From: (zorn-list Digest) To: Subject: zorn-list Digest V2 #92 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: zorn-list Digest Thursday, August 7 1997 Volume 02 : Number 092 In this issue: I Dream of Zorno Re: Naked City Notation Re: I Dream of Kagel Re: new evidence on historical masada (no music content) Re: Naked City Notation masada liner notes (reprise) Re: Krystof Komeda Re: William S. Burroughs, dead at 83 Re: new evidence on historical masada (no music content) Re: new evidence on historical masada (no music content) Re: new evidence on historical masada (no music content) Re: William S. Burroughs, dead at 83 Re: Krystof Komeda Re: William S. Burroughs, dead at 83 masada liner notes (reprise) Re: William S. Burroughs, dead at 83 Re: I Dream of Zorno RE: Mick Harris See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the zorn-list or zorn-list-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 5 Aug 1997 16:44:58 +0000 From: "Charles Gillett" Subject: I Dream of Zorno I've never actually seen Zorn in person, nor have I seen any video or other motion footage of him. I've seen a few pictures. Nonetheless, a few days ago I had a dream which featured him prominantly. I was in a smallish rectangular club with the stage along one of the long walls. The band was Naked City. They were tuning up, preparing for the gig, and I was wandering around looking at the small piles of CDs they had brought. They all looked similar and seemed to be benefit albums of some sort. At some point Zorn said that they were for "his kids," in such a way that it was obvious that he didn't mean his biological children. The band played one song. I think it may have been the first track from Radio, but I can't recall for sure. After it was over, Zorn announced the sponsors for the concert. He had two bottles of what appeared to be shampoo, and he described the effects of each product in lewd, lecherous detail, as if they could boost a person's sexual appeal and ability. The crowd chuckled at this--"Oh, that Zorn, what a crazy guy"--but then the scene changed movie-style and I was seeing Zorn from the middle-chest up, lying in a large, round hot tub. He was drinking from the aforementioned bottles, making quite a mess, and babbling. "Ahhhhrhghgsexhmmmmm" and suchlike. Then I woke up. Comments, Mr. Freud? Back in the "real" world, can anyone point me toward a website or book dealing with Mauricio Kagel? I've heard "Der Schall" and I have one CD, "zwei akte/rrrrrrr...: 5 jazzstucke/blue's blue," both of which have some biographical liner notes. I'm not sure what I'm looking for. "More info." I think it's interesting that Kagel was an influence on Zorn as a youngster, and now they're essentially contemporaries as composers. I wonder if they're in contact with each other. While I'm at it, can anyone recommend any works by reed player Michael Riessler? I like his work on the Kagel CD and I see that he has at least one CD out on Enja. Thanks. - -- Charles ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 5 Aug 1997 15:05:23 -0800 From: Herb Levy Subject: Re: Naked City Notation The Naked City things are all pretty much notated, though some of the stylistic shifts are just noted as such, without exact pitches. So much of these pieces have to do with the sound and repertoire for the instruments involved, playing them on piano might seem like watching a colorized movie. There IS a recent piece for solo piano, so far unreleased, but perhaps already recorded, called Carny, written for Stephen Drury, who has perfomed and recorded lots of John Cage's music, as well as many pieces by Zorn. & While I'm not sure what Teemu has seen, I'm willing to bet that what he describes as a >copy of >hilarious roadrunner-inspired score for accordion, is the actual score of the piece which has many cartoon's cut out & pasted on it, & lots of descriptive, non-strictly notated sections. Herb Levy ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 05 Aug 1997 15:29:55 -0700 From: john shiurba Subject: Re: I Dream of Kagel > Back in the "real" world, can anyone point me toward a website or > book dealing with Mauricio Kagel? I've heard "Der Schall" and > I have one CD, "zwei akte/rrrrrrr...: 5 jazzstucke/blue's blue," > both of which have some biographical liner notes. I'm not sure > what I'm looking for. "More info." I think it's interesting that > Kagel was an influence on Zorn as a youngster, and now they're > essentially contemporaries as composers. I kind of doubt that Kagel would agree. (nor do I, really) I don't know of any Kagel websites, but I can highly recommend any of his music up to about 1970, after that I've found it to be a bit spotty. the great DG lps have got to come back into print one of these days... Der Schall, Match, Ludwig Van are all great. There's a CD of his great sting quartets on Accord. - -- ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 05 Aug 1997 22:55:20 -0400 From: "ALAN E. KAYSER" Subject: Re: new evidence on historical masada (no music content) Friedrich Feger wrote: > hi, > > Yesterday I read in the newspaper that on the 50th birthday party of > the > digging of the "masada-graves" (or something like that) new historical > > evidence was presented. Since Zorn apparently named a band after this, > I > thought it might be of interest to some of you. As I remember the > article, > in the sixities there were lifted some bones of 25 jews that were said > to > have killed themselves in order not to become slaves of the romans. > And of > course this was made a big symbol by the young Israel (some of you > will > know a lot better than I do...). Now one archeologist showed that the > bones > were of roman legionaires, which did not at all kill themselves. And > it > were only five. And he showed that the scientist who originally found > and > analyzed the bones knew all this. > > (I'm not there for one week, consequently there will be no answer on > comments before say next Tuesday) > > Fritz. Masada was the final stronghold of the Jewish uprising against the Roman invaders. The defenders, numbering almost 1000 men, women, and children, committed suicide. There were only seven who survived. The rebellion was crushed and the Temple was not rebuilt, courtesy of the Romans. Fact, not fiction. As far as I know none of the survivors is around today to revise the facts. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 Aug 1997 09:45:08 +0200 (GMT+0200) From: Subject: Re: Naked City Notation On Tue, 5 Aug 1997, Herb Levy wrote: > & While I'm not sure what Teemu has seen, I'm willing to bet that what he > describes as a > > >copy of > >hilarious roadrunner-inspired score for accordion, > > is the actual score of the piece which has many cartoon's cut out & pasted > on it, & lots of descriptive, non-strictly notated sections. it is. screens and characters cut out from roadrunner, bugs bunny cartoons, etc... also has one of the hellist notated passages. one section consists of improvised dance style: little polka, tango, waltz... each lasting about one second... teemu :::: e-mail :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::: ruumen: ::::::::::::::: 'You only got one finger left and it's pointing at the door' - beck - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 Aug 1997 12:19:59 -0400 From: "mcbride/turner" Subject: masada liner notes (reprise) hi! this is my second posting to zorn-list. it's identical to the first except i'm no longer nervous... sorry to be repetitive; maybe y'all can consider it creative looping: i recently bought masada alef (diw 888) and was taunted by some very thoughtful-looking liner notes, in japanese! does anyone know where i can find an english translation of these notes? thanks, robert turner ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 16:11:03 +1000 (EST) From: James Douglas Knox Subject: Re: Krystof Komeda On Tue, 5 Aug 1997, BJOERN wrote: > i know this guy isnt really list related but hmmmmmmmmm maybe i can make > him list related if i say that Naked city played a coverversion of his > "rosemary`s baby"-theme......... > are there any sources on the net where i can order it????? Dunno the answer to this one, but; > which other films have the music of komeda in it??? Remember reading about Komeda in Polanski's auto-bio (think its just called "Roman") - Komeda was a Polish jazz guy (a pianist? from memory), a hell-raising mate of Polanski's, who learned his riffs from Radio Free Europe and Voice of America. He scored all Polanski's early features (dunno for sure, but probably the shorts too): "Knife In The Water", "Cul De Sac" - but not "Repulsion", which has a great score by Chico Hamilton. I think he skipped Poland the same time as Polanski. Dunno anything else; sorry - I hope this is helpful. Cheers, Jim ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 16:19:04 +1000 (EST) From: James Douglas Knox Subject: Re: William S. Burroughs, dead at 83 On Sun, 3 Aug 1997, Dave Trenkel wrote: > > > Geez, what a couple of days it's been, Fela Kuti died friday as well Where did you hear this from? I read a (maybe apocryphal) reference to Fela in _The Wire_ last year - one of their hacks reckoned Fela was detained in a Nigerian prison. And while it wouldn't suprise me, I never could get any confirmation of it. But its a shocking thing if those fuckers have done him in while he's in custody. Anyways; I'd appreciate any other details that might be to hand somewhere. Cheers, Jim ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 16:44:02 +1000 (EST) From: James Douglas Knox Subject: Re: new evidence on historical masada (no music content) On Tue, 5 Aug 1997, ALAN E. KAYSER wrote: > > Masada was the final stronghold of the Jewish uprising against the Roman > invaders. The defenders, numbering almost 1000 men, women, and > children, committed suicide. There were only seven who survived. The > rebellion was crushed and the Temple was not rebuilt, courtesy of the > Romans. Fact, not fiction. Well, sorry; but "fact" is still the domain of empirical evidence - you zealots (of whatever persuasion) haven't annexed this territory just yet. And I don't seek to diminish the symbolic significance of the place, but y'know - it ain't necessarily so. > As far as I know none of the survivors is around today to revise the > facts. As far as I know you weren't alive in 54 AD - so you wouldn't have a fucking clue! Quasi-historical anecdote/political propaganda does not consitute "facts" - unless you are some bone-headed nazi. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 16:44:02 +1000 (EST) From: James Douglas Knox Subject: Re: new evidence on historical masada (no music content) On Tue, 5 Aug 1997, ALAN E. KAYSER wrote: > > Masada was the final stronghold of the Jewish uprising against the Roman > invaders. The defenders, numbering almost 1000 men, women, and > children, committed suicide. There were only seven who survived. The > rebellion was crushed and the Temple was not rebuilt, courtesy of the > Romans. Fact, not fiction. Well, sorry; but "fact" is still the domain of empirical evidence - you zealots (of whatever persuasion) haven't annexed this territory just yet. And I don't seek to diminish the symbolic significance of the place, but y'know - it ain't necessarily so. > As far as I know none of the survivors is around today to revise the > facts. As far as I know you weren't alive in 54 AD - so you wouldn't have a fucking clue! Quasi-historical anecdote/political propaganda does not consitute "facts" - unless you are some bone-headed nazi. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Aug 1997 08:42:24 -0400 From: "ALAN E. KAYSER" Subject: Re: new evidence on historical masada (no music content) James Douglas Knox wrote: > On Tue, 5 Aug 1997, ALAN E. KAYSER wrote: > > > > Masada was the final stronghold of the Jewish uprising against the > Roman > > invaders. The defenders, numbering almost 1000 men, women, and > > children, committed suicide. There were only seven who survived. > The > > rebellion was crushed and the Temple was not rebuilt, courtesy of > the > > Romans. Fact, not fiction. > > Well, sorry; but "fact" is still the domain of empirical evidence - > you zealots (of whatever persuasion) haven't annexed this territory > just > yet. And I don't seek to diminish the symbolic significance of the > place, > but y'know - it ain't necessarily so. > > > As far as I know none of the survivors is around today to revise the > > > facts. > > As far as I know you weren't alive in 54 AD - so you wouldn't have > a fucking clue! Quasi-historical anecdote/political propaganda does > not > consitute "facts" - unless you are some bone-headed nazi. I'm amazed that your "brain" can work up enough energy to type. How do you get your knuckles to work after scraping on the ground all day. BTW, if you can read - buy a book. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 16:19:04 +1000 (EST) From: James Douglas Knox Subject: Re: William S. Burroughs, dead at 83 On Sun, 3 Aug 1997, Dave Trenkel wrote: > > > Geez, what a couple of days it's been, Fela Kuti died friday as well Where did you hear this from? I read a (maybe apocryphal) reference to Fela in _The Wire_ last year - one of their hacks reckoned Fela was detained in a Nigerian prison. And while it wouldn't suprise me, I never could get any confirmation of it. But its a shocking thing if those fuckers have done him in while he's in custody. Anyways; I'd appreciate any other details that might be to hand somewhere. Cheers, Jim ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 16:11:03 +1000 (EST) From: James Douglas Knox Subject: Re: Krystof Komeda On Tue, 5 Aug 1997, BJOERN wrote: > i know this guy isnt really list related but hmmmmmmmmm maybe i can make > him list related if i say that Naked city played a coverversion of his > "rosemary`s baby"-theme......... > are there any sources on the net where i can order it????? Dunno the answer to this one, but; > which other films have the music of komeda in it??? Remember reading about Komeda in Polanski's auto-bio (think its just called "Roman") - Komeda was a Polish jazz guy (a pianist? from memory), a hell-raising mate of Polanski's, who learned his riffs from Radio Free Europe and Voice of America. He scored all Polanski's early features (dunno for sure, but probably the shorts too): "Knife In The Water", "Cul De Sac" - but not "Repulsion", which has a great score by Chico Hamilton. I think he skipped Poland the same time as Polanski. Dunno anything else; sorry - I hope this is helpful. Cheers, Jim ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 09:04:50 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: William S. Burroughs, dead at 83 Long-time musician and Nigerian regime's bugbear Fela dead Augusr 2 1997 Agence France-Presse LAGOS (August 2, 1997 6:04 p.m. EDT) - Fela Anikulapo-Kuti, the popular musician who died Saturday, was also a political activist, would-be president, advocate of marijuana, and a long-standing thorn in the flesh of the Nigerian authorities. Fela, 58, who died peacefully in his sleep according to his brother Olikoye Ransome-Kuti, had been arrested, detained and imprisoned more than a dozen times in the past 20 years because of his criticism of the authorities. Only last April he was arrested and formally charged with possession of drugs. He was granted bail after two weeks in detention, and the charge was dropped last month. Fela's many feats include marrying a total of 27 wives on the same day in 1978, most of whom were dancers and singers in his band, which he formed in London in 1959. His first brush with the law dates back to 1974 when he released his famous album "Zombie," generally considered by the military authorities in power as a diatribe levelled at them. Nursing presidential ambitions, Fela launched a political association, the Movement of the People, after a ban on political activities was lifted in 1978. He envisaged standing for presidential elections in 1979 but failed to win approval from the authorities. In 1984, he was arrested and charged with currency trafficking and sentenced to 10 years imprisonment. He was released two years later following reports that the judge who sentenced him apologised when he visited the musician in prison. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 Aug 1997 12:19:59 -0400 From: "mcbride/turner" Subject: masada liner notes (reprise) hi! this is my second posting to zorn-list. it's identical to the first except i'm no longer nervous... sorry to be repetitive; maybe y'all can consider it creative looping: i recently bought masada alef (diw 888) and was taunted by some very thoughtful-looking liner notes, in japanese! does anyone know where i can find an english translation of these notes? thanks, robert turner ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Aug 97 9:37:39 EDT From: M.Ho Subject: Re: William S. Burroughs, dead at 83 > > On Sun, 3 Aug 1997, Dave Trenkel wrote: > > > > > Geez, what a couple of days it's been, Fela Kuti died friday as well > > Where did you hear this from? I read a (maybe apocryphal) reference to > Fela in _The Wire_ last year - one of their hacks reckoned Fela was > detained in a Nigerian prison. And while it wouldn't suprise me, I > never could get any confirmation of it. But its a shocking thing if those > fuckers have done him in while he's in custody. > > Anyways; I'd appreciate any other details that might be to hand somewhere. > I had heard that he died from AIDS inflicted complications. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 11:42:41 -0500 From: (Nathan M Earixson) Subject: Re: I Dream of Zorno YOu know, I;m in the same boat, as in not seeing live preformances, etc. But I also had a dream a bout John Zorn. I was in some sort of theater, and Zorn was sitting in between myself and Wayne Horvitz. I kept trying to ask wayne about aa album of his that I had seen recently, but John kept interrupting. That was it. I later went on to have a nightmare about unions. ***************************************** "Next" - -"Melville". ***************************************** ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 15:34:39 -0500 From: Marc Foster Subject: RE: Mick Harris On Monday, July 28, Christopher Hamilton wrote If you're talking about _Somnific Flux_, it's the most minimal, darkest ambient I've heard. If that sounds appealing, you'll probably like it. Thanks, I'm buying it. Has anyone heard the Harris/Toop/Lilith/Locust = album that I can't remember how to spell, but is something like = L'Inacheve? I'm interested in it, but I'm not familiar with Locust and = Lilith. Any information/ opinions would be appreciated. Marc A. Foster =20 ------------------------------ End of zorn-list Digest V2 #92 ****************************** To subscribe to zorn-list Digest, send the command: subscribe zorn-list-digest in the body of a message to "". 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