From: (Zorn List Digest) To: Subject: Zorn List Digest V2 #873 Reply-To: zorn-list Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk Zorn List Digest Thursday, March 2 2000 Volume 02 : Number 873 In this issue: - RE: how it happened... Re: The United States of America (the band) Kowald (Re: How It Happened (young 'uns)) jazz! steps across the border(frith) frisell and npr RE: frisell and npr re: several posts RE: how it happened... re: extra Tom & Gerry chix'n'dudes/nike/u.s.a. (what list is this?) =?ISO-8859-1?Q?PROMO:=20Kevin=20Drumm/Martin=20T=E9treault-Parti?= =?ISO-8859-1?Q?cles=20and=20Smears=7F?= Re: jazz! Re: jazz! Lil' help/No girls here Re: united states of america / joe byrd Re: The United States of America (the band) Re: united states of america / joe byrd ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 01:30:51 -0800 (PST) From: SUGAR in their vitamins? Subject: RE: how it happened... On Wed, 1 Mar 2000, J. Kan wrote: > + The now sadly defunct nm-list, which was (I guess) the direct > ancestor to zorn-list. Is anybody else (other than mike rizzi) > still here? it's still around, just completely dormant. every few months, xby likes posting to it. hehehe hasta. Yes. Beautiful, wonderful nature. Hear it sing to us: *snap* Yes. natURE. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 01:44:10 -0800 (PST) From: SUGAR in their vitamins? Subject: Re: The United States of America (the band) On Wed, 1 Mar 2000, Dave Trenkel wrote: > It is out on CD, I have a copy around here somewhere, bought it ~8 months > ago. Wasn't hard to find. where did you find it? i've looked around amoeba and not found it. (but then again, i couldn't find any of the erstwhile records either! Jon - fyi, i found your recs at Streetlight down in san jose of all places! hehehe) hasta. Yes. Beautiful, wonderful nature. Hear it sing to us: *snap* Yes. natURE. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 10:53:07 +0100 (MET) From: Steve Berman Subject: Kowald (Re: How It Happened (young 'uns)) >>>>> "Nirav" == Nirav Soni writes: Nirav> Could anyone describe Peter Kowald's work? He's coming to Nirav> Orlando in a few days, and I'm curious to know what to Nirav> expect. I've heard him described as an "incredibly Nirav> resourceful bass player and multiphonic throat singer." The Nirav> first set is solo, and for the second, he will be Nirav> improvising with local drummer Micheal Welsch.[...] Kowald is one of the key musicians of so-called European free improvisation, and has been since the mid 60s. He's played in a very wide variety of settings, from solo and duo to small and midsize group to big band/orchestral, and I believe he's also played relatively mainstream jazz in addition to free jazz/free improv. His solo bass playing is wonderful, my impression is that it's generally (but not always) more melodic, more rhythmically regular, and less percussive than, say, Barry Guy's playing, but much more abstract than, say, Dave Holland's. His throat singing is used relatively sparingly, to good effect. His solo CD _Was da ist_ on FMP is superb, perhaps my favorite solo bass recording. For more info on Kowald see e.g.: and . - --Steve Berman - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 11:16:30 GMT+0100 From: "Jeroen de Boer" Subject: jazz! Hi all, Last weekend I was discussing the music of Dave Douglas with a friend. Besides effortlessly agreeing he is on of the most interesting musicians around, we were particularly talking about the projects he does with his quartet and sextet. With these groups he achieves on of the highest standards in jazz today, and made us wondering: is the most interesting mainstream-jazz today performed and composed by musicians coming from a "free" background? Jeroen np. Pita - Seven tons for free - ---------------------------------------- Jeroen de Boer co-initiator Cyberslag Foundation music director Open Electronic Festival Munnekeholm 10 9711JA Groningen The Netherlands tel: 031 (0)503637513 fax: 031 (0)503632209 - ---------------------------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 03:24:25 -0800 (PST) From: Tom Gatzen Subject: steps across the border(frith) anyone out there have a copy of the VHS or can make one for a trade???? Let me know.. Tom __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2000 06:57:43 -0500 From: "Caleb T. Deupree" Subject: frisell and npr There was an interesting story about Bill Frisell on NPR this morning, including some discussion and excerpts from his upcoming solo guitar (although multi-tracked) album coming out next week. Among the collaborators interviewed were Curtis Fowlkes and Victor Krause, and it also included discussion/excerpts from an album of jazz arrangements of songs by Elvis Costello and Burt Bacharach. Morning Edition repeats around here, so if you get this message in time you might catch it later this morning. - -- Caleb Deupree It is pretty obvious that the debasement of the human mind caused by a constant flow of fraudulent advertising is no trivial thing. There is more than one way to conquer a country. - -- Raymond Chandler - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 09:17:58 -0300 From: Linares Hugo Subject: RE: frisell and npr > There was an interesting story about Bill Frisell on NPR this morning, > including some discussion and excerpts from his upcoming solo guitar > > What d'you mean for NPR? Hugo - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 08:59:32 -0500 From: "Joslyn Layne" Subject: re: several posts first, Kurt's "GrAYting" post: i believe that a kanoon, or qanun, [i'm sure there are endless spelling variations] is a plucked zither. and i'd like to know more about Bunka, too... second, has the John Wall discussed here done engineering/mixing/sampling for others? i realize it's not the most uncommon name, but just wondered if he was the same guy on 13th floor elevators 'circus under the sky' -- probably not. and, to Scott Handley, or anyone else who is familiar with it: are there different issues of the Angry Women book? or is it just repressings that i'm seeing as multiple listings? And, Angry Women in Rock is also different? it's all on Re/Search, edited by Andrea Juno... joslyn - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2000 08:02:57 -0600 From: "Robert A. Pleshar" Subject: RE: how it happened... At least one more from nm-list days. I'm sure there are a few more. Ralph At 11:08 PM 3/1/00 -0500, J. Kan wrote: > + The now sadly defunct nm-list, which was (I guess) the direct > ancestor to zorn-list. Is anybody else (other than mike rizzi) > still here? > >Jim - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2000 10:16:40 -0500 From: Subject: re: extra Tom & Gerry were you billed for this? i wouldn't necessarily be a prude about stiffing tower, but since bruce is a fellow traveller, think about returning it or sending him the $20. kg _______________________ Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 20:37:34 -0600 From: neongreen7 Subject: extra Tom & Gerry i just got my order from the downtown music gallery and got some great stuff. i think there was a miscommunication and i got copy of Tom & Gerry that i didn't want(i already have it). for those of you that may not know, it Gerry Heingway on drums and Thomas Lehn on analogue synth. i think you can download a track here: anyway, if anyone wants it for $20, that'd be cool. i can fed-ex from work, so postage isn't a problem within the USA. otherwise, i'll have to hasle with returning it. thanks, craig (i'm new to zorn and the list. how new to zorn? just bought ALL of the masada stuff this week! i also bought quite a bit of naked city and tzadik stuff too.) - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2000 10:36:15 -0500 From: Subject: chix'n'dudes/nike/u.s.a. (what list is this?) cindy e makes a good point, that "a lot of the men in the crowd can be real jerks, groping, pushing,trying to intimidate, do just being inconsiderate to smaller people in the audience (male and female)." i remember being at a melt banana gig at the knit where two guys lunged on stage after the show when they started bringing out the merchandise. the poor (small, female) singer looked truly frightened, and then -- realizing i guess that they weren't trying to harm her -- said 'please, back, we're japanese.' another time (another melt banana gig at the knit, as it happens), some young suited fratty moron jumped on top of me, fell and kicked my bag, scattering stuff everwhere (never found my discman), i guess in an attempt to start a mosh. funny thing was, he and a few others like him didn't know the band. once they realized it wasn't the thrash they were expecting, they stood in the front, having forced all of the bands fans (not that there were a lot of us, it was a while ago) to the back. so, yes, boys can behave badly at shows. and without trying to start a gender war here (i held off on this observation on my previous post), i think women are more likely to end up seeing a band they've never heard of. i've never seen men complain loudly about how much a band sucks without just leaving, but i've seen plenty of women loudly display their resent at having to be in the room. it goes back to my previous post that women, perhaps, are more likely to end up at a show with a date or a group of friends. (i have been dragged to see bands that bored me on dates, by the way, but i kept my cakehole shut). more important, methinks, is parry's suggestion that "a lot of people of both sexes just need more exposure to adventurous music. Viva la dissonance." (i love that.) as for the nike vids -- i saw them 6 yrs ago at the zorn retrospective, when he did a night of playing videos. the commercials, the cynical hysterie hour, and the naked city enema video. the commercials stick out the least in my mind. nothing really exceptional about them, as i recall. but i don't know how you can get them. i was at downtown music gallery recently and was pleased to hear bruce playing a "united states of america" disc. i only knew them from the charmingly odd track "i won't trade my wooden wife for you, sugar" from a rock comp i had about a decade ago (but i can still sing the song). since bruce usually only plays new releases and reissues, you might be able to get it from him. cheers. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 11:36:19 EST From: Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?PROMO:=20Kevin=20Drumm/Martin=20T=E9treault-Parti?= =?ISO-8859-1?Q?cles=20and=20Smears=7F?= sorry for the promotional intrusion, and further apologies if you receive=20 more than one copy of this: I'm proud to announce the release of the latest CD on my label: Erstwhile 006: Kevin Drumm/Martin T=E9treault-Particles and Smears Chicago-based Kevin Drumm (guitar, electronics) and Montreal-based Martin=20 T=E9treault (turntables) traveled in separate musical circles, each unaware=20= of=20 the other's work, until a Chicago-based organization, Lampo, booked T=E9trea= ult=20 for a concert with Drumm and the ubiquitous Jim O'Rourke in September of=20 1999. While T=E9treault was in Chicago, he and Drumm spent some time in the=20 studio, and this CD contains the results, as recorded by TV Pow's Todd=20 Carter. Drumm, best known for his two superb solo records on Perdition=20 Plastics, and T=E9treault, best known for his collaborative series of discs=20= on=20 Ambiances Magnetiques with the likes of Otomo Yoshihide and Ikue Mori, meld=20 their techniques seamlessly to form a thoroughly integrated record. While=20 both musicians are more than capable of playing solo sets filled with=20 compelling ideas from beginning to end, here both seem to make a conscious=20 effort to subsume their identities in order to create a greater work.=20 "The often brittle, overwhelmingly tactile sounds which Drumm and T=E9treaul= t=20 produce are so finely intertwined it=92s an act of futility to guess whose=20 thwacks, crackles, pops, hums, and squeaks are whose. The duo=92s enjoyment=20 practically oozes from their savvy interactions, as they rigorously reach=20 deeper and deeper into themselves and their instruments to find new noises.=20 But even as they forage, their sense of purpose is never lost. This is free=20 improvisation of the highest level; stunning proof of imagination=20 transcending scrap-heap technique."-Peter Margasak 14 tracks, 59 minutes. all Erstwhile CDs can be purchased from numerous worldwide distributors, all= =20 of which are listed on my web site. also, all Erstwhile releases can be=20 purchased via mail order (prices are for single CDs):=20 $13 US each postpaid within the United States=20 $14 US each postpaid to Canada=20 $16 US each postpaid overseas=20 all payments must be made in US funds. cash and money orders shipped=20 immediately. mail cash at your own risk. shipments paid for with checks held= =20 until they clear. please send your order to: Erstwhile Records 189 Christopher Columbus Dr. Apt. #4 Jersey City, NJ 07302 future releases from Erstwhile will include: 005-Keith Rowe/G=FCnter M=FCller/Taku Sugimoto-The World Turned Upside Down=20 (available March 20) 007-John Butcher/Phil Durrant=20 008-Christof Kurzmann/Burkhard Stangl-Schnee 009-G=FCnter M=FCller/L=EA Quan Ninh 010-Otomo Yoshihide/Voice Crack 012-Thomas Lehn/Marcus Schmickler 013-Kevin Drumm/Axel D=F6rner also available now: 001-VHF-Extracts 002-Haunted House-Up In Flames 003-Earl Howard/Denman Maroney-Fire Song 004-2-Thomas Lehn/Gerry Hemingway-Tom & Gerry (double CD) thanks for reading. Jon - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 12:00:37 -0500 From: Joseph Zitt Subject: Re: jazz! On Thu, Mar 02, 2000 at 11:16:30AM +0000, Jeroen de Boer wrote: > Last weekend I was discussing the music of Dave Douglas with a > friend. Besides effortlessly agreeing he is on of the most > interesting musicians around, we were particularly talking about the > projects he does with his quartet and sextet. With these groups he > achieves on of the highest standards in jazz today, and made us > wondering: is the most interesting mainstream-jazz today performed > and composed by musicians coming from a "free" background? It may be that musicians coming from a "free" background do the mainstream jazz that listeners coming from a "free" prespective are most likely to find interesting. - -- |> ~The only thing that is not art is inattention~ --- Marcel Duchamp <| | | | Latest CD: Jerusaklyn | | Comma: Voices of New Music Silence: the John Cage Discussion List | - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 17:50:15 GMT+0100 From: "Jeroen de Boer" Subject: Re: jazz! > > is the most interesting mainstream-jazz today performed > > and composed by musicians coming from a "free" background? > > It may be that musicians coming from a "free" background do the > mainstream jazz that listeners coming from a "free" prespective are > most likely to find interesting. But how does this explain the interest from mainstream-focussed magazines such as Downbeat in Douglas' music? Jeroen - ---------------------------------------- Jeroen de Boer co-initiator Cyberslag Foundation music director Open Electronic Festival Munnekeholm 10 9711JA Groningen The Netherlands tel: 031 (0)503637513 fax: 031 (0)503632209 - ---------------------------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 12:56:00 -0500 From: "Mark Corroto" Subject: Lil' help/No girls here Sunday night in Columbus, Ohio we will be visited by Chris Speed and his band plus opening act Avant Collective (local band) Anyone know who is touring with Mr. Speed these days? the show is at Little Brothers on High St. I'll be one of the many Male's there my wife cannot make it although if she does see a band like Tim Berne's Bloodcount and Sex Mob she is their biggest fan If she hasn't seen them she sez turn off that NOISE MC - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 13:14:23 -0600 (CST) From: Whit Schonbein Subject: Re: united states of america / joe byrd > Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 20:11:29 -0500 > From: "Caleb T. Deupree" > Subject: Re: The United States of America (the band) > > At 04:48 PM 3/1/00 -0800, Greg Mills wrote: > >Anyone know anything about this band (circa '68)? > > The one with Joseph Byrd? I remember this album, one of the few which a) hmmm. this rang a bell in the depths of my memory. is this the same 'joseph byrd' as 'joe byrd and the field hippies'? i *think* i have an lp called 'joe byrd and the field hippies' that i bought used back in 86 or so (being a hippie at the time ;). i haven't listened to it since i bought it b/c it was too weird for my virgin ears. whit - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 11:52:07 -0800 From: (Dave Trenkel) Subject: Re: The United States of America (the band) At 1:44 AM 3/2/00, SUGAR in their vitamins? wrote: >On Wed, 1 Mar 2000, Dave Trenkel wrote: > >> It is out on CD, I have a copy around here somewhere, bought it ~8 months >> ago. Wasn't hard to find. > >where did you find it? > >i've looked around amoeba and not found it. I ordered it through my local record store, it was listed in their distributors catalog. My copy is an English import, on Demon Records, 1997, but I don't recall paying more than usual retail for it, had it been more expensive I probably wouldn't have ordered it. ____________________________________________ Dave Trenkel : Minus Web Site: Minus MP3's: ____________________________________________ - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 13:14:23 -0600 (CST) From: Whit Schonbein Subject: Re: united states of america / joe byrd > Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 20:11:29 -0500 > From: "Caleb T. Deupree" > Subject: Re: The United States of America (the band) > > At 04:48 PM 3/1/00 -0800, Greg Mills wrote: > >Anyone know anything about this band (circa '68)? > > The one with Joseph Byrd? I remember this album, one of the few which a) hmmm. this rang a bell in the depths of my memory. is this the same 'joseph byrd' as 'joe byrd and the field hippies'? i *think* i have an lp called 'joe byrd and the field hippies' that i bought used back in 86 or so (being a hippie at the time ;). i haven't listened to it since i bought it b/c it was too weird for my virgin ears. whit - - ------------------------------ End of Zorn List Digest V2 #873 ******************************* To unsubscribe from zorn-list-digest, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe zorn-list-digest" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. A non-digest (direct mail) version of this list is also available; to subscribe to that instead, replace all instances of "zorn-list-digest" in the commands above with "zorn-list". 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