. If anyone would like to discuss any unusual or very realistic dreams, please e-mail me directly, as this may be too close to being a bit off topic... Maybe I'm dreaming about other Tomorrow People! Shawn Lazerus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ana Isabel Sacristan Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP Adiction survey Results Date: 30 Nov 1998 13:19:22 -0600 Jack wrote: >I have spent the past 2 hours collating the results of the survey... How many people answered? >To summarize IMHO we are a group of highly intelligent introverts who >can occasionally be extroverts. We carry the scars of bullying and being >generally unpopular at school which often provoked us to violence. I was never bullied at school. People did not dislike me. I just passed unnoticed, which was fine with me. >We like to read and watch >things aimed at a younger audience possibly because it reminds us of the >less than happy childhood we all had. Basically we don't want to grow >up! The reason for me is the opposite: I had an extremely happy childhood, which is precisely the reason I don't want to grow up! (In fact, when I was 10, I used to say to everyone that I was so happy I wanted to be 10 all my life).