From: (Zorn List Digest) To: Subject: Zorn List Digest V3 #572 Reply-To: zorn-list Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk Zorn List Digest Wednesday, September 19 2001 Volume 03 : Number 572 In this issue: - Re: Stockhausen: WTC disaster "greatest artwork of all time" Re: Stockhausen: WTC disaster "greatest artwork of all time" Re: Stockhausen: WTC disaster "greatest artwork of all time" as if we didn't have enough to think over Stockhausen Replies 150 songs not to play oops: here's the actual 150 song list Re: 150 songs not to play looking for John Re: Magazine suggestions Support to New Yorkers help financing a CD ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 12:25:13 -0500 From: Herb Levy Subject: Re: Stockhausen: WTC disaster "greatest artwork of all time" Here's a URL for an article in the FAZ which includes more direct quotes from Stockhausen's radio interview: Stockhausen's reply to BILD doesn't cover all of what he says here, though he has apologized. Just one more instance in which to pay attention to the art made by artists and not worry about their opinions on issues of the day. On a related note, & I wish I had the entire reference at hand now, there was a remarkable essay published years ago analyzing the actions of the Symbionese Liberation Army (the California collective who among other things kidnapped Patty Hearst and robbed some banks) as performance art in a book called Performance in Postmodern Culture, edited by Michel Benamou. Back in the mid-1970s, this was a daring, and funny, position to take. The publication was obscure enough that the piece wasn't controversial, though it certainly could have been. & the SLA was incompetent & ineffective enough in any political sense that the analysis didn't seem all that impossible. I'll see if I can dig the essay out of storage. Bests, Herb - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 14:46:00 -0400 From: (Benjamin Pequet) Subject: Re: Stockhausen: WTC disaster "greatest artwork of all time" At 12:25 19/09/01 -0500, Herb wrote: >Just one more instance in which to pay attention to the art made by >artists and not worry about their opinions on issues of the day. Or rather a reminder to take really crappy newspapers like Bild for what they're worth? Based on the reply from Stockhausen I certainly wish I had access to what has originally been said, and not to edited versions by various approximating journalists. Since not foreign to neo-mythology and occult belief systems (has he said he was the reincarnation of Archangel Michael? as well as coming from planet Sirius where he was trained as a musician?), Stockhausen should probably have known better than unleashing "Lucifer" in a talk to the media... Benjamin - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 21:19:21 +0200 From: Arthur Rother Subject: Re: Stockhausen: WTC disaster "greatest artwork of all time" It kind of feels like the McCarthy era again. A great tragedy happened in NY on the 11th of September, I have seen no wording of anybody claiming it is not a tragedy. But what makes it sad is that there is no room for discussion. Either you say kill those bastards who did it and have no mercy, but if you say anything else, and I mean anything, you automatically take the side of the terrorists. The article below shows it at it best. When saying that many more people are dying outside of America then those murdered on the 11th (either due to direct or indirect influence of western foreign policy, or dying for other reasons), it is called cynical anti-Americanism. I'd want this connection to be explained by the author, because we are just talking numbers here. When Stockhausen says "the greatest work of art imaginable for the whole cosmos" people read "hey, that was fun, lets do it again", which is not what he said. I am aware that this list is not the appropriate platform for these discussion, or that many people would think it is not, but why not discussing it here. As long as it doesn't turn into a "Mike Patton vs Good Music" debate. And this is an interesting list for it, because I see all different kind of opinions. >Here's a URL for an article in the FAZ which includes more direct quotes >from Stockhausen's radio interview: > >Or rather a reminder to take really crappy newspapers like Bild for what >they're worth But maybe I was also only talking about Media. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 14:03:11 -0700 From: Skip Heller Subject: as if we didn't have enough to think over When stuff like the Stockhausen misquote pops up in the press, it is liable to set off all kinds of alarms in people. This is, unfortunately, to be expected. Times like these breed alarmism. Personally, I don't think his remarks were the wisest that could be made, but they weren't hateful in any way. But they were easily twisted into something shocking. Journalists will need to be hyper-responsible in how they report what is said. Artists, never the world's greatest self-editors, will have to choose their words and even their art expression more wisely than before. The nation -- and world -- is afraid. Artists and people who write about them need to be very specific as to what they mean and how they say it, because in this time where we are confronted with an enemy we can't see, anyone who goes off half-cocked could be the next enemy. Mind you, I am not endorsing nor condemning anyone's views or words on the subject. I am, however, saying this: If you have a viewpoint you feel a need to express, whether or not it is likely a popular one right now, the key word is "specificty." Say what you're gonna say, and make sure it can't get twisted to mean something else. Metaphorical and allegorical answers could easily be turned into something you weren't saying. Say the right thing the wrong way, and you could be the next Stochausen. skip h - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 14:26:58 -0700 From: "Revue des Fossiles" Subject: Stockhausen Replies - - RdF. _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 17:36:50 -0400 From: Subject: 150 songs not to play The evil corporate overlords at radio behemoth Clear Channel (see and has given its stations a list of 150 songs to avoid. The most obvious one (The Cure's "Killing an Arab") is missing and some others probably all stations should avoid (Billy Joel, Dio) but I'd think that "War Pigs" and "My City Was Gone" are altogether appropriate. - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 17:38:09 -0400 From: Subject: oops: here's the actual 150 song list - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 14:50:55 -0700 From: Skip Heller Subject: Re: 150 songs not to play > The evil corporate overlords at radio behemoth Clear Channel (see > > and > has given its stations a list of 150 songs to avoid. The most obvious one > (The Cure's "Killing an Arab") is missing and some others probably all > stations should avoid (Billy Joel, Dio) but I'd think that "War Pigs" and "My > City Was Gone" are altogether appropriate. > > - > Could we just ban Neil Diamond and Lee Greenwood? skip h - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 18:31:20 -0700 From: "jossie" Subject: looking for John This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_003F_01C10BCA.032A7CE0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable HI: mi name is Gerardo Stawsky and I am a University professor and = filmmaker from Uruguay, doing a documentary feature on Holocaust = survivors. I would like to have Zorn's e-mail address (also some other = contact, if you have it) so I can contact him about how we could use = some of his music for this project. Not only because it's amazing in = itself (particularly Masada) but also because of its deep connection = with the history of the European Jews. Thanks for your help and for keeping people aware of this genius. You can either reply to the address from which this was sent or to the = following address:=20 - ------=_NextPart_000_003F_01C10BCA.032A7CE0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
HI: mi name is Gerardo Stawsky and I am a University = professor=20 and filmmaker from Uruguay, doing a documentary feature on = Holocaust=20 survivors. I would like to have Zorn's e-mail address (also some other = contact,=20 if you have it) so I can contact him about how we could use some of his = music=20 for this project. Not only because it's amazing in itself (particularly = Masada)=20 but also because of its deep connection with the history of the European = Jews.
Thanks for your help and for keeping people aware of = this=20 genius.
You can either reply to the address from which this = was sent=20 or to the following address:
- ------=_NextPart_000_003F_01C10BCA.032A7CE0-- >From Sat Sep 01 22:54:57 2001 Received: from [] ( by with esmtp (Exim 2.12 #2) id 15dPHc-0002MT-00 for; Sat, 1 Sep 2001 22:54:56 -0600 Received: from by (mail_out_v31_r1.4.) id f.75.1a79f41b (30960) for ; Sun, 2 Sep 2001 00:54:49 -0400 (EDT) From: Message-ID: <> Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2001 00:54:49 EDT Subject: Help. To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="part1_75.1a79f41b.28c31599_boundary" X-Mailer: AOL 6.0 for Windows US sub 10539 Status: RO - --part1_75.1a79f41b.28c31599_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit zornlist--- ok, it's time for all of you music fans with encyclopedic knowledge of jazz and its various definitions to help me out (please). here's the deal: i am in a Jazz History class and we are discussing "swing". what is it, etc. there are, of course, many attempts at explaining it musically...but usually people fall back on the "essence" or "feeling". anyway, my assignment is to find one person's idea on swing. i figure this list is the best place to find it because i am likely to be able to get an idiosyncratic, less common quote or idea ...which is really what i am looking for. i figure most other people in the class will find a Wynton Marsalis quote or something. i want something more perceptive. if anyone can help me, i would be so very appreciative. thank you. ben o. PS. by finding an "idiosyncratic, less common" quote as i so poorly put it, i don't mean to be senselessly reactionary against the traditional definition of swing. i simply would like to find an idea that hasn't likely been discussed in the particular class i am in. - --part1_75.1a79f41b.28c31599_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit zornlist---

ok, it's time for all of you music fans with encyclopedic knowledge of jazz
and its various definitions to help me out (please). here's the deal: i am in
a Jazz History class and we are discussing "swing". what is it, etc. there
are, of course, many attempts at explaining it musically...but usually people
fall back on the "essence" or "feeling".

anyway, my assignment is to find one person's idea on swing. i figure this
list is the best place to find it because i am likely to be able to get an
idiosyncratic, less common quote or idea ...which is really what i am looking
for. i figure most other people in the class will find a Wynton Marsalis
quote or something. i want something more perceptive. if anyone can help me,
i would be so very appreciative.

thank you.

ben o.

PS. by finding an "idiosyncratic, less common" quote as i so poorly put it, i
don't mean to be senselessly reactionary against the traditional definition
of swing. i simply would like to find an idea that hasn't likely been
discussed in the particular class i am in.
- --part1_75.1a79f41b.28c31599_boundary-- - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 18:04:33 -0400 (EDT) From: Ken Waxman Subject: Re: Magazine suggestions Coda Cadence The Wire - --- Joeseph Simon wrote: > I was curious as to > what magazines would this list offer for suggestions > to subscribe to to keep > happy with? > > Thank-you, > Joeseph Simon > _______________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 11:22:21 -0300 From: "ROBERTO J. LOPEZ" Subject: Support to New Yorkers Sincere condolences for the people in NYC from the Argentinian members of the List. ROBERTO JORGE LOPEZ Av. Alvarez Jonte 3785 5* Piso Dto."C" C1407GOE Buenos Aires Republica Argentina TEL-FAX: 54-11-4566 3278 CELULAR: (15) 4424-5108 - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 21:39:20 +0100 (WET DST) From: Ricardo Reis Subject: help financing a CD Hi fellaws! well, there is this book/cd/film/informatic store (it's something called FNAC, european zornlister's probably already heard of it) that is planning a Black October dedicated to Horror and terror (for a diference on the words read Ernst Junger "the adventurous heart") and are asking for client sugestions. the best sugestion gets a check of 5000esc (20US? 25 euro). they ask for film, literature,books or themes to work on... so... gimme me a hand, yeah? (i just remember edward gorey because my last buy was "the evil garden" by Max Nagl, a great CD) greets! Ricardo Reis "Non Serviam" >From Fri Aug 31 02:50:55 2001 Received: from [] ( by with esmtp (Exim 2.12 #2) id 15ck0s-0001qE-00 for; Fri, 31 Aug 2001 02:50:54 -0600 Received: from mail pickup service by with Microsoft SMTPSVC; Fri, 31 Aug 2001 01:50:51 -0700 Received: from by with HTTP; Fri, 31 Aug 2001 08:50:51 GMT X-Originating-IP: [] From: "alex frayne" To: Bcc: Subject: LIVE FUSION AND AVANT GARDE ON CDR Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2001 18:20:51 +0930 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed Message-ID: X-OriginalArrivalTime: 31 Aug 2001 08:50:51.0955 (UTC) FILETIME=[09D3E030:01C131FA] Status: RO Here is my live list of shows on cdr. No video - contact me at for a trade.. 1) Jonas Hellborg, live at Montmatre, 2/7/1991 A- AUD 2) Allan Holdsworth, Live in Tokyo, 1994, A SBD w Husband etc. 3) Allan Holdsworth and Band Live in Philadelphia, 1995, A AUD 4) Tribal Tech Live in Amsterdam, 4/4/1996, 2cdr FM A+ 5) Jean Luc Ponty live in '78, from unreleased LP A 6) Brecker Bros. "Live" in 1992. New York SBD A+ w/Chambers 8) Buckshot Le Fonque, live in Amsterdam, FM, A+ 11) Allan Holdsworth, "Gathering of Minds," live in Montreux, 1983 A 12) Tribal Tech, live in Amsterdam, 28/3/1998, 2cd A+ 13) Brand X Reunion, San Francisco, 1993 AUD B 18) Bill Evans Let the Juice Loose, live in Japan, 1989. A++ 19) UZEB live in Europe, 1990, 2CD (A+) SBD PRO 20) The Jazz Pistols, "Three on the Floor." PRO A+ 21) Frank Gambale "Live at the Baked Potato." (88) A+ Released 22) Prism, "Uncovered," live in Japan. SBD A+ 23) Weather Report, Live in Japan, LIVE WEATHER, 1978, A+ 24) Stanley Clark live, 1976-77 - A+ (release) 25) Bill Bruford with EarthWorks, Knitting Factory, 1995, A 26) The Bruford Tapes, (1979 Live at Long Island), A+ FM 27) Miles Davis Live at Montreux (89) A+ w/Foley, Margitza 28) John Scofield Live at Hamburg, 1988, A. 29) Tower of Power, Live 1976. "IN LIVING COLOR" released, A+ 31) Brand X , 199? Reunion Tour A+ 32) Truth In Shredding, Holdsworth and Gambale Studio release, 1990. 33) Blue Tav, studio release, 1990, w/Holdsworth A++ 35) Mike Stern live in Amsterdam ,98, w/ Morales, Goines A+ 36) Mike Stern live in Stuttgart 4/12/90, with Chambers, Goines, A+ 37) Dixie Dregs, live in New York, 1981. A+ FM 38) Miles Davis, Live in Hamburg, 1990 A+, AUD, GREAT!!! 39) Mahavishnu Orchestra at North Sea Jazz, 1984, FM A+ 41) Chick Corea with Roney, McBride, North Sea Jazz, 1996 FM A+ 42) Rite of Strings, 199? with Ponty, Clark, Di Meola, North Sea, FM A+ 43) Mahavishnu Orchestra, live Hamburg FM A+ 1986 46) Miles Davis Live in Toronto, 1990 A SBD, "KING OF TRUMPETS" 47) Weather Update Live in Hamburg 1986 A, w/ Zawinul 50) Chick Corea, Tony Williams, SUMMER JAM, 1cd, 1979 A+ 51) Tribal tech live in Brisbane, 1997, A AUD w Virgil Donati 52) Brecker Bros. live in New York, 1977, A FM 53) Mike Stern Live in Germany, 1994, A+ FM, w/ Weckl, Andrews 54) Larry Coryell with Eleventh House live in Sweden, 1998 A+ FM 55) Chick Corea live in Montreal, 1986, FM A+ 57) Brand X live in New York, 1978, A "RATED X" boot 58) Tribal tech live in Koln, 1999, Thick Tour, SBD 2cdr A 60) Jaco Pastorius, JAZZSTAGE, live in Berlin, 1979, FM A 61) Chick Corea live Under the Sky Electric band 1986 FM A+ 62) Santana live in 1980 in Montreux, FM A+ 63) Santana live in Montreux, 1996, SBD A+, Montreux Jazz Fest. 64) Herbie Hancock and Headhunters, Chicago, 2/1977 FM A+ w/ JACO!!! 65) Herbie Hancock live in Feb 1973 - pre Headhunters Band, 2cd A- AUD 66) Dave Sanborn live in the Netherlands, 1999 FM A 67) Weather Report, live in Offenbach, 8/78, SBD, 2cd A+!! 68) Herbie Hancock at North Sea Jazz, 1991 A/A- 69) Bela Fleck live 1997, A+ ??? ???? 70) Jim Beard live in Leverkeusen Germany, 1999, FM A+++ 71) Chick Corea Elektric band 2 live in Warsaw, 1994, Fm 2cd A+ 72) Weather Report Live in Phoenix, 1978, 2cd SBD A+ 73) Chick Corea EleKtrik Band in London 1992, Fm A 74) Brecker Bros. Live in Brussels, 1994 A+ FM 75) Weather Report Live in Philadelphia, Nov 1978 2CD A+ AUD 77) David Sancious live at My Father's Place, NY, 1976, A++ SBD 78) David Sancious live in Worchester MA, late 1975, A SBD 79) Allan Holdsworth live in Buffalo, 1986, Atavachron tour A SBD 81) Shawn Lane - TIME IS THE ENEMY , LIVE SBD A. 82) John Mclaughlin live in London, Trio w/Gurtu, A+ 1989, CD RELEASE 93) Steely Dan, live in Irvine, CA, 2cd w/Chambers, A+ 94) Tribal TECH, live in Austria, 2cd, SBD A+ 1996 95) Tribal TECH live in Baltimore, 1994, A-, AUD 96) James Muller, ALL OUT, debut album, 1999, A++ CD RELEASE 98) Steely Dan Live in New York, 2000 FM A++ 99) Joni Mitchell live in Toronto, 1994 FM A+ AMAZING!!!!!! "JUST ICE" 100) David Bowie live in Montreal 1983 SBD A+, 2cdr 101) John Mclaughlin live in Antibes, France, 1990, SBD A+ 102) Toto live in Sweden, 1996, SBD, A+ 2cdr, TAMBU tour 103) Dave Fuzinsci, live in Philadelphia, 1998, sbd A+ 104) Happy The Man live in Virginia, 1976, FM A 105) Vangelis live in Japan, 1984, FM A 2cdr. 106) Herbie Hancock and the Headhunters, Nizza, 1989, SBD 2CDR A 107) UK live in Paradise, Cleveland, OH, 1978, FM A+ (Holdsworth) 108) Karizma live at THE BAKED POTATO, 1998, SBD A+ 2cdr (Landau) 2cdr 109) Steely Dan live in OSAKA Japan, 2000, A- AUD 2cdr 110) Chick Corea and RTF live on The OLD GREY WHISTLE TEST, 1976 A- 111) John Mcl. and THE ONE TRUTH BAND, live in NY, 1978, SBD, A. 112) John Mcl. and THE ONE TRUTH BAND, live in Paris, 1978 AUD A 2cdr 113) Allan Holdsworth live in Poland, 1997, AT UMEA, A+ FM. 114) Steely Dan live in 1996, SBD A+, locn unknown, WAYNE KRANTZ. 2cd 115) Shawn Lane and Hellborg live at Ziggy's Salem, 1998, FM A 116) John Scofield, BLUE MATTER tour, Denmark, 11/7/87 FM A 117) Jazz Explosion Superband, live in Toronto 28/1/88, AUD A- 2cdr 118) Carlton and Lukather at the Blue Note, Tokyo, 1998, SBD A 120) Mike Stern live in Leverkeusen, 1997, 10/11/97, SBD w/ Weckl A+ 122) Rypdal, Bozzio, Bailey live in Berlin, 1996, FM, A 2cdr 123) Herbie Hancock, ROCKIT BAND live in Tokyo, 1985, one song only, A 124) Lee Ritenour, live in Amsterdam, 1998, FM, 2cdr, A+ 125) Kazumi Watanabe, live in Tokyo, 1987, FM A 126) Jean Luc Ponty live in Hamburg, 1976, FM 2cdr (awesome) A++ 129) Steve Lukather's Birthday, at The Baked Potato, 1998, SBD A+ 2cdr 130) Garsed, Donati, Helmerish, live in USA 19??, SBD A 131) Lonely Bears, "Bears are Running." CD RELEASE, BOZZIO etc. 132) Lonely Bears, "Injustice." CD RELEASE 133) Tribal Tech, live in Ivrea, Italy, 1998 March AUD A- 134) El Buho, w/ Oteil Burbridge, live in Georgia, 2/6/97, SBD A+ 2cdr 135) Jukis Iotila Band w/ Stern, live 199? SBD A 136) Tom Coster "From the Street" CD RELEASE 1996 137) Iginbottom's Wrench, 1969, first Holdsworth session. 138) Zawinul Syndicate live in Glasgow, 199? A AUD 139) John Mcl. Heart of Things Band, live in Stuttgart 7/98 FM A++ 141) Centrifugal Funk, MVP RELEASE 1991 w Shawn Lane 142) Herbie Hancock and the Headhunters, live Michigan, 28/10/73 A- 152) David Sanborn live at NORTH SEA 1996, AUD A- 153) Miles Davis live in Paris, 1989, SBD A- "The Gates of Heaven" 154) Miles davis live in Singen 1990, "Sing In Singen" FM A+++ 155) Santana live in Florida, 1988, 25th Anniversary reunion SBD A+ 156) Jean-Luc Ponty live in Toronto 2000, AUD A, plus filler from 88 159) Arti and Mestri, Italian Prog Rock, live Italy 74, FM A- 160) Tribal Tech, live in Ponderano, Italy, 2/11/00 SBD A+ 2cd 161) Joni Mitchell, live in Budokan, Tokyo, 3/7/83 FM A+ 162) Lenny White, live at the Roxy LA 1978 AUD A- cdr 163) Miles Davis, Live in Milan 11/4/89, 2cdr SBD A, w/Foley, Garrett 166) Chick Corea Elektrik band, live in Madrid, 1986 SBD A+ 167) El Buho live in Cincinatti, 2/22/97 SBD A+ 2cdr 168) Gongzilla live in Vermont, 7/15/98 SBD A+ 2cdr 169) Santana live 8/27/95 2cdr SBD A+ (unknown location) 170) Jean Luc Ponty live in Viersen Germany 7/1/88 FM A+ (30 mins) 171) Santana live in Paris 29/1/2000 FM A+ "Yaleo" 172) David Bowie live in Tokyo 1990 SBD A, "Tokyo Dome" 173) Santana live in New Haven, CT, 25/2/96 SBD A+ w/Hancock 174) Tower of Power live in California 25/2/96 FM A+ 175) Jeff Beck live in Tokyo 2000 2cdr SBD A+ 176) Chick Corea ElektriK band live in London 10/15/90 FM A 177) Weather Report live in Atlanta Georgia, 2/24/80 FM A 178) Allan Holdsworth "Tokyo Dream" live in Tokyo 14/5/84 Pro A++ 179) Karizma live at the Fabrik, Germany, 4/29/00 "Document" A+ 180) Chick Corea Elektric Band live in Berne, 1986 FM A- 181) Led Zeppelin live in Seattle, 21/3/75 SBD A- 2cdr 182) Pink Floyd "Welcome to the Machine" New York 2/7/77 SBD A- 183) Kenso LIVE in Japan A+ PRO 184) Shawn Lane live at Umea in Poland "Summer Days" 6/19/98 FM A+ 185) Mike Stern live at North Sea Jazz 7/9/94 FM A w/Weckl, Andrews 186) Tribal Tech, live in Leverkeusen, Nov 2000, FM A++ 187) Steve Miller Band live in Albany NY 1990 SBD A+ 188) Chick Corea and Friends "Jam" 1980 - ??locn, Coryell etc SBD A+ 189) Santana live at The Waldorf, San Francisco, 2/5 1981m SBD A+ 2CDR 190) Santana live in Portland OR, 3/14/1992 w/Shorter, AUD A- 3CDR 191) Herbie Hancock and the Headhunters Reunion, North Sea 1998 FM A 192) Herbie hancock and the Headhunters, Montreux, 19/7/89 2CDR, SBD A 193) Pink Floyd, Earl's Court, LONDON, 20/0ct/94 SBD A++ 2CDR 194) Santana Shorter Band, Montreux, July/7/88, FM, A 2CDR 195) Weather Report Boston, July 11/81 SBD 2DR A w/Jaco 196) Miles Davis, "MORE LIVE EVIL," Live 1973 SBD A AMAZING 2CDR 197) Miles Davis Live in Hamburg 6/91 w/Garrett, Wellman, FM A+ 198) Herbie Hancock live in Munich 1989 Headhunters SBD A+ 199) Victor Bailey w/Chambers, Fuzinscki, Beard, Koln, 2000 FM A+ 200) David Sanborn's 1999 New Year's Party - SBD A+ 201) Michel Camillo Trio, Den Haag, 14/7/2000 SBD A 202) Herbie Hancock w/ Shorter, Hakim, Clarke, Juan Antibes, 1991 SBD A 203) "YO MILES" Miles Tribute Band, live ??? 1/9/2000 3CD SBD A 204) Zawinul Syndicate 5/6+7/00 Live in San Francisco 2cdr AUD A 205) SIXUN live in Leverkeusen 10/21/95, FM A++, This is Great! 206) BRAND X live in LONDON 1979 Rainbow Theatre, SBD A 207) Los Lobotomys live in Germany 1994 from video, SBD A 208) Los Lobotomys live in Los Angeles 1989 PRO - A+++ 209) TOWER of POWER direct to disc, 1981 RARE studio date A++ 210) MILES DAVIS Live Around the World PRO A++ 211) Chick Corea Akoustic Band live in Belgrade SBS A+ Jazz DOOR 212) Allan Holdsworth "ROAD GAMES" A+ 213) Bela Fleck and the Flecktones "LIVE ART" A+ 2cdr 214) Schleigo live in America somewhere ?? 9/1/99 and 5/29/99 4cdr A 215) Santana live in Montreux, 7/4/93 w/Joe Sample - SBD A- 216) Miles Davis live in New Orleans w/Robben Ford 4/25/86 SBD 2cdr A 217) Tower of Power live in Germany "ohne EXTRA FILTER" 1998 SBD A+ 218) Return to Forever live in Wallingford CT 1976 SBD A 219) Pat Metheny "Bright Size LIVE" W/Jaco, Boston 6/16/76 SBD 1CDR B 200) Pat Metheny Jazz Workshop, w/Jaco, Moses, 1976 AUD B- 220) Allan Holdsworth live in KOLN 93, AUD A w/Hunt, Wackerman. 221) UK live in 1978 with their "ROAD TEST" SBD A w/Allan Holdsworth 222) Mike Stern, KOLN JULY 93, 2cdr, FM A+ w/Trio - Caron, Perowsky 223) Jan Garbarek, Adelaide 2000, DSBD 2cdr A+ w/Weber, Mazur 224) Al Di Meola, Utrecht, Netherlands, 1982 w/Barry Miles SBD A 225) Vital Information, 11/9/00 Martyrs, Chicago 2cdr DSBD A+ 226) Al Di Meola 6/13/93 New Britain CT, 2 CDR SBD A+ 227) Jaco Pastorius with WORD OF MOUTH, Tokyo 9/1/82 FM A+ 228) VANGELIS live in ATHENS 97/8/1 with choir etc FM A+ 229) Ryuchi Sakamoto live in Tokyo 12/2/1992 FM A+ AMAZING!!!!! 230) YES live in Los Angeles 12/7/97 Universal Theatre, FM 2cdr A+ 231) JINSATU live in Tokyo 3/15/96 (JAPANESE FUSION) FM A++ 232) Santana live in Baden-Baden, Germany, 3/3/87 FM A+ 233) Robben Ford live in Baden-Baden, Germany, 7/12/88 FM A+ 234) SCOTT HENDERSON BLUES BAND live in Chicago 12/17/2000 2cdr SBD A 235) Allan Holdsworth, Haltern, Germany 5/6/87 AUD A- (SIZZLES!) 236) Miles Davis, Ferrara, Italy, 19/11/90 AUD 2cdr A- 238) Victor Bailey, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2000 FM 2cdr A + 239) THE POLICE live, Houston TX, 3/20/82, FM 2cdr, A+ 240) Marcus Miller, Den Haag, July 1998, FM A, w/Poogie Bell 241) Miles Davis, Detroit Fest. w/Ford, 8/31/86 2cdr SBD A- 242) David Bowie, "Never Let You Down" Montreal 8/30/87 SBD 2cdr A++ 243) Victor Wooten live 5/11/96 w/drums only SBD A- filler, Flecktones 244) Tower of Power, 4/4/86 Minneapolis, MN 88min FM 2cdr A+ 245) Tower of Power, 3/30/96 Pitea, Sweden 49min FM A+ 246) Tower of Power, ?/?/98 Fox Theatre - Stockton, CA 39min A+ 247) Steve Khan 5/17/94, Koln, Germany 78min SBD, A- 248) Bill Laswell & Sacred System, 4/22/98, Hamburg 68min FM A+ 249) David Bowie, Vancouver 1983, SBD A+ (serious moonlight tour) 250) J.J Cale, live in London, 1990, with quartet, SBD A+ 251) Bruce Hornsby and Branford Marsalis, Oakland 12/31/90 SBD A 252) LED ZEPPELIN live, Cleveland OH, "DESTROYER" 27/4/77 2cdr SBD A+ 253) Santana "BULLRING BY THE SEA" Tijuana, Mexico, 3/92, FM A+ 254) Tribal Tech live in Hellendorn, 25/10/00, 2cdr SBD A+ 255) Tribal Tech, Salzburg, Austria, 28/3/95 2cdr SBD A 256) David Sanborn live in Vittoria 21/7/00 SBD A+ w/Sample, Blade 257) GONG live at the Hippo in Paris, 28/5/77 SBD A 258) Herbie Hancok w/Clark, Shorter Hakim, Munich 1991 SBD A+ 259) Miles Davis live in Munich 7/18/87 3cdr FM A+ 260) Miles Davis live in Hamburg 10/27/86 2cdr FM A+ 261) Mike Clarke - New York 3/10/01 AUD 2cdr A+ (Very Funky!) 262) John McLaughlin Trio, Gottenburg 1992, SBD A+ w/DiPiazza, Gurtu 263) Brandon Fields, live in LA, le Cafe, 11/16/85 SBD A- w/Coliauta 264) Chick Corea w/ElektriK Band Fasching, Sweden 23/4/92 A+ FM 265) Santana live in Zurich, 5/8/83, Sweden, SBD A- 266) Allan Holdsworth live in Miami, 1988, w/Coliauta, AUD A (AWESOME) 277) Miles Davis live in Leverkeusen 10/14/90 FM A+ 278) Miles Davis, Perugia, Italy, 5/89 SBD A w/ Wellman, Akagi 279) Creatchy's Birthday live in LA 23/9/00 - w/Lukeather AUD A 280) Santana live in Hamburg 1998 SBD 2cdr, A - w/Benny Reitveld 282) Marcus Miller live in JazzBaltica 1998, SBD A+ 283) Tribal Tech, Israel, 1995, SBD A w/Henderson and Willis 284) Brecker Bros. live in Montpellier 7/1992 2cdr AUD A 285) Mike Stern live in Groginen 10/15/95 w/Morales, SBD A 286) Bob Berg live in Amsterdam 8/12/89 FM A+ w/ Dennis Chambers 287) Miles Davis live in Montreux 14/7/85 FM A+ "Human Nature" 288) Miles Davis live in Tokyo "PACIFIC EXPRESS" 28/7/85 2cdr AUD A- 289) Michael Brecker in Belgrade, 1/89 "Cost of Living" SBD A 290) POLICE live in Montreal, 8/2/83, SBD A, HOT SHOW! 291) ROXY MUSIC at the HAMMERSMITH ODEON, London, 18/5/79 FM A+ 292) Mike Stern live in Hamburg 17/11/96 w/Weckl, Andrews, SBD A 293) Mike Stern live in Umea, Sweden, 95 w/Weckl, Andrews, FM A+ 294) Marcus Miller, Live Under The Sky, Japan w/Hakim, FM A+ 295) Jack DeJohnette, w/Hancock, Metheny, Holland, Philly, SBD 2cdr A+ 296) Coliauta, Heller, Gomez, Wallace, Frankfurt 98 2cdr SBD A+ 297) Heredia, Neto, Ruff live in Boras, Sweden, 1998 FM A+ 298) Alan Pasqua TRIO, live ???? 98? SBD A (great playing) 299) Wayne Shorter, Tokyo w/Beard, Holmes, Johnson AUD A, 1996 300) Tower of Power live in Kansas 11/9/74 SBD A w/Rocco Prestia 301) Dave Weckl live in ARGENTINA w/Buzz Feiten etc 2CDR SBD A+ 302) Joni Mitchell live at the Greek, LA, 9/12/79 w/Jaco AUD A- 303) COMA, Baked Potato, 1988, w/Lukeather, Steve Tav SBD A 304) Michael Brecker live at North Sea 89, w/Stern FM A+ 305) Wayne Shorter live in Tokyo 1986 w/Willis, Brechlein, FM A 306) Herbie Hancock LIVE in Japan 28/7/91 w/Hakim, Shorter FM A+ 307) David Sanborn LIVE in Japan, 7/29/1990 FM A+ w/Bullock etc 308) Allan Holdsworth live in JAPAN, 1989 w/Hunt, Husband SBD A 309) Herbie Hancock w/Jaco, Champaign, IL 24/2/77 2cdr AUD A 310) Jaco and W of M Band - New York Kool Jazz FM A++ 311) Jaco and W of M Band, 7/3/82 Montreal Jazz Fest, SBD A+ 312) Jaco and W of M Band, Fort Lauderdale "MR PIPS" 2cdr AUD A- 313) Jaco and W of M Band , Blues Alley, Washington, SBD A- 314) Gil Evans Band LIVE UNDER THE SKY w/Jaco 2cdr FM A 315) Jaco live with Dennard and Scofield, New York 1985, SBD A 316) Jaco on ESSENCE - studio album 11/11/84 ?????? rare? PRO A++ 317) Jaco live with Rashid ALI, Guadaloupe 14/12/84 SBD A 318) Herbie Hancock w/Jaco, Berklee, 6/76, AUD A- 319) Miles Davis live in POLAND, 2 shows, 10/30/88 w/DeFrancesco, SBD A 320) John Mclaughlin live in Stuttgart, 1992, w/Piazza, Gurtu SBD A+ 321) John Scofield live in Leverkeusen 1988, w/Chambers, Beard, SBD A 323) Allan Holdsworth live at Chestnuts, PA 2cdr SBD A++ 324) Dave Sanborn LIVE UNDER THE SKY, Japan, FM A+ 1988 325) Tom Coster and friends LIVE UNDER THE SKY, Japan, AUD A 326) Brecker Bros Live in Japan 3/29/93 FM A+ w/Chambers 327) Brecker Bros Live in Japan 92/16/7 SBD 2cdr A, w/Weckl 328) Lane, Sipe, Hellborg, Sweden, 11/15/96 FM A++ (best show ever!) 329) Gary Willis, Brisbane Australia, 26/4/98 AUD A w/Chambers 330) Miles Davis, Antwerp, 1/11/89 AUD 2cdr A 331) Miles Davis, Maastricht 27/7/90 AUD 2cdr A 332) Miles Davis, The Hague, 13/7/90 AUD 2cdr A- 333) Miles Davis, Lund, Poland, 16/10/88 AUD 2cdr A w/Joey De Francesco 334) Mike Stern, Brisbane, 13/9/98 2cdr AUD A-, w/Chambers 335) Santana, Walk of Fame concert, LA, Feb 1996, FM 2cdr A+ 336) TOTO, live in Yokohama, Japan, 1999, 2cdr FM A+ 337) Weather Report, Grand Rapids, MI, 30/11/77, SBD A 338) Weather Report, Royal Oak, MI, 29/11/77, 2cdr SBD/AUD A 339) John Mclaughlin Trio, Australia 1992, FM 2cdr A++ (DiPiazza) 340) Pink Floyd, Empire Pool, England, 1974 FM A++ (DSOTM) 341) Pink Floyd live in Venice 1989, satellite B'cast, 2cdr A+ 342) Brand X live in Rochester NY, 1977, SBD A, w/Kenwood Dennard 343) John Mclaughlin, ONE TRUTH BAND, USA 7/20/78, SBD A 344) Mahavishnu Orchestra, Japan, 9/19/73, 2cdr, w/Cobham AUD A 345) Miles Davis, Switzerland, 10/22/71, 2cdr SBD A+++!!! w/Chancler 346) Miles Davis, Belgrade, 11/3/71, SBD A+++!!! w/Keith Jarrett 347) Wayne Shorter, Houston, Texas, 12/15/85, SBD A 348) Wayne Shorter, New York, 11/5/86, SBD A 349) Wayne Shorter, London, 11/19/95, SBD A+, w/Dave Gilmour 350) Herbie Hancock, Headhunters II, London, 7/98 FM A 351) Allan Holdsworth, Amsterdam, 15/5/2000, SBD A+ w/Johnson, Husband 352) Dave Fuzinski, JAZZPUNK USA, 4/17/99, SBD A+ 353) Jazz Explosion Superband, w/Holdsworth, LA, 2cdr, 12/2/88 AUD A 354) Tribal Tech live in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1993, FM A- 355) Wayne Shorter Live in Koln, 11/95, SBD A 2cdr w/Gilmour _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at - - ------------------------------ End of Zorn List Digest V3 #572 ******************************* To unsubscribe from zorn-list-digest, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe zorn-list-digest" in the body of the message. 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