From: (utah-firearms-digest) To: Subject: utah-firearms-digest V2 #124 Reply-To: utah-firearms-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk utah-firearms-digest Sunday, February 7 1999 Volume 02 : Number 124 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 01 Feb 99 21:41:00 -0700 From: (SCOTT BERGESON) Subject: Colby, the FLIR tape, and a new Waco documentary 2/2 [ ...Continued From Previous Message ] That incident, and others, will be coming out in a new documentary McNulty is producing called _Waco: A New Revelation_, due out in late February or early March, 1999. In 1998, attorney David Hardy, also allied with the civil litigation team, was able to obtain a 1st-generation copy of the FLIR footage on VHS, although with a 5-minute segment missing from the beginning, through a FOIA request, from the government, and it is that improved and additional footage that will be shown in the new documentary, which is more clear than that shown in the documentary _Waco: Rules of Engagement_. McNulty has asked Novel for the complete tapes of his conversations with Colby, but he has only provided short segments of some other telephone conversations which only seem to be discussing business deals between them. McNulty says the only information he has about what Colby may have told Novel is what Novel told him, and Novel won't provide the full footage of the tapes he says he has. McNulty recalls discussing the Oklahoma City bombing with Novel, but Novel never mentioned to McNulty any complicity on the part of the White House or president in that incident. However, McNulty did do a voice analysis of the tape segments Novel provided, and the voice is definitely that of William Colby. The information Novel claims Colby provided him about the FLIR footage checked out. Novel had a relationship with Colby, and Colby had a motive, namely the turf battle between the CIA and the FBI regarding overseas operations. McNulty's assessment of Novel's credibility is that one should never ignore anything Novel says. On the other hand, what he says should be taken carefully. Novel has a history as a high-level insider. He is an expert in technical espionage and counter-espionage, and claims to be the technician who was responsible for the missing 18 minutes in the Nixon tape. On the other hand, he likes to tell a story, and may put a spin on what he knows. His checkered past makes him the perfect person whom a whistleblower might pick to disclose something to in order to get the information out while providing plausible deniability. McNulty says Novel deserves a great deal of credit for working himself almost to death to help the Davidians, and he is certainly the conduit through which they got the information from Colby about what to look for in the FLIR footage. But Novel didn't obtain the tape itself from Colby. More about Gordon Novel can be found on Lexis-Nexis, and on the WWW, at such sites as The new documentary, _Waco: A New Revelation_, will be revealing new non-FLIR video evidence that the government forces fired on the Davidians during the final assault on April 19, 1993. It will also present evidence identifying the organizations providing the personnel who attacked the Davidian complex from the rear, which are seen in the FLIR footage, which were the FBI Hostage Rescue Team and Delta Force. It provides evidence that explains how the fire started, and how the investigation following the fire was compromised, including interviews with some Texas Rangers who were part of that investigation. It includes interviews with some of the imprisoned Davidians, and follows the chain of command of the orders for the final assault all the way to the White House. It explores some of the unintended consequences of Waco, has an interview with Randy Weaver, the target of the Ruby Ridge assault, and reveals that Lon Horiuchi, who the Boundary County, Idaho, prosecutor attempted to prosecute for shooting Randy's wife Vicki, was also present at Waco in a position from which fire came toward the Davidians. The new documentary, _Waco: A New Revelation_, will probably be first released on video, and perhaps will also be released theatrically. The price for the video has not yet been decided. For more information on it, write: C.O.P.S. Productions 1001-A East Harmony Road #353 Fort Collins, Colorado 80525 =============================================================== Constitution Society, 1731 Howe Av #370, Sacramento, CA 95825 916/568-1022, 916/450-7941VM Date: 01/30/99 Time: 21:54:44 =============================================================== * * * * * * * * * * * * * From the Listowner * * * * * * * * * * * To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to: In the body of the message, type: unsubscribe justice END - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 01 Feb 99 21:41:00 -0700 From: (SCOTT BERGESON) Subject: USA Beretta awarded costs - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Mon, 01 Feb 1999 11:47:34 -0700 From: Jim Dexter To: LPUtah Forum Subject: FW: NEWS - USA Beretta awarded costs Score one for justice. - ---------- Beretta U.S.A. Corp. 17601 Beretta Drive - Accokeek - Maryland 20607 CALIFORNIA COURT AWARDS PAYMENT OF DEFENSE COSTS TO BERETTA U.S.A. CORP. IN LAWSUIT FILED BY HANDGUN CONTROL, INC.; DISMISSES HCI MOTION TO OVERTURN VERDICT January 22, 1999 -- Alameda County, California Superior Court Judge Richard Hodge today ordered plaintiffs in the case Dix v. Beretta U.S.A. Corp. to pay Beretta U.S.A. for costs incurred by the company while defending itself in the litigation, which was filed by the plaintiffs with the assistance of Handgun Control, Inc. and the San Francisco law firm of Hersh & Hersh. The Dix case received national publicity when the parents of a teenage youth shot by a friend sued the firearm manufacturer on the theory that the pistol used in the accident should have included "smart gun" technology or an internal locking mechanism to prevent its misuse. The award of costs was the third consecutive loss for Handgun Control, Inc. in the case, coming on the heels of a decision on January 15, 1999 by the Superior Court to throw out a motion filed by the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence (the legal action arm of Handgun Control, Inc.) to dismiss a November 1998 jury verdict in favor of Beretta U.S.A. Corp. on the grounds of juror misconduct. "Handgun Control, Inc's consistent failure in the Dix case should stand as notice to other litigants that this organization is out of touch with the law and with the merits of these cases," commented Jeff Reh, General Counsel for Beretta U.S.A. Corp. "During the Dix case, Beretta presented its concerns about the safety and feasibility of internal locking devices for handguns and the jury agreed with our reservations about this technology. The jury also overwhelmingly determined that the responsibility for safe storage of any firearm lies with the owner, not with the original manufacturer of the gun." "More importantly," Reh added, "all potential litigants in cases of this type -- including mayors of cities which might be contemplating filing lawsuits against the firearms industry -- should note our industry will aggressively defend itself and will seek reimbursement of litigation costs. Any city which thinks that it can sue the firearms industry without financial risk to itself is mistaken." In addition to Reh, Beretta U.S.A. Corp. was defended in the Dix case by Robert Gebhardt and Craig Livingston of the San Francisco law firm of Bronson, Bronson & McKinnon and by Lawrence Keane of the White Plains, New York law firm of Pino & Associates. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 02 Feb 99 19:14:00 -0700 From: (SCOTT BERGESON) Subject: Waco: Rules of Engagement - ---------- Forwarded messages ---------- Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 11:46:16 -0500 From: Discovery Audience Relations To: Cc:,, Subject: Re: Waco: The Rules of Engagement. Dear Franklin: Thanks for your note and for your comments. We really appreciate them. Thanks again for taking the time to write. Best regards, Heidi Winkelmann Audience Relations Coordinator At 03:14 PM 1/25/99 -0800, Franklin Wayne Poley wrote: >I was shocked that the most highly rated mostly-science television channel >in Canada would have shown the Waco film as it did last night. Well done! >Now I have to wonder what a Jury of Citizens would say about the evidence >if they saw the film and any other relevant evidence? So far it looks to >me like they would say Janet Reno and anyone else responsible for that >ATROCITY should be in jail for a long, long time if not given the death >penalty and the whole damned Congress should be booted out of office for a >dereliction of duty in their "investigation". >FWP. Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 08:50:27 -0800 (PST) From: Franklin Wayne Poley To: Discovery Audience Relations Cc:,, Subject: Re: Waco: The Rules of Engagement. You are welcome. Your reputation as the most highly regarded television channel in Canada is well deserved. I was pleasantly surprised to put it mildly that you took on something as controversial as Waco. That is exceptional for an educational tv channel and to me it is a sign of some real courage and integrity. FWP. *** Send "Subscribe Future-Cities" to; *** Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 08:30:40 -0800 (PST) From: Franklin Wayne Poley To: Cc:,, Subject: Waco, The Rules Of Engagement, ADDENDUM. Thank you again for showing the Waco film on your channel two nights ago. After viewing it I spoke to a man here in Vancouver who also has an Addendum to Waco (also by McNulty the producer of the main film). I was told that this Addendum makes it clear beyond reasonable doubt that the government agents staged a deliberate homicide against the Davidian community. Could you please show the Addendum as well? FWP. Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 16:35:59 -0500 From: Discovery Audience Relations To: Cc:,, Subject: Re: Waco, The Rules Of Engagement, ADDENDUM. Dear Franklin: Thanks for your note. I spoke with the programming department and they have no future plans of airing the Addendum. Sorry. Thanks for the suggestion though. Best regards, Heidi Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 17:00:47 -0700 From: Dr. Ken Larsen To: Franklin Wayne Poley Cc: Subject: Re: Waco: The Rules of Engagement. Congratulations, FWP, I take back every bad thing I ever thought about you. Well I remember the shock and dismay when I saw that movie the first time. There was my own "conservative" Senator Hatch with mud all over his face! It's a real eye-opener for anyone who still thinks the "drug war" is about drugs or the gun control movement is about reducing crime. Perhaps we are living in a time when our neighbors to the North will teach us how to be the free country our Constitution says we are. My referrals are old. Does someone have a fresh address where one can order a video copy of what you saw? Ken - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 02 Feb 99 19:14:00 -0700 From: (SCOTT BERGESON) Subject: It's no accident - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Mon, 01 Feb 1999 19:51:12 -0500 From: Leroy Crenshaw To: Subject: [iso-8859-1] It's no accident that a country can be most free and most armed It's no accident that a country can be most free and most armed Charley Reese of The Sentinel Staff Published in The Orlando Sentinel, Jan 31 1999 Do you believe that people have a right to overthrow the government with force and violence? If you say no, then you need to study your American history. The basic premise of the American Revolution, beautifully spelled out in the Declaration of Independence, is that people have not only the right but, under certain circumstances, the duty to overthrow a government. Let's examine what is the true American philosophy as spelled out in that document. In the first paragraph, it is stated that "laws of nature and of nature's God" entitle people to assume a separate and equal station among the powers of the Earth. In other words, self-determination. In the second paragraph the basic premises of the Revolution are laid out: 1. All men are created equal and endowed by God with unalienable rights; 2. governments are instituted to secure these rights; 3. the only just authority of any government is the consent of the governed; 4. when any form of government becomes destructive of these ends (protecting rights and governing only by consent), people have a right to alter or abolish it. The third paragraph states that it is prudent not to change governments for light or frivolous reasons, but when a long train of abuses and usurpations show a clear design to reduce people to despotism, ". . . it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such a government." When you understand this, then it becomes crystal clear why the right of private citizens to keep and bear arms is included in the Bill of Rights. A just government, securing the people's rights and acting with their consent, has no need to fear an armed citizenry. James Madison, in refuting a European friend's pessimistic view of America, boasted, "unlike your governments, we are not afraid for our citizens to have arms." I have called the right to keep and bear arms the canary of American liberty because when government seeks to disarm its citizens, it plainly intends to take away their freedom. No movement in America should so alarm Americans as the gun-control movement, because its true aim has nothing to do with crime but everything to do with disarming honest and decent Americans. Machiavelli, the first and smartest of the political advisers, once said of the Swiss that they were "the most armed and most free people in Europe." That is still true. And it is no accident that liberty and private arms co-exist in the same country. A small percentage of people will abuse the right to keep and bear arms, just as all rights and privileges are abused. So what. A little crime is a small price to pay for freedom. Many wise men have warned that those who prefer security to liberty will lose both. You think that criminals are bad? You don't know what bad is until you're the victim of a criminal government. You should talk to people who have lived under criminal governments and survived before you swallow the bilge being poured down your throat by Handgun Control Inc. and its lapdogs in the press. And remember, rights come from God, not from government. The Constitution does not grant anyone any rights. It merely acknowledges already-existing rights. The American citizen does not owe the government for his rights. The government owes him the duty to protect his rights. We are a free people by the grace of God. We are governed with our consent for the sake of convenience. Too many politicians are arrogant to suit me. They should remember that not all Americans have been Europeanized. The flame of liberty may be turned low, but it has scorched more than one despot and can flame forth again. [Posted 01/30/1999 6:54 PM EST] - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 02 Feb 99 19:14:00 -0700 From: (SCOTT BERGESON) Subject: Double-Barreled Fight Against Gun Litigation Double-Barreled Fight Against Gun Litigation NRA, Industry Team to Battle City Liability Suits By Sharon Walsh Washington Post Staff Writer Tuesday, February 2, 1999; Page A03 ATLANTA, Feb. 1 -- As 1,400 exhibitors in the firearms industry gathered at the annual gun trade show here, the industry's leaders, lobbyists and the National Rifle Association used the occasion to show their solidarity in the fight against gun litigation. In the past, gun manufacturers and the NRA, which represents gun owners, have gone their separate ways. But the message of those attending the largest gun industry show in the country is that they will band together to defend themselves against a flurry of lawsuits being filed by cities around the country. "For a century, we have thrived independently," NRA President Charlton Heston told members of the industry, which gave him a standing ovation. "But now, your fight has become our fight. Your legal threat has become our constitutional threat. . . . Our enemies will think they can beat you in court because they can't beat us in Congress. But they don't have the checkbooks and votes of 8 million members and 30 million gun owners." The industry is under attack from mayors who are suing gun manufacturers and distributors for the costs of crimes caused by firearms and who hope to mimic the success of state attorneys general who went after tobacco companies. As part of the gun industry's effort to defend against the suits, four of its trade and lobbying groups said today that they will form a new organization, the National Shooting Sports Council, that will help them better coordinate the industry's message. The new group will be made up of board members from the American Shooting Sports Council, which speaks for the firearms industry; the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the trade association that sponsors the annual trade show; the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute, which deals with industry standards; and the Wildlife Management Institute. "We've been very fragmented about communicating what our industry is all about," said Richard M. Pelton, marketing vice president for the American Shooting Sports Council. He said that the liquor industry, for example, has been a model of how to be active by encouraging drunk drivers to take taxis home and with other public service programs. "I'm a businessman and I feel strongly about our rights," said Pelton, who until recently was a vice president of O.F. Mossberg & Sons, a shotgun manufacturer. "We are not the NRA. I'm a lifetime member, but the NRA looks out for the user. Our industry employs people. . . . We are going to fight this to the death." Pro-gun politicians also used the gathering to strike out at the lawyers and mayors of the cities that are suing the gun industry. Bill Pryor, the attorney general of Alabama, called the suits "a clear and present danger to the rule of law. This dangerous marriage of trial lawyers and government must be stopped," he said. The gun industry is already highly regulated, said Rep. Robert L. Barr Jr. (R-Ga.), who added that the industry employs 70,000 people and contributes $24 billion to the national economy. "Today, we see a legal system run amok," said Richard Feldman, executive director of the ASSC. He said that the recent lawsuits holding gunmakers responsible for crime costs are the result of an "unholy alliance of rich tobacco lawyers and weak-kneed mayors." The suits, he said, "will not remove one single gun from the hands of any criminal, but will pay for retirement homes for lawyers on both sides." While there was talk of legal troubles on the floor of the Georgia World Congress Center, where the show was held, exhibitors were interested mostly in selling their guns, sights, camouflage clothing, knives and safety locks to the 17,000 distributors and store owners who are attending the show. Even before the industry arrived in Atlanta, there was unease about the venue. Atlanta Mayor Bill Campbell announced last week that he is planning to join other cities in filing a lawsuit against the industry later this year. The NSSC obtained a letter from the mayor assuring them that he would not use the show as an opportunity to serve legal papers to any of the exhibitors or attendees of the show. Copyright 1999 The Washington Post Company - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 03 Feb 1999 22:47:41 -0700 From: "S. Thompson" Subject: UT: Two Olympics Bills Threaten Gun Rights House and Senate "Olympics" Bills Trash U.S. Sovereignty Gun Owners of America Email/Fax Alert 8001 Forbes Pl., Suite 102 Springfield, VA 22151 (703) 321-8585 Fax: (703) 321-8408 Utah 2/3/99 HB 92 and SB 122 would change existing law to cater to foreign and globalist interests. It is no secret that the UN and foreign nations such as Japan have long wanted to do away with the right to keep and bear arms here in the US. Japan has even funded UN efforts to affect our domestic gun policy. Now, under the umbrella of the Olympic Games for 2002, domestic and foreign anti-gunners are working with the Utah legislature to change the law in order to restrict the liberties of honest residents of Utah and cater to visiting foreigners. HB 92 and SB 122 both give arbitrary power to Olympic officials over various property and firearms rights. Although those aspects are repealed much later on after the Olympics, as you may know from previous alerts, the Utah House is using HB 92 to enact much more permanent restrictions on gun owners. HB 92 has far-reaching effects on you rights, including the following: * Ban on carrying concealed (even for license holders) in places of worship. This will effectively make it much more dangerous for you to take your family to worship - you will, by law, be unable to defend yourself against anyone willing to stake out the church parking lot. * Ban on carrying concealed (even for license holders) on the premises of any school, including any building used as a daycare. You will have the choice of being a criminal or rendering yourself defenseless in such places. There will not be one responsible gun owner on the premises to protect your children if some tragic incident should occur. * Ban on possession of firearms (even for license holders) in private residences. You will need permission each and every time you enter a private residence with your gun. The other option would be leave it in the car - where it might be stolen - or simply not carry at all, as may be the real goal here. The points above will NOT BE REPEALED when the Olympic Venue portions are, and because the bills have no predetermined start date, Utah citizens could be forced to live under such oppressive and un-American restrictions for YEARS before the Olympics even start!! Gun owners across Utah need to work together to stop this rape of the constitution and our rights. Please contact both your House Rep and your Senator right away and demand they protect your rights and stop catering to foreign interests. Tell them that trick plays like trying to sneak in all those permanent gun control aspects of HB 92 only serve to expose legislators opposed to true and open constitutional government. Call the following offices for detailed contact info: House: (801) 538-1029 Senate: (801) 538-1035 Any ?s -- Call GOA Guns Save Lives ************** Did someone else forward this to you? To be certain of getting up to date information, please consider subscribing to the GOA E-Mail Alert network directly. There is no cost or obligation, and the volume of mail is quite low. To subscribe, simply send a message to and include the state in which you live, in either the subject or the body. To unsubscribe, reply to any alert and ask to be removed. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 04 Feb 1999 14:48:39 -0700 From: "S. Thompson" Subject: URGENT ALERT! SB 122 Olympic Gun Control PLEASE CROSS-POST AND DISTRIBUTE THIS AS WIDELY AS POSSIBLE!! Okay, folks! The time has come, and we NEED your help! Sen. Mike Waddoups (R) has betrayed the gun owners who have supported him for so long. He's even gone as far as labeling us "gun nuts" in the press. Sen. Waddoups is sponsoring SB 122, Controlled Access Areas in Olympic Venues. This bill MUST be defeated. 1. Current Utah law provides that a concealed carry permit is valid "without exception". This bill would destroy "without exception" by providing that "a person with a permit to carry a concealed firearm may not carry a concealed firearm in "certain locations including..." This will allow the legislature to add absolutely anyplace to the list of places where firearms may not be carried. 2. SB 122 grants complete authority to an "Olympic Law Enforcement Commander". The Olympic Commander has the authority to decide which areas (up to and including the entire state) are "off-limits" to firearms. He oversees all law enforcement, peace officers, the Utah National Guard, and "all other security and public safety personnel". He may "carry out any other action" deemed "necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public". This sounds an awful lot like martial law to me. I have so far been unable to find any requirement that the Olympic Commander be an American citizen, a sworn peace officer, or that he take an oath to uphold the Constitution of the Unites States or Utah. 3. The bill restricts "dangerous weapons". And a dangerous weapon is not just a firearm. At the discretion of security, it may also include pocket knives, fingernail clippers, nail files, rat-tail combs, pepper spray, ball-point pens, sticks, or "any item which is capable of causing death or serious bodily injury". 4. SB 122 does not require the state or the Olympics to accept any liability for persons injured or killed as a result of being forceably disarmed, or as a result of negligence on the part of "official" security. 5. State law requires that secure facilities provide safe storage for the firearms of permit holders. SB 122 exempts "Olympic venues" from this requirement. Thus anyone planning on attending events will not only be disarmed at the event, but while traveling to and from events. This will turn thousands of Olympic attendees into perfect targets for criminals. 6. There is absolutely no reason for this bill. It is being enacted because international (IOC) and federal (Clinton, the BATF, the Secret Service, etc.) advocates of universal disarmament want to use Utah as an example to show that they can enforce disarmament anywhere, without regard for US or State laws, constitutions or sovereignty. NO holder of a Utah concealed carry permit has EVER used a firearm to injure another person or commit a violent crime. 7. If this bill is passed, it will set a dangerous precedent for international and/or federal agencies to enact gun bans and disarmament at will, anytime, anywhere, without any accountability or oversight. All of these provisions are also present in Rep. David Jones's HB 92, which also requires action, but SB 122 is more likely to actually pass. The message has come down from "on high" (probably Gov. Leavitt) that there WILL be an Olympic Gun Control Bill THIS SESSION. What you can do: 1. Contact your own Senator and Representative and let them know that SB 122 and HB 92 are entirely unacceptable, cannot be "fixed", and must be OPPOSED. Contact info is available at: Follow the links to House or Senate, or call your County Clerk. A list of phone and fax numbers is at the end of this message. 2. Contact Sen. Waddoups and let him know what you think of this bill, and of his betrayal of gun owners. He won't "see the light" until he "feels the heat"! Sen. Michael Waddoups (R) 2005 W 5620 S Salt Lake City UT 84118 Home 801-967-0225 Office 801-355-1136 Fax 801-531-9011 3. Contact Senate President Lane Beattie and ask him why a gun control bill was referred to the Senate Energy, Natural Resources and Agriculture Committee, instead of Transportation and Public Safety or Judiciary. Sen. Lane Beattie (R) 1313 North 1100 West West Bountiful, Utah 84087 Home 801-292-7406 Office 801-298-7000 Fax 801-298-7161 4. Contact the members of the Senate Energy, Natural Resources and Agriculture Committee and ask that they OPPOSE this bill. Please be polite to these committee members; they're probably not at all happy about having this bill inappropriately dumped in their laps! Members are: Sen. Beverly Ann Evans, Chair (R) HC 65, Box 36 Altamont, Utah 84001 O-435-722-4523 Ext 126 H-435-454-3719 Fax 435-454-3072 Sen. Leonard M. Blackham (R) P.O. Box 337 Moroni, Utah 84646 H-435-436-8489 O-435-436-8125 Sen. Joseph L Hull (D) 5250 West 4000 South Hooper, Utah 84315 H-801-731-3705 O-801-732-6012 Sen. Lorin V. Jones (R) 177 E Center St Veyo UT 84782 H 435-574-2961 Sen. Millie Peterson (D) 7131 West 3800 South West Valley City, Utah 84128 H-801-250-5944 Bulk e-mail to the entire committee:,,,, 5. Contact Gov. Leavitt. Apparently there's now evidence that he knew about the Olympic Bribery scandal all along, so he's vulnerable. He also wants to run for national office. If we can exert NATIONAL pressure on him, he can call off this nonsense - at least until next year. :-( Gov. Mike Leavitt 210 State Capitol Salt Lake City, UT 84114 801-538-1000 801-538-1528 - fax 5. Write to your local newspapers as well as the statewide papers. Call talk radio shows. Contact national media outlets, both print and TV. I don't want to append my entire media contact list (it's long) but if you want it, let me know. ( The Salt Lake Tribune The Deseret News The Standard Examiner More contact info is available at the Nolympics site, I don't think Rep. Jones will be particularly responsive to the concerns of gun owners. He's always supported gun control. (And at least he's honest enough to take a public stance and stick to it.) If you want to try anyway, his contact information is: Rep. David Jones (D) 545 South 1100 East Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 Phone: (home) 801-582-8247 PLEASE contact these "public servants", and encourage your friends, family, co-workers and others to do the same. Please encourage people _outside_ of Utah to contact Gov. Leavitt, their local news media, and Utah news media, since all of them are concerned with Utah's _national_ image. General contact numbers: House voice: 801-538-1029, 800-662-3367 House fax: Rep. 801-538-1908, Dem. 801-538-9505 Senate voice: 801-538-1035, 877-585-8824 Senate fax: Rep. 801-538-1414, Dem. 801-538-1449 Thanks! Sarah leg-alerts is owned and distributed by Sarah Thompson, M.D. The opinions in this alert represent those of the list owner only, unless otherwise attributed or specified. To subscribe to leg-alerts send a message to: in the body of the message put: subscribe leg-alerts PLEASE REMEMBER THAT YOU CANNOT POST TO THIS LIST! Send comments, alerts, suggestions, etc. to: - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 04 Feb 1999 15:40:05 -0700 From: "S. Thompson" Subject: URGENT! SB 122 in Committee MONDAY! PLEASE DISTRIBUTE WIDELY! It's now or never! Sen. Mike Waddoups's Olympic Gun Control (and martial law) bill, SB 122 is apparently on the fast track. It will be heard by the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee on: MONDAY FEB 8 8 AM, Room 414, State Capitol The bill is the first item on the agenda. PLEASE ATTEND THIS MEETING! We need to PACK THE ROOM with outraged gun owners. Plan to be there by 7:30 AM if possible. With luck, you can still be finished in time to make it to work on time, or only slightly late. Please remember to dress appropriately and behave in a respectful manner. And tell everyone you know! Thanks! Sarah leg-alerts is owned and distributed by Sarah Thompson, M.D. The opinions in this alert represent those of the list owner only, unless otherwise attributed or specified. To subscribe to leg-alerts send a message to: in the body of the message put: subscribe leg-alerts PLEASE REMEMBER THAT YOU CANNOT POST TO THIS LIST! Send comments, alerts, suggestions, etc. to: - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 04 Feb 1999 20:22:40 -0700 From: "S. Thompson" Subject: ALERT: SB 122 - Committe Hearing CANCELLED The Senate Energy, Natural Resources and Agriculture Committee has changed its agenda for Monday, February 8. SB 122, Controlled Access Areas in Olympic Venues is no longer on the agenda. As of now, it has not been rescheduled, although this may change at any time. If you notified anyone of the committee hearing, please be kind enough to let them know it's been postponed. I hope this means that Committee members are starting to feel the heat. Please keep the pressure on! Sorry this is so confusing, but I don't make the schedules. Stay tuned! Sarah leg-alerts is owned and distributed by Sarah Thompson, M.D. The opinions in this alert represent those of the list owner only, unless otherwise attributed or specified. To subscribe to leg-alerts send a message to: in the body of the message put: subscribe leg-alerts PLEASE REMEMBER THAT YOU CANNOT POST TO THIS LIST! Send comments, alerts, suggestions, etc. to: - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 06 Feb 1999 23:19:54 -0700 From: "S. Thompson" Subject: URGENT ALERT: HB 92 Major Gun Control There has been quite a bit of confusion regarding Rep. Jones's HB 92 (Gun Control in Schools, Churches, Private Property & Olympics) and Sen. Waddoups's SB 122 (Gun Control at Olympics). HB 92 WILL BE HEARD ON TUESDAY FEB. 9 at 8 AM in Room 223 at the State Capitol. I have been unable to verify a previous report that the bill was killed in Rules, and according to both the Utah Legislative Web page AND Rob Bishop, lobbyist for USSC, the bill WILL BE HEARD as scheduled. I have no reason to doubt the integrity of anyone who posted anything to the contrary. It appears that the committee hearings for these bills are being shuffled in order to confuse gun owners and discourage us from attending the committee hearings. We can't let this stop us. Please plan on attending the hearings if possible, and please keep the pressure on our elected officials. PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND THE HEARING FOR HB 92 TUESDAY MORNING! If you have not already contacted the members of the House Judiciary Committee, please take the time to let them know you OPPOSE HB 92. Committee members are: "A. Lamont Tyler, Chair" "Glenn L. Way, Vice Chair" "John Swallow" "Katherine Bryson" "Martin Stephens" "Bill Hickman" "Chad Bennion" "Greg Curtis" "Patrice Arent" "Neal Hendrickson" "Gary Cox" SB 122 was at one time scheduled to be heard by the Senate Energy, Natural Resources and Agriculture Committee on MONDAY, Feb 8 at 8 AM. This bill has now been removed from the committee agenda and WILL NOT BE HEARD MONDAY! However, the bill is still assigned to that committee, so please contact committee members and request that they OPPOSE SB 122. Committee members' e-mail addresses are: General contact numbers: House voice: 801-538-1029, 800-662-3367 House fax: Rep. 801-538-1908, Dem. 801-538-9505 Senate voice: 801-538-1035, 877-585-8824 Senate fax: Rep. 801-538-1414, Dem. 801-538-1449 I expect more changes in committee schedules will occur, so pleae check these alerts or the Utah Legislative Web page for up-to-date information. ( If you need a legislative analysis of either of these bills, please let me know. Sarah - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 07 Feb 1999 03:30:24 -0700 From: "S. Thompson" Subject: HB 92 article > Banning Concealed Weapons At Selected Sites Proposed > Leavitt reiterates his support, while Bishop stands > strong against it > > BY DAN HARRIE > THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE > > A proposal that would allow schools, churches, > private residences and Olympic venues to ban licensed > concealed firearms may finally get a public hearing in > the Utah House of Representatives. > That prospect emerged Friday when the Rules > Committee released a bill it had held up for several > days, sending it to the House Judiciary panel. > Advocates of tighter gun restrictions hailed the > development, while gun-rights proponents denounced the > House Bill 92, sponsored by Rep. Dave Jones, as > unconstitutional. > House leaders in recent years have used > behind-the-scenes maneuvers to quash debate on > legislation to narrow the broad grant of authority > bestowed on concealed-weapons-permit holders in 1995. > Amendments to state law approved that year said those > permits were valid "without restriction." > But now a public debate over the emotion-charged > issue appears likely, a possibility that Gov. Mike > Leavitt welcomes. > Leavitt reiterated his support for giving > churches, schools and Olympic venues authority to keep > guns out. > "It's a measure I support and one that I am > pleased to see get a hearing," he said. But he > declined to predict its chance of passage. > Utah Shooting Sports Council lobbyist Rob Bishop > had no such reluctance. > "The Jones bill will never become law," said > Bishop. > He suggested, tongue-in-cheek, that the only way > the measure could pass the House was if members "went > on a binge" and voted when they were tipsy. > The bill is extremely flawed, said Bishop, who is > also chairman of the Utah Republican Party. > "For anyone who wants to destroy the Constitution > of the United States it's a marvelous bill," said > Bishop. > The bill was released from the Rules Committee > after Jones, the leader of House Democrats, complained > publicly that majority Republicans were attempting to > smother his legislation behind the scenes. > Jones sent out a news release Thursday chastising > GOP members of the Rules Committee for "denying the > will of the majority of Utahns by not letting this > bill out for a public hearing." > The Democrat pointed to past public opinion polls > showing most Utahns believe guns should be kept out of > schools and churches. "With such strong public opinion > in favor of this legislation, I was surprised to see > that the Republicans were more concerned with their > own partisan agenda." > Jones later faxed out a retraction of the press > release, saying it was sent without his consent. > But in an interview Friday, he said the contents > of the original statement were accurate, but that it > went too far in proclaiming the demise of the overall > spirit of bipartisanship that had marked the first > weeks of the legislative session. > Jones claimed his bill had been held up for > approximately two weeks on straight party-line votes > in the Rules Committee, which has an 8-3 Republican > majority. > "There's no reason to hold it up. It's a common > sense bill, a moderate approach," said Jones. If > released for public debate, he speculated, "it would > have a good shot at passing." > But the Rules Committee unanimously released the > bill Friday, and Chairwoman Susan Koehn said there was > no political funny business going on. > The gun measure had come up only once for a vote > in the committee and was held back because the > Legislature was in the middle of the controversial > credit union initiative, she said. > "We did the English-only issue, where we packed > the Capitol. We did the banks and credit unions where > we packed the Capitol," Koehn said. "Let's just space > out our packing of the Capitol -- that was our > reasoning." > > > > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > ) Copyright 1999, The Salt Lake Tribune > All material found on Utah OnLine is copyrighted The Salt Lake Tribune > and associated news services. > No material may be reproduced or reused without explicit permission from > The Salt Lake Tribune. > > > > - - ------------------------------ End of utah-firearms-digest V2 #124 ***********************************