From: (utah-firearms-digest) To: Subject: utah-firearms-digest V2 #206 Reply-To: utah-firearms-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk utah-firearms-digest Thursday, February 22 2001 Volume 02 : Number 206 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 23:35:29 -0700 From: charles hardy Subject: ALERT: Two important pro-gun hearings to attend HB 376 -- Concealed Weapon Permit Holders - Reciprocity hearing HB 345 -- Carrying a Firearm ("Vermont Carry") House Judiciary Committee Contact Info There are two very important hearings on pro-gun bills that we need to attend this coming week. Please get this information to any pro-gun individuals you know whether or not they are using email. HB 376 -- Concealed Weapon Permit Holders - Reciprocity hearing This Monday, February 19 (Presidents' Day), the House Judiciary Committee will be hearing Rep. G. Donnelson's HB 376 -- Concealed Weapon Permit Holders - Reciprocity bill in Room 223 at 4:00 pm. This bill would do two things. First, it would require the DPS to make formal, annual requests of all States that issue concealed permits but do not currently recognize Utah's permits to recognize our permits. This could well lead to an increase in the number of States that would accept a Utah CCW permit as valid. Second, the bill would recognize the CCW permits of ALL other States that issue them as well as allowing residents of any States that do not require a permit to carry concealed to do so here without a permit. (At this time, this only applies to residents of Vermont.) This would send a strong message to potential tourists that Utah welcomes them and their CCW weapons thus making our streets safer and increasing our tourist revenue. :) Room 223 is a small room. Please arrive early to get a seat or even guarantee that you can get into the room. It would be great if the gun-phobes had no seats at all when they arrived. Again: This Monday, February 19 at 4:00 pm. Capital Room 223. Whether you can attend or not, please contact Committee members over the weekend. Contact info, "cut and paste email addresses," and a sample email that you are free to use if you'd like are at bottom of this email. If you use the cut and paste email addresses to send a single email to all committee members, please use the blind carbon copy (bcc) field rather than the "to" or "cc" address fields. In such cases, I reccomend you put your own email address in the "To" field and use a generic salutory such as "Dear Honorable Representative:". Please be polite but firm in letting these representatives know this is a critical bill and will effect your future voting. Despite what some legislators like to claim, politely letting them know this information is NOT a threat and should they suggest otherwise politely disagree and let them know this bill is important to you. - ------------------------------------------------------ HB 345 -- Carrying a Firearm ("Vermont Carry") Rep. Mike Thompson's HB 345 -- Carrying a Firearm (aka "Vermont Carry") will likely be heard in committee sometime Wednesday, February 21. Exact committee, time and room will follow as soon as we know it. Please do everything in your power to attend this hearing whenever it takes place. - ---------------------------------------------------- House Judiciary Committee Contact Info Rep. Glenn L. Way, Chair Mailing Address: 348 South 1480 East, Spanish Fork, Utah 84660 Phone: (home) 801-798-2295 Rep. James A. Ferrin, Vice Chair Mailing Address: 1373 South 740 East, Orem, Utah 84097 Phone: (home) 801-224-6823 (office) 801-224-9867 Rep. Patrice M. Arent Mailing Address: 6281 South Havenbrook Circle Salt Lake City, Utah 84121 Phone: (home) 801-272-1956 (office) 801-538-1650 (fax) 801-538-9505 Rep. Chad E. Bennion Mailing Address: 5778 Sagewood Dr, Murray, Utah 84107 Phone: (home) 801-281-1607 (office) 801-468-2876 (fax) 801-288-2144 Rep. Ron Bigelow Mailing Address: 4658 Water Wood Drive West Valley City, Utah 84120 Phone: (home) 801-968-4188 Rep. Katherine M. Bryson Mailing Address: 833 South 300 West, Orem, Utah 84058 Phone: (home) 801-226-2061 Rep. Gary F. Cox Mailing Address: 4468 Tidwell Street Kearns, Utah 84118-5233 Phone: (home) 801-967-9760 (office) 801-569-5216 Rep. Greg J. Curtis Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2084, Sandy, Utah 84091 Phone: (home) 801-943-3091 (office) 801-942-7464 Rep. Scott Daniels Mailing Address: 1171 Laird Avenue w Salt Lake City, Utah 84105 Phone: (home) 801-582-8080 (office) 801-583-0801 (fax) 801-583-0802 Rep. Ben C. Ferry Mailing Address: 905 North 6800 West Corinne, Utah 84037 Phone: (home & office) 435-744-2997 (fax) 435-744-2999 Rep. Neal B. Hendrickson Mailing Address: 3402 West 4100 South West Valley City, Utah 84119 Phone: (home) 801-969-8920 Rep. Mike Thompson Mailing Address: 1010 West 1420 North, Orem, Utah 84057 Phone: (home) 801-226-5032 (office) 801-223-9044 Rep. A. Lamont Tyler Mailing Address: 3810 Eastwood Lane Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Phone: (home) 801-272-1218 (office) 801-581-6920 (fax) 801-585-9291 ========cut and paste email addresses============= ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ====================================== ==========sample email=================== Subject: Please support HB 376 -- "Concealed Weapon Permit Holders - Reciprocity" Dear Honorable Representative: I'm writing to ask you to please support HB 376 -- "Concealed Weapon Permit Holders - Reciprocity" that will be heard before the House Judiciary Committee this Monday, February 19 and send it to the full House favorably. This bill would require the Dept. of Public Safety to make annual inquires of other States seeking to gain their approval of Utah's Concealed Weapon permits. This would allow those Utahns who have concealed weapons permits to travel with their legal weapons for protection in those States. Under this bill, Utah would also recognize the concealed permits of all States that currently issue them, setting out the welcome mat to law abiding residents of those States. This bill is plain common sense. State issued licenses to drive are valid across State lines. Law abiding residents of one State do not become any less law abiding simply because they cross State lines. Neither do reasons and needs to carry a concealed weapon disappear simply by crossing State lines. There is no good reason that State issued permits to carry concealed weapons are not valid in other States. This bill is very important to me. Please let me know whether you plan to support this bill and if not, what your objections are. Sincerely your name your address (optionally, your phone number) =================================== - ---------------- Charles Hardy ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 22:02:36 -0700 From: charles hardy Subject: Fw: [UTGOA] REMINDER! CONCEALED CARRY BILL MONDAY! Please do everything possible to attend these hearings. - ---------------- Charles Hardy - --------- Forwarded message ---------- An important reminder! HB 376 - Concealed Carry Recognition will be heard MONDAY Feb. 19 at 4 PM in Room 223. It is VERY important that you plan to attend! We expect a very close vote, so your presence, phone calls and email are critical. 1. Please plan to attend the committee hearing. The bill is first on the agenda, so try to arrive no later than 3:45. 2. Dress appropriately. Many legislators mistakenly believe that all gun owners are drunks, wife-beaters, neo-Nazis, lunatics, terrorists, or wanna-be criminals. Whether this is a result of ignorance or bigotry, it's wrong. But it's also a fact of life. If you want legislators to believe that you're the responsible, hard-working, law-abiding person you really are, you're going to have to SHOW them. This means being dressed and groomed appropriately. Dress as you would to go to church or a job interview. If you don't, you are hurting the cause of gun rights and helping to perpetuate bigotry against your fellow gun owners. 3. If you wish to speak, plan your testimony in advance, and try to have it written out. Most people get nervous and tongue-tied, especially when there's a large crowd and TV cameras, and it helps if you have your comments prepared. You should plan on 1-2 minutes maximum. Also plan to stick to the topic. The topic is "why this bill is good public policy". The reasons HB 376 is good public policy are: a. It is fair. People have just as much right to self-defense in Utah as they do in their home state. b. It will save lives. When ordinary citizens carry concealed firearms, crime goes down. This protects both Utahns and non-residents. c. By accepting other states' permits, more states will accept Utah permits. This will benefit Utahns who travel to other states. d. It will save money, by decreasing BCI's workload. It will also save money by decreasing crime and its associated costs. e. Just as Utah accepts drivers licenses and marriage licenses from other states, we should accept carry permits. Legislators are very practical people. For the most part, they will support or oppose a bill based on its immediate, practical impact: "Will it save money, lower taxes, save lives, or make my constituents happy? Will my constituents be angry enough to vote against me if I vote against it?" They are generally less concerned (or unconcerned) with Constitutional law and philosophy, the United Nations, the New World Order, Communism, foreign invasions, Hegelian dialectics, the Illuminati, and various "conspiracy theories". Your job is to be a good salesperson, and sell legislators the bill on their own terms. If you are trying to sell a car to a middle-aged woman, it's not very smart to tell her that "Chicks love it." If your customer is a single male college student, it's not very smart to tell him it will easily hold 5 kids plus groceries. This is only common sense. Be smart! Talk to legislators about what matters to THEM - not what matters to you. Talk about how the bill affects you in practical terms. If you have a first-hand experience, or anecdote, that's usually helpful. For example: "I work for ______ and I have to travel all over the country. I usually visit 20 different states a year. If I had to get a permit in each of those states, it would cost me about $3,500 which I can't afford. If HB 376 passes, I'll be able to use my Utah permit in most of those states." Please contact the following members of the House Judiciary Committee if you haven't already done so and ask them to support HB 376. Members of the House Judiciary Committee: Arent, 801-272-1956 Bennion 801-281-1607 Bigelow 801-968-4188 Bryson 801-226-2061 Cox 801-967-9760 Curtis 801-943-3091 Daniels 801-582-8080 Ferrin 801-224-6823 Ferry 435-744-2997 Hendrickson 801-969-8920 Thompson 801-226-5032 Tyler 801-272-1218 Way 801-798-2295 801-636-0509 (cell) Be sure you contact committee Chair, Glenn Way, and Vice Chair, Jim Ferrin. If one of the committee members is your Representative, s/he should be your priority. Reps. Arent, Cox, Hendrickson, and Tyler have historically been very hostile to gun rights, so they should be at the bottom of your list. Please CALL these Representatives at home this evening. You can also leave messages at the Capitol on Monday (538-1029) but that's less effective. SAVE THE DATE! Rep. Mike Thompson expects his HB 345 - Carrying a Firearm (Vermont carry, right to carry without a permit) to be heard Wednesday, Feb. 21 at 8 AM. Please plan to attend - even if it means taking a couple of hours off work. The same committee members listed above will be voting on this bill. SEE YOU TOMORROW! Copyright 2001, Utah Gun Owners Alliance, Inc. and Sarah Thompson PO Box 1185 Sandy, UT 84091 801-566-1625 PLEASE SUPPORT UTAH GUN OWNERS ALLIANCE! JOIN US TODAY! Did someone forward this to you? Please SUBSCRIBE NOW! That way you'll receive our FREE alerts as soon as they're released. During the legislative session, we send urgent, time limited alerts. Don't risk missing important information because someone else neglected to forward important information. Our alerts are low volume and average less than one alert per day. To subscribe to the UTGOA list, send a blank email to or use the form on our web site, For more information, see UTGOA is written and distributed by, Utah Gun Owners Alliance, Inc., and Sarah Thompson, M.D. All information contained in these alerts is the responsibility of the author, unless otherwise attributed. Permission is granted for distribution of these alerts so long as no changes are made, UTGOA is clearly credited, and this message is left intact. Archives of the UTGOA alerts can be found at: Utah Gun Owners Alliance, Inc. is a Utah non-profit corporation. ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 21:40:44 -0700 From: charles hardy Subject: ALERT: HB 376 CCW Recognition needs help; Also support HB 345 Vermont Carry HB376 CCW Recognition HB345 Vermont Carry Plan to attend hearing In a continuing show of contempt for law abiding citizens' ability to defend themselvs (as well as his command of legislative procedures) Rep. Gary Cox dealt a (we hope temporary) setback to Rep. Donnalson's HB 376 - -- CCW Recognition today in the House Judiciary Committee by offering a substitute that gutted the entire bill. Cox's hostile substitute was accepted by a vote of 7 - 6. This IS progress over last year where we would have expected to lose 12 -1 or even 13 -0. But the game isn't over yet. Donnelson will be back with amendments or another substitute to restore the original intent of the bill. And with some calls, faxes, and emails, as well as another heavy turn out at the hearing, we think we can sway one or even two of those who voted against us and send this bill to the full house on a vote of 7 - 6 in our favor. HB 376 as originally proposed and substituted by its sponsor, would require Utah to recognize the CCW permits issued by all other States, Counties, Cities, etc. Upon doing this, there are about 8 States that will immediately honor Utah's CCW permits. That's 8 more States where you can travel with the safety and security of your legally carried self defense weapon. HB 376 would also allow off duty police officers from out of State to CCW in Utah. Currently, they may only do so if they are on "official business." It is also important to note that under current Utah law we do not honor permits from places like California even though their requirements are MUCH more stringent (and discriminatory) than our own simply because in that (and several other States) the permits are not issued by the State, but are instead issued by the County or City. Some have, and will make a big deal of the fact that this bill would allow people from States with less stringent training requirements that Utah to CCW here. Bear in mind that Utah honors driver's licenses from all 50 States regardless of the local requirements to obtain that license. Also remember that there is no difference in the rate of problems with CCW permitees between Arizona which requires 16 hours of training and Washington State that has no training requirement and Utah that has minimal training. We expect this bill will be heard again by the House Judiciary Committee at their Wednesday, February 21st meeting which is at 7:00 am probably in Room 223. What we need to do: Contact Representatives Ron Bigelow and Ben Ferry and ask them to change their votes. They voted in favor of Cox's sabotage substitute, effectively voting against Donnelson's bill. These two are the closest we have to "swing votes" and some polite, but sure feedback may well swing them back in line. The other five who voted against us are very anti-gun and are not worth wasting any time on until the next election. They are Arent, Cox, Hendrickson, Tyler, Daniels. Faxes for any Rep. may be sent to House Fax Machine at 801-538-1908. Be sure the recipient's name is in large, bold print on the first page. Messages for any Rep. may be left during business hours with house operator at 801-538-1029. Ask her to "hand deliver" the message. Rep. Ron Bigelow may also be contacted at: (home) 801-968-4188 E-mail: Rep Ben Ferry may be contacted at: (home & office) 435-744-2997 (fax) 435-744-2999 E-mail: Again, please be polite but firm. Let these two know that you are disapointed in their vote to allow Cox to sabotage a perfectly reasonable bill that will make it easier, safer, and cheaper for Utahn's with CCW permits to travel in other States and to welcome law abiding citizens to our State. Ask them to change their vote and oppose HB 376 S2 (Cox's substitue) and support whatever amendments or substitutes Donnelson offers. We also need to contact those Representatives who voted with us (by voting against Cox's sabotage substitute) to thank them for their vote and to ask them to stand firm and support Donnelson's amendments or substitutes. A couple of those who voted with us were fairly quiet on the voice vote and only lent their full support when other members demanded a roll call vote. More evidence that holding legislators accountable for their votes tends to get them voting the right way. Again, please be polite, thank them for their vote, and ask them to support Donnelson's bill and to oppose Cox's sabotage substitute. Those who voted with us are: Way, Ferrin, Bennion, Bryson, Curtis, and Thompson. Faxes and messages may be left at the numbers given above. Email addresses are (please us bcc field if you email all at once): ; ; ; ; ; Home Phone numbers: Way 801-798-2295 Ferrin (home) 801-224-6823 (office) 801-224-9867 Bennion (home) 801-281-1607 (office) 801-468-2876 (fax) 801-288-2144 Bryson 801-226-2061 Curtis (home) 801-943-3091 (office) 801-942-7464 Thompson (home) 801-226-5032 (office) 801-223-9044 Again, these are the guys who voted with us. Please thank them and ask them to continue to oppose Cox's efforts to derail a good bill. Ask them to support Donnelson. HB 345 Vermont Carry Rep. Mike Thomson's HB 345 "Vermont Carry" is scheduled to be heard by the same House Judiciary Committee this Wednesday, February 21st at 7:00 am in room 223. Please contact the above members of the committee and ask them to support Thompson's HB 345. This bill would, in most instances, remove criminal penalaties for carrying a concealed weapon without a permit. Utah's CCW permit system would remain in place for those who wanted a permit either for travel to other States, to avoid the background check when buying a gun, or to carry in one of few places where those without permits would not be able to carry. In short, this bill would bring Utah's Statutes in line with Utah's Constitution by recognizing a RIGHT to carry a gun for self defense rather than just a privelege granted by the State. To have this bill drafted, introduced, and released from Rules Committee to a Standing committee is a HUGE success that we only dreamed of just last year. In any contacts with Rep. Thompson, please be sure to thank him for sponsoring this bill. The good freshman representative is not even a gun owner. He has done this because he believes it is the right thing to do and he has taken heat for it. ATTEND the HEARING. Friends, it was an awesome sight today to see the hearing room packed with pro-gun people. We need to do it again and have an even larger turn out this Wednesday. This is a small room. If we all show up and all arrive early, there is no reason we cannot pack the room and the hall way outside so that anti-gunners cannot even get in, much less find a seat. Let's give our friends this show of support and deny our enemies any comfort. The hearing starts at 7:00 am so many of us should be able to attend before we head off to work. The room is small, I fully expect that the anti-gun forces will be out in strength, and we want to pack the room, so please arrive early--6:45 at the latest. 6:30 would be ideal. Bring some hot cocoa or coffee or OJ and enjoy being able to turn out to support a couple of good bills for a change. Most of us will probably have to go straight to work after the hearing, but if at all possible please dress in your Business or Sunday best or at least "business casual." There are restrooms where I would suspect you can change into work clothes if you need to. If you simply must wear work clothes please avoid Tshirst with slogans. If any of you are particularly gifted or have special experience that may be relevant and would like to testify or speak, plese let me or Dr. Sarah Thompson with UTGOA know. We'll do what we can to coordinate our side. We could particularly use a police officer or two. Rep. Gary Cox is a police officer and we need to counter his influence with other officers who do trust law abiding citizens to exercise their rights in a peacful, responsible manner. Finally, please forward this message to anyone who may not receive it directly. AGAIN: HOUSE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE HEARING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21ST, 7:00 AM ROOM 223 PLEASE ARRIVE NO LATER THAN 6:45 AM. - ---------------- Charles Hardy ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 09:18:03 -0700 From: Scott Bergeson Subject: Outreach Ashcroft may teach lefties to love guns - ---------- by Knute Berger "[T]he time is ripe for liberals to overcome their Second-Amendment reluctance, embrace gun rights, praise Gaia and pass the ammunition. It's time to test the tolerance of the Bush administration's new chief law enforcement officer by seeing how far he'll go to protect those who also abhor tyranny, but from the opposite end of the political spectrum." (02/13/01) - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 10:55:48 -0700 From: charles hardy Subject: Biatholon Article A great article on the biatholon in today's SLTrib. A few excerpts: Utahns will have a chance to see the world's finest biathletes compete when the sport's World Cup tour stops at Soldier Hollow for a pre-Olympic test Feb. 28-March 3. In recent years, the populated Middle European nations have come to the fore, resulting in a surge in biathlon's television ratings that eclipse those of other snow sports Ñ even prime-time ski jumping, which is like a religion in Finland and Japan. Lyle Nelson, the Salt Lake Organizing Committee's biathlon program manager, estimates 35 million TV viewers in Europe will tune into live prime-time coverage of the Utah World Cup biathlon. "It's far and away the biggest TV promotion SLOC is doing," Nelson said. More countries partipate in Olympic biathlon than in any other winter sport, Nelson says. About 200 biathletes from 32 nations, including Argentina, Chile, Greece and Korea, are expected to compete next week. ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 19:17:46 -0700 From: charles hardy Subject: Fw: [UTGOA] URGENT!! CONCEALED CARRY RECOGNITION IN DANGER! Same info as in my most recent post, but with some different ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control - --------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Sarah Thompson To: Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 17:48:50 -0700 Subject: [UTGOA] URGENT!! CONCEALED CARRY RECOGNITION IN DANGER! Apologies if this is a duplicate. We're having server problems. YOUR HELP IS NEEDED RIGHT AWAY! HB 376S3 (3rd substitute)- Concealed Carry Recognition was passed by the House Judiciary Committee today. This bill will recognize concealed carry permits from any state or county in the US. It will also make it possible for Utah permittees to carry in many states, such as Florida, where they currently are not allowed to carry. It will save money, and more important, it will save lives. HB 376S3 is expected to have its FINAL House vote tomorrow - Thursday. Rep. Gary Cox is once again trying to sabotage it. He thinks we are disorganized and won't be able to contact legislators in time to stop him. We need to prove him WRONG! What you must do RIGHT NOW! Call your OWN REPRESENTATIVE at home this evening!. Tell him/her you expect a YES vote on HB 376S3 - with NO amendments and NO changes. It's fine the way it is. Make sure s/he understands that you think this is the most important bill (or one of them) this year and that you will be very unhappy if it doesn't pass as is. Utah Gun Owners Alliance will post votes as soon as they are available. If you are unable to reach your legislator, leave a message at 801-538-1029. DO NOT THREATEN LEGISLATORS! Also call the following members of House leadership at home this evening: Speaker Marty Stephens Rep. Kevin Garn Rep. David Ure Rep. Greg Curtis Tell them you expect House Republican leadership to take an active role in making sure that HB 376S3 passes as is, with no amendments. Remind them that it is their job to make sure that Republicans abide by their party platform and support gun rights. You should also leave a message for Speaker Stephens at 801-538-1930. Messages for the rest can be left at 801-538-1029. Remember that messages get lost and thrown out, so it's MUCH better to call legislators at home. You can also send faxes to 538-1908 (R) or 538-9505 (D) Find your representative at: Full Roster of Utah Representatives: Dis Pty Name Phone Fax E-Mail 01 D Anderson 435-854-3760 02 R Ferry 435-744-2997 435-744-2999 03 R Buttars 435-258-5015 435-258-2559 04 R Pace 435-753-6154 435-753-5013 05 R Parker 435-245-6275 435-245-7555 06 R Stephens 801-731-5346 801-538-1908 07 R Donnelson 801-782-2640 08 R Murray 801-393-7062 09 D Hansen 801-393-1514 801-392-8011 10 D Shurtliff 801-479-0289 11 R Saunders 801-476-1110 12 R Adair 801-773-2125 801-773-9927 13 R Ray 801-774-0624 801-778-8427 14 R Bush 801-825-3210 801-825-3210 15 R Aagard 801-546-3935 801-726-8500 16 R Garn 801-544-3533 801-776-0214 17 R Dillree 801-451-2773 801-451-6116 18 R Barrus 801-292-7988 19 R Allen 801-295-8576 801-402-5218 20 R Siddoway 801-292-4185 801-294-4135 21 D Gowans 435-882-2120 22 D Duckworth 801-250-0728 801-252-1384 23 D Bourdeaux 801-596-8784 801-596-9085 24 D Becker 801-364-1656 801-355-2090 25 D Daniels 801-582-8080 801-583-0802 26 D Fife 801-521-7383 801-521-6456 27 D Litvack 801-596-0187 28 R Bradshaw 801-581-9646 801-581-9646 29 D Goodfellow 801-968-0626 801-957-3380 30 D Biskupski 801-484-8369 31 D McCartney 801-466-3558 32 R Bigelow 801-968-4188 33 D Hendrickson 801-969-8920 801-955-5143 34 R Holdaway 801-964-6360 35 D Buffmire 801-266-1862 36 R Tyler 801-272-1218 801-585-9291 37 D Moss 801-272-6507 38 D Cox 801-967-9760 801-562-2105 39 D Beshear 801-957-0840 801-964-8080 40 D Jones 801-278-7667 801-322-5725 41 D Arent 801-272-1956 801-538-9505 42 R Wallace 801-233-9041 43 R Harper 801-566-5466 44 R Bennion 801-281-1607 801-288-2144 45 R Philpot 801-568-7787 46 D Morgan 801-943-0067 801-943-9614 47 R Holladay 801-280-6404 801-619-7019 48 D Beck 801-572-2325 801-572-9347 49 R Curtis 801-943-3091 50 R Newbold 801-254-0142 51 R Swallow 801-572-8201 52 R Hogue 801-254-1668 801-253-7568 53 R Ure 435-783-4650 435-783-4650 54 R Snow 435-722-4162 55 R Seitz 435-789-0650 435-789-1551 56 R Cox 801-768-8759 801-768-8759 57 R Winn 801-319-4471 801-226-5207 58 R Ferrin 801-224-6823 801-235-9122 59 R Thompson 801-226-5032 60 R Bryson 801-226-2061 61 R Dayton 801-221-0623 801-221-2513 62 R Alexander 801-375-1092 801-852-2258 63 R Clark 801-374-6927 801-375-1271 64 R Lockhart 801-377-7428 65 R Throckmorton 801-489-8342 801-489-8342 66 R Way 801-798-2295 67 R Peterson 435-623-2271 68 R Styler 435-864-3077 435-864-5660 69 D King 435-637-7955 435-637-2433 70 R Johnson 435-529-3227 435-529-7444 71 D Young 435-259-4542 72 R Bowman 435-586-8174 435-586-8174 73 R Hatch 435-676-2214 435-676-2421 74 R Clark 435-628-5108 435-628-0178 75 R Urquhart 435-673-4424 Please do everything you can to make sure that HB 376S3 passes the House with NO amendments! Thank you! Copyright 2001, Utah Gun Owners Alliance, Inc. and Sarah Thompson PO Box 1185 Sandy, UT 84091 801-566-1625 PLEASE SUPPORT UTAH GUN OWNERS ALLIANCE! JOIN US TODAY! Did someone forward this to you? Please SUBSCRIBE NOW! That way you'll receive our FREE alerts as soon as they're released. During the legislative session, we send urgent, time limited alerts. Don't risk missing important information because someone else neglected to forward important information. Our alerts are low volume and average less than one alert per day. To subscribe to the UTGOA list, send a blank email to or use the form on our web site, For more information, see UTGOA is written and distributed by, Utah Gun Owners Alliance, Inc., and Sarah Thompson, M.D. All information contained in these alerts is the responsibility of the author, unless otherwise attributed. Permission is granted for distribution of these alerts so long as no changes are made, UTGOA is clearly credited, and this message is left intact. Archives of the UTGOA alerts can be found at: Utah Gun Owners Alliance, Inc. is a Utah non-profit corporation. ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 13:41:11 -0700 From: charles hardy Subject: HB 376 S3 -- Concealed Carry Recognition Due for Vote between 2 and 3 pm today Rep. Donnelon's HB 376 S3 that would recognize all out of State concealed carry permits as well as allowing off duty police officers to carry their weapons while visiting Utah is due to be voted on by the full house sometime this afternoon. It looks like we've done a pretty decent job of contacting legislators in the last 16 hours on this judging from the comments I received from legislators or their wives as I called them last night. Now is the time for the final push to get this good bill past the house, intact, and sent to the Senate. Legislators and House leadership really need to come back from their lunch breaks to find a stack of messages in favor of this bill waiting for them. Please, take a few minutes and do two things. 1: Email House Leadership and your Representative asking them to support HB 376 S3 while opposing any efforts to amend or further substitute it. Cut and paste addresses and sample email below. 2: Call or fax House Speaker Marty Stephens and your own legislator at the capital again asking them to support HB 376 S3 while opposing any efforts to amend or futher substitute it. Contact info below. At this point, volume, rather than content is what really matters. Phone messages can be simply, "Please support HB 376 S3. Please oppose any amendments or further substitutes." Faxes and emails need be no longer than the sample below. Phone messages for Speaker Stephens may be left by calling 801-538-1930. Phone messages for all other House members may be left by calling 801-538-1029. Ask that these mesages be "hand delivered." Faxes may be sent to Republican House members at 801-538-1908. Faxes may be sent to Democratic House members at 801-538-9505. In either case make sure the legislator's name is in large, clear, print on the first page of the fax. - --------house leadership email addresses----------------- ; ; ; ; ; - ------------------------------------------ - -------------Sample email / fax --------------------------- subject: Please support HB 376 S3, please oppose all further substitutes or amendments Dear Honorable Representative; I'm writing to ask you to support HB 376 S3 in its current form, as intended by its sponsor, Rep. Donnelson. Please oppose any further, hostile efforts, from either side of the aisle, to substitute or amend this good bill. This bill will save Utahn's money and time. It will also increase our safety. I consider this an extremely important bill. Please ensure that it passes the house intact. Please let me know your position on this bill. Sincerely name address - -------------------------------------------------------- ====================== Full list of Representatives' names and emails. Don't bother calling the phone numbers below. They won't get those messages until after they've voted. Call them at the capital number given above. Fax them at one of the faxes given above. Dis Pty Name Phone Fax E-Mail 01 D Anderson 435-854-3760 02 R Ferry 435-744-2997 435-744-2999 03 R Buttars 435-258-5015 435-258-2559 04 R Pace 435-753-6154 435-753-5013 05 R Parker 435-245-6275 435-245-7555 06 R Stephens 801-731-5346 801-538-1908 07 R Donnelson 801-782-2640 08 R Murray 801-393-7062 09 D Hansen 801-393-1514 801-392-8011 10 D Shurtliff 801-479-0289 11 R Saunders 801-476-1110 12 R Adair 801-773-2125 801-773-9927 13 R Ray 801-774-0624 801-778-8427 14 R Bush 801-825-3210 801-825-3210 15 R Aagard 801-546-3935 801-726-8500 16 R Garn 801-544-3533 801-776-0214 17 R Dillree 801-451-2773 801-451-6116 18 R Barrus 801-292-7988 19 R Allen 801-295-8576 801-402-5218 20 R Siddoway 801-292-4185 801-294-4135 21 D Gowans 435-882-2120 22 D Duckworth 801-250-0728 801-252-1384 23 D Bourdeaux 801-596-8784 801-596-9085 24 D Becker 801-364-1656 801-355-2090 25 D Daniels 801-582-8080 801-583-0802 26 D Fife 801-521-7383 801-521-6456 27 D Litvack 801-596-0187 28 R Bradshaw 801-581-9646 801-581-9646 29 D Goodfellow 801-968-0626 801-957-3380 30 D Biskupski 801-484-8369 31 D McCartney 801-466-3558 32 R Bigelow 801-968-4188 33 D Hendrickson 801-969-8920 801-955-5143 34 R Holdaway 801-964-6360 35 D Buffmire 801-266-1862 36 R Tyler 801-272-1218 801-585-9291 37 D Moss 801-272-6507 38 D Cox 801-967-9760 801-562-2105 39 D Beshear 801-957-0840 801-964-8080 40 D Jones 801-278-7667 801-322-5725 41 D Arent 801-272-1956 801-538-9505 42 R Wallace 801-233-9041 43 R Harper 801-566-5466 44 R Bennion 801-281-1607 801-288-2144 45 R Philpot 801-568-7787 46 D Morgan 801-943-0067 801-943-9614 47 R Holladay 801-280-6404 801-619-7019 48 D Beck 801-572-2325 801-572-9347 49 R Curtis 801-943-3091 50 R Newbold 801-254-0142 51 R Swallow 801-572-8201 52 R Hogue 801-254-1668 801-253-7568 53 R Ure 435-783-4650 435-783-4650 54 R Snow 435-722-4162 55 R Seitz 435-789-0650 435-789-1551 56 R Cox 801-768-8759 801-768-8759 57 R Winn 801-319-4471 801-226-5207 58 R Ferrin 801-224-6823 801-235-9122 59 R Thompson 801-226-5032 60 R Bryson 801-226-2061 61 R Dayton 801-221-0623 801-221-2513 62 R Alexander 801-375-1092 801-852-2258 63 R Clark 801-374-6927 801-375-1271 64 R Lockhart 801-377-7428 65 R Throckmorton 801-489-8342 801-489-8342 66 R Way 801-798-2295 67 R Peterson 435-623-2271 68 R Styler 435-864-3077 435-864-5660 69 D King 435-637-7955 435-637-2433 70 R Johnson 435-529-3227 435-529-7444 71 D Young 435-259-4542 72 R Bowman 435-586-8174 435-586-8174 73 R Hatch 435-676-2214 435-676-2421 74 R Clark 435-628-5108 435-628-0178 75 R Urquhart 435-673-4424 ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - - ------------------------------ End of utah-firearms-digest V2 #206 ***********************************