From: (Zorn List Digest) To: Subject: Zorn List Digest V2 #779 Reply-To: zorn-list Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk Zorn List Digest Thursday, October 21 1999 Volume 02 : Number 779 In this issue: - Masada in Antwerp ? Wee Willie MAZZACANE CONNORS & SUZANNE LANGILLE Re: MAZZACANE CONNORS & SUZANNE LANGILLE Re: CHAPIN ~ RE: RUINS in SF this Sunday! forget Masada in Antwerp Re: CHAPIN ~ FMP + coda magazine + accordians? Re: FMP + coda magazine + accordians? Masada songs in Middelheim Musings update Antwerp update Re: Categories for Filing / Chapin ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 18:11:34 +0200 From: "Rob Allaert" Subject: Masada in Antwerp ? This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_0015_01BF1B26.8AEC1C60 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_001_0016_01BF1B26.8AEC1C60" - ------=_NextPart_001_0016_01BF1B26.8AEC1C60 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, The Zorn ensemble that would come to Antwerp in November is supposed to be Masada. They would play in the Bourla theatre, Antwerp city. But it is not totally confirmed as for now. Rob - ------=_NextPart_001_0016_01BF1B26.8AEC1C60 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
The Zorn = ensemble that=20 would come to Antwerp in November is supposed to be Masada. They would = play in=20 the Bourla theatre, Antwerp city. But it is not totally confirmed as for = now.
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The Lineup is: John Zorn - sax (announced, but I think heīll only put the chairs for the musicians...?) Jennifer Choi - violin Erik Friedlander - cello Stephen Drury - piano William Winant - percussion - ----------------- Isnīt Winant on tour with Mr. Bungle until the end of november???? If so, I donīt think heīll be there... A ===== __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 15:14:05 -0400 From: David Keffer Subject: MAZZACANE CONNORS & SUZANNE LANGILLE I have a question about this duo. A few years ago I picked up Crucible by Mazzacane Connors & Suzanne Langille. I was a fan of Mazzacane Connors and knew nothing of Langille but the idea of Mazzacane Connors on guitar with female vocalist sounds good to me. Upon listening however, I discovered that this record was a disappointment for 2 reasons. (1) Mazzacane Connors and Langille didn't appear on the same tracks. They alternated tracks: one solo guitar, the next solo voice, etc. (2) The vocalist was reading some poetry, not singing. I am a fan of Mazzacane Connors so I enjoyed the solo guitar but advertising it as a guitar/vocal duet was deceitful, IMHO. Two questions: I know there are some folks on this list informed on this topic so now I ask regarding the quartet, Haunted House, on Erstwhile, with Loren MazzaCane Connors (guitar), Suzanne Langille (vocals), Andrew Burnes (guitar), Neel Murgai (Persian daf). Do Mazzacane Connors and Langille play together on the same tracks? Second, is Langille singing or speaking on this release? More questions: What is a Persian daf? Are there non-Persian dafs? Thanks. David K. - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 12:28:07 -0700 (PDT) From: Tom Pratt Subject: Re: MAZZACANE CONNORS & SUZANNE LANGILLE - --- David Keffer wrote: > > I have a question about this duo. > > A few years ago I picked up Crucible by Mazzacane > Connors & Suzanne Langille. Upon listening however, > I discovered that this record was a disappointment > for 2 reasons. (1) Mazzacane Connors and Langille > didn't appear on the same tracks. They alternated > tracks: one solo guitar, the next solo voice, etc. > (2) The vocalist was reading some poetry, not > singing. I am a fan of Mazzacane Connors so I > enjoyed the solo guitar but advertising it as a > guitar/vocal duet was deceitful, IMHO. I like 'The Crucible' quite a bit. Langille actually *is* singing on her solo tunes. I love those tracks - the recording quality is so dry and reverb-less, making her voice sound really beautiful singing those simple blues tunes. She has a solo disc on Secretly Canadian (w/really limited backup from Loren) that I really want to hear. Regarding Haunted House: > Do Mazzacane Connors and Langille play together on > the same tracks? Yes. > Second, is Langille singing or speaking on this > release? She's most definitely singing. > What is a Persian daf? A percussion instrument. On the disc, Murgai uses it very sparingly to add texture, but at the groups recent shows, he's really been pounding out the rhythms. > Are there non-Persian dafs? Dunno. -Tom Pratt ===== __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 15:35:14 -0400 From: "Daniel L Brown" Subject: Re: CHAPIN ~ Menagerie Dreams has Zorn guesting on a couple tracks. I recommend that one. - ----- Original Message ----- From: Jason Tors To: Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 1999 03:47 PM Subject: CHAPIN ~ > Can someone suggest a good starter album? > > thanks! > > > - > - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 12:55:12 -0700 From: "Benito Vergara" Subject: RE: RUINS in SF this Sunday! > -----Original Message----- > From: > []On Behalf Of van Osdel, Eric > Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 1999 9:25 AM > You want to talk about kicking yourself? I live an hour away from San > Francisco, but I didn't get the message about the show until *MONDAY* > because of Stupid Email Server Tricks. Gah! Just don't kick yourselves for missing the Fushitsusha concert at the Bottom of the Hill, Friday night, November 12, in SF. Gaji and Subarachnoid Space will be playing from 10-12 or so. You've all been warned... Later, Ben ICQ# 12832406 - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 23:46:50 +0200 From: "Rob Allaert" Subject: forget Masada in Antwerp Hi, I guess that someone who told me he was close to the concert organizer, got it really wrong about Masada playing once again in Belgium. I would go for the Stephen Drury story. He should know, he's playing :-) Sorry about the confusion. Rob - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 11:04:56 +1000 (EST) From: Aaron Chee-Kean Chua Subject: Re: CHAPIN ~ my first experience with Chapin was Anima which i loved so much that i went back to get the Trio + Brass disc( which was on sale too!).the energy level on the trio +brass disc on some tracks is incredible. i think that disc was recorded live at the KF. the highlight for me perhaps on this discis Golgotham which is a pretty energetic piece that's nearly 20 minuteslong.( it's kind of weird how he's so out of breath and thanking the audiece but from the applause it doesn't sound as if there were many there on the night of the recording.) there are also a couple of short trio pieces on there too. Anima on the other hand is a studio recording (from memory).his flute playing on the last track Lift Off is pretty amazing. perhaps for sheer sweaty exuberance (+ the brass section gives you more bangfor your buck) start with the ...+brass disc. (mind you i haven't heard his other discs so perhaps take this with a pinch of salt...: ) ) just my 2 cents, aaron On Wed, 20 Oct 1999, Jason Tors wrote: > Can someone suggest a good starter album? > > thanks! > > > - > - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 23:19:05 -0500 (CDT) From: Whit Schonbein Subject: FMP + coda magazine + accordians? hello every one, perhaps someone on this list can help me. the clues are: latest issue of coda magazine, one-page review of three cds on FMP, one of the cds may contain the word 'cowws'. this cd was made by having performers record snippets which were later assembled by the composer. there is a picture of the composer in the upper right hand corner with two accordians or accordian-like instruments. the question is: who is the composer (this is driving me nuts) and what is the album. Sincere apologies if this has been discussed recently, as i recall some talk going on about FMP (but wasn't paying much attention). thanks! whit - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 00:30:01 EDT From: Subject: Re: FMP + coda magazine + accordians? In a message dated 10/21/99 12:22:21 AM, writes: << hello every one, perhaps someone on this list can help me. the clues are= : latest issue of coda magazine, one-page review of three cds on FMP, one of the cds may contain the word 'cowws'. this cd was made by having performers record snippets which were later assembled by the composer. there is a picture of the composer in the upper right hand corner with two accordians or accordian-like instruments. the question is: who is the composer (this is driving me nuts) and what is the album. Sincere apologies if this has been discussed recently, as i recall some talk going on about FMP (but wasn't paying much attention). >> I don't have the issue of Coda in question, but I'm sure this is it: OWN-90007/8/9:=A0=A0BOOK/VIRTUAL COWWS - R=FCdiger Carl=20 CDs 1 and 2: Bergisch-Brandenburgisches Quartett; R=FCdiger Carl solo;=20 Carl-Reichel duo; Carl-Thompson duo; Carl-Reichel-Altena; Carl-Sachse-Unruh;= =20 Carl-Schweitzer-Moholo; Carl-Schweitzer-Sommer;=20 Carl-Schweitzer-Dyani-Bennink; Cowws Quintett; Cowws Quintet + Lupa Herz;=20 Cowws Quintet + Mayo Thompson; Jailhouse; Main Quartett; Night and Day and=20 Lol Coxhill; September Band Recorded 1979-1996=20 CD 3: Cowws Quintet: R=FCdiger Carl: clarinet, accordion; Ir=E8ne Schweitzer= :=20 piano, percussion; Phil Wachsmann: violin, electronics; Stephen Wittwer:=20 guitar; Arjen Gorter: bass Recorded November 1996, Bern (173:00)=20 - ----------------------------------------------- Own is a sublabel of FMP. Jon - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 10:54:03 +0200 From: "Rob Allaert" Subject: Masada songs in Middelheim Hi, This might interest some of you. These are the tracks from "Masada live at Middelheim" and from which Masada album they came: Nevuah M7 Sippur Issachar Hath-Arob M7 Kedushah M9 Ne'eman M8 Karet M9 Kochot M9 Piram M2 Paran M5 Ashnah M1 Tahah M1 Having an official CD release on my first Masada live experience, it's just too much :-) Rob - Belgium. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 10:35:44 +0100 From: Subject: Musings update First of all, a note to let you know that (musings) has just been updated with reviews and MP3s of music from Peter Brotzmann to John Cage to Deplete Coitus. Pay us a visit at Secondly, it's always interesting to revisit the name game when it comes to genres. Personally I actually find it helpful when record shops have an "experimental" section. Usually it means there's someone there who's into the music and wants to promote it, and it does make browsing easier. FTR, when Richard Sanderson used to work in the jazz section of HMV on Oxford Street, London, he instituted a rather helpful "experimental" section which, on his departure, was promptly dismantled, and levels of stock for people like Derek Bailey have dropped as a result. Another anecdote: I used to shop at a place called Probe Records in Liverpool. It's not longer as good as it was for experimental stuff but it used to have a section headed "well weird" which I used to buy from almost blind, and discovered all sorts of people that way. My guess would be that, again, someone had an interest and wanted to help sales and that that person moved on. Probe is still OK, but not the bastion of avant oddness it used to be. Also, putting players like John Butcher in the classical section would be rather unexpected, and finding Braxton's orchestral pieces filed under "jazz" just feels silly. I understand Ken's points about possible racial undertones, and maybe the situations in the US and UK aren't directly comparable, but when a shop has a section headed "well weird" then I'm usually happy. Just some thoughts, Rich - ------------------------------------------------- (musings): reviews (with MP3s) of new improv, free jazz and avant-electronic releases. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 12:03:47 +0200 From: "Rob Allaert" Subject: Antwerp update Ok, This is confirmed information: Zorn ensemble (17 Nov 1999 at 8.00 PM) Bourla Schouwburg Komedieplaats 18 B-2000 Antwerp A, B, C seats A = 900 BEF C= 400 BEF Reservations: ++32-(0)3-224.88.44 Payment : 402-8136002-27 Go for it! Rob. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 11:17:45 GMT0BST From: DR S WILKIE Subject: Re: Categories for Filing / Chapin Not to rehash old ground (re: filing at home) but I was intrigued to discover both Ed Vesala's Lumi and Terje Rypdal's first ECm album filed under New Age/Relaxation in Cardiff Central Public Library. I'd recommend Anima as a Chapin start-up album, on the not- particularly scientific grounds that it was the first one i got, after hearing a trio concert broadcast, and I've never looked back ... it's raw and powerful, and also contains some particularly beautiful flautism (!?) - it's on Knitting Factory Works. Sean - - ------------------------------ End of Zorn List Digest V2 #779 ******************************* To unsubscribe from zorn-list-digest, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe zorn-list-digest" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. 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