From: (utah-firearms-digest) To: Subject: utah-firearms-digest V2 #166 Reply-To: utah-firearms-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk utah-firearms-digest Saturday, November 13 1999 Volume 02 : Number 166 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 06 Nov 99 11:56:00 -0700 From: (SCOTT BERGESON) Subject: FW: GOA on GOOD NEWS for FREEDOM Good News For Those Who Love Freedom -- Congress torpedoes free speech restrictions, National ID card Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151 Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408 (Friday, October 22, 1999) -- Gun owners cheered this week when efforts to squelch free speech were shelved for the year. Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was the mastermind behind the successful filibuster that killed legislation limiting the political speech of ordinary Americans. Supporters of the Senate bill (S. 1593) fell seven votes short of breaking the McConnell filibuster. While the Senate bill definitely had its problems, the House version (H.R. 417) would have severely restricted the ability of groups like GOA to report on incumbents' voting records during the election season. Killing the bill in the Senate effectively dooms the egregious House bill. GOA thanks its members for contacting their Senators in support of the McConnell filibuster. Gun Owners Dodge Registration As Congress Tears Up National ID Card Gun Owners of America made a last-ditch effort recently to preserve legislation effectively gutting the National ID card. Thankfully, the hard work paid off, and the National ID system that was supposed to go on line next year is now dead. Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) led the fight on the Hill against the National ID. "This is a great moment for all Americans," he said. "Thousands of Americans should feel great pride in knowing their calls and letters to Members of Congress succeeded in stopping the National ID." Under the provisions of legislation passed three years ago, no one would be allowed after October 1, 2000 to purchase a gun, board a plane, open a bank account, go to a doctor, enter a school or take a new, private sector job without having a National ID card. It is quite possible that the ID card could have become a vehicle for encrypting all kinds of personal information on it, including a person's fingerprints, gun owner status, etc. The creation of a National ID card could have easily facilitated attempts by anti-gun bureaucrats to register innocent gun owners. The House of Representatives killed the ill-conceived National ID plan in the bill that funds the Transportation Department. The legislation became law on October 9. Gun Owners To Benefit As Rep. Paul Moves To Rein In Executive Orders Meanwhile, the House will be holding hearings next week on key legislation introduced by Rep. Paul. This bill will restrict the power of presidents to legislate by Executive Order, or by any other type of presidential proclamation or directive. The bill is H.R. 2655, the Separation of Powers Restoration Act. It is not too difficult to imagine how an anti-gun President like Bill Clinton could use these declarations to greatly abuse gun owners' rights. Speaking on the topic of Executive Orders, former Clinton Advisor Paul Begala was quoted in the New York Times on July 5, 1998, as saying, "Stroke of the pen. Law of the Land. Kinda cool." Of course, Executive Orders are not the only kind of presidential proclamation that can violate gun owners' rights. In November 1997, Clinton issued a directive placing a 120-day freeze on the importation of certain semi-automatic firearms. His administration later followed with an outright ban, thus keeping 58 firearms from ever coming into the country again. Paul's legislation would deny Presidents the opportunity to ban guns by executive fiat. Gun owners should ask their Representatives to cosponsor H.R. 2655. You can call the Capitol at 202-225-3121. Please see the GOA website for fax and e-mail contact info. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 06 Nov 99 11:56:00 -0700 From: (SCOTT BERGESON) Subject: FW: Candor Control Washington Bulletin: National Review's Internet Update for 11/4/99 by Ramesh Ponnuru and John J. Miller CANDOR CONTROL Finally, some honesty from the anti-gun crowd: In today's New York Times, Josh Sugarmann, executive director of the Violence Policy Center, admits (1) that his goal is a ban on handguns and (2) that most of the lesser gun controls being discussed couldn't conceivably achieve much. But not even Sugarmann wants an honest debate on this proposal in Congress. Instead, he thinks that Congress should "give the Treasury Department health and safety authority over the gun industry." He continues, "[A]ny rational regulator with that authority would ban handguns." A short op-ed, yet how much it reveals about the anti-gun movement's coercive ambitions, refusal to concede rationality to its opponents, and undemocratic instincts. QUOTE UNQUOTE Mark Steyn in today's National Post, on Ted Kennedy's recent references to the Stockpile Stewardship Program as the "Stockpile Stewardess Program": "No doubt his aides were quietly relieved the senator hasn't spoken out on behalf of the Comprehensive Breast Tan Treaty. Still, we all know where Ted stands on the issue: He's in favour of arms control and, as a guy whose arms could use controlling, he knows whereof he speaks." - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 06 Nov 99 11:56:00 -0700 From: (SCOTT BERGESON) Subject: FW: Hit Back at Anti-Gunners - Citizens Of America Update 1/2 - ----- To: From: "Weldon Clark" Subject: Hit Back at Anti-Gunners - Citizens Of America Update Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1999 18:42:16 -0500 Hit Back at Anti-Gunners - Citizens Of America Update--from Russ Howard COA has received nearly $4,000 in PLEDGES (not donations) from the $100-squared match. Happily, nearly half of you who made pledges went ahead and mailed in $100 donations even though we're far from the $10,000 initial goal. Thanks to those donations, COA was able to produce its first radio & print ads, many of which can be seen and heard on the new web site: ... Check it out. I especially recommend viewing the "Niggertown Saturday Night Special" ad. Takes a while to load, but worth the wait. The ads are powerful and they fulfill COA's implicit promise to - as my friend Fred Darling once put it - "engage the enemy." *** World Net Daily - national media exposure for COA - COA recently made WorldNetDaily. The writer, John Dougherty, endorsed the program and urged readers to donate. Here are some excerpts: ********** 'Assault' advertising supports guns... "A violent blow to the window...breaks the silence of the night. A woman gasps as she reaches for the phone... As the intruder enters..., the woman...pleads for operators to answer... Instead...she is greeted with..., "All lines are busy -- please hold for the next available 9-1-1 operator." She panics. The intruder is moving towards her now, knife in hand...She starts to scream but is muted by the intruder's hand -- or worse, his weapon. Finally,..."9-1-1, what is your emergency?" The woman doesn't answer..."Hello? Is anyone there?"... Silence. It's too late. of several scenarios being formulated into... radio, TV & print ads by...L.A.-based...Citizens of America.., demonstrating the hypocrisy of...Brady,...Feinstein, &... Schumer, all of whom have access to personal security... paid for by the very taxpayers they deny similar protection... COA's approach is brilliant,,... not...guns in the hands of...responsible adults,...kill more people... In another ad, a "criminal spokesperson"..."admits" what...real criminals have [said] for years -- that they love anti-gun laws because they unarmed victim... Most the attitude of those who created this ad campaign. They seem fed up with...compromising...gun makers & gun groups. On the 2nd Amendment, there is no compromising with the [il]liberal left. The latter has one goal...--...banning...all guns... COA's mission statement says it all: "There is a...need for, which can strike fast,...hard, and... without fear... COA will not be apologetic, it will not play fair, it will hit below the belt whenever the opportunity presents itself...To destroy those who are tampering with 2nd Amendment freedom."... Normally I don't do this, but it's late in the game and...we're all in danger of losing our hedge against total tyranny... Visit the COA web site...and send them some dough... My check's the mail..."Preaching to the choir" isn't good enough anymore;'s time to take the message to the masses..." ******** By space necessity, the chopped version above does little justice to the full article. To read it go to: *** Radio Ads Already Running Radio ads have already been run on at least 32 stations, free of charge, primarily during interviews of COA founders. Also, many people have written COA requesting permission to run COA ads on their local station at their own expense. So many that COA is developing a program to enable it. This adopt-an-ad program involves an agreement wherein the person or group sponsoring an ad is simply required to run it in full and unaltered. Those who do this can expect to pay an average of about $400-450 for each spot broadcast to an average audience of say, 250,000. Prices will vary depending on how big the station is, etc., and some of you may have connections at local stations who will run ads as public service announcements (PSAs). The new program is innovative and powerful. If nothing else, it's a confidence builder for COA's promise that every dollar it gets goes into ads. To COA, the paramount issue is that the ads are seen and heard. Advantages of adopting an ad include: * Total control over your donation. You know it's spent efficiently, since you're spending it. * You choose the ads to run, so you can run your favorite ads. * You can run ads where YOU think they're needed most. For example, you may want to work on decreasing support for gun control in your own backyard, and this way you can be sure your money gets there. And you may have insight into the more productive places to run the ads in your local area. * Force multiplier for COA. Scores of Citizens of America can be making contact with stations, talk show hosts, etc., arranging for the ads to run as PSAs. Many gun rights supporters have become skeptical after the zillions of wasteful direct mail fundraisers with the same tired pleas by you-know-who to send money to pay for the next wasteful mailer -- well, that and fat salaries & expense accounts; and sweetheart deals for vendors, self-dealing Directors and gun-grabbing police-state Republicans. You can't be sure if there's anything left over after all that, but if there is, you have no control over it and no way to be sure it won't be used to promote gun control schemes like safety-free school zones, insta-reg, and Project Gun Gulag (AKA, Project Exile) under which ALL existing gun laws will be enforced with "zero tolerance" and gun "criminals" - including decent people who have already been "caught" once exercising their rights - will be "exiled" to federal concentration camps for minimum 5-year terms. (Oh hell, let's make it life if you're "caught" 3 times carrying for self-defense or possessing an "illegal" weapon.) So for the skeptical among you who want accountability in your donations, COA's program guarantees you get what you pay for and not what you don't. Unfortunately, most of us don't have the dough to repeatedly run ads for $450 a pop, so for us donating to COA is the way to go. And there are advantages to running the ads through COA. For example, your donation along with many others makes a large enough pool to enable COA to get quantity discounts. Other advantages include specialization of labor, AKA, "not having to reinvent the wheel," and division of labor, AKA, "one person doing the work of many." COA has access to savvy folks like Jim Houck who already know the how, where, and when of running ads effectively and economically. And you needn't worry about COA wasting your money or becoming the kind of group you've come to tolerate (or loathe, as the case may be). As Houck points out, COA doesn't even have memberships. Every freedom-loving American is already considered a member. But funding is not yet sufficient for a serious paid ad campaign. You can help make that next step happen by digging deep and becoming part of the 2ANews $100-squared match, or donating "more than you really should"! To support the $10,000 match for COA, e-mail me with your pledge at, or simply mail donations to: Citizens Of America PMB 447 2118 WILSHIRE BLVD. SANTA MONICA, CA 90403 For questions about this campaign, please contact COA's President, Brian Puckett, at - -- Russ Howard [ Continued In Next Message... ] - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 06 Nov 99 11:56:00 -0700 From: (SCOTT BERGESON) Subject: FW: Hit Back at Anti-Gunners - Citizens Of America Update 2/2 [ ...Continued From Previous Message ] The Juvenile Justice Bill (Senate Bill S254) contains provisions to track private sales at gun shows, producing records that can be used against you in the future. It is a registration of sale of a firearm. Registration is the one thing that makes confiscation possible. Anti-gun politicians can only steal guns if they have a record of firearms ownership. GET BETWEEN THESE RECORDS AND YOUR GOVERNMENTS ANY WAY YOU CAN. Call your Congressman and Senators, and the offices of these so-called Republican leaders, and complain. Defeat the anti-gun provisions including the "registration" of sales to the Juvenile Justice Bill. You can call your two Senators at (202) 224-3121 and your Representative at (202) 225-3121 at the Capitol Switchboard. Here is the URL for Congressional Telephone Directory: For legislative updates contact and go to "Scripts from the Firearms COAlition Legislative Update Line" - -Weldon Clark **************************** The 2ndAmendmentNews Team To join please send: E-MAil to with the following text in the message body: subscribe 2nd-Amendment-News email@address To send a message to the list administrator, send E-mail to Feel free to forward our alerts. If you've received this as a forward and wish to subscribe please send a reply to me at Cordially Yours, The 2ndAmendmentNews Team 2ndAmendmentNews is published by volunteer activists who support the full original individual rights intent of the 2nd Amendment and oppose any appeasement on gun rights. The moderators include Chris Behanna, Weldon Clark (an NRA director) and Steve Cicero. If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen. -- Samuel Adams, speech at the Philadelphia State House, August 1, 1776. - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 08 Nov 99 04:29:00 -0700 From: (SCOTT BERGESON) Subject: Fw: Why Orrin Must Go! - ----- To: Date: Sun, 07 Nov 1999 16:14:59 -0600 Subject: FW: Why Orrin Must Go! From: "Jim Dexter" With socialists like Orrin who needs to worry about Chuckie Schumer? - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Orrin Hatch, Henry Hyde and the FBI: - -- Just three reasons why you need to call your Congressmen soon! Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151 Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408 "Juvenile justice is alive and well," said an aide to Sen. Hatch. "Hatch met as late as last week with some of the [Congressional] leaders, and it is not dead." -- Associated Press, 11/2/99 (Friday, November 5, 1999) -- The buzz in Washington right now is that some of the moderates in the GOP leadership are desperately trying to get a vote on the anti-gun juvenile crime bill before the session ends next week. According to the Associated Press, Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Rep. Henry Hyde (R-IL) are the chief culprits behind this sellout. "I remain optimistic that some compromise is possible," said Hyde. "Senator Hatch and I have pulled together a proposal that closes the gun-show loophole and offers a number of other modest yet effective gun safety provisions." But the truth be known, these proposals are neither modest nor effective-- not to mention that they will not result in additional safety. While different drafts are being discussed, all have one thing in common-- they all contain gun control. One of the main sticking points is a waiting period requirement for private sales at gun shows. According to the New York Times, "The latest Republican offer includes a provision giving [the FBI] 24 hours to conduct the mandatory background checks, unless that check turns up a disqualifying arrest.... In that event, the [FBI] would have three days to complete the check" and find out the final disposition of the arrest. There are other proposals as well, including a young adult gun ban, a trigger lock requirement, and an import ban on large-capacity ammo mags among other things. But regardless of the specifics, gun owners should urge their Congressman one last time to vote NO on the juvenile crime bill. (See ACTION below). GOA Members Criticized By FBI As It Tries To Divert Attention Away From Its Dirty Laundry Just a few miles away from Capitol Hill, the FBI issued an interesting report on Monday entitled Project Megiddo. The report tries to shift public attention away from the FBI's long list of scandals to a problem of their own invention-- namely, the threat of "right wing" terrorism at the turn of the century. The report itself admits there are "very few indications" of specific threats to domestic security. Nevertheless, the report goes out of its way to take a whack at the President's political opponents. Having said that, guess who is listed in the report as being crucial to "understanding the phenomenon of domestic terrorism"? You guessed it. You are. In an attempt to demonize Clinton's political opposition, the FBI has listed gun owners as part of the domestic terrorism equation. In fact, the report accuses GOA Executive Director Larry Pratt of helping to "fuel the already existing paranoia of militia and patriot groups." Hogwash. If the FBI is serious about not fueling existing paranoia, then it should stop maintaining files on leading Americans (remember Filegate?), and come clean on what it knows about Waco. The FBI took six years to discover they had withheld information about Waco from Congress, including their own use of pyrotechnic devises and the use of the military the day the Davidians were burned to death. For more information on this report and GOA's brief response to it, go to at the GOA website. The entire report is available from the FBI; you will need Adobe Acrobat to read it. At ACTION: Tell your Congressmen that, in contrast to what the FBI is saying, decent gun owners are not the problem in this country. Let them know that we don't need gun control; we need government control. Also, make sure they know that NO compromise gun legislation is acceptable in the juvenile crime bill (S. 254 / H.R. 1501). You can reach your Senators and Representative at 202-225-3121 or toll-free at 877-722-7494. Even the ACLU opposes the bill (albeit for different reasons). They have established a free Congressional fax service that can be accessed at on their website. GOA's Auto-Mailer at can be used to send e-mail to Congress. ************** GOA continues to seek online newspaper stories of citizens using a gun in lawful self-defense. In particular, stories from smaller market newspaper websites are needed. As you know, the national media rarely picks up stories of this type. Please forward any such stories you run across to GOA. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 11:13:59 -0700 From: charles hardy Subject: Fw: ALERT! Orrin Hatch on Doug Wright Show! Attachments mentioned won't make it through, but try to call in and give Hatch a good working over. ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy - --------- Forwarded message ---------- I have just heard this morning that Orrin Hatch will be on the Doug Wright show on KSL radio. I'm not sure at what time this show is presented, but I have included a link to KSL radio, which you can receive by Web.Also, I have attached a file (in Word and WP formats) prepared by Gun Owners of America that documents votes by Hatch attacking your right to keep and bear arms. Orrin needs to be asked why he supports legislation that imprisons law-abiding gun owners for exercising their right of self-defense guaranteed by the Second Amendment. He also need to be asked whether he will allow S. 254 to come out of the conference committee with any gun control legislation included. ___________________________________________________________________ Get the Internet just the way you want it. Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month! Try Juno Web: - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1999 15:05:04 -0700 From: charles hardy Subject: Fw: Alert: Leg. Gun control ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy - --------- Forwarded message ---------- Legislators meeting: What: Gun Control When: 7pm Nov. 10 Where: West Jordan High School (About 7900 So 2700 West) Meetings are being held all over Utah. Please don't let the excuse for more gun control be, only gun control supporters were there, and not gun advocates. If you care about the gun issue, please be there. ___________________________________________________________________ Get the Internet just the way you want it. Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month! Try Juno Web: - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 15:42:56 -0700 From: charles hardy Subject: Fw: Oct. 20 column -- women need guns ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy - --------- Forwarded message ---------- From: (Vin Suprynowicz) FROM MOUNTAIN MEDIA FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DATED OCT. 20, 1999 THE LIBERTARIAN, By Vin Suprynowicz Give these women guns The newspapers reported Donna Hernandez of Las Vegas did everything she could to protect herself. Fearing that her estranged husband was going to kill her, she repeatedly informed the police that she feared for her life. She even went to court and got protection orders. Seven of them. It didn't help. Two weeks ago, Donna Hernandez was found stabbed and strangled in her home. Her ex-husband is now in jail, facing murder charges. About a third of all slayings in the Las Vegas Metro police jurisdiction stem from domestic violence. In October of 1997, 17-year-old Maureen McConaha obtained a protective order against her ex-boyfriend. Weeks later, she was shot to death. The ex-boyfriend, Johnny Walker, is awaiting trial on murder charges. In January of 1998, police found Judy and Ronnie Norman dead inside the couple's Las Vegas home. Next to their bodies police found a protective order that Judy Norman had taken out against her husband. Police ruled the deaths a murder-suicide. In October of last year, Brenda Denise James was shot to death in front of her six children, days after she applied for and received a protective order against her ex-boyfriend, Robert Lee Carter, 30. A murder charge against Carter is pending. While court-issued protective orders are "a good tool for law enforcement, they don't stop a bullet or knife, and we need to make sure everyone knows that," offers Clark County Domestic Violence Commissioner Patricia Doninger. "We have to find a better way to protect people like Donna Hernandez," says a frustrated District Judge Nancy Saitta. But that better way has long been available. God may have made women, but Colonel Colt made women equal, and carrying the tool he invented remains the constitutional right of every American. The problem is, so far as can be determined, Donna Hernandez, Maureen McConaha, and Brenda Denise James did (start ital)not(end ital) do everything they could to protect themselves and their children: They did not buy and carry handguns, and acquire the skill to use them. Police cannot provide an armed bodyguard for every woman who's been threatened. Therefore, police should actively recommend that such women acquire appropriate, effective weapons for self-defense, and the minimal training necessary to handle them safely. In fact, if any arbitrary "background check" or "concealed-carry permit" paperwork delays stand in the way of a woman who holds such a valid "protection order" and wishes to acquire a handgun, our state lawmakers - -- and particularly U.S. Rep. Shelley Berkley, a proponent of women's rights and an avowed supporter of the Second Amendment -- should immediately introduce legislation to provide for an instant waiver of any such waiting periods or bureaucratic delays, authorizing the immediate, legal placement of a handgun in any such woman's purse. Those with an irrational phobia of firearms -- though they would never propose that we send our boys to Bosnia armed with nothing more than a whistle on a key ring -- will whine that "A woman is in greater danger if she has a gun; the assailant will just take it away and use it on her." In fact, Gary Kleck, professor of criminology at Florida State University in Tallahassee, examined the statistical evidence for that concern in his book, "Targeting Guns." Guns are taken away from their owner and used by an assailant in fewer than 1 percent of defensive handgun uses, Professor Kleck determined. Nor is there any indication that more widespread gun ownership would turn our neighborhoods into "shooting galleries": Dr. Kleck also found that in more than 90 percent of defensive handgun uses, the weapon isn't even fired. "It's one of the great lies of the anti-gun people, that people are so incompetent that they're going to have their guns taken away from them," says David Kopel, research director of the Independence Institute in Golden, Colo. and author of the book "Guns: Who Should Have Them?" In fact, if the authorities would send out a notice that the victim is now armed, along with the court "keep-away" order, most of these attacks might never occur, at all. "There's very strong evidence that knowledge that victims have guns is a great deterrent to attacking," adds Don Kates, a criminologist with the Pacific Research Institute in California. "The National Institute of Justice has sponsored extensive surveys of criminals in prisons, and ... they attest that they were far less likely to commit crimes against people when they knew that they were likely to be armed. "The other thing is, it is universally reported that women respond much better to firearms training than men do, because the problem with men is that their testosterone levels get in the way," Mr. Kates explains. "They're supposed to already know about guns, and so you have to get them to unlearn things that they know that are wrong, and they're very stubborn about that." So, if at-risk women find it easy to learn to use guns safely and effectively, why aren't they all urged by authorities to go out and get themselves a Smith & Wesson? "That's to admit that the whole system is a complete failure," explains criminologist Kates. "Notice that the whole thing with restraining orders is a failure designed to remedy a failure. We already have laws against violence, so why do we need restraining orders? Because police won't enforce laws against violence within the family." October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, a time when our political leaders annually call on us to reflect on the number of domestic-violence incidents that occur each year, and to take action to stop them. OK then. Let's stop mooning and moaning. Let's do something that works. It's not big, sturdy men who fear to be the last person leaving the shopping mall late at night, walking across that darkened parking lot. It's America's women. Let's really reduce violence against our womenfolk. Let's give them guns. Vin Suprynowicz is the assistant editorial page editor of the Las Vegas Review-Journal. His new book, "Send in the Waco Killers," is available at 1-800-244-2224, or via web site *** Vin Suprynowicz, "The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it." -- John Hay, 1872 "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed -- and thus clamorous to be led to safety -- by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." -- H.L. Mencken * * * - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------ If you have subscribed to and you wish to unsubscribe, send a message to, from your OLD address, including the word "unsubscribe" (with no quotation marks) in the "Subject" line. To subscribe, send a message to, from your NEW address, including the word "subscribe" (with no quotation marks) in the "Subject" line. All I ask of electronic subscribers is that they not RE-forward my columns until on or after the embargo date which appears at the top of each, and that (should they then choose to do so) they copy the columns in their entirety, preserving the original attribution. The Vinsends list is maintained by Alan Wendt in Colorado, who may be reached directly at The web sites for the Suprynowicz column are at, and The Vinyard is maintained by Michael Voth in Flagstaff, who may be reached directly at ___________________________________________________________________ Get the Internet just the way you want it. Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month! Try Juno Web: - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Nov 99 07:56:00 -0700 From: (SCOTT BERGESON) Subject: FW: Hatch selling out again! Will not one deliver us from Senator Jerk? - ------------------------------------------ Orrin Hatch is at it again, selling out your gun rights. He and Leavitt were told at the Ogden convention (by vote remember?) not to restrict guns. Well, good old boy Hatch (and Leavitt) I reckon have taken a gander at it, and must have come to the conclusion, we common folk are just to dumb for our own good. He's gonna doer any way (take away our gun rights), of course, for our best interest. I strongly encourage you to read this report. To me this shows Orrin Hatch more interested in becoming Pres. than representing Utah. (Like that would surprise you!) - ----------------- Summary: * Orrin Hatch & Henry Hyde are the ones behind the selling out of your gun rights * Hyde said "Senator Hatch and I have pulled together a proposal that closes the gun-show loophole and offers a number of other modest yet effective gun safety provisions." [Oh thanks Orrin, you should run for Vise Pres. with Al Bore, (OOPs) Gore.] * Giving [the FBI] 24 hours to 3 days in order to conduct the mandatory background checks. [This would eliminate gun shows.] * Waiting period requirement for private sales. [If this is not gun registration, what is?] * The FBI has listed gun owners as part of the domestic terrorism equation. [I don't think you a terrorist.] * Project Megiddo [This is worth reading] * ACTION: Tell your Congressmen that, in contrast to what the FBI is saying, decent gun owners are not the problem in this country. Let them know that we don't need gun control; we need government control. Senators and Representative at 202-225-3121 or toll-free at 877-722-7494. * Even the ACLU opposes the bill (albeit for different reasons). * More ways to contact below. Orrin Hatch, Henry Hyde and the FBI: -- Just three reasons why you need to call your Congressmen soon! - ------------------------------ From GOA "Juvenile justice is alive and well," said an aide to Sen. Hatch. "Hatch met as late as last week with some of the [Congressional] leaders, and it is not dead." -- Associated Press, 11/2/99 (Friday, November 5, 1999) -- The buzz in Washington right now is that some of the moderates in the GOP leadership are desperately trying to get a vote on the anti-gun juvenile crime bill before the session ends next week. According to the Associated Press, Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Rep. Henry Hyde (R-IL) are the chief culprits behind this sellout. "I remain optimistic that some compromise is possible," said Hyde. "Senator Hatch and I have pulled together a proposal that closes the gun-show loophole and offers a number of other modest yet effective gun safety provisions." But the truth be known, these proposals are neither modest nor effective-- not to mention that they will not result in additional safety. While different drafts are being discussed, all have one thing in common-- they all contain gun control. One of the main sticking points is a waiting period requirement for private sales at gun shows. According to the New York Times, "The latest Republican offer includes a provision giving [the FBI] 24 hours to conduct the mandatory background checks, unless that check turns up a disqualifying arrest.... In that event, the [FBI] would have three days to complete the check" and find out the final disposition of the arrest. There are other proposals as well, including a young adult gun ban, a trigger lock requirement, and an import ban on large-capacity ammo mags among other things. But regardless of the specifics, gun owners should urge their Congressman one last time to vote NO on the juvenile crime bill. (See ACTION below). GOA Members Criticized By FBI As It Tries To Divert Attention Away From Its Dirty Laundry Just a few miles away from Capitol Hill, the FBI issued an interesting report on Monday entitled Project Megiddo. The report tries to shift public attention away from the FBI's long list of scandals to a problem of their own invention-- namely, the threat of "right wing" terrorism at the turn of the century. The report itself admits there are "very few indications" of specific threats to domestic security. Nevertheless, the report goes out of its way to take a whack at the President's political opponents. Having said that, guess who is listed in the report as being crucial to "understanding the phenomenon of domestic terrorism"? You guessed it. You are. In an attempt to demonize Clinton's political opposition, the FBI has listed gun owners as part of the domestic terrorism equation. In fact, the report accuses GOA Executive Director Larry Pratt of helping to "fuel the already existing paranoia of militia and patriot groups." Hogwash. If the FBI is serious about not fueling existing paranoia, then it should stop maintaining files on leading Americans (remember Filegate?), and come clean on what it knows about Waco. The FBI took six years to discover they had withheld information about Waco from Congress, including their own use of pyrotechnic devises and the use of the military the day the Davidians were burned to death. For more information on this report and GOA's brief response to it, go to at the GOA website. You will need Adobe Acrobat to read the report, available from the FBI at ACTION: Tell your Congressmen that, in contrast to what the FBI is saying, decent gun owners are not the problem in this country. Let them know that we don't need gun control; we need government control. Also, make sure they know that NO compromise gun legislation is acceptable in the juvenile crime bill (S. 254 / H.R. 1501). You can reach your Senators and Representative at 202-225-3121 or toll-free at 877-722-7494. Even the ACLU opposes the bill (albeit for different reasons). They have established a free Congressional fax service that can be accessed on their website at GOA's Auto-Mailer at can be used to send e-mail to Congress. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 20:30:37 -0700 From: "Will Thompson" Subject: RE: Hatch selling out again! > > Will not one deliver us from Senator Jerk? > ------------------------------------------ No.... "We have met the enemy it is us" WE elected the pig. WE are responsible for him. WE must dethrone him. No one is going to _deliver_ us, we must deliver ourselves, and apologise to the rest of the country for what we have done. See below. ************************** Save the Second Amendment and the Constitution: Replace US Senator Orrin G. Hatch Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund (A Project of Gun Owners of America) E-Mail/FAX Alert 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151 Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408 Thursday, August 12, 1999 Utah Senator Orrin G. Hatch no longer represents his gun-owning, freedom loving, and Constitution-minded constituents. In recent years, his voting record on firearms issues has moved in the direction of his close personal friend and colleague, the ultra-liberal Ted Kennedy! Most recently Senator Hatch enlisted the assistance of Senators Kennedy, Schumer, and others to obtain Senate passage of his S. 254 (the "Juvenile Crime bill"). This legislation contains several provisions attacking gun owners, including provisions that would: * Restrict or ban safe and lawful firearms use by young persons and imprison their parents for clerical violations; * Ban importation of personal defense ammunition magazines greater than 10 rounds; * Require all gun show attendees to present photo identification for permanent registration in a BATF log book; * Enable future legislation requiring all firearms to be locked up, preventing their use for self-defense; and, * Threaten gun show operators with jail if even one person buys a gun without the instant background/registration check. This could make gun shows a thing of the past. If You Help, Senator Hatch Can Be Replaced Senator Hatch must win in next year's elections to continue "representing" Utah's gun owners. His greatest vulnerability will occur on Monday, March 27, at 7 PM. On this evening delegates for the County and State Conventions will be elected at neighborhood caucus meetings throughout the state. These delegates will determine the Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate, and almost certainly Utah's next Senator. If approximately 2200 pro-Constitution delegates are elected to the State Convention, Utah will no longer be shamed by the anti-gun advocacy of Orrin Hatch. What You Must Do Now! 1. Contact one of GOA's volunteer coordinators to identify yourself as a supporter of the gun owner campaign to replace Orrin Hatch. Please contact either Arnold Gaunt or Sarah Thompson, preferably via e-mail, as follows: Arnold Gaunt PO Box 1096 Clearfield, UT 84089-1096 (801) 621-3122 Dr. Sarah Thompson PO Box 1185 Sandy, UT 84091-1185 (801) 566-1067 2. Commit to attend the neighborhood caucus meetings at 7:00 PM on March 27, 2000, and gain the commitments of family, friends, and associates to do the same. ************** Not paid for by any candidate or candidate's committee. Authorized and paid for by Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund. ************** Cheaper Than Dirt donates a percentage of your total order to GOA if you use to enter their online store. ************** Did someone else forward this to you? To be certain of getting up to date information, please consider subscribing to the GOA E-Mail Alert Network directly. There is no cost or obligation, and the volume of mail is quite low. To subscribe, simply send a message to and include the state in which you live, in either the subject or the body. To unsubscribe, reply to any alert and ask to be removed. - - - - ------------------------------ End of utah-firearms-digest V2 #166 ***********************************