From: (utah-firearms-digest) To: Subject: utah-firearms-digest V2 #101 Reply-To: utah-firearms-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk utah-firearms-digest Thursday, September 10 1998 Volume 02 : Number 101 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 05 Sep 98 07:49:00 -0700 From: (SCOTT BERGESON) Subject: And close with love FROM MOUNTAIN MEDIA FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DATED SEPT. 15, 1998 THE LIBERTARIAN, By Vin Suprynowicz And close with love the way you do ... G.B., well-meaning employee of a major aircraft manufacturing firm, writes: "I just had the pleasure of reading your Aug 16 column" (on the harassment of Miami's Joe's Stone Crab by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.) "However, without providing/allowing a general public response to the people that cause these things to happen, you're nothing more that a noisy gong; you're preaching to the choir; flapping in the wind (like the rest of us). "Would it be to much to ask for you to include a statement at the end of each of your articles that reads something like: " 'If this bothers you, write to: Appropriate Person, Street Address, Somewhere, USA, and express your feelings (politely)'?" I replied: Although I will occasionally list an address to send funds, or ordering info for a book, or contacts for a relevant and admirably principled organization (The Fully-Informed Jury Association, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Forfeiture Endangers American Rights, the Separation of School and State Alliance), I purposely do NOT do what you suggest. Your implication is that if a reader writes to some government administrator, or his or her own congressman, it will do some good. Let's stipulate that if they receive a thousand such letters they might "pull" or delay passage of some measure until the heat dies down ... though it'll be back under a different name, never fear. But outweighing that, at least two BAD things can happen: 1) The letter writer gets added to a list of "anti-government extremists," which will bring a visit from two FBI "suits," or an IRS audit, or the first ATF inspection in years of your FFL license. This is not mere paranoia. Red Hafter, a champion Olympic pistol marksman from Arizona, recently wrote to his senator, John McCain, to protest the assault weapons ban. McCain promptly forwarded that letter to the BATF -- proudly informing the 73-year-old Mr. Hafter he had thus "taken care of the matter." Within weeks, agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms visited Red for the first audit in decades of his Federal Firearms License. (Yes, those guilty of record-keeping errors have actually been JAILED.) 2) But the even worse thing likely to happen, is that the letter-writer's anger is thus ASSUAGED. He or feel she has "done something about that problem." With the anger thus vented, he washes his hands of the matter. The problem is that we have gone far past the point when letters will do any good. You are merely providing the phrases they will test out in their "focus groups" and feed back to you. All that will do any good now (short of violent revolution or secession, which I do not yet endorse) is a much more active and widespread application of the principles of civil disobedience or resistance. For that to happen, people's anger and outrage have to BUILD ... not be vented in fruitless mouthings, about as effective as kicking your stalled car. So, please don't write any letters. Instead, GET MAD. And then figure out some way -- hopefully a way that will not put you, your family, or even the evil bureaucrats and tyrants themselves in the way of any real bodily harm (yet) -- to disobey, to monkey-wrench, to flout, to RESIST. This can be as "minor" as figuring out ways to store your family's wealth in gold (untracked and unsupervised by any government agency), rather than subsidizing and patronizing the regulated banks which have become government-agencies-by-extension, with accounts which the government can track or seize at will. (Thumbprint required for check-cashing? Consider marketing a flesh-colored plastic glue-on for people's thumbs, carefully scribed with the authentic thumbprint of John Dillinger. As long as there's no criminal intent ...) The government tries to ban firearms? Make it your personal mission to stockpile 10 times more firearms -- and 100 times more ammo -- than your granddad ever did, and to teach five more citizens how to pick out and shoot a militia-style "assault rifle." The government wants to stack juries with pro-government stooges? Instead of trying to get out of jury duty, shuffle down there in a bowling shirt, play dumb, and get empaneled. If you're convinced the accused is actually a violent predator who hurt a real, human victim, then of course you must throw the book at the SOB. But if he's merely being railroaded for standing up on principle against some bureaucratic edict, doing things that wouldn't even have BEEN against the law 90 years ago, then argue to acquit, or (at the very least) HANG THAT JURY, as is your right ... and the defendant's. For a much longer list of suggestions, I suggest Claire Wolfe's "101 Things to Do Till the Revolution," from Loompanics Unlimited, P.O. Box 1197, Port Townsend, Wash. 98368, at $20.90 postpaid, volume discounts available ( But "polite letters"? Oh, please. Vin Suprynowicz is the assistant editorial page editor of the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Readers may contact him via e-mail at *** Vin Suprynowicz, "The right of self-defense is the first law of nature; in most governments it has been the study of rulers to confine this right within the narrowest limits possible. Wherever standing armies are kept up, and when the right of the people to keep and bear arms is, under any color or pretext whatsoever, prohibited, liberty, if not already annihilated, is on the brink of destruction." -- Henry St. George Tucker, in Blackstone's 1768 "Commentaries on the Laws of England." - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 07 Sep 98 08:07:00 -0700 From: (SCOTT BERGESON) Subject: 2nd amendment gone IS THE SECOND AMENDMENT GONE? From: (Chris) To: I received this email regarding content in school books. Just FYI, I need to check my kids history books. Chris "Discontent is the first step in the progress of men and nations." Visit Rebellion's Bunker at Mirror site at =============================== - -----Original Message----- From: chill5 To: Date: Thursday, September 03, 1998 12:42 PM Subject: 2nd amendment gone I just wanted to pass the word that the new history books in elementary schools that have just been released have the "Bill of Rights". 2nd amendment says "Not applicable". Organized Militia such as Police and Military are the only ones to own guns. Please pass the word. Thanks Wendi CHECK YOUR CHILDREN'S SCHOOL BOOKS VERY CAREFULLY!!! CONNECT THE DOTS Dot Bibee ( Knoxville, TN Ph/FAX (423) 577-7011 JOIN THE CONSTITUTION COALITION TODAY!! - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 07 Sep 98 08:07:00 -0700 From: (SCOTT BERGESON) Subject: UN MEETING RESULTS (Gun Control) 1/2 - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sun, 06 Sep 1998 20:20:28 -0700 From: American Patriot Friends Network Subject: UN MEETING RESULTS (Gun Control) Subject: UN MEETING RESULTS ! (Gun Control) Date: Sun, 06 Sep 1998 21:24:21 -0400 From: Hi gang! I just returned from Argentina late last night and my report 1 # is ready to go ! Report 2 # will be ready for circulation in a few days. Please feel free to contact me for further clarification on this report. Donna Ferolie ================================================================ September 6, 1998 Report on the meeting of the open-ended intergovernmental ad hoc committee on the elaboration of the comprehensive international convention against organized crime (Buenos Aires, Argentina) HISTORICAL OVERVIEW Why should gun owners concern themselves with the United Nations? After all, what jurisdiction do the U.N bureaucrats have for sticking their noses into the Canadian, U.S.A, Brazil etc ....debate ? To answer this question one has to ask themselves another question: why is Canada and the U.S congress passing one bill after another to disarm, one step at a time, the civilian populations of their countries ? The United Nations has made it abundantly clear that it is serious about disarming American civilians (as well as other countries around the world. Involvement by the United Nations is actually quite convenient as long as voters do not object. Here is an example of a statement released by the UN on December 22, 1995. The UN announced the launch of a study of small arms. According to the UN, small arms "are increasingly associated with crime, accidents and suicides, and form a major source of illicit profits for transnational criminal networks.... while trade in major weapons is on the decline, small arms is spreading". The worldwide survey of firearms ownership is being financed by the Japanese government. The Canadian government is supplying a number of gun-control bureaucrats to assist in the UN project. In other words the Canadian government as well as other member states are trying to come through the back door in order to ram further restrictive gun control legislation down the throats of the international firearm community. Our own government is hiding behind the United Nations to carry out the civilian disarmament they did not think they could get away with by themselves. With the end of the cold war, the United Nations has shifted it focus to gun control and fighting drugs as a way of continuing to justify its existence. According to my conversation with the International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy (which is a neutral body within the U.N), many government delegates are very aware of the fact that any new international legislation will do absolutely nothing to fight crime, because it is the governments themselves who are responsible for the spread of military firearms. Governments including the U.S order large quantities of firearms with the same serial number for training purposes. When civil unrest arises in other countries these firearms are sold. The natural sequence of events leads to the trickling down of such firearms to the civilian populations. Governments are aware of this fact, but the hidden agenda is to control the civilian populations by targeting all small firearms. ATTENDANCE AT THE UNITED NATIONS MEETING IN BUENOS AIRES Fifty representative states with 155 delegates were present at the UN international convention concerning organized crime. This was a larger turn out than expected. Sadly enough there were only three pro-firearm organizations in attendance; they were the NRA, Sporting Shooters Association of Australia and myself (from Canada). ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF THE BUENOS AIRES MEETING The United States of America delegation proposed a recommendation for future confidentiality thus not permitting NGO's to participate. The chairman of the meeting allowed Tom Mason from the NRA to respond to this. Mr. Mason strongly encouraged the entire delegation to allow future NGO involvement considering that the United Nations is moving in the direction of greater transparency. This motion was supported by the chairman of the committee. This was a major feat considering the recommendation, if carried, would have blocked any future involvement. The Canadian delegation was shocked at my presence and as the days worn on they tried to distance themselves. On the third day I was asked where my NRA friend was seated, and there seemed to be an issue around me taking another delegates seat. I had the opportunity to inform the majority of delegates that the Canadian Foreign Affairs Department would not approve my attendance at these meetings. Moreover, I had the opportunity to lobby many delegates while at this convention. I gathered information on their regional gun control legislation as well as what they were proposing internationally. Some of these conversations transpired during working hours and some were after hours. For instance, lunch with a Japanese delegate and supper with three delegates from Lebanon. I hope the Japanese delegation appreciated my photos which were taken at this years Grand American Trap Shoot in Ohio; they had no idea of the extenr of such clay target shooting! Other lobbying efforts were made to such member states as Brazil, South Africa, Netherlands, Finland, Argentina, Australia and Poland. According to the NRA our presence alone plays a vital role which can not be underestimated. In my opinion it was as though our physical presence served as a constant reminder of millions of sports shooters from around the world. In the last year I have been communicating with many countries from around the world that feel no different than we do. They are frightened by what they see coming down the pipe at the U.N. level. Attending this meeting allowed me the opportunity to speak on their behalf to their state delegates. The Sporting Shooters Association of Australia ( S.S.A.A ) made a submission to the committee to work with them throughout the process. To draw upon their expertise and warned that the high costs associated with registration would only serve to drive people out of the system and into the black market. The S.S.A.A would draw upon the expertise of gun collectors in order to establish a better tracing system. Keith Tidwell, National Executive Director feels that it is better that we offer something to the committee in order to ensure future cooperation at these meetings. [ Continued In Next Message... ] - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 07 Sep 98 08:07:00 -0700 From: (SCOTT BERGESON) Subject: UN MEETING RESULTS (Gun Control) 2/2 CANADIAN DISCUSSION PAPER The two Canadian delegates present at this meeting were; Keith M. Morrill, Department of Foreign Affairs, and Jamie Deacon, Director Anti-Organized Crime, Department of Solicitor General of Canada. It was quite interesting that the Canadian Foreign Affairs Department was ready to submit their discussion paper concerning firearms at this meeting. It further reveals the Liberal government's unwavering determination. A copy of the Canadian Discussion Paper CICP/CON/WP will be submitted in its entirety within the next few days. After reviewing the Canadian discussion paper concerning firearms, I had the opportunity to query Mr. Morrill. I asked him if he was responsible for writing the paper which he vehemently denied. Nevertheless I continued to lambaste him with question upon question. For example, I asked him to respond to the statement, "Agreement will be needed on which firearms are to be the target of the protocol ie: those proven to be of criminal interest." What the heck does this mean? What firearms are of interest to criminals? Does this encompass any repeating firearm? There was no explanation provided - simply a shoulder shrug. Another statement from the paper was, "Canada also works closely with industry, non-governmental organizations and other interested parties in this area. Oh REALLY? What industry did Canada consult? What non-governmental organizations were involved? Wendy Coukier and her coalition? Again, Mr. Morrill was unable to respond. Will this universal registry system price us out of existence? Mr. Morrill did say that his government relays very little on NGO's feedback considering they have all figures and facts at their finger tips. He also went on to say that "the Canadian government knows what is best for Canada." My response was "POOR CANADA!" I also reminded the distingushed delegate that if his government relys on government statisitics they must get very confused considering that Statistics Canada reports on firearms and offences do not correspond with the Justice Statistics and their statistics do not jive with the RCMP statistics. Other notes form the Canadian discussion paper included the following: * States should adopt effective methods of firearms identification and tracing. * States must improve cooperation and exchange of information and data for law enforcement purposes. * States must pursue greater international cooperation through mutual assistance regimes in prosecution relating to the illicit trafficking of and manufacturing of firearms, their parts and components and ammunition. Mr. Morrill also indicated that his government is not likely to alter from its course and the ONLY way to change their mission is by turfing the Liberals at the next election. Needless to say, I will be communicating with the Canadian Foreign Affairs Department within the week. It was confirmed by other delegates that Canada is most definitely leading the firearms control brigade! The Switzerland delegation submitted a paper which requested the need for global firearm registration. They also focused on three techniques for marking weapons, ie: Laser marking within the material, stamp marking or raws and marking of colours or synthetics with glass bubbles. The U.K and Northern Ireland submitted a paper which emphasized the marking of firearms for the purpose of commercial sale within the importing country or permanent private importation, so that the source of the firearms can be traced. They encourage the need for a universal registry system. They encourage the adoption of appropriate measures to prevent the reactivation of deactivated firearms, when such reactivation is a crime under state's domestic laws. They are encouraging support and cooperation of manufactures, dealers, importers, exporters and commercial carriers of firearms to prevent and detect the foregoing illegal activities. A copy of the Canadian and UK proposal as well as Mexico, Switzerland and Africa's responses is forthcoming. GOALS: To work closely with the NRA, and the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia in order to be a voice for millions of firearm enthusiasts around the world. Our continual presence will help balance the tables of justice so that both sides are equally presented at these UN workshops. OBJECTIVES: * To follow up with the various delegates within the next two weeks. This will further open the doors of communication but it will also foster relationship building and in turn this will encourage future reciprocal sharing of information. * Share results of the U.N meetings with the firearm community around the world. Otherwise the doors will remain closed to the general public. Remember these United Nations meetings are forumulating public policy so it is vitally important that we are aware of their proposals. This was a prepatory meeting for what is to come in future. Basically the delegation banged up there frame work and now they must fill it in. Many meetings are scheduled for the next two years; all can not be attended, but some kind of visable presence must be maintained. It is the goal of this committee to have all recommendations implemented by the year 2,000. Please feel free to share this information with various web sites, news groups and your local media. Additional information regarding this meeting's discussions and recommendations and the U.N initiative for global disarmament is forthcoming. Donna Ferolie 3043-20th Side Rd Hilton Beach, Ontario Canada POR 1GO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- UN - Alabama Committee to get us out of the UN GLOBAL GUN CONTROL Watch the UN rag burn! *** UN - A Constitution for the united Nations of the World +++ GUN CONTROL - 2ND AMENDMENT +++ *** The World Wide Web GUN DEFENSE CLOCK *** FIREARMS & SECOND AMENDMENT *** CRIMINALS FOR THE PREVENTION OF FIREARM OWNERSHIP GunsSaveLives Dial 911 and DIE! GUN OWNERS OF AMERICA GUN - DISARM AMERICA STATE DEPT 7277 *** GUN - MORE GUNS LESS CRIME *** Second Amendment Journals *** Dedicated to the proposition that the Second Amendment applies... *** PRIVATE FIREARMS STOP CRIME 2.5 MILLION TIMES EACH YEAR *** HOLLOW POINT DIRECTORY -Updated July 6th, 1998 with over 1,800 LINKS *** AMERICAN FIREARMS INDUSTRY American Patriot Friends Network (APFN) APFN EMAIL LIST SUBSCRIBE/UNSCBSCRIBE IN SUBJECT LINE TO APFN ONELIST: http://www.onelist/subscribe.cgi/apfn - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 09 Sep 98 07:21:00 -0700 From: (SCOTT BERGESON) Subject: Hyperbole, schmerbole! - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Carl W. Spitzer IV <> To: Phil Murphy Cc: GSL List Subject: Hyperbole, schmerbole! Date: Saturday, September 05, 1998 5:00 PM Just a quick note on last night's "festivities" at the Tucson Rod & Gun Club... I'm frequently accused of wearing my heart on my sleeve all too often in my written communications. The accusations usually come from some "Can't we all just get along?" individuals who are downright insulted by my steady criticism of organizations or individuals who I see as threats to our liberty. That's fair enough, and the more constructive the criticisms I receive usually get taken to heart and applied to my "internal" system of checks and balances. Tonight, though, I won't leave you with a rant or seemingly incoherent tirade against the "machine and its minions" over which I've been beat upon for my more "colorful" scoldings in the past. Tonight, I leave you with a peek at some of the dialog which greeted a few of "us" at the TR&GC's fundraiser, starring the NRA's chief lobbyist and Executive Director of ILA (the NRA's Institute for Legislative Action), Tanya Metaksa. - -- Early on in the evening (after Kolbe arrived and none-too- skillfully attempted to act like I wasn't there... I was handing out paperwork that shows the money trail of exactly why he's not allowing the club's membership to interfere with his contributions from the developers and realtors who want the Club to vanish) John Zajac, a Libertarian U. S. Senatorial candidate, and I approached Metaksa -- whom we both know from numerous face-to-face meetings and lengthy discourse -- to ask a few questions about NRA-ILA rating policy. Abbreviated and from memory. John, Peter, Allen and Doug can correct any small details, but this is how it went down: After asking Tanya if she actually reads any of the candidate responses from ILA's enormous questionnaires, John asked if *any* Libertarians, John asked if Libertarians would be rated by the NRA this year. Tanya: "If we've got room," adding, "... if there's a race." Period. End of story. She then got up and walked away. A certain "newbie" who was standing with me (and directly in front of Sandy Froman, NRA's current 2nd vice president and future president) asked, "Who is this bitch?" (to which I explained her as being ILA's top dog) and added, "That woman is a bag of shit, ya know what I mean?" Later in the evening, John and I (along with several other curious onlookers) approached Metaksa once again, this time with our game faces on. I asked how ILA could reconcile their "A" rating for Kolbe when the NRA's state affiliate, ASR&PA, rated him with a "generous" "C" rating? She absentmindedly responded, "It's a free country... freedom of speech... they can do whatever they want." I said, "That's not what I'm asking, Tanya. I just want to know if you find a certain incongruous nature to the same organization giving the same candidate two such disparate ratings." No answer. Silence. John breaks in to ask if he can get her his late questionnaire and perhaps get her to look at it and rate him. He also wants to know if he should send it to a different address just to make sure she sees it. She begrudgingly stands up and fishes out a business card for him and tersely tell him to send it there. I break in and ask her if, when she addressed the Libertarian Party's national convention this summer, she told the party leadership that ILA would only rate candidates from the third largest political party in the United States "if they had room." She replied that she was invited there to speak on whatever subject she chose -- but that she doesn't remember what topic she spoke on -- and that she didn't speak to anyone about candidate ratings. I said that I only wanted to know because the party leadership might find that statement very interesting, that and because I have to work with them. She said, "Well then, *you* go and deal with them." John gets a few more words in, but she just sits there, motionless, and refuses to say anything to him. I turn away, stunned and incredulous at her rude and unwarranted behavior, but Doug Gugler approaches her and asks for a business card, too. She says... "This is BS." Doug, stunned, told her he was a member and supports the NRA, and asks why she would say that to him. She fishes out another card and says... "This is complete BS... I don't have a violin." End of story. End of all conversation. - -- No personal hyperbole. No ranting and begging for justice. Just the facts. This is how the NRA treats its dues-paying membership. Worse yet, this is how the NRA treats one of its "own" (yours truly) who they've twice sent to Capitol Hill to testify on their -- and the American People's -- behalf. And if that weren't enough, that's how the NRA treats two candidates who are legitimately vying for the People's vote to represent them -- and the NRA -- in national office. This is how the NRA treats _YOU_. Oh, just a quick update... ILA's Political Victory Fund is into Kolbe for $3500 to date. The NRA's next president is now into Kolbe for $1000 (that's a maximum individual contribution) going into the primary election. Like I said, no ranting or hyperbole-laden slams, just some food for thought. Sleep well, Phil Phil Murphy Libertarian for US Congress, AZ CD-5 ************************************* MURPHY FOR CONGRESS 3400 E. Speedway Blvd., Suite 118-338 Tucson, Arizona 85716 Phone (520) 745-6297 Fax (520) 795-9083 E-mail: ************************************* Obstes aut Servias RESIST OR SERVE! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Processed by WordSTAR for DOS 7.0 by Carl William Spitzer IV GOD save America from herself ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 09 Sep 98 07:21:00 -0700 From: (SCOTT BERGESON) Subject: 2nd amendment gone On Tue, 8 Sep 1998 20:25:33 -0600 Chauna Pierce , in a post to the Libertarian Party of Utah listserver, asks: What is the title of the history book and who is the publisher? Which schools is it in? Details, not rumors. Chauna - -----Original Message----- From: To: Date: Thursday, September 03, 1998 12:42 PM Subject: 2nd amendment gone I just wanted to pass the word that the new history books in elementary schools that have just been released have the "Bill of Rights". 2nd amendment says "Not applicable". Organized Militia such as Police and Military are the only ones to own guns. Please pass the word. Thanks Wendi CHECK YOUR CHILDREN'S SCHOOL BOOKS VERY CAREFULLY!!! CONNECT THE DOTS Dot Bibee ( Knoxville, TN Ph/FAX (423) 577-7011 JOIN THE CONSTITUTION COALITION TODAY!! Copies to: (Chris) (Dot Bibee) - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 09 Sep 98 07:21:00 -0700 From: (SCOTT BERGESON) Subject: National ID - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Message-ID: <> Date: Sun, 06 Sep 1998 17:53:47 -0500 From: Larry Becraft To: Subject: IP: National ID To Whom It May Concern, Via the federal Dept. of Transportation's office known as the National Highway Traffic Safety Admin, certain agency regulations were proposed in the middle of June, and the foundation for the "National ID" was put into place. This DoT reg was promulgated on June 17 and the comment period to object to this regulation was initially set for the first of August. In response, I filed a letter which became the 4th objection so received. Scott McDonald, webmaster of Fight the Fingerprint, has posted my letter to his page at: Of course, the whole story of this proposed reg is explained on Scott's page at: The reason I write now is because the comment period has, because of the large number of comments, been extended to October 1. We need your help with this effort to stop the National ID. All you have to do is either copy my letter or adopt some of the sample letters Scott posted to his webpage. It will only take you a few moments to "personalize" any of these letters and send one in to the agency. Thus far, almost 2000 objections have been received. Each of these letters is also posted to a specific DoT webpage, the URL of which may be provided by Scott. If you want to stop the National ID, please take a few minutes and send a letter of objection. It is just possible that this effort may stop this program. Larry Becraft - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 09 Sep 98 23:11:00 -0700 From: (SCOTT BERGESON) Subject: The virtual president 1/2 [From USA Journal On-Line:] MONDAY SEPTEMBER 7, 1998 The virtual president By Missy Kelly Copyright 1998, "You know, by the time you become the leader of a country, someone else makes all the decisions." -- Bill Clinton September 4, 1998 Well, shut my mouth. The president of the United States admits publicly that he is the puppet of larger powers -- that "someone else," in fact, "makes all the decisions." Of course, those who understand how power really works in this nation recognize the veracity of his statement immediately. But for Bill to state it so openly is truly remarkable -- not just for its honesty, but for its recklessness. In a glib and Freudian moment, it just slipped out. It appears Bill is "getting it." Clinton was reminded the week of Aug. 25 that The Agenda Transcended the Man. He was given a heads-up that his removal from office would have to happen. The New York Times intoned, "But if there is no hope for the agenda, what need is there for the man?" Garry Wills also called for his resignation, writing, "[Clinton] would be saying that the goals he fought for are more important than personal pride or prerogatives." Other former sycophants in the press piped up using minor variations of the same phraseology: Clinton should resign because the "agenda" transcends the man. The Agenda is paramount. Yet, Bill still didn't "get it" -- that in his pact with the devil, the devil held the upper hand. In typical Bill psycho- fashion, he thought he could once again charm his way out of removal; and make a "show of force" to prove to his masters that he still had the right stuff to salvage his career and continue with the Agenda. To that end, his White House staff - -- a separate operation from the power brokers -- was told by Bill to pull out all stops to save his presidency. But suddenly there were leaks to the Washington Post that there were more bimbos than just Monica in Bill's White House closets. "I never had an affair with the President, but all the others who have get to stay," Monica allegedly whined to Clinton aide Marsha Scott while pleading to be returned to a White House position. More forcefully, the power brokers served Bill notice that their demands for removal were to be taken seriously when the Department of Justice, out of the blue, announced that the President himself -- Bill Clinton -- was the subject of a NEW 90-day investigation into campaign donation illegalities. On three -- count 'em -- three separate prior occasions, Attorney General Janet Reno had formally investigated such charges and declared there was "nothing there." Publicly, no new information had come to light, but suddenly there was the alarming notion that there was a "there, there" and it involved Bill Clinton himself. The message: Bill, you will do what we tell you. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Start packing your bags. Bill is "getting it," now. Bill is resigning himself to his resignation. The President has not yet identified for us who this "someone else" is who really puppets the highest office of our land. So for purposes of discussion, let's just give them an identifier. Borrowing from John LeCarre's "The Night Manager," let's call them "Flagship." Flagship, of course, knows not only where all the bodies are buried -- literally and figuratively -- but has the wherewithal to pick through them all, choosing one misdeed after another, exposing them one by one until Bill relents. It's blackmail. And blackmail works unless you handle it in the manner Rep. Dan Burton has in the past couple of days. Bill Clinton is incapable -- truly incapable -- of doing what Burton did. Truly. "You may find you can get away with virtual presidents, virtual prime ministers, virtual everything." -- Bill Clinton, September 4, 1998 This is another Freudian lament, verbalized by a Bill Clinton who finally "gets it." He was and is the VIRTUAL PRESIDENT. By his own admission, he was a front, with no power to make decisions. By his own admission, they were made for him, by "someone else." They were made by those whom Flagship had placed in lower level, under-the-radar positions within the cabinet. They didn't even have to ask Bill's permission. They got their orders, and implemented them. Bill's job was to pretend -- pretend he was the leader, pretend he was in charge -- maintain the facade of a "virtual" president in a "virtual" democracy where a "virtual" rule of law exists. In fact, the levers of power were already controlled -- controlled so precisely, in fact, as to make the president irrelevant, controlled by people who have never been elected to office, and whose names we do not even know. Flagship cannot afford impeachment hearings. There is an Agenda, and a timeline that must be maintained. It is of utmost importance that the new leader be installed immediately. Therefore, I would not be surprised if Bill is gone within two weeks or less. If you consider Bill's virtual presidency, you know the words he spoke are true. He was so much a puppet that he even dispensed with the appearance of business. He cut off daily briefings, which every other president attended. He lengthened the time between other regularly scheduled meetings. He hardly ever meets -- or even talks -- to his cabinet members. Recall Warren Christopher, the first Secretary of State, and William Perry, the Secretary of Defense, expressing extreme frustration that they could not get a meeting with the president, even in times of crisis. [ Continued In Next Message... ] - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 09 Sep 98 23:11:00 -0700 From: (SCOTT BERGESON) Subject: The virtual president 2/2 Instead, poor, useless Bill was busy playing golf, jogging, or on one of his many, many vacations. Having his weekly dinners with his Arkie crowd, screening new movies, attending fundraisers at the pace of 30 a month, playing host to a legion of Lincoln bedroom guests, and having coffee with drug smugglers, arms dealers, terrorists, communists and crony capitalists. In between, he was juggling his many women, coordinating their liaisons and cover stories. Plus all that time he devoted to considering how he could provide answers that were "legally correct" but "misleading" in all of his many scandals. Phew, I am exhausted just thinking about it. How many times have we said during this presidency -- who is really running this country when we have a president who is missing in action? Time and again, it was apparent that Bill Clinton was not on task doing presidential duties. But for him to admit it, openly -- whoa! Surely he doesn't think his scorched earth policy extends to his masters, does he? Is he truly so arrogant that he thinks he can take them down, too, in a child-like temper tantrum? If so, he is truly playing with fire. But I suspect, no. Bill may have harbored those thoughts last week, but is seeing the light, now. His unguarded comments were purely Freudian meanderings of the mind. Clinton made the reckless error of speaking his thoughts out loud. As stupid as this was, it is not so surprising. It is intimately a part of this man's sick psychology that he would want to provide excuses for his problems outside of himself -- to explain that it really isn't his fault. After all, I don't really have any power -- I am a virtual president. I am not to blame. I am a victim -- I was just doing what I was told. Bill has always been a victim of someone else, and never responsible for his own actions. As we pull our love away from him, it becomes ever so much more important to his psyche that he win us over. He can't help himself. He must explain, and win us back. Biographers have often noted that Clinton would be in a room full of adoring fans, and one person who wasn't enthralled. Clinton would devote all his energy to charming that one person. There is pathology to this man that is ingrained. Without reflected adoration, there is no Bill Clinton. He ceases to exist. But if he doesn't contain himself, and stop trying to make public excuses that touch this close to the heart of power in this nation, he's putting himself in extreme jeopardy. Flagship must be assured that Clinton will never expose his masters and the Agenda. And this is a real fear -- they, too, understand the psyche of Bill Clinton. When Bill resigns, he will have to go deeply off the radar screen -- I mean no mention of him. Disappear. There can be no distractions as the Agenda barges forward. But Bill's psyche cannot tolerate this -- his must have sycophants and lovers -- he is no one without the human mirror of his success. I remind you of what happened to him after he lost the governor's race in Arkansas 20 years ago. Study that period. This was a pathetic man, deep in depression, who approached perfect strangers and asked them why they hadn't voted for him. It conjures up visions of a former President calling up Larry King Live and blathering on that he's lonely and misunderstood, ala O.J. Simpson. Flagship cannot afford a Bill Clinton behaving this way, and possibly exposing their Agenda. Therefore, I suspect that not only will Bill Clinton be removed from office - -- i.e. forced to resign -- before the end of September, but I also strongly fear that Bill will commit Arkancide within the year. Bill was always in "the game" for Bill. Hillary was always in this for the Agenda. She has always believed that the Agenda transcended the man, which is why she has always put up with -- beyond rational endurance -- Bill's shenanigans. She knew from the get-go that they were the chosen ones, part of a select stable from whom the anointed, the "someone else" Bill referred to, would choose to lead us into convergence, the Third Way. This Third Way is part of a long-term strategy that was developed 40 years ago. Knowing this, Hillary stuck with Bill because her allegiance - -- above all else -- has always been to the Agenda. And because this is still true, she cannot possibly stay with Bill now that he has become a liability. To cheers and salutations, she will divorce Bill Clinton shortly after he resigns, and no one will blink an eye. She will divorce him not because he's "done her wrong" but because he is no longer useful. Then Hillary, in all her glory, will be unleashed on this world. She will have her own, not reflected, power most likely as Queen of the World through her new U.N. position. Maybe things aren't looking so bad for Hillary, after all. Rahm Emanuel, in continuing his attacks against Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, last week invoked the ghost of military strategist Karl Von Clausewitz. "Clausewitz [sic] said war is an extension of politics, by other means." Odd. A former ballet dancer a student of Von Clausewitz? Would you agree that the Clintons and their supporters resort to all sorts of stratagems, maneuvers, illegal methods, evasions and subterfuge to achieve their objectives? Would you? Does the record of their actions comport with that statement? Hmmm? Those are the exact words of Lenin, when he laid out his plans for global communism. Missy Kelly is a writer-researcher and political analyst. © 1998 Western Journalism Center This page was last built 9/7/98; 1:50:59 PM. Site scripted with UserLand Frontier. Direct corrections and technical inquiries to - - ------------------------------ End of utah-firearms-digest V2 #101 ***********************************