From: (Zorn List Digest) To: Subject: Zorn List Digest V3 #292 Reply-To: zorn-list Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk Zorn List Digest Saturday, February 17 2001 Volume 03 : Number 292 In this issue: - (sound art festival) RE: important music, cecil taylor (long) sun ra/boredoms/brutal truth Impotent Music ::boredoms Re: Artist's label:are they reliable? Re: Artist's label:are they reliable? Re: AMM US tour-April Re: AMM US tour-April ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 18:12:18 -0500 (EST) From: Kim Sturdavant Subject: (sound art festival) hello, my name's Kim, I'm new to the list... this is something I thought my provoke interest in some of the listers in California. Involving "noise" "sound art" or whatever dare call it. (not unlike Mike Patton's solo work or the Japanese scene involving Merzbow and the Boredoms or people like Oval or Microstoria from Germany) the 4th annual activating the medium festival is happening. it's put on by 23five incorporated ( and Cuesta College Fine Arts. This has been happening in San Luis Obispo for 3 years, but this year it's expanding to SF and LA. it's one of the only festivals of it's kind and involving an area of music and art very different from the conventional, emphasizing the medium of sound. here's the info: performances by Achim Wollsheild (Frankfurt, Germany), Damion Romero (LA), and Joe Colley (Sacramento) keynote lecture by Douglas Kahn (Sydney, Australia) Feb 17 2pm. Phyllis Wattis Theatre, SF, MOMA Gen Museum Admission info: 415 285 6003 Feb 22nd Cal Poly State University San Luis Obispo Performing Arts Center Rm. 124 (artist talk) Feb 23rd 8pm Cuesta College Auditorium San Luis Obispo tickets: 12$ at the door info: 805 546 3199 Feb 24 8pm Beyond Baroque 681 Venice Blvd., Venice. tickets: 12$ at the door info:310 822 3006 it should be very interesting and exciting to watch. similer to instalation art but with more emphasis on the audio aspects. The fellow that puts it on (Randy H.Y. Yau) is a very prolific and absolutely amazing sound artist himself so I expect nothing short of amazing from all of the performers at this event. I've listened to Joe Colley before (aka: Crawl Unit) and his work is really really good. I urge all of the curious to check it out... it is to music what Dada was to art when it started and it's been growing and changing ever since. A very fascinating scene. if you want more info on this I suggest go to the webpage as it is dedicated to increasing awareness of sound art and has tons of info. !thanks! - ----------------------------------------------- FREE! The World's Best Email Address Reserve your name now at - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 16:16:13 -0700 From: "Matthew W Wirzbicki (S)" Subject: RE: important music, cecil taylor (long) skip wrote: >The notion of importance is relative, selective, and not very conducive >to anything except discussions about which records are relevant. It's >fine at the quilting bee (such as we are), but means nothing out there >in the world. I'll continue the unspoken exercise (helpful or not) in the creation of the 'other' here: I know there is one significant difference in the motivation behind my listening vs. the motivation behind most people's listening. (frighteningly general...) I do think that the US economy has sufficiently impacted the entertainment element in music. As a result we see quite a few people who listen for entertainment alone and quite a few entertaining records are produced to feed the preconditioned appitite. (nothing new here). scott wrote (on the CT thread): >I think the point is not to "get" an artist's work, >but rather to get something out of an experience, even >if that experience is (necessarily?) diffused >throughout one's audition of an oeuvre. precisely...I like to think that this is also the way I go about trust that the artists intensions are good and focus on non-doing... experiencing their music at face value as if nothing existed before it...because really nothing does in the space of silence before a particular space is consumed with sound. (of course this presents a whole mine-field of difficulties -- ignoring the historical development of an idiom is difficult to do and potentially problematic - clearly - but i chose in general to disregard social/historical significance when formulating my opinions of a piece of music. or at least I like to think i do.) It is, for me, all about the experience of a person's music _that moment_. Always, I believe, filtered through my own experience of the past. And, of course, each 'moment' of listening is it's own. (ie: listening to a record today is different from listening tomorrow or seven years form now) scott also wrote: >learning his >music (as a listener), and >thereby---hopefully---learning something ABOUT MUSIC. or really about yourself?...and this gets back to skip's comments: in general, it all comes down to preferance. I simply hope to expand my range of possible preferance. I think there is plently to be learned from listening to someone like Cecil Taylor. When I first heard Ornette I was a bit confused but now I'm overjoyed. It takes repeated exposure but I do believe that listening can broaden one's conception of self and society (idealistic?) Still, some elements of myself which are brought out by music are a bit overwhelming...perhaps I'm not old enough. Fushitsusha was/is a difficult one. Perhaps i took them a bit too seriously. so perhaps this is similar to how/why people here listen and different from the way the 'other' is listening. I need to put a huge qualifier on the above: I don't feel that 'other people' - "normal" people who listen to "normal" music - are neccessarily worse off by not having these musical experiences. There are certainly other equally valid art forms to learn from or perhaps - for some - these sorts of activities are not neccessary at all?? sorry for the long windedness. It retrospect it seems I may have needlessly extrapolated on the concise thoughts of skip and scott. Matt Wirzbicki - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 23:51:16 From: "William York" Subject: sun ra/boredoms/brutal truth >Talking about Kevin Sharp and Brutal Truth again: I just found out that >on >their last album "Goodbye Cruel World" Brutal Truth cover songs by > >Boredoms and Sun Ra! This seems pretty interesting to say the least. > >Anybody know excatly what the songs are? And is the album any good? I > >don't want to buy it just to get a 15 sec grindcore version of Sun Ra, > >surounded by an album of boring metal. Any comments? They do "It's After the End of the World" by Sun Ra, and two Boredoms covers that they couldn't even remember the names of (and I can't recognize). I don't listen to that CD much b/c the sound quality is really poor. It's cheap -- basically 2 CDs for the price of 1, but when you hear the muddy, bass-less sound, you will see why. But they do play more than 15 secs of those songs. The Sun Ra song is also on their Sounds of the Animal Kingdom album, but I don't have that (scared by the horrendous cover, I guess). Speaking of rock bands doing Sun Ra songs, NRBQ's version of "Rocket #9" from the late '60s is one of my favorites. Also one of the first times I heard anything to do w/ Sun Ra.... Then again, the album that I have that on (forget the title) isn't so consistently great either (at least to my ears). WY _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 16:16:15 -0800 From: "s~Z" Subject: Impotent Music whew...reading all of these threads about music criticism has been as painful as reading music criticism...My needs are pretty simple...I need a list of what music has knocked a given listener's socks off...if it matches my socks knocking list, then they are a reliable resource...then I want to hear what they recommend, that I don't have...I don't want to know why are how or favorite resources are end of the year lists on THE WIRE or CADENCE or CODA...I've read the reviews long enough to discern which critics' socks are knocked like I make sure and get the end of the year recommendations by those critics...makes me a bit late on hearing some things...but saves reading all of that useless verbage...I still have all of the lists posted on this list a long while back...listers' favorite recordings of all times...the exercise that pissed off our list-owner...that exercise was more helpful than all the verbage about those recordings in the this verbage I am spewing forth sucks too, I is much better to listen to music than read this as sincerest apologies... - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 18:15:20 -0800 (PST) From: jason tors Subject: ::boredoms I got inspiration to dive into some of this material. I listened to a few clips and every album is so different, what is the quintessential boredoms introductory album? thanks in advance __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35 a year! - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 20:20:26 -0800 From: "Fag music" Subject: Re: Artist's label:are they reliable? SGV5LA0KICAgIHdhaXQgYSBtaW51dGUgbm93Li4uSSBkaWRuJ3Qgc2F5IHRoZSBhcnRpc3Rz IHdlcmUgdGhlIG9uZSB0byBnZXQgZmxhbWVkLi4uSSBzYWlkLGxldCBCaWFmcmEgZnJ5LkZv ciBoaXMgb3duIGJhZC5BcyBmb3IgdGhlIGxldmkncyBjb21tZXJjaWFsLEkgaGVhcmQgc29t ZW9uZSBzYXlpbmcgdGhhdCBjYWxpZm9ybmlhIHViZXIgYWxsZXMgdXNlZCB0byBwbGF5IGlu IG9uZSBvZiB0aGVpciBhZHMuLi4ubm90IHN1cmUgYWJvdXQgaXQuRnJ5LEJpYWZyYSxmcnkh DQpGcmllZHMsDQpGcmllZCBGaXJ0aCAoYWthIEZyaXp6bGUgRnJ5KQ0KDQoNCj5Gcm9tOiAi UmljaGFyZCBBbGxlbiIgPHJpY2hhcmRmYWxsZW5AaG90bWFpbC5jb20+DQo+VG86IHpvcm4t bGlzdEBsaXN0cy54bWlzc2lvbi5jb20NCj5TdWJqZWN0OiBSZTogQXJ0aXN0J3MgbGFiZWw6 YXJlIHRoZXkgcmVsaWFibGU/DQo+RGF0ZTogRnJpLCAxNiBGZWIgMjAwMSAxNjoxNDoxNiAt MDUwMA0KPg0KPkkgd291bGRuJ3QgZ28gdGhhdCBmYXIuICBBIGxvdCBvZiByZWFsbHkgZ3Jl YXQgYXJ0aXN0cyBoYXZlIHJlbGVhc2VzIG9uIA0KPkFsdGVybmF0aXZlIFRlbnRhY2xlcyAt LSBaZW5pIEdldmEsIFVsdHJhIEJpZOksIFdlc2xleSBXaWxsaXMsIHRoZSBCdXR0aG9sZSAN Cj5TdXJmZXJzLCBldGMuICBJIGRvbid0IGtub3cgQmlhZnJhLCBidXQgYSBsb3Qgb2YgcGVv 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A lot of really great artists have releases on >> Alternative Tentacles -- Zeni Geva, Ultra Bid=E9, Wesley Willis, the Butth= ole >> Surfers, etc. I don't know Biafra, but a lot of people talk a lot of sh= it >> about him. I still haven't heard the full story about the other Dead >> Kennedys suing him over royalties. He said something about not wanting = a DK >> song in a Levi's commercial. Does anyone know the story behind this? The whole Biafra/AT/East Bay Ray thing is not as cut and dried as people here are implying, and, for anyone who has read transcripts of the trial an= d looked into the circumstances regarding the admissability of testimony and, in more cases than you'd think, evidence (and often the lack of evidence), there's a different story than "Jello screwed his buddies". In fact, it's = a MUCH different story than that. Neither "California Uber Alles" nor any other Dead Kennedys song has been used -- with Biafra's permission, anyway -- in any ad campaign of the Levis kind. Before making a judgement call about Biafra, AT, East Bay Ray, or anything pertaining to that case, I suggest you look closely into the actual facts, and not just some bumpersticker gossip, and especially not bad rock journalism (RJ Smith's piece in SPIN was low-rent spin-doctoring at its mos= t appalling). I also suggest you view the personalities up close. I would not loan East Bay Ray the cost of a postage stamp. Biafra, I would, becaus= e I know he'd pay it back. The annoying thing would be that Jello would call a press conference to let everyone know he paid me back. Of the two, Jello has more "stand-up guy" about him (in my experience), even if he makes sure everyone knows it. The "Get Jello Biafra" attitude that seems to live out there is largely based on the fact that Jello Biafra is a loud guy with a big mouth. But, from what the trial transcripts showed, he did not act dishonestly. Guys who are as smart as he is and who are as loud as he is are not usually duplicitous. Self-serving, perhaps. Duplicitous, not usually. as ever -- skip h np: marion williams, the new message (fantastic late 60s Atlantic LP) =20 - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2001 01:05:00 -0500 From: (Jon Mooneyham) Subject: Re: AMM US tour-April Any word on those AMM Chicago dates/locations yet? It's a lot shorter drive to Chicago than to Colorado from OKC... Jon M. FATE, Discorporated Graphic Design 405.524.2003 - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2001 02:27:55 EST From: Subject: Re: AMM US tour-April In a message dated 2/17/01 2:03:53 AM, writes: << Any word on those AMM Chicago dates/locations yet? It's a lot shorter drive to Chicago than to Colorado from OKC... >> the dates are 4/13-15. I don't know the location, but you should keep an eye on the listings at: I'm sure it'll be posted there soon. Jon - - ------------------------------ End of Zorn List Digest V3 #292 ******************************* To unsubscribe from zorn-list-digest, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe zorn-list-digest" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. A non-digest (direct mail) version of this list is also available; to subscribe to that instead, replace all instances of "zorn-list-digest" in the commands above with "zorn-list". Back issues are available for anonymous FTP from, in pub/lists/zorn-list/archive. These are organized by date. Problems? Email the list owner at